• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 214: A Fashionable Empire

After the royal swanifying fiasco subsided and Celestia and Luna came back from their vacation, life mostly went back to where it had been before. Shining Armor continued to take lessons to prepare for the inevitable day when he would take over from the royal sisters, and the rest of his friends all had their own pursuits to keep them busy. As there had been no further sightings of Chrysalis, Tirek or any other suspicious characters, most had either forgotten about them or been lulled into a sense of security.

Fancy Pants was quite thrilled to be in the city of Manehattan during this time period, watching as Coco Pommel was getting a chance to finally show off her own designs to the biggest of big names in the fashion industry. And he wasn't alone, his wife Fleur, along with Rarity and Sassy Saddles had accompanied him to the big city for this showcase.

Many ponies in the audience were filled with praise and admiration for Coco's works, shimmering fabrics that were flexible and useful for a variety of different garments: Be they scarves, boots, ties or even shirts. And none were more impressed by this than Prim Headline. "I must say, Miss. Pommel, it's truly remarkable how far you've come in such a short amount of time. Just a few years prior, you were but a lowly assistant for Suri Polomare with hardly the confidence to speak up for yourself. Yet as I look upon you now, it's as if you've become an entirely different pony."

Coco had to resist the urge to blush from the praise. "Well, I really owe it to Mr. Fancy Pants. He helped to show me a better way, and was willing to take me under his wing even when I was working for the competition. And I owe him a great deal of thanks for basically putting me in charge of Rarity For You."

Prim Headline simply smiled as she flicked her tail. "You're quite modest for an up and coming young talent, Miss. Pommel. I do hope you'll keep this up, because you're starting to really impress me."

Coco felt her heart flutter. "You really mean it, Prim?!"

"But of course I do, Coco," Prim nodded and patted the mare softly on the forehead. "It's rare that I give such compliments in the first place, so you should feel privileged. Of course, that all comes with expectations and while I am willing to adjust them I do expect to see continued improvement."

From the stands nearby, Coco's friends and fellow business associates watched Prim shower the youngest member of the team (in terms of age and to a lesser extent experience) with high praise. Sassy Saddles in particular became quite chatty upon seeing it. "Bless my brass buttons!" She exclaimed in her usual manner of speaking. "Prim Headline is a mare who is hard to impress. Yet Coco has all but reduced Prim to butter melting in her hooves."

Rarity nodded in agreement. "She truly has come a long way, though she isn't the only one to whom that applies."

Sassy couldn't help but blush. She remembered all too well how because of her Canterlot Carousel had almost closed its doors for good. "I really don't like to dwell on that unfortunate occurrence, not that I deny that it happened."

"How could I forget?" Fancy Pants commented with a quirked brow. "I was skeptical of hiring you in the first place, Sassy, given your track record. But Miss. Rarity insisted that you were the only one with the managerial expertise to keep Canterlot Carousel running smoothly. I still remember the chat we had after the fact."

It had been only a day since Canterlot Carousel had hosted what was meant to be a "Going out of business sale" that had ultimately turned into a "Staying in business sale". Sassy Saddles and Rarity had ultimately managed to patch things up after the former's bossy ways had driven the latter to the point of creative bankruptcy and artist block, but Sassy knew that there was one pony she still needed to explain herself to if she didn't wish to find herself unemployed again.

With Rarity busy alternating between sewing dresses and tending to customers, the two other unicorns were currently having a little talk in a secluded room on the upper floor of the boutique. It was imperative that their conversation remain private.

Fancy Pants was pacing the floor as he kept a trained eye on Sassy, the latter's exact expression being hard to judge as it constantly shifted from anxious to hopeful and even depressed. Even her brilliant orange eyes offered no hint as to how she was feeling. But this was a conversation that needed to be held. "So, Sassy," Fancy Pants began as he continued to keep his eyes locked onto hers. "I heard right that you forced Miss. Rarity to sew only one signature dress for this boutique, to the detriment of the entire collection meant to accompany it. And when she protested and said she didn't want to make any more dresses, you suggested an assembly line so she would, and I quote 'Never have to sew again.' As a result of all of that, you forced Miss. Rarity to announce the closing of this boutique, which she only backed out of when she saw how many customers still wanted dresses besides the signature gown. Well, what have you to say for yourself on the matter?"

Fighting back the urge to gulp, Sassy tried to stand at attention and not look rattled as she pleaded. "W-well... sir, I was... only trying to ensure the success of Canterlot Carousel. Everything I did was in accordance with my carefully planned pattern for success. It's what all the greatest success stories in the fashion industry have," When Fancy Pants narrowed his eyes and seemed to glare at her she was quick to shrink and stumble back. "It was never my intention for things to get so out of control. I understand that plans and patterns can only get you so far. That there's a reason why we don't assume to know what the customer wants."

"And you're sure you weren't doing this simply because you wanted to have a successful boutique to your name?" Fancy Pants inquired. "All the boutiques you had worked at prior to coming here went under, and you always played a big role in that being the case. If not for Miss. Rarity's intervention you might well have added this location to that list. How can I be sure you've truly learned your lesson, and that if I leave you in charge this won't happen? I'm afraid that I simply cannot ask Miss. Rarity to fully oversee this boutique in addition to Carousel Boutique. It would be wrong of me to take her away from her friends, and I need to have somepony who can keep this boutique running smoothly when I'm not around. I want it to be you, but if I have to I'll look elsewhere for a suitable candidate. So, can you think of a good reason why I shouldn't have you terminated, besides the fact that you and Rarity seem to be friends now?"

Sassy nervously replied. "I was not going to bring that up, sir. I felt it would be wrong to use that now, for I feared you'd see it as leverage against you," And she confessed. "I know there's really nothing I can say or do that will serve as a valid defense for my actions. Rest assured that I will take the lessons I've learned here to heart, and will apply them thoroughly at my next job."

But with a smile, the stallion simply answered. "Beg your pardon, Sassy? Who said anything about your next job?"

"I... I don't understand. You're not going to have me terminated?" Sassy questioned, hoping beyond hope that she wasn't hearing things.

Fancy nodded and pulled Sassy close. "I had considered the prospect. But having seen your defense now, it's clear to me that you understand one of the most important things anypony in this line of work could have: Humility. It's why our golden rule in the fashion industry is 'The customer is always right'. As long as you remember that, I'd be more than willing to give you a second chance. I trust you won't let me down?"

Sassy leapt for joy when she heard the announcement! "O-oh no sir, Mr. Fancy Pants, sir!" She happily shrieked! "From the bottom of my heart, thank you! I promise, you won't regret your decision!"

"I've strived to live by those words ever since then." Sassy Saddles commented as the flashback ended.

Fleur was quick to comment. "And I for one think you've done a fine job. Between you, Coco and Rarity, I'd say my husband has assembled a fine team of apprentices and associates."

Fancy Pants nodded. "True that, Fleur. Though I'm not sure Coco will remain an apprentice for much longer at the rate she is progressing. There is little left that I can teach her. Unlike Rarity and Sassy who were well on their way in their careers when I partnered with them, Coco is a pony just starting out. It may soon be time for her to make a name for herself on her own, and fully pass the torch to her. We might even have to find a new chief sales associate for Rarity For You."

"Why do I get the feeling Plaid Stripes will be one of the first candidates to apply for such a position?" Rarity sighed. "I'll admit her spoon clothes were a fashionable idea. But she seems to operate under the mentality of: 'There's no such thing as a bad idea'."

"We could always see about upgrading the conditions of Coco's overseeing of the boutique," Fancy commented. "She would be in charge of finding a suitable successor. Mind you, I've only recently given thought to the idea. I haven't had much time to put together a list of possible candidates to consider."

Before any further thought could be given to the subject, however, Coco left the stage and Prim Headline cleared her throat. "Now, mares and gentlestallions, please join me in giving a warm welcome to the next pony who has turned it all around and made a new name for herself: Miss Suri Polomare!"

Coco joined up with her business associates just in time to hear Prim mention Suri's name, and she gasped alongside all of them! None had heard from Suri since that fateful fashion week in Manehattan just a few years prior, and that had been for the better. All they did know was that Coco had ratted Suri out, exposing her for a fraud. And the accusations had brought Suri's once promising star crashing down. Had the mare they all had known for being greedy, lazy and bossy truly changed?!

Moments passed, yet Suri didn't show up. Prim became noticeably impatient as she tapped a hoof on the floor and cleared her throat again. "I said, please join me in giving a warm welcome to the next pony who has turned it all around and made a new name for herself: Miss Suri Polomare!" But there was no reply, and Suri still didn't show.

An uncomfortable silence befell the theater at which the mini fashion expo was being held (coincidentally for Fancy Pants and Rarity, it had been at the very theater that had once hosted "Hinnie of the Hills" during that fateful fashion week). The crowd began to whisper and murmur, perhaps wondering whether this was all some sort of prank.

But then suddenly, Prim Headline darted backstage and rushed back to the front of the podium looking as if she'd just run a marathon. "Miss Suri Polomare has... left the building!" She informed the crowd!

A series of shocked gasps rang out! No one knew what to expect. What could've happened?

"Satins and sequins!" Sassy Saddles dramatically exclaimed as her eyes widened! "Today is just a day for surprises, isn't it?" She turned to Fancy Pants, only to find that he had somehow slipped away.

Fleur only shook her head. She had a pretty good idea of what her husband was doing. "Fancy Pants, are you absolutely sure you want to concern yourself with... her of all ponies?" She thought to herself. "After all the trouble she caused us during fashion week, I don't even want to think about her."

As soon as he had learned of Suri's abrupt (and obviously unplanned) exit, Fancy Pants took advantage of the chaos in the crowd to slip away. The stallion wasn't exactly sure what was going on with Suri, but he felt an obligation to find out. "After all this time of hanging around with Shining, I think I finally understand what is meant by 'Never miss an opportunity to turn an enemy into a friend'," He thought. "I just hope I'm right and that Suri actually wants to be helped."

It took quite a bit of running, but the fashion stallion did eventually manage to locate his target. Suri had indeed bolted from the theater, and only now was she allowing herself to slow to a halt. It wasn't in front of just any building, though. Before her stood a boarded up two story building that had seen better days. The paint had dulled and chipped in many places, windows were broken and had not been replaced, dust and cobwebs were everywhere, and most telling of all a large sign with big, red letters hung over the front. It spelled out only one word, and that one word spoke volumes: Condemned.

Suri herself was not a sight to behold any longer. Her grayish brown eyes now had a faint red ring and had noticeable bags that indicated a lack of sleep. Her once perfectly styled mane and tail of grayish violet locks now hung limp, and looked like they had gone days or perhaps weeks without a proper brushing. Her very pale pink coat was stained black and brown from scratches, bruises, and dust and her hooves like they had been numbed from many a jab from a misaligned sewing needle. Most noticeable of all was that her light blue scarf was nowhere to be seen.

The building the earth pony mare was standing in front of did have a sign to its name, but it too was faded and worn. It looked like it would've glowed in the night sky during the time it was kept in peak condition, but now it would no longer be seen except to those who looked close enough to see the words Prim and Polomare with a little banner underneath that read: "Fabulous fashions at reasonable prices."

Suri looked all around, as if making sure she wasn't being followed. Then she burst into tears, kneeling down in front of the decayed boutique that bore her name. A boutique that had clearly seen better days. "What was I thinking?" She said to herself, convinced that she was alone. "It's everypony for themselves in this big city. That's the only rule of the game here. There's no second chances or comebacks. You either climb to the top, or you get knocked down and crash and burn. You once knew how the game was played, but now you're just a sign of a pony who should've quit while she was ahead."

Fancy Pants spoke not a word as he approached the scene. His hoofsteps still ultimately gave him away, though.

Suri Polomare spun around and forced herself to wipe away her tears! She was now glaring at the stallion to whom she believed all her misery could be attributed to. "Well, look who it is!" She sniffled a bit while trying (and ultimately failing) to keep her composure. "Whaddya want? Come to stick the knife in some more, perhaps?! Well go ahead, have your laugh! Kick me while I'm down! Just get it over with already! This is what you wanted to see, right? To see the pony who almost got away with exploiting your generosity be reduced to this?"

But Fancy shook his head. "Suri, if you really think I came all the way here just to mock you, your world view is truly warped and twisted," He trotted over to her. "Just look at you. What satisfaction would I get from making fun of you now? You're a mess!"

"Why do you care?!" Suri sniffed and frowned! "No one else does, and they don't have the personal history you and I have. At best, they all treat me like I don't exist."

Fancy simply frowned back. "Suri, I can't stand to see you like this. Much as I don't like what you did, I can't deny that you used to have a confidence with the way you carried yourself. You used to not be like this. And I don't buy for a second that being exposed for the fraud you were drove you down this path of desolation. You obviously had to start at the bottom, you had to be somepony before you became the monster I knew you as."

"None of that matters now! Because you burrowed your way into Coco's head and swung her to your way of thinking, I lost everything!" Suri protested and roared, before she started to sob uncontrollably and broke down into tears again. "It didn't take long for word of my dirty deeds to spread. Pretty soon I had no customers, no clients, I barely even had a bit to my name. It took everything I had just to get by! I was forced to become an apprentice for Prim Headline, and even that wasn't enough. I could never change my reputation, nopony would trust me!"

"I don't regret for even a second that I freed Coco from your terrible treatment. What you did was wrong and deep down I'm sure even you knew it," Fancy sternly declared. "I was glad to see you be exposed. Not because I wanted revenge, but because I had hoped it would teach you a lesson. I hoped that it would cause you to look inside yourself and realize where your self-serving ways had gotten you. But now, you're just a shell of the pony you used to be! And it's just pathetic! I know you're better than this."

Suri just sniffled anew. "So what, you want me to go back to my old ways? You want me to become a thorn in your side again?"

The stallion shook his head and answered. "No, Suri. What I want is to offer you a better way. A chance to rebuild your image for the better. A fresh start, if you will. You'll have to work hard, of course. I won't be giving you any special treatment. But if you're willing to work, I've got a job that I think even you would be willing to accept."

"How do you know I will?" Suri questioned the stallion.

"Because if you don't, how will you ever hope to reopen your boutique?" Fancy Pants questioned. "That's why you took the job with Prim Headline, isn't it? You wanted a way to pay the bills and keep the lights on."

The earth pony mare reluctantly replied. "Y-yes. But I just couldn't take it anymore. Everywhere I looked I was reminded of my failures, reminded of what I used to have and used to be."

"That only haunts you if you let it. If you learn from it and apply the lessons your past has taught you, the reminders won't bother you anymore," Fancy Pants instructed. "So, what do you say? Do you accept my offer? I'm being generous, but even generosity has its limits."

Suri hesitated for a bit, before she reluctantly ceased her sobbing and stumbled towards Fancy Pants. "Whatever it is you want me to do, I'll do it. At this point, I'll take just about any job as long as it gets me back on my hooves. I just can't live like this anymore!"

"Well that's good, because I can't think of a better way for you to learn than for you to officially become Coco Pommel's understudy at Rarity For You." Fancy smiled.

Suri was speechless! "Really?! You're going to make me work with her of all ponies?!"

"That's not going to be a problem, is it?" Fancy questioned Suri. "If you're going to truly turn your life around, you've got to be willing to let bygones be bygones. Besides, Coco isn't the one to blame for what happened to you at Fashion Week. If you had treated her with the respect she deserved, and not simply used her to do what you didn't want to do yourself, she probably wouldn't have felt so inclined to turn on you when given a better deal."

But the earth pony mare couldn't help but ponder. "And you think she'll just forgive me?"

"I can't say for sure, that's up to her to decide," The unicorn cautioned. "Though I think she'll appreciate the chance to pass on all she's learned," And he warned. "If you take the job and I find that you're just blowing it off, reverting back to your old ways, I won't hesitate to terminate you from work. I'm generous, but I'm not naive."

Suri just sighed. "I'll... I'll think about it, m'kay?"

"Well, you can think it over while we get you cleaned up," Fancy declared as he took Suri by the hoof. "This street look really doesn't suit you. I can only imagine how long it's been since you had a proper bath."

Suri remained silent as she was led along. She had no words with which to respond to all that was occurring. To think that she was now getting a second chance that she wasn't even sure she deserved.

Fancy, for his part, was thinking to himself. "Coco and Rarity may not exactly approve of this at first. But I'll find a way to bring them 'round. I gave Sassy a chance, so I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I wasn't at least willing to do the same for Suri."

Author's Note:

Considering Coco Pommel just sort of faded away in the show proper (because of legal issues concerning her name), it really feels right to acknowledge her moving on in this universe.

I had in fact wanted to do a chapter involving the events of "Canterlot Boutique" when I was covering the events of Season 5, but I couldn't think of anything to do with it so I decided not to do it. This is my way of sort of working around that snag.

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