• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 20: Running Of The Leaves

At Sweet Apple Acres, a most unusual and interesting contest of strength was being held.

"Give it up Big Macintosh, you can't win." Soarin taunted, struggling with all his might.

"This match isn't over yet Soarin." Big Macintosh replied, also struggling.

"You may have won the last match, but this time I will defeat you." Soarin boasted "I've been practicing."

"You can practice all you want, but you'll never be able to best me when it comes to hoof wrestling." Big Macintosh taunted.

"That's what you think." Soarin replied.

"Man, this hoof wrestling match is so intense." Spike commented.

"I know, look at em go." Thunderlane added "Talk about your clash of titans."

"They're both so strong." Fancy Pants stated "They seem evenly matched."

"Yeah, but cousin Big Mac's gonna win like he always does." Braeburn shouted "The only reason why he hasn't done so already is because he loves toying with his opponets. I should know, him and I use to hoof wrestle quite a bit when we were kids. I've got the sores to prove it."

"Strength always has been a boasting point for both Big Macintosh and Soarin." Shining Armor nodded "Pass the popcorn please."

"Sure thing Shining Armor." Braeburn replied "Don't forget to save some for me."

The hoof wrestling match went on for quite a while with neither side refusing to give in and accept defeat.

"Take em down Big Macintosh!" Applejack cheered.

"Show em what you're made of Soarin!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

"Ooh, this is so exciting!" Pinkie Pie commented.

"I'm just glad it's not me." Fluttershy stated "I wouldn't last five seconds."

"Same goes for me." Rarity added "If there wasn't anything else to do I wouldn't even be here, though I admit this is pretty entertaining. Much better than those wrestling shows Sweetie Belle and her friends are always talking about."

"Indeed. This is the real deal, no acting." Twilight commented "And much less violent."

"Just give up Soarin, you can't win!" Big Macintosh said smuggly.

"Never!" Soarin replied "I'll never give up! I will defeat you, just you wait."

Suddenly, Soarin felt his grip weakening, and felt himself being overpowered by Big Macintosh. He tried to fight back and resist, but Big Macintosh's hoof refused to budge as he went for the pin. "1....2....3! I win!" Big Macintosh proclaimed.

"Yes!" Braeburn, Applejack and Apple Bloom cheered.

"No!" Thunderlane. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo shouted. They could not believe their eyes.

"That's another victory for Big Macintosh." Pinkie Pie explained, having been tasked with keeping score "And that gives him his 5th victory in a row."

"This is impossible." Soarin panted, feeling very exhausted "I did not just lose!"

"I'm afraid you did Soarin." Big Macintosh said, also panting "But you gave me a darn good workout."

"I'll say." Shining Armor commented "That was really intense."

"Glad you think so." Big Macintosh said happily.

"Well, this has been fun, but I must be going." Soarin said, glancing at the nearby clock tower "My next show may not be for another hour, but after a match like that I'm gonna need to shower quite thoroughly."

"I'll probably need to do the same." Big Macintosh replied "Just let me know when you're feeling up for another rematch. Who knows, maybe next time you'll actually win?"

"One of these days, I swear I'll make you eat those words Big Macintosh." Soarin said, somewhat furiously, as he flew off.

"That was quite a show you put on there Big Macintosh." Shining Armor commented.

"Thank you." Big Macintosh smiled, wiping the sweat from his brows "I must admit, Soarin's been getting better. I actually thought he might win for a change. And I think he almost did."

"Yeah, well he didn't." Shining Armor stated "But he seemed awfully saddle sore about losing to you."

"He's a high level athlete. Losing to me, even in a friendly competetion is a big blow to his pride, and his ego." Big Macintosh explained "But compared to how he once was he's actually a pretty good loser. In the end, he knows it's all in good fun. But there was a time where he forgot about that lesson, and so did I."

"Really?" Shining Armor asked.

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh replied "It's quite an interesting story actually."

"I don't think you've ever told me it before." Shining Armor pondered.

"Funny, I could've sworn I did." Big Macintosh stated "Then again, I've told the story so many times I've probably lost track of who's heard it, and who hasn't."

"Well, why don't you just tell me the story anyways, just in case?" Shining Armor asked.

Big Macintosh was silent for a moment, and appeared to be deep in thought. Then he said "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to tell you the story again."

"Please do Big Mac." Apple Bloom pleaded "My friends and I have been itching for new ways to try and get our cutie marks, and perhaps your story can help." By friends, Apple Bloom meant both Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. The three of them called themselves The Cutie Mark Crusaders, or The CMC for short. They were dedicated to obtaining their cutie marks by any means necessary, which often meant they got themselves into trouble. Needless to say, they were a constant source of headaches.

"Well, alright." Big Macintosh said "But I should warn you, it's a long story."

"I'm listening, and so is everypony else." Shining Armor stated. Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Okay then." Big Macintosh stated "Listen carefully."

And this is the story Big Macintosh told them:

Many years ago, before either Twilight or Shining Armor ever would've thought of living in Ponyville, Big Macintosh was only now starting to obtain some relief from his applebucking duties. This was because his sister Applejack was finally old enough to help him in the fields. Apple Bloom wasn't quite old enough to attend school yet, but she was old enough to only need an occassional eye kept on her.

Ivory Script Mare had yet to be elected mayor, and Ponyville was little more than a small town where everyone knew each other.

Big Macintosh and Soarin actually didn't know each other, or at least they didn't until one faithful autumn day.

Winter was only a few weeks away, and Big Macintosh and Applejack were working hard to get Sweet Apple Acres ready for the off season. They'd had an exceptionally good bumper crop this year, that meant there was a ton of apples that needed to be harvested.

But somehow, it seemed like quite a few apples were disappearing. Something that Big Macintosh and Applejack were very concerned about. If they didn't find some way to stop whoever or whatever was responsible, they could very well go under. And so it was that on that faithful autumn day, Big Macintosh and Applejack were patrolling the orchard, trying to track down the apple thief.

"Do you see anything yet Big Macintosh?" Applejack asked.

"Eenope." Big Macintosh replied "What about you?"

"Why do you think I'm asking you? I haven't seen anything either." Applejack explained "But we've got to keep looking, we owe it to ourselves and to Granny Smith to find out what in tarnation's going on."

Then, Big Macintosh heard a sound. A sound that he had never heard before. The sound of heavy snoring, and it seemed to be coming from one of the trees. As Big Macintosh got closer to the tree, the snoring grew louder and louder. Finally, when Big Macintosh was standing directly in front of the tree's trunk, the snoring was so loud that Big Macintosh could barely hear himself think. He looked up into the tree, and saw a light blue pegasus stallion with a darker blue mane and tail resting on one of the tree's branches, a trail of apples lay directly beneath him. He was of course Soarin, but Big Macintosh didn't know that yet.

"Hey Applejack!" Big Macintosh called "I think I've found the cause of our mysterious apple disappearances. Come take a look."

When Applejack came over to where Big Macintosh was, and saw what he could see, she quickly realized what was going on. But they didn't know for sure, yet.

"So what's your plan Big Mac?" Applejack asked.

"I'm glad you asked." Big Macintosh said with a smile, and whispered his next course of action into Applejack's ear.

"Are you sure that's gonna work?" Applejack asked.

"Positive." Big Macintosh said, trying not to chuckle "I don't know who that guy is, but he's about to be in for a rude awakening." And with that, Big Macintosh turned around, and kicked the tree with his rear legs.

The vibrations shook the tree quite thoroughly, and were enough to knock the pegasus stallion out of his naping place. He hit the ground with a thud. Needless to say, he was not happy about being woken up. "Hey, what's the big idea?!" he complained "I was in the middle of an incredibly relaxing power nap!"

"Sorry to wake you up, but you just so happen to be naping on Sweet Apple Acres property." Big Macintosh explained.

"So? I don't see what the big deal is." the pegasus stallion said with a shrug.

"The big deal is that you've been helping yourself to some of our apples, and that's cutting into our profits!" Applejack said crossly "You apologize this instant you lazy pegasus!"

"I am not lazy!" the pegasus stallion snapped "I'll have you know that I'm a high class athlete."

"Oh yeah?!" Applejack asked.

"Yeah! In fact, I just so happen to be Co-Captain of the one and only Wonderbolts!" the pegasus stallion boasted.

"Really?! Well, where's your flight suit then?" Applejack asked.

"I left it back at H.Q." the pegasus stallion explained "If you need any proof, just look at my goggles."

Applejack did so. Sure enough the words Property of Soarin, Co-Captain of The Wonderbolts appeared on them. "So, your name's Soarin I take it?" Applejack asked.

"You got that right!" Soarin nodded.

"Well then Mr. Soarin, how's about putting that big mouth of yours to good use by answering a little question?" Applejack asked "Are you the one who's been eating apples from these here apple trees?"

"Maybe." Soarin said half heartedly.

"Don't play dumb with me, tell me the truth!" Applejack said crossly "I won't ask again!"

"Applejack calm down, remember what Granny said about your temper." Big Macintosh said sternly, then he turned to Soarin "I apologize for the way my sister's been acting. But are you the one responsible for the disappearance of so many apples from these parts in the past few days?"

"And what if I am?" Soarin asked.

"Look, I think we may have gotten off on the wrong hoof." Big Macintosh apologized "My name's Big Macintosh, and this is my sister Applejack. And this here is our home, Sweet Apple Acres. We live on it with our Granny Smith and our little sister Apple Bloom. Applejack and I harvest the apples that grow from these here apple trees, and sell them in town to make money so that we can survive during the winter months. We've had an exceptionally good crop this year, and we're really hoping to make more money than we usually do. But with you eating the apples from these trees before we can harvest them, you're kind of hurting our profits."

"Well I'm sorry if that's the case." Soarin said sincerely "But I just had a few apples, that's all. I'm sure that with all the apples still left you can easily make enough money to last you until spring."

"That may be, but I'd still like some sort of compensation for your unintentional unsympathetic act." Big Macintosh stated.

"No way! I don't have to do anything!" Soarin protested "It's not my fault I'm so hungry. I promise I won't eat anymore apples, but please, just leave me alone."

"I'm afraid I can't. Those apples are our livelyhood, and if you don't stop eating them you'll literally eat my sisters, Granny Smith, and I out of house and home." Big Macintosh explained "If you won't willingly pay for them then I'm pretty sure Granny Smith will happy to have an extra hoof around the farm for the rest of autumn."

"You're not the boss of me!" Soarin said crossly "I'm not doing anything and you can't make me!"

"Oh yeah?!" Applejack asked "Well we'll just see about that! You'll change your tune really fast once you get a taste of old Bucky McGillicuddy and Kicks McGee!"

Applejack raced forward, preparing to give Soarin more then just a piece of her mind. But Big Macintosh put a hoof in front of her, and stopped her. "I have a better idea." he said, and turned to Soarin "You said it yourself you're a high class athlete, right?"

"Ah, I see you were paying attention." Soarin nodded "Yes, that's right. And your point is?"

"As I'm sure you're aware, the anual Running of The Leaves just so happens to be tomorrow." Big Macintosh explained "So, the two of us are going to enter that competetion. If I win, you'll do what I say for the rest of autumn. And if you win, I'll let your little bit of apple thieving go unnoticed. Does that sound fair enough to you?"

"Of course." Soarin replied "I'll smoke you in that race for sure."

"Not so fast!" Big Macintosh stated "There's a catch. In order to make things fair you'll need to compete with a little 'handicap'."

"What do you mean?" Soarin asked.

"You'll beat me for sure if you fly." Big Macintosh explained "So tomorrow, you can compete, but you must do so without using your wings. If you don't, then it counts as an automatic forefit on your part."

"No way!" Soarin said crossly "I'll never let that happen!"

"So, do you accept my challenge?" Big Macintosh asked.

"You're on!" Soarin replied eagerly "But I should warn you, you're out of your league. And when I smoke you and take first place in The Running of The Leaves, you'll wish you'd never made this agreement!"

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch Soarin!" Big Macintosh warned.

"It'll take a lot of luck on your part to beat me!" Soarin boasted, and flew off.

Applejack was worried "Are you absolutely sure you know what you're doing Big Macintosh?" she asked.

"I'm pretty sure." Big Macintosh replied "At the very least I'll have a fair chance."

"And what if you lose?" Applejack asked.

"As long as it's fair there's not much I can do." Big Macintosh stated "We'll just have to wait, and see what happens."

On the inside, Big Macintosh felt awfully nervous. The Running of The Leaves was a very difficult race, and only the best of the best competed. He'd only run once before, and several times he'd nearly been left in the dust. Making it into fifth place was a feat in and of itself. Was he really certain he stood a chance against a Wonderbolt? The Co-Captain no less?

The next day dawned bright and sunny, perfect weather for racing. Most of the racers had already taken their places at the starting line by the time Big Macintosh showed up.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, welcome to the annual Running of The Leaves. My name is Pinkie Pie and I'm your new official p-eye-in-the-sky announcer. I look forward to seeing all the excitement and action that this race brings." Pinkie Pie called from aboard a hot air balloon "As everypony knows, The Running is a very important tradition. For without it, the autumn leaves of Equestria would never fall. So get ready, ponies because The Running of the Leaves will begin in three minutes!"

"Well, look who decided to show up!" Soarin boasted, swooping down from above "I almost expected you to chicken out, you've got a lot of guts I'll give you that much."

"Alright, enough is enough." Big Macintosh replied "Let's keep this a nice, friendly, clean race. Understand?!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Soarin stated.

"Remember our little deal." Big Macintosh reminded Soarin "You're not allowed to use your wings, period!"

"Please, I could win this race with both wings tied behind my back." Soarin boasted.

"Oh really?" Big Macintosh asked "Why don't you prove it?"

"You don't mean" Soarin asked nervously.

"I sure do. Tie your wings up good and tight." Big Macintosh replied "That way you won't be 'tempted' to use them if you start to fall behind. Consider this an insurance policy."

"There is no way I'm agreeing to that!" Soarin complained.

"You don't have to agree to it if you don't want to." Big Macintosh said honestly "But if you do so, the deal's off."

Soarin sighed "Okay, fine! I'll do it, but I won't like it."

"Never said you had to." Big Macintosh stated.

"I look ridiculous!" Soarin complained, once Big Macintosh had finished tying up his wings with a rope.

"I think not." Big Macintosh chuckled "All trussed up like a turkey. A turkey that can't fly to be precise."

"You must think you're SO funny." Soarin snapped "Well, enjoy your little moment of victory. Because even without my wings I'm still gonna beat you!"

"We'll just see about that." Big Macintosh replied "Let's do this!"

"Alright racers, take your positions!" Pinkie Pie called "The Running of The Leaves will begin soon."

"Remember Soarin, win or lose it's all in good fun." Big Macintosh called.

"And don't you forget about your promise." Soarin reminded "Cause once I win I don't wanna hear any complaints. No one likes a sore loser."

"Don't get ahead of yourself Soarin. Pride goes before a fall." Big Macintosh said cautiously.

"Enough chit chat, you're going down!" Soarin boasted.

"All right ponies, are you all ready?!" Pinkie Pie asked. Everyone nodded "Okay then, you know the rules. On your marks, get set," A bell rang out, and the race began.

"And they're off!" Pinkie Pie called "Welcome to the official coverage of The Running of the Leaves! I'm your new host, Pinkie Pie, and it's my job to bring you all the action and excitement of the race itself! Despite the title, the leaves don't do any of the actual running. That's left to the ponies down below. Those lazy leaves, I can't believe they need the running of the ponies to make them fall. I can fall on my own without any help."

Big Macintosh quickly toned Pinkie Pie out as he focused on the race. He knew that even without wings, Soarin would be a tough opponent. In a constant of strength Big Macintosh was sure he could win, but when it came to something like running, that was another story. Despite that, Big Macintosh was determined to win no mater how hard it might seem. And perhaps, because of that determination, he began to pull into the lead after only a little while.

But Soarin was close behind, and he looked every bit as determined as Big Macintosh. Even so, Big Macintosh couldn't resist teasing Soarin a little bit. "Not so tough without your wings to back you up huh Soarin? Looks like you're all talk and no shock."

"This is far from over Big Macintosh, I'm just warming up!" Soarin boasted "The real competetion starts now!" As if to make himself heard, Soarin began to speed up.

"Wait a minute mares and gentlecolts, hold your horses!" Pinkie Pie called "It looks like Soarin is catching up to the frontrunner, Big Macintosh! Talk about upsets, I was sure Big Macintosh had this one in the bag! Perhaps I spoke too soon."

"You didn't really think you'd could beat me that easily did ya?" Soarin teased, as he passed Big Macintosh by.

Big Macintosh was about to respond, when he suddenly felt his front legs give way. He was unable to stop himself from stumbling and falling, as the crowd of racers (and Soarin) overtook him. "Whoa!" he cried, as he fell to the ground. He quickly picked himself up, he wasn't hurt, but he WAS upset. "I don't believe it." he grumbled to himself "Soarin just tripped me, on purpose no less. And after I told him it was all in good fun too!" Quickly realizing what he was saying Big Macintosh stopped himself "No no, don't assume things Big Macintosh. You're better than that. Soarin's not the kind of guy to stoop so low."

Big Macintosh looked around a little bit, and found the source of his problem. A rock, that was laying in the path of the race. Apparently he hadn't noticed it, having been so caught up in the heat of his competetion with Soarin. Needless to say, he was glad no one was around to witness such a thing. "How embarassing." he said to himself "Tripped over a rock. And to think I thought it was Soarin. I better not let this happen again. Just hope I'm not too late to get back into things."

Fortunately, Big Macintosh managed to, somehow, quickly make up for lost time. In no time at all he had managed to overtake most of the racers. Soarin, however, remained just ahead of him, leading the pack. But as luck would have it, Big Macintosh somehow managed to overtake Soarin as well. "Hey Soarin!" he called out as he retook the lead "See you at the finish line!"

"I don't believe what I'm seeing folks!" Pinkie Pie cried "After a huge setback, Big Macintosh has somehow managed to regain his lead! He's at the head of the pack! He's the pick of the litter! The cat's pajamas! Wait, why would Big Macintosh do with some kitty's pajamas? That wouldn't be very sporting of him. In fact, it doesn't sound like him at all."

"Not so fast Big Macintosh!" Soarin called, closing in on Big Macintosh "This race isn't over just yet!"

"For me it isn't, but for you it certainly is!" Big Macintosh teased, and surged ahead. Inadvertly causing his tail to knock Soarin to the ground in the process. It happened so fast that even Pinkie Pie didn't see it.

Unfortunately, Soarin did, and he was not happy about it. "Whoa!" he cried, as he hit the ground "I don't believe this! After all that, Big Macintosh can't even follow his own rules! And to think I thought he actually meant this was all in good fun. I should've know he'd find a sneaky way to cheat."

Soarin realized what he was saying, and one part of him continuiously tried to discourage the thoughts that entered his head. But the other part refused to listen. "This may be just a game" Soarin said ominously to himself, glancing at his wings "but the rules have changed. Watch out Big Macintosh. You wanted to play dirty? Well guess what?! Wish granted!"

"Welcome back to the action Ponyvillians." Pinkie Pie called "It's me Pinkie Pie again. And what's this, it looks like Soarin is trying to catch up to Big Macintosh. I don't personally see how ketchup can help him in this competetion, now if this were a veggie dog eating competetion it might make em nice and slippery, but I prefer mustard. And pickles. And speaking of pickles, it looks like Big Macintosh has found himself in quite the pickle, as Soarin passes him by."

"What?!" Big Macintosh exclaimed, as Soarin passed him by.

"Hey look pa" Soarin boasted "no wings!" He had managed to use a tree trunk as a catapult to slingshot himself forward at a breakneck speed. Now he was back on the ground, and running on his own four hooves.

"And as the race enters the beautiful White Tail Wood, Soarin overtakes Big Macintosh and soars back into the lead." Pinkie Pie narrated "It looks like Soarin's going to win this thing!"

"What's the matter Big Macintosh? Can't keep up?" Soarin taunted, chuckling as Big Macintosh tried to catch up, before flinging a tree branch into Big Macintosh's path.

"Ugh." Big Macintosh grunted, as the tree branch smacked him "Wait a minute! Soarin!" Soarin's only response was to blow a raspberry. "That cheater!" Big Macintosh gasped "He did that on purpose! Oh it's on now! If it's a fight he wants, it's a fight he's gonna get!" Deciding to do what Soarin had done, Big Macintosh grabbed the tree branch. Two could play at this game.

"Nice one Soarin." Soarin thought to himself "That'll show him who's boss!" Unfortunately, it wasn't long before Big Macintosh caught up to him.

"So you wanna play dirty Soarin?" Big Macintosh asked "Let's see how you deal with THIS!" As Big Macintosh passed some nearby buckets full of tree sap, he kicked them, causing the buckets to spill their loads onto the path. Unfortunately, one of the trees also held a bee hive, and when he kicked it the bees angrily began to buzz around Soarin.

The bees proved to be quite the motivator, allowing Soarin to run faster than he had ever run before. He didn't stop, until he dove into a lake just outside of Whitetail Wood. Once he was certain the bees were gone, he took off again. Up ahead was a sign that told the racers which way to go. Seeing an opportunity for sabotage, Soarin delibertly let the other racers get ahead of him, before he switched the direction of the sign. It now pointed in the other direction, which lead to a steep slope. "I'm sure to win now." Soarin laughed, as he set off to close the gap with ease.

Just as Soarin had hoped, Big Macintosh didn't suspect anything about the direction the sign was pointed in. And even as he raced uphill he was certain that he could still catch up.

"Wait, what's this?! It seems Big Macintosh has wandered off course." Pinkie Pie called "There aren't any trees up here at all. Why would he run in that direction?"

"I don't get it," Big Macintosh thought to himself "the sign said to go this way." Then it hit him. "Soarin! That dirty rat!"

"Hey Big Macintosh" Pinkie Pie called "Need a lift?"

"You betcha." Big Macintosh replied "I've got a score to settle with Mr. Sabotage!"

Soarin was shocked when he saw Big Macintosh desecend back into the race from the hot air ballon "What the hay?!" he said crossly "I thought you said no flying?!"

"I said no wings." Big Macintosh explained "Never said anything about flying."

"Well mares and gentlecolts, I must say that this has been perhaps the most interesting Running of The Leaves in Equestrian history." Pinkie Pie called "But I think this one's gonna go down in the books not for the running, but for the LACK of running. At least between Big Macintosh and Soarin. But now, as we head into the final stretch, the two stallions are neck and neck. It's Big Macintosh! No, it's Soarin! No, it's Big Macintosh! No, it's-"

Big Macintosh bumped into Soarin.

"Oh no he di'int!" Pinkie Pie called.

Soarin bumped right back into Big Macintosh.

"Oh yes he di'id!" Pinkie Pie called.

"Hey, cut it out Soarin!" Big Macintosh complained.

"No, you cut it out!" Soarin protested.

"You started it!" Big Macintosh snapped back.

"Oh yeah?! Well even if that's not true, I'm gonna finish it!" Soarin shouted.

"Oh no you won't!" Big Macintosh replied "Not on my watch!"

"Oh yes I will!" Soarin shouted. This made Big Macintosh cross, he tried to grab Soarin by the tail, but he ended up unraveling the rope that held Soarin's wings in place. Soarin's chance had come "That's it! All bets are off!" Soarin shouyred.

"Oh no you don't! You're not weasling your way out of this one!" Big Macintosh protested, grabbing Soarin before he could flap his wings and fly off. The two began to tussle with each other, kicking up dust as they went at it.

"It's too close to call folks!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed "As we approach the finish line it looks like it's Big Macintosh! No wait, it looks like it's Soarin! No wait, now it looks like it's Big Macintosh! I can't tell!" And she was right. Even as the cloud of dust that surrounded the two stallions rolled across the finish line, no one could tell who had come out on top.

"Yes, I won!" Soarin proclaimed, once the fighting had stopped.

"No way, I won!" Big Macintosh protested.

"No, I won!" Soarin protested.

"And the results are in!" Pinkie Pie announced "Big Macintosh and Soarin have tied!"

"Tied for first?!" Big Macintosh and Soarin exclaimed.

"For last." Pinkie Pie explained "Sorry guys, but it looks like everyone else beat you across the finish line. And I was so sure one of you was going to win. If that isn't the mother of all upsets I don't know what is."

"So, who won?" Soarin asked.

"A mare by the name of Bon-Bon, and this was her first year." Pinkie Pie stated "She started off in the back, but at the end she shot into the lead like a pony cannonball! 'Whoosh!', and she went from near last to first in a matter of seconds!"

"I don't believe. We lost to a newbie!" Soarin exclaimed.

"Ain't that a kick in the flank?" Big Macintosh grumbled.

"How could this happen?" Soarin asked "We started off so strong. When did we fall behind?"

Big Macintosh sighed "Probably when we started horsin' around and tried to sabotage each other. We got so obessed with cheatin' we allowed the others to pass us by."

"Guess we weren't very good sports." Soarin said glumly "And the sad thing is, everyone who watched this race will know that. We'll be the laughing stock of the town for weeks."

"Serves us right for losin' sight of what was really important." Big Macintosh stated.

"What do you mean?" Soarin asked.

"The spirit of competetion and fair play." Big Macintosh explained "When we started tryin' to cheat we were no longer acting like good sports. Winnin' that way would've given us a victory we wouldn't have deserved."

"You know, now that I have time to think about it, you're right." Soarin said with a sigh "And the sad thing, it all started with me. I was too stubborn to realize that you would NEVER cheat. Like you said earlier, it was just a game. But since neither of us won, or even came close to winning, what are we going to do about our little deal?"

"The deal's off, you've proved yourself to be a worthy opponent." Big Macintosh said kindly "Even if I'd won it wouldn't have been right for me to force you to help out just because of a misunderstanding. I'm sorry I got so carried away."

"I'm sorry I was so cross." Soarin apologized "Is it too late for us to be friends?"

"I don't think so." Big Macintosh smiled "And you wanna know what?"

"What?" Soarin asked.

"Because of our constant attempts at trickery, not all of the leaves fell from the trees." Big Macintosh explained "So whaddya say, firned? Feel like having another run, just between the two of us?"

"Of course, I'd love a chance to stretch my legs." Soarin said with a smile "Come on, those leaves aren't gonna shake themselves loose! And I'll bet I can get more leaves then you."

"You're on!" Big Macintosh said playfully, and with that the two stallions set off into the sunset, running side by side.

"And from that day on, Soarin and I were the best of friends. And we vowed never to let the events of that race happen ever again." Big Macintosh said, as he finished narrating his story.

"Wow, that's quite a story." Shining Armor stated "I had no idea your friendship went that far back."

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh replied.

"Very impressive story Big Macintosh" a familiar voice called "I'm glad to see you still remember the events so clearly."

"Soarin? Is that you?" Big Macintosh asked.

"You betcha!" Soarin said happily.

"What are you doing here Soarin?" Big Macintosh asked "I thought you had a show to perform."

"Turns out I was mistaken." Soarin explained "The next show isn't for another day. So after showering, I decided to come back and see what you might be up to. I sure wasn't expecting you to retell the story of our first encounter."

"Even after all these years you still remember it too?" BIg Macintosh asked.

"Of course." Soarin smiled "It's hard to forget the one time where I was truly knocked off my pedastal. And it's even harder to forget the wonderful friend I made afterward."

"You're a good friend in deed Soarin." Big Macintosh said warmly "And you always will be. I mean it."

"Aw shucks." Soarin said with a smile, blushing slightly.

Author's Note:

The CMC do exisit in this universe, but the episodes focused on them would not change at all even if I swapped the mane six for the stallion six.

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