• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 202: Too Late!

Cadence took the liberty of setting Flurry Heart down for a nap, to make up for the one that had been interrupted earlier by Sombra's return. That gave Shining a chance to do a security sweep around the empire.

The crystal heart remained intact and there was no sign of any cracks, chips, scratches, or anything else that might indicate it had been damaged. It was still glowing brightly and rotating, so there was no chance of the empire being overcome by the harsh blizzards of the Frozen North.

Flash Sentry soon came running up and saluted Shining Armor. "Checking in with you as requested, Captain. All's calm and quiet. No signs of trouble."

"And what about the citizens themselves? How are they taking the news of Sombra's return and defeat?" Shining inquired.

"Most weren't even aware it had happened until briefed on it personally," Flash informed Shining. "You and your friends put him down pretty quickly," Then he added. "Have you given any thought as to who you want to be your designated successor?"

Shining flashed a puzzled look. "For what?"

"For when you must inevitably give up the title to assume the throne," Flash Sentry bluntly answered. "Everypony knows about it by now. Celestia and Luna are retiring and you and your friends are taking over, but you're going to be the supreme ruler. Naturally, you won't have time to be a captain. So somepony's gonna need to fill your horseshoes."

Shining growled and grumbled a bit. "Well you can tell those guards to stop speculating! My mind hasn't been made up yet on anything. If I decide to take up the princesses offer then we can discuss who will succeed me as captain. And don't be getting any ideas about moving up, Flash. I admire you filling in for me from time to time, but I don't play favorites."

To the surprise of Shining Flash simply saluted in reply. "Understood, sir. I'll make sure the guards stop talking it up around the barracks and on patrol. We will await your announcement along with everypony else. And whoever you choose to succeed you, we'll be behind them one hundred percent." And with that, he flapped his wings and took off.

With the security measures taken care of, Shining reluctantly paid a visit to Sunburst at his home near the outskirts of the empire.

Sunburst's mane and tail looked a tad bit more unkempt than usual and his glasses looked to be all but sliding off his face. But otherwise he seemed no different from how he usually was. "Oh, Shining. I didn't expect you so soon," He blushed. "Please, excuse the mess. I didn't exactly have time to clean up."

Shining trotted inside, noticing a stack of papers and books that lay scattered across the floor. A bunch of different tools festooned a desk in a corner of the room.

Sunburst blushed more. "As you can clearly see, things are a tad bit... messy. This is by far the most complicated piece of magical technology anypony's ever been tasked with assembling. Even Starswirl the Bearded would have a hard time wrapping his head around it."

"I see," Shining reluctantly commented. "I guess that means Celestia and Luna's amulet isn't ready yet?"

With a shake of his head Sunburst confirmed the prince's suspicions. "Not even close, I'm afraid. It probably won't be until next weekend that the prototype will even be ready for a field test."

"Well that's okay, I don't think I'll be taking over the throne anytime soon," The prince confessed with a sigh. "It's just so sudden, being thrust into this new development. With all prior ones at least I knew what I was getting myself into, what I could expect. I knew there'd be complications, but I always confident there'd be someone I could fall back on for advice. But once Celestia and Luna retire, that's it. I'm on my own. The well being of all of Equestria will fall on my shoulders. And that's an insane burden to bear."

Sunburst put a hoof around Shining and reassured him. "I know you're scared and uncertain. I was too when I flunked out of magic school and stopped being Celestia's student. But after you and Starlight reconnected with me, I realized that it didn't do me any good to hide my face away and shut out the world. Whatever challenges I might face in life, I had to be ready for them and meet them head on! I'm sure you'll do the same. You'll make a fine leader in your own right. You're not the kind of guy who's gonna get drunk on power and forget where he came from."

"That's not what I'm worried about." Shining confided to Sunburst.

"I know you're afraid to mess up and fail, but even the princesses aren't perfect. Everypony knows that," Sunburst reassuringly declared. "Sooner or later I know you'll have the confidence to rule, and I know you'll do a fine job. You're already a great captain, prince, teacher and father. Being a ruler seems like the natural next step. Now, if you'll excuse me, I really need to get back to work on that amulet. And once I've perfected it, you'll be the first to know."

Reluctantly, Shining stepped out and left Sunburst to his work. Despite all the reassurances he'd been getting from those closest to him he was still dreadfully nervous about the impending change of power. His own feelings on the subject were still a mystery at the moment. And a part of him was still distracted by the uneasy feeling lingering from Sombra's defeat. It had all seemed so effortless, but there was no way that could've been all there was to Sombra. Right?

Suddenly, Shining stopped in his tracks as he felt an odd tingling sensation in his head. He was getting a telepathic message. He decided to take it right then and there, there weren't any ponies around so it wasn't like anyone would see him talking to himself. "Yes?" He spoke, receiving the message.

"B.B.B.F.F? Oh, thank goodness I got through to you!" The voice of Twilight exclaimed in what sounded like relief. "I wasn't sure I would!"

"Twilight, what's going on? Why have you contacted me like this?" Shining inquired with great concern.

The voice of Twilight exclaimed in horror! "It's Sombra, he came back! He was spotted not far from Ponyville!"

"What?! But... how he did manage to survive being blasted by the Elements of Harmony?!" Shining wondered aloud.

"I don't know," The voice of Twilight answered. "But here's the weird thing. He wasn't coming towards Ponyville when he was spotted. He was seen going away from Ponyville."

That statement struck the prince as most unusual. "He didn't target your school, or the castle, or even town hall?"

"No," The voice of Twilight confirmed. "By all accounts it seemed like he was heading out towards the Everfree Forest."

"The Everfree Forest? But that doesn't make any sense," Shining pondered aloud. "Why would he go there? There's nothing out there except..." Then it hit him, almost like something or someone had swatted him on the rump! "Oh no! No no no! He didn't!"

"What?! What do you mean, B.B.B.F.F.?" The voice of Twilight pondered. Apparently she hadn't caught on to Shining's way of thinking just yet.

Stricken with a sudden sense of dread, Shining answered. "I've got to get to the Tree of Harmony, now!" And as he lit up his horn in preparation for a teleport he thought to himself. "Hope I'm not too late! Who could've possibly tipped Sombra off about the tree?!"

Shining had little time to catch his bearings once he successfully teleported to the entrance of the Everfree Forest! He immediately dashed into, heading straight for the Tree of Harmony! And it seemed like his friends had developed the same sense of urgency he had, for they joined him part way through!

Suddenly, ahead they saw the clearing! But the sight that greeted the stallions made their hearts sink.

"No, it can't be!" Soarin remarked, yet there it was for all to see. The Elements of Harmony lay shattered on the ground, the Tree of Harmony had been impaled through its trunk by sharp crystals.

"How can this be?! We're too late!" Fancy Pants glumly observed.

Then, Shining spotted something in the ruins of the tree. Or rather someone. "Cozy Glow!" He gasped, rushing immediately to the filly's location. She wasn't glowing or sparkling anymore, in fact her coat color seemed to have dulled quite considerably and she appeared to have collapsed. Several dark marks seemed to indicate that she had been stricken or otherwise hit by something.

Shining scooped the weakened filly into his hooves. "Cozy, it's okay! I'm here for you now! Talk to me!" He pleaded.

But Cozy spoke slowly, her breaths shallow as she struggled to get air into her lungs. "I... tried to stop him. He was... too strong. My time has... come." And she shut her eyes. Seconds later her entire body faded away as sparks of magic.

Immediately the tears welled up inside Shining as he picked up the broken pieces of one of the elements and tried in vain to put them back together. The other stallions rushed to the scene of the unfolding tragedy to support their friend.

However, no sooner were all six stallions gathered together when a familiar dark mist descended from above. There stood King Sombra, looking none the worse for wear after his last encounter with the group. "It's hopeless. I have broken your leader, and thus broken the special bond between you six. Now there's no way you can stop me!"

Author's Note:

Since I had Cozy Glow bond with the Tree of Harmony at the end of the "School Raze" arc I knew that when the Tree of Harmony died she would have to die as well. Especially since in the original "The Beginning of the End" it was the Tree of Harmony's death that broke Twilight and caused her to give up hope.

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