• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 17: The Sleepover

"Dag nab it! I didn't plan on coming back to Ponyville only for it rain!" Braeburn complained to himself. The instant he had returned from Appleloosa he had been greeted with the sight of rain clouds, and what appeared to be a doozy of a downpour. Lightning and thunder were not far behind, and had forced the earth pony to seek shelter in the safety of the Ponyville train station interior. All Braeburn could do now was sit around, moping and feeling miserable.

"Cousin Braeburn? Cousin Braeburn?" a voice called out, breaking Braeburn away from his thoughts.

"Huh, that's funny." Braeburn said to himself "I swear I can hear cousin Big Macintosh calling my name. But that's not possible. If I know my cousin as well as I do, I know he's not one to be out and about in the middle of a thunderstorm. The solitude must be getting to me."

"Cousin Braeburn, where are you?!" the voice called out again "I know you're here somewhere!"

"Okay, now I know for sure I heard THAT." Braeburn said to himself "But why would Cousin Big Macintosh be looking for me when it's so nasty outside?"

Suddenly, who should appear in the view of a nearby window, but Big Macintosh? He was dressed from head to hooves in a yellow rain poncho, and was holding an umbrella. Braeburn could hardly believe his eyes. Even so, he opened the door of the station, despite his better judgement.

"There you are!" Big Macintosh said sternly upon entering the interior of the station "I've been looking all over for you!"

"You have?" Braeburn asked.

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh replied.

"But why?" Braeburn asked "It's wet, windy, and stormy outside. You should be back at Sweet Apple Acres, not wandering about looking for me."

"Granny Smith recieved your letter about your visit this morning, and she got pretty worried when you didn't show up before the storm rolled in." Big Macintosh explained "So she sent me out to go look for you and bring you back here. She feared you might have gotten lost."

"Ah gee, I didn't mean to make Granny Smith worry so much." Braeburn said honestly "I remember how much she panicked the one time I was foalsitting Apple Bloom when she was a baby, and she disappeared on me while I was using the bathroom. Granny never lets me forget that. That's probably why she stopped letting me foalsit."

"If you think that's bad, you haven't seen anything yet." Big Macintosh said, resisting the urge to chuckle at the embarassing story Braeburn had told him. Granny Smith had actually forgiven Braeburn for that panic attack, but Braeburn didn't know this. She planned to tell him eventually, but she couldn't resist messing with Braeburn every now and then. After all, ever since Appleloosa had been founded, Braeburn had visited less and less often.

"Granny Smith's gonna be real ticked off with me isn't she?" Braeburn asked.

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh replied, chuckling a little "But don't worry, I'll stop her if she tries to bury you six feet under."

"That's not funny cousin Big Macintosh." Braeburn said furiously "Let's not forget who knows about a certain somepony's interest in sleeping with stuffed animals, even though he's a fully grown stallion."

"Hey! Everypony has their secrets!" Big Macintosh snorted "Besides, I've grown out of it. Mostly. Now come on, this storm ain't gonna let up anytime soon. And the longer we stand around here talking the more we'll keep the guys waiting."

"What do you mean?" Braeburn asked as Big Macintosh hoofed him the umbrella, and the two of them set off for Sweet Apple Acres.

"Well, since Soarin's on vacation, and Shining's Armor in Canterlot with Fancy Pants and Spike for a week, Thunderlane and I thought it would be a good idea to have a sleep over." Big Macintosh explained.

"A sleepover, really?" Braeburn asked "Aren't we a bit old for that sort of thing?"

"Oh, come on cousin Braeburn." Big Macintosh said innocently "There's no age limit to sleepovers, not between friends at least."

"I don't know." Braeburn replied nervously.

"It'll be fun, a sort of guys only night so to speak." Big Macintosh suggested "We'll play games, tell ghost stories, and even make smores. And let me tell you, Granny Smith may be old, but her recipes for homemade smores are simply to die for."

"Well why didn't you say that in the first place?" Braeburn asked "Come on, let's go! Those smores sound so good I can almost taste them!"

"Slow down Braeburn!" Big Macintosh called as Braeburn took off "There's plenty of time!"

"Yes, but the sooner we get there the sooner we can eat those smores!" Braeburn replied, and continued running as fast as his legs would let him. Completely ignoring the numerous puddles he was splashing his way through.

"And yet somehow he's able to live on his own in a town in the middle of a dessert?" Big Macintosh thought to himself.

By the time the two of them arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, the wind was hollowing and the rain was coming down hard. Lightning flashed, and thunder clapped. The storm seemed to be getting stronger by the minute.

"Here we are." Big Macintosh said, as he and Braeburn approached the front door "Before you go inside, make sure you ain't bringing any mud in with you. That stuff isn't easy to wash out once it reaches the floorboards."

"Don't worry, I made sure not to step in any mud puddles." Braeburn said cheerfully "My hooves are as clean as a whistle. Now let's get inside. This storm sure looks like it's shaping up to be rather nasty. I just hope the pegasi know what they're doing."

"Relax. Rainbow Dash is captain of the weather team. I'm sure she has everything under control." Big Macintosh replied, and knocked on the door.

Granny Smith was there to greet them. "So, you finally decided to show up huh Braeburn?" she asked "You let anymore foals nearly fall into the toilet?"

"Hey, for all you know Apple Bloom could've just been trying to get a head start on her potty training!" Braeburn said crossly.

"Sure sure, never mind the fact that she could've been flushed!" Granny Smith scolded.

"But she wasn't, and that's all that matters!" Braeburn retorted.

"Give it a rest Granny, I think Braeburn learned his lesson from that experience." Big Macintosh said, defusing the situation and giving Granny Smith a knowing wink to indicate that he didn't approve of her behavior.

"Indeed he did." Granny Smith replied "Besides, it's in the past. Now don't just stand there, come on in!" Big Macintosh did so happily, but Braeburn was much more reluctant.

Perhaps this sleepover wasn't such a good idea, if all it would do was bring him into more arguements with Granny Smith. He'd been lucky enough to avoid her during the Apple Family reunion, but now he only had Big Macintosh to protect himself. Which begged the question of just where the heck Applejack was?

"Applejack must've been invited to spend the night somewhere." Granny Smith said to herself "Cause there's no way she's foolish enough to stay outside on a night like this."

"I was just about to ask where Cousin Applejack was." Braeburn stated.

"The last we heard she told us she was going out to help prep the park for the storm." Big Macintosh explained "Haven't heard a word about her whereabouts since, but she can take care of herself."

"And what about Cousin Apple Bloom?" Braeburn asked.

"She's up in her room, working on her homework." Granny Smith explained "You, Big Mac, and your friend Thunderlane get the new cider cellar all to yourselves for your little slumber party. It's actually pretty cosy down there."

"I'll be the judge of that." Braeburn said with a laugh.

As it turned out, Granny Smith wasn't lying. Not only was the cider cellar cozy, but it was also rather large. On top of that, it was connected to not only the outside, but also the house, and the barn. It had been specifically built that way so that the cider stored there could be easily accessed at any point.

"Braeburn!" Thunderlane exclaimed happily "So glad you could make it!"

"Aw shucks, it was nothing." Braeburn said sweetly "But could you perhaps stop hugging me? You're kind of crushing me."

"Woops! Sorry about that." Thunderlane apologized "I'm just so excited to have you here."

"Really?" Braeburn asked.

"Yeah. The last time I saw you was when we had to deal with that dragon." Thunderlane explained "You left for Appleloosa the very next day, and you've been gone for quite some time."

"Sorry about that, guess I need to start writing more often." Braeburn said sincerely "How's Rumble been doing?"

"He's been doing great! He especially loves spending time with Fluttershy." Thunderlane said with a smile "In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if he sees Fluttershy as something of a motherly figure because of how sweet she is."

"And let me guess, he's staying over at her place tonight?" Braeburn asked.

"Uh-huh, and I'll bet he and Fluttershy are having a wonderful time." Thunderlane replied.

"Well, now that you're both here I think this sleepover can officially begin." Big Macintosh spoke up.

"Can we start with the smores?" Braeburn asked "Cause I really want to taste them!"

"Not yet. How about we start off with a little bit of 'Truth or Dare'?" Big Macintosh suggested "The rules are simple, if you say truth you have to respond honestly to any question anyone else asks you. And if you say dare, you have to do whatever you're dared to do. If you don't do either, you're out."

"Sounds alright to me." Thunderlane nodded "How about you Braeburn?"

"Oh, alright." Braeburn sighed "Just don't ask me anything too embarassing if I pick truth, understand?"

"Yes sir." Thunderlane replied.

"I understand perfectly." Big Macintosh nodded "So then, I'll go first. Truth or Dare Thunderlane?"

"I think I'll go with Truth." Thunderlane said instantly "Ask away."

"Okay, since we're just beginning I'll go easy on you." Big Macintosh said, and began to think of a question. After a moment of consideration he asked "Why exactly do you like spending so much time with Fluttershy?"

"That's simple. Fluttershy is so kind, so sweet, and so caring." Thunderlane answered "Plus, she's amazing with animals."

"I might've guessed." Big Macintosh said sweetly "Okay Thunderlane, now it's your turn."

"Alrighty" Thunderlane said, and turned to Braeburn "Truth or Dare Braeburn?"

The game of "Truth or Dare" went on for a little while. Eventually, Big Macintosh ended it when Braeburn very nearly got caught after being dared to steal one of Apple Bloom's bows. He still couldn't believe he'd managed to hide it from Granny Smith. For some reason, he felt like she was watching him. But he didn't say this to the others, thinking they would just laugh and dismiss the idea.

"Can we make the smores now?" Braeburn asked "I'm starting to get hungry." The response to his question was a sudden clap of thunder, and the lights went out.

"Hey, who killed the lights?" Thunderlane asked "Please, turn them back on."

"Not right now, because now it's time for scary ghost stories." Big Macintosh said in a spooky voice, as he lit a lantern.

"Ghost stories?" Thunderlane asked nervously.

"Eeyup. It wouldn't be a sleepover without em." Big Macintosh explained.

"I don't know about that." Braeburn commented.

"Don't tell me you're scared." Big Macintosh teased.

"Scared? Me? Of course not!" Braeburn said boldly "I'm just, worried about Thunderlane, that's all."

"I'll be fine, I think." Thunderlane replied.

"Good." Big Macintosh said with a smile "Cause this story is guranteed to give you a fright. Heck, first time I heard it, it was terrifying enough to scare even ME!"

"Oh boy!" Thunderlane said nervously, scooting closer to Braeburn.

"Now, let me see if I remember this correctly." Big Macintosh said, and began to tell his story.

The story lasted for quite a while, and by the time it began to wrap up, Braeburn and Thunderlane were all but hugging each other for security.

"And then, when the last pony thought she was safe from harm. The olden pony suddenly walked up to her, and said in her screchy old voice 'Whose got my rusty horseshoe?!'. And that mare was never seen, or heard from, ever again." Big Macintosh narrated.

There was another clap of thunder, and Thunderlane was barely able to restrain himself from screaming. "That was really scary." he said nervously.

"It is at first, but once you start hearing enough you realize how silly it really is." Braeburn commented "So, are we gonna get to the smores now?"

"One more thing, and then we'll make em." Big Macintosh promised "I trust you all have a sleeping bag and a pillow?"

"Uh-huh." Braeburn and Thunderlane nodded.

"Good, cause it's time for a pillow fight!" Big Macintosh proclaimed.

"Oh goodie!" Thunderlane cheered, and hurled a pillow straight at Big Macintosh. "That's for telling that ghost story!"

"Oh, you're gonna regret that Thunderlane!" Big Macintosh shouted, and launched a pillow at Thunderlane, who dodged it.

"You couldn't hit the broadside of a barn!" Thunderlane taunted, only for another pillow to suddenly strike him. "Lucky shot Big Macintosh!"

"That wasn't me!" Big Macintosh stated "I swear!"

"Yeah right, and next you'll be expecting me to believe it was the one hoofed pony!" Thunderlane said crossly.

"I wasn't going to say that!" Big Macintosh stated.

"Likely story!" Thunderlane said angrily. Just then, another pillow struck him.

"See? It's not me." Big Macintosh explained.

"But if you're not the one throwing them, who is?" Thunderlane asked.

"Who do you think?" Big Macintosh asked.

"All's fair in love, war, and pillow fights!" Braeburn shouted, flinging pillows at both Big Macintosh and Thunderlane.

"You're a dead stallion for that Braeburn!" Thunderlane bellowed, as he and Big Macintosh each grabbed a pillow and prepared to strike back against Braeburn.

The pillow fight raged on for quite a while, despite there only being three participants. Eventually, it ended, in a three way tie. Much to the surprise of everyone involved.

"That was fun." Braeburn said, nearly out of breath.

"Yeah. We should do that with the other guys, assuming we can invite them to the next sleepover." Thunderlane suggested.

"Interesting idea." Big Macintosh commented "But for now, let's move on to the final thing."

"Does that mean what I think it means?" Braeburn asked.

"Eeyup. Time for smores." Big Macintosh replied.

"Finally! I've been waiting all night for this moment!" Braeburn shouted.

"Settle down Braeburn, first thing's first." Big Macintosh explained "We've gotta make the smores before we can eat em."

"I knew that." Braeburn commented.

"Well then, you're welcome to help out. So long as you're okay with doing what Granny Smith tells you to do." Big Macintosh stated.

"Did you say Granny Smith?" Braeburn asked.

"Sure did." Big Macintosh nodded.

"On second thought, I think I'll just wait until the smores are ready." Braeburn said nervously.

"Nice try Braeburn, you ain't talking your way out of this one." Big Macintosh said, and dragged Braeburn upstairs "Now come on!"

"Well, guess it's been nice knowing me." Braeburn sighed, admitting defeat and preparing himself for whatever Granny Smith tried to do to him.

"Okay Granny, now's your chance to make things right with Braeburn. After all, he IS family. Even if he is a total goofball." Big Macintosh thought to himself.

"Finally decided you're ready for those smores?" Granny Smith asked.

"Eeyup. Braeburn here can hardly wait." Big Macintosh replied "But I'm sure with your help he'll do fine. Especially since there's something I think you'd like to tell him."

"Indeed there is." Granny Smith nodded "Come on Braeburn! Time's a wasting, so let's get baking!"

"You're..not going to kill me?" Braeburn asked.

"Now why in tarnation would I do that?" Granny Smith chuckled "It's not like you did anything truly awful."

"So, you're not still mad with me for the whole close call with Apple Bloom thing?" Braeburn asked nervously.

"Course not. Heck, I wasn't even mad at you to begin with." Granny Smith explained "Turns out you were right about Apple Bloom. Few weeks after that incident she was out of diapers, much faster than I ever expected."

"Really?" Braeburn asked.

"You betcha." Granny Smith said happily "Besides, I remember a certain little colt who actually DID get flushed, on purpose."

"Who are you talking about?" Braeburn asked, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Why you of course." Granny Smith chuckled "Don't you remember? You and Big Macintosh were playing truth or dare as foals, and you dared him to flush you. And he did. He told me afterwards that you enjoyed it, and that you wanted to flush him. But he refused. I still have a photo of the toilet, with your first hat floating in it, because it was too big to fit through the pipes. That's how I knew Big Macintosh wasn't lying."

"Granny, you're embarassing me!" Braeburn whinned.

"All in good fun Braeburn." Granny Smith chuckled "After all, now that you're off living in Appleloosa I rarely get to see you. And I certainly ain't getting any younger."

"If you missed me that badly all you had to do was write." Braeburn said.

"I tried, but I didn't know where you lived." Granny Smith acknowledged.

"Well, I'll see to it that I correct that mistake." Braeburn said honestly.

"Good, good. Now why don't we stop with the talking and get to the baking?" Granny Smith asked.

"It's like you can read my mind Granny Smith!" Braeburn said happily.

"Then let's get to work!" Granny Smith shouted.

Now that Braeburn knew Granny Smith no longer had it out for him he could really enjoy himself. And before long, time began to fly. Soon, the smores were ready. And Braeburn enjoyed eating them with Big Macintosh and Thunderlane.

After that, it was time for bed. And despite the ghost story, sleep came easily for everyone.

The following day dawned bright and sunny, and all traces of the storm from the night before had completely vanished. And shortly after breakfast had finished, who should show up at the front door, but Applejack?

"Well it's about time, where the hay have you been?" Granny Smith asked.

"I spent the night at Twilight's place with her and Rarity." Applejack confessed "And let me tell you, you would not believe what happened."

"After everything I've seen in all my years I doubt anything you've been through could top it." Granny Smith said "But by all means, go ahead and tell me."

"Well, I should warn you, it's going to be a long story." Applejack stated.

"I've got time for it, and so does everyone else. Let's hear it." Granny Smith encouraged.

"Well, it all started when I was helping to prep the park for the storm." Applejack said, and she began to tell her story.

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