• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 224: Grogar The Invincible?!

Grogar soon turned his attention back to the ponies and Discord, his eyes narrowed as he cracked his knuckles. "Alright then, who would like to be first? Is there anyone brave or I should say foolish enough to challenge me? It really makes no difference in the end, but it seems only sporting I give you all one final moment amongst yourselves," But when the satyr received no answer he quickly became indignant, stomping a foot down quite furiously! "Quit your stalling and answer my question, or should I just destroy you all here and now?!"

After a quick glance over to her sister that resulted in a confirming nod, Princess Celestia stepped forward with Princess Luna by her side. "Luna and I shall fight you, Grogar. I think you'll find us more than up to the task of holding our own. After all, we ruled Equestria together for many years after you disappeared."

"Only once you have bested us will you be allowed to target anyone else," Princess Luna vowed. "And just so you know, we intend to fight to the last breath."

Grogar was satisfied with that response and prepared for battle. "So, it's ladies first is it? I can work with that. You'll make fine warm-up targets."

However, before a fight could get underway Shining Armor stepped forward and protested. "Wait a minute, Grogar! This decision is far from final. You gave us the right to choose who to send out first, but we didn't get a chance to talk amongst ourselves about who it should be," He quickly threw up his signature shield spell and told the satyr. "Now, I know you can break through that quite easily, but I'm asking you not to. Let me talk this over with the others and I promise you, you'll get the first fight you want so badly."

The satyr merely shrugged his paws in indifference. "Doesn't really matter to me who fights when. Just don't try to pull a fast one on me. And you'd better not keep me waiting for your sake, I don't have to be generous if I don't feel like it."

"You have my word, this won't take long." Shining pleaded.

The satyr sighed and reluctantly agreed. "Fine, you may have another moment or two. I will give you time. But when time is up, regardless of whether there's a decision or not I will kill!" Then he turned his back to the ponies while making sure he was still within earshot of them so as to avoid the possibility of them scheming behind his back.

Meanwhile, the princesses turned to their fellow alicorn with shock, frustration and most of all confusion. "Shining Armor, please, you must reconsider," Princess Celestia protested. "I advise... no, scratch that, I insist that you listen to me! There's no way you or anyone else is even close to a match for Grogar. He's even more powerful than every written record of him suggests."

"You saw how easily he controlled Chrysalis, Tirek and the Storm King and how only a sliver of his power was enough to destroy part of the castle," Princess Luna pointed out. "You're strong, but you're not strong enough to handle someone like Grogar. Not on your own and not with your friends. You must retreat. Let my sister and I do what we must to buy you time."

Shining snorted. "To do what?! The Elements of Harmony as we know them have passed to a new generation, there's little my friends or I could do if Grogar is indeed as powerful as you say," Then he pointed out. "Today was supposed to be my coronation day. As the future leader of Equestria I have to be willing to protect it no matter the cost. Maybe I can't win, but if someone must sacrifice themselves to allow others a chance then why shouldn't it be me? You've both risked your lives frequently, you shouldn't be forced to do it again right when you were planning to retire."

Big Macintosh frowned. "If you're gonna fight Grogar then we're stayin' to help you! We'll hold the line together."

"Yeah! We've faced tough odds before and this time is no exception!" Soarin declared. "Together we'll find a way."

Shining was not convinced. "There's no need for all of you to stay and protect me. I know the risks, and this is one time I refuse to put you all in danger for my sake. You go with the princesses and find someplace safe. Regroup with the others and come up with a strategy. If I can I'll join you, but if not I am prepared to give up my life to protect harmony."

Before anyone could say anything more about the subject, Grogar loudly interrupted as he began to wail on the shield spell's protective bubble! "Time is up! Someone better step forward now, or you're all going to perish right here and now!"

"My decision has been made," The young prince somberly declared as he turned to face Grogar. "You want an opponent, Grogar? How about you try your luck with me? Equestria was slated to be my kingdom before you showed up, so now I'll do what I can to protect it from the likes of you."

The satyr seemed content with the decision. "Ah, I see. Risking your life for the entire group. How very thoughtful of you, and how very fortunate for me," Then he looked at the others. "Well, are any of you going to try and step in? Because I could always bring back one of those disposable underlings of mine to keep you busy, assuming I don't end your existence right on the spot."

Reluctantly, Princess Celestia answered for all. "No. Shining Armor will face you alone, Grogar. Your fight is with him now, for however long it lasts," And turning to the others she motioned for them to follow her. "Come, let's let these two fight uninterrupted."

One by one the others departed over the horizon. Big Macintosh, the first friend Shining had made in Ponyville, was the last to do so. He took what he was sure would be his final look at the pony he'd known for years and fighting back the tears he commented in a voice barely above a whisper. "Guess it was nice knowin' ya while it lasted. I still think you're makin' a mistake, but I can see you're determined to go through with this. So goodbye, old friend."

Shining struggled not to tear up himself. "Let's hope we meet again, someday." He answered.

Once Big Macintosh had fully disappeared and was no longer in sight, Shining approached Grogar and eyed the tall satyr with somber determination in his eyes.

Grogar, for his part, just maintained a grin that would've made even the bravest of hearts tremble with fear if they saw it. "It's really too bad. I was hoping to save you and that good for nothing Discord for last," He then asked. "Now then, where do you want to fight? It doesn't matter to me where your grave is."

The young prince just stood his ground. "Here seems good enough, unless you had a better option in mind."

The satyr answered as his grin grew wider. "Ah, I see. You don't want others to lose hope when they see you fall. You definitely live up to your name, dying to protect others."

Shining only grit his teeth. "Enough talk, you've rambled on for long enough! I'm ready when you are!"

"As you wish." Grogar declared as the fight now got under way. With the exception of the occasional gust of wind there was nothing to break up the silence that had now fallen over the land.

It didn't stay that way for long before Grogar made the first move, tossing not one but two massive balls of dark magic towards his foe! Shining barely had time to evade them both and respond in kind with a blast from his horn he wasn't even able to charge.

Grogar hardly acknowledged the blast before he grabbed Shining and immediately tossed him like a rag doll towards the ground.

Shining barely managed to pull up in time, and teleported behind Grogar to strike him from behind. The satyr responded with mild annoyance at best.

A quick shield spell prevented a massive dark magic ball from incinerating the prince, but he was forced to retreat before he could try to launch an attack in response.

Delighting in the advantage afforded to him, Grogar began to fire off dark magic balls left and right. No need to get up close and personal when his opponent was incapable of doing the same, it made no sense to give him even the slightest hint of an upper hoof.

Shining tried his best to fight back against Grogar, teleporting often and mixing up magical and physical attacks to try to keep the all powerful satyr from predicting his moves. It didn't help much when Grogar seemed to shrug off everything that was thrown at him, whereas the prince was fast becoming exhausted from the dodging and attacking. And the fight had only been going on for a few minutes at best, hardly enough time for a plan to be made.

Grogar naturally couldn't resist taunting his opponent as he continued to press his advantage. "I didn't expect much from a pony, even a pony prince like you. But I daresay you're not living up to even my incredibly low expectations. You're not even good enough to be a distraction or a warm-up. At this rate I may just have to engage those pathetic princesses before I can truly have a sense of satisfaction."

Meanwhile, Shining was panting while thinking to himself. "I don't understand it. I knew he'd be tough but I didn't think he'd be impossible to hurt. Is he actually invincible?! Is my sacrifice really going to be in vain?! No, I can't think that way! I've got to have hope! He must have a weakness somewhere, everyone has a weak spot! No one's actually invincible!"

The satyr's grin slowly began to fade. "Well, I guess there's really no point trying to drag this out any further. I wanted a challenge, but all I got was disappointment. But then again, this is the only way it could've ended. You were a fool to think you stood any chance against I, the mighty Grogar, the father of monsters! Honestly, you should've seen the writing on the wall when that defiant King Sombra attacked."

That comment caused something to snap inside of the prince as a powerful anger suddenly swelled up inside of him! "Are you talking about Cozy Glow?! Don't you DARE talk about Cozy Glow!" He roared! "She was an innocent filly brought to life through one of the 'monsters' you later controlled. She gave her life to protect the harmony of this land, and because of you and the creatures you tried to bring together she was killed! For that I will never forgive you, I will avenge her!"

Grogar wasn't concerned even as he saw Shining's horn surge to life rather ominously all of a sudden. "Ooh, looks like you're finally starting to take this seriously! About time! I can definitely feel your power rising!"

"Yeah? Well you'd better enjoy it, Grogar! Because it's gonna be the last thing you'll ever feel!" Shining vowed at the top of his lungs! "Prepare to experience oblivion!"

"Or disappointment," The satyr bluntly replied in an unconcerned tone. "But I'll call your bluff. Go ahead, flip that coin if you dare. One way or another, this ends here!"

With a guttural roar and his horn sparking like never before, Shining Armor flapped his wings, flew toward Grogar and unleashed upon the satyr's face an explosion of magic so powerful it made even the mountains crumble and the ground shake for miles around!

Smoke filled the air where Grogar had stood as Shining's anger induced boost wore off and he panted, barely mustering up the strength to blow the smoke from his horn. But had it been enough?

The answer came sooner than expected. The cloud of smoke vanished all too soon, and there stood Grogar who only now displayed any physical signs of damage. Bruised and battered, he still managed to stand on two legs.

Shining's heart sank as despair set in! "I-impossible! I put everything I possibly could into that attack! But it looks like I barely even made a dent!" He thought to himself! "Maybe Grogar really is invincible!"

Grogar, meanwhile, panted quite heavily while gritting his teeth and clenching his paws. "You!" He hissed as his teeth gnashed. "How dare you! You little upstart! Just who do you think you are?!"

"I... I don't understand!" Shining blinked in confusion. "I hardly left a mark on you. Why are you so upset?"

The satyr only continued to hiss. "You've actually managed to hurt me! Me! That is unacceptable!" And he stomped his feet down so loudly that the sound was almost like thunder hitting the ground! "It may be a first but it's far from a pleasure. None surpass me! None, do you hear me?! I don't care what you try to tell me, the mere fact that you could inflict damage to me is proof that I've gone far too soft on you!"

The prince only nervously replied. "I just got lucky. You must've pressed one of my buttons or something. I've nothing left, honest."

Grogar wasn't convinced. "You say that, but I refuse to take any more chances! I'm done playing games with you, prince!" And then he looked down to his bewitching bell that was still glowing. Without hesitation he grabbed it, removed it from his collar and held it before him.

Shining Armor let out a gasp as his eyes widened! "No!" He thought as his whole body shook with fear. "He wouldn't!"

"I hate to do this, but when my hand has been forced what other choice is there?!" The satyr declared. "You brought this upon yourself, pony! So consider yourself lucky, you'll be the first to perish at the hands of a form even more powerful than this!" And with that he tapped on the bell, and all the chaos magic still stored within it spilled out and into his mouth. Grogar then began to writhe in pain as his body glowed and sparkled ominously!

Shining shut his eyes and prepared for the worst!

Author's Note:

Now it's on to the second half, and we have the first but not the last battle with Grogar.

I know that in the original episodes, the chaos magic ultimately ended up back in Discord's body. But again it was only because the Legion of Doom never bothered to use it and never thought to potentially hide or destroy the bell so the magic couldn't be used against them, which feels like it was a typical villain mistake that the endgame villains would otherwise not make.

Rather than have that be the case I intended for Grogar to use it eventually. And his body will change to reflect his new powers. As for what that means for Shining Armor, you'll have to see in the next chapter.

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