• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 213: Royal Practice

For Shining Armor, the news came as a shock. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna showed up in Ponyville out of the blue one day, and as soon as they had pulled him aside they explained to him what the reason for their unannounced visit was. "You're going to test me?" He asked them, hoping beyond hope he hadn't misheard.

Princess Celestia nodded as she looked across to her sister. "But of course. After all, during your time as captain you've no doubt come to realize that there's no substitute for experience. Some things you can never fully train for. The only way to find out if you're ready is to actually try."

"It actually works out in our favor," Princess Luna added. "Now we can finally go on a vacation, something we haven't had a chance to do in ages. When you're a princess, you can't exactly just pack up and leave the moment you get bored."

"So you two want me to get in some royal practice to see if I'm ready to take over for you, while you both go on a vacation to... who knows where?" Shining questioned. "Okay, just who are you guys and what have you done with the royal sisters?!"

But the sisters just threw back their heads and laughed. "Shining, it's us. We're being sincere," Celestia insisted. "The truth is, Luna and I have been considering a test for you for some time now. Think about it: Doesn't it make more sense to have a formal test now when things are relatively peaceful, rather than risk having you take over in a time of crisis? At least if you need more time, we can give it to you when we come back."

"Well, I would like to say yes," Shining pondered. "But if you two are going on vacation, what will happen to the sun and the moon? Are you going to make me take over that responsibility too?"

Luna nodded, levitating over a small amulet. "Sunburst just put the finishing touches on this device a few days ago, and my sister and I have already infused it with some of our magic," And she explained. "You just need to turn it to the left for the sun and to the right for the moon. Much easier than when you had to use our combined magic all on your own, wouldn't you agree?"

The prince reluctantly accepted the amulet, noticing the faint glow it emitted in his hooves and the odd tingling sensation it gave off (no doubt due to the alicorn magic housed within it, it was the most powerful magic known to ponykind for a reason). Every fiber in his being wanted nothing more than to say no. He had yet to find any more leads on the disappearance of Grogar's bewitching bell, and the feeling of dread he'd felt since Sombra's return continued to give him many a sleepless nights.

Yet as he looked at the royal sisters that stood before him, he could tell how eager they seemed to embark on a vacation. For them it would be a chance to leave behind their demanding lives of royalty and enjoy the life of normal ponies for a change. Considering the zeppelin cruise incident, he started to realize that what he had been subjected to there was probably similar to what the princesses endured almost every day. And if he were in their horseshoes, he was certain he'd give anything to have even one day to live and be treated like everyone else. Now he understood what ponies meant by the old saying: "Heavy is the head that wears the crown".

Sighing and taking a deep breath, Shining reluctantly agreed. "Alright, I suppose I could take over some of your royal duties for a while. Even royalty like you deserve some rest and relaxation."

Celestia beamed with delight! "Great! Oh, I knew you'd say yes!"

Luna just replied. "Equestria will be in capable hooves while we're gone. And you needn't worry, we won't be gone for more than two or three days tops. Maybe a week if we really start enjoying ourselves."

"Let's just see where we are after the second day, shall we?" Shining cautioned. "After all, I'm going to have to get my friends involved in this. There's no way I can just do everything you two do all by myself."

Celestia then spoke up as her happy mood faded. "Actually, there is one thing you should be aware of. You'll probably end up having to preside over the royal swanifying ceremony."

The prince blinked in confusion. "And what is that? I don't think I've ever heard of it before."

Luna explained. "To coincide with the counting of the royal swans in the castle pond and gardens, you parade them through the streets of Canterlot and throw a huge party in the castle. It's largely so the nobility don't grow bored in the time between galas and formal banquets."

"Sounds kind of ridiculous if you ask me, but if it keeps the upper crusts happy then I guess I can try to manage that as well," Shining declared. "If my sister can plan an entire Grand Galloping Gala, then surely my friends and I are more than capable of managing a royal swanifying." And so the arrangements were made.

Shining and his friends (along with Spike, who decided to tag along to help with the book and record keeping), all made their way to Canterlot the very next day. And they made sure to see off the princesses who were clad in matching flower patterned shirts, and loaded down with huge backpacks that contained everything the typical tourist/vacationer could ever need.

"So, a royal swanifying, huh?" Fancy Pants remarked as the six stallions went inside the castle immediately afterwards. "You know, it is bad if I said I hope you'll abolish such silly traditions once you're the new supreme ruler, Shining?"

"I second that emotion," Soarin declared. "No offense, but why the heck do the nobles need an excuse to get out and party? Aren't those lavish, private parties they're always hosting good enough for them?"

Shining only shook his head. "We may not like it, but it does us no good to abolish something just because we don't see a use for it. That's not what a good ruler does," And then he sighed. "For right now, I just wanna get through these next few days without too much trouble. I'd rather not have to call the princesses back early from their vacation. They deserve their time off."

"So then, aside from the royal swanifying and raising and lowering the sun and the moon, is there anything particularly important we're supposed to do?" Thunderlane questioned.

Spike produced a small scroll and read it aloud. "Well, it says here that before the swanifying can commence, there's a planning committee we're supposed to meet with."

"And guess who heads up that committee?" A familiar, pompus sounding voice declared as the doors to the throne room suddenly swung open. In strolled a very recognizable unicorn stallion with blonde locks.

Everyone knew who that was, and all except Fancy Pants gasped in surprise! "Prince Blueblood?!"

Blueblood nodded. "The one and only," And his gaze immediately turned to Shining Armor, his fellow prince. "Well, if it isn't Mr. Goody Twohorseshoes himself?" His voice was all but dripping with malice and sarcasm. "Enjoying your first taste of the throne you took away from me?"

Shining growled and muttered under his breath. "Nice to see you too, Blueblood. I'm honestly surprised you're still in charge of anything after what happened at the Grand Galloping Gala all those years ago."

Blueblood merely shook his head. "Regardless of that... incident," The pause did not go unnoticed. "My planning skills remain as sharp as ever. Honestly, I wasn't too surprised to hear I had been passed over in consideration when my Aunt Celestia decided to step down. Though why she has so much faith in you, Shining, I for the life of me can't figure out. You're a fine captain, I'll give you that. But you don't really think your military skills and wit make you comparable to me, a pony born into royalty, do you? Don't forget that you and your sister had to marry into this bloodline."

"And you were adopted into it, much like Cadence was," Shining spoke up. "And if you've just come here to complain about me getting the throne over you, you can leave. I don't want your help, Blueblood."

Blueblood only shook a hoof. "Now now, we princes don't need to resort to such petty insults. And while you may think you can do without me, I can assure you that my set of skills will be quite valuable if you wish to go through with the royal swanifying as planned."

Soarin just snorted. "Don't you know how to take 'get lost' for an answer? You come in here insulting our friend, and then you think we're just going to let it slide because you think we can't manage without you? We need you as much as any of us need fur rash, not at all!"

Fancy Pants couldn't help but coldly remark. "Honestly, Blueblood. I expected so much more from you than this. But if you only came here to trade insults and belittle others, then your idea of help is one we can do without," And he added. "So please do yourself a favor, and try not to let the door hit you on the way out. If we should change our minds about help, we'll be the first to let you know."

The pompus prince turned his snout upright, snorted, and turned away. "Alright, alright, I know where I'm not wanted. The six of you can figure out how to handle the royal swanifying all by yourselves." Soon he was out of sight, the throne room doors slamming shut behind him.

Big Macintosh frowned. "I guess someponies just never learn."

Braeburn was quick to change the subject. "Well, let's not worry about him. When we pull off this royal swanifyin' ceremony, it'll be the fastest way to put him in his place!"

Unfortunately, the royal swanifying ceremony became almost a disaster! Counting the swans was easy enough, but parading them through the streets almost didn't happen because of a sanitation workers strike that had to be resolved. And even when the parade ended and the castle was opened up, the choice of decoration proved not to be to the guests of honor (the swans)'s liking. They made a mess of the whole throne room before they were calmed down, and several of the invited nobles were chased off during the ensuing chaos.

All other events for the day had to be called off so the throne room could be cleaned and repaired. Shining became so distracted by this turn of events that he almost forgot about day turning to night. He had to leave before the throne room was fully restored.

Holding the amulet in his hooves, Shining stepped out onto the balcony of one of the castle towers. He could've easily gazed down at the city of Canterlot proper, particularly the huge piles of trash bags that had been sitting uncollected due to the sanitation workers strike (Shining had hoped to resolve it today, but in the aftermath of the swanifying fiasco the meeting with the workers and their company had to be pushed to tomorrow). But all that he could think about right now was the sun hanging low in the sky. Even though it would eventually set on its own, the moon wouldn't rise in its place.

"I hope this works." The prince said to himself even though nopony was around to hear him. He nervously turned the amulet slowly to the right, watching as the sun started to sink and the moon rose to take its place. But then his hooves slipped and turned the amulet the other way! The moon began to retreat and the sun started to rise again! Reacting quickly, Shining tried to steady his hooves while he used his magic to correct this oversight and return the moon and the sun to where they should be. But only once the sun had fully set and the moon had come out, did he allow himself to breath easily.

Suddenly, the sound of clapping hooves caught Shining's attention. He turned to see Prince Blueblood standing in the tower room, having watched the whole thing from afar. "Well, that was certainly an 'interesting' display you just put on there."

An exhausted, frazzled Shining Armor just grumbled. "What do you want from me now, Blueblood? Come to rub it in my face how I was wrong and you were right? Because I'm sure you've heard by now what went down at the royal swanifying ceremony."

But Blueblood shook his head. "Relax, you've already been through Tartarus and back today. You don't need me to make you feel worse," He trotted forward. "Look, I know we have our differences. You don't like me, and if I'm being perfectly honest I don't really like you."

"So you came here just to tell me that?" Shining questioned.

Blueblood only remarked as he waved a hoof. "You didn't let me finish," And he then coughed into said hoof. "I'm not going to apologize or take back what it is that I said earlier. I still don't really appreciate you getting the throne instead of me. If we're both being honest, the throne rightfully belongs to Cadence. She was next in line longer than either of us, and she outranked us both until you married her."

"What are you talking about?" Shining questioned with a puzzled look. "When Celestia took you in, you became her nephew and you became a prince. Far as I know, that's what you've always been."

But Blueblood confessed. "Actually, that's only half true. My actual title is far less glamorous and glorious. I am really only a prince in name. In truth, I am Blueblood: The Duke of Canterlot. You can imagine how a duke doesn't receive much attention in a city that only has a mayor, but of course the princesses themselves who make all the important decisions. Being part of committees, whether they're for a gala or a royal swanifying ceremony are really the best that my true title affords me. It was Celestia herself who bestowed the title of prince upon me. Ponies would be far less suspicious and judging of her having a prince as a nephew, rather than a duke."

"Not to mention it seems to make you a mare magnet." Shining couldn't help but tease.

Blueblood didn't even blush as he admitted. "It's true, I am quite a hit with the ladies. Though as your friend Rarity can attest, when they get to know the true me they often want nothing to do with me. Miss. Rarity is but one of many fair damsels who have seen fit to chew me out in public. I do regret that is how many encounters end, but I'm not one to just change my ways for the sake of a lady."

The prince only continued to be puzzled. "I fail to see where you're going with this, Blueblood. I'm already married, my heart belongs to Cadence and that's never going to change."

Blueblood answered after a moment of hesitation. "Look, I'm not good at these sort of inspirational speeches or anything. I can't really speak from the heart," He paused a bit, then added. "How do I put this in a way you'll understand? You know how as Captain of the Royal Guard, you've no doubt had subordinates that serve directly under you?" When Shining nodded, Blueblood explained. "Well, a prince is sort of similar in that regard. We have those who consider us their superior. We have servants, or as you would call them advisers. And it's their job to do whatever we tell them to do. You may not like it, but it's a part of your royal responsibilities."

"So you're saying?" Shining questioned.

Blueblood explained further. "When someday you take over from the royal sisters, you will have ponies looking to you for guidance and leadership. Nopony is ever meant to handle everything by themselves, you know. And there's no shame in delegating authority out to others. The important thing is knowing who to rely on, and how to handle those who prove unreliable. A good leader must be able to inspire others to want to work for him and serve under him."

"Well, a leader could also stand to understand humility. Something you don't seem to see much of a need for." Shining protested.

"Again, regardless of how you may feel about me, you must admit I make a valid point," Blueblood pointed out. "Had you been willing to accept my help earlier, I would've gladly informed you of the sanitation strike. I make it a habit to know everything that's going on in this city. And if you're going to be leader someday, you'll need to know too. Even you would agree that it's better to fix problems before they get out of hoof, right?"

The prince reluctantly nodded. "I've learned that lesson more times than I'd like to admit. I never would've imagined you of all ponies could provide me with advice."

"Advice can come from the most unexpected of ponies and places," Blueblood said with a wink. "Though if you ever tell anypony I was nice to you, I'll of course deny it in a heartbeat. Same goes for my true title. That's on a strictly need to know basis, you understand."

Shining just sighed as he watched Blueblood disappear into the night. "Oh well, can't have everything," He whispered to himself. "I just hope Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are enjoying their vacation, wherever they are. Looks like I still have a lot to learn if I'm going to take over from them someday."

Author's Note:

As it turns out, Prince Blueblood was originally meant to be the Duke of Canterlot. But they felt that kids wouldn't understand the title and changed it to prince. I wanted to work that knowledge into this chapter. Especially because I really couldn't use Fancy Pants like "Between Dusk and Dawn" did (and honestly, his role feels like one that would be better suited to Blueblood there. Somepony that Twilight would probably feel less inclined to listen to).

I didn't want to really focus on the royal sisters' vacation, largely because I wouldn't have them arguing and fighting like they did in the show. Here, they would be better at agreeing to split up the activities according to what each wanted to do most.

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