• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 36: Shining's Darkest Hour

As it turns out, Fancy Pants refused to leave unless "Timantha" came with him. Reluctantly, Shining Armor agreed to move the "Diamond" outside with his magic. "Look out, here comes Timantha!" Shining Armor called, and he tossed the boulder from the second story balcony of the library, destroying it but leaving the boulder unharmed.

"Oh no, you've found The Elements of Harmony!" Discord said with fake concern.

"Darn right I have Discord." Shining Armor said boldly "Letting me find them was your first mistake, and now, here comes your second. You know what happens next, right?"

"Indeed I do. You've clearly shown me the error of my ways and now it's time for me to meet my fate." Discord said with fake worry, and he made a target appear around his body "I'm prepared to be defeated now guys, you may fire when ready."

"You just keep similing while you can Discord." Shining Armor stated "Ready guys?!"

"Ready." Shining Armor's friends, and Spike replied.

"Let's finish this!" Shining Armor shouted, and one by one The Elements of Harmony began to glow. They glowed brighter and brighter. And for a moment Discord seemed rather concerned. Perhaps he had underestimated Shining Armor after all. Unfortunately, the glow faded a moment later. Shining Armor, his friends, and Spike, all fell to the ground. Shining Armor was completely confused "How did this happen? Why didn't they work?"

"Bravo, bravo guys!" Discord cheered "That was truly a spectacular performance, and now I think you've made it clear. Harmony in Equestria is officially dead! Discord rules, Celestia drools! Hm, which reminds me, I should pay a visit to Canterlot and rub my victory in a certain alicorn princess' face."

"I don't understand. I specifically rearranged the elements to work around your mind games." Shining Armor complained "They should've worked, so why didn't they?"

"It's simple really Shining Armor." Discord explained "How did you expect to power those elements, when the spark that united you all has been extinguished?"

"What?! No, that can't be true!" Shining Armor shouted.

"Just face it Shining Armor, you've lost. Equestria is mine once again, and the last sound you'll ever hear, will be my laughter." Discord taunted.

"Man, I hate The Elements of Harmony!" Braeburn complained.

"Hmph, useless piece of garbage!" Thunderlane added "I don't why I ever bothered with it."

"I told you this would never work." Big Macintosh lied. He, Braeburn, and Thunderlane, all threw their necklaces away.

"MINE! ALL MINE!" Fancy Pants shouted, snatching up the abandoned elements.

"Well, uh.... I think I'll just head back to the library and clean up." Spike said nervously, but he'd only taken a few steps when he was tripped up by Thunderlane.

"Oops, sorry there 'Soarin'." Thunderlane said meanly.

One by one, each of Shining Armor's friends began to abandon him and go their separate ways. "Go ahead, see if I care!" Shining Armor shouted "It's not like you'll be worse off without me! Just don't come crying to me if things don't work out!"

"Ah, poor Shining Armor. All alone, and with no one to turn to." Discord said with fake sympathy "It almost breaks my heart. Oh well, I guess now you've realized how pointless friendship really is. You can make all the friends you want, but in the end, when you need them most, they're nowhere to be found."

"That's what you think Discord!" Shining Armor replied "I may be on my own for now, but I know for a fact that my friends true selves are inside them somewhere. And one way or another, I'll defeat you and turn them all back to normal."

"You still haven't learned your lesson yet?" Discord asked "Perhaps you need to see things from my point of view for a change. Maybe then the reality of the situation will sink in." And with that, he snapped his fingers.

"What, what are you-whooooooooooa!" Shining Armor screamed, as he felt the entire world being turned upside down. After only a few seconds, he hit the ground with a thud. Luckly he wasn't hurt. "Where I am?" he asked himself, then he looked around. He saw Ponyville, but it looked far worse than it had been just a short time ago. "Oh no!" he said to himself.

Just then, Discord appeared, and he began to sing:

Well, well, well, what have we here?

Shining Armor huh? Ooh! I'm really scared!

So you're the one everypony's talking about, ahhahaha!

You're joking, you're joking! I can't believe my eyes!

You're kidding me, you've gotta be! This can't be the right guy.

He's brave, he's noble. I don't know which is worse.

Now I might just go to pieces, if I don't die laughing first!

When Discord's master plan says 'Chaos' close at hand.'

You'd better pay attention now, because I'm the chaos man!

And if you aren't shaking, then there's something very wrong.

Because this may be the last, that you hear the chaos song.

Woohoo (whoa!). Woohoo (whoa!).

Woohoo (whoa!) I'm(he's) the chaos making man!

Shining Armor was a bit worried, but he tried his best to pluck up courage as he said:

Return my friends to normal, or you'll have to pay the price!

Because hyponitizing everypony, wasn't very nice!

Discord wasn't worried, and merely sang in reply:

Haha! You're joking! You're joking!

I can't believe my ears!

Would someone shut this stallion up?!

I'm drowning in my tears!

It's funny, I am laughing! You really are a scream!

And now, with your permission, I'm going to steal the scene.

"What are you going to do?" Shining Armor asked.

"I'm gonna do the best I can." Discord replied and he began to sing again:

Whoooooooooooa! The sound of the crazed, to me, is music in the air!

Because I'm a gambling chaos man, although I don't play fair!

It's much more fun, I must confess, with minds on the line.

Not mine of course, but yours old horse, now that'd be just fine.

Shining Armor could feel his will to resist fading away, but he tried valiantly to fight it off:

Bring my friends back or you will have to answer for your heinous acts.

Discord smirked and merely sang in reply:

Oh brother, you're something. You put me in a spin!

You aren't comprehending, the position, that you're in!

It's hopeless, you're finished! Equestria is mine!

Because I'm mister Discord, and I think it's chaos time.

"So Shining Armor, do you finally understand my point?" Discord asked, as he snapped his fingers, and returned himself and Shining Armor to where they had been moments ago "Do you realize just how hopeless it really is?"

"Yes." Shining Armor replied weakly "You've won Discord."

Discord seemed surprised, and possibly even concerned for a moment, but as Shining Armor trotted off into the distance, he let out a cheer of victory. He'd finally managed to break Shining Armor, and render The Elements of Harmony completely useless.

Shining Armor, meanwhile, was sulking and feeling very sorry for himself. As he entered The Golden Oaks Library, he thought to himself "Where can I go now that Discord has triumphed? I certainly can't stay here. Not when the entire town is the chaos capital. And I certainly can't go back to Canterlot. Princess Celestia wouldn't want a disappointment like me hanging around. Maybe I'll just head to Appleloosa. It's not like it really matters though, I'll never be able to run from Discord's Chaos Empire forever."

"Don't give up now Shining Armor." a voice suddenly called.

"Who said that?" Shining Armor asked.

"Don't you remember, I'm the one who saved you from falling to Discord's mind games a while back." the voice replied.

"Well, you only delayed the inevitable I'm afraid." Shining Armor stated.

"Oh dear, this is more serious than I thought." the voice said with concern "I guess I have no choice but to reveal myself to you."

"Just who are you and what do you want with me?" Shining Armor asked.

"Patience Shining Armor." the voice reassured him "Now, I've got to concentrate, and remember what Aunt Luna taught me."

"Aunt Luna?" Shining Armor asked "Does that mean that you're-"

"Indeed I am." the voice admitted, and then, in a flash of light, something appeared inside Shining Armor's mind. It was a young pink alicorn with light purple eyes, a mane consisting of violet, rose, and gold locks, and a cutie mark depicting a heart, that seemed to be made out of some sort of crystal. Shining Armor knew who it was.

"Cadence!" Shining Armor exclaimed "It's really you!"

"In the flesh Shining Armor." Cadence replied "Listen, I don't have much time. I've come to help you."

"You're too late Cadence." Shining Armor said glumly "Discord has already won."

"No he hasn't Shining Armor." Cadence said firmly "That's just what he wants you to think."

"What are you talking about?" Shining Armor asked "It's hopeless."

"No it's not." Cadence replied "I know that, and so you do. You just can't see that because of what Discord has done. But if you give up now, then there's no hope for Equestria."

"But what am I suppose to do?" Shining Armor asked "The Elements of Harmony are powerless, thanks to Discord's mind games. My friends have all abandoned me, and I'm on my own."

"Things may look bad Shining Armor, but they're not hopeless." Cadence explained "There's one thing you have that Discord can't take away, no matter how hard he tries."

"And that would be what?" Shining Armor asked.

"Your courage of course." Cadence replied "Even when things have looked bleak in the past, you've always pulled through. It's that courage which prevents Discord from manipulating you in the same way he manipulates everyone else. He has tried to bury it under a pile of fear, in the hopes that you will not rise up and defeat him. For he knows, that as long as someone such as yourself exists, he is in very real danger."

"Let's say you're right." Shining Armor stated "How am I suppose to use that courage to defeat Discord and free my friends?"

"That, is something you'll have to discover for yourself I'm afraid." Cadence admitted "But I know you can do it. As long as you never give up hope, you'll find a way."

Shining Armor felt his body return to its normal color, and Discord's influence leaving him. "Thank you Cadence, for everything." he said kindly "I don't what I'd do without you."

"Think nothing of it Shining Armor, I'm just glad to be of service." Cadence replied, just then she started to fade in and out of existence. "Oh dear, it seems like this dream form lasted shorter than I expected. Looks like you're on your own from here Shining Armor."

"Cadence, please don't leave me!" Shining Armor pleaded "Without you, I'm helpless."

"Do not despair Shining Armor. You're strong, I know you are." Cadence encouraged "You can do it!" And with that, she kissed Shining Armor on the cheek. Shining Armor blushed. "Consider that a sign." Cadence explained "A sign that I will always be with you in spirit. Good luck Shining Armor, I know you'll be able to stop Discord once and for all. Goodbye." And with that, Cadence disappeared.

Shining Armor said nothing for a moment, and merely stood there. "Thank you Cadence." he said at last, a tear forming in his eye "You've been a big help. I won't let it all be for nothing! I see now that I have to fight. Fight for me, for you, for my sister, and our friends! I have to fight for Equestria!" And with that, he raced away to find Big Macintosh. "This isn't over yet Discord, not by a long shot!" he thought to himself.

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