• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 55: Resignation and Honeymoon

With the changeling invasion now over, and the city of Canterlot safe once again, no time was wasted in picking up the pieces and carrying on. Fortunately, the city had not sustained significant damage (though Canterlot residents and visitors were quite shaken up by the invasion).

Shining Armor wanted to call off the wedding until Canterlot recovered, but Princess Cadence insisted the wedding proceed according to schedule. "Canterlot and Equestria need something to help them forget about the terror they endured during Chrysalis' invasion," she explained to Shining Armor "Besides, it would be wrong to turn everyone away after they came so far to attend."

Reluctantly, Shining Armor allowed the wedding to continue as planned. And with Twilight in charge, everything went like clockwork. All of Shining Armor's friends did their assigned tasks very well, and what would've likely taken at least a day was done in just a few hours.

But, while everypony else was excited and looking forward to the wedding (Cadence especially), Shining Armor felt unhappy. And he knew there was only one way to rectify this.

Princess Celestia was busy overseeing the final preparations for the throne room, when Shining Armor came walking in. He had taken off the suit he was going to wear to the wedding, and had put on his captain's outfit.

Princess Celestia was surprised, but tried her best not to show it. "Well, this is certainly an unexpected surprise, Captain Armor," she greeted warmly "What brings you here? You should be getting ready for your wedding. After all, isn't it what you've been dreaming of since you proposed to my adopted niece?"

"It is, but that's not what I came here to speak to you about," Shining Armor replied reluctantly, and removed his captain's helmet, levitating it over to Princess Celestia with his magic "I hope you'll have the honor, to accept my resignation from the role of captain. Effectively immediately, I shall step down. You may appoint whoever you think is worthy to take my place. And don't try to talk me out of it, my decision has already been made."

"Captain Armor-" Princess Celestia began.

"Shining Armor, I'm no longer fit to bear the title of captain," Shining Armor said, hanging his head in shame "I failed. I failed you, Princess Cadence, my sister, and even the city of Canterlot itself. The royal guard deserves somepony better, somepony that would've actually taken steps to prevent the threat, before it occurred. Not somepony who let his feelings of love blind him to the truth, until it was too late."

For a moment, Princess Celestia didn't say anything. She just stood there, looking at Shining Armor, while she held his captain's helmet in her magic. She seemed to be deep in thought about something. At last, she broke the silence and told Shining Armor "You musn't blame yourself, young Shining Armor. You could not have known that Queen Chrysalis was impersonating Princess Cadence. And there was little you could've done to stop her on your own, she is very underhoofed."

"But the only reason she was able to control me, was because I didn't have my mental defenses up," Shining Armor protested "And all because I was distracted by other things. If I had been able to look past my love and concern, I would've seen the truth much sooner, and would've been able to keep Chrysalis from controlling me. Even Fancy Pants caught onto Chrysalis' act before I did, and he barely even knew Cadence."

"Shining Armor, to love and to show concern is not a weakness, it is a strength," Princess Celestia replied "It is because of your love that Chrysalis was defeated, and Cadence is now free. If anypony is to blame for what transpired here today, it is me. I encountered Chrysalis and her changeling army once before, and should've realized the signs much sooner. It should not have taken me until my faithful student came running to me for help, to take action and flush out the queen. But Chrysalis is right, I've become soft. It happened with Discord, and now it has happened with her. Ever since I was forced to banish Luna to the moon, I vowed that I would never again allow my power and elegance to blind me to reality. I swore that I would work to neturalize threats in advance, and plan for the threats I could not stop. It worked with Nightmare Moon, and after Discord caught me by surprise, I should've been prepared for Chrysalis to return. Instead, I allowed her to enter my kingdom without my knowledge, and almost allowed her to destroy the delicate harmony that I swore to uphold. So it I, and I alone, who harbors all the guilt for this royal wedding fiasco."

"And yet, you were the one set up the trap to expose Chrysalis," Shining Armor protested "Surely, that has to count for something, right?"

Princess Celestia nodded slowly "It does, but one good deed does not automatically erase my past failures. You didn't fail me, Shining Armor. I failed you, your sister, and all of your friends, as well as of Equestria. I should've been able to notice Chrysalis much sooner than I did, and should've been able to have her captured. I shudder to think what would've happened, had Twilight not informed me of what happened the night before."

"Then, I guess we're at an impass," Shining Armor realized "I think we are both to blame, to an extent, for what happened. The question is, who harbors more blame?"

"If we continue to blame ourselves, we will only make the same mistake again the next time a similar situation pops up," Princess Celestia told Shining Armor "I have come to learn, that when you make a mistake, no matter how severe it is, you must learn from it. By learning from your mistakes, you become a better pony."

"So, about my resignation?" Shining Armor asked.

Princess Celestia returned the captain's helmet to Shining Armor as she said to him "I do not accept your resignation! But, I will approve you for a leave of absence, at least for a couple of weeks. You are going to be a married stallion, and you will need time to adjust."

"But, who will lead the royal guard in my place until I return to duty?" Shining Armor asked Princess Celestia.

"Well, I've got good news in that regard," Princess Celestia said with a smile "You know Commander Silverbolt, right?"

"Of course, he was one of my first friends in the royal guard," Shining Armor replied eagerly "What does that have to do with anything? He's only a commander, promoting him to captain, even if it's only temporary, would be unheard of."

"I'm not going to promote Silverbolt, or anypony else in the royal guard to the rank of captain," Princess Celestia explained "But, Silverbolt has a younger brother who recently became promoted to first lietunant. He, will lead the royal guard while you're away."

"What is his name?" Shining Armor asked.

"His real name is actually Brad, but everypony calls him Flash Sentry because he's so fast," Princess Celestia told Shining Armor "He's a descendent of the famous Wonderbolt leader, General Flash."

"No way! I don't believe it!" Shining Armor exclaimed.

"I take you are happy with the appointment of Lietunant Flash to lead the royal guard in your absence?" Princess Celestia asked Shining Armor.

"You bet I am!" Shining Armor replied, and he raced away to tell Princess Cadence the good news.

The wedding went off without a hitch, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence had never felt happier. The wedding reception held afterwards was a grand affair. Pinkie Pie and Braeburn even managed to get Shining Armor's cousin, and rising music star Vinyl Scratch (better know by her stage name of DJ-PON-3) to perform during the fesitivities.

But the highlight of the entire ceremony, was when Twilight took the microphone to sing a song for the new couple entitled Love Is In Bloom. And it was that song which accompanied the new royal couple, as they headed for their carriage ride that would lead them to their honeymoon destination.

Just before climbing into the carriage, Shining Armor approached his sister and said "Twily, none of this would've been possible without your help. Thank you, for everything."

"You're welcome, B.B.B.F.F. Enjoy your honeymoon, and don't forget to write," Twilight replied with a smile, even as a tear came into her eye "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too Twily," Shining Armor nodded "And I'll miss all of our friends. But I'm certain we'll see each other again before too long. After all, tomorrow is another day." And with that, he climbed into the carriage, joining his newly wedded wife.

"So, ready to go?" Cadence asked him.

"Of course, what about you?" Shining Armor asked her.

"Just one thing I need to take care of really quick." Princess Cadence replied, and leaned out of the carriage to throw her bouquet of flowers into the air. All three of the original bridesmaids stood at attention, waiting to recieve it.

"It's mine!" Rarity shouted, suddenly pushing past the bridesmaids, and catching the bouquet in her hooves.

"Miss. Rarity!" Fancy Pants scolded, glaring angrily at her.

Rarity sheepishly blushed, and tossed the bouquet back into the air so that the original bridesmaids could have another chance.

"Now this, was a great wedding." Twilight smiled happily, and everypony agreed with her.

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