• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 228: Chaos Gambit

Grogar was too busy dealing with the massive army swarming over him and all around him, so he didn't notice until too late when Shining Armor and his friends joined the fight as well. Despite his chaotic powers the draconequus was having a tough time landing any blows at all. And in the meantime he was being attacked from above and below in ways that, while they didn't hurt much, still annoyed him to no end! "You vile, filth sucking maggots!" He roared as he flailed his arms about and kept stomping his feet, hoping to hit someone. "All of you! You dare to meddle in my affairs! You shall regret it! I'll teach you all what happens when you mess with the most powerful being in the universe!"

"Heard it all before, honey," Queen Novo scoffed. "Maybe you didn't know this, but when you mess with Equestria you mess with every nation that's allied with it. An attack on one is an attack on all!"

Prince Rutherford agreed. "Grogar not conquer Equestria or Yakyakistan! Yaks not let it happen!"

Even the kirin's leader, Rain Shine, seemed to have something to say about the situation. "You may have all that power, but it doesn't matter if you don't have control. To have power is not to be strong. True power comes from within."

"No!" Grogar hissed! "I have all the power I need right here! I will crush you with my bare hands! And then all will bow to me, Grogar, the rightful ruler of all living things." He swung his arms hard and fast, knocking down some changelings, hippogriffs and even some pegasi and dragons. But hardly enough to truly shrink the size of the army that continued to trouble him.

Meanwhile, with fighting raging on all around them, no one noticed six stallions navigating their way through the scuffle. Clouds of dust kicked up by the fight obscured them, making navigation difficult. But Grogar was so massive in size that it was easy to spot him, and easy to spot that bell of his that still hung proudly from his neck. He hadn't touched it, it still gave off that ominous glow to indicate it had lots of untapped chaos magic ready to be used.

Shining took a deep breath and steadied himself, his eyes laser focused on his target. "Just need a clear shot at him," He thought to himself. "Come on! I can do this!"

The other stallions stood by their friend, silently encouraging him to avoid tipping off Grogar to their location.

At last, the prince had fully charged his horn and shot off a beam aimed directly at the bewitching bell! It looked like it was gonna hit and knock it off! This was it, the tide was about to turn once again!

However, when the beam of magic made contact with the bell it simply bounced off it and into a nearby mountain. The bell rang faintly from the impact but didn't budge even an inch.

"No!" Shining thought to himself in dismay! "Why did I think that would work?! Of course Grogar's bell wouldn't get knocked off so easily, he's too smart to just leave it hanging!"

The attempt at knocking off the bell did however accomplish one thing, it served to alert Grogar to the presence of the six ponies he'd been trying to find for the past several minutes. "Ah-ha! I finally found you!" He declared as he looked down, seeing the stallions standing almost directly underneath. "You little fools, thinking you could just knock my bell off with your feeble attacks."

Braeburn nervously replied. "W-well... it was worth a shot, right? Can't blame us for tryin'."

Grogar only narrowed his eyes. "This isn't a game anymore! And fyi, angering me is not a good idea," Then after knocking aside and knocking down some ponies, yaks, changelings, dragons, hippogriffs and kirin (as well as a few buffalo that had opted to join the fight) he turned his full attention to the bell. "You must really want me to go all out. Use every last bit of magic at my disposal. You probably think I can't handle it."

Soarin gulped. "The thought had crossed our minds."

The draconequus replied with a shake of his head. "Well, I guess we'll find out, won't we? At the least though I'll have the pleasure of taking you and this entire army with me if that's the case!" He proceeded to grab his bewitching bell and prepared to use it.

But just then, Spike happened to come swooping in to snatch the bell away! "I'll take that, thank you!"

The distant voice of Discord called out. "That's it, Spike! Way to go! Now bring it back here, on the double!"

Grogar had other ideas! "No you don't! That bell is mine, you hear me?!" He brought up his lion's paw to swat Spike away like a fly!

The bell slipped from Spike's grip, but a gust of wind caught it before Grogar could successfully retrieve it! It tumbled to the ground and rolled for a minute or two, cracking slightly before coming to a rest in front of Shining Armor who quickly pulled it close with his magic.

Immediately, Grogar tried to pull his bell back toward him using his magic. And Shining held on with every ounce of strength he had, digging in his hooves. "Come on, prince! I want my bell back, and I want it back this instant so I can crush you all!"

"Never, Grogar!" Shining protested as he grit his teeth. "This magic should go back to its rightful owner." Yet it soon became clear he was losing ground fast, unable to resist Grogar's might.

Shining's friends all grabbed hold of the alicorn to try and pull him back towards their side, but it had little effect as the prince just continued to slowly but surely slide towards Grogar, all the while refusing to loosen his magical hold of the bell.

By now Discord had gotten close enough to see what was happening for himself! It became clear to him that there was only one option that remained to keep Grogar from getting the bell back with the rest of the chaos magic inside. "Use the bell on yourself, quickly! It's time to fight chaos with chaos!"

"What?! Are you crazy?! There's no way I could control it!" Shining protested with a shake of his head! "There must be another way!"

"There is," Grogar quickly pointed out. "Give me back the bell and surrender. It's as simple as that."

"Shining, you can't let Grogar win! You've always said you'd do whatever it took to defend Equestria," Discord argued. "This is it, it's time to live up to that creed. Do it now, while you still can!"

Shining really didn't want to, he was terrified of what chaos magic could do to him. Yet as the prince looked back towards Grogar and saw that he was so close he could smell the draconequus' breath, he reluctantly realized that he was in a situation where the alternative would be worse. "I hope I live to hate myself in the morning for this!" He thought out loud as he touched the bell with a hoof as it was pointed towards him.

The bell rang out with a clang that echoed everywhere! Chaos magic surged into Shining, who dropped the bell to the ground as he fell to his hooves and started screaming in pain! His heartbeat was racing, his whole body felt like it had been set alight as it twisted and bent in ways it shouldn't have, he could barely even keep his eyes open as he put hooves to his forehead. "I... I..." He tried to speak, but the pain coursing through his veins made it all but impossible! Beads of sweat poured down his face like a raging torrent as his pony features were slowly being changed.

Constant, violent flashes of light drew everyone's attention as all eyes fell upon the prince. None knew what to expect, not even Grogar who, nevertheless, watched with interest. "Finally, a worthy opponent. Not that it'll matter much." He thought to himself.

When at last the flashes stopped and the screaming faded, the young alicorn prince that so many knew was no longer there. In his place stood an incredibly tall draconequus, about the same size as Grogar in fact. The draconequus had the same fur color as Shining, and a small tuft of mane that was similar in color too. Even the eye color hadn't changed and his cutie mark was now some sort of symbol on his upper body. But he had so many mismatched features, and it was impossible to tell from looking at him if he was still the same creature.

"Yes, that's it!" Discord encouraged. "Don't try to fight it. Embrace it. Let it flow through you like your own blood."

Shining didn't answer as he looked at himself before eying Grogar, who just seemed to laugh in response. "So after all that you had to go and use the rest of the chaos magic on yourself just to be my equal. Is this all that the magic of friendship really amounts to? Is this your so-called harmony you speak so highly of?"

Again, Shining didn't answer. But now he seemed to be smirking in Grogar's general direction.

The silence unnerved Grogar ever so slightly and he growled as a result. "You... you worm! What?! You think that just because you're a draconequus now too that you're somehow better than I, the almighty Grogar?! Because you're not! I told you before, none surpass me! You are fit only to grovel at my feet and perish!"

The new draconequus finally answered as he seemed to laugh rather wickedly. "Too can play at this chaos game, Grogar. If this is what it takes to finally stop you, then it's what I have to do. Besides, hasn't anyone ever told you that you talk too much? Why don't you stop talking and show me what you can do?"

Now it was Grogar's turn to smirk. "Oh, very well. We'll see which one of us is truly the best. But I have a feeling fortune will favor the more experienced, me!" And he snapped his fingers, quickly aiming a series of what looked like lightning bolts at his opponent!

Shining swatted them away with minimal effort, he even seemed to yawn in response. "Come on, spice it up a little. That's not really the best you can do, is it? Guess I'll have to show you what a real attack is like!" Snapping his own fingers, he pulled Grogar close, revved back his eagle claw and then turned into a boxing glove that hit Grogar so hard the draconequus was seeing stars! "How did you like that?!"

Grogar wiped a paw across his face, taking notice of a red mark on his muzzle. "Okay, you made your point! But it'll take more than that to stop me! I don't have to play games with you!"

With a snap of his fingers, Shining Armor appeared before Grogar. "Well that's too bad, because I've got time to play with you. Let's play!" He quickly hurled a ball of energy at Grogar, turning him briefly into a clown. "Ready to give up yet?"

Grogar only replied. "Hardly!" And it wasn't long before the two draconequuses were locked in a most unusual struggle, trading chaotic blows with each other left and right.

As countless ponies and other creatures looked on in confusion and uncertainty, the former trio of members that had been the Legion of Doom had only now begun to pay any attention to the fight. They'd initially been drawn to it upon seeing the flashes light up the sky, yet they could only barely make out what was happening from their vantage point.

Tirek could hardly believe his eyes. "So chaos magic can turn almost anyone into a draconequus. Makes you wonder why me absorbing Discord's magic didn't do it to me. Then again, it's for the best that didn't happen. Can you imagine me looking like Discord? I'd sooner die than give up my natural beauty."

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "Are you really that in love with your muscles, you muscle headed moron?" Then she scoffed. "I can't believe it's come down to this. And I can't believe we've basically been reduced to spectators."

The Storm King was too engaged in the fight to care what his fellow baddies thought. "Man, me without my popcorn! This is what I call the fight of the century!" Then he commented. "It's almost like watching two scorpions circle each other, each waiting for the opponent to strike. Because whoever can land the deadly blow first will win."

"And just who do you propose that will be?" Tirek pondered aloud.

"Quite honestly, I'm not sure it really matters. We're doomed either way." Chrysalis replied as she shrugged her hooves.

However, the Storm King felt otherwise. "If neither of these guys are gonna make a move, I guess I'll have to force one of 'em! And I know exactly who I'm gonna force!"

"What, are you nuts?" Chrysalis snorted. "Our truce is no longer in effect, we're not honor bound by it or anything."

The satyr answered. "I don't care. At least with the prince we had some leverage we could exploit. There's no way we'd get that kind of a deal under Grogar. Better the monster you know than the monster you don't know, know what I'm saying?"

Tirek just shot the Storm King a puzzled look. "That doesn't make a lick of sense."

The Storm King sighed as he set off. "Forget it. I guess it truly is everycreature for themselves. Still, it was nice knowing you while it lasted."

With Grogar and Shining fighting it out with their chaotic abilities and all eyes focused on such a battle, none noticed a creature like the Storm King sneak his way up towards the fight (the two draconequuses least of all).

Suddenly though, Grogar became aware of something (or rather someone) clamping down hard on his snake tail! He spun around to see the Storm King clinging to it with all his might, refusing to let go!

"Hey, Shining Armor! That's your name, right?!" The Storm King called! "Whatever it is, this is your chance! End this! Use whatever means you got at your disposal to send old Grogar here straight to oblivion!"

Grogar roared back! "You fool! Don't you realize what will happen if he does that?! At this close a range you'll die too!"

"Don't you see? That's the whole point!" The Storm King laughed in sadistic glee! "We'll go out together, like brothers!" And he then pleaded with Shining. "Do it, do it now! You ain't gonna get another opening like this!"

"I..." Shining began, before groaning and roaring loudly as his body seemed to fight against him! "You're right, it's time to end this!" And his body started to glow a familiar shade of pink. The same time, Starswirl the Bearded and Gallus were glowing pink too. And similar colored glows of yellow, orange, purple, red and blue appeared across the three groups in correspondence with the element/virtue they embodied. The three groups were soon brought together, the pillars standing to the left of Shining, Shining's friends positioned right behind him and the six students to the right of Shining.

Grogar's eyes grew wide! "What?!" He screamed and gasped! "What is this?!"

"It's the dawn of a new era, Grogar! One you won't be around to see!" Shining declared as his body glowed and sparkled while his voice echoed everywhere. "The past, present and future of harmony have all been brought together today to ensure your demise! On behalf of all that you've threatened, intimidated and tried to take away, I'll see to it that you never again threaten anyone or anything!" And then he brought forth a massive ball of rainbow colored energy, and similarly colored beams starting shooting out to circle the ball!

Soon the ball and beams made contact with Grogar as his bewitching bell cracked completely and shattered! Grogar and the Storm King were both enveloped within the ball as the whole ground shook violently!

Author's Note:

I did appreciate the use of the pillars alongside the mane six and the student six to represent harmony in three different generations against the Legion of Doom.

As for Shining becoming a draconequus, I kind of wanted to build from the (admittedly very funny) gag of Pinkie taking Discord's magic from the bell and briefly going crazy with her newfound powers.

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