• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 136: A "Nice" Changeling?

It had been a few months since Flurry Heart's birth, time had flown by quite fast. The young princess proved to be quite a hoofful and full of surprises, but thanks in no small part due to Sunburst's spells, her powers were kept under control.

And it seemed like whenever Shining wasn't tending to Flurry, he was busy working on Starlight's friendship lessons.

However, the relative peace that had settled in since Starlight's attempt to change the past, was about to be suddenly and rather rudely ended.

One morning, at the Crystal Empire, Shining was just finishing his morning cup of coffee, while Cadence was feeding Flurry Heart. As usual, the mail arrived and was brought to the kitchen for the royal couple to sort out. And Shining was surprised to discover a letter with the royal seal of Princess Celestia on it.

Shining immediately opened up the letter and read it, and a knot formed in his stomach. "Oh dear, this is bad." He commented.

"What is it, dear?" Cadence asked with concern.

"Apparently, there have been possible changeling sightings not far from the Crystal Empire," Shining explained, as he looked at his wife. "And Princess Celestia has instructed me to step up security for the forseeable future. That means more guards, more patrols, and more inspections. Just when Starlight and Twilight are supposed to be coming up for a visit too." He groaned.

"Maybe I should write to Twilight and tell her to call off the trip?" Cadence suggested. "This is probably a bad time for visitors."

But Shining shook his head, he would not hear of such an idea. "No, we can't allow ourselves to live in fear," He then reluctantly added. "This will probably blow over soon. You know how easy it can be to mistake something for a changeling. Still, better safe than sorry."

Even though it had been a while since he'd had to oversee the Crystal Guard, Shining felt right in his element as he stood in front of the recruits and sported his familiar captain's helmet. "Alright, troops," He spoke in a firm and commanding tone. "Now, you all know why you've been called up, don't you?"

"Of course, Captain, it's because of the changeling scare. It's all anypony's been talking about." Flash Sentry replied.

Shining firmly nodded. "Which is why it is imperative we increase security. From this moment on, all guards will patrol at assigned times, and in pairs. Search everywhere, and report any suspicious activity to either me or your nearest superior. But if you happen to spot a changeling, do not attempt to engage it by yourself, changelings are very tricky. Instead, report it to a trusted source, and we'll assemble a unit to go after it," Pausing for but a second to catch his breath, Shining then instructed. "And due to their shape shifting nature, we need to ensure we don't get caught by surprise. To foil any attempts of infiltration by a spy or a mole, expect to be asked questions that only the real you would know. And expect those questions to be asked at any time."

"Even while we're going to the bathroom?" One guard teasingly asked.

"Well... no, but-" Shining began.

"Or even while we're eating?" Another guard joined in.

"No, not then either, but-" Shining began again, only to be again cut off.

"Or how about when we're sleeping?" A third guard joked. "You can't possibly ask us questions then, right?"

Shining groaned. "Okay, okay. So maybe not any old time, but you know what I meant. In fact, I think it would be beneficial to start asking the questions now. That way I know for sure there's no changeling already among us."

Despite the jokes, the guards cooperated when Shining asked them the personal questions. All of them answered truthfully, whether it involved what their favorite food was, the name of a loved one, where they originally hailed from, or even why they'd joined the royal guard.

However, it didn't take long after that for trouble to erupt. When Twilight, Starlight, and Spike didn't seem to be aware of the changeling scare going on, panic swept the streets. And the three found themselves being questioned at spear point by the royal guards.

"Sorry, but for security reasons we're going to need proof of identification." A purple coated guard told the trio.

"Nothing personal, we just need to make sure you are who you say you are." A yellow coated guard added.

"Proof of identification? I'm the little sister of the Prince of Friendship for crying out loud!" Twilight complained.

"And I don't even know what a changeling is!" Starlight protested. "Please, just let us through. We came here to on a visit, we don't mean any harm to anypony."

Having overheard the commotion, Shining Armor, Cadence, and Sunburst (with Flurry Heart in tow) came upon the scene. Cadence then approached Twilight and began to chant. "Sunshine, sunshine, lady bugs awake?"

To Cadence's relief, Twilight joined in. "Clap your hooves and do a little shake!"

"Okay, that takes care of Twily," Shining informed the guards, as he then approached Starlight and Spike. "I think I can handle these two myself, so lower your spears," Opting to ask Starlight first, Shining looked at what he hoped was his student, and asked of her. "What's the name of the magician you befriended a while back?"

"That's easy, Trixie. Or if you prefer, The Great and Powerful Trixie," Starlight smiled. "Good enough for you?"

Shining nodded. "Yes, very nice. Now for you, Spike," And he then asked. "Who became the new dragon lord after the Gauntlet of Fire you participated in?"

Spike effortlessly replied. "Technically, it's dragon lady, Dragon Lady Ember. I actually won the gauntlet, but I felt she'd make a better leader and the rules only said that whoever brought the bloodstone scepter back from the flamecano was the winner."

Shining breathed a sigh of relief, turning to the guards. "It's okay, everypony. They're real as can be."

"Mind telling us just what's going on? Not that I mean to be rude, but that sure was a funny way of saying 'Hello'." Starlight commented with a raised eyebrow.

"If you must know, there's been reports of a possible changeling sighting not far from here," Shining explained to Starlight. "We're not sure of the validity of the source, but we're not taking any chances. Until this whole thing blows over, we're doubling security and increasing the patrols."

"But why would a changeling come to here of all places? There's not a whole lot of ponies around." Spike wondered aloud.

"We suspect it has something to do with the Crystalling." Cadence answered.

Sunburst nodded, as he adjusted his glasses. "Since the Crystalling, there's been an outpouring of light and love for the new baby. It's like an all you can eat buffet for a changeling. But they can only get it if they're disguised as a pony, or a friend of a pony."

Flurry Heart just giggled and clapped her hooves, unaware of what was being discussed.

"At least they're not trying to ponynap my favorite niece," Twilight cooed, as she approached Flurry's foal carriage and pinched her cheeks. "They wouldn't last five minutes with her."

"Speaking of five minutes," Shining spoke up, as he turned to Spike. "The guards are just about to go out on another patrol of the land just outside the empire's boundries. Would you like to tag along with them, Spike? I think the Crystal Ponies will breath easier if they know Spike The Brave and Glorious is looking out for them."

Uh, B.B.B.F.F, are you sure that's a good idea?" Twilight nervously asked. "This is Spike we're talking about here. He's still technically a kid."

Spike snorted and blew flames from his nostrils, as Shining just laughed and reassured his sister. "Don't worry, the guards are under orders to not go very far, and to stay in groups. Spike will be in capable hooves. Besides, he's old enough, he can take care of himself. Least you forget, he risked his neck participating in the Gauntlet of Fire to protect Equestria. He's more than proven he's not a defenseless baby who needs others to watch over him."

Twilight reluctantly sighed, and conceded. "Oh, alright, I guess there's no harm in letting him be a part of the patrols just this once," However, she quickly added. "But if anything happens to him while he's out there, that's on you. So you best hope you comes back in one piece."

"Twilight, please, you don't need to worry," Spike replied with a smile. "I'll be fine. This isn't the first time I've been on a patrol. Or did you forget all the visits to the royal guard barracks while we lived in Canterlot?"

"That was different, those were just harmless patrols down the streets of Canterlot," Twilight protested. "This is far more serious, Spike. What if something bad happened to you out there?"

"It's not like I can't defend myself. I have claws and a flame breath," Spike told Twilight. "And that's not to mention my thick scales. I'll be just fine, you'll see."

Twilight sighed again. "Just please be careful out there, Spike. If you got hurt or worse, I don't know what I'd do."

"Relax, Mom," Spike teased with a huff. "It's like Shining Armor said, I can take care of myself."

But it didn't take long for Twilight to regret her decision. As minutes ticked by, she grew steadily more worried, to the point where she was pacing back and forth in her room in the Crystal Empire. "I knew it was a mistake to just let Spike go out there. Regardless of what everypony else says, he's still a kid, and he still has those occasions where he gets ahead of himself and doesn't pay attention." She commented.

"Well, I'm a little bit worried too, but I'm sure Spike will be just fine," Starlight replied to Twilight. "It's just one patrol after all."

"One patrol that should've reported back almost half an hour ago," Shining thought out loud. He sighed and shook his head. "Guess I'll have to go get Flash Sentry and the rest of the troops, and we'll have to form a search party. It was just supposed to be a routine and basic patrol, how could things have gone wrong?"

"You don't think the changelings got to them, do you?" Twilight asked Shining. "I mean, they could potentially try to replace Spike to sneak past our defenses."

Shining shook his head. "Unless the changelings have been doing their research, they wouldn't know Spike's a hero. And even if they did encounter him, a stray changeling would be no match for a fire breathing dragon." Then he set off to go find Flash Sentry.

But as luck would have it, there was no need to get Flash. For two of the guards from the patrol were right there with Spike, apparently laughing at something he'd just said.

"Not only are you 'Spike the Brave and Glorious', you're also 'Spike the hilarious'." A yellow coated guard laughed.

"You really know how to crack us up, Spike," A purple coated guard added. "But take my advice, save the jokes for our next comedy night. You're sure to knock 'em dead!"

Spike furiously protested. "But I'm not joking! A changeling could be nice! I know, I met one!" The guards only laughed harder at Spike's statement.

"Ahem!" Shining loudly cleared his throat, attracting the attention of both guards and Spike. "So, apparently you two have the time to slack off and joke around, when you should be out on patrol, is that it?"

"N-no sir, Captain!" The purple coated guard protested. "We were just..."

But Shining shook his head and stomped his hooves. "I don't want to hear any excuses, get back out on patrol before I have you both placed on probation! I think Sunburst would greatly appreciate the extra set of hooves tending to Flurry Heart, and she just loves new playmates."

The guards gulped, and with their hooves shaking they ran off. Shining approached Spike and apologized. "I'm sorry about that, Spike. I guess the guards around here have been getting sloppy on their training. Gonna have to work on that. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Spike replied with a nod. "But uh, can I ask you something?"

"What is it, Spike?" Shining asked, suspecting nothing.

Somewhat gulping, Spike looked at Shining Armor and asked the alicorn. "Well... do you think it's possible that the changeling that may or may not even exist, could be nice? You know, if they could change their physical appearance, then couldn't they change who they are on the inside as well?"

Shining nearly jumped back in surprise at the question! "What?! Why would you ask that, Spike?!"

"Uh... no real reason," Spike innocently replied, even as he rubbed the back of his neck with a claw. "I just... thought maybe..."

With a sigh, Shining looked Spike square in the eyes and told him. "Spike, let me make one thing perfectly clear. Whatever you're trying to hide from me, don't bother! If you're trying to cover for a changeling, just come out and say it!"

"So, you don't believe a changeling could be nice?" Spike asked. The way he phrased the question made it sound like he was trying to guilt trip Shining.

"Don't go putting words in my mouth, Spike!" Shining sternly warned, glaring at the dragon. "I never said one way or the other what I thought! What I wanna know is, why would you even ask me such a question?! After all I've been through because of changelings, do you really want to know what I think?! Maybe there are nice changelings out there, but if there are, I haven't yet met them."

But Spike only shook his head, sighed, and trotted away. "It's just as I thought," He mumbled to himself. "You don't believe a changeling could be nice, no matter what."

Shining barely resisted the urge to chase after Spike for that comment. "What are you up to, Spike? Now's not the time to be keeping secrets from me," He thought, putting a hoof to his chin. "Is it possible you are the changeling? Or are you just trying to cover for the real changeling that must be out there?"

Unable to piece together Spike's motives, Shining reluctantly kept his conversation with the dragon to himself. He also decided against trying to spy on Spike, least he betray the little guy's trust for a possibility that Shining couldn't even be sure existed.

Sometime later, however, things unexpectedly heated up.

"Spike," Cadence called, luring the little dragon to the throne room where Cadence now rested on her throne, and Flurry Heart remained in her little foal carriage held in Sunburst's magic. "Just a little while ago, Twilight told me you were off with a 'friend', Crystal Hoof was it?"

Spike looked across to a young crystal earth pony with a moderate blue coat, a darker blue mane and tail that hung limp, and green eyes. "Oh, yeah, Crystal Hoof and I have been pen pals since the Equestria Games," He said with a nervous laugh. "He's just a little shy though, so you probably haven't seen him around that much."

"'Crystal Hoof'? There's nopony named that," Shining thought to himself. "But a changeling would know that too,
they wouldn't disguise themselves as something so obvious. Unless, they knew I'd think they would know that, and they disguised themselves as something so obvious specifically because I'd be expecting somepony I knew to be the changeling. But what if they knew, I knew, they knew, I would think that, and so they wouldn't disguise themselves as something so obvious? But what if they... " Shining paused in his mental ponderings. "Ah, forget it, I'm thinking way too much about this! If Crystal Hoof is a changeling, he won't be able to keep up his disguise for long when he's so close to Flurry Heart. Can't believe my own daughter's being used as changeling bait like this."

"I see," Cadence remarked, her tone remaining neutral. "Well, any friend of Spike the Brave and Glorious is a friend of mine. Now, why don't you say hello to Flurry Heart? She loves meeting new faces. Don't worry, she doesn't bite."

Crystal Hoof slowly made his way over to Flurry Heart's location. The baby alicorn just babbled and cooed, looking up at the crystal pony. "Oh, she's so beautiful!" Crystal Hoof exclaimed! "There's just... so much light and love coming from her! I..." Without warning, he doubled back, and in a flash of lime green magic the crystal pony was gone. In his place stood a changeling, who hissed and stuck out his tongue!

"A changeling?!" Shining exclaimed, rising to his hooves! "Quick, men, seize him! We need to find out what he knows, and whether there's more like him on the way or already here!"

"You heard him!" Flash Sentry shouted! "Grab the changeling! Don't let him escape!"

But Spike rushed over to the changeling, and threw his arms in front of the advancing guards! "Stop! Don't hurt him!" He pleaded!

"Spike, what are you doing?! Get away from that changeling!" Shining demanded! "He was about to feed off of the love for Flurry Heart!"

"No he wasn't!" Spike protested, refusing to budge! Everyone in the room gasped (except the changeling), as Spike added. "That's right, 'he', this changeling has a name! His name is Thorax, and he's not a threat!"

"Is that why he's hissing so loudly and ominously?! And is that why he disguised himself to get close to the baby?!" Flash Sentry demanded! "I'm sorry, Spike, but you don't really expect us to believe that, do you?! That changeling must have you brainwashed or something!"

Spike shook his head. "He's not brainwashing me, he's my friend! And if you want to hurt him, you'll have to go through me first!"

Shining stepped forward, motioning for the other guards to step back a bit. "Spike, please, don't make this anymore difficult than it already is!" He pleaded with the dragon. "Just stand aside and let us capture this changeling! Just because you say he's a threat, doesn't mean he is! He could be an agent of Chrysalis for all we know!"

"No, I'm not with Chrysalis!" Thorax spoke up amidst the hissing. "I'm not with the hive either!"

"Then why have you come here?! Why show your face in my presence like this?!" Shining demanded! "And if you're not here because of Chrysalis or the hive, why are you hissing like that?! Were you trying to steal my daughter?!"

"P-please!" Thorax pleaded. "Just, get me away from the baby, and give me a chance to explain myself."

"Fine, even a creature like you deserves a fair chance," Shining reluctantly commented, before he lit up his horn and placed what could best be described as magical hoofcuffs around Thorax's legs. "These are so you don't think of making a run for it. And I hope you won't mind, I'm bringing the rest of the guards along with me, as well as Spike, and my sister. I won't fall for any mind games this time."

Thorax was led out of the throne room and out into the hall. To Shining's surprise, the changeling immediately stopped hissing once he was not in the same room as Flurry Heart.

"So, Thorax was it?" Shining questioned the changeling. "You said you're not working for Chrysalis?"

Thorax nodded. "I never could stand her, I despised the way she coldly treated us as nothing but servants and drones," He went on to add. "I protested her decision to invade Canterlot, but I was still part of the attack. I think I tied up some of your fellow guards. But, I couldn't bring myself to feed on love, it didn't feel right. And, seeing you and your friends come together the way you did, to fight against seemingly impossible odds, it was inspiring. After that, I knew I couldn't go back to the hive. Not if it meant fighting against a magic so powerful as the friendship you and your friends displayed."

"But why come here? Ponyville would've been far more welcoming," Shining told Thorax. "I don't really remember much about Cranky and Matilda's wedding, since I was crying so much, but I seem to remember one of the guests being a changeling. Albeit, one that high tailed it out of town when the wedding was over."

"I had no real idea of where I could go, or where if anywhere I'd be accepted," Thorax explained. "Plus, I'm starving! Do you know how hard it is to feed off of love when there's none around?! That's what drove me here, I could sense that this place was so full of love, it drove me crazy! All I could think about was a way to feed off of it, just enough to be satisfied! And being so close to the source of it all, I couldn't help myself, my instincts took over!"

"Is that why you were hissing in the throne room, but stopped as soon you left it?" Shining asked, hoping beyond hope that was the reason.

"Yes," Thorax slowly nodded. "I'm really sorry about that. And I'm sorry for all the secrecy, I made Spike stick his neck out for me, when I should've just showed up as myself."

Shining shook his head. "No, Thorax, had you done that I would've seen you as nothing but a threat and tossed you into the dungeon."

"As you would've been rightfully entitled to, you had no way of knowing I wasn't a threat!" Thorax protested.

"But I would've been judging you based on my own bad experiences with your race," Shining reluctantly confessed. "After what happened at my wedding a few years back, I didn't think it was ever possible for a 'nice' changeling to exist. I thought all changelings were as bad as their leader, Queen Chrysalis. I see now, that I let my own perceptions cloud my judgement."

"For what it's worth, Shining Armor, I'm sorry for the way Queen Chrysalis acted. What she did, still makes me sick to my stomach to this very day," Thorax commented in a rare hint of anger. "I only wish I'd had the decency to defect before she actually went through with her plans, rather than allow her to give my race such a bad reputation. The best I can do now, is work to fix that reputation. Maybe in time, if other ponies can see that a changeling can be nice, they'll think better of the changeling race as a whole."

Shining smiled, as he released the magical hoofcuffs. "Well, I'm glad to know that you're not a threat. But, I still need time before I'll fully trust you."

"However long that takes, I'm willing to wait," Thorax bowed to the prince. "If there's anything I can do to prove myself to you, you just name it."

"Well actually, I think I know of a way you could help me," Shining commented. "Flurry Heart took a real shine to you back there before you revealed yourself. And if you could get your little 'hunger mood swing' under control, I think you'd make an excellent playmate and caretaker for her when I'm not around. And if you need to feed, you could always just change into myself or Cadence, and feed off of Flurry's love for us. Just so long as you leave some for us."

"Does that mean I'll have to change her diapers too?" Thorax asked with a gulp.

Shining grinned a bit, as he told Thorax. "Yes. But you could always change into something that doesn't have a sense of smell. Besides, that way you can really prove your loyalty. The free love comes at a price. On the positive side though, with you helping to take care of Flurry Heart, I now have more free time to work on Starlight's friendship lessons."

Author's Note:

This was definitely a crucial chapter to have in this universe, and I knew I wanted to change how it would play it out.

In particular, I wanted to address the relative incompetence of the royal guard in the original episode, and Shining Armor's "racism" towards changelings.

Now, the next chapter will actually hopefully be out within a day or two, but it's not covering the episode you think it is. Let's just say that, based on what the episode featured and what the IDW comics have shown, there was no way I couldn't have a chapter involving it.

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