• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 209: Passing the Torch

To Sandbar and his friends it had been only days since school had let out for summer vacation, and with the exception of Sandbar (who was staying in Ponyville with relatives) all had gone back to their native lands with the expectation that they would share what they had learned.

But one night, everything seemed to change for them all of a sudden. None of them were quite sure what it was, they just remembered falling asleep and somehow ending up in a shared dream. It was not until the familiar form of Cozy Glow appeared before them in a faint yet dazzling glow of light.

"My friends, my time grows short," Cozy spoke to all of them, her voice sounding strained and quiet. "You must help me." While she spoke it was easy to notice that her entire body seemed faded, as if she were not all there.

"What are you talking about? Why have you gathered us all here like this?!" Smolder demanded. "What have you got against the concept of a good night's sleep?"

But Sandbar interrupted. "She must be talking about what happened to the Tree of Harmony. Is it true what they say, Cozy Glow? Has it been destroyed?"

The filly nodded her head very slowly. "I wish it were not true but it is. Yet somehow I remain here, unable to leave this world for the next. Unable to truly be at peace, yet incapable of returning to the land of the living. That is why I contacted you all like this."

Ocellus nervously responded. "But, how can we help? We didn't even know about this until just now, except for Sandbar."

Cozy only shook her head. "I can't help you, I do not know why I'm stuck in this state of limbo. All I know is that something is keeping my spirit tied to this world even when it should have departed. I can't be brought back to life, I gave my body so that the Tree of Harmony might live. I need you six to discover why it is that my spirit remains restless, it is up to you six to set me free."

"There's just one problem, Cozy Glow," Gallus protested quite glumly. "We can't just up and leave our lands and travel all the way back to Equestria because some... ghost filly told us to. Even Gabby wouldn't believe me if I told her that, and she believes almost anything."

Silverstream gulped. "After Aunt Novo grounded my cousin Skystar, I really don't wanna get on her bad side. Aunt Novo's scary when she's angry."

"You must find a way to return to Equestria, you six are the only ones who can help me," Cozy informed the creatures. "You were the ones who helped Prince Shining Armor free me from Tirek's control."

"Then why not go to them? There's the big heroes, not us!" Gallus stubbornly insisted.

With another shake of her head Cozy protested. "Don't sell yourselves so short, you were chosen by the very guiding force of harmony itself and you were chosen for a reason. I know you will not fail me, I know you will find a way to set my spirit free so that I may finally know rest. But you must act quickly, I sense my window of time growing ever shorter by the day. If it passes I see no way for me to ever move on, doomed to wander the land for all time in a state of eternal restlessness," Then her eyes lit up as the shared dream came to an end. "Now then, it is time for you to wake up. Remember what I've told you. Do not hesitate, do what must be done!"

Just like that the six creatures all woke up, and each knew only one thing: They had to reunite somehow!

The very next day, Sandbar frantically rushed over to the castle that Headmare Twilight, Counselor Starlight and Prince Shining Armor all occupied from time to time (who exactly lived there was never consistent, sometimes it could be only one and sometimes it could be all three). He immediately started pounding on the front doors! "Headmare Twilight! Counselor Starlight! Prince Shining! Anypony! Please, I need to talk to somepony! It's urgent!"

The urgent knocking drew the attention of Twilight, who quickly opened the doors and invited Sandbar inside. Starlight and Shining were there too, apparently having been in the midst of a discussion of some kind. "Sandbar?" The currently off duty headmare questioned. "What are you doing here? School is done for the summer, you know that."

"I... had a dream last night!" Sandbar quickly blurted out! "But it wasn't an ordinary dream. It was some kind of shared dream with all of my friends. And Cozy Glow was in it too, and she looked... different."

The mention of Cozy Glow did not go unnoticed by the prince, who trotted over with an eyebrow arched upward. "Cozy Glow? But that's impossible, she died along with the Tree of Harmony. I saw it with my own eyes!"

Sandbar shook his head. "I tell you, she was alive. She mentioned something about how her time was growing short and that she needed the help of my friends and I to be set free. It was like she was a ghost, and she was trapped between worlds."

"You mean, like the pillars with the Pony of Shadows?" Twilight questioned.

Sandbar nervously massaged the back of his neck with a hoof. "Something like that, I think. I don't really know, but I do know that my friends have to come back to Equestria! You're the only one who can do that! Open up your school again!" He desperately pleaded.

Now it was Twilight's turn to shake her head. "I can't do that, Sandbar. I can't bend the rules just for the sake of your friends. I can't justify opening the school back up because of a dream you had. Your friends will have to find some other way to be together during the break."

But Shining had an idea. "Not so fast, Twily," He suggested and looked Sandbar in the eyes. "Tell you what, Sandbar? You go home and write to your friends. Tell them that if they can get permission from their leaders or guardians, we'd be more than happy to let them come back here and stay here over summer vacation. A sort of extended studies if you will."

At that Sandbar happily kicked his back legs! "Awesome! Knew you'd see it my way, Prince Shining!"

Shining just patted the colt on the head. "It's my pleasure, Sandbar. Just make sure your friends know that they need to be on their best behavior. At a time like this, Equestria has enough problems without worrying that the six of you may have gotten into trouble."

So it was that Sandbar wrote letters to all his friends telling them exactly what the prince had told him. For the most part it didn't take a whole lot of convincing for them to get their leaders to say yes. Thorax, Ember, and Prince Rutherford all understood and were in good standings with Equestria. Grandpa Gruff was more than happy to have Gallus off his back, even though Gilda was more than a little concerned about letting such a young chick go off on his own after everything he'd been through. And after a lot of up and down pleading, Novo agreed to let her niece go back to Equestria for however long she desired (though this time she would be going without Terramar, Ocean Flow and Sky Beak were insistent that at least one child stay and share what they had learned).

Sandbar was waiting for all of his friends at the same train station where he had seen them off almost a week earlier. It was amazing how quickly things had changed.

Not long after meeting up again, the group of six traveled through the Everfree Forest (still kept in check by the pillars) until at last they came upon the shattered and fragmented crystal ruins of the Tree of Harmony. To see what remained of the once proud and mighty tree was heartbreaking to all, even to Sandbar who had heard of the tree's destruction and all that had transpired in Ponyville alongside it.

"Sombra was really thorough with it, wasn't he?" Smolder commented in a low tone. "Now I wish we hadn't all gone back home, we could've stopped him and the tree would still be here!"

"Yona would smash nasty pony who destroy tree and kill Yona's friend!" Yona stomped a hoof down and snorted. "Yona give him something to be afraid of!"

Silverstream was more hesitant. "I don't know, that Sombra pony sounds an awful lot like the Storm King. I don't need more nightmares, thank you."

"Well it's not like it matters, we can't turn back time to see what would've happened," Ocellus unhappily sighed. "I just wish there was something we could do now. It really doesn't deserve to just sit here in shambles, to be lost and forgotten to time."

Gallus just shook his head. "There's really nothing we can do about it. We can't put it back together, and even if we could it wouldn't bring Cozy Glow back. It's not like we can use those... whatever Prince Shining Armor called those little trinkets we once wielded."

"Guys, come on, there's no need to be all glum about it," Sandbar protested. "There's gotta be something we can do to at least honor the tree's memory. We're probably the only other ones besides the prince who know it wasn't just a tree, it was a living creature with a mind of its own."

"And the body of one of our classmates, the one that for a time made us doubt ourselves," Gallus commented. "Kind of surprised we listened to her at all when we'd already been tested by the tree. Which, now that I think about it it may have been doing that to prepare us as the next wielders of those... things."

Ocellus fondly remarked with a smile. "We sure do have a lot of memories of the tree. We kind of owe our friendship to it."

Smolder gestured a claw to her forehead. "But how we do go about moving those memories from here," She promptly pointed down to the ground. "To here? To a place where everyone will know about them?"

Suddenly, Silverstream let out a gasp! "You guys, I just had the most brilliant idea ever! We should open up our own museum right here, and dedicate it to the memory of the Tree of Harmony! We can fill up entire exhibits with our own experiences, like how I learned to overcome my fear of the Storm King!"

"But where we set up museum? And where we get materials to build it?" Yona questioned.

"Who says we have to build it from scratch?" Gallus suggested as he gestured a claw upward. "There's a perfectly good castle that's been sitting there, abandoned for who knows how long? What was it called again, Ocellus?"

Ocellus replied in a factual tone of voice. "The Castle of the Two Sisters. It used to be where Celestia and Luna lived, before Luna became Nightmare Moon, went crazy, and got banished to the moon for a thousand years."

Sandbar felt a bright smile form on his head! "Gallus, you're a genius! The Castle of the Two Sisters is the perfect place to open a museum based on our experiences with the Tree of Harmony! And I'll bet if we have something to remember Cozy Glow's contribution placed in it, it'll be just what her spirit needs to be able to move on and be at peace."

"I hope there's room for my watercolor paintings," Silverstream declared. "I've got so many memories I want to paint about it and frame so that all creatures can remember them."

Gallus chimed in. "Don't forget that we're gonna have to charge for admission. That's what all museums do, isn't it?"

"As long as we don't defile the castle's structure I don't think we'll have to worry about that sort of thing," Ocellus commented. "Though we should set up a meditation and reflection room so everyone has time to think about what they've seen. That's the only way to make sure they understand why the tree was so important."

"Sounds like a plan, then!" Sandbar chirped! "You guys go ahead and get whatever supplies you need to set up your own exhibits. I'm gonna see if I can't find a way to put the remaints of the Tree of Harmony to good use. They're certainly not doing anyone any good just sitting around here."

"What about you, Yona?" Smolder commented. "I know I'm gonna set up statues and maybe a fountain, but you haven't said a word about the museum since we proposed it. What are you gonna contribute?"

Yona nervously shook her head. "Yona not want to contribute separately, Yona like all her friends ideas and want to see them all in museum."

"And they will be, we'll just have to figure out what should go where," Sandbar reassured her. "Maybe you can help us with that. But for now, why don't you go help the others get whatever they need? Unless you wanna stay here and help me."

Yona put a hoof to her chin. "Maybe Yona go see Professor Rarity and her boss, maybe they have ideas for yak to use."

A somewhat unhappy sigh escaped Sandbar's lips at that, he'd been secretly hoping for Yona to stay with him. "Oh well, that's for another time and another place." He mentally reassured himself, as he watched the yak trot off with the rest of his friends that were all going their separate ways.

The six friends were apart for maybe ten minutes at most, but when they all met up again they were in for quite a shock! Sandbar could hardly believe the massive payloads his friends had brought with them, entire wagons worth of a mishmash of different objects. It was anyone's guess where they would go and why.

Sandbar in turn shocked his friends by revealing that he had somehow managed to place all the crystal shards of the Tree of Harmony into a wagon. Now there was nothing where the once proud tree had stood, or so it seemed.

It turned out that Sandbar had already planted a small tree in the soil not far from where the original had been. "Figured something should take the place of the old tree. What better replacement for a tree than a tree?" He suggested with a sheepish smile.

"Really? Just a plain old tree?" Smolder snorted. "I was expecting you to use those shards to build a clubhouse or something."

"Hm, a clubhouse doesn't sound like a bad idea. I think the Cutie Mark Crusaders have one, might have to ask them how they built theirs," Sandbar commented and shrugged his hooves. "Oh well, I guess that can be added to the list of things to put in our new museum. What do you think we should call it, anyway? Calling it the Museum of Harmony just sounds really dumb and generic."

But Ocellus spoke up. "Uh, shouldn't we focus on the tree first? Like the fact that perhaps it should have something to make it stand out?"

Yona eyed Ocellus with confusion. "How tree stand out?"

The changeling answered by buzzing her wings. "Well I just sort of figured: The original Tree of Harmony was grown by the pillars to protect the realm in their absence. And when they did they each infused a crystal seed with their magic, which allowed the tree to take on their virtues and become the Elements of Harmony. Which were then destroyed alongside the tree."

"So we should do the same?" Silverstream pondered. "How in the heck are we gonna do that? We don't have magic like the pillars did, and I'm not giving up my Pearl of Transformation necklace! If I lose that Aunt Novo will throw a fit!"

Ocellus shook her head. "No no no, not like that. We'll do it like the pillars did," And she explained. "I paid a visit to Zecora to see if she might have anything similar. She didn't have crystal seeds, but she had a few spare magic seeds that she was willing to part with. If we each plant one ourselves, some of our magic should rub off on it and grow alongside the tree. Then someday they'll become the new Elements of Harmony, I think."

Gallus shrugged his claws. "You're the pony expert, Sandbar. Does that work?"

The young earth pony answered in uncertainty. "I don't really know. I never thought of creating new Elements of Harmony. I was just gonna have the new tree take up the space left by the Tree of Harmony. I thought about making it a memorial sight for Cozy Glow, but I don't think that's what she would want."

"Yona want to try it!" Yona declared as she stomped a hoof down again. "Yona want new tree to be special, like old tree. Yaks understand that nothing last forever, yaks smash and yaks rebuild. But yaks remember to honor old while building new. So since old tree get smashed, old tree be honored while new tree 'rebuild' in place of old tree."

"I always did want to try planting!" Silverstream excitedly declared! "This is shaping up to be the best summer vacation ever!"

And so the six decided to try Ocellus' suggestion. Each took a magic seed from a sack that housed said seeds, and each followed Sandbar's instructions as they carefully planted the seeds into the same soil as the replacement tree. Then they all stepped back a bit.

Nothing happened at first. But as the six turned around and prepared to get to work on their museum plans, the ground started to shake as a powerful wind with an inexplicable magical feel to it swept over them!

Before their very eyes the tree began to grow, and grow, and grow! Soon it was as tall and strong as the Tree of Harmony had been before its untimely demise. And it only continued to grow at a frightening pace, until at last it was taller than even the Castle of the Two Sisters that it now stood beside!

Speaking of said castle, the wind swept up all the different supplies and materials from the six wagons as if it had a mind all its own! In the blink of an eye the castle was restored and transformed! It mostly resembled its once glorious state when the titular sisters for who it had been named resided there. But there were a few noticeable differences if one looked close, it had way more balconies, there was a gleaming crystal like coat to it, and towards the back was what appeared to be some sort of clubhouse.

The creatures could hardly believe their eyes, especially when they noticed that the new tree now connected to the restored castle (which looked more like a museum)! They rushed to the scene at once, where they were surprised to be greeted by the glowing form of Cozy Glow.

The filly looked out towards the six and smiled. "Thank you, my friends. Your contributions will ensure the future of harmony is bright."

"Cozy, does this mean what I think it means?" Sandbar hopefully asked.

Cozy nodded her head. "The light in this realm is now bright once again, whereas before it looked bleak. Your new museum and clubhouse will ensure that all will remember what has come before," Then she added. "But before I leave you for good, there is one last measure that must be rectified," Turning back towards the towering, sparkling tree she called out. "It is time, step forward please!"

And who should come trotting out but Shining Armor and his friends? The very stallions who had once wielded the Elements of Harmony and had bested countless foes.

Before anyone could say a word, Cozy teleported them all away. They all reappeared inside of the tree, standing in the middle of an almost perfect replica of the throne room from Twilight and Shining's castle in Ponyville. But the map looked much bigger and the room seemed much grander!

One by one, a familiar glow passed over each stallion, starting with Braeburn who glowed a brilliant blue. "Silverstream," He spoke up as he took off his hat. "For a long time you hid a wounded heart, frightened of the Storm King even while you were curious about a world you used to only be able to dream of. Yet since comin' to grips with your fear you have strove to make brighter the days of those around you. Reckon you're as good as any candidate to be the new bearer of the Element of Laughter." The brilliant blue glow moved from Braeburn to Silverstream.

Big Macintosh spoke next, glowing a brilliant orange as he looked at Ocellus and said to the changeling. "Well, Ocellus, reckon there ain't much I gotta say that you don't already know. Your species used to rely on deception and trickery to get what you wanted. But you were never afraid to speak up for what you knew was right even if it cost you. Seems to me like you're than worthy of bein' the one to take over as the Element of Honesty." And the brilliant orange glow moved to Ocellus.

Fancy Pants adjusted the monocle in his left eye while glowing a brilliant purple. "Smolder, you've certainly come a long way from being a dragon who thought she was too tough and awesome for friendship," He let out a chuckle. "Now you're not afraid to be seen with other creatures or help them out. You've given your time and talents to helping them while asking little to nothing from them in return. So I'm glad to know I can entrust you to be the next Element of Generosity." The brilliant purple glow followed the others, focusing on Smolder.

Thunderlane looked across to Yona, whose face was an odd mix of anticipation and nervousness. "It's alright, Yona, you should know what's coming by now," He told the yak while glowing a brilliant yellow. "Your displays of affection and support for other creatures has shown just how big your heart is. You've even made friends with spiders, a group of creatures you were once afraid of. There's no doubt in my mind that you'll make a fine successor for the Element of Kindness." The brilliant yellow glow found its way over to Yona like the others before it.

Soarin was eyeing Sandbar while glowing a brilliant red. "No need to beat around the bush with you, kiddo. You've never turned back on your friends no matter how bleak things got, even when it would've been benefited you to do so. So I know I can count on you to wield the Element of Loyalty." Only a second passed before Sandbar was glowing brilliant red instead of Soarin.

"Gallus," Shining Armor spoke up while glowing a brilliant pink. "Though not a born leader at first, you have allowed yourself to be open with others and experience something you never knew you needed before."

Gallus waved a claw. "Spare me the sentimental, mushy talk. I can sense a pattern going. You're passing the torch to me as the next Element of Friendship. My answer is yes! I promise I won't let you down!" And the brilliant pink glow started to come from him instead.

"None of you will," Cozy Glow spoke up. "The torch has been passed, it is time for the new generation to step up and play its part to guide Equestria in the time ahead. Though the forces of darkness may have risen and struck again, they shall not triumph so long as you six take to heart all that you have learned since coming together!"

Shining Armor then added. "But you needn't worry, you won't have to do it alone. Just because you'll be playing a bigger role in Equestria's future doesn't mean the old guard is going to be stepping down completely."

Soarin nodded. "If you're ever in a jam, you just say the word and we'll come running! Future guardians or not you're still children, so don't get any ideas about intentionally thrusting yourselves into harm for the sake of it. We don't go looking for trouble, and neither should you."

Gallus just chuckled. "It'd be pretty hard for us to do that anyway. After what happened last time it's a miracle our leaders and guardians even let us come back here now."

"Just be sure you don't take your new responsibilities lightly," Fancy Pants cautioned to them all. "You're young yet, true. But there is still much you will have to learn for yourselves. The new and the old shall work together, because the peace and stability of not just Equestria but all lands across the known world concerns each and every one of us."

Cozy Glow then concluded. "I look around this room, knowing that old and new alike shall ensure the safety of the light and harmony of this realm for generations to come. May the forces of evil and darkness be on their guard. The torch has been passed, harmony has changed! And with the change comes a new generation of heroes!" She departed not long afterward, her body fading completely into sparkles until there was nothing left.

It was just like the princesses had said, harmony was changing. And while none knew just what lie ahead, all gathered at the new clubhouse were confident and determined that they would meet whatever challenges they might be confronted with.

Author's Note:

The passing of the torch is a pretty iconic trend/phrase that has been utilized, mentioned, or otherwise eluded to in many works both real and fictional.

If you saw this universe's take on the events of Season 8 you would know why Sandbar is loyalty, Yona is kindness, and Ocellus is honesty.

I don't know yet when the next update will be but it will likely be sometime in either February or March. And there will probably be more frequent updates later on.

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