• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 204: Something to Fight For

The crystals did indeed prevent any means of escape. They resisted all kicks, teleportation attempts ended in failure, and flying just resulted in bumping up against an invisible barrier. All the while Shining Armor just sat there, staring forlornly at the ground.

"Come on, Shining! Get up!" Soarin stubbornly declared as he flew towards the prince. "We're not beaten yet! Tell us what to do and we'll do it!"

Shining only shook his head, refusing to look up at Soarin. "There's no point, Soarin. It's hopeless. Sombra has returned better than ever, the Elements of Harmony are gone, and all of Equestria will soon be at his mercy," A sorrowful sigh escaped his lips. "After what happened with Cozy Glow I knew I wasn't ready to be supreme leader, but I never thought I'd mess up this badly and so soon."

Several sets of eyes fell upon Braeburn, who just looked at his friends with the most puzzled look on his face. "What? Why's everypony starin' at me?"

"Come on, cousin, you're always the optimist among us. Mister 'Look on the bright side'," Big Macintosh encouraged. "You're always the one tryin' to rally our spirits and convince us that things ain't nearly as bad as they look. This time we could probably use one of those statements."

But Braeburn somberly answered. "Well I hate to disappoint all of y'all, but for once even I don't think I can find somethin' positive about this," Though with a look of fiery determination in his eyes he added. "But that just means that this is serious! And I'll be darned if we just sit around here and do nothin'! I don't know if we can bring back the happy times, but we can at least try! We gotta at least try to give everyone a reason to smile and be happy again!"

Soarin nodded his head. "My thoughts exactly," And then he turned his attention to Shining Armor. "Look, what happened with Cozy Glow was unfortunate and tragic. But you're not the only one who's lost or come close to losing someone you care about. Someone you feel responsible for the well being of."

"Soarin's right!" Fancy Pants declared as he stood up. "It's too late for Cozy Glow, but if she were here now she'd want us to keep fighting! And the best way to honor her memory is to ensure that Sombra is stopped!"

Shining slowly rose to his hooves. "But how are we going to do that? We don't have the Elements of Harmony."

"So? They weren't needed the first time Sombra reared his ugly head. The Crystal Heart took care of him for us," Thunderlane suggested. "I'm sure we'll think of something. But it ain't gonna do us any good until we figure a way out of here. So come on! We need our leader back! We can still continue to fight! And this time it's personal, this time we've got something to fight for: The memory of a pony who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect the land."

The words slowly sank in as Shining stood up all the way, wiping away what few tears still lingered in his eyes. He sniffled a bit. "You're right. There's no point feeling sorry for myself now, it won't change anything. What matters most is that we stop Sombra before he takes over. And this time, it's for the last time!"

But Big Macintosh was concerned. "So, how exactly do we get out of here?"

Shining bent down to the ground and started digging with his hooves. "We'll just have to tunnel our way out! It's so obvious that Sombra never thought of it! Now come on, who's with me?!"

The rest of the stallions joined in and started digging alongside Shining. It was slow going, but after a while they managed to create a hole big enough and deep enough to escape. Once free of the crystals' reach, Shining lit up his horn and teleported them out of the gorge where the Tree of Harmony had once stood proud and tall.

Soarin immediately flew up to get a better vantage point, which allowed Shining a chance to look back at the remaints of the tree and the elements it had gifted long ago. His thoughts quickly turned to Cozy Glow. "Cozy Glow, you sacrificed everything to protect the harmony in this realm. I won't let it all be in vain. I will avenge you if it's the last thing I do!"

But just seconds later Soarin called out. "We're too late! Sombra's already been here! And it looks like he wasn't kidding about that army of darkness!"

Horrified, the stallions rushed back into Ponyville! But just as Soarin had said the town had already been overtaken by Sombra's influence. Several citizens had their eyes glowing sickly green, indicating that they were under the greedy king's control.

There was worse to come as a quartet of familiar fillies and one very familiar colt came trotting past! It was none other than the Cutie Mark Crusaders, including their often reoccurring honorary member Diamond Tiara (the fact that she was not with her parents who were also mind controlled did not go unnoticed).

Big Macintosh and Fancy Pants dashed up to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle respectively, pleading with them as best they could! "Come on, snap out of it! Whatever hold Sombra's got on you, ya gotta fight it!" Big Macintosh pleaded his little sister.

Fancy Pants, meanwhile, was trying desperately to pull Sweetie Belle away! "This isn't you, Sweetie Belle! I know you would never do something like this! Please, think about Rarity! Think about your parents! If they see you like this they'l be heartbroken! You don't want to break their hearts, do you?!"

Even Thunderlane got in on the action, trying to plead with Rumble. "Rumble, come on, it's me! You recognize me, right?! Thunderlane, your awesome big brother you've always looked up?! The one who made you want to be a Wonderbolt after he joined the team?!"

But the Crusaders paid no mind to anything they heard, they just trotted past while mindlessly repeating. "Must obey." And soon, despite the best efforts of their family members (official and honorary) they were out of sight.

Shining was just about to make a dash to the School of Friendship, when his sister called out to him from afar! "B.B.B.F.F!"

Shining rushed over and embraced his sister as soon as he saw her! "Twily! Oh thank goodness! I thought for sure Sombra would've gotten to you!"

Twilight shook her head. "I don't think he knew about the castle or the school. And from the looks of things he didn't get to Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy. But..." She began only to have her lips quiver.

Shining immediately took notice of something that he hadn't noticed earlier in his mad dash. "Wait a minute: Where are Spike and Starlight? Shouldn't they be with you?"

Twilight gulped as her lips continued to quiver. "I'm sorry, I tried to send warning to them about Sombra's return but... but..."

"Don't tell me: He got to them before you could!" Shining realized and his suspicions were confirmed with a sad nod from his sister! "Well... that's just great," He bitterly and sarcastically remarked. "Like we needed more trouble. Things are going south really fast here! I don't dare to wonder how things could get worse!"

Author's Note:

I haven't forgotten about the invasion of the Everfree Forest, and rest assured I have plans for that.

Braeburn isn't exactly as happy go lucky or hyperactive as Pinkie Pie, so I knew I needed to retool the bit about there not being anything funny for him. I also left out the Cakes both because he has no attachment to them like Pinkie does, and because in the original episode they ended up contradicting Pinkie being unusually serious when she burst into tears not at the sight of the Cakes being brainwashed but at them being forced to bake an ugly cake.

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