• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 200: Crystal Homecoming

Shining returned to the Crystal Empire not long after the sudden summons to Canterlot. A lot was on his mind and there was only one pony who he could think of that might understand what he was going through.

Cadence quickly learned what had been asked of her husband and took the news surprisingly well as he paced back and forth in their royal bed chambers.

"And that's where things were left off, Cadence," Shining deeply sighed. "Celestia and Luna are retiring, and they want me to succeed them."

"And how do you feel about this?" Cadence questioned her husband. She knew from experience that he took things like this personally.

Shining could only comment. "I just don't understand. Why now? Why me? I'm not even first in line for the throne," He looked at his wife. "Why can't you do it, Cadence? You're much more of a diplomat and a leader. Not only are you a princess but you're Celestia and Luna's adopted niece. Rule of Equestria should pass to you. And if not you, definitely to Blueblood, your adopted brother."

Cadence shook her head. "Shining, I'll tell you the same thing I told my aunts when they approached me: I can't because my duties are first and foremost to the Crystal Empire. I can't rule two kingdoms at the same time, especially when what free time I have is usually devoted to Flurry Heart. Her biggest years are still yet to come."

"But I co-rule the empire with you, Cadence!" Shining protested. "Not to mention my friends in Ponyville and my castle and student! And taking care of Flurry Heart is my responsibility too! I don't wanna miss out on things like her first word or her first day of school."

"You can teleport a lot better than I can, just as I can still outfly you," Cadence told Shining. "You were born a unicorn whereas I was born a pegasus. Teleporting takes less out of you than it does me. If you're really worried though, you could move the capital from Canterlot to Ponyville, or even the Crystal Empire itself."

But the prince stomped a hoof down. "Out of the question! I'm not going to upend the entire system for my own personal desires! Canterlot has been the capital of Equestria for over a thousand years, it would be foolish to change it after I took over," Then he groaned. "Besides, the real problem is that even if I can make my friends royal advisers without anyone batting an eye, I'm going to be woefully unprepared. And I can't just drag Celestia and Luna back in every time I have a question or a concern."

"You've never had to depend on their leadership before, you've been able to take charge and be an effective leader multiple times without them," Cadence insisted. "Ever since you tried to warn Princess Celestia about Nightmare Moon's return you've been taking charge and facing down many of the biggest threats to Equestria without her or Princess Luna there to back you up."

"Yet the last threat was Tirek, and because of me the princesses had to get involved just to put him back in Tartarus!" Shining protested as he recalled that experience from months ago. "What if I mess up like that again?! Without the princesses help, what if a threat even I can't handle shows up?!"

Cadence put a hoof around her husband. "I know you're afraid to mess up, Shining. I know you doubt yourself easily. But you have to learn not to second guess yourself all the time. Sometimes you have to be able to make a decision in the spur of the moment. And that usually means making the best guess with what you have to work with," And she added. "It's just like anything else you've done: It's a learning experience. And you won't have to do it alone. I'll still be here to offer you support and guidance."

The prince sighed very slowly. "I suppose you're right, Cadence. And Celestia and Luna did say they'd still be there if I really needed them," But then he lowered his head. "Even so, I'm just not sure if I'm ready to lead yet. Or if I ever will be. And having this thrust upon me so suddenly doesn't help matters: Celestia and Luna basically tossed me the keys and said 'Best of luck, try not to mess it up.'"

Cadence arched an eyebrow upward. "I'm pretty sure that wasn't what they said or did."

Shining just groaned. "They might as well have been saying and doing that."

"Well, you can say no. No one should be forced to rule if they don't want to." Cadence suggested.

Shining shook his head again. "And I refuse Celestia and Luna will either not retire ever, or rule will have to be passed on to someone even less qualified or prepared than I. There's no way I'm going to ask my sister to step up and be ruler of Equestria instead of me. Especially not that she's finally gotten to live out her dream of being a teacher and running her own school. If the burden must fall on anyone, it might as well fall on me."

Now it was Cadence's turn to sigh. "Well, if that's what you believe then I guess I can't argue with that. But I really think you should tell Celestia and Luna about this. Preferably sooner rather than later," And she added. "Maybe they can hold on for a few more years, at least until Flurry Heart is old enough to become ruler of the Crystal Empire on her own. Then the two of us won't be needed here as much and we can rule Equestria together."

Just then, a loud roar and an ominous rumble filled the air! Both sounded very familiar to the crystal couple, and it filled their hearts with dread!

To make matters worse, both happened to look out a window and saw what appeared to be an ominous dark tint to the sky.

"What's going on?! It's not night time yet!" Cadence wondered aloud.

Shining looked across to his wife very slowly. "You don't think..."

With a gulp, Cadence and Shining both said at the same time! "King Sombra!"

Without either saying a word the two alicorns dashed down the hall to Flurry Heart's nursery! She had been set down for a nap earlier, but if Sombra was coming back they had to make sure they got to their daughter before the evil king did.

Alas, upon entering the nursery the parents discovered that they were too late! Flurry Heart was awake and being dangled in the magical grasp of King Sombra, standing before Shining and Cadence in all his glory.

"Mama! Dada!" Flurry Heart screamed as she flailed about in helplessness! Normally her first words would be a cause for joyous celebration among both parents (though Shining had learned that Flurry actually could speak in her own language, it was just indecipherable to anyone who wasn't in her age group), but right now there were more pressing matters of concern.

Shining quickly concentrated his horn to send a telepathic message. It had to be quick to keep King Sombra from catching on, but it conveyed all it needed to: "Sombra's back! Send help!"

King Sombra just cackled with delight as he held Flurry aloft. "My my, it seems the two of you were very busy since our last encounter," He taunted. "How foolish of you to leave the little one unprotected."

Cadence shot off a beam of magic, only to have it be countered effortlessly by Sombra. "Oh, it's cute how you think that will do anything, princess. But you see, I'm the one holding all the cards. There's nothing you or your hubby can do to stop me."

Shining Armor growled as he stepped towards Sombra! "I don't know how or why you came back, but if you don't let go of my daughter this instant I'll rip you limb from limb!"

The greedy king just laughed as he held Flurry closer. "Oh, but you wouldn't lay a hoof on me, oh prince. Because you wouldn't want to see your daughter get hurt."

"You wouldn't dare!" Shining hissed.

"With a heart as black as mine, who can say for sure? She may be a baby, but she's an unusually powerful baby," Sombra remarked with fiendish glee as his eyes locked onto his captive. "I wonder what she fears the most, after all I see such fear in her little eyes."

Princess Cadence stomped a hoof down. "Leave Flurry Heart alone, Sombra! It's my husband and I that you want!"

Sombra cackled. "Correction, it's my empire that I want. I think the both of you have held onto it for long enough."

"And you think we'll just give you back the throne?" Shining questioned Sombra.

Sombra just snarled. "Of course not. You'll give it to me, because it's the only way to ensure your precious daughter stays safe. Trust me, you don't want to know what I'll do to her if you don't comply," And then he added. "It feels so good to be so bad! Oh, I can't wait to truly be king again!"

Author's Note:

There was a bit of lampshade hanging in the original episode where the mane six pointed out how the princess never really helped. Though I despise Rainbow Dash's claim that it was all intentional, all a test to groom Twilight to succeed them. Somehow I don't think the princesses planned their many captures and defeats in advance and it seems highly irresponsible of them to do such a thing either way. So I decided not to include that here.

I've got plans for Sombra, the original two parter kind of messed up on him and I want to give him back some of the force behind his actions that he was robbed of. Plus, I think it's a bit jarring for him to be so hammy when he was said in his debut to have a heart as black as night. That to me implies someone more like Mr. Freeze, someone who is said to be "Beyond emotions" and someone who has no quarrels hurting anyone they perceive as an enemy or anyone who sides with said enemies (hence why he opposes Batman despite the caped crusader's sympathy for Freeze's plight).

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