• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 151: Starlight's Graduation

A few days had passed since Starlight's rescue mission in the changeling hive, which had led to the unexpected developments of Chrysalis being ousted from her throne when Thorax and the other changelings started giving love instead of hording it.

Now the rag tag group of "heroes" were to be honored with a special ceremony, a ceremony in which they would receive the Equestrian Pink Heart, a symbol of great courage and duty in a time of crisis. And while Starlight, Sunburst, Discord, and Thorax were the obvious receivers, it was also decided that Spike, Ember, and Trixie should get pink hearts as well (after all, they had driven away the changelings from the Castle of Friendship all on their own, and that had been part of a decision from Starlight to split the rescue group in two to accomplish two objectives).

In the few hours before the castle would be flooded with guests for the award ceremony, Spike had payed a visit to Starlight's room. His actual goal was to be a "distraction" on behalf of Twilight, so she could get a good measure of Starlight's room undetected (it was necessary for Twilight's present, a mirror).

"Hey, Starlight," Spike innocently greeted. "Just thought I'd check up on my second favorite unicorn behind Twilight."

"Funny, I thought Rarity was your favorite unicorn. When did I get bumped up to second best?" Starlight inquired with a raised eyebrow.

Spike tried not to blush. "Just because I have a crush on Rarity doesn't mean I consider her higher than my family. And since Shining Armor took you on, you've been kind of like a big sister to me. One I never even knew I wanted."

"Big sister, huh? Never really thought of myself in such a label," Starlight commented and changed the subject. "Is there a reason why you had to talk to me before the ceremony?"

"J-just wanted to see if you were nervous or anything," Spike hastily replied. "I can see you're doing just fine. You really have come a long way from your old, insecure yourself when you first showed up. Now it's like you don't even need me to keep you on the straight and narrow, you can manage by yourself."

"It is nice not to have you breathing down my neck all the time." Starlight told the dragon.

"Right," Spike nodded, as he saw Twilight continue to measure Starlight's room. He knew he had to keep Starlight occupied for a little bit longer, so he asked her. "So... uh... what are you gonna wear?"

"To the ceremony?" Starlight guessed. "Uh, not sure. I mean, am I supposed to dress up or something? I wasn't aware that was a requirement."

Spike quickly answered. "Well, formal attire not's a requirement. But you could still put on a dress or something if you really wanted to. It's like Rarity always says:" He pulled back his scales so they looked like Rarity's mane and then tried to mimic her voice as best he could. "'There's no such thing as overdressed, darling. Why, you're just the best looking pony in the room.'" "Wow, that felt really weird, it's like I became an entirely different being." Spike thought to himself. Fortunately, his little distraction had worked like a charm.

"If it's all the same to you, I think I'll just go as I am now," Starlight said to the little dragon. "Only Sunburst and Trixie are gonna dress up, and they're just wearing their usual attire. Not entirely sure why Sunburst always wears that cloak, even Trixie sometimes takes off her hat and cape, usually when she goes to bed."

"Eh, probably makes him feel more 'wizardy'. Plus, I hear it gets pretty drafty up in the Crystal Empire," Spike replied to Starlight. "But you should probably ask him yourself next time you get a chance. Now I'd better go get ready and make sure my scales are all polished. Dress or no dress, I wanna look my best when the Pink Hearts are given out."

Twilight was quite thrilled to see Spike again when he returned to her bedroom. "She had no idea," Spike informed her. "The two of us, we make a good team, Sparkle."

"'Sparkle'?" Twilight snickered. "You bet we do, Spike. Thanks for keeping Starlight busy for me, I got all the measurements I need. Just as I thought, her present is gonna fit perfectly."

"I thought you were getting her a mirror? You know, like yours?" Spike inquired, looking up at the object in question.

"I am, why else do you think I needed to take measurements?" Twilight replied. "It'll be just what her room needs. When she wakes up each morning, she'll see herself surrounded by all her friends. And I plan on giving it to her after the ceremony."

Spike nodded, before a thought struck him. "You know, that reminds me. It slipped my mind until now, but have you heard from Shining Armor at all? He's been acting different ever since we got back from the changeling hive."

"Now that you mention it, he's been awfully silent lately. Barely says a word all day, and he hasn't left the castle," Twilight pondered as she put a hoof to her chin. "And he keeps looking at Starlight for some reason. He hasn't even mentioned a gift for her."

"You think maybe I should have a talk with him? Maybe it's a guy thing?" Spike wondered aloud.

Twilight shook her head. "It's probably nothing serious. Things aren't completely back to normal yet, it hasn't even been a week since the rescue. Give him time, and I'm sure he'll come around," Then with a smile she added. "Now come on, my son. You've got an award ceremony to get ready for, and you know what that means."

Spike pouted. "Do I seriously have to take another bath? I just took my monthly seven hour bubble bath last night."

"Just a quick little scrub to get to those spots you can't reach yourself," Twilight told the baby dragon. "Can't have you going to that award ceremony with stinky feet."

Despite having to get another bath just prior to the ceremony, Spike enjoyed the whole thing from start to finish. Things went off without a hitch, aside from when Luna briefly struggled to pin Thorax's Pink Heart around his body because of his massive antlers.

Once the group picture was taken and all the records filed to ensure the moment would be remembered for all time, the ceremony concluded and the heroes were free to mingle with the guests that had showed up for the celebration.

But they had barely started to interact when Shining trotted up to the stage and tapped a spoon against his drink glass. Everyone stopped to look at him. "Thank you, everyone," The alicorn prince began and then cleared his throat. "I apologize in advance for dropping this on you all so suddenly, but I couldn't think of any better time to share this important news," Looking out to Starlight Glimmer, he said to her. "Now, there comes a time in every teacher's life when they must let their student go out into the big world on their own. A time when the student must pursue their own studies, and perhaps one day become a teacher in their own right. Starlight, this is such a time."

"I... don't understand. What are you getting at?" Starlight asked in complete confusion.

Shining sighed. "Starlight, it's been almost a year since I took you under my wing. In the time since, so much has changed. I've become a father for one thing, but I've also been an observer. Watching mostly from the outside, but sometimes from the inside as you have grown and developed. Everypony thought I was crazy to make you my personal student, yet now it's clear I made the right call. You've mastered the basics of friendship and as such there is little left that I can teach you. Much like Princess Celestia sent my sister and I to Ponyville so we could learn about the magic of friendship in our own right, so too do I release you from your studies. As of today and from this point onwards, you are no longer my student. Congratulations, Starlight, you've graduated."

Starlight nearly jumped back in surprise at the statement! "I'm... not your student anymore? But, where will I go, and where will I live?"

"That... I don't know," Shining confessed. "But it's clear that you've grown in the time since you started your friendship lessons under me. And I can't just keep teaching the basics forever. A pony capable of stepping up and mounting a rescue effort in the heart of the changeling hive, despite almost impossible odds, is not a pony who can learn by mere example alone. The rescue effort allowed me to see first hoof just how far you've come in your friendship studies since we first met. Whatever happens next, is... out of my control. Wherever you choose to go, and however you choose to learn about friendship though, know that you will always be welcome here. And that you will hold a place in my heart. For you were not just my student, but also one of my friends."

"F-friends?!" Starlight gasped.

Shining nodded. "I told you that when we began our time together as teacher and student. And that is something that will never change no matter what," He then finished his speech by saying to Starlight. "Feel free to think about your next step, where you'll go from here. And if ever you need my help or my advice, don't hesitate to call me."

The unexpected announcement came as quickly as it had arrived. And while most everyone was busy chatting with Starlight (particularly Discord, who hoped to maybe have the unicorn be his new roommate), there was one pony concerned for the now studentless teacher. Namely, a former teacher herself.

And so it was that, in the midst of the commotion over Starlight's graduation from the role of student, Princess Celestia slipped away from the party unnoticed. She found Shining Armor in the throne room, sitting in his throne and looking out at the table map with an unhappy expression. A faint sound of sobbing could be heard, even amidst the chattering and celebrating in the main hall.

The sun princess lightly nudged her fellow alicorn with a hoof, pretending she was not aware of what was going on. "Are you crying, Shining Armor?" She innocently inquired.

"No," Shining answered in a low voice that masked a sniffle. "It's liquid pride, totally different."

Celestia just adopted a motherly smile, sitting down next to the prince in Thunderlane's throne. "Were you not ready to release your student from your mentorship?" She inquired. "Almost a year is hardly a length of time for one to normally gauge a student's progress."

Shining shook his head. "No, princess, I knew I had to do it. It was a decision I came to on my own after much time spent thinking it over," He added in a low voice. "It was inevitable, I knew that. I just didn't expect it to be so soon. And now look at me, I don't even have a plan for what's next. Not even an idea of where to send her. I thought of a few scenarios, but none of them seem like the sort of thing Starlight needs, not even being with Sunburst or Trixie, or helping Thorax with the new hive. Some teacher I turned out to be."

"Don't be saying that, Shining Armor. The mark of a good teacher is not in the effectiveness of their lesson plans, but in how well their student learns and grows," Celestia spoke in a motherly tone. "And Starlight's growth is incredible! Never in all my years have I seen a pony come so far in such a short amount of time!"

"And yet now, when my student is most in need of guidance, I can't even nudge her in the right direction," Shining sighed, his tears long since having stopped. "I know I can't keep her here forever, she has to go out into the world and make friends on her own, like Twilight and I did. But at the same time I'm at a loss as to where to send her, what she should look into on her own. Letting her go is the right thing to do, but how can it be so when I'm not entirely prepared for her to leave?"

Celestia was silent for but a moment, before she threw her head back and began to laugh long and hard. Shining was most surprised at this, never in all his years had he heard a pony laugh in the way the sun princesses was now. "Y-you're laughing at me? I don't understand, princess," Shining questioned. "Why in the world would you be laughing at me? Did I say something funny? I wasn't trying to be funny."

Celestia shook her head as she regained her composure. "Oh, Shining, I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing because, I once had the same exact problems you're having now. Allow me to explain," Clearing her throat, the alicorn with a majestic white coat then began. "You know that I can receive visions of the future, a talent that I've had since I bonded with all six of the Elements of Harmony. Visions that show me the future, but only a brief picture of it. Sometimes it's an encouragement, a sign that things will work out in the end even if it seems a storm is on the horizon. And at other times, it's a warning, a message that trouble is on the way and I must prepare for conflict."

"I think you told me this when Tirek was roaming free," Shining replied. A sigh of longing escaping his lips. "Don't take this the wrong way, I wouldn't trade any of the developments that have come my way since for anything, aside from maybe the destruction of the Golden Oak Library. But back then, things were a lot less 'complex', Tirek was the last time things were truly straight forward. It was obvious what the objective was, even if the methods by which victory could be obtained were vague. Since then, it seems like my life has gone in a million different directions all at once."

"I felt the same way after Luna's exile to the moon and I lost the use of the Elements of Harmony," Celestia confessed with a sigh. "That was part of what led to my decision to open that school which now bears my name, and my decision to take on students in the first place. Luna's banishment shook me to the core, and I vowed to never again let myself be taken by surprise, I would do what I could to intervene and prevent problems before they arised. But I overestimated my ability to do so, much as I underestimated the personal baggage my students would come with. And because of that, I committed my second greatest mistake in the form of Sunset Shimmer's downfall. Rather than attempt to guide her or plan lessons around her needs, I sought to show her what she could accomplish with the magic of friendship. But she took the wrong idea to heart, and when I ended our studies because of her pursuit of power, she ran away. I cannot tell you how relieved I am that you and Twilight have helped her not only see the error of her ways, but come into her own as both a student, and now a teacher."

Shining nodded. "It's been a long time since I visited that 'human' world, but Twilight has kept me informed of all major developments in Sunset's life. The last one involved this 'Gaia Everfree' creature," Then he added. "But what does all of this have to do with my situation?"

Celestia explained. "Sunset, Sunburst, and your sister Twilight, they are not the only students I have had. All the colts and fillies at my School for Gifted Unicorns, they are my students as well."

"But I thought..." Shining began.

Celestia shook her head. "A school that bears my name means that by default, everypony who enrolls there is tutored by me to some extent. Twilight's old Canterlot friends will attest to that," And then she went to explain. "But there are other students I have had. Ones that never enrolled in my school, but I still oversaw their growth personally. Princess Cadence is one of them, for she was an orphan when I took her in. And look at how far she's come since then. Even Prince Blueblood has been a student of mine, for much like Cadence I took him into my family line when he had nopony else to be there for him. Alas, it seems my efforts to improve his outlook on life met with little success. To this day he still sulks around, only slightly less snooty since Rarity put him in his place. You can guess where I'm going with this, can't you?"

"But how could I ever be your student? I barely even knew you for many years," Shining protested. "I was but a lowly member of the Royal Guard for most of the time I spent in Canterlot before moving to Ponyville."

Celestia was quick to protest. "But because of your sister, and because you drew close to my niece, it didn't take long before our paths crossed. I had to take an interest in the stallion my niece spoke so highly of, and my fateful student put on a pedestal. Even before you knew it yourself, I sensed you had potential and might one day rise to the rank of Captain of the Royal Guard. However, there was one thing that kept getting in the way of your promotion. Captain Gleaming Shield wanted to retire many times before she finally did. And each time she spoke highly of you, and how far you'd come since you started working directly under her."

Shining smiled. "I still do miss her guidance, she was the first mentor I ever had. But surely there were better candidates available to replace her the instant she felt ready to step down."

Celestia shook her head. "None matched the sheer dedication and commitment that you had. But I had to overrule her, because there was something you were missing," With a sigh, she added. "Something I eventually realized you wouldn't be able to get in Canterlot. Much like Twilight with her pursuit of knowledge, I knew that keeping you in Canterlot would result in a dead end. If you were to become what my visions hinted at, that either you or your sister would succeed where I had failed with Nightmare Moon, reluctantly I had to send you away. My visions also showed that there was a special group of ponies in Ponyville that would help you out. But I kept 'inventing' reasons why I shouldn't send you."

"Such as?" Shining asked with a raised eyebrow.

Celestia couldn't help but chuckle as she recalled. "I thought such things as: 'What if he runs into a manticore and get sliced to pieces?', or 'What if he somehow gets pulled into Tartarus with Triek for company?', or 'What if he goes to Ponyville and doesn't get along with anypony?'. I didn't even want to think about 'What if my visions are wrong? What if I'm only repeating the mistake I made with Sunset Shimmer?'."

Shining found himself unable to keep from snickering. "How could you ever think such things? Well, aside from maybe that last one."

"It's true, in hindsight I can't believe I acted in such a way," Celestia briefly laughed, before her happy mood faded. "I am embarrassed to admit it, but my fears ultimately drew from one source. I thought that if you and Twilight were set free and made friends on your own, you wouldn't need me any longer. A foolish sentiment, I know, but one that I held close to my heart for longer than was necessary."

With tears welling up inside him anew, Shining firmly protested. "Princess Celestia, what you just said is so not true. I will always remember you and need you. Just because you're not my teacher, doesn't mean I can't still learn from you."

Celestia smiled, getting up from Thunderlane's throne. "And I think Starlight Glimmer feels the same way you do with me, if that's what you're worried about. Though, if you're truly lonely, you can always have your student write you letters. I still cherish the letters you and Twilight sent to me."

Shining giggled, before he was wrapped in a wing hug from Princess Celestia. "So here we are, Shining Armor, after all these years. The two of us are living proof that letting someone spread their wings and soar on their own, doesn't mean you have to say goodbye forever. The bond between teacher and student is unbreakable, even long after the lessons stop. And sometimes, not having a plan on what comes next, isn't always a bad thing." The princess told him.

Shining nodded, as he got up from his throne. "Thank you for the talk, princess. It was just what I needed to hear. Wherever Starlight's path in life takes her from here on out, I'll still be there for her whenever she needs me."

"Good, because... I'm not quite ready to leave just yet," A familiar female voice called out, soon revealing itself as belonging to Starlight. "I get that I can't really be your student anymore, and we can't just keep pretending I'm not ready to learn on my own. But Ponyville has become my home, it's the place where I truly feel like I've been reborn. In Cutie Markless Village, I'm bound by the lies I once told others and the immoral things I did in pursuit of my personal vendetta. In the Crystal Empire, I'm still somepony who had to rely on others to save the day. And in the changeling hive, I'm but a pony friend of the new king that could only be used to cast doubt on Thorax's ability to lead. Here, however, I've made friends on my own. Here is where my lessons started. I guess what I'm trying to say is... can I still be part of the family?"

Shining smiled, and rushed over and embraced his student. "Oh of course you can, Starlight! You didn't even have to ask! I may not know what the future holds for us, but we'll face it together! And I'm sure you'll continue to impress me now that you've been freed to pursue friendship on your own."

"All thanks to you," Starlight happily replied. "If you hadn't taken me in when you did, none of this would be possible. You were the first pony to believe in the goodness inside me, when even I saw only a monster."

"And I was right, you weren't a monster," Shining told his student. "I look forward to seeing how you'll impress me from here on out."

"And I look forward to seeing how much of a father you'll become now that your hooves are finally free." Starlight teased, then she, Shining, and Princess Celestia all shared in a good, hearty laugh.

Author's Note:

I'm not going to cover "All Bottled Up" in this universe, both because its actual connection to "Celestial Advice" in show is sketchy at best (the most I can get at for a connection besides air date, is Starlight teaching Trixie and being labeled a "Mini Twilight" instead of accompanying Twilight and the others on a friendship retreat) and because with Sunburst having gotten a lot more attention than Trixie, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for Trixie to be as close to Starlight. And I know Sunburst wouldn't anger Starlight in the same way Trixie did (which you should all know my opinions on by this point).

But now the constant updates have to stop. I've been updating this fic once a month since November of 2016, and as much as I would love to keep doing it, I've caught up considerably to the show since then and there aren't as many chapters between story arcs. If I kept at the current pace, I'd likely catch up to Season 8 before I even knew what tied into what or what was significant enough to be included here.

Plus, I want to keep my writing commitments restricted to one project for the time being, since I'll have research papers to start thinking about later this month, including brainstorming, possibly scouring for sources or data to use, and writing and rewriting as needed. To say nothing of the fact that Season 8 is starting up in a few weeks, and that means episode reviews, on top of my weekend work schedules.

So, it probably won't be until May or June that I'll return to this fic.

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