• Published 11th Sep 2019
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Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 60.1 The Bucking Princess

Celestia’s keen eyes lost themself in the liquid golden light that seemed to be trapped just under the metallic surface. That power still felt like a part of her, despite being separated for many millennia.

The blade was such a small thing, so imperfectly made. Any blacksmith past their foalhood would have been ashamed to put their name to it. Dispute that, Celestia still hesitated.

You know this is the only way. Celestia's Warmind chided almost tenderly.

Every answer that came to mind was either foalish or foolishly sentimental.

Every other soul forged item you crafted is actually useful…

Celestia closed her eyes, and the distant past threatened to claim her for a moment. The instant she first held the blade, the first time after countless attempts, her efforts had born fruit.

With nopony around, Celestia’s Mask did nothing to stop the small wistful smile. "I was so proud..."

Is this indulgence truly worth what it would deny us now?

Despite, or maybe because of the oh-so-reasonable tone Daybraker had used, a seed of bitter resentment flowered and reared its poisonous blossom. Celestia considered it for a moment. In a way, it fit far too well in her mental garden, and that decided her course. Almost tenderly, she reached out and rested her hoof on it. She paused for but a moment before she ruthlessly crushed it under her golden shoe. The merest impression of a scream was cut off before it even really had a chance to begin.

A fleeting image danced through her mind's eyes. An image of a time, of destiny, that this action would forever render impossible. It would have been such a simple thing, a moment of closeness shared between a student and a mentor, of reforging this very blade together with her Sunset Shimmer as the final preparation for her trial.

She let the image go with a single exhalation, and a mere blink banished any moisture that might have gathered in her eyes long before a tear could even dare try to form.

So it would seem I'm not to have a new sister today, then?

A low growl pierced the silence. Celestia had her horn alight before she realised she had been the source of the feral sound. "You would do well not to test me, my Warmind."

I believe, Your Radiance, I have done my duty in showing you the truth of your current stability. Daybreaker’s arrogant tone was almost insufferable. It was only made worse by the fact Celestia herself had just given voice to all the proof that could possibly be needed.

She marshalled her anger as her aura reached out. She retrieved her pipe, and it only took a few lung-fulls to have the effect she needed. The smoke rose in lazy swirls as she exhaled. Her content sigh and the tension that bled from taut muscles indicated how stressed she must have been.

Daybreaker reached out. The warm contact of the reassuring hoof was far more comfortable than Celestia would ever admit to a mere tool.

Good, that's a much better state of mind to be in, Your Radiance. So, will you sacrifice this memento for the needs of your Little Ponies?

"We hath sacrificed so much, compared to even the least of that, this foalish trinket is NOTHING!" The final word shook the room as the metal's surface began to bubble.

Celestia narrowed her eyes as her once-prized creation slowly imploded. The simple, functional form collapsed into itself. The metal wailed, and the air screamed as powerful magic pressed in, brutally compressing the soul forged metal into a perfect sphere.

She knew the small orb of metal, so clear in her vision, would be beyond eye-searingly bright to others. Anything or anypony not superbly warded would burst into flames from just the light, let alone the near solar temperature Celestia's heavy hooved telekinesis had induced in the compressed mater.

Warm at last. A part of her wanted to croon in contentment. She only allowed herself a dozen slow breaths to relish the almost forgotten experience of simply no longer being cold. Then she set to work.

Bit by bit, her aura reached out and teased hair-thin wire from the radiant metal. Then with a deftness her overfilled wellspring has long denied her magic, Celestia set to work by hoof as if a common earth pony.

Carefully, she folded and wove strands of wire into a hollow cage, one just perfect to hold a tiny gemstone.

She held her creation up and regarded it from every angle. It was perfect, flawless, yet even as she forced the thought away, a small part of her knew it would never mean as much to her as that first imperfect creation. "This will do." She told herself, and her will made it true.

Only a few dozen more to make, Your Radiance.

Celestia only nodded and resolutely set to work.

A cleaning spell banished the last vestige of the heady scent of intoxicating pipe smoke. Now presentable again, she stepped out of her chambers. Celestia's Mask suppressed the shiver that so rightfully wanted to make her teeth chatter as she elegantly proceeded towards the throne room.

Even through her shoes, the frozen marble floor leached the heat from her. The fridged air clawed at her coat and snapped at her hooves as it promised a frozen death to her. Stop being melodramatic. You know it's exactly the same temperature as it is every day. Celestia mentally scolded herself.

Her wing shifted, adjusting the position of the small chest containing her creations. She considered when she would give the items to their intended recipients. They would need time to gather if it was to be a group ceremony. That would lead to more solidarity. Individual personalised encounters would lead to more devotion. More worship of her herself.

Her sister's steady aggressive hoof falls caught her attention as they drew near. It was clear she wanted to be heard, or her movements would simply have been silent.

“Good morning, Sister. I was not expecting you….” Celestia turned in greeting and found herself lost for words. The large object held to Luna’s side in no way complemented the battle armour or weapons the Princess of the Night still wore. Celestia pondered if this was simply a dream for a full three seconds, standing completely immobile as if a statue. “Why do you have a life-size cuddly toy of my former student?”

“Are you jealous?” Luna taunted.


Luna nodded as if to herself and set off again. “We doth belive somepony needs to get out more. This is a common thing done between couples away from Canterlot these days.”

“No, it is not," Celestia said as she fell in beside her sister. She paused and considered her words and what her sister was doing. Why was she even here in this corridor at this time? She even physically carried the toy when she had so many other options to transport it. She was about to demand a reason, and then she spotted what she had almost missed, that mischievous little sparkle in Luna’s eyes.

The warmth that blossomed in Celestia’s chest had nothing to do with any external change of temperature. It was no surge of magic or first sign of ailment. She smiled and softened her tone. "Thank you for your attempt at lightening my mood, but now is not the time for such foalish games."

"Oh, very well, sister mine. This is a replacement method of communication for when Spike is indisposed."

Celestia turned her attention on the remarkably well made plush copy of one Twilight Sparkle. "I trust it works?"

Luna nodded.

".... How is she?" Celestia suppressed her Mask long enough to let her real concern show through.

"Resolved." Luna's single word answer spoke volumes.

Celestia looked at her sister, watching every tiny movement, each breath, even the ethereal motions of her mane. Twilight was healthy, both physical and mentally. The little hints of worry were completely understandable and not the portence of concealed dire news.

With a firm nod, Celestia spoke. "Good, I wish it had been many years before Twilight had to experience things like this."

"We both know you play the cards you have. Not the ones you wish you have, Sister."

"Why do you think I always try to order the deck to my liking?"

"Because you dislike surprises…though in this case, even we wish you were more successful."

"As eldest, I know the ultimate accountability for this attack succeeding is mine."

Luna stopped walking. "Sister," she almost growled. "we are to rule together. As as we are ruling together, we are both accountable for this, though mayhaps for different reasons. You should have prepared Equestria better, and I should have seen this coming and stopped it dead." Luna's eyes glowed. "I know it still pains thou at times, but I am still thine sword.” Her muzzle creased and trembled as she battled to avoid snarling. She slowly and coldly enunciated her next statement despite her now visible fangs. “Anypony that would do this, anything that would release this blight upon this world, should have long ago felt how keen my edge is."

Resolved and haunted visions danced behind her sister's now slit eyes, but she did not break eye contact. Through that window to the soul, Celestia could see much. There was a fragility to that resolve that would never have been there before her banishment to the moon, would never have been there if not for the 'adjustments' Celestia had made to get her sister back, and not just the bloodthirsty instrument.

Court can wait. She was the bucking princess, and right now, her little sister needed her. In two quick strides, she had her sister enveloped in white feathers as she pulled her into an embrace with wings and forelegs both.

Luna's shocked expression that morphed into relieved delight as she melted into the hug was all the proof Celestia needed. I know I did the right thing, my dear and precious sister. A single tear threatened to escape Celestia's eye. It has been so long, so very long, since she had shared a moment like this with anypony. Apart from when Daybreaker comforted you. A traitorous part of Celestia’s mind added.

“We will get through this. We will find them, and once justice has been administered, we can finally start preparations for the biggest wedding in over one thousand years.”

The soft smile that formed on her dear Lulu's face was a treasure worth more than anything on the face of Equus.

You are aware she feared an attack? Daybreaker taunted.

Celestia ignored her Warmind and nuzzled her dearest sister.

You may ignore me all you wish, Your Radiance, but…

One more word on this… Celestia did not even need to finish her threat before the presence of Daybreaker retreated.

After six minutes and forty-two seconds, Luna sighed and pulled back from the embrace. "Sister, we both have duties."

Despite the frigidness of Luna's magic, the sudden separation was far colder.

Slowly, regretfully, Tia the Big Sister let her thoughts return to that of Celestia the Radiant Princess of the Sun. "Until supper?"

Luna shook her head. “It will be three days before we are back in Canterlot.”

Celestia’s mask kept the hurt from her eyes.

Luna snorted. "Once this situation is dealt with, we are spending some time together. That, or I'm deposing you for a month.”

"That does sound tempting…"

"Then free a day, or be prepared to be evicted from the castle for a full moon."

"What would our ponies think?"

"Whatever thou wish them to."


"Call it a day of rest or celebration for the disaster we survived. Even without using your powers, the mere words from your lips will be more than enough, Tia."

"Save our ponies first, then we may rest."

"We shall hold you to that, Sister."

With one last look, they both parted ways, and Luna retreated for her rest. Celestia moved onwards to her endless duty.

She allowed herself an amused little shake of the head. A little bit of the weight that pressed down upon her withers was no longer there. There was a light at the end of the tunnel.

"Where would be a good spot for ‘Sunny Days’ to go on vacation?"

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