• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,078 Views, 3,672 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 35.1 A New Player

Daybreaker restlessly sat, chained in Celestia’s mental garden. Ever-watchful, she observed all within the range of her master’s senses. Every twitch, every micro expression and glow from a horn was noted and assessed. In the last hour, only six actions had caught her attention. Unfortunately, they had all turned out to be false alarms.

Her mind considered who and what she was. Daybreaker was grateful that Starlight’s impulsive use of magic had ended up with her claiming a name. The freedom to have a will of her own, to have feelings and emotions made up for the costs. Her hoof traced along the collar around her neck, remembered pain dancing in her mind.

She sighed and rested her head on her hoof. She could not escape the fact she was created for a purpose, that to Celestia, she was little more than a tool. Perhaps with time, she might change that.

Even with the relaxing scents of Celestia's favoured flowers and the serene environment, Daybreaker could not truly relax, and she would never be able to.

The only time she would be able to find peace is when her suspicions were proven right and she was able to act, able to strike down Celestia's foes.

Fire, vengeance, and retribution constantly called to her soul. Is it too much to ask to be able to do what I was made for? Daybreaker thought loud enough for Celestia to hear. She made sure to lace it with a tone of lazy exasperation. Instead of the maddening mix of boredom and restless energy that ran through her veins.

I know that these nobles may be vexing at times, but I can not just let you burn them. Celestia responded.

Suit yourself, your Radiance. Daybreaker commented, sitting up straighter.

She turned back to the simple bits of stone laying on the table before her. She had selected each one with deliberate care. Her hoof reached out and she selected the one that would suit her need the best.

Her craftwork was cruder than Celestia’s, but she didn’t mind. These game pieces were to be for a different board, one she had started to work on as soon as Celestia read this morning’s paper.

She looked at the small crude table she had crafted and placed beside the main game board. Atop it was a new board, done in Twilight’s coat colour of lavender wood with pink and indigo tiles for the squares, marking its surface.

With her aura, she picked up Twilight's game piece, the one that Celestia herself had lovingly crafted. Narrowing her slit eyes, she stared into the life-like replica’s own. "You are a canny foe aren’t you… stand in our way at your peril," she purred.

She did not truly expect Twilight to enter open conflict with Celestia, but she could always hope. Just thinking about the challenge made her feel warm inside and infected her face with a fanged smirk. It would be fun to put Twilight in her place and break her to Celestia’s will. Celestia would thank her for it afterwards.

Closing her eyes for a moment, she calmed her desires and racing mind. It would not do for Celestia’s attention to be drawn to her thoughts.

Even with her eyes closed here, she watched the fools that simpered, begged and boasted. Each one of them clamouring for her Mistress’s attention. “Weak, pathetic fools,” she whispered as she breathed out. Making sure Celestia would only detect her normal contempt for the nobles.

The texture of the stone held in her aura changed as infinitely sharp blades of heated air peeled and carved off unneeded material. The sizzling of the moisture in the grass reached her ears. The cast-off stone leaving its mark on the garden.

As the form started to reveal itself to her work, she reached out with her aura and grabbed some coloured rocks. With trivial use of her magic crushed them to fine powdered.

The singed grass and destroyed rocks were not the devastations she had been made ready to perform, but it did make her feel a little better.

Carefully melting only the surface of her new creation, she pressed the brightly coloured rock dust into it, adding colour and bringing her creation to completion.

Snapping her eyes open, Daybreaker looked at the new game piece she had just carved. An orange filly with lavender tips to her feathers.

The small sense of pride she felt caught her attention. She tilted her head and regarded her latest creation thoughtfully. Was this all just to make a point to Celestia? Or has she gained a hobby?

Even since she had become herself, she had found she could take a little enjoyment from drinking the tea here and that had nothing to do with war. She would think on this later, she deliberately turned her mind back to the Lavender Princess that meant so much to Celestia.

Twilight had performed a masterstroke, putting herself in a perfect position to raise an army and selling it to the public as providing a cure. There was no way to counter it that would not make Celestia look bad.

How much of this was her own paranoia, the expectation that everything was an attack? She was created to look at the world in that negative light.

She sat back on her haunches, thinking. She felt pride that Twilight, her student, had become so competent. She felt eager at the conflict, the game that could end up being played between them.

What was Twilight doing? Was this a deliberate attack? Or just Twilight’s annoyance with Celestia and her good nature she had been crafted with?

She used her magic, wrapping and lifting the Twilight game piece from the mainboard and set it before the smaller board, settling it in place as if a general appraising her troops.

She dropped Scootaloo's game piece before Twilight’s.

Daybreaker hummed thoughtfully, selecting new pieces of stone. One for each of the hybrids in Ponyville.

"You can at most do that once maybe twice a day. With over one thousand four hundred hybrids listed on the census, this is going to take years … and leave you with an unheard of number of chosen under your control."

She looked between the white and blue stones. "Now, which of you are going to be her second guard?"

Glancing back at the archway that looked out through Celestia’s eyes, the Royal Court was revealed. It still did not have enough burning flames, nor sun symbols.

Blueblood had done nothing to draw her attention today. That in itself was enough to give her a deep sense of suspicion.

Celestia picked up the emotion and who it was directed at. It was only a moment later when her power reached out and examined his mind and memory.

The shock and outrage Blueblood felt as he plunged into the waters around the fountain brought a smile to Daybreaker’s muzzle. She would have suffered through a lot just to have seen that.

The dread that crept over him yesterday when he received the rather forceful letter that Luna wrote, actually made Daybreaker laugh. Her suspicion of the useless stallion faded as her mood brightened.

That only left Noble Guide, but nothing was ever found in his mind. She just was not truly happy, she could not be. There was always the chance anypony could become the enemy. She had to constantly be on the lookout for even the most unlikely of attackers. She had to be ready to react in an instant with decisive force to end any threat to Equestria or more importantly, Celestia.

Daybreaker hummed and settled on the blue stone and started caving another pony. This one sporting a pointy hat.

She felt a spike of anger from Celestia. Rolling her eyes, she shifted her attention fully to the outside world.

"You can't let her get away with this!" One noble that she wanted to incinerate stated, brandishing the morning paper.

Celestia just raised an eyebrow. "Oh, and what has she gotten away with?" She asked.

As the seconds rolled by, Daybreaker watched the outside with a growing sense of anticipation. One of these days, Celestia would lose it and set her free, and she would get rid of all those that stood in their way.

She tapped her hooves together in excitement, watching over Celestia’s shoulder as she resumed her carving.

“What has she done?” The noble looked like his small mortal mind could not understand the question for a moment. “What has she done? She had insulted the crown, insulted you and she is performing unsanctioned medical experiments without a licence!” The ‘Noble’ almost shouted.

Daybreaker did not need the results of Celestia’s mind-reading to know that last point would be 'helping hybrids'

Just burn him, it would make things so much easier. Daybreaker prompted. Hoping that for once, Celestia would act.

"No," Celestia’s firm tone responded to both Daybreaker and the noble.

“No?” The noble asked, looking dazed.

Celestia shook her head. “No, she has not done any of these things."

"But… just look at what she said." The noble thrust the paper at her.

Just burn him. Daybreaker crooned.

Don't tempt me. Celestia commanded.

“I am well aware of what it says.” Celestia levely stated.

“Then how can you not act?” The perplexed noble asked.

“Act? What a wonderful idea." Celestia looked at the court scribe. "Please write a formal announcement offering my praises for what Twilight is doing for our ponies, for my amazement at the feats of magic she casually performs, and my best wishes for her endeavours in this.”

Daybreaker could feel Celestia’s Mask having to keep an almost feral smile off Celestia's face at this small striking back against the useless nobles that were proving to the bane of her existence.

The noble did not look happy. Unfortunately, he still seemed to have enough wits about him so he would not do anything that would excuse Daybreaker having some fun.

Daybreaker could feel Celestia’s almost feral glee at being able to do something, anything, to put her nobles in their place. Her Mask restrained her to just a small smile on her face as Celestia made her move. “Also, I need the paperwork for a new decree ready. We are going to allow for free passage on any public transport route to get to Twilight’s home to receive such treatment, and free lodgings as they wait for their appointment.”

More than a few nobles seemed to freeze. Daybreaker could tell that in about ten seconds there was going to be a huge outcry and lots of loud foals whining from them.

Daybreaker considered what the team of Celestia and her Mask has just achieved with only a few words. This was a perfect counter to Twilight's public statement. This way, Twilight was going to end up severely weakened and less of a threat. Swamped by those she promised to help. If she really was just doing this to help ponies, she should be happy for the help. If not, then this would keep her busy for quite some time.

Well played, your Radiance. Helping her in a way that makes you look good and leaves her either weak if she is honest or disgraced if this is just a trick. Daybreaker deliberately piled on the praise, burying her annoyance that this would make conflict less likely.

Celestia would have stiffened if it was not for her Mask keeping her relaxed and her neck gracefully turning to sweep her gaze over the gathered nobles. And yet again, you are looking for the advantage.

I am what you made me. Daybreaker stated coldly before finishing in a much warmer tone. I am just more active with my suggestions and help these days.

She could feel Celestia weighing up many facts and past events. The Princess's mind coming to the conclusions Daybreaker knew it would. That Daybreaker was more valuable and more useful than her Warmind used to be, even despite the ‘annoyance’ of having a personality.

Do you have anything helpful to suggest at all? If not, I would ask you to please be quiet. Celestia compelled her, if ever so politely.

Daybreaker thought for a moment about how to say what she wanted to. Only that Noble Guide, despite what you see in his mind, seems too perfect. Daybreaker almost growled pausing and taking a deep breath she continued in a respectful tone. Even if he is everything he seems, I would keep my eye on him as others will just use his good deeds to hide their less than benign schemes.

One of the nobles mouthed ‘you can't do that’ if only he had the backbone to actually say it. Another pair were rapidly exchanging written notes. Those three would need to be watched, but not as much as the two in the back that suddenly looked more attentive and respectful, despite the fact their heart rate and breathing picked up. There was an edge of urgency to their thoughts. Daybreaker dragged Celestia’s attention to them as the room broke into an argument.

The two at the back were Fat Cat and Up Scale. The married couple had a problem with their daughter, namely the fact their daughter was due to give birth to a hybrid foal. Apparently, she has the gall to fall in love with a pegasus. They were going to cause something unfortunate to happen to the foal.

Daybreaker hated the fact she was not allowed to take actions against such a hateful waste of matter. They would serve Equestria so much better as living candles or fertiliser for the fields. Apparently, so long as the bloodlines were still being strengthened, the nobles could get away with literal murder.

Daybreaker put down the partially complete Trixie game piece and started writing a note. She might not be able to smite these ponies down herself, but at least she could give the two love birds a head start.

With a mental tap to Celestia, she held up the note. As expected, Celestia approved, and even in the physical world offered a small nod as the note was manifested and given to one of the Royal mages to arrange a subtle delivery.

Thank you, would you mind writing a missive for Twilight? To inform her of this new decree and that she should expect active resistance from those who have a dim view of hybrids. The warm gratitude that Celestia radiated towards Daybreaker was a pleasant surprise.

Daybreaker smiled, she could use this, she would use this.Of course, your Radiance.

She would need to carefully craft her words here. The letter would need to make Twight see Celestia in a better light as well as leaving her politically and personally weaker versus Celestia, and at the same time, strengthening the nation.

Tapping the quill to her mouth, she looked on at the blank sheet of parchment thoughtfully.

Back in the physical world, Celestia stood, flaring her wings. That silenced most of the foals that were shouting at each other as they argued. For they dared not raise their voice too much at Celestia. Still, they were happy to use each other as proxies to get their points across so that she could hear them, and have no reason for Celestia to officially chastise them.

About half a dozen were too dense to notice that any display of displeasure from the Ruler of the Sun was a bad thing.

“You should remember that you hold your positions at my pleasure and that your efforts should strengthen Equestria, not weaken it. Now that I have not only my sister back, but Twilight ascended as well, I have much more time to get personally involved with any issues that attract my attention.”

Celestia let her gaze drift over the six that had not silenced their arguments as Celestia spoke. She mentally grabbed the issues that they least wished her to know about and made them think about them as the intense eyes of the princess meet theirs. All of them cringed back at the thought of what Celestia might do if she found out.

It was more nobles that should be incinerated or replaced from Daybreaker’s point of view, but Celestia insisted they were being a net benefit to Equestria overall.

The room was silent at last.

“Now I will give you all half an hour to prepare your advice on how I will address the press about these issues later today,” Celestia said in her motherly voice. She nodded once and gracefully walked from the silent room.

As soon as the doors closed behind her, the arguments resumed at double their former intensity.

One fire spell and they would all be gone. Daybreaker purred, sending Celestia the sensation of Daybreaker draping a wing over her and whispering conspiratorially into her ear.

Celestia shook her head, but Daybreaker could tell the idea appealed to a small part of the Princess, even if she did not want to admit that part existed. Daybreaker considered for a moment if that part would someday break free and become an unintentional fragment.

Daybreaker smiled at those pleasant thoughts as she went back to both her writing and carving.

Celestia trotted through her private corridor, heading to her personal pantry where stashes of cakes were calling her. She was planning on partaking of a few cups of a less than legal tea to settle her mind and temperament.

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