• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,078 Views, 3,672 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

  • ...

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Ch 40.1 A Spare Room

"Insight?" The timid mare's voice was the first thing to break the silence.

Insight tried to open her currently non-existent eyes. She was lost and alone in this endless space devoid of sensations for she knew not how long. Yet again, she tried to reach out, seeking the comfort of the fragment Night left her. Insight had not even sensed her since Nova’s flames destroyed the spell brand supporting her dream. Luna's and Night’s gifts to her, both destroyed.

After searching around for what felt like hours, there was nothing around her. The voice had not repeated. She must have imagined it. Having been Candice’s other half for so long, being on her own was almost painful.

Having no body made it hard to tell how much time was passing. With no distractions, no breathing or heartbeat, all she had was her own thoughts. The complete lack of pain could be a bad sign or a good one. Insight refused to let herself consider the darker possibilities until there was proof. For now, all she could do was wait.

With nothing else to do, she imagined closing her eyes. She gathered her thoughts and slowly put them aside one by one. Finding her center, she let herself slip into a meditative trance.

"Insight?” The voice was back again. “Insight, can you hear me?" Desperation had started to seep into the voice. It sounded familiar, but she just could not place it. Who was it?

Hello? Her first attempt to speak failed, almost as if she could not find her voice.

“Insight, answer me.” The voice commanded, its tone laced with panic.

“Did it work? Did it succeed? Are they alright?” Each word that Insight said seemed to take a supreme effort of will to get out. With each syllable, she spoke, it seemed harder and harder to think. She tried to talk again, but her thoughts kept unravelling before she could form her reply.

A mass wrapped around her. A part of her idly wondered how she could feel pressure without a body. Frigid ice prodded in, violating the personal space her body should have been in. A shuddering gasp tore from her lungs, announcing she had a body again. A soft wing wrapped around her body. Warmth followed.

"Insight, I'm so sorry. I never meant to." The voice from before said. It took a few seconds, but then it came to her. It was Twilight’s voice.

Insight pressed against Twilight's body. The feeling of her and the scent slowly cementing the fact this was no delusion. Relief and concern flooded through her. “Twilight, are you alright?”

“I told you she would be more concerned about you,” Night’s colder calculating voice interrupted.

Twilight nodded as if in answer to both questions. “How are you?”

“At the moment, grateful you guys are alright, but what happened?” The nagging feeling, the lack of her other half hit Insight like a buck from an Earthpony. “Where’s Candice?”

The momentary silence lasted too long. Far too long for the answer to be good. Even without her sight, she could tell Twilight and Night shared a glance. “If you're considering hiding something from me, then don’t, just tell me the truth.”

Twilight clung to her, pulling her into a full-bodied hug. The alicorn's powerful body trembled as words tumbled over each other in a chaotic mess of panic, self-loathing and sobs. Insight nuzzled into the distraught mare, her own question put aside for now in exchange for comforting Twilight. ”I...I Killed her…”

"If that were true, I wouldn't be here either." Insight reasoned.

“Not true, but fortunately or unfortunately, Candice still lives.” Night said. Despite the harsh tone, Insight thought there was concern behind them.

"I'm guessing she was damaged far more than she anticipated."

“She does not even look like a pony anymore.” Twilight wailed.

Night sighed but extended her membraned wing over both of them.

"No matter what happened to her, know that she doesn't regret doing anything she had to do to save you from harm. As strong as you are, you wouldn't have survived an actual fight with Celestia."

Night huffed. “Not fighting like a mindless animal, Nova nearly got us both killed.”

"Though why she was defending those worthless excuses for ponies, I don’t understand.” Insight shook her head. “Threatening your daughter should be a capital crime." Insight would have killed them herself if they actually tried to follow through with the threat.

“As much as it pains me to say it.” Night almost snarled..” Celestia was in the right.”

"I'll concede that defending those idiots,"

Night chuckled harshly. “I doubt it was truly to protect them. No, the rest of the castle staff and even ponies of Canterlot in that direction carried more weight on her reasoning.”

"Oh, alright. That makes more sense. But, why did she threaten Twilight like that? That part makes no sense. She has more than enough power to just contain the attacks until Twilight calmed down. Why level an artefact weapon at her?"

"You think Celestia would act that decisively?” Night’s laughter shook Insight.

"Did you not see the lethal cold look in Celestia's eyes?"

“You think that was Celestia looking out of them?"

"Either that or her Warmind, and if it was that, then Twilight was in even more danger."

“Yes, I believe that was her Warmind. It has always acted decisively and efficiently. Do remember that dear sister,” Night almost spat the name. “Hoards her magic, summoning the weapon was likely the most energy-efficient way to deflect that attack in time.”

"She looked like she was going to cut Twilight down. If she didn't have that look in her eyes, Candice wouldn't have done what she did," Insight stated.

“Then Candice was a fool.” Night said slowly. “If Celestia wanted Twilight dead, then it would have been over before Candice could have even reacted.”

Insight bristled, Candice saved Twilight, why would Night not accept that? She did her best to stay calm, but she could hear the edge to her tone. "I'm not saying she wanted her dead, I'm saying Nova might have not given her a choice. That neither Celestia nor her Warmind were in no mood to give any leeway."

“Celestia invested too much in her faithful student.” Night retorted. “The Warmind would have simply cut off Twilight's limbs and horn, but left her alive.”

Twilight shuddered, ears turning away as if trying not to listen. She clung to Insight tighter. It was good her body was only a construct. The strength of the embrace would have been lethal to an ordinary unicorn.

"That artefact weapon looked like it would have made sure those injuries were permanent." Insight added as calmly as she could. Not seeking to add to her beloved’s distress.

“Like most mortals,” Night said the word like an insult. “You underestimate how hard we are to kill.”

"I didn't say kill, I'm saying maim. Permanently.” Insight nearly snapped. Was Night purposely twisting what Insight was saying? “Now, are you done making Twilight feel even worse? This isn't helping her."

Night's voice took on an icy coldness. Twilight vanished from the embrace, only Night's leather wing now held Insight. “And if you truly cared about that you would have left your last comments unsaid.” Night sighed. "We should get you settled, Luna still requires your services.”

"I do truly care. But, you're right in that it should have gone unsaid.” Insight admitted. Though she knew, Night wasn't going to win this argument. “But you don't know what went through Candice's mind. I do."

Even in her current blindness Insight could feel Night's eyes on her. “Oh?"

"She wasn't a fool to try and save Twilight from what looked like would have been permanent injury or death. And yes, taking her apart and rebuilding her, again, would have been killing the Twilight we know and both love."

Something seemed to shift in Night’s posture. A moment later she laughed, a deep amused rumble. “You two are just precious,” The thestral-like wing pulled Insight into a hug. “We appreciate your sentiment, we really do.”

"She only intended to distract Nova with a kiss. The only part Candice miscalculated was the amount of damage she would suffer. She even used all the Alicorn magic she had saved up to fortify her. She was expecting to have to regrow her feathers and some fur at most."

“You're both lucky to even still exist,” Night snarled. She inhaled a long breath, calming her tone and expression to controlled neutrality. “Celestia's intent was not lethal, but Twilight's was. Candice stepped into magic meant to be a threat to Celestia.” Night sighed, rising to her hooves. “Now get up. We need to get you to your new post.”

With each step, each hoof fall, she could feel herself moving away from something important. Insight could feel the distance weighing on her. Even if she could not truly sense Candice currently, she knew who she was leaving behind.

As if suddenly opening her eyes, sight returned. Ominous storm clouds roiled across the havens, a seemingly endless obsidian plane stretched out before her. Less than a mile away, a colossal tree reached for the sky. If the perspective was correct, it was at least the size of Canterlot.

Her eyes opened in a bit of surprise. "I'm pretty sure Golden Oaks Library wasn't that big. Is this Twilight's bastion?"

Night nodded towards the single door at its base. “Think you can make it from here?”

Checking herself over, her body that she knew was a mental projection felt real. If it was not for the fact she knew she had no body of her own, she would be certain this form was now real flesh and blood. "I think so. Can I teleport in here, like I could in the dreamscape before it got destroyed?"

“That is Twilight's Bastion,” Night pointed to the tree with a wing. “Everything in here behaves as per her knowledge of reality. In some ways, it's more real than the physical realm.”

Insight tried to light her horn. Nothing happened. "If this body is in shape, yes, I can make it. Though apparently my sense of magic is gone.”

“You have a horn, do you not?”

"That's not what I mean. I meant that my feeling of having my own magic isn't here anymore. I know it was faked in the dreamscape, so I had a sense of having my own. Now, I can't even light my horn."

“This is a real location, not merely a dream. You need real power to have magic here.” Night explained.

"That makes sense. I guess there won't be any teleporting around then.” Insight paused, looking to Night. “Where is your fragment by the way? I lost contact with her when the flames destroyed the dreamscape."

Night stilled, her tone became deadly calm. “Holding the embers of Candice’s soul together. In essence, that fragment is dead, her existence traded to preserve that brash foal."

"You know she would pay any price,"

“Yes, she would pay any price,” Night spat.

"Will you stop interrupting me!“ Insight saw Night turn and glare at her, but she refused to be interrupted again. “You've done that multiple times now, yet I haven't done that to you.”

“You insolent mortal.” Night growled. Her whole body tensed, clearly ready for violence. Thunder crashed in the heavens above. “Do you know how much what happened to Candice hurt Twilight?”

The clouds caught her attention, it seemed Night’s moods affected the weather like Luna’s did. “So you do actually care.” Insight’s eyes softened as she looked to the one she still loved.

A nearly crushing aura enveloped Insight. Night’s magic was vibrating with barely contained rage. Two slits stared from luminous eyes into Insight’s very soul. A murderous storm of ice cold rage danced behind them, seeking any outlet, any deserving target.



The Alicorn magic backed command stole the rest of Insight's words leaving the most important bit unspoken. still love you, Night. Still, she tried to communicate them with her eyes alone.

Night held Insight's gaze with murderous eyes. A was a long few seconds later the blazing eyes dimed. With a wing, Night pointed below. “Look.” The words came out bitter and tired.

The reflections beneath her hooves began to alter. No longer were just the storm clouds reflected. A scene of Twilight’s bedroom revealed itself.

Nova’s flames had not been kind, Candice’s form was unrecognisable. With her coat, mane and feathers all burnt away, only her hooves and bodily form even identified her as still a pony. Insight’s eyes found Candice’s cutiemark, still visible despite the damage. So long as that was still there, there was a chance. Her soul was still in this realm, still clinging to life within her body.

Insight’s focus narrowed, leaving her emotional responses behind. Her mind focused on the problem before her. Analysing the clinical details, everything she had read, everything she knew was leveraged to determine what was needed to save Candice.

Candice lay motionless, unbreathing. That would be a concern if it was not for the work of artificing around her. She was perfectly positioned in the center of the bed. The same bed Little Star and Candice had worked on to accelerated time, to hasten Twilight's recovery. The crystal and metal twisted into intricate patterns of spell runes surrounding her and were precisely crafted to amplify and reverse the effect. A quick calculation revealed Candice would experience only a single second over the next thousand years.

Insight was relieved, for now at least, Candice was alive. She let herself examine the rest of Twilight's room. It was a mess things were thrown aside or torn apart. Anything and everything needed was cannibalised to make the artefact preserving Candice. Amongst the ruined room, Twilight lay upon the floor, dishevelled. The ash from Candice's flesh still soiled her coat.

A subtle motion of unsoiled lavender drew Insight’s eye. Little Star was stealthily looking in from the doorway. She bit her lower lip, worry and indecision marring her normally adorable face as she looked between Candice and Twilight.

Night's aura faded, Insight felt gravity reassert itself as she hit the ground. “I need to see my daughter.” Night flicked her wing to the library's door. “Just remember to knock, it's not a public library.”

Insight nodded as Night sunk through the floor. In the reflection below, Twilight’s body stirred and quickly rose, messy lavender wings wrapped Little Star in an embrace. It was good to see the little filly being cared for. That was infinitely more important than Night and her continuing their argument. Insight’s hoof rapped on the door, the muffled sound spoke volumes about how reinforced the door must be.

The clunks of mechanical locks being unlocked and bolts being slid aside mixed with chimes and fizzes as wards were being undone. Whatever was behind this door was currently well defended. A silver aura enveloped the door and casually opened it, revealing a stunningly beautiful blue-coated Alicorn. Her flowing silver mane and tail moving only slightly unnaturally. “It’s not often I get visitors here, or is this a stray I find at my door?” She asked with a warm smile.

“Hello, Dreams.” Insight said politely. “It seems I am homeless for a while until some healing happens. May I come in?”

“You are not homeless,” Dreams gracefully stood aside, an elegant sweep of her wings inviting her in. “This is merely a… respite before you will be able to return home.”

Insight gratefully stepped inside the large central chamber of Twilight's library. Even at first glance, the multiple levels held more books than she had seen in any other single location. “Thank you for the hospitality at least. The dream structure that Luna gifted us with was destroyed. That’s what I meant by saying I was homeless.” She managed to keep it from her voice, but all she wanted to do was curl up and be held. Today was not a good day, and Night’s reaction had not helped.

“Might I offer you some tea?”

Insight nodded, she didn’t have much use for it in her own mental space. Still, she was curious as to how that might work here in a place that operated according to Twilight’s understanding of reality.

Dreams laughed, soft and beautifully as she walked further in “Please don’t start with the experiments on this place quite yet.” She nodded her head to a small recessed reading nook off to one side. “Make yourself comfortable, and I will fetch the tea.”

Comfortable cushions surrounded a pair of coffee tables. A small multi-hued soft plush of Twilight sat upon one. A few blank scrolls on the other.

“Thank you. Though I wasn't planning any experiments.” Insight was confused as to comment.

“Yet…” Dreams said in parting, casually walking to the stairs.

“Even then, only those Twilight gives me permission for.” Dreams' comment actually did more to increase her curiosity than anything else.

By the way Dreams’ tail twitched as it disappeared up the stairs, it was easy to imagine she was restraining another laugh. The sounds of her hooves faded into the distance.

Insight sat down and looked around the place. It was much larger than any she had seen through Candice’s eyes before. This place was full of so much more than Luna's bastion was. Luna’s was a fortress standing firm, the stars, the dream spheres and Luna's paintings. Here, there were so many little touches that made this a home. Pictures of Twilight's friends hung on the walls, fresh flowers sat in vases, adding a calm and relaxing scent.

From behind a web of crossed spiked chains, the sounds of quills on parchment caught Insight’s attention. Despite the beauty of this place, some parts looked wrong. The web of chains and a heavily fortified golden door blocking access to two sections stood out. They did not fit here, they did not feel like they belonged. It was almost as if they were alien to Twilight’s Bastion or some sort of hostile intrusion.

“Hello, is somepony there?” She called, trying to peer through the tangles of sharp metal. For a moment, the scratching of the quill paused. Then redoubled, a single sheet of paper wrapped in an ashen aura floated into view, emerging from what looked like a wooden tunnel breaching the mess of jagged chains.

Insight did not even try her horn. She knew without Candice, she was powerless. Ignoring the hollow feeling that lack left in her, she walked to read the letter. As she drew near, she could start to see through the gaps in the chains. What appeared to be another wing of the library stretched out past it, stuffed full with scrolls, blackboards and books. Over two dozen quills frantically scribed away. The sounds of hooves approached from the other side. Every fourth one sounded different, more like wood on wood and not the expected clop of a hoof on the library’s floor.

Twilight's face, expressionless and greyed, looked out through the wooden tunnel at her. Her eyes were cold and bitter, but no hostility seemed to be aimed at Insight herself as the dispassionate eyes assessed her.

Insight read the letter that was floating there.

One Hundred percent chance Candice will continue her existence in some form. There is a non zero chance it will be here. Twilight is too distracted by her to allow her to die.

Insight nodded to what seemed to be a fragment of Twilight. “Thank you.” The grey Twilight turned, revealing a lack of wings on her sides as she ignored Insight and focused back on the mass of papers. ”I know Twilight is doing everything she can. I just hope with Candice’s quick thinking that there is enough left so that she can be fully functional again and not crippled for the rest of her existence.”

Without even looking up, the grey Twilight floated another scroll up, setting it down inside the tunnel. After that, they disappeared deeper into the crowded archive.

Insight reached in and fumbled the paper open to read it. The scroll revealed a full medical report of Candice, hundreds of thousands of words and fully illustrated diagrams. There was so much information it was hard to work out what was wrong with Candice and what was merely a complex and thorough description of a living pony.

Filtering through the basics and looking for information on Candice’s state of health, it became clear it would be easier to list what wasn’t wrong with Candice. Terminal Wellspring rupture lept out from the text. With that, all the rest of the injuries seemed insignificant. Insight blanched.

The scent of tea was the only warning Insight got before a large luxuriously soft blue wing wrapped around her. “It's not as bad as it seems. If Candice was not a chosen, it would be.” Sweet Dreams said.

Insight leaned into the embrace and sighed. “I hope so. I know she is far more resilient mentally than she is physically. But I hope that something like this doesn’t break her. One of her worst fears is being forced to rely on others for basic needs.”

Dreams’ warm nuzzle felt maternal, comfort and love given physical form. Insight allowed herself to just lose herself in it. It had been too long since she had ever felt anything like that. She could not even remember what her parents looked like.

Dreams turned her attention to Grey, her silver aura placing a cup of tea and a plate of daisy sandwiches in the tunnel. ”Thank you for keeping Insight company, Grey. Please remember that sometimes the truth needs some context or a bit of kindness in how it's delivered.”

Somehow, Insight found herself laying wrapped in Dreams’ wings with no inkling how much time had passed. She felt calm, mentally collected, even as she could feel the tear tracks damp upon her face.

Insight looked up, finding Dreams’ soft, caring eyes. “Are you trying to earn yourself another pony to love?”

“No,” Dreams’ response was cool but not harsh. “This was just something you needed. I would be a poor host if I did not look after my guests.”

“I’m not sure what I’m more grateful for, you being here for Twilight when she needed it, or you being here for me right now.”

Dreams’ wing lightly trailed down Insight’s back. Repeatedly tracing a path through her coat in a simple, reassuring gesture. “Now if you sit up, we can enjoy that tea.”

Insight did as requested but didn’t lose the opportunity to give Dreams a loving nuzzle. If Dreams was Twilight’s lover, then she was family, at least.

Dreams leaned in, and her enchanting voice whispered in Insight's ear. “I am dedicated to My Twilight, I am afraid. I hope I'm not dashing your dreams too much.”

“If you can accept that I love her too, and hope for her to be happy with those she loves, then at least we are on the same team.”

Dreams nodded, “Just please keep your hooves off her in here. I can accept she has lovers out there.” She pointed towards the main door. “But in here, in here is special.” Her voice and touch were still warm and material, but a dark promise hid within Dreams’ eyes. Twilight was hers, and it seemed very much that there would be no limit what this Alicorn would do to keep it that way.

“What’s out there is special too. I won’t start anything, but I’m not going to turn down her advances if she chooses to do something.”

Dreams smiled with a hint of fangs. “Then I believe we understand each other.”

“Now who’s trying to seduce who here?”

“Lulu still up to her games?” Dreams shook her head for a moment.

“Not Luna so much as Night.” Insight loved the feeling of Night’s fangs, she did not even try to hide the thoughts Dreams’ own brought to mind.

“I won't offer you that,” her eyes softened, “I'm sorry.” The fangs vanished, and the mother Insight never had, was back. “Now, how do you take your tea?”

“You already stated you are dedicated to Twilight. I’m not going to do anything to dishonour that.”

“That's still not answering my question, we are talking about tea, my dear.”

“I like mine, Sweet.”

“Honey or sugar?” Dreams aura held up both.

“Either, I’m not picky.”

Dreams sighed. “If you are intending to be Twilight’s companion out there, you are going to have to learn more about teas, and have justifiable opinions and preferences.”

“Not like I have a body out there.”

Dreams laughed as her magic prepared two cups of tea, adding both sugar and honey to both. “Nor does Twilight, Nor I.”

“Twilight does, though. Just Night has control of it right now.”

“She traded it to Night, Night owns the body,” Dreams said, watching over her drink.

“Only so long as Night doesn’t break the contract. That isn’t the same as actually owning it. Besides, Twilight has control of the body often enough that she does have A body to use out there. I don’t.”

Dreams looked at her thoughtfully. “Well, before I forget, I was given something for you.” She reached under her wing and pulled out a thin silver chain. Luna’s mark seemed to be formed from luminous moonlight. “From Luna.”

“Thank you. What is it?” Insight took it in her hoof. Immediately a rush of power flowed through her, Luna’s familiar cool magic filling that hollow void inside. Her horn tingled, and cyan sparks shot from it, answering her question.

“You still have work to do.”

Insight nodded, grateful to have access to magic again.

Dreams rested a hoof on Insight’s cheek. “Your duties are far more important than Candice’s. Twilight will have many guards. Many that protect her life. You are the last contact many souls will have before they pass on.” Dreams lips brushed Insight’s forehead in gentle affection. “Thank you for the comfort you provide them.”

“I need no thanks for the service. Seeing them comforted is more than enough for me. But I appreciate that others can see it as important. Thank you.” Insight smiled back to Dreams.

“Before Celestia…It does not matter.” Dreams closed her eyes, placing a hoof to her chest. She pushed it away as she let her breath out, performing the same breathing exercises Twilight often did. “In the past, each dying soul would have a fragment of Luna, a personal companion to be there for them in their final moments. I'm glad you can be there for at least some of them.”

“Night told Candice and I about that.” Anger rose in Insight, tainting her voice, but she did not care. ”Even that Celestia sentenced Luna to the pits. I know about the curse Celestia placed in Luna’s bastion to prevent her from making more fragments, and that knowledge was erased.”

Dreams opened her mouth to speak, then glanced to the upper level. “I need you to be calm and happy, Twilight needs to see you’re well.”

“If you don’t begrudge me showing some affection to her, then I can do that.”

Dreams held Insight’s gaze for a long moment, then nodded. In a faint flash of silver light, Dreams was gone.

The sound of galloping hooves thundered on the upper level. A swarm of scrolls and papers dove from the top-level balcony with fleeting glimpses of a lavender Alicorn within.

“Twilight.” Dreams’ voice called out from above. She must have teleported to the top floor. “Candice is fine, the temporal magic means you literally have all the time in the world.”

Twilight’s mad flight seemed to pause, the cloud of paperwork started to rapidly organise itself and line up by colour of ribbon and scroll size. Bit by bit, Insight’s lavender love was fully revealed. The slightly alien, patchwork stitched together form of Twilight’s mental self looked manic, driven, but positive. She clearly had an objective, a plan, hope.

Insight felt a wave of relief at seeing Twilight. “Twilight, you’re alright.”

“Insight? What are you doing here?” Twilight said before facehoofing. “Sorry, I forgot.” In a flash of light, she was standing next to Insight, wrapping her in a too-tight hug. Insight felt her bones creek as the breath was driven from her lungs.

“Ow,” was all that escaped her as the air left her.

Twilight flinched back, releasing Insight. Horn lighting as her eyes rapidly assessed Insight’s entire body. More than a dozen medical spells washed through Insight’s body, leaving her flesh vibrating and a tingle along her horn.

Insight drew Twilight into a hug again, “It’s alright, you just pushed the air out of me.”

“It's not alright.” Twilight’s leg tensed as if she might stomp her hoof.” I need to be more careful. I am an Alicorn… I am too powerful to not be.”

“And this is just a mental projection that’s running on your magic. Though it does feel incredibly real. Thank you for that.”

“Your welcome, but this is not just a mental projection. This is another plane of reality, one where intellect and consciousness have physical form. It is truly fascinating.” Twilight was smiling, lifting a hoof to make her point, about to launch into full lecture mode.

“Twilight,” Dreams interrupted firmly, but without malice. “Night is waiting for you, and unless you want her to come up with an excuse not to follow your plan, I suggest you don’t keep her waiting too long.”

The lavender Alicorn seemed to deflate but nodded dejectedly.

Insight pulled back from her hug to let Twilight do what she needed to. “Candice needs you. I’ll be here with Dreams.”

“She will be well looked after, now go,” Dreams said, practically pushing Twilight out the door.

“We can talk about it later… if you like.” Twilight said as she looked back with hopeful eyes over her wing.

“I look forward to it, my love.” Insight affirmed with a smile on her face.

Twilight smiled warmly just as Dreams pushed her past the threshold and shut the door.

After a few seconds Dreams slumped, leaning against it, breathing heavily. Insight could not hide the confused look as she regarded Dreams’ winded form. The air seemed to ripple, some sort of magic fading. The scent of blood, burnt flesh and hot metal filled the library.

“Were you keeping Twilight from smelling that? And why is that in here in the first place? Candice’s body isn’t here.” Insight inquired.

“Twilight did not need to deal with Nova’s feelings too.” Dreams said without even trying to rise. Insight started to move towards Dreams. “If you want to comfort anypony, try talking to Nova. She can hear you even if you can’t hear her. I will be fine.”

Insight nodded, looking to the door and finding it very different than it first had appeared. It was battered, dented and heat warped. Glowing solar magic flickered as it filled in the breaks and slowly repaired it. Smouldering blood dripped from some of the larger breaches and left small circular singe marks on the wooden floor.

“If she can tap on the door sealing her, then we can communicate just fine. I’ll go to her. Thank you, Dreams,” Insight said, advancing with purpose.

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