• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,078 Views, 3,672 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

  • ...

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CH 39.2 (Over)Reactions

Blueblood watched fear tightening his gut. This folly was something Celestia would normally have stopped and altered the minds of all involved. What did it mean that everypony still had their memories? Celestia casually ignored the nobles in the room, her elegant spire of a horn alight as a quill gracefully danced over the royal scroll. She finished signing with a flourish. Her eyes flicked over her work one last time with the focus of a hunting griffon.

“Princess,” Gilded Star stated “We…”

Celestia held up a silencing hoof. “One moment.” Nodding to herself, her aura began to roll her missive then paused. Her eyes focused on the less than flatteringly worded document Gilded Star had provided her. Quickly adding a last note to her letter with her own she rolled both up securing them with a ribbon and artfully tying it closed.

All it took was a small flash of her horn, the documents disintegrated into a cloud of smoke rapidly making its way to Twilight. It would arrive in only a few minutes at most. Reasons he might use to take his leave fluttered through his mind, each one rejected as being out of character for the old Blueblood.

Your name is not on that document. You have nothing to fear my Prince.

“Now that your ‘urgent’ business has been completed who was the first petitioner?” Celestia looked to a pony Blueblood could not remember the name of.

Gilded Star started as if struck, it only took a moment for him to recover. He was clearly about to launch into another rant. A single glance from Celestia was all it took to silence the words before they were spoken.

The new noble mare stepped forward and bowed. “Thank you, your Majesty, my request is simple. Given the current unrest and the dark forces about, I believe it would be most wise to allow the personal guard forces of the nobility to be allowed to assist with directly protecting the nation and enforcing the rule of law.

Celestia’s eyes focused on the mare. “It is commendable that you wish to volunteer your personal guards to help.” She paused thoughtfully. “But such forces are really too small to be of much use.”

The mare nodded enthusiastically, eagerness lighting her eyes. “That was my thoughts as well, your Majesty. Which is why I request the restriction on the size of our guards be lifted.”

Celestia slowly nodded. A contemplated look had refused each and every request to increase the legal size of the nobles personal guards and even in his lifetime had reduced the size twice. What is she thinking?

A warm smile settled on the solar Princess’ muzzle. “Yes, that is a wonderful idea. There will need to be a short training course for said guards so they are up to date with all current laws and responsibility for those guards acting in Equestria name.” She waved a hoof dismissively. “But for such highly trained individuals that should be little more than a week-long refresher course.”

“Thank you, Princess.” The Noblemare bowed.

“No, thank you, you have no idea how much this has the potential to help Equestria.”

The noble mare respectfully bowed again, more profoundly this time. She stepped back, managing to keep the look of victory off her face until she turned away from the Princess, making her way back to her place. Celestia’s eyes went to the next noble petitioner.

“Princess, I have a matter of utmost importance...” Unlike the other mare, this one launched into the full noble self-entitled pomp. The next ten minutes did not even see the fool speaking get past the introduction of their proposed law. If Blueblood had paid attention to the dull doublespeak correctly, it seemed they wanted to make any and all homeless into indentured workers. That life long fate for the oh so reasonable price of their freedom exchanged for basic housing and food. With what happened in Manehatten that would mean the entire population of the city would legally become little more than slaves.

The warm smile Celestia had with the last petition was long gone, replaced with nothing more than a clam detachment. Blueblood knew that Celestia was going to say no, and had to admire her patience for listening to this rubbish for this long.

A smile crept on to Celestia’s face as her gaze left the speaker and settled behind them. Blueblood's eyes followed the Solar Princess. She was focusing on an empty space in the center of the throne room. The speaker was so wrapped up in their words they did not notice. One by one those nobles, who were actually paying attention and were not asleep or dealing with their own preparations, eyes followed the Princess’.

A vibration started in his horn, slowly building. Celestia schooled her expression, sitting back, forcing her attention back upon the speaker. Murmuring started in the crowd of nobles. One or two of them were looking around in confusion as if they could sense something but did not know what. It was astounding that they were not panicking with how much power Blueblood could feel gathering in the throne room.

That, I believe, is Twilight, Platinum Check calmly announced.

A small point of light appeared, the magical pressure relented. The radiance was clearly Twilight’s magenta. You might want to look away. Platinum Check stated. Without a second thought, Blueblue glanced down at his own papers.

A moment later, the room trembled, static seemed to arc through the air. There was a clap of thunder, and with a brilliant flash, something was in the room. The weight of Twilight’s magic assaulted his horn. The discomfort forced Blueblood’s head lower further, almost pressing him to the floor. He screwed his eyes closed.

Platinum Check’s cool hoof rested on his horn. The smoothing chill sent a shiver down his spine as it lifted some of Twilight’s overbearing presence from him. He opened his eyes and looked up. Most of the nobles were blinking trying to recover from the temporary blindness of such a bright flash. A few had even fallen over. One seemed to have run into a wall in their panic.

Twilight was standing tall with wings flared aggressively, a heat haze rippling around her slowly fading. The carpet under her hooves lightly smouldered. Her hard eyes focused on Celestia for several long seconds, both remained motionless as if locked in a staredown. The tension hung so thick in the air you could cut it and yet none of the other nobles seemed to notice it. Blueblood was incredibly glad he was not currently between them.

"Princess Twilight." Celestia began respectfully. “We have to observe formalities, and technically they have the right to call you to account for your actions.”

Twilight’s eyes hardened for a second before softening just a touch. "As you say, Princess Celestia. I understand." She bowed her head fractionally, her horn glowed brightly. Then the glare seemed to implode, leaving nothing behind but a circular scorch mark on the red carpet and few rattling windows.

Celestia sighed, “That’s another set of wards I need to repair, I do hope you are happy, Gilded Star.”

“Princess Twilight should pay for it,” he declared.

“And she will, but tell me my little pony, where do you think her funds come from?” Celestia asked with an edge of coyness in her calm voice. “Like mine, her treasury is filled via taxes.” Celestia took on a thoughtful cast. “So to pay for all this, we will need more funds. Hmm,” she smiled at the inspiration apparently striking her. “I believe I have a solution. I just need to raise the higher tiers of Canterlot property tax, especially if you keep antagonising her.”

“That’s outrageous, You can’t do that!” Gilded Star erupted, as many nobles joined in voicing their discontent.

“Can’t I?” Celestia’s smile was beatific.

Gilded Star wilted under Celestia’s apparently kind gaze. His jaw worked a few seconds before any words managed to work their ways out his mouth. “With all due respect…”

Is she just playing with us? Blueblood thought.

Celestia peered down from her throne seeming unsure what she was looking at. "Why do I find that when one of you starts by saying that you mean anything but?"

An immortal has to find their entertainment where they can, or so I have been told/ Platinum Check mused beside him.

Gilded Star spent a few seconds regaining his composure. "You highness…"

A flash of magenta magic blazed into existence right before his eyes. Blueblood rocked back recoiling, hoof raised to shield his face. A sealed scroll fell past his muzzle, thudding softly onto the ground. Many startled cries caused him to look around. It seemed he was not the only one to be ‘attacked’ by a teleported scroll.

Platinum Check lifted the scroll and carefully broke the seal lifting the scroll to his eye level. Blueblood was paying no attention to it. His eyes were watching the sheer bedlam a simple rolled scroll had managed to cause amongst his fellow nobles. Most wore looks of outrage marring the perfection of their immaculate grooming. Gilded Star was cowering, his body trembling. Fancy Pants as a few others were calmly regarding the message they were already reading.

Noble Guide, like Blueblood himself, was secretly surveying the others. For a moment, their eyes met, Noble Guide offered a respectful nod which he returned.

Platinum Check rested a hoof on Blueblood’s withers. Don’t trust him She commanded with unexpected firmness. He did have to admit, Noble Guide did seem to be a bit too good to be true. Another flash of magenta light dragged Blueblood’s eyes back to Celestia.

One final scroll one appeared before Celestia. Her aura effortlessly captured it and with practised ease unfurled it before her. Her eyes rapidly flicked over it. “It would appear you have other business to prepare for.”

Slowly getting his composure back to Gilded Star stood. “Princess?”

“Twilight has used her prerogative as a Princess to rearranged her summons to half an hour from now.”

“She can’t do this, she has to consult with us.”

“No, she merely has to consult your schedule and as anything of any importance has to be filed with the royal administration, and as none of you have anything planned,” Celestia ignored the restless grumblings. “I suggest you make ready. She is likely to be very prompt sealing the door in now a little more than twenty-nine minutes.

They try to pull rank on Twilight, and she presses the point that she is Royalty and they are mere nobles. Platinum Check almost laughed.

Celestia looked to the court herald. “As the nobility will be busy, please invite the first common pony to make their petition, it seems many more of than usual will be seen today.”

Bedlam erupted as most of the nobles' voices rose as they started to try and argue their points. It was at least a ten-minute trot to the council chambers, and he doubted some of the nobles could make it there in less than twenty minutes. The Solar Princess watched the madness with a sly smile, once more using her mind magic to allow nopony to notice it.

Blueblood shook his head as he calmly made his way out. Grateful to leave the chaos behind. Was it possible Discord had slipped something into Celestia’s morning tea?

Blueblood arrived at his seat with more than five minutes to spare, refreshed and calm. He watched as a small stream of out of breath and dishevelled looking nobles were still streaming into the room. One even being carried in the aura of three of their servants. Blueblood shook his head, Bountiful Feast, may have managed the dutchie with the most food production in the nation, but that did not mean she needed to sample so much of it.

With one minute to spare Celestia gracefully strode into the room, her long legs swiftly carrying her to her appointed place. Luna walked out of the shadows taking her seat next to her sister. The large mug with inviting rich coffee and chocolate scent wafting off it was not the normal drink of choice for those here. A few muzzles twisted in contempt at the Night Princess’ choice of beverage, others were secretly looking between it and their own more refined drinks wondering if they had made the wrong choice.

There was something that rippled subtly distorting the air, almost like a magical distortion close to the Princess of the Night. Blueblood squinted, focusing on it, and slowly it resolved. Almost transparent in the air floating next to it was a bucket of something. With it visible, a new scent tempted him. A few hints of butter and salt just tickled his nose. Is that popcorn? He thought.

The peel of Platinum Check’s beautiful laughter danced through Blueblood’s mind. It would appear our dear Princess of the Night might need some lessons on taking things more seriously.

The snap of an overly loud teleport came from outside. Half a dozen nobles made their best impressions of a gallop as they dashed into the room. One collapsed just inside the door, a golden aura moved them aside before the stampede of nobility trampled them.

Twilight walked in, flanked by her hybrid Captain of the Guard on one side and a tall, dark, elegant green maned mare on the other. This other mare was laden with saddlebags clearly a servant or assistant of some kind.

Glancing behind her at the eight nobles walking further down the entrance hall Twilight lit her horn. The doors to the council chamber slammed shut behind her. "Shall we begin?" Twilight advanced to the center of the room, her aura enveloping the doors with a dizzying array of arcane symbols.

It seems none of us are leaving until Princess Twilight permits it.

Twilight rose up to her full height unbothered by her detractors. Surrounded on all sides by those that sought to accuse her, it seemed very much as if she had them exactly where she wanted them and not the other way around.

Papers rustled and the various nobles glared at each other, a silent conversation trying to volunteer each other to go first.

"If this proceeding is not underway in sixty seconds, we will throw you all in the dungeon for wasting royal time." Luna declared, not quite avoiding a yawn.

At ten seconds left, Gilded Star rose and began. "The newly endowed Princess.” He was clearly only adding the title as a formality, one that the slight twist of his expressions implied he really did not want to give. “Has proved time and again that she is both irresponsible and dangerous with her power.”

He paused, looked around the room and gauged his support before looking straight to Celestia. “If we look at the past week alone, she has caused major property damage in Canterlot and assaulted multiple noble houses in good standing. She is carrying out unauthorised medical magical experiments on the most unfortunate of ponies.”

Luna cleared her throat. “We believe you are mistaken.”

“We are not Princess Luna, one only has to look in Ponyville to see the abominations she is creating with her magic.”

Bloodblood’s ear twitched. Had he heard something? Twilight’s guard was looking directly at the golden necklace around Twilight’s neck.

“Abominations?" Luna pointed with her mug as if it were a weapon. "Are you implying those she blesses are abominations?”

“Blesses? You mean corrupting the natural order of life, what possible reason is there for extending the lives of those that fate itself has cursed?”

Crack. There was the sound again.

Twilight’s eyes narrowed glaring at gilded Star, her muzzle scrunched, her expression trying to pull into a snarl.

Twilight’s guard, Candice if Blueblood recalled the name correctly, looked at her. For a long moment it seemed something unspoken passed between them. With what looked like a supreme effort, Twilight smoothed the angry lines on her face. Once more becoming what one expected a princess to look like. Her features and pose regal and refined.

Crunch, Celestia’s ear twitched as Luna munched on some popcorn, everypony else seemingly unaware of the sounds. Luna moved the bucket closer to her sister, who subtly shook her head.

"Everything I have done has been within my power and my legal rights." Twilight nodded to the dark mare she had entered with.

A small swarm of paper leapt out of the dark mare’s saddlebags. One floated to each pony in the room.

"What is this?" Gilded Star asked.

"If you would even spend a moment to read it, you would have found out on your own. But as you don't have somepony by to read it for you, I will summarise." Despite her civil tone, Twilight’s contempt was obvious.

Gilded Star stomped a hoof, his eyes glaring at the princess of friendship. Twilight’s cold glare stripped him of some of his courage.

Twilight looked to Celestia, a small smile on her muzzle. Speaking more as if presenting to her teacher than the noble court. "On the document my seneschal provided, you will find all the laws that make everything I have done legal. Each with a notation of where it can be found in Equestria’s legal code."

Noble Guide rose and bowed to the gathered Princesses. "Your highness, may the court have some time to read through Princess Twilight's comprehensive work?"

"Of course." In a flash of magic a colossal stack of books thudded to the floor. "And here are all the books you shall need to confirm my work."

"Thank you, Princess."

Twilight walked over to princess Luna and sat next to her. The three Princesses quietly chatted amongst themselves. It was surreal watching all three princesses now enjoying popcorn, none of the other nobility in the room aware of it in the slightest. Concealed behind another illusion Luna draped a wing around Twilight.

Blueblood could not help but smile at the clear affection between the two Princesses. Turning his attention back to the matter at hoof, he looked at the paper before him. It appeared to be a comprehensive report. With how diligent Twilight had proven to be, he had no doubt everything would be in order.

He lifted his eyes to the nobles milling slowly sorting themselves into some semblance of order. They broke into groups chatting under privacy spells and few moving from group to group. Notably, Noble Guide seemed to be acting as some sort of relay, frequently moving between groups.

Blueblood summoned a servant and with a gesture, ordered some wine. If he was going to be in character, being bored and aloof from the study would fit well enough. He placed Twilight's report to the side and just watched the ponies around him work.

Even only sipping his wine, he was well onto his second glass when the nobles began to settle down.

Gilded Star took his position to address the court again. A smug look of confidence not quite hidden behind his mask of formality.

"Your highness. My fellow nobles, it's with great regret I have to withdraw most of our complaints about Princess Twilight Sparkle’s actions. But there is more than enough that still stand for this session to continue. In addition to other points, Princess Twilight's own research has drawn our attention to."

"Please enlighten us and your fellow nobles." Celestia said. The gleam in her eyes clear as she baited the trap.

"Why certainly, your Highness." Gilded Star bowed for once with total and honest respect.

Blueblood could not help but get lost in Gilded Star's complex legal acrobatics. Still, most of his points seemed to be mostly correct, and if Princess Twilight was anything other than a Princess, she could be exiled at the very least. Some of her past actions that were brought up should have had her in hot water, but as she was now a princess, they were legally non-issues.

Gilded Star finally seemed to be coming to his conclusion. Standing tall and with a sweeping gesture around the court that ended with a hoof thrust towards Princess Twilight, he launched into his next point with glee. “And I put to the court that the so-called foal is in fact merely a magical construct. As it was not approved by the magical review board, and as it is over the safe magical limits as defined by article fourteen subsection thirteen of the self animated construct legislation we have but one option.“ He paused for dramatic effect. “The immediate destruction of this dangerous creation.”


A small crowd of nobles stomped their hooves in support. Twilight trembled, speechless, motes of flames flicking in her eyes.

Gilded Star smiled victoriously, raising his head proudly, he continued in an imperious tone. “Now I already have a mage slayer force specially equipped to deal with this abomination Twilight has created.”


Twilight’s heavy golden necklace shattered in an explosion of metal. “YOU DARE TO THREATEN MY DAUGHTER!” Twilight roared with the full force of the Royal Canterlot Voice. Her wings violently snapped open. All the colour drained from her coat as her mane erupted into blazing flames. Eyes full of murderous intent locked onto Gilded Star.

The flaming alabaster thing in Twilight’s place snarled stepping forward, flames whipping around her as she launched herself at the now terrified Gilded Star.

The snarling beast slammed into a plane of golden light, the flames around her whipped past it hungrily seeking out flesh to burn.

A golden halberd flashed into existence, sweeping an arc, lashing out and knocking Twilight back and parting the wave of fire that surged towards the defenceless nobles.

With a blur of motion, Celestia stood defensively, wings spread, her weapon‘s point leveled at Twilight's chest. The Screams of panic that sundered the air were utterly ignored by the two forces of nature staring each other down. Blueblood wanted to run, wanted to get out of here. Twilight’s and Luna’s duel had been a game, sport. This looked like it was going to become far too real all too soon.

They just stopped, each noble carelessly dropped prone, their limbs held tight to them, their forelimbs wrapped protectively around their heads. Blueblood felt his body also doing the same, this time Platinum Check doing nothing to resist Celestia’s mind magic compelling him.


Worry not, my Prince, we are just playing along. Now is not the time to take needless chances.

Twilight snarled, now only a feral animal thing. Blueblood peaked out from between his hooves. The fire around Twilight roared, burning the ceiling and cracking the marble around her as she advanced like a rabid wolf towards Celestia. The solar Princess stood firm. “Twilight, please stop this,” Celestia demanded. “Don't make me do this, not again.” She added pleadingly.

Nothing but hate and death looked out from the demon's eyes. Her leg muscles bunched as she prepared to pounce at Celestia, fangs bared.

A pale blur darted towards Twilight, breaching Twilight's flames. The guard mare’s feathers ignited, each a brilliant short-lived candle as her form plunged into the roiling conflagration vanishing from sight.

The flames froze, stilling as if replaced by a static illusion before fading. A blackened and charged thing had its forehooves around Twilight's neck.

The sizzling of cooking flesh were the only sounds that could be heard. Candice’s ruined body still so hot her skin was still cooking.

A dawning look of horror slowly began to fill Twilight's eyes. "No… no no I.." her hoof shot up and smacked her own face. "Now is not the time Twilight," she snarled at herself. Her eyes suddenly sharped, now alive and calculating. "Now, where were the best burn specialists again?” Her horn lit with a blazing magenta light. A sphere of light exploded around her and with a crack of thunder she was gone, along with some of the marble floor. Leaving only a ring of flames behind.

Celestia lowered the deadly point of her weapon.

With the danger over, Blueblood’s stomach lurched. The scent of burnt hair and cooked meat filled the chamber. He never wanted to know what dragon roasted pony smelled like and he very much wished he could forget. Trapped, unable to move his body. Platinum Check’s reassuring hoof was the only thing stopping him completely panicking.

"It seems she takes after you. Like teacher, like student, it seems." Luna's voice was teasing, but her eyes were as cold as the darkest windigo’s heart.

Celestia snorted. "This is not the time, Luna."

Luna approached Celestia. “It is good to see you still have good reflexes, Sister, or at least your Warmind does.”

Celestia’s nostrils flared as she took a deep breath. "You seem to be taking the possible death of one of your chosen well."

Luna lifted her wings in a shrug. “This was a lesson Twilight needed to learn, perhaps tis not the kindest way for her to have learned it, but it will certainly stick.”

“And you care not for the guard you took from me?”

“I did not say that. I do hope she lives.” Luna calmly offered her sister some popcorn which was ignored. “Yet she is mortal, her time will come eventually…” A deliberate smile formed on Luna's muzzle. “It would only mean I will have to wait till our duties are finally discharged to see her again.”

Celestia sighed and looked around at the fiery destruction. "It is not going to be economical to simply hide this."

“Then, Dear Sister, I suggest you come up with a convincing explanation.”

The white swan-like neck twisted elegantly around and the Solar Princess surveyed all the prone nobles.

Platinum Check’s hooves pressed firmly down, digging into his back, pinning him to the ground and holding him as still as a statue. Even his eyes were frozen still, just like the rest of the ponies in the room.

What was that thing? What happened to Twilight?

Don't threaten what an Alicorn loves.

Definitely words of wisdom to not die by.

Author's Note:

Art by https://www.deviantart.com/kirillk

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