• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,078 Views, 3,672 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 77.1 Griffon Diplomacy, Hospitality

The huge stone cavern of the improvised throne room was not the best place to be stuck on the ground. Rainbow’s training demanded she gain altitude. Her instincts screamed at her to flair her wings and bunch her hind legs, ready to pounce. She ignored both and instead just stood at attention and watched. Every second slowly crawled by as she noted each twitch, each movement or shift of weight.

As her eyes watched, her mind rambled on. Why the buck did Twilight let this usurper just walk in? Rainbow thought as she did not glare at the so-called Griffon King. The gleaming metal that clad his form did not have a single scratch, dent or imperfection. I just bet you were hiding, just waiting for Twi to fix things so you could swoop in and muscle her out.

There were far, far too many creatures about, and only ten confirmed allies. Only three of them she would trust anypony’s lives with. Captain Candice and Seneschal Emerald stood beside Twilight's throne, both as still as statues, the last line of defence for Twilight. Her eyes flicked to Gilda, who somehow managed to make standing at attention look threatening. Flame Dancer’s magic danced over a scroll as she played the part of Court Scribe, still in her Solar Paladin Cosplay and dutifully recorded every word and every action. Yeah, Gilda’s got my wing, and well, Griffon feathers burn… She thought as she looked over the crowd. There were three hundred and twelve Griffons packed into the room, with only the space between Twilight and the Griffon ‘King’ empty.

Half of these birds are too grateful to Twi to act against her. Some might even try to protect her. At least a quarter are too terrified of what she might do… the rest, though… She wanted to scream with frustration. Friendly mixed with possible hostiles. It was a recipe for collateral damage. This is why I hate riot duty.

Her eyes kept tracking for threats. This was so much simpler with ponies. Yeah, a good buck could be dangerous, but most ponies did not carry a set of steak knives and had near pegasus levels of reaction speed.

“Another of your pony problems has escaped, and yet again, it just happened to cause a situation perfect for making us dependent on you. This time we will not accept your actions, Alicorn. This time, there will be an accounting.” The arrogant featherbrain puffed his armoured chest out, levelled an accusing talon, and shouted, “This is why you will surrender yourself to us, ‘Princess’.” From his beak, the tile was nothing but an insult.

Twilight sat on her seat. To all outward appearances, utterly as serene as her Celestia act demanded, but with each word the griffon before her said, the air in the room got heavier. Something changed behind her gaze, something that brought to mind a flash of that too-wide grin that Rainbow never wanted to see on her friend’s face again.

A reassuring warmth radiated from her blade into Rainbow’s leg. Yeah, I know. She thought back to her silent companion.

Twilight smiled sweetly. “Will implies certainty. I think you may not have the best grasp of what that word means. Surrendering to you is not something we are inclined to do willingly.” Her light tone shifted to one far more weighty. “So tell us, how do you intend to compel us?”

The whole room fell into deathly silence. It was as if every creature there waited with bated breath for the coming explosion.

Power vibrated through Rainbow’s wings, held just below the level that would start to spark. From the other side of the room, the tone of Gilda’s magic followed suit.

The Griffon ‘King’ raised his head high and glared daggers at Twilight. “I challenge…”

With a crash, the doors slammed open. Almost every set of eyes zeroed in on the fluttering streak of red that burst into the room.

Orange wings, tipped with lavender, spread defiantly from under the red cloak. One of the Griffon King’s thugs groaned groggily, pinned under a much smaller pony as they skidded to a halt.

“Scootaloo?" Dash gasped, only barely stopping her jaw from hitting the floor.

Scootaloo’s head snapped up, and she smirked. “Hi, Rainbow. This mook wouldn't let us in.” Said mook shook their head and started to move, only to take a hoof to the face.

Twilight cackled. “So, this is the might of your forces, King Red Wing?”

The Griffon King slowly turned his gaze, burning with hatred. In doing so, he did not notice the other ponies enter. Little Star strode in like an elegant Princess in miniature and, followed by the rest of the Crusaders, marched in as if they owned the place.

“Mother.” Little Star bowed her head respectfully. “I would rate them as half as effective as a typical member of Ponyville’s militia.”

Twilight nodded to her daughter with a proud little smile.

Red Wing looked about ready to burst into flames with how angry he looked. “They are my elite guard. You will pay for your insults.”

“Elite? Hahaha!” Scootaloo fell off her victim as she held her sides and rolled on the floor laughing.

Applebloom rolled her eyes. “Scootaloo, we’re meant to have professionalism, decorum and stuff.”

Their new addition, a thestral colt, facehooved.

“Insult?” Twilight’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “If there is a debt to be paid for insults, the balance of the bill would be yours. You are the one that has been insulting myself, and my entourage, ever since you... demanded our hospitality.”

Red Wing’s stance took on an air of formality. He almost looked like he was beginning to be respectful, almost. “Then, as honour demands, we will settle this with a duel.”

“You have spirit, at least. Few would dare challenge an Alicorn.”

“You are no Celestia, whelp.”

“A factually correct statement, even if you used the wrong term of address. How will you wow me next with your powers of observation?”

If looks could kill, Twilight would be dead and buried. Red Wing seemed to take it as a personal insult that his death gaze was not even noticed. He opened his beak to speak, and Twilight raised a hoof. “If it is a duel you want, it is a duel you will have.” She spent a long moment holding his gaze. “Even between foes, there is a formality that must be observed before we become dance partners.”

“Do not mock me, pony.”

“Very well, griffon. What terms do you desire?”

“No magic, and unarmed.”

Twilight shook her head. “Impossible. We would both be dead before the match started if no magic was allowed.”

“Enough of your word games.”

Twilight's eyes burned with magenta fire, and King Red Wing slumped, his proud wings drooped to the ground as he raggedly gasped for breath. Slowly, the colours started to fade from his vibrant wings.

“That, little griffon, is what it means to be without magic…” Twilight said as her eyes returned to normal.

Red Wing gasped and took a deep breath and then another. With each intake of air, his colour was restored bit by bit. “You will pay for that…”

“I believe you are firm in your determination, at least. Now, perhaps offer terms that actually make sense this time, griffon,” Twilight said politely, but her eyes gleamed as if she was the cat that had the mouse just where she wanted him.

Red Wing pushed himself back to his full height. “This duel shall be settled purely by our unarmed combat prowess.”

“Skill, strength and speed will determine the victor.” Twilight hummed thoughtfully, then nodded. “Shall this be to first blood?”

“No. For your insolence, I can accept nothing less than your death.”

Twilight’s eyes closed for a long blink. When they opened again, something far older seemed to look out from them. “You are certain?”

Don’t do this, jerk…

“I am.” Red Wing said with his chest puffed out and his eyes blazing with confidence. Rainbow could practically hear his internal monologue, ‘I have you right where I want you’.


“Then, as you wish, tomorrow at twilight?”

“I will not give you time to flee. You have one hour to make your peace.”

“This shall be the last moments for one of us, King Red Wing. We should both spend our seconds wisely. Twilight's gaze shifted to a weary sadness before it flicked back to eager anticipation. “We shall reconvene here in an hour.” She rose and turned away from Red Wing. It was as if he simply no longer existed. Her eyes found Candice’s. “Captain, ensure our guests are treated as they deserve.”

Candice nodded, “As you wish, Princess.”

In a flash of magenta, Little Star and the Crusaders popped into existence next to Twilight. “Mother.”

A motherly smile lit up Twilight’s face. “Walk with me.” With those words, she led the Crusaders out of the throne room.

Red Wing’s talons flexed opened and closed to a beat as his eyes tried to do what his talons were too far away to do.

There were twenty minutes left, and each second dragged on like an hour. Dash’s body moved on automatic as she made sure every line and detail of her uniform was exactly in place. Her eyes traced over the lines of her blade, her badge of rank. This is like something from a Daring Do book. The lighthearted thought did nothing to change how serious the situation was, nor how much Twilight had changed.

In the sheen of the weapon’s surface, she could almost see Twilight. The duel with training weapons they shared with the un-Twilight-like flirting. The battle against the mercenaries that wanted to kill the hybrids before Twilight could heal them. The bad-flank date she had with Luna, and finally, her calmly strolling out of a forest fire after dealing with the Headhunter.

Twi… you're not the adorable bookworm you used to be.

A tilt of the blade and a red shimmer danced over its surface. Flame Dancer’s words echoed from Rainbow's memories. She heals the incurable. She walks sheathed in the power to alter the world to her will... She is your Princess, the divine you have chosen to follow. Rejoice in what you have gained, and strive always to be worthy of her. As each statement voiced itself in her mind, more images came. Twilight’s pain that she hid as she gave Scootaloo the skies. The look in Twilight's eyes as she offered to restore Rainbow's wings. The smile as she said, ‘I could not ask for a more loyal knight.’

I guess nopony is the same as they used to be. The scent of grains laced with honey and dried fruits drew Rainbow from her thoughts.

A familiar-looking talon held a slab of flapjack out. “Eat,” Gilda said before she wolfed down the last bit of her fish.

Rainbow leaned closer and snatched the flapjack with her mouth. “Thanks,” escaped her just before she started the serious chewing that rations required.

“I can't believe Twilight is being so stupid.”

Dash swallowed the last of her snack and smirked. “She’s not. She’s got this. Just wait.”

Gilda tipped back a flask of water and took a long gulp. “If even half what you told me is true, yeah, I got no doubts there. But what happens next?” Gilda passed the flask with the question.

“We win?” Rainbow took a long pull from the chilled water. Hydration, hydration, hydration. The words from basic repeated themselves in her mind as she drank.

“‘King’ Red Wing has a lot of friends… and none of them are the good sorts of griffons. How do you think they will react when Twilight tears him a new one?”

Rainbow shrugged and tossed the flask back. “They're gonna cause trouble…”


“Then we make sure we are ready.”

“Twilight’s daughter is here… that's where I would expect the smarter ones to strike. Either for vengeance or a hostage.”

Rainbow nodded.

“So interception or cover?” Gilda asked.

“All Little Star needs is a moment's warning, and she’ll be safe.”

“Just how overpowered is she?”

“She can teleport in point one second.”

Gilda’s gaze bordered on disbelief.

“Really,” Rainbow stated.

“Then all we need to do is buy her half a second.”




Closed talon bumped hoof, and they both made their way out.

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