• Published 11th Sep 2019
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Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 65 A Bloody Account

Celestia’s bare hooves clopped on the marble floor as she made her way into a partially hidden vault. Despite the dire tidings that brought her here, the heat brought a content smile to her face.

What once had been a yearly check had become a daily one.

Row upon row of tiny sconces lined the walls. Each held a glass orb and had a small enchanted golden plaque under them. Most glowed with a soft ghostly light. Too many had a small radiant spark of solar magic inside. She went through the list of names and serial numbers, her eyes swept over the orbs, and one by one, she confirmed each was truly dead.

One, in particular, caught her attention. “Revealing Light?” Celestia mused. “What were you doing in that battle?” In her mental garden she looked over the report again, even though she had no problem recalling every word. Thirty-seven civilians were saved and almost a whole squad of guard ponies died.

You know that was not a wise sacrifice they made, Daybreaker said as she lounged cat-like.

“I am aware, but the guards are there to protect my ponies.”

We have more than enough to repopulate, and all the important bloodlines are secure.

With a sweeping gaze, she checked each of the orbs. Fifty-nine more had perished and so far had been unreported. She would need to go through the deployment maps and see if another unfortunate event had happened.

Another orb lit up, the spark of solar power, the blessing she gave to each of her loyal guards, returned. There were far too many spare orbs and far too few defenders out there.

Resources lost, and ponies' lives cut short. As a pony, she could value every single life. As a princess, she could not.

You're just angry somepony is taking your pieces, their not even important ones…

Heat stirred in her chest. She let out a long slow breath, a distorted heat haze rising from the incendiary exhalation. “Why do I even…”

Your Radiance, it is time for your meeting. The perfectly enunciated voice of her Mask interrupted.

She trotted out, leaving the comfortable warmth behind and stepped into her enchanted shoes as a servant levitated the rest of her regalia into place.

“Please inform Noble Guide that I will be a few minutes late.”

“Yes, Princess.” The servant bowed and trotted off.

Somepony needs their pipe?

Be silent, lest I take your speaking privileges away.

The clarity her pipe brought her still lingered. It was a shame she could not have savoured it a bit. At least she still had her preferred blend to enjoy. The almost boiling tea nearly froze Celestia’s tongue, or that was how it felt. At least the taste was something she could savour. She delicately took another sip and then placed the cup down and turned her full attention on her guest. “So, your task has been completed?”

Noble Guide nodded. “Yes, Princess, with Princess Twilight Sparkle’s astounding work, the refuge settlement is very likely the most secure place in Equestria, at least from the Blighted.”

It only took a glance out the window to see the faint magenta glow that marked Twilight's spell craft. It was a little ostentatious. One might call it an inefficient use of magic, but it would be a lasting monument to Twilight's power, another reminder to the world not to meddle with the affairs of Alicorns.

Celestia’s mask put on just the right smile. “That is truly good news.”

Noble Guide’s weary but content smile was just another reminder of how little time he had left in this world. Why do all the good ones leave us so soon?

Daybreaker snorted. Because they are not selfish enough to look after themselves, like a certain mare I know.

“So, if it pleases your majesty, I will be moving on and seeing what I can do to improve the logistics and defence of another location.”

“Do you have any idea as to where?”

“A few. I was planning on talking to the Captain of the Guard and seeing where I am able to take the strain off them.”

Celestia nodded. “Even assisting with paperwork would be a large boon for them. With your abilities, it would free up at least a dozen for other duties.” She hummed thoughtfully. “They are quite busy, but would an hour before sunset be acceptable?”

“That will be quite fine, Princess. It will give me more time to get my own affairs in order.”

With a few deft motions of a quill and a small bit of Celestia's magic, the meeting was arranged.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle’s daughter is by far the most powerful unicorn I have ever encountered.”

“You had the chance to meet her?” Why are you bringing her up? Celestia studied her guest and casualy browsed his mind. Images of glowing siege projectiles exploding into creative uses of non-combat spells, a memory of a small lavender filly that performed more teleports in a day than she took steps. The oh so serious look when the filly was thinking and the wide innocent smile as she helped others.

A strong pang of nostalgia tugged on Celestia’s heart. The photo of a young Twilight under Celestia’s own wing taunted her with the promise of happier times. She lifted it by the frame. Twilight had been so happy, the perfect student, but that was before she cast ‘that’ spell.

Noble Guide nodded. “Yes, she is incredibly dedicated to the defence of Ponyville.” He shook his head in amusement. “Most fillies don't casually create enchanted artillery when they feel the need to do something to help.” He paused and took a sip from his tea. “Ah, as always, your tea is perfection itself.”

Celestia nodded and hummed thoughtfully. “Do you believe Ponyville is a good place for her?”

“While she has a lot to learn, and needs the seasoning only experience can actually provide, she is a true asset to the town. Her remaining there is the best option for the town, and I believe she would refuse to leave.”


“She is more dedicated to her duty than almost any other pony I have met.”


“Her case is a strange one. In essence, she has less than a year’s experience, and yet, she has a fully functional mind. She throws herself behind everything she does with total dedication.” Noble Guide gazed into his half-empty tea cup as if it might hold some deep truth. “It is as if she has not learned to have any real desires of her own. Instead, she only wishes to please others.”

As if she was a fragment… Was it possible? “Well, it is likely the only option for now. If she is anything like her mother, I fear only myself or my sister would be able to rein her in.”

The metallic scent of blood, so strong even her mortal guest would notice it wafted into the room. Celestia's eyes turned to the source. Not a window, not a door, but to a tellingly darker patch of shadow. “Luna, what are you playing at?” Celestia said in whisper-speak.

In answer, her sister's immaculate shoe emerged from the darkness, strands of shadow clung to her as if they were cobwebs. The barely restrained magic that emanated from her was at least reined in enough not to be life-threatening to mortals.

“Sister dearest, there are words that must be shared,” Luna said with a hint of the Royal Canterlot Voice edging in. Eyes fixed on Celestia’s own, Luna reached into her shadow and tossed something across the room. A dozen solar guard helmets flew through the air. The heavy thumps added extra emphasis to the fact not all the helmets were empty as they came to rest on the formerly pristine carpet.

Noble Guide sat, frozen. With the merest flicker of her will, a touch of mind magic ensured he would stay that way.

For just a moment, the world wavered. Celestia was no longer in her study. She no longer looked over her desk. For that instant, slit eyes looked out from a black muzzle. A muzzle twisted just so in a mix of smug assurance and utter contempt.

A cold lump formed in her chest Not again, please not again.

Oh what have we here? Daybreaker purred like a cat that had just caught the mouse. The Warmind uncoiled herself and slipped comfortably into place, ready and eager to act.

"Luna," Celestia stated icily "Explain yourself."

"Nay, Sister, it is you who shall explain yourself."

A small seed of hope emerged. Those were not the words her sister would use if a conflict was unavoidable. She just needed to gain control of the situation.


Dark wings flared. Papers and small objects leapt into the air, carried by the sudden gale. Fury burned in Luna's eyes, and the temperature in the room plummeted. "These ponies paid with their lives because of your folly."

Every inch of Luna's being leaned into the act. Each muscle and tendon played its part in aiming that accusing glare. For now, at least, her sister's attack would be with words alone.

Relief flowed through her, even as Daybreaker grumbled.

Only her mask kept the smile from Celestia's lips. A smile she full well knew would have pushed Luna to violent actions.

Celestia turned to look at the heads as their blood seeped into the antique carpet. Each one had been one of her guards. Although some were unrecognisable, the enchantment in each helm provided name, rank and serial number to her mystical perception.

Name after name went through her mind as mentally she started on the exact wording she would use in the letters she would soon be writing.

Looking back to her beloved Lulu, Celesita found the frozen inferno in her eyes had settled, if only slightly. "Sister, that is a statement not an explanation."

"You wish for…" Luna paused and inhaled sharply before slowly letting it out. "Your guards are poorly trained and ill-suited to the tasks that befall them."

It was hard to find a compelling counterpoint with the evidence presented in such a graphic way. "What happened?" Celestia let her true sorrow show past the clinical detachment her mask granted her.

“The blighted behaved as expected, they drew out your toy soldiers and ambushed them.”

“You lay that at my hooves?”

The rage in Luna's eyes settled to mere anger. She stalked forward and with a casual swipe of her wing sent Noble Guide sailing across the room.

Catch him. Celestia commanded, and Daybreaker grudgingly complied. A flair of aura cushioned her guest with only very mild scorching.

Luna settled down on her own conjured cushions. The casual waste of magic was simply another silent condemnation. "If they were better trained in the art of battle, some may have survived. If they were more than rank amateurs at strategy, they would have expected the trap."

Celestia’s pipe called to her. A few breaths, and she would be far better prepared for this conversation.

Luna twitched a wing. The small motion was practically a whole dissertation about how disappointed she was. "Partake if you wish."

A heavy sigh escaped Celestia. Of course, the fraction of a second’s hesitation was enough for her sister to divine everything. "You have come here to work on a solution and not simply vent?”

Luna snorted. "You will hear my words and you will know what your choices have cost Equestria.”

Her sister's body appeared completely at rest, but nothing could be further from the truth.

After a moment of consideration, Celestia withdrew her pipe and supplies from the drawer. "Tea?"

Luna nodded. The gesture was just so, an acceptance and promise. Despite how heated words might get, there would be no blood spilt or no more at least.

A golden aura fetched the tea service and set to the well practised art as Celestia’s hooves began to blend the ingredients for her pipe.

Every action was performed to perfection. All the little signs that nopony outside the room would recognise, said only one thing. This was a meeting between equals.

Luna sat a little straighter, her horn a little higher. Even through her controlled rage, a little bit of satisfaction crept into her expression.

Not another word was said until they both had their cups before them.

Celestia’s horn glowed as she added just a bit more heat to her own. She met her sister’s eyes with as much serenity as her long life afforded her. "Why this, why now, when we both have things we should be doing?"

Luna stared back over her own cup. Her mane reached out, claiming one of the heads and reeling it in.

The face has been horribly deformed, split open as a reptilian maw ripped its way out of the too-small helmet. The mass of flesh and twisted bone was unrecognisable, but the magic tag still proudly proclaimed who’s head floated there.

RGIS 11962, Revealing Light.

Luna’s gaze slipped to the dead, lifeless eyes. "We will never see this one in the eternal fields. We were too slow, a few seconds too late to save her soul."

"While unfortunate, what is your point?"

"You are the reason we are slow, why are edge is dull. You are why we have not found Moonlit Scroll. Why we were not aware of this plot before it happened."

Blood dripped down, staining the expensive wood and important scrolls alike, rewriting them world be hours of work she did not have time for.

Each pattern of drops, each spreading pool of blood, painted an image and each image spoke of a scream from many years ago.

"You know why those restrictions are there," Celestia said, eyes still focused on the blood.

"With even one, I could have saved half of them."

“Well you don't have…”

“Sister, if I am to serve Equestria as I should, you have to unshackle me from your chains.”

“It is not that simple”

“Our ponies are dying because I can't save them, Twilight’s attacker and the vile fiend behind all of this is still at large because I can not use my domain as it was intended to be used.”

“You know what happened in the past, Sister.”

Luna's eyes narrowed. “We are both all too aware of what happened.”

Celestia looked to the gathered heads and settled on Revealing Light’s. The fact it was the closest and the name of the pony could not have been a coincidence.

“Tia, we must do something.”

“With what is already in motion, Equestria will survive.”

“At what price? How many decades to recover?" Luna paused and then continued in a much smaller voice. " Do you not trust me, Sister?”

That last dagger struck deep, and if it were not for the calm brought on from Celestia’s vice, she might have wavered there. “I trust you,” Celestia said, her faith in the modifications in her sister was the biggest reason she could say that without a hint of doubt or falsehood.

Luna froze, and then slowly, her expression softened. “Then why don't you let me be useful?”

You know she is manipulating you? Daybreaker said, and she was right. It was clear as day that this was a manipulation. But the question was, why?

“I don't want to lose you, it only took one fragment gaining strength from the nightmares of our ponies to overpower you.”

Luna bristled, “I learned my lesson there, Sister.” Firm eyes stared out from her younger sister's face, eyes that in the past had been the last sight of so many opponents. There was no give, no chance her sister would back down from this.

Celestia looked down. “This is not a simple thing to undo.” She did not even need to see to know the edge of happiness that would be creeping onto Luna's face. She held up her hoof. “I am not sure that, even if there was time right now, if it would be a wise course of action.”

“Sister, unless you are hiding an army of chosen somewhere, only us Alicorns are truly up to dealing with this threat.”

“You have not even had a century to recover from your return.”

“As we are not stockpiling our magic, that is less of an issue than you believe. And the threat we have here will be dealt with in multiple tactical scale engagements. Not by turning all of Equestria, outside what we have secured, to glass.”

Celestia could feel Daybreaker rolling her eyes. Well, that's only because you’re no fun. Celestia rested her head on her hoof.

Luna leaned closer, lowering her own head. “Equestria needs an edge. Let me be that blade.”

“Have you seen what your betrothed has created?” Celestia asked, a wing pointing unerringly at the magenta dome.

“So, let her be the shield.”


The growl was so quiet that only the most perceptive of ponies would have heard it. "Let me bring you the heads of our foes, and not those of our defenders."

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