• Published 11th Sep 2019
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Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 41.4 Dark Clouds on the Horizon

“Hay Rainbow,” Thunderlane’s voice bellowed.

“Yeah?” Rainbow Dash did not even open her eyes, not even for the new Captain of the weather team. If she did not move, she might be able to get back to sleep. Her napping perch in the old appletree still fit her perfectly. She had used it so often it had moulded to her body. The sound of wings approached. The imperfections in their strokes were like nails on a chalkboard to her.

“I know you're a fancy Wonderbolt and everything now, but can you help us out?”

“Sure, I’m not going to leave Ponyville hanging.”

“Good, see that huge pack of black clouds?”

She opened her eyes and quickly found a few months of rain clouds heading straight for Ponyville. “Yeah?”

“Their four times are big as they should be and a day early.”

“Well, somepony bucked up.”

Thunderlane nodded. “Now we need to get them under control and find where they are meant to be before we get a flood and somewhere else gets a drought.”

“Yah, yah I can get this done in ten seconds flat.”

“Well we already have a team trying to redirect them, they are just being stubborn.”

“Did somepony let some water from the Everfree into the weather factory again?”

“That was one time, and that was a few clouds as a prank.”

“We’re going to have to draft half the town's wings to get all that rain where it should be.”

“I’ll get on that, you help wrangle those clouds.”

Rainbow snapped her wing in a casual salute. She hopped down to the group and started stretching out. It would not pay to pull something, She could easily leap straight into the action, but the tightness in her left-wing still complained about how much she pushed herself to claim first place. She smirked. That Nightguard Meteor Crash and Lighting Dust were getting close to half as awesome as she was.

She inspected one wing then the next, making a few adjustments. The foul taste of the premium oil Spitfire insisted she use still grated, but she could not complain about the half a percent flight profile improvement it granted. Even if it tasted like fish and timberwolf breath. At least it did not really have a scent.

All pre-flight checks completed she launched into the air ready to show just how awesome she was.

Catching up with the weather team was foals play. Dealing with these clouds would not be. She came to a hover and watched for a moment. Every time one of the frustrated pegasi left a cloud alone, even for a second, it would slip back to the pack. They were nearly as bad as the ones Discord let lose back when he was a total jerk.

Something was seriously wrong with these clouds. It took a few seconds for her mind to catch up with her instincts. Tactics lessons Spitfire had beat into her head sometimes literally provided the answer. They were encircling the weather team.

“Weather Team, get your flanks over here now!” Rainbow shouted. The commanding tone and Rainbow’s awesomeness got almost all of the weather team to break off and head to her. One pony ignored her. “Stormfront!” Rainbow shouted as she moved closer.

Stormfront did not move, she merely looked round. Tendrils lashed out, ensnaring her. Her horrified scream assaulted Rainbow’s senses for only an instant before she was violently yanked into the roiling mass of storm clouds.

Rainbow did not think. Pegasus magic surged, and she shot forward. She could not see through the cloud, but she didn't need to. She could feel everything within a dozen body lengths.

There. She burst through the cloud, forehooves latched onto Stormfront. The next instant, they were out. Thunder erupted behind her, trailing into an inequine roar. She spared a moment and looked.

Heavy blobs of tar-like rain begin to fall as a pair of evil red eyes the size of a barn opened. They glared right at Rainbow.

Stormfront flailed. “Let me go, Let me go.”

“Hey, you're safe.” Rainbow dropped her and let her use her own wings. Rainbow turned to glare at the evil cloud, hooves crossed, putting on her best unimpressed bad flank look. “No cloud is going to defeat Rainbow ‘Danger’ Dash.”

The rhythmic sound of Stromfront’s wings beating slowed. The pulsing of her flight magic started to fail. Rainbow glanced around just in time to see the mare manage a few more uncoordinated flaps before her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell.

The dark cloud roared and surged forward, rushing at Rainbow. The weather magic building in it sent tingles along her feathers.

Rainbow dove after the now unconscious Stormfront as she channelled her control of the air to amplify her voice
“Get Twilight!” The sound rattled her bones and brought spots to her vision. The weather team scattered like a startled flock of birds.

Gravity was a slouch compared to the fastest mare in Equestria. Rainbow easily outpaced her pursuers and caught Stormfront. Wrapping her hooves around her and holding her securely, she abruptly changed direction. She bit back the mocking comment a younger her would have thrown out as the roiling mass of dark clouds shot by.

She tracked her opponent and caught sight of the land below. Where the nauseating looking black slime fell, anything and everything it touched darkened, its form twisting.

More clouds closed in. They might be slow, but they were far better coordinated than the mercenaries she had faced. She was going to have to do something drastic. She did a quick spin to check her surroundings. Everypony else was clear, all falling back to town. The only point she needed to protect was in her hooves. There was nothing to stop her using her signature move.

Flight magic surged up from her core. Power, her whole body vibrated with it. The sky itself danced with her drawing closer, encasing her in a sleeve of hardened air. She smirked. “You think you can keep up with me? Get real.”

Rainbow relished the strength of her muscles as she brought her wings down. The powerful stroke of her wings almost left her stomach behind as she rocketed heavenwards, dodging up quicker than most flyers could dive.

Her wings trembled, a few flickers of lighting escaping from them, but that was only the energy she could not contain. Twilight's awesome move could be used to store raw flight magic, but not quite enough. Once she had enough clearance, she reached out, grabbing her momentum and flipped its direction.

The tendons in her wings screamed at her. Spitfire would discipline her for being reckless again. She was now diving right at the pack. One heartbeat later all she could see was the dark mass below her. “Sucker.” Rainbow surged her magic, releasing all the barley contained power in her aching feathers.

The world exploded in a glorious prismatic burst. She cheered. She only just remembered not to raise her hooves in a victory celebration. It would be uncool to drop the mare she had just rescued.

Rainbow’s flight path arched as she turned back to see if any clouds had survived. “What the?” All the clouds were still there, scattered yes, but not a single one was even diminished.

Stormfront shifted a bit in her grip. Rainbow automatically adjusted her wings to account for the shift in balance, but she could not take her eyes off those smug crimson eyes. The monstrous barn sized face imitated Rainbow’s smirk as the pack of clouds shifted, setting course for Ponyville.

“Oh no, you don’t.” Rainbow started building power for another Sonic Rainboom. Thanks to her Wonderbolt training, she had at least another six in her. Twilight had better hurry.

Her right forehoof shot out, wrecking her flight path. She spiralled in the air, the almost familiar weight of her hoof-blade altering her center of mass. The weapon that was not there a moment ago dripped black tarry blood.

Stormfront, or what had been her, was flung off into the distance. Bloody stumps, where her forehooves used to be, erupted into masses of bladed tendrils. “Help me…” She croaked before her face morphed in a snarling mass of hungry fangs.

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