• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,039 Views, 3,671 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

  • ...

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CH 46.2  Tea at Twilight's

A peel of thunder snapped Applejack top full alertness. There ain't no storm scheduled. Was her first thought before her body reported she was standing. Gone was the warm embrace of the scented bath. Instead, chill air caressed her coat and tossed her mane.

A cold ache crept her hooves from the lifeless obsidian below. Above was a roiling mass of angry storm clouds was similar to those that blighted the land, which destroyed Sweet Apple Acres. They were only missing glowing eyes. “I ain't in Ponyville no more…”

She swept her head left and right. All that existed for as far as the eye could see was the endless bleak expanse. Doubt formed like a stone in her chest. Twilight had been telling the truth when she promised. What were her exact words again? ‘I give you my word, my oath, no harm will come to you.’ Had she dumped her here, safe but trapped forever?

Applejack had seen Twilight’s magic do amazing things. The mare made the impossible happen every other week. Was this what being turned to stone felt like?

“Hello, Applejack.” The lavender Alicorn spoke from behind her.

“Twi, where are…” The question died stillborn on Applejack’s lips. Twilight stood there, but it was not quite the Twilight she knew. The coat of each limb was a slightly different shade. Despite the mare’s perfect grooming, she seemed diminished. Under the shining coat, her body was gaunt and frail compared to the mare she was just talking to.

Twilight stepped aside with hesitant eyes and a welcome smile, revealing an open doorway into a space reminiscent of her old library. “Well, are you going to come in?”


Twilight nodded. A fleeting touch of complex emotion marred her expression before she answered. “This is the state Celestia left me in when she… assembled me.” A magenta glow parted her coat, revealing a line of stitches in a thread of golden light holding her together like an oversized patchwork doll.

The luminous thread demanded attention. Only Applejack's legendary stubbornness acted as a bulwark against it and allowed her to meet her friend's eyes again. Oh, Twilight. Her friend had told them all the story, but being told and seeing were two very different things.

“Would you please join us and stop letting all the warmth out.” A sweet musical voice called out from deeper in the apparent library. “The tea is served, and if you let it go cold, I will be disappointed in you both.”

Lavender ears perked up. “Be right there.” Twilight headed in, a slight bounce in her trot, her wing wavering for Applejack to follow.

Applejack followed her friend in, placing each hoof cautiously. As soon as her hooves stepped on to the live wood of the floor, she immediately felt better. She shivered as a chill she had not noticed was replaced by warmth. Even if it was not for the energy that flowed up through her hooves, the scent alone would have identified the golden oaks. The fragrances of paper, ink and live wood set the background notes with chamomile and honey floating atop.

The living pulse of the tree soothed her. No, it was not one of her lost Appletrees, but it still greeted her in the way of plants. Peace and quiet contemplation brushed her mind, As she looked around. The larger than life Golden Oaks welcomed her as an absent friend returned.

Everything about the place screamed Twilight. The central room stretched out in all directions but mostly up. Books and comfortable little knick-knacks filled almost every wall. Adding a touch of grandiose regality to the space, lavender drapes hung from the walls, some with finely embroidered representations of Twilight’s mark, others with depictions of their greatest achievements. Nightmare Moon, Discord and Tirek, to name a few. Each stirred something within the farmmare. For a moment, less than a blink of the eyes, it was as if she was back in the past, reliving the event.

Unlike the hall of stained glass in Canterlot, other events earned their place here. Twilight's first day in Ponyville. Maybe I shook her hoof a little too hard… Apparently, their first gala was less important than sharing doughnuts in the aftermath. Dozens of little moments treasured as much as saving the world.

Each memory record surrounded five wooden doors. Her eyes paused on the one with three red apples. Her own cutiemark stared back at her from its wooden surface. Next to it were more doors, one each of all her best friends with the exception of one for Twilight.

“Twi, where are we?” Applejack asked in awe, taking in the rest of the main chamber. A staircase led to the multiple levels above. Each with many more books and dozens of passageways heading off into unknown areas. For a Homewood tree to grow so large, it must be older than Celestia.

Twilight led them around a bookshelf revealing a tall silver maned mare sat at a wooden plain table. Now normally, meeting a new pony was a common enough event. She had met thousands of ponies in her life. This time Applejack paused, almost missing a step. Sat there, with silver magic setting a pair of teapots on the table and a welcoming smile on her muzzle was not just anypony. No, there was another Alicorn.

“Welcome, Bearer Applejack.” The beauty of the mare was only suppressed by that of her voice. Her silver mane drifted in an unfelt wind, just like Princess Celestia or Luna. Her eyes glinted with soft amusement as she gestured to a soft cushion. “You have many questions.”

Applejack tipped her head in thanks, more by reflex than choice. “Begging your pardon, Princess, but who are you?”

With an enchanting titter of laughter, the Alicorn answered. “My dear Applejack, I’m no princess. My name is Sweet Dreams, and I am the guardian of this place for ‘my’ beautiful Princess.”

A hint of warmth rose in Twilight’s cheeks. “Stop that.” She pleaded but failed to hide the smile the complement provoked.

“Twilight, ain't you gettin hitched to Luna?”

“Yes, but as always, Applejack, everything involving Alicorns becomes… complicated.” Twilight settled a cushion beside the larger Alicorn, far too close for the pair to only be friends.

“Twilight…” Applejack took her hat off and looked at it. Unsurprisingly, her favoured head covering offered no better suggestions on how to say this. “I know it's not exactly my place to say, but ain't you spreading yourself a little thin? Luna, Candice, Emerald and that's not even mentioning your … offers to Fluttershy and Rainbow.”

Twilight’s hoof rubbed the back of her neck. “About that, Applejack…”



“I ain’t interested.”

Twilight’s mouth froze, half-open, her hoof half-raised in counterpoint. The hoof adjusted its course, performing a slow-motion facehoof.

“Bearer Applejack, I believe you misunderstand a great deal. My Twilight...” A perfectly preened blue wing processively enfolded around Twilight. “Arranged this meeting is merely to provide you with information that has been denied you.”

“You don’t need to be jealous, my Dream.” Twilight nestled into the embrace, nuzzling into the crook of the larger Alicorn's neck.

Sweet Dreams returned the affection. “I shall inform our other guests that we have company.” She gracefully rose, wings lingering and prolonging the physical contact as long as possible.

Twilight tilted and almost tipped like a love-drunk stallion after Rarity batted her eyes just so.

“Talk to your friend.” Dreams whispered into Twilight's ear. There was no way it was not deliberately pitched loud enough for Applejack to hear.

Twilight nodded. Her eyes lingered on Dreams, trailing over her from as the ‘not a princess’ departed. Dreams slipped behind one of the drapes, the sound of her hooves clopping on the wooden floor faded into the distance.

Magenta eyes turned to regard Applejack. Twilight nodded her head towards a comfy-looking cushion. Applejack settled down opposite her friend, letting the almost too soft seating partially envelop her.

“So…” Twilight started.

Applejack waited. Her friend was making the effort, there was no need to rush her. She smiled, lending support to this remarkably sane version of her friend.

“I should have prepared a presentation. I don't even have any cue cards…”

“Twilight, Ahm your friend, right?”

“Of course, why would you even ask that?”

“Point is, Ahm not a group of fancy scholars or somesuch. Simply speak, just tell me what's going on.”

"That was the whole point of bringing you here."

"So where exactly is 'here'?"

"This is my Bastion, my soul and extra-dimensional space anchored on the.."


"Right, sorry."

"So you're telling me all this is your soul?"

Indecision wared behind her friend's eyes. The slight tilt of her head and twitches or her ears marking the progression of her internal debate. “Yes, this whole place is a part of me. A bastion is one of the advantages of becoming an immortal Alicorn.”

“So you gain your own home away from home? I can see why you picked this. You really missed your old library.”

“Yes, I did.” Twilight's hoof rubbed against the wooden floor. “And the Grand Golden Oaks Library is even better than the original.”

"She's a fine old tree."

Twilight's hoof pressed against her chest. It moved down before returning where it started and repeated the motion. Each time tracing the same straight line.

“You alright, Twi?”

“Yes, just unsure how you will react.”

“Twi, we’re friends. I promise.” Applejack held Twilight’s gaze, letting every ounce of support and trust show through. “I will hear you out before I do anything.”

Her friend nodded. "you know Alicorns are… immortal?"

“Well. I do now”

"They don't start that way." Twilight waved her hoof around. "Gaining your bastion is a pass-fail test to see if you become immortal or not."

"Well, you passed… so why that look?"

"You pass by failing to die."


"You have to have something happen to you that kills you, and instead of dying, your mind, your soul and everything you are... changes. You either construct your bastion... or fail and find oblivion."

"Well, when have you ever failed a test, Twilight?"

A snort of bitter humour escaped Twilight. “Most tests are not quite so painful…” The levity faded, A flicker of darkness flashed across her eyes. “Nor terrifying.”

“What happened?”

Twilight’s hoof traced that part of her chest again. “With the right preparations surviving the ‘trail’ becomes more likely, but it is never guaranteed, never one hundred percent.”

Not a single word was a lie. Applejack mouth dried, her tongue wrestled with the words before finally releasing them. “So, princess Celestia…”

Twilight nodded. The simple gesture was definitive. “Killed me to see if I could become immortal.”

“Ah know you ain't lying, but it's still hard to believe.”

“My… body still bears the scar, the last one I will ever have. Now I am immortal, anything that does not outright kill me will heal completely, given enough time.”

“So, Princess Celestia tried to kill you, and ya’ll just alright with this?”

Twilight tapped her hooves together. “I understand it. The sooner the trial is done, the more likely success is. There is also the little fact that failing means all the magical potential held in the pony, me in this case is… destructively released.”

“Destructively released?”

“I would have exploded destroying everything near me… which with my thaumic reserves then, could have turned all Ponyville into a smoking crater.”

“So the other Alicorns…”

“Yes… all except Flurry Heart.”

“You mean?”

“Yes… at some point, either in a planned ritual or just in life, something will happen that should kill her. If she is not both lucky and strong-willed, she will explode in a blinding flash of magical flux disintegrating anything close to her.”


“The dangers of starting upon the path of immortality, I am looking into alternatives.” Twilight's ear twitched. “The point, Applejack, is that Celestia did everything she could to give me the best chance to survive, the best chance to become her equal.”

“Then why that haunted look?”

The lavender hoof yet again rubbed against Twilight's chest. “I did not know what was happening. She restrained me and drove a ritually prepared blade through me.” Her head tilted down, eyes closing. “I was scared, I did not know what was happening, I begged, I pleaded and yet she…”

Applejack had her hooves around her friend before she even released she had decided to move. Twilight's body shook as emotions fought to escape the Alicorn's crumbling control.

Out of nowhere, warmth surrounded Applejack, feathers almost tickling as they brushed against her coat. A huge blue wing wrapped around both of them. Within a second, Twilight relaxed into the double embrace.

Dreams’s whispered words brushed Applejack's left ear. “Now you know why Celestia is not my favourite mare.”

A quiet chuckle vibrated through Twilight before she sighed. “I don't know why I let it bother me…”

“Twilight, I was expecting you to explain who we…” Sweet Dreams chided affectionately.

“Right, sorry.” Twilight’s head shot up and scanned the surroundings. Applejack’s gaze followed, spotting two ponies as Twilight and Dreams stood, escaping the embrace.

With the warm blanket of wings gone, the comfortable temperate air felt frigid. Applejack ignored it, refusing to shiver as she looked over to the new arrivals. The tallest was another Twilight, if Twilight worked out and had bat wings complementing fangs and slit eyes. The other was Candice, but missing her wings and with a horn stuck on her head.

“Candice, you're alright?” Applejack asked, only barely noticing the sound of flowing liquid.

Hope and concern flared in the eyes of the unicorn. She shook her head slowly and murmured. “I’m not Candice.”

Dreams poured, and the relaxing scent of chamomile increased. A moment later, a hint of home reached her nose. A note of warm sweet apple acres apples almost brought a tear to her eyes. A quick glance revealed Dreams’s benevolent smile, and a different coloured tea in the cup poured for her.

Twilight cleared her throat. “Applejack, may I introduce Night, Sweet Dreams’s Sister.”

“Applejack.” The other Twilight regally nodded. Her slit eyes felt like they pierced right through Applejack's soul.


“And Insight, Candice’s twin. Twilight continued.

Insight nodded. “Bearer Applejack. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Ya have mah sympathies for what happened to Candice.”

Familiar pain clouded Insight's eyes even as she smiled and nodded, accepting the condolences. Anytime family was hurt it always felt like a piece of you was missing.

Twilight’s own expression fell. Guilt over what she had done lingered, choking her first attempts to continue. She inhaled a deep breath, just like she was going to shout, but instead slowly let it out. Her expression calmed, and a fragile serenity took its place. “Now there are two more ponies to introduce. The first is Nova.” A pattern of impacts hit the floor from beneath. “She says hello.”

“Twi, why is she in the basement?”

“Because, like the next pony, she is trapped by Celestia’s magic.”

After hearing everything, how am Ah meant to look at Celestia the same again?

Dreams fussed, directing Night and Insight to their seats. Insight lingered a moment as she passed Applejack. “I know that look, Applejack.” The mare met Applejack's eyes. “You won't be able to look at Celestia the same way ever again because you will see the truth that hides behind the propaganda.”

A silver aura pulled back one of the drapes. Behind it, jarringly out of place like an orange in an apple pie, was the tangled mess of spiked and serrated golden chains. Each link glowed with solar radiance. Like the sun, the light warmed Applejack’s coat, but also like the sun, they were almost too bright to look at.

“Oh, sorry.” Twilight's horn lit, and the glare vanished.

Calmly looking straight at her with an expressionless face was another Twilight, this one greyed, almost most monotone. She was a little taller, with a horn but missing wings.

“This is Grey, like Nova, she is… the magically created daughter of the original Twilight.”

Applejack nodded. “Howdy.”

Grey’s horn lit, and a quill danced over a sheet of paper before it was floated over.

One time: I have greeted you, Lady Applejack.

There are far too many Twilight’s. It’s almost like you messed with the mirror pool. Applejack thought.

“Celestia’s mutilation of Grey here cost her her voice.” Dreams’s magic levitated a fresh teacup and plate of daisy sandwiches to a wood-lined hole through the tangle of chains. Grey nodded once, her expression still frozen as grey magic took over from Dreams’s silver.

“So… Twilight, Ah got to ask, why you been keeping your friends and kin here secret?”

“About that…” Twilight started.

“Tis simple, Celestia would attempt to bring death to us if she knew of us.” Night said as casually as if stating the sky is blue. Shadowy magic lifted her cup, and she savoured its scent. Her eyes half-lidded in appreciation.

“I don't see it, Celestia killing anypony.”

Twilight’s eyes suddenly found the table incredibly interesting.

Night sighed. “You know she was happy to kill six ponies to craft Twilight here?”

Dreams wing found its place around twilight once more. “Celestia is more of a monster than any foe you have defeated, Applejack.”

“She only did what she had to.”

Fangs showed, Night’s face twisted to a snarl. “What she had to?”

Twilight reached out, resting a claiming hoof on Night’s withers. Night levelled a glare in return. It only lasted a few seconds before eroding under Twilight's concerned look.

Night’s muzzle smoothed. “We apologise for our lack of decorum, it is unbecoming of us.”

“It’s alright. Thank you, Night.” Twilight shared a smile with her nocturnal counterpart.

“It vexes us how you can forgive her so.”

Twilight's expressions slipped again. “Now I had more time to think about it, it's not her intent that caused the problem. It's her judgment.”

Dreams’s eyes tightened, not a single word was said, but a deeper condemnation for Prince Celestia sat behind those eyes than even Night’s. Something similar but far colder looked out from Grey’s bitter gaze. Insight’s ears flattened, her body tensed, she shifted on her hooves as if she expected a fight.

What was going on with these ponies? What had Celestia done? Honesty practically screamed at her that all their reactions, all their emotions were heartfelt. This was no show, no deception or trick.

“Zap Apple and elderflower sandwich?” Dreams's voice shattered Applejack's spiralling thoughts. There levitating before her muzzle was two slices of fine bread with the unmistakable fragrance of the sweetest apples from the farm.

Applejack's mouth salivated at the out of season delicacy before her. With a hoof, she accepted it looking around. The table was now full of treats, both savoury and sweet. Night dug into some unidentifiable pastry, her pose regal, but with eyes half-closed as she savoured every bite.

The flavours consumed Applejack's senses after only the first bite. The worry, the tension, broken by a companionable silence and good food. Dreams’s wing lightly stroked Twilight as she regarded the others enjoying the treats.

After a few minutes, Twilight nodded to Night. Night sighed, but returned the nod. “Lady Applejack, We ask your forgiveness for…”

Twilight made a keep going gesture with her hoof.

“Treating with you harshly, I spoke unreasonably with you when you were only seeking to protect those of your blood.”

“Err… Thank you for the apology and all, but we never met.”

“We were the one with dominion over the body at that time.”


“What my sister here is saying is that she was controlling Twilight’s body at the time.” Dreams said.


Twilight’s expression was a paragon of calm seriousness. She lowered her own teacup delicately, setting it upon the saucer. “Applejack, I brought you to my Bastion to show you the truth. Both our physical bodies are still within the crystal castle.”

“So this is like a dream?”

“Not quite. This space is very real, it's a space where all one needs to be solid is a mind.”

“But it feels so real…”

“That's because it is, dear Applejack.” Dreams added.

Twilight nodded. “Physical items can even be brought here and stored...” She lifted her hood as if about to launch into a lecture full of complex terms and words that only she would have a hope of understanding. Instead, she paused. “We are getting a little off-topic. I know it sounds insane, but having multiple personalities is normal for an Alicorn.”

“This is what Emerald meant?

“I assume so. What did she say?”

“That I needed to wait to talk to my friend.”

The Three Alicorns looked at each other. A few seconds of silent communication passed between them. By unspoken agreement, Twilight spoke for them all. “Dreams is my shield, the guardian of my Bastion and sentinel of my mind. Night is my sword, both protector and avenger of my ponies. As has been said before, Nova and Grey are the original Twilight's spell created daughters.”

“And you?”

“I’m Twilight, the patchwork creation of Celestia, who you first met inspecting the food for the summer sun celebration all those years ago. And I hope, still your friend?” Earnest magenta eyes looked out from Twilight’s face.

“This is a lot to take in.” Applejack started.

Twilight's ears started to fall. “I understand…”

“None of that, Twi, were still friends. You trusted me enough to share all this. Guess it's just going to take some time to get used to.”

Twilight smiled. “Thank you.”

“I still think you should of told us sooner.”

“I know…”

“What aren't you telling me?”

Dreams tilted her head and glanced at Night, whose eyes narrowed in rebuke. Twilight simply nodded, offering a reassuring smile and an imploring look to her nocturnal lookalike.

“Very well, Twilight, but the consequences for this choice are yours. I wash my hooves of any fallout.”

Twilight nodded gravely.

“The reason you were not told is I would not allow it.”


“I did not wish to turn you into an enemy.” Night's eyes shifted to a familiar teal. “Are We not royal enough?” The voice was perfect.

Applejack's blood turned to ice in her veins. “Nightmare Moon.” She tried to stand, tried to rise, but a weight pressed against her limbs. She looked down, her own shadow snaked around her limbs like chains.

The smug smile showed fangs as Nightmare Moon performed a slight bow. “Peace, Applejack, Twilight and I have an accord, which includes your protection.”

“Twilight, how can you trust her. She's Nightmare Moon for Celestia’s sake.” Applejack was on her hooves slowly backing away from one of the greatest evils in Equestria.

“She saved my life and is also Little Star's Mother.”

“What? Mother, how?”

“Night here has been a part of me since we defeated her.”

“Which you only managed because I underestimated you.”

Twilight stuck her tongue out. It was ridiculous, it was foalish seeing the pair of Alicorns bickering like family. Dreams raised hoof did nothing to hide her titter of laughter.

Night rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Like you Applejack, I value family,” The slit eyes zeroed in on Applejack's own. “We protect our Kin.”

Hooves clopped on the wooden floor, it took Applejack a moment to realise it had been the sound of her own scurry back.

The Nightmare chuckled. “If We wished you ill, Applejack, thou could do nothing to delay your fate.” She leaned forward, a predator ready to strike.


The plush cushion Applejack had vacated slammed into the smug face of the Nightmare wrapped in a silver glow.

Dreams tisked “And you wonder why you have a hard time making friends?”

“Why you…” The Nightmare was cut off by a second cushion with time wrapped in magenta joining the assault. “What treachery is this?”

Twilight giggled launching herself over the table and into the frey, a second cushion held by hoof ready to ‘smite’ the Nightmare.

“Foals.” Dreams tone was full of disdain and affection in equal measure. She used her magic to quickly rescue the tea services as the Nightmare rallied, battering Twilight back with her own cushion and the table was sent slamming into the wall by flailing wing.

Applejack hopped back, evading the battle. “What the hay?”

Silver light reclaimed the table and righted it at a safe distance. Within moments the refreshments were back in place. “Would you like a top-off Applejack? Insight?” Dreams asked, the teapot elegantly raised as if a pillow fight that could level buildings was not happening on the other side of the room.

Insight just nodded, “Thank you, Dreams.”

Applejack sighed. “Is this normal?” The last of the adrenaline faded from her body and her heart settled to its slow resting, but powerful beat in her chest.

“My Twilight is still discovering who she is.” Dreams said, refreshing three of the cups. “Before her ascension, she was little more than a will-less puppet enslaved to Celestia's every word.”

Trotting over, Applejack sat on her haunches and reclaimed her cup. In the distance, a brutal strike sent Twilight flying. She flared her wings just in time to avoid a barrage of soft objects. Applejack replaced her hat with her spare hoof. Only in Ponyville. She thought, relishing another taste of the excellent apple tea.

“What exactly do you mean, puppet?” Applejack asked, taking another sip.

“Twilight was created to be Celestia’s ‘Faithful Student’, her tool, her agent and bearer of the Element of Magic.” Dreams sampled her own tea, letting her eyes close for a moment as she savoured the taste she continued. “She was instructed to answer to the name Twilight and to believe Night Light, Twilight Velvet and Shining Armor were her family. She was told to come to Ponyville to make friends.”

Applejack set her cup down. A chill settled next to her heart. What must it be like to find out you are not who you thought you were? A pony finding out they were adopted was one thing, but to find out you were made to be a copy, a thing to be used?

Applejack throat worked. She was told to make friends… As much as the question hurt to ask, she needed to know. “Was our friendship a lie?”

“Oh, no, dear Applejack, never think that.” Your friendship is the thing that allowed Twilight to become a real pony, what allowed her to become the beautiful mare she is today.” With a wing, she pointed to the five doors. “You and the other girls mean so much to her that you literally have a whole wing in this library. Every moment you have ever shared with her is lovingly recorded for eternity.”

A little heat found its way to Applejack's cheeks as her eyes found her own cutie mark proudly displayed on a door.

“Celestia has her status, Luna has her paintings, and Twilight has books in her Library. You dear, Applejack, have whole sections dedicated to you.”

Yes, the Nightmare looked fierce, but it was very hard to view anypony as a serious threat proclaiming dire threats in old ponish while brandishing pillows like deadly weapons.

“Do you know why Nightmare Moon…”

“Night.” Dreams corrected.

“Alright, why Night stopped me helping mah sister?”

“Big Sister Issues.”

“What do you mean?”

Dreams spent a few seconds enjoying her tea. Subtle tilts of her head and flicks of her ear like the turning of cogs as she considered her answer. “Sister… Celestia was overbearing in many ways. Her word was law, her way the only way. If you had intervened, yes, you would have shown your dedication to protecting your little sister.” Dreams looked up, silver eyes silencing Applejack’s reply. “Yet in doing so, you would have destroyed her confidence. You would have done yet another thing to hide her in your shadow, to make her dependent on you.”

“But they were fighting a bucking hydra!”

“And it was outclassed, it did not stand a chance.”


Dreams’s wingtip pressed to Applejack's lip. “To put your mind at ease, Night was ready to step in. In less than a blink of an eye, she could have ended the threat.”

With the soothing tea and Dreams’s calm tone, it was hard, very hard to stay annoyed at what had happened. One last point of contention remained. “But she threatened me.”

“Well, yes, she is still learning.”

A soft purr came from the side where Insight sat.

It took Applejack a few seconds to realise what she was looking at. “Why are you petting a baby tantabus?”

The taste of the last bite of apple and cream sponge cake lingered on Applejack’s tongue. Warm water enveloped her, and scented oils filled her nose. A gentle strength held her, keeping her head above water. Twilight, or whoever was behind her deep eyes, held her close.

Magenta eyes shifted to teal slits. “Now you understand us.” Nightmare Moon calmly looked into Applejack’s eyes.

Applejack’s heart stayed calm. Not a single bit of panic danced in her mind, but there was doubt. Despite Twilight’s, Dreams’s and even Insight’s instance, it was still hard to trust a mare that once wanted to end the world.

“So is that why Princess Luna keeps using We and us all the time?”

“It is how the royal We began.”

Twilight’s pupils returned to the normal round orbs, the irises back to the familiar magenta. “Learn something new every day.” A content little smile settled on her friend's muzzle.


“Who else? We can do the eye thing to help you know who’s talking when we are in private, but the rest of the time, you will have to guess.”

The eyes changed again to pools of beautiful silver. “Though, dear Applejack, if you pay attention, I have little doubt you can spot who is who.”

Applejack nodded. Now that she knew she was dealing with more than one pony, many things made a lot more sense. Twilight was not going as crazy as she feared she was. No, just sometimes she was out for lunch, reading a book or snuggling with Dreams in her Bastion instead of paying attention to the real world.

Was Twilight neglecting her duty? Their friendship? Applejack shook her head, clearing it. That was a friendship problem for later. Her friend trusted her. She took a breath and moved on. “Who else knows?

“I imagine Celestia does, maybe some historians…” Twilight started.

An amused smirk and the eyes flashed silver. “I believe she means about us, not how the ‘Royal We’ started.”

“Oh... well.” Twilight was back. “Cadance, Luna, Candice, and now you.”

“What about Emerald?”

“She knows some of it.”

“So I basically need to keep this completely secret.”

A solemn nod and slit eyes looked back. “Unless you wish a civil war, yes.”

Memories of the duel Luna and Twilight came flooding back with the amount of power and brutality they displayed. Their hike into the Everfree to save Applebloom, the casual lethality of Night. What would a war between Alicorns be like… Applejack could happily live without ever knowing the answer to her unspoken question.

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