• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,078 Views, 3,672 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 48.3 Rainbow's Respite

Barely seeing the words on the page, Rainbow flicked through a well-worn book. The only words she could think of were the ones they never meant her to hear. ‘A mare like that, it would have been a kindness if she died.’ The doctor had thought she was asleep, the pity in her voice had almost invited a hoof to the face. Instead, she had pretended to still be asleep. Her pulse raced, as much as she hated it, she knew what those words meant. She had given her all for her friends, for Ponyville.

A ponies body could only cope with so much, and she just had to try for twenty percent more. The tendons and joints in her wings were ruined by the physical efforts. Rainboom after Rainboom was just too much for even her awesomeness. Her magic pathways were almost burnt away by her ignoring her limits time and time again.

She would be lucky to fly again, and if she did, it would take years to get back into shape for the Wonderbolts. The mere thought of flight stirred her magic, and a dull burning sensation spread through her wings, setting one to twitching. The flight magic spilled from it like water from a raining cloud. The slight hope she might fly again retreated just a little more. Well, at least her place in the history books was secure. Nopony would ever be able to do so many Sonic Rainbooms in such a short time again.

Rainbow sighed. Each breath felt tight. The pain she knew should be there was concealed by the drugs and spells that added soft clouds around the edges of her thoughts. It made it easier. The artificial peace of mind did a great job of keeping the tears at bay.

Her eyes focused on the book in her hooves. Twilight’s signed copy of the latest Daring Do book. At least I’m not in the hospital. She thought, but she knew that was only because the building was too damaged. She turned back to the front cover. Daring Do being the hero again despite her injured wing being bound to her side. If Daring Do did not need to fly to save the day, neither did she. She still saved the day. She still held a lot of impressive records that would stand for generations, if not forever.

“Somepony should write a book about me.” She gazed up at the ceiling, and her hazy reflection started back at her. “Amazing Aerial Adventures Number One, the first Sonic Rainboom.”

“Can I…”

“Gahh!” Rainbow looked back, magenta eyes only inches away looked back.

“Morning, Rainbow,” Little Star chirped.

“Hey, Kido.”

“Hey, Applejack and Fluttershy say they’re sorry they can’t visit today. So I’m here with your breakfast.” With a flash of magic, a tray appeared. “Sorry, it’s not as good as the last breakfast I made… we’re having to ration until Applejack gets the new gardens producing.”

Rainbow ruffled Little Star’s mane. “That’s cool kid, thanks for looking after me.” The answering proud little smile was far too pleased with so little praise. Something was clearly wrong. “How's Scoots, Bloom and Sweetie doing?”

A little of the happiness in Star's eyes faded, but only a little. She scraped her hoof along the tabletop. “They’re grounded,” she snorted just like Twilight would. ”And not just in the way that just means they can’t fly.”

Rainbow's eyes found the concealed ruins of her wings. Grounded, it only took her mind a few moments to find the other words. Broken, useless. Suicide risk…


Rainbow blinked away the slight shimmer to her vision as she looked up. “Yeah, Kido?”

“Are you going to be alright?” Doubt haunted the little filly’s eyes.

Rainbow plastered her usual smirk in its place, but she knew the passion in her eyes had been replaced with only an imitation. “Just as soon as I’m back in the air, I’ll be back to being awesome.” With a hoof, she reached out and ruffled Star’s mane. “So other than that, have you been up to anything cool?”

“I've been practising using my telekinetic aura.”

“So lifting weights with your mind?”

“And helping clear the destroyed buildings in town.” Little Star chirped.

She’s weightlifting with buildings? “Twi’s letting you out?”

Little Star nodded. “The ponies feel safer with their little monster to protect them.”

The horrid cracks as Twilight’s aura snapped that griffon’s talons reverberated in Rainbow's head. That crazed grin looked back at her from her mind’s eye. That horrible moment when she was sure Twilight was not going to stop. Rainbow's eyes settled on her blade, on all the twisted crimes and evil deads Twilight had gotten the mercenaries to confess to. Rainbow shook her head, resolve filled her eyes. Yes, there were monsters in the world, but not a single one was related to Twilight.

“Hey, Star, you're not a monster and don't listen to anypony that says otherwise.”

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash… but that does not stop some of them being scared of me… some even think it was one of my spells that called the blighted here.”

“Pony feather’s, you're a bucking hero.”

“Me… a hero?”

“You kept the Crusaders safe in the Everfree through the attack, and you’ve been looking after the ponies here since.”

“... I’m just trying to be a good pony.”

“Well then, you're getting top marks at that.” Little Star's eyes lit with joy. Yep, definitely Twilight's daughter. “So how about you tell me about your adventure in the Everfree and why you were out there in the first place?”

“Well…” Little Star began her tale with all the grandeur and epicness the little filly could add to her epic awesome tale of adventure. Rainbow enjoyed envisioning it and helping Little Star ‘improve’ the story. Each suggestion was faithy recorded on a levitating scroll.

“Rainbow, wake up.”

The world snapped into focus as she blinked away the last vestiges of sleep. Instead of death-defying feats in the full freedom of the endless sky, straps and bandages restrained her, chaining her to the bed.

Hoof falls clinked lightly on the crystal floor. Rainbow at least had the freedom to turn her head enough to see who was there. Twilight approached, magenta light fading from her horn. Her friend moved regally with the gravity-defying strides that only Alicorns and skinny earth ponies could ever manage.

“Hey Twi, how's everypony?”

“Still in a state of shock, most can’t accept what happened.” Twilight moved closer, settling on her haunches beside the bed. “Thank you, Rainbow.”

“You know me, I wasn't going to leave anypony hanging.”

“I could not ask for a more loyal knight.”

Rainbow lifted her hoof as best she could, the red shine of her blade shifted under her regard. Warmth radiated from it. ‘We’re in this together,’ it whispered wordlessly. “Give it to me straight Twi, will I fly again?”

Twilight nodded. “Even if I need to stitch a new pair of wings on you.” The warm smile was both reassuring and somehow creepy. It had an edge of the manic grin Twilight had worn as she tormented her prisoners.

“Twi… you’re not going to make me some sort of…”

Twilight’s hoof was gentle as it rested on Rainbow’s chest. “Relax, my brave knight.”

What was she thinking? Twilight was her friend, and she got better since the riot she caused with her doll. Rainbow tried to find any comfortable position and failed again. Her wings ached, her body hurt, and she could barely move. This sucked, but at least the bad guys had gotten their flanks kicked and everypony was safe inside the impenetrable walls of Twilight's castle.

Pride and regret warred in her chest with each breath. She was a hero. She was a Wonderbolt. Who was she now?

“Now, I can have you in the air by tomorrow…”

Rainbow’s melancholy mind crashed. Every thought rammed headfirst into the solid stone ground of those words. In the air tomorrow? Pain lanced through her as her wings twitched, but that did not matter. She barely noticed it past the joy surging in her heart like a raging thunderhead. “You can?” She croaked out in her raspy voice.

“Yes, but you will no longer be a Wonderbolt.”

Flashes of the flight team, everything she had done to claim her place. The years of dedication, the commitment, the comradery with the other Bolts. The jubilation in her heart slowed, like Pinky when she ran out of sugar. “Why?”

“Because you will be my first knight and part of my guard.”

“But, you gave me this.” Rainbow held up her faithful blade. “I’m already your Knight.”

“Yes, but if I restore you this way, you will be one of my Chosen.”

Even feeling so relaxed, so calm, Rainbow’s eyes widened. There were always stories of what the chosen could do, Princess Luna’s superpowered ponies that never failed a mission and were almost Alicorn-like. Scootaloo's powerful lavender tipped wings and the first whoops of joy and the squees joined the imagined exploits of Luna's finest.

“Like Scoots?”

Twilight nodded. “As an adult and a member of the military already, this will be a pledge to me. You will be a member of my guard for as long as you live.” Magenta eyes gazed into Rainbow’s. They were her friend’s eyes, and yet at the same time, they were more and they were less. They were haunted, had a hardness to them despite the soft caring look in them. Just like some of the retired guards, Twilight had seen too much, been through too much.

“I can give you some time.” Twilight's smooth voice wavered a little. Nopony that did not know her so well would have even noticed.

“No need, I accept.”

Twilight tilted her head quizzically. “Just like that?”

“So long as my records stand and what I did here yesterday is never forgotten, I think my legend is safe.”

Twilight smiled slyly. “Then you, my little Dashie, the first of my Shadowbolts...”

Rainbow could feel her cheeks heat. “Hey, don’t call me that…”

Twilight giggled, the soft sound sweet and light-hearted. “I’m sorry, Rainbow. I just love how it flusters you.” She leaned in closer, her breath warm against Rainbow's coat. “Now sleep.”

Rainbow's eyelids descended inevitably as the night following the day.

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