• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,078 Views, 3,672 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 34.1 A frosty Reception

Despite having to restrain her magic again, Twilight felt wonderful. She could not keep the grin off her face. If the feelings radiating from Night were anything to go by, she was also feeling content. The endless quiet vibrations of the necklace felt like Nova was purring in her sleep.

Not feeling the need to hurry, she had decided to fly back to Ponyville instead of teleporting. Truth be told, just leaving Nightmare’s vault had been an effort of will. She could have happily spent a year there with Candice. She would need to ask about the items Night had stored in their shadow at some point.

After having her ley lines so thoroughly and repeatedly maintained, every slight detail of the air currents was obvious to her. The feeling of the air against her feathers was more than just a pleasant distraction.

She kept closing her eyes, flying by the sensation of motion and the feel of the air over each individual feather.

Teleporting was still the fastest method of travel, and it was using her talent. Flight, on the other hoof, was much more relaxing, it let her take in the sights and made her body feel alive. She knew it would feel better to ditch her flesh puppet and take to the air with her bare soul, but what would anypony who saw her think?

It was still odd how little it bothered her to know, that since her Trial of Thorns, that's all her body was. A flesh puppet. Unless very special means were used, there was no way to kill her or even permanently harm her via anything that could be done to it.

She opened her eyes and let them track the lovely form of her companion for this flight. Dancing through the air with Candice had made for a lovely morning’s activity. Their flight had occasionally devolved into a game of tag partway through the trip.

Candice flew past close enough to brush against her. The lovely scent caught her attention. Twilight smiled recalling the many reasons for their being so very late.

Last night proved that Candice was very much made for her or she was made for Candice. Twilight let her eyes close for a moment remembering the joys that were shared.

Candice’s lips meeting her own were a much more immediate reminder than just the memories. Twilight opened her eyes, seeing Candice flying inverted beneath her with a loving smile on her face. Twilight’s mind wondered just how much they could do in flight. One of Rarity’s more risqué books involved a scene of falling from the heavens. Until recently, she would have only seen the danger, not how appealing the actual thought of going through with it could be.

Candice gave a loving smile that quickly shifted into a smirk. A moment later, she adjusted her wings and just fell away rapidly, gaining distance and speed.

A part of Twilight’s mind panicked, Candice was falling. A moment later, she wanted to face hoof. They both had wings. Sometimes the fact she was not born with wings still kept creeping into her thinking.

Candice was not falling to her death, no their game was on once more. She felt like laughing at herself.

Twilight shook her head and turned down to her own dive. Candice with her larger wings had better lift and gliding ability. Though her wings were slower, less nimble and more importantly, caused more drag. Even with the delay due to her panic, she would be able to catch her.

Candice was just falling under gravity. Not even using her pegasus magic and just stabilising with her tail feathers like a dart. Eagerness building, Twilight felt her pegasus magic building in her wings. She gave them one powerful flap to propel herself downwards, adding to the acceleration imparted by gravity.

She zipped past, the constant Alicorn power she had been channelling answering her eagerness, lending her wings far more power than she expected. Twilight barely had time to blink before she overshot.

Glancing back, Candice now seemed to be chasing her. Twilight smiled, being chased could be fun too. Deliberately she scaled back the Alicorn magic flowing to her wings. She needed more control and wanted this to be fun and not just too easily won.

Candice was taking a slow graceful arc, preserving all the speed she could, deliberately aiming for an intercept.

Twilight assessed the situation. If she tried to climb, Candice would have a chance to catch her, yes she would still have the chance to evade as they raced past each other, but this would rely on her flying skills and Candice was born with her wings. In addition, her tail feathers were granting her extra control and manoeuvrability. She seemed to even be able to alter her course a significant amount with her wings folded. Why don’t all pegasi have tail feathers? She thought.

If you are intending on this being a chase, you had better do something rather than being an ‘Egghead’. Night lazily commented.

Twilight glanced back, her eyes widened. Candice was almost upon her.

Twilight flared her wings, but deliberately curled the feathers on one. The imbalance sending her course into a wild spiral. Just as Candice was about to catch her, Twilight gave a powerful flap.

If she was still a unicorn, she would have no idea where she was or which was up. The world was spinning and the ground was rapidly drawing closer. The only thing that stopped her from throwing up was her pegasus senses making sense of it all. Even with that, what she was seeing made her feel a little dizzy.

She let her attention slip to the air currents and densities. Reading the wind and the thermals, she half spread her wings and adjusted each feather just so. She slid out of the spin in a move Rainbow would not have been insulted to share the sky with.

That was fairly well done for an amateur. Night praised. It was odd that the mental voice lacked any and all sense of sarcasm or mockery. Do you want some help?

Help, no, advice, please. I want to see what I can do. Twilight responded.

As you wish. Candice seems to be trying to test herself too. So that gives us more options. You are going to want to roll to your right and then flare your wings in three seconds.

Twilight started a mental count. Test herself how?

She is limiting her use of her pegasus magic and seems to be trying to show off with how little she needs to flap her wings. Night explained.

Twilight performed Night’s recommended evasion. Candice shot by her with her wings tucked completely, using her tail feathers for control again. Twilight noted a smile of joy on her face as she passed.

Candice spread her oversized wings, adjusting them to catch a thermal to gain some altitude again.

So if she keeps flying like this, I have the advantage in climb rate, mobility and top speed. It like she is not taking me seriously. Twilight mildly remonstrated.

Why would she, this is a game and you are not exactly a great flyer. Night said.

Twilight crossed her hooves and pouted.

If you still want to play, gain some altitude now.

Pegasus magic made seeking a thermal unnecessary. It proved easy to out climb Candice. Twilight watched her. The wide sweeping circles the thermals forced upon her as she spiralled up. She looked graceful with her conservative motions, especially compared to Twilights own energetic flight.

Candice seemed to have given up the game and was now lazily flitting back and forth. It almost seemed like she was trying to just show off. Not that Twilight disliked watching Candice, but this was not how she was expecting this little game to go. Had Candice given up?

When Candice stopped gaining altitude, she suddenly turned and dove away.

Are you going to chase her? Night pressed.

Twilight started a shallow dive at a projected intercept. Flapping her wings, she added more and more speed. She did not know quite what Candice was playing at but she was going to catch her.

Candice started to pull up about halfway down the thermal’s side. Her course would lead her to level out not far above the ground but at considerably high speed. Still, as she was continuing to refrain from using her pegasus magic, it was still very slow for a pegasus and glacial compared to what Rainbow could do.

You do realize she is heading towards another thermal, yes? You will want to get ahead of her and cut her off. Night advised.

Wanting to maximize her options, Twilight stopped her decent and piled on the speed. It was easy overtaking Candice when she was flying like this. It was even possible Fluttershy’s normal flight speed was faster. Then again maybe not, it’s not like she was currently recording their speeds.

She considered what she would do. Almost every solution that came to mind was a spell. The easiest way to win would be to copy her daughter and perform a teleport grapple.

Twilight shook her head. This is a game of flight, I have to stop thinking with my horn all the time. She thought.

Closing her eyes, she felt out with her pegasus senses, letting them expand until the entire sky seemed to feel like her skin. Each slight motion brushed against individual parts of her coat. Being further enough ahead of Candice, she decided to try something.

Twilight rolled in the air arcing her flight path down in a curve. If things went as intended, she would end up coming at Candice from in front and above descending at a forty-degree angle.

Cutting through the air with her eyes closed felt dangerous, she knew it was not. She was currently tracking everything in the air within a mile of her. Even if the worst happened and she crashed, she could probably walk away from it. If not, well it was not like any amount of blunt impact could kill her.

Candice kept her path straight and true. The wake she was leaving in the air was like an arrow pointing at her destination to Twilight’s sense.

Twilight completed her loop and was now heading straight towards Candice, apparently aiming for a head-on collision, still with her eyes closed.

As they were nearing rapidly closer, Candice hadn’t changed direction at all.

Twilight had to time things right, she did not want to risk a collision, so would not turn this into a game of chicken. Half a second before impact she faired her wings with her pegasus magic to grip the air for dozens of body lengths around her. They protested and screamed in pain, but compared to everything else she had been through, it was barely worth noting. She came to an almost complete stop, wings raising for another stroke to propel her into Candice. At the same moment, Candice chose to dive under her.

Twilight rolled and propelled herself into a tackle attempt. Candice had rolled on to her back. Twilight’s forelegs wrapped around Candice just before the impact sent both of them tumbling.

The feel of Candice's coat pressed against her as Twilight was pulled into a hug. Candice’s wings folded and then respread, gaining purchase on the air, stabilizing their flight. Twilight was now held beneath Candice and felt warm lips meet her own.

Twilight opened her eyes. The more analytical way she was looking at things was replaced with the, rapidly becoming familiar, sense of desire. Candice’s own eyes were closed as she very much enjoyed the few seconds long kiss. Twilight folded her wings to reduce drag. A kiss while being held under another mare in the air was definitely an experience.

Candice opened her eyes after the kiss with a smile. Large wings pulling them up into the thermal. Forward speed translated into upward momentum. As they arced upwards and lost speed, Candice released Twilight from the hug while still holding her hooves. They entered vertical flight and they were facing each other hoof in hoof. Their vertical momentum exhausted itself, leaving Twilight feeling weightless for just a moment. Candice lightly let go. “Shall we dance?”

Night just burst out laughing inside Twilight’s head.

What? Twilight thought back in annoyance.

Oh I just did not fancy you accidentally killing off Candice here with your ‘dancing’ prowess. Night joked.

I can dance! Twilight protested.

We can dance if you let me teach you. Night lightly assumed control, it was such a delicate touch Twilight almost could not tell the actions were not her own.

“Both of us accept your invitation.” Night spoke.

To begin with, Twilight could not believe the beauty and grace of the motions her body were performing. The air was as much their partner as Candice was. The eddies and winds caused by their wings seeming like other couples dancing to the same music.

Twilight did not know how long they spent flitting through the air, dancing and playing off each other’s motions. Night had taken a step back, smoothing out and correcting Twilight’s motions, but letting her be in control, directing her somewhat chaotic dance.

Rainbows unique magic blasted like a star as it rushed closer. Twilight turned her head to look, pausing the dance.

The prismatic mare’s magic surged as she came to an instant stop, her inertia being dumped into the surrounding air. This caused enough turbulence to send Twilight and Candice’s manes flying in the short-lived gale.

“Where the hay have you two been?” Rainbow demanded. “Rarity is going to kick your flank when she sees you, and if I was not so glad to see that you're alright, I would be second in line.”

There was no hiding the fact that she had likely seen a lot of their dance. Twilight looked around at all the empty air around her. Anypony with a telescope or a good enough vision enhancement spell in either Ponyville or Canterlot could have seen the whole display.

“Well…” Twilight started.

“You said it was going to be a quick trip. A quick trip? I know my thoughts on what is quick might be a little… well too quick for most ponies to keep up with, but even I know more than a day late is not a quick trip.” Rainbow said.

“We might have gotten a little bit distracted,” Twilight admitted.

“Twilight, you look like you are trying to seduce your guard and apparently your dancing only sucks on the ground,” Rainbow said.

Hay! Twilight tried to say, but Night held her tongue.

You will get better in due time. Night responded.

“I am legally part of her harem.” Candice teasingly tossed in.

Rainbow seemed to almost blush. “That is not the point, ponies have been attacked by changelings, I had to rescue your ‘guest’ from a pair of them. I thought they might have gotten you.”

“Thank you for saving my Emerald,” Night said

“Has the situation been resolved?” Candice asked.

Rainbow polished her hoof against her chest. “Yeah, I smashed one of them and zapped the other, Rainbow ‘Danger’ Dash to the rescue once again.” She paused for a moment. “There was some more, Little Star did some magic and revealed a few more, then ‘overconfident unicorn with bat ears’ made hooves rise from the ground and drag the changelings away again. I can tell you, that was some Nightmare Night stuff right there.”

“But is everypony all right?” Twilight asked.

“Sheesh, you think I would be hanging here talking if they weren't?” Rainbow said.

Twilight smiled.

“It’s not like you have much guard training yet, so that’s not an assumption that I would make as to your understanding of the protocol,” Candice said in a light tone.

“Who needs to be trained by those chumps, I’m a Wonderbolt, we're far more awesome than any guards ever could be.” Rainbow proudly stated.

“Yeah, you’re right there on the showponyship. Though you’re better than any Wonderbolt I’ve seen.” Candice agreed.

Twilight felt herself wanting to face hoof. This was going to be just like how Rainbow and Applejack used to be.

Anger flared on Rainbow’s face for a moment only to seem to freeze. Her expressions settled on more of a cool neutral. Rainbow, in a flash of pegasus magic, was in Candice’s face with a smug smile on her face. ”And don’t you forget it.” she looked pleased then jabbed a hoof in Candice’s chest. “But don't go dissing the Wonderbolts, I may be the most radical of all, but they are the next best thing.”

Candice just smiled briefly, “Coming from the one that had to save them during the ‘Best Young Flyers’ competition, sure I can honour your request.”

“Hmm” Twilight looked thoughtful. She glanced at Candice in whisper-speak she said, ‘You know, that makes no sense. Rarity may be physically healthy for a unicorn, but there is no way she can deliver enough kinetic impact to knock out a combat-trained pegasus… do you think it was arranged by Celestia to ‘encourage’ Rainbow to perform the sonic rainboom?’

Rainbow glanced at Twilight and then went back to Candice. “Yah, Yah, everypony can have a bad day. They were not expecting Rarity to attack them.” Rainbow smiled. “But I made that rescue look awesome.” The hint of concern showing through the bravado in the prismatic mare’s eyes, let Twilight see how grateful she was that Rarity was still alive.

A flick of the ear to Twilight let her know that Candice’s nod was for her as well as Rainbow. In her own version of whisper-speak, Candice replied. ‘Very high on the list of probabilities. What about Spike’s rapid growth problem though? They weren’t any more effective then, either.’

Rainbow posed, apparently more than happy now that she thought everypony had recognized her ‘awesome’ prowess.

Twilight considered for a moment, she would need to go through everything that others around them had done. To see if there were any other instances of others drastically underperforming to give the Element Beares a chance to shine. Just how much has Celestia moved us like game pieces?

You are likely still on her board. Night snidely remarked.

We are going to have to step off the board and become are own players soon. Twilight thought.

You’re learning. Night answered. It was clear she was grinning by her tone.

“So you said you zapped one of the changelings?” Night asked.

Rainbow nodded, “Yeh, it was totally awesome!”

“So you are enjoying my little gift then?” Night asked teasingly. “You know there is much more I could teach you…” Night levelled a smouldering glance at Rainbow.

Rainbow blushed but ignored it. “It… it smoked that changeling like a bug zapper.”

Night… Twilight warned.

Playful laughter sounded in Twilight’s mind. Oh, do relax, Twilight. This is just fun, if you are going to criticise me for this, you are going to have to arrest Rarity for what she does. Night said.

Twilight looked around the small group. They were all just hoving there talking. Apparently, she was extremely late. Thinking back to how she used to react at just the thought of being tardy, she laughed.

Rainbow looked at her. Twilight imagined that she was thinking that the laugh was at the idea of a changeling being electrocuted.

“So how do I know you’re not a changeling?” Rainbow asked.

“Unless you have a horn, you don’t,” Twilight answered. She tapped her chin for a moment. It was a lot easier to put on a proper thoughtful pose when hovering. “Well there is a way but I am not going to let you knock me out or try to kill me to see if I drop my disguise.”

Candice made her wings glow for a moment. “Not sure if a changeling can mimic this.”

“I could teleport you to Canterlot? If that would help.” Twilight added.

“Twilight… what did you say to me when you had finished teaching me?”

Twilight looked over to Candice for a moment. Before moving closer to Rainbow. Leaning as close as their flapping wings would allow, she just started to whisper into Rainbow’s ear.

A flash of magenta magic and Star’s receding cheerful cry of, “Mummy.” Broke the moment.

Twilight froze, and if it was not for Night, her wings would have stopped flapping. Her mind put the pieces together.

Fact one: Her horn had felt the signature of a rapid teleport using her daughter’s magic.
Fact two: Her daughter was calling her.
Fact three: Star’s voice was moving away at speed.
Fact four: Little Star, her daughter, was falling to her death, not having the benefit of wings.
Fact five: She had to do something.

Twilight snapped out of the mental paralysis and found her body was already moving, Night had not let them waste even a fraction of a second. Even Nova was awake and alert banging on the necklace.

Candice was already forming her unicorn magic to reach out to grab Star in her telekinesis.

Her own body exploded into shadows and then reformed an instant later. Twilight was unsure quite what had happened.

Spinning around rapidly and looking for her daughter, she found her safe in Rainbow’s hooves and wrapped in Candice’s magic.

Little Star clapped her hooves together, “Again, again.” She teleported two-hundred body lengths straight up.

Rainbow’s face spoke a whole novel’s worth of ’what the buck’. Not having a horn, she couldn’t feel where Star was teleporting to.

Twilight, I think this whole family might be insane. Night stated.

I think you might be right. Twilight answered, looking up at the fading flash of magic and her falling daughter.

Candice surged her magic, and to Twilight’s senses, cut a blazing trail through the air like a bolt of lightning, arriving hooves spread to catch Little Star.

In the corner of her eyes, she saw Rainbow look up too, just in time to see Little Star teleport into a hug around Candice’s neck.

“Enough for now. Train later.” Candice lightly admonished, like a disappointed teacher.

For a moment, Twilight thought about when Celestia used similar tones and how devastating it could be. She would need to check on her daughter later to see if she needed ice cream.

“Aww, but it was fun. I even got to see two new tricks,” Star complained.

“True, but you also put yourself in danger by apparently not checking where you were teleporting to. You also scared all three of us by doing that. You could have easily hurt yourself.” Candice said, nuzzling Little Star.

Twilight and Rainbow both ascended as Candice shed altitude. She could see all the hovering with larger wings must be inconvenient and tiring on the physical body.

Little Star nuzzled Candice in return. “I’m sorry, I was just so excited Mummy Twilight was back.”

“I know. You’re not in trouble, I don’t think. Just need to learn what is appropriate, is all.” Candice soothed.

“Hey, kiddo, can you do that changeling-finding-spell please?” Rainbow asked.

“Sure,” Little Star lit her horn and let a sphere of magic burst from it, expanding out like it was an explosion. It was a decent bit of spell work as the normal bolt form of the spell changed to a spherical blast.

As soon as the spell washed over Twilight and Candice, Rainbow looked relieved. “Thanks,” she said, using a hoof to ruffle Star’s mane.

“Mummy, the castle is safe, no bad ponies got in. Emerald and another Nightchosen are looking after it.” Star looked at Twilight with heart-melting eyes full of pride in what she had done and desired to be praised.

Twilight flew close enough to lean in and nuzzle Little Star. The only reason it was working was Night managing their wings to avoid spoiling the air for Candice.

“My brave Little Star,” Night said, her voice full of affection.

Candice held out Star to Twilight and in a flash of magenta magic, she was perched on Twilight’s back holding on to her mane.

Night altered the strokes of their wings, forcing a bit more pegasus magic though them to compensate.

Twilight started flying around and doing a few simple stunts. Star’s cries of delight felt better than a roaring crowd ever could.

“Did she hear me when I said she was late?” Rainbow asked, looking to Candice. “Cuz this is not looking like her normal freak out… is she ok?”

“She’s been through a lot and I think she is resorting her priorities. Give her time, I think she will come back to an even keel,” Candice explained.

Twilight could feel the air move as Rainbow nodded before she responded. “If she doesn't straighten out and fly right soon, Rarity is going to… I don’t know what Rarity will do, but I think it will be bad. She is madder than Applejack gets if you try to pinch some of her apples.”

Candice nodded back, “Twilight, Rainbow does have a point. We really should be getting back to the castle,” she said. “Thank you, Rainbow.”

Are things really that bad? Twilight thought, coming to a hoover. “Alright, brace for teleport.”

Twilight gave everypony a count of three before she teleported them straight to her castle.

Going from hovering in the open air to trying to do so inside a building always caused problems. Twilight just stopped flapping and let herself fall the small distance to the ground. She heard her hooves clack on the crystal floor just a moment before Candice’s did.

Little Star teleported off and could be heard in the distance calling out “Mummy’s home, Mummy’s home.”

Rainbow expertly maintained a stable hover with lazy wing movements. It was an amazing feat of control and one that was normally only known to those trained to arrive in combat theatres via teleportation.

Night snapped their head to one of the shadows, “Thank you for helping to protect my home.”

One of Luna’s guards? Twilight asked Night.

Yes, and they are quite skilled at this. Night replied.

In a blink of magenta magic, Little Star was back. “You ready to help Scootaloo? She should be here in an hour.”

That's today? Twilight thought in growing alarm. “Sure, I just need to get a few things.”

Twilight teleported out of the room and too many others, rapidly trying to gather up all the things she needed or might need for this. She had not even written the information guide book for Scootaloo.

She teleported back into the main room to see the others talking. An idea struck her and she blinked out again.

Twilight rapidly set up multiple copying spells to make duplicates of the books and scrolls she needed to have brushed up on for this. Twilight shuddered, she swore she would never use a spell like this, but it was an emergency.

As soon as the copies were made, She teleported to the Everfree forest. After what she had done there, the local wildlife had already learned to leave her alone. She could feel the animals and magical creatures back away.

Smiling with satisfaction, Twilight's horn lit with dark magic. As she kept saying, there was nothing wrong with dark magic, only with most of the ponies that used it. She was not most ponies. She was the Element of Magic and an Alicorn Princess. Celestia kept so much magic, so much knowledge that could be used to make the world a better place, from them. All of the years she was condemning ponies, she was denying anypony the knowledge needed to save them.

Twilight released the spell as a few tears fell from her eyes. They were only copies, ones that she had made herself today, but that was not the point. She, Librarian Extraordinaire and Princess of Books, had just destroyed what must have been half her library’s collection.

The memories of the long-dead ponies that had recorded them in their own words seemed to form in her mind. She knew that this was just part of the knowledge eating spell.

That being done, she teleported back to the main room.

Rarity’s currently not so sweet voice, demanded her attention. “Don’t you dare teleport away again, Darling!”

All eyes were now on Twilight. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Emerald, Candice and Little Star stood there looking straight at her.

Twilight waved. “Hello, Rarity.”

The cold expression on her friend’s face made Twilight’s heart fall. What had she done, what was wrong?

“And what time do you call this?” Rarity asked in a decidedly frosty tone.

“Err... Eleven-twenty-two?” Twilight sheepishly replied.

“And nine seconds,” Little Star added in her adorable, helpful way.

Rarity glanced at Little Star. “And you left your daughter alone without arranging anypony to look after her? Not that we mind looking after the dear… but a little warning would go a long way.”

Little Star looked a bit confused. Twilight reassuringly patted Star with a wing.

“I’m sorry guys. The delay was my fault. I got Twilight sidetracked after we got done dealing with tribalist Solarguards. I offered Twilight a chance to do some science and study to try and relax, then we both got lost to the time.” Candice apologized, her head looking towards the floor.

“So is that what this is about?” Rarity asked, levitating a newspaper over. The cover had a picture of Twilight floating the apartment through the air as she was confronted by a whole host of Celestia’s guards.

A sense of smug satisfaction rose from Night, and Twilight had to agree, but it was a little annoying they did not get a better picture for the paper.

Emerald was looking between Candice and Twilight with definite interest.

Twilight smiled, “Oh that… I was just helping Candice move home. I’m still not sure where to put it, perhaps I could just give her a room large enough for me to place the whole apartment in?”

“I’d be fine with just getting my stuff out of the apartment and calling it good. The Solar theme that is standard in them, isn’t to my tastes anymore.” Candice replied.

“So the fact you assaulted a whole unit of Royal Guards and did major structural damage to at least two buildings is not a lie?” Rarity exclaimed.

“Twilight looked to Candice, I don’t think I remember doing any damage whatsoever… Candice?”

“There was no assault on the guards. They confronted her and she handed them the paperwork to take the apartment. The one that was giving us the hardest time was simply reminded that I am indeed a guard still even though I’m under Luna and Twilight now. Nopony at all got assaulted, and the removal of a single part of the building was not damaging and was completely legal, according to the Solarguard Commanding Officer that was there.” Candice explained.

“And what were you so dedicatedly studying this time?” Rarity asked, her keen detail-focused eyes demanding information.

“Does it matter?” Rainbow asked. “She could be studying empty pavements in dead cities and she would be happy for the rest of her life.”

Night was completely unashamed by what they had been 'studying'. Which was good, as she kept control of Twilight's face.

Thank you. Twilight thought. Though she did not know if she was thanking Rainbow for the interruption or Night’s self-control.

We are trying to be family, remember? And family looks after each other. Night replied.

What was the world coming to? She felt completely at ease sharing her body with the former Nightmare and the thought of seeing Celestia again filled her with annoyance tinged with both fear and anger.

What had happened to the hope and acceptance from the lovely dinner they had all shared. Nothing had really changed, had it?

Was Candice right about what Celestia would do?

Night’s voice, both in her mind and heard from below, snapped her out of her thoughts. "Now that I am to have a guard, they shall need a uniform. I don't suppose you know where a princess could find somepony capable of rising to the task of such a risky commission?"

Pay attention, these are your friends, and I will not be held responsible for taking a miss-step if you keep ignoring them. Night commented mentally.

Twilight looked around. She was pacing in Night’s domain, the obsidian plane outside of her Library.

What had happened? Did she get so distracted she just slipped back towards her bastion? Or was it the safety of Dreams loving wings she sought out? Either way, it did not matter.

She rushed over and plunged back through the viscous membrane and back into her body.

The senses of her flesh puppet once more enveloped her.

Rarity looked somewhere between overjoyed and miffed. Twilight could see the temptation playing behind her eyes. A royal guard uniform would last as long one as the princess did. And as none of the others knew of her plans to try and save them from their mortality, this would be part of her legacy.

Twilight smiled at the conflicted fashionista. “I am truly sorry for being late. Since… Manehattan…”

Rarity’s edge of annoyance evaporated, being instantly replaced with deep sympathy and a hint of nausea.

Twilight sighed, looking down slightly. “I just found it so hard to pay attention to my schedule. It is like every moment is a gift to be enjoyed. It has been too easy to get caught up in the momentum and just let all my worries and plans for later be forgotten.”

Rarity trotted over, let out a melodramatic sigh and pulled Twilight into a hug.

Twilight leaned into the embrace, nuzzling Rarity. It lacked wings, but as it was her friend, she let the hug off the hook on that little detail.

"Please forgive me?" Twilight murmured.

"Of course darling," Rarity answered without hesitation.

Candice gave her a look that said, ’we’ll talk later’. Twilight noted how quickly Rarity had just come around to her desires. A small sinking feeling crept into Twilight’s heart. She was controlling her friends, and she did not even intend to.

“Thank you,” Night answered for her, tightening the hug. Get over it. Night stated in a cold mental voice.

Twilight felt her face smile as her body backed away from the hug and turned to leave the room.

Emerald Shade stopped Twilight in the hallway. Using her horn, she very slowly and obviously cast a sound barrier around the two of them alone, making sure to exclude Candice.

“So now that you’ve had your way with me and set me up to be a trap for the Queen, what now?” Emerald glared at Twilight. "They want me dead… they are not going to stop trying until they succeed."

“Good, it is always easier when my prey comes to me." Night leaned in, showing her fangs and slit eyes. "You can be mine, and I will protect you, or you can leave and take your chances… let me know by the end of the day."

Emerald went to answer, but Twilight's magic held her mouth closed and with almost contemptuous ease, brushed aside the sound barrier.

"Right now I have a filly to give the sky to, we can talk more, later," Twilight said. She was adamant that she would not be late for this.

“You are welcome to stay in the castle until you decide. Oh, and you may treat Candice as if she is me. She is mine after all,” Night said before shamelessly stealing a kiss from Candice. "Keep an eye on her, would you?"

Candice nodded.

Night walked them down the corridor, wings half spread and a seductive sway to her motions.

“Who replaced Twilight?” Emerald asked.

“She’s just recovering, finally,” Candice said as she followed Twilight with Emerald beside her.

“Who is she going to try to seduce now?” Emerald asked

“Us, I believe. Is it working?” Candice said with a playful tone.

Twilight felt warm. She felt embarrassed, but she felt happy. She could feel their eyes following her and it made her feel good.

I can be sexy? Twilight thought, almost in awe. A strange mix of pride and satisfaction started to rise within her.

Night just kept laughing for a minute straight.

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