• Published 11th Sep 2019
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Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 28.2 Candice's 'Interview'

Luna’s office disappeared, the feeling of falling was present again as Luna had shadow stepped them from her office, all the way to Vanhoover. Candice managed to not spread her wings this time, but they still wanted to fight the feeling of falling. Though she did extend her hooves a bit, ready for the coming landing.

The shadows billowed away, revealing the skyline of Vanhoover and the rooftop they landed on. The scent of the salt air suddenly hitting her nostrils.

The sudden presence of an angered Alicorn was never a good thing. The sky darkened and storm clouds gathered. That one slip of Luna’s would cause hours of work of the local weather patrol. Though only ten minutes flat if they got the help of Rainbow Dash.

The dozen Nightguard slipped into the nearby shadows, waiting for commands, unnoticed by any passing ponies. A gasp escaped from a blue mare dressed in padded armour and equipped with some of the gadgets Solaragents got to play with. The agent's eyes widened and she dropped into a bow.

Despite the disguise and dye job Candice recognised the mare, it was Revealing Light, one of the better agents from the RGIS. Candice remembered she was sent to investigate this area as a result of one of the connections she found that included signs of Dark Magic.

“Princess,” Light said respectfully.

“Told ya we would have enough backup,” Striker said smugly.

“Rise, there is no time for such things,” Luna said, not taking her eyes from the building opposite.

As she rose Light’s eyes fixed on Candice, her expression clearly asking ‘what the buck are you doing here?’

Candice rolled her eyes in the direction of Luna with the implication of ‘she brought me.’

Luna looked to Candice, her expression calm despite the roiling magic that could be sensed within her. “We wish this resolved,” she said with an edge of challenge in her eyes.

Candice saw the challenge and nodded. This can be stopped by her in a moment. She wants to see if I can do it and how I will do it. Challenge accepted. She put a little distance between herself and Luna. Noting Revealing Light looking at her with shocked concern, Candice gave her a reassuring smile.

Striker dropped a leg over Light’s back. “It will be fine, sit back and watch the show.”

A few Nightguard made themselves visible enough to show their anticipation with eager, fanged grins.

Candice closed her eyes and focused inwards, calming and ordering her thoughts, pushing her emotions and feelings aside. She could feel the world becoming nothing but cold equations. She stopped short, leaving just her drive to succeed, concern for the innocent and passion for a job well done intact. This wasn’t a spell at all, just a technique meant to keep her focused and to push aside all distractions.

A moment later she opened her eyes. Seventy thaums of unicorn magic, seventy thaums of pegasus magic. I can convert pegasus to unicorn at a rate of five thaums per second. Ok, let’s see what we got here. Candice started casting magic around her. The energy formed into a floating spell circle with four glowing orbs in a tetrahedron orbiting around it. She could see the signatures of every magic source within a block of her location. Immediately, she saw that the warehouse before her was warded, the energy signatures inside were severely muted. She adjusted it to sense only dark magic and tuned the sensitivity to account for the wards. She was grateful to her supervisor for getting her a copy of that spell despite it being above her rank.

Drawing Starfall from her shadow, Luna rested it carefully upon the roof, only cracking it a little. ”See if you can stop it before I’m forced to.”

Candice nodded in acceptance of the challenge. The look on her face was that of calm determination.

At the sight of that weapon of mass destruction in hammer form and the threat of its use, Lights eyes went so wide they seemed like they would soon eclipse her head.

In the warehouse, Candice saw at least sixty-five sources. Only fifteen actually had dark magic in use, the rest were affected by the dark magic. Hmm. Non-lethal is priority. There are innocents in there. She also saw a massive buildup of dark magic in the middle. That’s my first target.

Candice dropped the sensor spell and started forming a lance-like shield in front of her, about four ponies in length. Two cylinder-shaped shields appeared under her wings, the centers glowing. In a flash she was gone, a hole now suddenly visible in the wall of the warehouse. She landed right in the middle of the spell circle. The impact wasn’t even felt as the shields absorbed the energy of the collision. Their job done, she let the shields dissipate.

One for the magic sensor, three for the shield, one for the rockets. Down five, down three for flight. Total sixty-five, sixty-seven. She started the transfer of pegasus magic, converting it to unicorn magic between her wellsprings.

Not wasting any time, Candice activated her Resonance Flux ability. Two different and discordant resonances radiated from her wings. The disruption effect on the circle and the fifteen surrounding cultists was immediate as the whole spell form collapsed. So did the mind-control spells they had on the other fifty ponies around the warehouse. The fifty started to fall, their minds now in a comatose state since the control was removed. Down ten, compensated by pegasus magic, minus five. Total still sixty and sixty-two.

Seeing the circle, she lit her aura upon a section of it. The spell being cast was classified as a disintegration spell. Actually, it was a safety ward against electricity, but without any limiters on it. This caused all the electricity in the area of the ward immediately got pushed out of the little zone. Still, it had shocked her the first time she used it when it destroyed what it was used on.

A static charge released from the area and all that was left was elemental dust exploding out of it as it expanded to several hundred times its initial volume. Still, it was only a cloud of gas and dust, so it only pushed the cultists a little bit.

Down another two, mental alacrity, another one, temporal dilation, another two. Down five and three for flight. Current total fifty-five, fifty-nine, she mentally counted off as she cast the relevant spells.

Time seemed to slow down around her. It was actually accelerated for her, but to her, the appearance was still the same. Her mind now operating at twice its normal speed, allowing her to pay attention to twice as much at a time.

The temporal acceleration was one order of magnitude of acceleration, its effects compounding with her mental spell. Her body seemed to move at half speed, but everything else was moving at one-twentieth normal speed to her new perceptions. Using such magic in combat was far more intense than using them to process paperwork.

With a powerful flap of her oversized wings, she shot straight up and into the shadows. Time to choose my targets. Let's start with the physical ones. One already went down from my entrance. Fourteen left to go. She chose a couple of ponies that were powering up the unicorns for the ritual. They never even saw her coming. Striking as fast as she was, they were easy targets. Not even reacting before her hooves precisely slammed into them, rendering her foes unconscious. Twelve opponents left.

The cultists didn’t waver for long. The unicorns started shooting stunning bolts or maybe kinetic bolts at her. She did not have time to check. They were dodged as she came in for the next target.

She suddenly felt like some kind of magic was grabbing her blood, weighing her down. Her very lifeblood being used as a tool to harm her. To her accelerated perceptions, it was slowly taking hold of her blood and spreading, the pain starting to set in. The others were not moving either. Some kind of blood hold spell. Very well. she lit off her Resonance Flux again, destroying the Blood Hold spell, but her own spells failed as well. Down another ten, pegasus magic compensation of five. Total, fifty, fifty-four.

Time suddenly accelerated back to normal for her. In the time that it took her to move out of her own flux zone and Flash Cast her accelerations, the cultists had advanced towards her. She saw her opponents slow again as time bent to her will. Down another two, but another five back from the transfer. Still another six back out for the mental and temporal accelerations. Current total forty-seven, forty-nine. In smooth, practiced movements, she connected their skulls with a push, quickly taking down two of the pegasi that were near her. Ten opponents left.

She noticed one of the unicorns actually charging a spell. Can’t let that happen. No charging the circle for you. If that’s what you’re doing. Her position suddenly changed as she cast a flash step spell and landed right in front of the unicorn that was charging the spell. Down three but compensated. Total, forty-nine, forty-four. Her hoof smacked him in the base of the horn, intentionally using only enough force to disrupt the spell. Sparks of magic danced along his horn and feedback blew back into his brain. Fortunately for him, he was instantly knocked out by his own magic, saving him the intense pain of such a backlash.. Down four. Total forty-five, forty-four. Nine opponents left.

This time they tried casting the blood hold spell again, but another spell hit her in the head at the same time. She felt the second spell rapidly encroaching upon her mind, trying to control her body. Alarm raced through her as she forced magic against the threat, reinforcing it with her intent and willpower, hoping it would be enough. Without any mental wards, it was not easy to fight this off. About a quarter of her total remaining magic coursed through her body as she sent raw magic through herself. It was just barely in time. Too close.

She flew evasively for a moment and put the earthponies and pegasi between her and the unicorns. She also noted several dark tentacles reaching for her. Nope, minus another ten, transferring pegasus magic again. Total, unknown. She thought as she activated the Flux again, this time keeping it up and strong enough to reach about four or five pony lengths away from her. The dark tentacles that were reaching for her disintegrated as they reached the flux zone around her. The unicorns saved their energy and let the others approach since they were already in the way.

Three earthpony cultists advanced. One pegasus stayed in the air just above them, seeming to be waiting for an opening. The other flew off and looked like she was going to start grabbing things to throw.

Without her acceleration spells, her foes would be more of a threat. Candice reared up into a two-legged stance. Her wings were spread out behind her for balance. Her form showing her to be ready for hoof to hoof combat.

The central earthpony advanced in, quickly moving to strike with a full-powered buck. Candice sidestepped the buck and he landed on his belly from being denied a target. As she sidestepped the first one, she wing slashed the eyes of the second earthpony. He wasn’t unconscious, but the pain in his eyes was not going to be ignored. Finishing the movement, she dropped her rear hoof on the back of the first one’s head. The strike to his temple rendering him knocked out. Seven opponents left

The third one used the distraction to land a forehoof punch to her ribs. He landed a solid blow and he obviously expected her to crumple, the shock setting in when he realised he didn’t have his earthpony strength. Her toned athletic body being able to absorb the painful blow and still stay in the fight. Even unenhanced, she would still feel that in the morning.

His eyes were filled with rage as he wildly flailed at her, but this time she grabbed his forehoof and slung him around, using his own momentum to send him flying into the door. The impact knocking him out now that he didn’t have his magical toughness to aid him. Another twenty thaums on the flux at ten each, total still unknown. Six opponents left.

She heard a crack above her and immediately flapped her wings to assist in getting out from under the attack. She took stock of herself as she flew out. I’m now at twelve thaums of unicorn and nineteen thaums of pegasus magic. I’ve expended fifty-eight thaums of total magic since the time of the mental attack. That means eighteen and ten were spent defending from it. That was a huge amount of her wellspring spent. She noted that her ribs were bruised as well where the earthpony managed to hit her.

After taking the mental moment to assess herself, she looked up as she was still moving away from the now ‘slowly’ falling ceiling. Candice saw the pony that was getting ready to throw stuff, suddenly get smashed by the ceiling. Ponyfeathers, I’m not going to be able to save her. A bit of sorrow at the loss. She hated seeing anycreature die. Looking to the side of the debris she saw the other pegasus floating there, though successfully dodging the falling structure. She cast another flash step spell and took advantage of his distraction, so he was out cold before he felt anything. Another three thaums off my wellspring, compensating. Total, twelve, nineteen. Four opponents left, all unicorns.

Seeing another one start charging a spell, she cast another flash step, and her hoof met horn. The buildup was considerably higher this time as the spell didn’t just fall apart but rather detonated right on her hoof. She felt the shockwave travel up her foreleg. It numbed her for a moment as she was knocked back. A quick inspection revealed that her hoof, despite being singed by uncontrolled magic, was still operational. She would be in pain the following day if she didn’t get it healed. Down two and another three from flight. Total, fourteen, fourteen. Three opponents left.

She advanced quickly to the other three and dropped her spells in favor of her Resonance flux again. Down another ten, pegasus transfer compensating. Total, twelve, eleven. This shut the three casters down as they flinched. The world returned to normal speed, but the trade was more than worth it. She was fit, nimble and well trained, they were typical unicorn cultists who’s only skills would be their spell casting.

Wasting no time, she swung her hoof. She struck one upside the temple before he could recover from flinching at the Flux she was emitting. Two opponents left.

The second one unexpectedly proved a bit more adept. He matched her rear hoofed stance and started towards her. It actually took effort for a bit to defend herself. This unicorn eschewed defense in favor of high speed offense. The swings came in with rapid ferocity. Her blocks and dodges proving just as fast. The one on one combat only lasted about two and a half seconds though.

Her opponent slammed into her, propelled by some sort of blast originating from behind him. The pair fell to the ground entangled. Sharp spikes of pain erupted from her barrel as something pierced her flesh. Warm liquid poured over her, matting her coat as the rich coppery scent of blood filled her nose. Her Resonance Flux dropping. That took another ten, five back from pegasus again. Total, seven, six.

Looking at her now dying foe, she could see long spikes of bones running right through him and pressing into her own body. It was a good thing she tended to keep her current opponents between herself and other potential combatants.

It was the only thing that saved her life from the blast. The practice paid off as the other unicorn who had gone outside her Flux Area had suddenly blown up. The explosion leaving the area he was in, a gory mess of what resembled instant chunky salsa. The ground was pierced by spears of bone and blades of blood. The amount of liquid scattered around Candice, let her know that her Flux defence had reduced the blades that had been heading towards her, to harmless liquid.

Candice did not have the medical skills or spells to save his life, but she did have something that might keep him from dying until a medic arrived. Using her Aura, she pressed against his whole body, carefully preventing any more blood from escaping him, it was only a stopgap. Still, it was the best she could do with her limited remaining power.

Her ‘ever-so-grateful’ patient tilted his head and tried to impale her with his horn in the most ineffective attack she had ever seen. Each attempt he made was just exacerbating his wounds. He passed out shortly after. Zero opponents left. Two thaums of unicorn magic remaining, one thaum of pegasus magic remaining. That was close.

It was then she noticed that all the walls were suddenly lined with shadows, each door and window blocked. She had felt no magic, sensed nothing before it had just appeared. That alone marked it as either Luna’s or Discord’s work, and this was not Discord’s style.

Luna strode out of the shadows, advancing towards her. Inky lines of darkness trailing off her, flowing and pooling about the room. She spared one glance for the wounded cultist. That was enough to cause a Nightguard carrying pouches of medical supplies to begin tending to him. Candice dropped her aura from him so the medic could do his job. One thaum remaining in each.

Candice noted her injuries and decided to ignore them for the moment. She looked at Princess Luna, sat up straight and saluted with her still stinging hoof. “Mission accomplished, I think.” She then placed her hoof back on the ground sitting in the attention stance.

She let go of her battle meditation, she noticed she was breathing rather heavily from the whole ordeal. Her body’s exhaustion and pain suddenly made themselves acutely known. With the shield of the battle meditation’s detachment gone she felt the emotional impact of the ponies deaths hit her. The sadness that she wasn’t able to save all of them there. She rallied her pragmatism and insisted that every single one that was still alive wouldn’t have been had Princess Luna had to act.

More Nightguard appeared, perched around the edge of the room and one gobsmacked Revealing Light was semi-dragged into the room by Striker.

“What in Celestia’s name is she?” Light whispered to Strike.

Much to Light’s discomfort, Luna answered. “The same as she has always been, just no longer bound by my sister’s chains.” She smiled, showing just a hint of fangs. Light, fortunately, only trembled for a moment under Luna’s attention.

The Princess of the Night, in her full armoured glory, stopped right in front of Candice. For a long moment, Luna gazed at her, it was as intense as the desire was earlier, but this was something else. “What do you think?” Luna asked, looking around the gathered Nightguard.

Striker answered, “Can we keep her?”

This looks positive so far. Candice noted in her head.

A Nightchosen Earthpony stepped out of the shadows next to Stiker making Light jump. “Will you remember to feed this one?”

Candice smirked. She used nearly all her remaining willpower not to fall over laughing. Only her hard breathing hiding her humor. Finally, a group of ponies that don’t take every single thing with utmost seriousness. I could get used to this. Although she still sat in the attentive position.

Luna leaned in closer to Candice, her fanged smile looking equal parts pleased and hungry. “Then I think we shall claim her,” She seemed to purr with menace. Candice just smiled.

“She can not be serious, are you bucking kidding me? You used this as some sort of test?”
She then froze, noticing she just had a go at the Princess of the Night in a room full of her guard all on her own.

All the Nightguards eyes fixed on Light. Striker faced hooved.

Candice looked at Revealing Light. Tilting her head slightly and indicating she had no issue with this whatsoever, she stated, “One that I passed by the way. I would say Princess Luna has a pretty good grasp of my abilities. Wouldn’t you? Besides, it turned out far better for them this way than it would have if Princess Luna had to intervene. Her power would have just killed them all. I’m personally very grateful she gave me this chance. Many innocent lives were saved this way.”

Luna stroked a feather along Candice’s back, a slight tingle of magic running along her spine. Her coat darkened as she blended in with the Nightguard’s normal colours. She forced herself not to react, despite the pleasing sensation, still keeping her eyes on Light.

“Yes, of course, saving ponies is the right thing to do,“ Light stammered slightly, looking to Candice with concern for her well being. By how Light’s eyes were roving over Candice’s body, she was clearly worried by the many wounds still seeping blood. She bowed to Luna. “My apologies, Princess.” She finished dropping back to formality.

Luna waved her hoof as if there was nothing to apologize for. “Run along now little pony, fetch my sister’s guard to secure the site, we will be taking the prisoners ourselves.”

Striker led Light out of the building.

Once Light was out of the building, Candice dropped down to her belly. The exhaustion finally getting to the point that it could no longer be hidden or fought.

Luna looked down, assessing her. Her eyes cold for a moment. “I see no dire injury… Yet I believe I shall aid you… you have a much more dire challenge to face now.” She lifted Candice in her cyan aura as her mane reached for the open wounds.

Facing Celestia or being accepted into your Nightguard? Candice thought to herself, even her own internal voice sounding fatigued.

Candice could feel her blood being gripped again, this time instead of slowing or trying to harm her, it dragged any contaminants from the wounds. Next, it gripped the flesh, pulling the wounds closed then shifted. She could feel a complex transmutation effect as a line of blood altered, becoming a strip of blood-red substitute flesh sealing the wounds.

A warmth started in her chest and slowly, the mild lightheadedness from lack of energy faded. “There, now you might survive their revelry.”

Ah, that answers my question. The Nightguard. Side note: That magic would be so illegal if she wasn’t a princess. Candice mused in her mind.

A voice that was not hers, but sounded so similar, responded in her mind. You can say that again.

I’m going to pass out now, Insight. Thank you for the lessons. They really helped. Candice then let herself embrace unconsciousness.

The last thing she saw before the comforting embrace of sleep claimed her was Luna’s eyes narrowing for a moment at Candice before she smiled evilly. Her Nightguard then promptly dragging Candice into the shadows.

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