• Published 11th Sep 2019
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Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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Act 2 CH 1 Echos of Loss: Sanctuary’s First Run

Sanctuary rolled along the tracks. Her strong heart heated the steam that turned her wheels. Deep in the core of her being, her purpose burned brightly. Protect them, comfort them, keep them safe. With each turn of her wheels, they repeated softly.

Aye, this is the life. Her companion thought, and she could do nothing but agree. The world around her hull scrolled by in an endless parade of new sights. If it was not for the dire need of the Equestrian ponies, she could have thought of this as a holiday.

The Blight, whatever that was, had caused pain and suffering. It had caused ponies to lose their loved ones, shattered peaceful lives and left fear in its wake. Righteous anger started to rise, but Somkey's comforting hoof was a calming presence. If Sanctuary had a face, she would have smiled. She knew how lucky she was to come into this world with one who cared for her so deeply despite her non-equine form.

She let a bit of her magic leak out, casting a warm glow over Smokey, which caused the mare's fondness to show on her face as a smile. Do I have a pet train, or you a pet pony? Smokey thought.

Sanctuary could not laugh, so instead, she pulsed the glow once and pushed a little love into Smokey's hoof. The moment stretched into a companionable silence. If Sanctuary's life could be made up of moments like this, she would call it a life well lived.

Even though Sanctuary had only known Smokey for days, it felt like she had known her for her entire life. While true in her case, that was not how ponies meant that phrase. Being both young and old simultaneously was still jarring, in a way. Yet she could not deny how wonderful it was to know her purpose, to know both her Mother and Smokey loved her. As exciting as it must be to go on adventures trying to find one's cutiemark, it must be horribly depressing not knowing who you are meant to be until you find it.

As her thoughts turned to cutiemarks, it seemed so did Smokey's. The aged mare's eyes had settled on her own mark, a crystal train in Sanctuary's own likeness. Again, Sanctuary could not smile but really, really wanted to. As if sensing her attention, Smokey touched her lips to the glowing crystal.

It took far too many wheel rotations for someone created by the Princess of Love to release what the act was. She's kissing me? Shock and joy danced through her crystal heart, and she picked up speed. More magic back poured through her and into Smokey through the mare's lips. It was not how ponies returned such things, but if the spike of affection from Smokey's heart was anything to go by, she had appreciated it just as much.

After far too short of a time, Smokey pulled back and repositioned, settling on a cushioned platform that still allowed her to see outside. By how she shifted and her joints creaked, Sanctuary knew Smokey's age was tormenting her again.

Why couldn't I have found you twenty years ago? Smokey thought and Sanctuary could do nothing but agree. Just the knowledge that three-quarters of the mare's life had already been spent was like a dagger to the heart.

Again, as if sensing something, Smokey's hoof patted her inner hull affectionately. You're right. I should not worry about the loss to come now. Sanctuary thought. So she watched the world go by with Smokey as the mare idly ate some crystal berries. If she could, Sanctuary would have sighed contently. This is the life.

Many thousands of rotations of her wheels passed in a pleasant haze. If the whole journey could have been like that, she would have been happy. Unfortunately, she was not so lucky.

A seed of worry pierced the haze, it took a moment for it to resolve as her Mother's emotions. She double-checked the track ahead, and everything was clear, so she focused more on her connection to her Mother.

Her Mother's heart chilled, black grief, the hollowness of loss, confusion and denial warred with the certainty of truth. Then the sun dimmed. It was like a cloud had partially blocked it, but the sky was a beautiful, pristine blue.

"Goodbye." One of the voices dearest to her Mother whispered with terrible finality before a heartline shattered with Twilight's agonised scream.

Another Twilight, a younger one, appeared in Sanctuary's mind. Desperate, in pain, crying yet with an iron resolve. Along with the emotions came magic, familiar magic. Telportation Panic raised thought Sanctuary. She was moving many thousands of Celestias an hour, and if the poor filly appeared in front of her...

Her wheels locked as she tried to stop. The magic surged. Too slow. Brace! She tried to shout as she pushed her magic into her outer hull. Thick chains materialised, linked to heavy anchors as they launched from each carriage.

Did you just drop anchors? Smokey thought as outside plumes of earth, soil, and plants flew up as the anchors desperately tried to slow the oncoming tragedy.

Inside, ponies went flying and smacked into her internal walls. Sanctuary winced with each one, but as none of them died, she could not focus on them now.

There was threat, there was danger. So large that it likely killed her Aunty Twilight before she even got a chance to meet her. Sanctuary's own grief, rage and helplessness evaporated and condensed into protective zeal. Her magic rushed into her shield, thickening it far beyond what was needed to keep harsh weather out. The dome of energy was now a completely opaque, impenetrable barrier. She unlimbered her cannons as her offensive magic projectors hummed to life. Nothing was going to hurt anypony under her protection, nothing.

Smokey staggered a little as she got to her hooves. "What now?" She asked aloud.

Help them! Sanctuary answered just before the teleport finally arrived.

Outside, a barrage of thunderclaps sounded as hundreds of confused ponies appeared. It was not those unharmed ponies Sanctuary focused on. As Smokey opened the door and jumped down, she almost missed her beloved companion. Going to pay for that in the morning.

Twilight, her aunty, was there, prowling like an enraged beast. If it was not for the fact she was currently a crystal skeleton wrapped in soul-destroying fire, it would have been a relief.

The herd of unharmed ponies started to scream and panic. Smokey just stared, shocked. A pony, Candice, Twilight's Captain of the Guard, galloped past the crumpled form of Luna to what was left of Twilight.

"Nova! We're safe." Candice shouted in the face of the enraged thing Twilight had become. Nova's gaze snapped to Candice, flames still burning with terrible fury but now no longer prowling. Candice's tone dropped to inaudible but the tone sounded soft and smoothing.

With more space and Candice's own calmness and actions, the panicking crowd slowed down to just merely keeping away from the burning pony.

More thundercracks announced another mass of ponies teleporting in. Like before, they appeared around the train. A small form appeared last by a full two seconds, the little unicorn's head ablaze as she tumbled to the ground. That snapped Smokey into action. "Doctor Hemostat, get your flank out here."

Despite the foal being on fire, the visible lavender coat and the magic signature told Sanctuary exactly who it was. Little Star.

Both Candice and what was left of Twilight started to move. "You're flames will hurt them, Nova," Candice said. Nova recoiled, shrinking back to the edge of the shield <<like a kicked puppy>>.

Mother! Sanctuary mentally shouted, using every bit of emotion to push the image of what she was seeing through their connection.

Bleak, dark grief was banished by hope and rage. Sanctuary's Mother's magic pulsed with resolve. She was coming.

The doors of the carriages started to open, and aid workers started to hop out, a few first aid kits being thrown after them as Candice brought the chill of winter to quell the flames consuming Little Star.

Then Mother was here. Mother's magic slipped through her hull to the side panel closest to Little Star. She burst from her bastion, emerging from the reflection into physicality. Crystal hooves hit the soft ground and were joined by many more.

Garnet and Rose Quartz were joined by a dozen nameless eternal guards. Mother half galloped and half flew towards what was left of Twilight as Rose made straight for Little Star.

Love magic flowed from Mother and into what was left of Twilight. The flames flicked, then died, and Mother pulled the crystal skeleton into an embrace. Sanctuary could feel the waves of grief, anger, and the first flickering flames of hate. Mother pushed them aside and focused on pushing pure sisterly love into the skeleton. If she could cry, Sanctuary feared the world might be flooded. The fact she could not did nothing to stop the ache in her heart.

Garnet flew over to Princess Luna, and half the guard went with her.

A sinking feeling grew in Sanctuary, and as Smokey could feel it too, she acted. "Get these ponies on board. Now!"

To add emphasis, Sanctuary whistled as loud as she could.

Nopony objected, and Sanctuary got to work. There were aid workers, and here were ponies that needed help. So they did what they did best.

Some of the winged ponies just flew to the roof instead of crowding the doors. Sanctuary grew some shelter for them. They were simple and nowhere near as decorative as the rest of her hull, but it was more than enough for now.

A hoard of red-cloaked young ponies crowded around Candice as she and Rose Quartz tended to the now unconscious Littel Star. With Twilight's daughter now stable, they joined the flyers on the roof, the non-winged of them manifesting butterfly wings for the trip.

It only took a few minutes of frantic activity, for everypony to be on board. Mother effortlessly hopped up to the main hatch, her aura cradling both Princess Luna and the remains of Twilight.

"Take us home." Mother requested, her voice broken with sorrow.

As soon as the last doors were closed, Sanctuary did not hesitate. Huge clouds of steam erupted from her stack as she put everything she had into it. Unlike the sedate trip here, she was about to set a speed record that would never be broken, but she could not care less. Her magic reached out to Smokey, both for comfort and to comfort her. The mare's hoof was the only point of sanity left in the world.

The whole trip, she kept her shield up and weapons ready. It was not paranoia when there was clear evidence somepony was out to get you.

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