• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,078 Views, 3,672 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 47.2 A Sisterly Moment

Celestia paced, her hooves clopped rhythmically against the pristine marble floor. Normally, she only allowed herself the luxury in the privacy of her garden. The sound was so different from the soft rustle of the grass. Clip clop, Clip clop. It was like a clock counting down. Second, by second, an unpleasant meeting drew closer.

What was Chrysalis up to this time? Either she was telling the truth or not. Either option was bad Celestia turned, staring back the other way. Now which nobles have not been at Court recently? They would all need to be rounded up. Their minds thoroughly searched for any hint of collusion with either Nightmare Moon or changelings.

She paused, gazing out at the impressive view of her city down below. The pinnacle of what her ponies could achieve held no answers. Marred by all the guards’ preparations, all it did was punctuate the troubles of the day.

Her pacing continued. Is the Nightmare back? Or is this merely a ploy to drive a wedge between the rulers of Equestria? There were so many possibilities, but in the end, it came down to two. Either she would have to deal with her sister, maybe permanently, or she would not.

A cold weight lodged in her chest. Duty, always duty first. Would the ashes of Luna’s body end up carried on the winds of time, would her treasured sister become nothing but a memory?

Her Mask dried her tears before they even dampened her eyes as Daybreaker’s lazy droll slipped into Celestia’s mind. Relax, whatever the truth is, it will not change no matter how much you worry about it.

Molten fire banished the chill from her core. “Relax? Relax! You do know what is happening?”

Yes, and if you don't take a breath, I will make you indulge with your pipe again, and you know you won't be able to fully clear the scent before she arrives.

Celestia’s angry snort obscured the room’s finery with its heat haze. Luna would never let her hear the end of it if she knew Celestia was smoking again. When had she become so unstable? She took a deep breath as her aura mixed another cup of her special brew. Two then three times as many herbs as usual. Perhaps I should have this baked into a cake.

I would recommend something small and bite-sized. Just remember to pre-write the pardon for whomever you get to make them for you.

A little bit of magic to stir and heat the water was well within her budget, and prepared the beverage that little bit faster. Then she gulped down the still boiling liquid, draining the whole pot before setting about making a second.

A large cake and a second cup completed the refreshments for the upcoming meeting.

The poisons did their work. Her powerful heart slowed and the tightness in her muscles eased. A mortal pony would be dead by now, she knew. Celestia rested her head on the forelegs and let her eyes close. The last time anypony had tried to poison her, they used a toxin far less dangerous than this current brew working its way through her body. A few of them caused such a wonderful tingle through one's body. Maybe with a few more Alicorns they could restore the art of proper immortal grade indulgences?

Celestia yawned. How much would approved hazard pay be for preparing such dangerous ingredients?

She's coming. Daybreaker said, the words brought Celestia to full alertness. She had just raised her head when heavy hooves pounded the ground and advanced towards the door. Celestia lit her horn, quickly reheating the tea.

Luna almost demolished the door as she stormed in. “Sister, why have you summoned me? Our ponies need our aid out there, not back here in Canterlot.”

Everything in her sister's body language, every subtle hint of movement, fit her words. But could she be trusted? Could she take the risk?

“Sister. This hesitation is not like you… what is wrong.”

Luna was far too observant and one of only two ponies in the world that had a chance to read her. Celestia’s Mask painted her face with a concerned but reassuring visage. “Luna… this is a strong subject. If I even raise it, you may think I believe it.”

“Just be out with it.”

“Now, I suspect this is a trick. Something to divide us. RGIS has found a lead that Nightmare Moon is back.”

“But, you no longer trust me, do you, sister?”


“I understand.” Luna’s flat answer was almost like a physical blow. “I shall remove myself from the field if that's what you wish. I will confine myself to Ponyville and keep my family safe.”

“You don't…”

“I can see you don't trust me. I fell once, and you fear I may have done so again, despite your best efforts.” Luna turned silently, loping towards the door. “I know where my cell is.”

Celestia’s hoof crashed down, only her Mask prevented her from flinching from her own unexpected action. “Luna, stop being so melodramatic.”

Luna watched, eyes narrow, her departure of the room frozen, almost as if she had been petrified.

“I do not for a moment believe Nightmare Moon is within you. Nor with your upcoming marriage do you have the motivation to think nopony cares for you. So, unless this is a prank by you, this is either a trick to distract us or Nightmare Moon is out there somewhere.” Celestia pointed with a hoof out the window.

“So, you calculated I'm safe?”

“I'm trying to say I trust you, Luna.”

The smile on Luna's face was a pure ray of light from the most beautiful sunrise. Until it slipped away, her sister’s face freezing into a cool mournful visage. “… no thou don't, tis nice to hear though.”

“I…” Celestia started.

Luna shook her head, an unexpectedly soft look in her eyes. "I know what I did in the past is both unforgivable and unforgettable. I thank you for trying, but I can read you too well, Celly."

Luna's hug was as warm as it was unexpected. Soft wings enveloped Celestia, and the comfort brought back so many memories. It spoke of all the many hugs over their lives, even the many that Lulu would never remember.

Celestia pulled her Mask back and leaned into the hug. She could practically hear the smile on Lulu's muzzle at that one little gesture.

Luna’s coat was soft as she nuzzled into Celestia’s neck. "We will get through, sister mine. "

“We will always have each other.”

“Forever,” Luna agreed.

For a few precious moments, the princess of the sun was not there. If only I were just Tia, sister and best friend of Lulu. It was a lovely daydream. A heavy rap on the door dispelled that illusion.

"Princess… " The guard paused for a moment. "Princesses, the Griffon Ambassador is demanding a meeting immediately."

"Send him to the solarium and arrange refreshments. I will be there shortly."

The guard bowed and backed out of the room.

"Sorry, sister."

"We both have duties. Some more obvious than others." Luna took a few steps away before turning back. "Assuming I am free to depart?"

Celestia nodded. "I lost you once. I just had to be sure. I don't want to..." A soft feather against her lips silenced her.

With a warm smile, Luna backed into the shadows and then was gone.

Celestia lifted her cup, taking a long draft of her self medication. Did she notice?

No. Daybreaker’s answer was level and gave nothing else away.

Celestia put her cup down before her impatience threatened its continued existence. So, did she cast it?

As fun as battling her would be, I am forced to answer you truly, your radiance. No, she did not.

The weight of the world lifted from her back, she would have to be careful, or she might float off without even using her wings. Celestia settled into the cushions, tension and readiness shedding from her flesh like water from a duck's back.

But, she did steal your cake.

“What?” Celestia reached out for the cake, still clearly on the tray. It dissolved into motes of shadows, leaving behind only a beautifully done sketch of herself as round as a balloon, muzzle buried in a mountain of cake.

After a few seconds, the anger faded, and for some reason, she could not stop the laughter that shook her body.

“Princesses, are you alright?” A guard called in from outside.

Celestia lifted the gifted artwork. It was the first work of art Luna had gifted her since her return. Celestia’s face ached from her wide smile. “Yes… yes, I think I am.”

Author's Note:

Art by https://www.deviantart.com/kirillk

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