• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,078 Views, 3,672 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 44.4 Sour Apples

Applejack sighed, her gaze fell to the cider she held. Seeking wisdom in its depths, she found no answers. Today was not the best of days, and it showed no signs of improving. The crystal palace might have been safe, but that safety only gave ponies time to linger on what was lost.

Twilight's castle was a home, but it was not the farmhouse. The comfortable scents and homely atmosphere of the family house were long gone. The farm, the family trees, all trampled, blighted, and then burnt. Would even a single tree have survived?

Pinkie's cheery voice could cut through anything she wished it to. Twilight had said celebration, and the party mare was all over it like bats on apples.

In short order, somehow Pinkie had lifted the spirits of the ponies. Turning the aftermath of the worst attack in the history of Ponyville into a celebration of life and victory.

That mare could have everyone smiling at a funeral. With how many ponies survived, Ponyville had got through this losing very little that could not be replaced with time and good old hard work.

Applejack took a long pull from a cup of cider. It has some merit, but it still had a lot to be desired compared to Sweet Apple Acre’s best.

Applebloom and her friends were the stars of the show. Little mascots for the undaunted defiance of Ponyville against anything or anypony that would endanger it.

Perhaps Twilight was right about this party. But no way in Tartarus was she right to endanger Applebloom like that. How could Twilight be proud of her daughter dragging her friend off to kill a hydra?

The bottom of her mug held no answers. She scooped up another few. A leathery wing reached past and snatched up a half dozen. Mercy offered a nod to Applejack while she distributed the ciders to her fellows.

The off duty bat ponies mingled, being the life of the party. By the looks of it, not a single one of them was hitting the hay alone tonight. A bat pony with a midnight-blue coat met her gaze and winked. His fanged smile was an invitation if Applejack had ever seen one.

Warmth touched her cheeks, and it was not from the cider. "Thank you kindly, but not tonight."

The bat pony offered a friendly wink and shrugged. "Your loss."

His companions dragged him away. "She's too much mare for you to handle."


"Did you see her fight?"


Applejack turned her ears away. She did not need to hear exaggerated tales of her battles, she was there. They were talking her up as if she could spit mountains with her hoof.

The bat ponies were far too violent, but thank Celestia, or Luna in this case, they were here. They drank and made merry, despite not all of their number surviving.

Thank you. She sent her most heartfelt thanks to the two brave Nightguards that gave their lives to save Ponyville. Perhaps they would hear it in the eternal fields. It was a nice thought.

A magenta glow absconded with a tray of snacks and a small keg of cider. Its flight led diligently back to the master of that magic.

Twilight watched the celebration. The smile of a benevolent hostess on her muzzle as she reclined, regal, self-assured, in a pose that fit more in a calendar than anything Twilight would ever be seen doing.

Well, she’s alone now. Applejack started her march, marshalling her words as she went. There had to be a way to make her see sense.

The good mood and party atmosphere tried to infect her, but the image of Scootaloo being eaten, disappearing into the maw of the hydra, would not leave her alone.

The black beauty that had become so attached to Twilight she may as well have been her shadow looked up. Her eyes flicked to Applejack, locking onto her. Emerald Shade slipped away from Twilight's side, effortlessly weaving through the partying ponies without even breaking stride.

How long did she practice that harlot’s sway in her steps? Emerald cut a path straight for Applejack. It did not take a genius to work out she intended to block Applejack's path. That self-entitled mare thinks she owns the place.

"Excuse me." Applejack tried to move round her living obstruction.

Emerald pivoted. The motion seemed like a dance. She expertly kept her body blocking the path so close their coats almost touched. It was almost like she was flirting.

"Why, do you need my help? After all, I'm nothing but a harlot, right?" Emerald’s whispered voice had a silken purr to it.

How many has she lured to bed with that? Was Twilight one of them? "Ah never asked for your help."

Emerald just continued effortlessly redirecting Applejack. Every attempt to get past her short of going through her only ended up with her somehow further away from Twilight.

"Well, I will have you know, I'm a professional. I have trained all my life for what I do. Yes, it does include being a pet for my mistress at times, but that is the minority of my duties.”

Applejack stopped, all four hooves planted firmly. She stood up to her full height. "Now, would you kindly let me pass?"

“If I do, you will regret it.”

“Is that a threat?”

Even Emerald’s giggle sounded beautiful. "No, never. That is nowhere near my style. I'm trying to help you."

This is helping? Yet you're not lying… Applejack sighed, setting her orneriness aside for now. “Help me?”

A warm smile placed itself over the dark muzzle. “I'm her confidant. Emotional support. I do all the little things to make her life easier that she would never think to ask of.”

“And why would she trust you?”

“Simple, I'm bought and paid for. Pact-bound to be hers and keep her secrets on pains of death.”

Applejack's eyes widened. Twilight would never… but she’s still not lying.


“Why would you. How could she?”

“Why does not matter. All that does is I am comfortable with the arrangement.” Emerald circled, leaving the path to Twilight open. "Now, one of these little things that Twilight would never think to ask of is this conversation we are having.”

Applejack raised a sceptical eyebrow.

“I know how you feel, Applejack. I know you're angry at her. You feel betrayed.”

Applejack froze, her eyes narrowing at the smoothly spoken mare.

“How? Reading ponies and anticipating their needs and wants are just part of my skill set. You don't truly appreciate what an Alicorn is. Few do. They are power incarnate, made to rule and defend what is theirs.”


“Add to that what has happened to Twilight recently, and as you can guess, she is somewhat unstable, dealing with urges and instinct no unicorn would have.”

“Ah know she is not right in the head right now.”

“My point is, if you have the conversation you are planning on having now, it won't go well. Right now, she is not your friend. She is a ruler tending to her ponies.”

“What are you saying?”

“That now, you will get a ruler's answer. If you wait for her to settle back to being your friend once more, you will get the friend's answer you are hoping for.”

“So, Ah just wait till she is good and ready?”

“I will come and get you when the time is right. This conversation needs to happen for both your sakes. She will have many regrets if she drives one of her closest friends away.”

“Why should Ah trust ya?”

“Because you are the Element of Honesty, Lady Applejack, and I give you my word. I am fully committed to serving my mistress.” Again there was not a single hint of falsehood or deception. Either this mare was being completely honest, or something else was up. “Now, let all those negative emotions go for now.” A green aura offered an elegant wine glass. “This will help far more than the cider.”

Applejack accepted it. It had the look of hard liquor. The thick liquors smelled faintly of apples and paint stripper.

“Your word, y’all’re on the level with this?”

The answering Pinkie Promise looked utterly ridiculous being performed by such a manicured mare.

Emerald raised her own glass. "To better days."

"And to those that gave all so others’ll see them." Applejack downed the drink. The too-sweet liquid burned on the way down, and the taste only had a passing familiarity with apples.

For a moment, it seemed like Emerald had swallowed something sour. Maybe she had a different drink?

She exhaled. Her throat still burned, but the world seemed a little lighter. Perhaps she could go along with the party thing. She would wait, at least so long as Twilight did not make a habit out of encouraging Applebloom to deliberately run off to danger.

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