• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,078 Views, 3,672 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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Act 2 CH 2 The Darkest Night: Tiger Tiger Baking Bread

Tiger Lilly's dream continued. Silvermane was still here. She was beginning to doubt the fact he had actually died. If it were not for one thing that Princess Twilight said, she would have been able to just let herself forget she even thought her husband was dead.

You make her happy… why do you think you have anything to fear from me? Why would the Princess say that?

She looked from the dough she kneaded. Past the sheet of glass, Silvermane had the crowd of foals gathered around as he spun another of his exaggerated tales.

As much as the little ones hung on his every word, something was wrong. He hesitated a little here and there, and his left ear kept twitching at every little sound.

That was not one of his normal nervous habits, but a nervous habit it clearly was. She turned back to her baking as she thought about it. She folded some dyed mixed petals in and a hoof full of assorted berries. The foals would not appreciate it as much as her cookies, but it would be just the thing to go with a warm soup for supper or buttered for breakfast.

Everything had been idyllic until this morning when the sun dimmed. Some of the foals screamed about Nightmare Moon, and all the guards froze. Silvermane body had tensed as if he was about to gallop for the hills.

Over the next few minutes, everything had returned to normal, at least on the surface. She sighed as she divided the dough into the greased tins. Even with the flaws, she still wilfully clung to the dream. So she put away her doubts as she put the bread into the oven.

Some ponies used timers, and others watched a clock. Tiger Lilly just used her nose as Celestia intended. She opened the kitchen window a crack and headed out to join the foals for storytime.

The infused bread proved just as good a companion to the soup as Tiger Lilly knew it would. The warmth of her full belly threatened to send her to sleep as she sat on the porch next to her Silvermane and watched the sunset.

The sun moved smoothly through the sky if, perhaps, slower than normal. She ignored the fact and savoured the moment as she leaned against her love as he held her hoof.

Silvermane smiled his charming smile and rested his head against hers. She sighed contentedly.

There had been many adventures, many exciting moments in their lives, but it was times like this she treasured the most.

As the rich, warm colours of the sunset faded and the sky darkened, the promised comfort of bed called, but she would wait to see the stars at least.

The sky darkened yet more, turning from its usual comforting blanket to a soulless abyss. Is this the end of the dream? She thought as she gripped Silvermane's hoof tighter. She had to drag her eyes away from the void that hung above her like a promise of her awaiting demise.

Silvermane's strong legs wrapped around her. They felt firm and robust despite his age. "Tonight is not a good night to be outside," he whispered as if fearful of being overheard.

Tiger Lilly did not abject in the least as he carried her inside and locked the door. Not a single moment of sleep came to her as she sheltered in Silvermane's embrace for the whole cursed night.

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