• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,078 Views, 3,672 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

  • ...

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CH 37.1 Evening Fair Preparations

The first thing Twilight noticed was that she was awake. The second was an unexpected lack of pain. She distinctly remembered staggering to bed, relieved to be able to drop the act that she was fine after every pony finally left her alone. Her body and wellspring had been screaming out in self-inflicted torment.

The soothing notes of Dreams' music floated to her ears, even without the works the tune was powerful. The scent of the living wood and parchment added to the feeling of home and safety.

Habitually she reached out with her magic. Seeking the position of either Celestia’s sun or Luna’s moon. Nothing, as far as her horn was concerned neither existed. Her head shot up from the comfort of the pillow, more in puzzlement than confusion.

The room she was in was far larger than it should be. She blinked, her mind trying to make sense of things. For a few long moments, she considered if she had been shrunk, she knew of many spells that could do it. Then the memories of that battle with Tirek reared their ugly head, infecting her mind trying to destroy her inner peace. She was in her Bastion, the Grand Golden Oaks Library and not the original.

A wave of hot anger built in her, she could feel a few motes of flame dance in her mane. If Celestia had just taught her how to use her Alicorn magic correctly, she could have killed him with a single spell. Her beloved library was lost, all those books destroyed. Then there was Discord's betrayal, another actor in this game she used to be a piece in. Everything in her life since her creation until recently was all danced to Celestia's tune. A growl rumbled in from deep within her chest, as she felt her muzzle tense in a snarl.

As if to make a point the music stopped, the silence deafening in its suddenness. Her anger must have caught Nova’s attention. Likely Dreams was telling Nova to calm down, Sorry Nova. Twilight thought, letting out a frustrated sigh.

She rolled onto her back and let her wings gracelessly splay open. The sinfully comfortable bed shifted, enveloping her. It promised peaceful rest should she only close her eyes, it was tempting. Staring at the living wood ceiling, she brought a hoof to her chest in a well-practised motion. A few repetitions of Cadance's trusty breathing techniques and that pet hate was locked back into its box.

Now calm, she let her eyes close. Even with everything she had been though she was better off now than she was. No, she might not be the original Twilight, but she was real, if only by her own assertions of the fact. The world was safe, she and the girls could call on the power of the Elements even without them physically present.

The scent of coffee and freshly cooked pancakes wafted in, interrupting her contemplations. Her stomach growled with anticipation. With where the kitchen was located, no doubt the delicious smell was assisted on its way here. She let out a small laugh, Dreams was using the same manipulation Spike often did.

She carefully weighed up the pros and cons of making her self presentable before or after food. A growl from her stomach decided for her. Food first.

She paused, a thought striking her. How did food work in this place, anyhow? Everything was made of her own magic… Her hunger became more insistent. Well, she could work it out later, she knew it at least seem to function adequately for the task required of it.

Pushing herself out of bed, all four hooves clopped on the floor. The distinct feeling of live wood under them was so much more preferable than the cold and sometimes soulless feeling crystal.

She stretched her back out flexing like a cat flaring her wings before she snapped them back into place folded against her side.

A flicker of unexpected colour moving in her peripheral vision caught her attention.

Turning, Twilight looked into the mirror. The vision that greeted her was not quite what she expected. Her normally patchwork form looked back, with a few additions. Ghostly flesh and two different colours seemed to be filling holes and missing sections.

She knew to sacrifice parts of her wellsprings was a major thing, she just did not expect it to manifest so visually here. Each mark in her form, a mark of two things. The first how many ponies she had helped, how many ponies she had made healed. A small satisfied smile started to form on her muzzle, memories of both the awe of those she saved and the delicious terror of those she had judged.

The second, that the only two ponies that could have done this loved her enough to share in her pain. Sweet Dreams and Night had both lent her some of the wellsprings, some of their very soul, to support her as she healed. She held her hoof out and regarded the new additions, two Alicorns were both at least going to be getting a hug for this.

Yes, she could have just ripped the parts needed from some useless nobles … no, she was not some sort of soul-eating monster. Even Tirek did not go that far.

If how insistent Candice was to help with some of Twilight’s self-destructive experiments was anything to go by she likely would have offered to sacrifice herself. Willingly relinquishing her life as well, just to save Twilight some pain, but she knew that doing that at all would be lethal to her guard. The idea of a pony being willing to give themselves to her so completely, so finally, was as appealing as it was horrifying.

Some of the parents might have also offered their own souls to help their unborn foals… but no, she would never accept such a thing. Any damage to a mortal’s wellspring could be crippling. To actually cut a piece out to help a hybrid would lead, at best, to a slow and painful death as the pony’s magic evaporated into the aether, burning their flesh to ash.

Twilight shuddered, envisioning yet another way she could miss-use her power for massive destruction and death. If she got to a high enough altitude, she might be able to get most of Equestria with such an effect… Was that why Canterlot was so high up?

The sounds of delicately placed hooves sauntering up behind her brought her back to the moment. Even the sounds of hooves on wood were so much better than crystal. In the reflection, she watched Dreams come up behind her. Twilight’s eyes traced every bandaged body part, each imperfection in her normally pristine coat. Each matching a location that had been replaced on Twilight’s own body.

Dreams sat on her haunches, her hooves wrapped around Twilight's shoulders, drawing her into an embrace. Twilight’s back pressed into the soft coat of Dreams' larger form as those comfortingly large wings closed around her in warmth. Her worries were forced out, unable to breach the wall crafted by the heavenly feathers.

Dreams leaned her head against hers. Adding that little extra point of contact. With each second, each breath, Twilight's troubles and worries seemed less important.

In the mirror, Twilight met her Sweet Dreams' concerned eyes. Twilight’s smile turned to a loving one. “Thank you…”

Dreams voice took on a hard tone. “Never do anything like that again, you had us worried, my Star.”

“I had to,” Twilight hesitantly admitted, guilt almost strangling her voice. “With hybrids, the sooner they are healed, the better. I was not going to let a pony die just to save me a little pain.”

Twilight felt Dreams’ body slump, gravity pressing her large wings against her. It was clear she had nothing to counter that point, and she knew it. “My Star…” Dreams sighed before continuing in a sombre voice. “If you are not careful, you will give too much away, and there will be nothing left.”

Twilight turned her head and nuzzled into Dreams’ neck. The soft coat and soothing scent made everything feel better. Her aura gently guided Dreams’ muzzle down for a slow, loving kiss, a silent promise that she would always return. No matter what happened out in the physical world, she would always have her little piece of heaven right here.

Twilight closed the door to her Bastion behind her as she trotted out onto the obsidian plane that was Night’s domain. She really needed a better name for this place than ‘Night’s Plane’ or her ‘Doorstep’.

Her tail swayed with the happy bounce in her steps. She noted the sounds of her hooves on the surface sounding far softer than she would have expected for such material. It definitely sounded different than last time she was here. She would have to study that later.

Night stood proudly, the classic example of a power pose. Unlike dreams, there was no obvious sign of the sacrifice she had made to help Twilight. She was likely too proud to let such weakness be seen. “Finally awake?” Night asked with just a hint of mockery flavouring the concern in her voice.

"Dreams insisted on serving me seconds of her home-cooked pancakes, they're so good." Twilight drooled as she approached. She advanced into Night's personal space and slowly pulled Night into a wing hug. "Thank you, Night."

Night stiffened for an instant before accepting the hug. "You're welcome, Twilight, but I didn't do it for you."


“You think I would let anything interfere with our date with Luna?”

Twilight's mind froze. What time was it? What day was it even? She had so much left to do, so many things that she had almost no time to get done. It might already be too late. A few strands of her mane started to fray and her typical hyperventilation started. She was well on the way to a panic attack as per standard operating procedures.


The world spun in the horizontal axis. Night's hoof had impacted her muzzle.

"Oh, do try to calm down, Twilight. Everything is taken care of," Night snarled in irritation.

Twilight blinked, she hit me? Why? Wait, what did she say? Twilight’s loyal memory replayed Night's words. She turned her head and doubtfully regarded Night. "It is?"

Nightmare nodded with an offended roll of the eyes.

"What about…" Twilight started.

Night pressed a wingtip firmly against Twilight’s muzzle. "If your checklists are as thorough as they normally are, then everything is in order."

"Thank you."

Night showed a content, fanged smile. Somehow it did not look as intimidating as it used to. "You have six hours until dear Luna will get her invitation. We have conspired with her Night Chosen to ensure she will be free. Now we have an hour to enjoy your indoor garden before we have to do anything else.”

Twilight glanced into the floor looking down and seeing their body lazily reclined in a set of cushions surrounded by very familiar-looking plants, each one unique. For a moment, she could have sworn she felt fangs in her mouth as she smiled with deep satisfaction.

Night wrapped a wing around her tenderly. "Now let me show you how relaxing it can be to enjoy the fruits of our righteous conquest."

Night had been right, an hour resting in her new retreat had left her feeling so much better. Relaxed and full of so much energy. Just thinking of spending more time basking in the presence of her captives almost made her prance in joy.

Was this what changelings felt when feeding on love? She wondered. No, She would not think about the implications of being empowered by other's fear. Not yet, she would let nothing distract her from how good she felt, nor the upcoming date.

So, Night, what did I miss? Twilight asked.

Well you have a dozen or so common ponies under arrest in the castle for assaulting some useless nobles.

...What happened?

Nobles exercised their rights over common ponies. Said common ponies did not like it. Candice and the guard took care of it.

Twilight considered things for a few minutes before responding. Looks like I have a new decree to write.

And what would that be? Night purred in her mind.

Oh, I'm just going to suspend noble privilege in my domain.

Twilight heard Night’s sinister laugh. It was hard not to join her. Twilight checked her teeth with her tongue, the probing flesh finding them to be all the expected teeth of a herbivore. Night?

Night slowly calmed, getting her evil laugh under control. Yes?

Twilight considered the feel of her puppet body moving, the muscles playing under her coat all under her direction. Why do you let me have control so often now?

… we are family. Night admitted.

Twilight paused her walking, locking her legs so they would not fall and shifted back to the mental space. She saw the look of surprises as she wrapped Night up in another hug.

"Rarity!" Twilight called out as the flash from her arrival in the Carousel Boutique faded.

Blueblood and Rarity were sat having tea. Twilight froze, unable to believe what her senses were telling her.
A small part of her mind noted she was doing that a lot recently.

"Oh, hello, darling," Rarity's cultured voice said.

Twilight teleported out of the room and returned. She triple checked all the coordinates, including temporal and even the more esoteric ones. She had to be sure, just in case she had accidentally travelled to an alternate reality. Or something.

"Twilight, are you quite alright?" Rarity asked, her face full of concern.

The matching look on Blueblood was just too much, it felt like the very foundations of the world were compromised. Her left eye twitched.

Night assumed control as Twilight just watched on, stunned. "Sorry, I thought I was not quite in phase with reality. It is so good to see you have actually turned over a new leaf Blueblood."

Rarity smiled, relieved. "He is actually quite pleasant company when he is not playing a role."

Night raised an eyebrow, questioningly.

Blueblood coughed politely. “Recent events have opened my eyes, and it is as if I am free to make my own choices.”

“We should have a long talk at some point…” Night said. Twilight could feel Night’s thousands of years of machinations churning, considering implications.

“As you wish, Princess Twilight,” Blueblood replied with a respectful bow of his head.

“So, Twilight, with your manner of entrance, I doubt this was just a social visit,” Rarity inquired, clearly redirecting the conversation.

“I was hoping to teach you one of the events to help run it,” Night said.

“What event darling?”

“The unicorn duel.”

“I'm not sure…” Rarity began what was clearly going to become a well-worded apology.

“I would gladly lend my assistance, Princess,” Blueblood spoke formally. "I might not be in practice, but I know the traditional methods."

His agreement caused a shift in Rarity's expression, she smiled winningly. "Well, I would be remiss if I did not do everything I could to help a friend in their time of need."

Twilight was still mentally reeling by the time they had left the boutique and made their way to the duelling area. Blueblood and Rarity were getting along, happily conversing. Blueblood was extolling the fashion benefits of one style of duelling garb over another. It was almost as if… no, that could not be, Rarity seemed to be enjoying her time with him, it was unbelievable.

Night’s mental voice cut into her chain of thought. Almost as unbelievable as you having a pleasant time sharing your body with Nightmare Moon?

You have a point. Twilight admitted.

Taking in things in the visage of the town, it had been transformed. Everything had been set up just how she envisioned it. The whole town was decorated in her own and Luna's colours. The stalls, games and contest all looked like they had been plucked right out of a history book.

The ponies hurrying around, making sure everything was ready and set up, the things that had to be left to the last minute already gave the place a festival atmosphere. It was like a holiday. Twilight smiled, if this worked, she might just do that, make this a yearly holiday. The Evening Fair. It had cost a lot of bits, half a year of her unspent princess stipend, but it was more than worth it. Everything was going to be perfect.

She continued to walk, half-listening to all the conversations around, noting nearly everypony was looking forward to the things to come.

She noticed something catch Night’s attention. The strange, yet appealing scents coming from the still-readying food and snack stands made Night almost cause them to drool with her cravings. Twilight had to take over the body again just to avoid making a fool of themselves. She did not want to be seen drooling following her muzzle towards food.

It was these little reactions, that kept reinforcing that Night did not start as a bad pony. Like Twilight herself, Night had been thought a lot, and at the time she did not have friends and family to stop her lashing out. Twilight smiled, anypony that would give up being evil for a little bit of affection and maybe a few cookies was never really evil in the first place.

Twilight glanced towards the distant treats. That's a good sign. If you’re almost walking towards it in a daze, then just think how Luna will react.

Can we have one? Night almost sounded timid.

Twilight could imagine a Litte Star sized Night looking at her with puppy eyes. Twilight mentally laughed. Yes, of course, we can.

Twilight took a quick detour, well, any detour was quick when you could teleport. She grabbed one of the star-shaped confectionery and a few more just for ‘quality control’ of course. She was fairly sure nopony believed her justification. She smiled, admitting that yes, she just wanted some.

Popping one of the treats into her mouth, The hard outer surface yielded to a soft centre as the pleasing tastes combined in her mouth. She felt Night’s bliss and reminiscing mix, as the former nightmare drifted off into her memories.

She let her eyes close, relishing Night’s reaction. Twilight’s magic delivered a second one to her eager maw before she even noticed what she was doing. Her necklace vibrated agent her chest. 'good' and 'thank you' bring repeatedly tapped out by Nova.

Twilight chose to slowly savour this one, The seeds Applejack had force-grown did not turn out quite as good as they would have it there had been more time. By how her mental companions were acting though, that would not be a problem. It would simply mean the next crop, with more time to grow naturally, would prove even better.

She caught herself just as her aura almost placed a third delightful treat in her mouth. These things were extremely delicious. Twilight’s mind wandered to what creations Pinky could make once some of these ingredients were commonly available again.

With a deliberate effort, the remaining ones popped out of existence into her ever-expanding number of dimensional pockets. When had she made one just labelled ‘Ice Cream’ anyway? She shook her head, she could look into her memory problems another day.

With the taste of the treats still in her mouth and Night’s satisfaction in her heart, Twilight had an honest smile and was feeling pleased with herself.

By the time she caught up with Rarity and Blueblood, he was already talking though the rules and explaining things to Rarity. She seemed to be paying rapt attention.

"This is a contest of skill, precision and quick reactions." Blueblood quoted by rote.

Rarity levitated three items over to herself, an elegant looking blade, a beautiful diamond-shaped shield with a gem in the center and a horn ring. All the items were crafted for unicorns so neither the blade nor shield had any handles they were simply not designed to be used by anything other than a unicorn’s aura.

Blueblood looked puzzled at the ring.

Twilight approached, still warning a contented smile. "Not everypony here is trained like you are, Prince Blueblood." She nodded to the ring "That allows any unicorn to cast the marking spell and interferes all but allowed spells in the duel."

Blueblood looked appraisingly at the simple ring. "So more ponies can enjoy the sport?"

Twilight nodded

“Are they terribly difficult to make?”

“Not really.” Twilight flashed her horn. Magic condensed, forming another identical ring. Yes, she knew she was showing off a little, the rest of the rings were physical items she had enchanted and not conjured whole.

Nodding respectfully, Blueblood asked. “If we could get these for the schools around the country we could restore the sport to the modern age.”

We do like this new Blueblood. Night commented.

Twilight could feel Night was mostly just wanting another treat. Twilight had to admit that she could happily devour a few or a few dozen of them if she was being honest with herself. They were not as good as hayburgers but were still exceedingly good.

Night smiled with their face and nodded. “Draw up a plan for it, and we would happily furnish you with the needed equipment. Perhaps it may even lead to some better candidates for our guards in a decade or two.”

Twilight levitated a set of the duelling equipment to herself. She put the ring on her horn, spinning the blade and shield in her aura playfully. “There are two ways to score a point, the first is to hit your opponent with a marking spell”.

A lazy bolt of magic lept from her horn and impacted Blueblood. If it was not for Night keeping them still and smiling, Twilight would have jumped. Night!

Oh, relax and look at him.

Blueblood looked completely unbothered by the hoof wide splotch of glowing magenta on his pristine white coat. Twilight was glad the small swirls of silver and black were far too small for a unicorn to notice.

Night continued the explanation. “The second, and much harder, is using the blade to score a direct hit on the gem in the shield.”

“Getting four points this way without conceding a single point to your opponent is one of the highest testaments of skill,” Blueblood added.

Night nodded. “The contest is the first to five points, but the winning point, the most important point, has to be scored with the blade. The blade has to strike the opponents body claiming victory. While there is no rule against striking your foe with the blade before this point, only the final point can be achieved this way.”

“Is that not a bit… brutish, Twilight?”

“Don't worry the blades are safe, they can not harm anypony.” Night said. She aggressively slashed the blade across her leg, just leaving a glowing mark. “Little more than a few minutes of discoloured fur.”

Rarity shuddered as Night laughed in the mindscape. I wonder if she thinks the change of coat colour is worse than actually being stabbed?

I think its more that, at least for a moment, she thought you were going to be missing a leg. Twilight patiently explained.

It would grow back. Night teased.

That's not the point! Twilight mentally shouted.

Night let out a good-natured laugh, “I’m sorry, Rarity. I was not trying to alarm you, I was simply making the point that all the weapons in these contests are incapable of causing any harm.”

“Like your contest with Rainbow?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, exactly the same,” said Night with a wistful smile.

Twilight quickly banished the expression from their face before Rarity could get the right idea about Night’s desires for the very Athletic Rainbow. Now think how much more fun our final surprise for Luna is going to be.

Night’s emotions quickly focused on the planned contest with hungry anticipation. This is going to be the most fun Luna has had for well over a thousand years.

“Well, I should be checking the others…” Twilight began.

“Princess, would it be permissible for my guards to attend this marvellous historical fair you have arranged?”

Hearing Bloodblood yet again sincerely using her title was gratifying, the request, not so much. Twilight narrowed her eyes and studied the pony in front of her, it was almost as if this was a new pony. There was no way this could possibly be a trick. Her mind started to wonder how this could be true.

He is not a changeling. Night casually commented.

Mind control? Twilight considered, it was a possibility after all.

Hmm, no, none. Night stated.

Twilight paused considering what magic she had just felt Night use. Did you just invade his mind?

Only a little.


You wanted to know, and there is nothing wrong in checking to see if somepony is under the effect of mind magic.

“Princess?” Blueblood asked.

“Sorry, just got distracted by a thought. My apologies, Prince Blueblood,” Twilight smiled reassuringly, trying to make it seem like everything was alright. Making her decision, she nodded firmly. “Yes your guards may attend, but I will hold you accountable for their actions, and Noble Privilege will be suspended.”

“Thank you, Princess.” Blueblood simply bowed his head. “I shall let them know the good news.”

Rarity, on the other hoof, was looking at Twilight aghast, “You are going to put aside a core of Equestrian society, this will be felt across the whole world.”

A satisfied smile played across Twilight’s muzzle. “Oh, this is nothing compared to my little trip to Canterlot.” Rarity just stared blankly at her, so Twilight continued. “Prince, I would be grateful if you can run Rarity, and any other interested ponies, though a few practice matches before this evening.”

Blueblood bowed. “As you command, Princess Twilight.”

She almost giggled as she turned to walk off.

“Mummy!” Her daughter’s happy voice called out from above.

Twilight looked up at the sight of Star rapidly descending, conjured butterfly-like wings spread from her back. Above her, the CMC followed with the same spell granting them access to the air, all apart from Scootaloo. Twilight reached up and opened her forehooves just in time to catch the high velocity, and for once non teleport, hug from her daughter.

“Mummy, Mummy, look what I made,” Little Star enthused, holding up her necklace with a huge smile on her face.

Twilight let her horn examine the magic as she nuzzled her daughter. It was hard not to think of when she herself had been eager to show her new discovery off to Princess Celestia. No that was not me… Twilight thought, annoyed at herself for forgetting that that memory was either created or just a hold-over from the original.

Night slipped in assuming control of the body before the frown could even start to form. None of that Twilight, now pay attention to our daughter’s craftwork, it deserves your attention more than Celestia ever could.

Not being able to do anything in the physical world, for now, Twilight complied. She hoped that Night was at least a little wrong about Celestia.

Twilight could not help but notice Rarity was just staring at Sweetie Belle, her eyes fixed on the beautiful pale green wings. Twilight rolled her eyes, recalling a certain event in Cloudsdale.

The necklace was an amazing work of enchanting. Its runes cut back to the bare essentials, but made with the finest attention to detail with multiple safeties, even a feather fall spell that would activate automatically. Only two things about it made her worry. The first was that the security feature was related to how a lot of dark magic cursed items could only be removed by their wearers, or not at all. The second was the small trace of blood magic attuning them to their users.

She looked back to Sweetie’s wings. She hoped the crimson patterns swirling with the magenta spell work looked decorative enough that nopony would notice how it marked the wings as blood magic.

“You are a true prodigy at this, my daughter,” Night spoke with pride. “You are already more capable than any of the armourers in Canterlot, I look forward to seeing what you will be able to achieve in the future.”

Now it was Blueblood’s time to have eyes a little too wide, he clearly knew of how skilled those enchanters and crafters were.

Night nuzzled Little Star again, Twilight could feel the pure love and pride Night felt for her daughter. If she knew now what she did when she first faced Nightmare Moon, she may have just explained how bad for the world an eternal night would be and joined her then. That was assuming she would accept a proper education on the disastrous effects that a lack of sunlight would have on the ecosystem and the ponies. Her mind drifted to how different Equestria would have been if she trotted down that path.

“Thank you, my Little Star for that helpful time spell you left on our bed, but I must ask you never to use that on any non-alicorn.” Night whispered to her daughter.

Little Star nodded, a familiar scroll popping into existence, writing a few lines then vanished.

Wait, time spell on our bed? Twilight asked.

She let us have much more rest in a short period of time.

... that’s a really good idea, being able to fit sleep into less time, that is going to make my days far less stressful. Twilight seized control and nuzzled her daughter for herself. ”Thank you, perhaps you can show me how you did it tomorrow.

“Alright, Mummy,” Little Star’s eager happiness was reaching an almost lethal level of adorableness.

“Now I need to just make sure a few things are ready for when Mummy Luna turns up. Now, do you want to help Pinke set up the games for the foals?” Night asked.

Little Star nodded, teleporting out of the hug and rejoining the rest of the CMC as they flew off towards Sugar Cube Corner.

“Darling, do you think Pinkie Pie is ready for them?” Rarity inquired.

“She probably knew they were going to be there before I sent them,” Night sighed.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Hidden Alicorn Exposers, Yay.” Carried to Twilight’s sensitive ears.

“She will be fine,” Twilight said, hoping it was true, after all, what could go wrong? “Now Rarity, I will leave Blueblood in your care.” She looked to Blueblood. ”Do enjoy the fair.”

The next few hours passed in a blinding blur and agonisingly slow. Everything had been checked no less than ten times.

You know, my host, if you were not paying them so handsomely, some of the ponies would be more than a little frustrated with you. Stop, calm down, or I will banish you to your library until Luna gets here.

Twilight stilled her frantic body and just sat back on her haunches, Night was right. Everything was in place, all was ready. All she had to do was wait the final two hours.

She was almost dragged off by Emerald and pinned bodily to get a calming massage, Night not allowing Twilight to even voice her disagreement. It was proving extremely hard to stay worried as her body was being turned in to a content little puddle.

A train whistle caught her ears. There was not meant to be a train now. Launching from the couch, she almost made it to the door before Night stopped her. Don’t worry, that will just be Cadance and Shining Armor bringing their guards to help with the festivities.

“You invited my brother to our date with Luna?”

Yes, you know any other ponies nearby that are from a thousand years ago?

Shiny’s not that old.

Night mentally facehooved. Not him, Cadance’s Crystalguard.

Oh, yes, I remember there was jousting at the Crystal Fair.

And there is jousting here too, a fourth event was added to complement the other three.

Twilight let herself fall back to the ground.

Emerald’s magic pulled her back to the couch. “Now, I’m going to have to start again.” She said in a fake complaining tone.

It did not take too long for Twilight to find herself dozing off under Night’s pet’s skilled hooves.

The sight of two flights of thestrals escorting the Lunar Princess chariot made Twilight’s heart pound in her chest. Its heavy rhythm beating to Night’s tune, feeling like it wanted to break through her ribcage and escape. The heat from Nova’s necklace just added to her anticipation.

Twilight did not, could not, even take her eyes off Luna. Night’s emotions were making it hard for Twilight to even think, it was almost as if Luna was her entire world.

Twilight smiled the blindfold becoming apparent as they drew closer, she was following the instructions.

“Pinkie, its time.” Night Commanded.

The old fashioned music started signalling that all the games and contests were now open. The twitch of the ears and the surprised smile on the distant Luna took Twilight’s breath away. Twilight knew this was all Night’s emotions, she was starting to understand how Night must have felt when she went ‘Science crazy’.

Author's Note:

We now have a blog post with all the art so far for the story.

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