• Published 11th Sep 2019
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Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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Act 2 CH 4: New Beginnings: Candice’s New Companion

Candice's body moved on its own, or more accurately, under the direction of another. The sugary snack that was popped into her muzzle might as well have been ash for all the enjoyment it gave her. That did not stop her guest humming as she savoured it.

Twilight was gone. Just the mere fact Rule Breaker was here, controlling her body was proof of that. Even with that gaping rent in her heart, her mind still worked. Luna's and Night's training would have killed her if she could not cope with the mere inconvenience of having her love sacrifice herself due to the solar attack.

Logic, reason, calculation. She had been an analyst for so long that it was impossible to break that habit now. The exact chain of events that led to this outcome was so improbable to happen by happenchance she could not accept it was anything but deliberate action.

Celestia was the primary suspect for being behind it. She was the aggressor, after all. Was she the one that set the events in motion to allow them to happen? Her emotions said yes, but her mind said there were still things she did not know.

Candice felt her tongue collect the last crumbs from her lips, and then a content sigh escaped her. With her quick feast successfully devoured, Rule Breaker turned to leave the cabin Candice had been assigned. She had not even checked if the uniform was straight in the mirror before her hoof reached for the door.

It was rather novel, being on the other side of the bit this time. As much as Rule Breaker's care wrapped around her soul, there was still a wrongness to it. As much as she accepted her new companion, it still felt like her body had been stolen in a way.

This part is more my duties. Would you mind?

You want to do the boring bits? Be my guest.

As if being spun a little too fast by one's dance partner, existence shifted and suddenly Candice had to brace her legs to avoid face planting.

It's not just that. You are the guest here. I am the one others expect to be here in this body and your actions would reflect on me, not on you. I'm already thinking of how to get you your own body…

Look, this is what she wanted, and this is what we both need.

I know you need a host. I know we are capable of working together. I know it's not intentional. But this still feels like you stole my body from me.

You gave yourself to Twilight. You know it was not your body anymore, right? Rule Breaker half teased.

Anger rose up in her, but Candice carefully pushed it aside. Legally, but she didn't just take over my body without my permission, and she only did that twice for actual dates. It was still my body to control.

Look, you would be dead if I was not here, 'She' needed to give you more power than you could have survived, and I was her solution. Rule Breaker's resentment leaked from her before it shifted, gaining an edge of apology. Yeah, it sucks, but if I leave you, you will die.

That's the first time I've felt your emotions so clearly. Are you alright? Candice mentally offered a hug, needing it just as much as Rule Breaker felt like she did.

The feelings bled off, and Rule Breaker's emotions shifted from exasperation to annoyance, then with a sigh, she accepted the embrace. For a moment, everything became warm. It was very much like being held by an older sister, one that was just as likely to be nice as to mess up your mane for fun, even if they would be there anytime it really counted. "So all this time I've been trying to be nice, trying to comfort you, you felt nothing? Buck my life, I should have just taken a nap…"

I think I felt it, just not clearly, as my own grief was kind of overwhelming at the time. I'm still grieving, but having you here makes it easier.

Yeah, yeah. Now, do you want to talk to your ponies, or am I getting more of these pastries?

Feel free to grab another pastry and control the magic. I need to drive my,,, our body for the duties.

Great, so I'm stuck trying to stay still… Do you realise how hard it is to not accidentally block your desire to move?

Can't say that I do. I haven't tried to possess another.

Well, it's all the rage these days… Rule Braker snarked, in just the same tone Twilight would have used. Candice could almost see the particular eye roll that would have accompanied it.

Candice chuckled at that. Alright. You are the one who likes to break the rules of magic. Can you do anything to force it to be easier for you?

I can't think of anything that would not kill you. It's the difference in our power… until things settle down more… ah buck, there is no kind way to say this. Until you become part of me… one of my fragments kinda…

What if I constructed your own body for you? I am kind of mostly made of Twilight after I got accidentally roasted.

Want to get rid of me already? Rule Breaker teased.

No, but I want you to be happy.

And with what Twilight did, do you think I would be happy away from you? I was literally created to love you… remember?

I know, it doesn't mean we would have to part ways, just that we would have our own bodies, like when Twilight was around. That doesn't mean we loved each other any less.

Then it's you that will need a new body. She anchored me to this body very firmly. Also, you are a lot safer with me here, and you know it. The feeling of that omnidirectional embrace closed in, something that would have been impossibly suffocating if it could be done physically, just felt nice.

So, you would prefer to master the art of stillness so I can perform my duties rather than be separate?

Nah, you just need to hurry up and get good and learn to be louder with your actions.

Then what do I need to do to get your help in learning that? I have no idea where to even start.

For now, Just think what you want to do and I can pass it on to the body. We can get to lessons later.

Alright. But can you adhere to the needed precision? It's not an accusation, just honest curiosity.

We're just going to talk to some ponies, not going for a dance, right?

It's a lot more than that, actually. The public will see, and the way we move conveys much more than some realise. Military precision is key to presenting a firm and confident defensive face to the public. Letting them know that, no matter how bad things are, we have the ability to stay clam and protect them.

We have the ability to protect them? Against Celestia?

Even if we don't they need to believe we do. And I don't think they know about the Celestia bit yet, so that gap in power would be irrelevant to the public at this time. But it comes down to appearances matter to them, and I would be negligent in my duties if I were not performing to the best of my abilities.

Then be negligent, you need time for yourself, time to well, come to terms with what happened. Rule Breaker's concern was touching if far too aggressively delivered.

I've had some of that already, and I'll get more later. Right now though, I have my duties that have to be done no matter how I'm feeling. And if I let my emotions get in the way, I wouldn't be a very good Captain of the Twilight Guard. Just the concept of not being the best she could be in the role her Twilight gave her was something neither her love nor pride would allow.

Fine, do what you need to do now, but you will be having time off even I have to make you. It was clear Rule Breaker's words were as much a threat as a heartfelt pledge of aid.

I'm not going to neglect myself. I just can't neglect my duties either. Thank you for being here, even if it wasn't your choice.

Yeah yeah, let's get going. Has anypony taught you how to be concise?

Candice bristled but tried not to show it. That is me being concise.

The earthpony-backed facehoof bounced their head off the wall.

If it was not for the improvements Twilight had grafted into her body, she would have been walking around with a clearly visible hoof mark for all to see. Instead, all that was needed was a bit of extra grooming.

Moving her body this way felt a little bit like a dream. There was no delta, no lag. If anything, the motions happened just that little bit quicker and were performed that little bit smoother, but all the sensations felt just a little bit flat, like there was a minor disconnect somewhere.

Candice could feel every twitch, every movement of her head that Rule Breaker had to force herself not to make. Even the slightest temptation to do something and her guest seemed to be able to drown out the loudest demand she could shout to her limbs.

But the oddities in controlling her body were the least important. Nearly everypony wanted to ask how Twilight was doing. Each with a slightly different blend of hope and fear. While not all of them had seen the crystal skeleton that was all that remained of Twilight's body, everypony had clearly heard of it by now.

The disguised changelings onboard were points of solemn stability compared to the much more vocal Ponyvillians, and the almost worshipful gazes of the hybrids Twilight had restored had Candice wishing she could have that hope of getting her Twilight back again.

By the time they made it to the spiralling crystal staircase that led up to the aft observatory, Rule Breaker's patience had been spent, and little alterations in the specific density of urine had the last three ponies that wanted to talk rushing off to the toilet.

"These sheep can't do anything on their own." Rule Breaker said with their shared voice and slumped slightly before she let their body slip back into the expected posture.

"What do you expect when Celestia has done everything for her perfect little nation instead of letting her ponies learn for themselves?"

Sigh. Rule Breaker said mentaly.

Is that your catchphrase now? Candice asked with humor.

That or buck my life, it seems.

As the last door between them and their destination opened, the sound of a heated conversation could be heard.

"At least tell me where they are?" Starlight's voice pleaded.

"You know she can't, now stop bugging her," Gilda's harsh voice snapped back.

"What's going on here?" Candice asked with a soft edge.

Gilda was on one side of a table, half a cooked fish pushed aside in favour of this argument.

Starlight had her front hooves on the table, and it looked like any moment she was about to hop up and stomp her way over the table to get to the Griffon.

Rainbow Dash glanced up over the battered Daring Do books she was reading. "Hey Cap, Starlight here wants to know things Luna said to keep quiet."

"What is it you want to know, Starlight?"

Starlight retargeted her intense eyes onto Candice. "Everyone else from Ponyville is accounted for. Where are AJ, Flutterhy, Pinky Pie and Rarity?"

"There is going to be a ton of explanation needed for the answers to that to make any sense. I know you were close to Twilight, so…

The relief in Starlight's eyes slipped to horror. "What do you mean were? Shes not…dead, she cant be."

"So she never explained certain things to you."

Starlight fell back on her hauches. Her mind clearly running away on its own. She did not even hear the sound of Rainbow's book hitting the table.

"Come on. You were a close friend. You deserve to know what's going on. But to tell you, I need Luna's permission."

Rainbow glanced at Gilda for a moment, then pushed herself to her hooves. "Hey, can we get in on this?"

Candice nodded. "You're her knights. If there is anypony with a clear claim to the right to know, it's you guys."

Sigh. I hope you know what you're doing…

It only took a moment to reach out and feel for Luna. Ever since she became a chosen, there had been that little pull that, like a compass, would guide her true. Candice about faced and gestured for the others to follow. I know I can present a good argument to bring them in on the truth. If Luna and Cadance decide no, then I've done the best I can for them in this.

Author's Note:

2 of 2 of today's chapters. Thank you for reading.

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