• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,039 Views, 3,671 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 36.1 Little Star's Interesting Day in Ponyville

Little Star yawned, her small limbs stretched to their fullest extent. As the realm of dreams started to fade from her mind, she recalled her second epic adventure with her Mummy Twilight. Her muzzle was graced by a smile as she snuggled deeper into the lovely soft bedding. It had been so much fun. They had teleported around and rescued ponies from the forces of evil. There was even time for magic lessons, her Mummy pointing out the flaws in the bad ponies’ defences as she dismantled them.

Another yawn and stretch and she realised she was awake, her senses shifting from her imagination to the real world. As with every time she awoke, the first things she paid attention to was her horn.

The lack of her mother's magic next to her was the first thing she noticed, the comforting feeling of the crystal walls of home seemed like they were telling her everything was alright.

Extending her senses a bit, she could feel mother was still in the Castle. The comforting feeling of the magic crystal around her kept most of the magic signatures from reaching her. Despite that, she could still faintly feel the maybe-bad-pony Celestia’s magic permeated the world, so the sun was up, hence it was day time. She was glad the room she was in was underground, so there was no way for the mean white pony to watch her.

There was no warmth next to her or feathers wrapped around her, so that confirmed it. Mummy Twilight was not here. The small hope that she was simply just concealing her magic, dashed.

Opening her eyes and looking around, she looked at the ceiling. The crystal of the castle seemed to be looking back at her. “Good morning.” Star smiled happily up at the ceiling. Even if the tree castle did not answer, she knew it could hear her.

The smallest of efforts and she was standing in the bathroom, the light of her teleport fading. She took care of her teeth and tail as Grey’s aura helped with her coat and mane. “Good morning, what shall we do today?” She enthused.

Seventy-Two, times you have greeted me. Seventy-Two, times I have greeted you. Four hundred and ten times, I have hoped you are well. Grey’s numerical based way of speaking comforted her, each time they talked, she could understand her corporeally challenged friend more and more.

“Is, Mummy Twilight awake?”

Sixteen hours, until she is likely to awaken.


Two, other ponies she is resting with. Grey answered. Somehow Star knew that meant that Chosen Candice and Mummy Twilight were both cuddling with Emerald.

“For grown-ups, they spend a lot of time in bed instead of doing grown-up things.” Star scraped her hoof along the crystal floor, looking into her own reflection.

A pop of magic and one of her S-five’s appeared, text magically scribing itself on its surface as she decided her plan for the day.

One: Make breakfast for Mummy Twilight, Chosen Candice and Nanny Emerald.
Two: Check on the guests in the castle.
Three: Scry on the Crusaders to see if they are up yet.

Yes, go and play till Mummy wakes or they have to go.

No, continue the list.
Four: Finish work on Owl golem.
Five: See if Grey can control the Owl body.
Six: See about lunch.

Pausing in front of the mirror, she checked herself. Everything was in place, not a single hair in her mane disobeyed the order imposed on it.

“Thank you, Grey,” She said, smiling as she heard her friend making another tally mark with her quill.

Little Star patted the wall affectionately. “Can I go to the kitchen, please?”

The bathroom immediately became the main kitchen. Her S-five adding a new note

Seven: Study how the Castle relocates things.

Thank you. She thought to the tree castle, petting the wall again.

Little Star set to work, magenta magic grasping multiple utensils as Grey’s aura floated out many times the expected ingredients. Star tilted her head in confusion, she knew her mother could eat a lot of food, but this was taking things a little far.

Twenty-six, guests of the castle world appreciate substance too.

“Oh, the ones me and Mummy rescued.” She nodded happily. Good food would help them feel better.

She looked over all the ingredients and worked out what she should make. Grey’s dull-white aura lifted a pair of cookbooks, drawing them nearer, each flicking open to Grey's recommended dishes.

Humming a tune, the pair of them started cooking.

Little Star pranced through the castle, her hooves clicking on the crystal floor in a musical pattern. The crystal building had changed even before the new ponies arrived. It had added twenty smaller rooms, each one set up to hold up to a family.

She scried into each room. The rooms with ponies still sleeping in, she simply teleported in the covered tray of food to the bedside table with a little note. The temporary stasis spell on the food would end as soon as they lifted the cover. Time magic was proving to be so useful. Her mind danced with all the things she might be able to do with it, all the waiting she could avoid just by making things happen faster.

Checking the next room, the ponies inside were awake. A mummy, a daddy and a newborn foal, Little Star checked the notes on the door. The doctors she borrowed from Canterlot had not been happy, but at least they did everything they were meant to.

Radiant, Storm Cloud and their new daughter Hope. These were the first ones that her mother had rescued, the ones that were being chased by the bad ponies as they tried to get to Ponyville. Little Star quickly devoured the texts on the clipboards. By the medical notes, they were all going to make a full recovery and live long and happy lives.

She lifted a hoof and knocked three times on the door, watching via her scrying as the two older ponies looked towards the door.

“Breakfast time,” Star called out.

Storm Cloud carefully walked to the door, opening it slowly. His gaze looking far above Little Star’s head, missing her completely.

“Good morning!” She enthused, waving the tray of food in her magic.

Storm’s eyes snapped down to her, a moment of hesitation, maybe fear, before a friendly smile crossed his face. “Good morning, Little Star,” he said.

She did not understand it, some of the ponies they helped seemed scared of her. She was friendly, she was helpful, she was Mummy’s good little filly. Why would they be scared of her? She blinked and banished the thought. For now, she had a job to do. “Here's your breakfast,” she said brightly, offering the tray to him.

He reached out with his wing, a wince halted him. “Can you put it on the table please?”

A small pulse of magic to her horn teleported it there with a gentle pop.

Radiant smiled at her. “Thank you.” her voice was nice, like Emerald’s but different. Star could not help but return the smile.

“Do you need anything else?” Little Star asked.

“You are the responsible little filly, aren't you?” Radiant responded.

Little Star’s smile widened as she nodded. This was not as good as praise from one of her Mummys or Grey, but it was still nice. It was always nice to be recognized for her deeds.

“So, is there anything you need?”

Radiant looked to Storm Cloud then back to Little Star. “No, we are fine, thank you for everything.”

“Alright, well enjoy your food. Bye, Radiant, Storm and Hope,” Little Star finished, waving and trotting off, another tray of food dropping out of her dimensional pocket to float in the air beside her.

“How powerful is that filly?” Storm asked as he closed the door.

Little Star paused as the door clicked closed, reactivating her scrying spell.

“According to some of the others, she, not her mother, teleported them from Canterlot straight here,” Radiant said as she nuzzled her little foal.

Star smiled watching the foal. He was cute, his small little horn nearly poking his mother in her eye as he clumsily nuzzled her.

“I can't believe they let a foal with that much power go anywhere unsupervised or without a suppressor on her horn,” Storm Cloud said.

Little Star scowled. She let the scrying spell collapse, its window soundlessly shattering into motes of evaporating magic. “Don’t they trust me?”

One, time I have comforted you today about ponies being afraid of those more powerful than themselves.

“I don’t want ponies to be scared of me,” Little Star whimpered.

Grey’s magic warped around her in an approximation of a hug. Little Star closed her eyes, imagining her friend was there with her physically and that she could feel the warmth of her body and not just the cold tingle of her magic.

Little Star set each covered tray of food on the larger table, each one with a name tag on them. Lighting her horn, she placed a sealing spell on each one, locking the lid to the tray so nopony but the intended one could get at the food. She would not allow the pink disguised Alicorn to steal everyponies’ food again.

Her list floated next to her, the first item on her checklist marking itself off. That simple act brought a smile to her face.

The next thing was to check on her friends. Three of her familiar scrying windows appeared before her. Applebloom was doing chores at home. Sweetie Belle was still asleep curled up, buried in her blankets. Scootaloo was up in the air having an early flying lesson with Rainbow Dash as the older mare was setting up the weather for the day. Both of them were kicking and punching the clouds. Given how panicked Rainbow got last time Star teleported into the air that high, going to join them seemed like a bad idea.

“I guess they are busy,” Star said glumly, marking the second item on her checklist. “So, time to finish the owl then,” she said, trying to sound happy.

She trotted out of the kitchen, hearing hoofsteps coming the other way.

“Morning, Little Star,” Emerald’s voice called out.

“Good morning,” Little Star said, spirts already rising a littler as she cantered over to her nanny.

“What's got you sad, little one?”

“Am I scary?”

Emerald looked puzzled before shaking her head. “No, why would you be thinking that?”

“Some of the ponies we rescued are scared of me and think I should not be allowed out without a suppressor.” Star shuddered. Just the thought of being cut off from her magic sent a chill along her spine.

Emerald lowered herself down so her head was the same hight as Little Star’s, meeting her eyes. “You are a sweet little filly. They just see your power and not who you are. A fire only will burn you if misused, and you are not going to misuse your magic, are you?”

Star shook her head. She had rules and everything, a whole scroll of them.

“There you go.” Emerald pulled Star into a hug. “Now how about I make you some breakfast?”

Star smiled warmly, “Nope. I already made breakfast for everypony.”

Emerald nuzzled her warmly. “Who's a good little filly?”

Little Star returned the nuzzle. Why couldn’t everypony be nice like Emerald?

Little Star headed out of the castle waving at the guards who offered fanged grins and waved back. She trotted to the shops, she wanted to get some paints, gems and other things to make the body that Grey would get to control a little nicer.

She was looking around at all the happy ponies in Ponyville. They were all busy, even at this early time in the morning. Banners were being strung up between buildings. Stages and stalls were being assembled. The sounds of hammers impacting nails, echoing. Almost all the shops seemed closed. Little Star stopped in her tracks, looking around. All the decorations were in Mummy Luna or Mummy Twilgiht’s colours and multiple depictions of their cutiemarks were being put up all over the place.

The town was getting ready for a party celebrating both her mummies. She smiled, that was nice of them, it was a little annoying the shops were closed, but she was not going to let that stop her.

A few quick teleports and she had exchanged bits for the items she wanted without even having to interrupt the busy shopkeepers.

Turning back towards the castle, she trotted home as stopped. There, just around the back, was a new building, a huge greenhouse. “When did that get there?”

Eight hours and sixteen minutes, four seconds ago. Grey helpfully added.

“Oh,” Little Star said, redirecting to have a look at this new addition to her home.

Glass panels let the light in but kept animals out. With another simple teleport, she appeared outside peering in through the side. Row after row the plants were all neatly lined up, in decorative patterns, it was an inside garden.

There was even a soft cushioned couch in the center of it. Another teleport and Star was falling into its soft embrace. The air smelled of delicious and relaxing plants. Little Star rolled onto her back, looking at the sky through the glass. Her current position was perfect for observing the sky, this would be a lovely place to do some stargazing.

Star stretched, this was really a very comfortable place, she would have to remember it next time she took a nap.

One hundred and ten degrees, seventy-four degrees inclination. Grey said.

Star looked, a glimmer of gold was in the sky with two specks of something in front of it. She blinked, it did not look like a chariot.

Gathering her magic, she conjured her faithful scrying magic to get a closer look. It was a fancy-looking golden carriage being pulled by two strong pegasi. She could not place their uniforms, they were not the mean Celestia or Mummy Luna’s guards.

The carriage was drawing closer, clearly making to land in front of the castle’s main doors. Moving her magic closer, trying to get a look inside, her scrying window shattered, a small burst of pain lanced up her horn.

“Ow,” Star rubbed her horn. “No need to be mean about it,” she huffed, rolling to her hooves and standing. She would find out who this pony was, but first, she should probably tell somepony that they were coming.

Reaching out with her magic and locking on to Chosen Candice’s location, she teleported, letting the world vanish in a flash of magic and appearing in the kitchen.

“Some little pony has been particularly industrious,” Candice said, turning her gaze from her tray of food to Little Star.

“Morning, there’s a carriage flying in, it's going to land out in front of the castle.” Little Star rushed out, lighting her horn with another teleport spell. This time her magic enveloping Candice as well.

Candice’s magic started to resist a little, not enough to stop her, but why was she even trying to stop this? Little Star looked confused at Mummy Luna’s Chosen.

Candice had a kind look on her face. “Is this an emergency, Little Star?”

“... umm.” Little Star had to stop and think, was this an emergency? She just did not know. “I’m not sure, it is being pulled by armed ponies, and I don't recognise the armour… so after yesterday, it might be?”

“It’s a carriage coming into land. Likely with what is going on, they are here to talk or make some demand. It’s unlikely that anypony is in danger. Remember to ask before teleporting somepony without their permission,” Candice kindly stated.

Little Star felt her ears droop. “Sorry, Chosen Candice,” she said formally.

“It’s alright, I know you’re still learning,” Candice said with a smile on her face. “Now if you wish to provide transportation to the front door, by all…

“Ok,” Star cheered and in a flash of magic, they were both standing right next to the main doors.

“means, you have my permission… And maybe be polite and let them finish the statement granting you permission first,” Candice said with an amused twinkle in her eyes.

Little Star popped her scroll on magic rules out and quickly added a few notes to it. They really should have told her some of these details earlier.

Candice’s wing wrapped around her in a warm hug.

Twenty-four seconds until they land.

“They are almost here,” Star said, her aura wrapping around the doors.

Candice offered a brief nuzzle before changing position, becoming all boring like somepony turned her friendly personality off.

“Are you alright, Candice?” Little Star said, hesitating.

In a kind voice, Candice said, “Yes, Have you not seen a guard at attention before?”

“So you're just playing?”

“In a sense. I am abiding by my training. It’s called professional decorum when you have a visitor that is likely going to expect it.”

“So nopony stole all your happiness then, that good… what should I do?”

“Go ahead and see if any of our guests want any help.”

“You don't want me to be here to protect you in case this is a bad pony?”

“They are coming to visit in an official manner. Chances are they are not a bad pony. Would you like to stick around until that is ascertained?”

Little Star nodded, opening the doors with her magic. The air carriage was just coming to a stop on the grass outside the castle.

The two pegasi were breathing heavily and looked relieved to finally be able to take a break. They quickly calmed their breaths and assuming the dull, emotionless visage Candice now had on. So they were professional guards.

The extravagantly decorated doors swung open, allowing four more armed and armoured guards to hop out, each quickly assessing the situation before lining up next to the carriage. There was two of each tribe, but only the unicorn uniforms looked as if they were properly made.

One time, Candice as been surprised by the situation. Grey said.

Little Star stole a look just in time to see her putting her boring face back on.

A well-groomed stallion that looked a little like what Little Star thought a male Rarity might look like, gracefully stepped down from the carriage. His white coat was perfect, almost like it was painted on and his sunlight golden blond mane looked like you could use it for enchanting reagents.

Star felt out with her horn, the residual magic on his body had many different tastes and textures to it. Alchemy treatments that she had no clue what they were and a few grooming spells. One to make sure he could not put on weight, poison resistance and one to make sure any bad smells he might make would be neutralised. None of the magic seemed to be his at all. In fact, it seemed like he had almost no magic at all. Even Sweetie Bell had more magic radiating form her than he did. That must be why he had so many guards, to keep the poor crippled pony safe.

Should I give him a hug? Star thought.

Zero times would that fit the expected decorum. Grey responded.

The white stallion glanced to his guards and nodded. “Make yourselves comfortable, I do not know how long I will be,” he said before statefully advancing towards the castle. His eyes flicked down to little Star for a moment before looking back towards Candice.

“It’s alright, Little Star, go ahead and tend to the guests as we discussed before,” Candice stated.

Little Star glanced at Candice, then to the four Nightguards hidden nearby and the two by the doors. Candice would be ok, she had enough protection. She nodded and lit her horn, teleporting away.

Little Star had just completed her second round checking in on the rescued guests. Everything was going well, she had hoofed over some of her toys for the foals to play with and left little Thorn to guard them. She could still hear Thorn barking happily as they played fetch with her created pet. She felt she had completed her task that Candice had set. She was a little bit upset that she had nothing to tick off on a checklist. She trotted around the corner, finally out of earshot of the guests. She leaned against the wall letting her fake smile fade. She looked at her own reflection in the crystal. They were all scared of her, every time she lit her horn, they recoiled, even if just a little.

She knew she was not a normal pony, but they did not need to be mean. At least her friends and the ponies of Ponyville liked her and did not seem to be scared of her. Well, not unless she was casting spells for the CMC, but she had rules not to follow their suggestions like that now.

“Well, I should see if Candice needs anything else, then I can start working to get you your first body,” Star said.

Grey’s magic softly stroked her mane, like an older sister, perhaps?

One pulse of detection magic and she had Candice’s location down. A simple request to the Castle and then the world around her changed. Little Star popped into the reception room. “Done, everyponies’ doing fine.”

An instant later she took in the comfortable room around her, the fancy stallion from earlier recoiled just like almost everypony else seemed to. Seeming scared of her for just turning up. Well, it was clear they did not belong in Ponyville.

Candice looked over to her, still calmly seated. “Thank you, Little Star. Prince Blueblood, may I introduce Twilight’s daughter, Little Star. Little Star, this is Prince Blueblood.”

Blueblood bowed his head. “A pleasure to finally be introduced, Princess Little Star.”

Littel Star blinked, yes it did make sense, both her Mummys were Princesses, but she had not have wings. Neither did uncles Shining or now Blueblood. Maybe they were too young to grow their wings or their mothers have yet to give them theirs?

Two, times this stallion has been uncharacteristically nice. Grey observed.

Little Star narrowed her eyes, something about the way this stallion looked made her just know he should have been a big meany pants. So there was only one logical conclusion.

Her horn blazed to life in a fraction of a second. A bolt of magic struck the not Blueblood in the chest.

The not Blueblood recoiled, falling from his seat, clenching his chest. His horn crackled with static as his mane and coat fluffed up. Candice’s aura enveloped him, arresting his fall before he impacted the crystal floor.

“Little Star, why did you just attack him?”

“Hmm, he should be a changeling? He should be a horrible bully that picks on little fillies, and he was being nice.” Little Star accused, emphasising the point by stabbing a hoof in his direction. She didn’t know how she knew, but she knew what she was saying was true.

“That was not nice…” Candice’s voice started sternly as she was looking at Blueblood with concern.

“It's quite alright.” Blueblood raised a hoof placatingly. He shifted uncomfortably. There were a few stray bits of static still dancing over his coat, lingering from the extremely overpowered spell.

“Are you feeling alright? That spell was considerably overcharged,” Candice asked Blueblood.

Blueblood nodded, regaining his regal poise despite his comical appearance. Candice’s aura did its best to help, but it just made him look even sillier. The possibly possessed Blueblood turned to look at her smiling reassuringly. “I can understand how with my previous actions your mother might have told you stories of how… my early actions towards her were… not the kind to paint myself in the best light.” His hoof made an attempted to pat his resisting mane down.

“Ok, Now I’m wondering if that spell just failed,” Candice said with apparent humour in her voice.

“I can check again if you like, Candice.” Little Star lit her horn with a little more power than last time, its light coruscating along the crystal wall. “But I'm starting to think he might be possessed or somepony snuck a be-nice potion into his alchemical treatments.”

“No, I already know he is the real Blueblood. No changeling would get his character that wrong. He just had a revelation about things and has chosen to be a better pony. Besides, even if he was possessed, wouldn’t you want the new one?” Candice asked.

Little Star studied the stallion. He did not seem to be mean. Mummy Twilight did tell her that Chosen Candice could be trusted. “If you’re sure,” she said, letting the power in her horn carefully bleed off. It felt wrong to just let the power go and not use it for anything.

“I thank you for your hospitality and concern that I might have been replaced,” Blueblood said with a reassuring smile. “I shall be paying Lady Rarity a visit, I wonder if she even opened my apology letter.”

Candice spoke up. “She did actually. It caught her quite by surprise.”

“Somewhat better than I had expected, perhaps this will proceed without any altercations.” Blueblood nodded as he walked out of the room, Candice falling in next to him, escorting him.

Little Star watched Blueblood leave, did Candice not actually trust him or was she being polite. Either way, if Candice was being nice to him, she would at least try. She waved a hoof. “Bye, bye.” That was polite, right?

Ten times more than he has earned in the past. Grey added.

Little Star watched the pair via one of her scrying windows, eyes slightly narrowed. He was still being nice and even thanked Candice for her time as he left the castle.

“Will Mummy’s friend be safe?” Star asked, voicing her concern.

Zero seconds is the time I will not be watching the Element of Generosity.

Little Star sat back on her haunches, a relieved smile on her muzzle as she relaxed. “Thank you, Grey.”

That settled, she pulled her day’s checklist from her pocket. The next item was to work on the owl's body. “Time to make a body you can use.”

With Blueblood in town, Little Star had decided to work in the concealed room she had hidden in for the week when she was nursing her mother back to health. It was still where she felt safest.

Her aura and spells cut and shaped chunks of crystal into intricate runes. Grey’s magic was delicately infused with the finished ones.

She lifted the elegantly carved horn, its spiral filled with a still molten mix of silver and her own blood. The mercury-like substance with a red sheen seemed to radiate power.

Adding a unicorn-like horn to the owl was proving to be a little more difficult than she expected. It was an interesting challenge. This was her third attempt. She looked at the first two failures, the first all wooden with carved runes, the second, a now cracked crystal horn.

Carefully, she took each finished crystal and pressed it to the surface of the horn. The blood infused sliver sent tendrils out to embrace the runes, merging them with the condensed Everfree wood horn.

Placing the final one, she held her breath. If this was going to go wrong, this would be where it would. One second, five seconds, a minute. Little Star let out a relieved breath, it had worked. Nothing had exploded or caught fire this time.

Attaching the horn to the rest of the owl’s body was simplicity itself. The base of the horn slotted into the prepared slot with a satisfying click. Ash coloured lights rippled down the front of the horn before spreading over the rest of the owl’s form.

Little Star clapped her hooves together. This was another magical breakthrough. Mummy Twilight was going to be so proud of her. Magenta magic danced across each wooden feather as the eyes started to glow.


“One,'' Grey spoke aloud for the first time, the rest seemed to continue mentally Time I have spoken today.

Little Star wrapped both front legs around her creation. She pulled her friend into a powerful hug. The pulsing ripple of magenta magic coming from the blood gem protected deep within its chest, felt almost like a heartbeat.

Grey’s owl head nuzzled her.

“We are going to have so much fun!” Little Star decreed to the world.

Her horn glowed and three scrying windows appeared. Sweetie Bell drawing some dresses, Applebloom eating an apple and Scootaloo dozing on a cloud. Rotating her views this way and that, she ensured no other ponies were in a position to see.

Closing her eyes and letting her power build, she reached out for her friends. Three simultaneous pops and she could feel her friends were here.

“What?” Scootaloo thrashed around, wings flailing from the sudden relocation.

“Star!” Sweetie Belle looked up and smiled, ducking her friend’s large wing.

“Morning,” Applebloom said, completely calm despite the feathers that just hit her.

Little Star vibrated, doing her best not to prance in place. “I made Grey a body.”

“Whooo,” Grey sounded just like a normal owl. The wooden creature attracting all three fillies’ attention.

“Can you fly?” Scootaloo asked.

Grey spread one wing, then the other, each motion causing small carvings to glow with magenta magic. A few experimental flaps and she was hovering above Little Star’s head. The pulses of magic tickled her horn with each beat of wooden wings.

Scootaloo stared at Grey’s wings. “I wish we all could fly.”

“Twilight gave my sister wings when they went with Rainbow Dash to Cloudsdale.”

Little Star’s three friends turned their wide hopeful eyes upon her pleading. Little Star shifted though all the spells she knew, she could try and make wooden wings for her friends to be able to fly, but she was not sure the older ponies would be so understanding about surgically grafted wooden wings on the CMC’s backs. She tapped her chin thoughtfully.

“One.” Grey’s wooden talons clicked on the table as she landed. Time I have offered to show you where the spell your mother used is.

Little Star pranced in place, not only were they all going flying she was going to learn another of her Mummy’s spells.

“One what?” Applebloom asked, interrupting Little Star’s ‘Yes, yes, yes’ that she felt building and wanting to escape.

Little Star turned to look at her confused. “Grey said she is going to help us find the spell Mummy Twilight used.”

“She only said the word ‘One’ there,” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

Looking to Grey, her head tilted to one side, her ears cocked at an angle, signposting her confusion.

One, time you have learned part of the curse Celestia’s actions have inflicted upon me. Grey spoke in her mind.

Little Star’s eyes widened, her magic pulling Grey into a tight hug. “It will be alright, I’ll keep you safe,” She nearly silently pledged. She would not let that mean pony do anything else to Grey.

“Err Little Star… Keep her safe from what?” Applebloom asked.

Giving one more nuzzle to Grey, she looked around to her friends standing side by side. “The big Meany Pants, Celestia is not a nice pony like she pretends to be.”

There was a moment of silence, of utter stillness as the CMC’s expressions slowly fell. They exchanged a few subtle glances and twitches of their ears. It seemed to be some sort of secret code her friends were using to communicate.

“She did horrible things to Mummy Luna, she sent her to the moon for a thousand years. She did worse to Mummy Twilight. Mummy Twilight has all sorts of defences just to stop Celestia for hurting her or others in the castle.” Little Star said, writing some of the details of the wards and protections on scrolls to show her friends.

“What those squiggles mean?” Applebloom asked.

Little Star looked back to her writing, it was neat, precise and clear. Puzzled, she regarded her friends in confusion. She pointed with her hoof. “You see this section here?” At the complete look of non-comprehension, she sighed.

Zero, of them understand magic sufficiently to understand what they are seeing.

“Oh.” Little Star tapped herself on the head. She placed the scroll on the table, “Half of mummies spells on the castle are in place to protect from Celesitas magic, and mind control magic.” She paused, taking a breath. “She has been adding new ones every day.”

Sweetie Belle was the first to break the silence. “Are you saying Princess Celestia used Mind Control on Twilight?”

Little Star nodded, glad to see her friend was finally starting to understand.

“But, she’s Princess Celestia…” Applebloom stated.

Little Star felt her leg tense like she wanted to stomp it. “She is the reason Grey can only speak in numbers.” She said before she surprised herself by continuing. “She is the reason Grey does not have her body.”

Looks of horror, fear and disbelief crossed each of their faces. Little Star only absently noted that. How did she know Grey used to have a body? She recalled the Grey mare that gave her the spells needed to save Mummy Twilight on her first adventure. Was Grey the ghost of one of Evil White Mare’s victims?

Are you alright, Grey? She thought to her constant companion.

“Whooo.” Grey nodded her wooden head.

It had taken a few hours, Grey putting up with lots of hugs from the CMC (each one counted) and Little Star depleting some of her ice cream supply to get her friend to recover into their normal, happy selves. She was not sure they believed her yet, but that did not matter. They had agreed to let her keep a mental protection spell on them all at all times.

They were all laying on a cloud high above Ponyville, enjoying the sun and the remnants of the ice cream.

“Are they ready yet?” Scootaloo whined.

“Nearly.” Little Star smiled as she looked back to her work. Three little wooden charms on golden chains, each depicting a pony with butterfly wings. Each one unique and clearly one of her friends.

Lighting her horn with one final push of magic, she completed her creations. She let out a satisfied sigh. Little Star felt good. She was using her magic to help others, doubly so since she was helping her friends. A warmth spread from her cutie mark, it seemed it agreed with her thoughts as well.

The CMC looked on with eager anticipation as her friends invaded her personal space, almost pressing their muzzles into her gifts.

“All they need now is a single drop of your blood to bind them to you and then you will have your wings.”

“Blood?” Sweetie Belle shrank back, alarmed.

Little Star nodded. “Yes, they will be tied to you. Nopony else will be able to steal them from you.”

“Come on.” Scootaloo huffed. “After all the crashes, scrapes and accidents we had, what's a little blood? I want to fly with you, now.”

Little Star shaped her magic into a small needle-like blade. “Ready?”

Applebloom nodded, Sweetie grumbled but quickly followed suit. Little Star’s magenta aura lifted the necklaces and placed them around each of their necks, putting her own on last.

With great ceremony, she lifted Applebloom’s forehoof with her own, a quick motion with the blade and a single drop of her friend’s blood levitated in her aura. Pressing the vital liquid to the necklace caused a red shimmer to dance over its surface.

“Is that it?” Applebloom asked

“Yep.” Little Star only kept from prancing in place because of the knowledge it might disperse the cloud below them. “Now say ‘Go, Go, Wings’, ‘Up up and away’, or just think really hard about having wings.”

“Go, Go, Wings!” Applebloom took a powerpony like pose as magenta magic burst from her back, forming into beautiful translucent butterfly wings with just a hint of crimson radiance to them.

Sweety Belle’s hoof nearly smacked into Star’s muzzle as it was excitedly thrust towards her. One quick motion with her magic and it was done, another of her friends had access to the sky.

Sweetie scrunched her muzzle in concentration. Slowly wings of pale green with magenta and crimson patterns spread from her back. She took a few experimental flaps of her wings and slowly lifted into the air. Applebloom quickly copied her friend.

Little Star used her control of her own blood to simply will it into the neckless, rapidly joining her friends in the sky.

“Tag your it,” Scootaloo said, dashing off into the distance.

Star lit her horn enveloping Sweetie and Applebloom in her magic, prepping to teleport ahead of the faster Scootaloo.

“What the buck?” The distant sound of Rainbow Dash's voice carried to her alicorn level hearing.

Then with a flash of magic, the game was on.

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