• Published 11th Sep 2019
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Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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Act 2 CH 2 The Darkest Night: A Mask Going Through the Motions

The highest-ranking military officers on site had recommended the return to the Palace for safety. Their position indicated her Radiance trusted and empowered them to make decisions.

A surge of relief flowed through the Mask. The indecision between staying here and heading to the day court she was currently absent from was resolved.

The Mask nodded. "If you believe it wise." As something large-scale and negative had happened, she gazed out over the damaged landscape. A three-second pause to add weight to the action. To keep the narrative intact, she deployed sombre-hopeful-voice-six and added two percent worry as an undertone. "Twilight, please return to us safely."

She bowed her head and let her eyes close for a moment. The gathered ponies responded in kind. Most followed the Mask's lead, and a few saluted or performed other actions classified as respectful. One even started to cry. Her mind provided the stallion's name and serial number, and she noted them in case they became relevant. Mountain Haze.

Maintain public image.

The Mask slowly approached the mourning stallion and selected comforting-hug-light-number-two. He pressed into the embrace, and his crying intensified.

His tears feel cold. She thought as they dampened the body's coat.

The stallion babbled a name, one that paperwork indicated had been living here. Were they a relative, a lover, or a friend? The Mask did not know and did not have time to look up. There was no rule or procedure for this exact situation, so she had to improvise again.

There had been many times when Celestia had an upset student under her wing. Twilight Sparkle, Cadance, Sunset Shimmer, Rose Wing, Arcane Burst, Trail Blazer and Solar Ray each had moments like this.

With exacting control of her strength, she pulled the stallion closer into a full hug and nuzzled them. They shivered and clung to the body. The Mask could feel each erratic heat beat, each choked breath through the contact.

As it was not against the rules and seemed probable it would help, she stroked his mane and back with the same reassuring motion Celestia had used on her students. He calmed with each second that passed, but the rate slowed with diminishing returns.

It took the Mask twenty-three seconds to construct the correct words to wield. She chose maternal-princess-voice-number-one and pushed a little magic into it, pitching the volume to be both personal to the stallion and audible to the gathered ponies.. "Life is for the living. There are still ponies here for you. We are here for you." She paused momentarily and met his drying but still shimmering eyes. "I am here for you." She could not decide between a nuzzle and a kiss on the forehead, so she did both.

The resolve and devotion in the stallion's eyes were ample proof of her success. She had successfully maintained Celestia's image as a caring princess and ensured an asset would not be lost due to trauma.

Something a mortal pony would know as pride stirred inside her. She just noted it as a positive reinforcement for performing her function.

The Mask used every second of the flight back to Canterlot to read, think and plan. Celestia was still not back. Not a single question had received an answer. It was almost as if her Radiance was no longer here.

Worry gnawed at her. "I'm not meant to be in charge." Every time she looked at Daybreaker, the Warmind, all she received was a different variety of glare. They ranged from exasperated-number-four to almost-amused-thirteen and everything in between.

Seeing the world felt different when you were the one directing each hoof fall. Just the act of directing the body made everything around somehow more meaningful.

The sharp tang of fear in the air was not just a simple fact. It was more immediate when she drew it in with each breath, not just an insight passed from Celestia.

May ponies asked questions and demanded answers. They knew something had happened. It was not something that she could hide away or brush under the carpet, not with the destruction visible for anypony that looked out front the city's edge.

Thankfully, this situation had a rule to follow. So that's precisely what the Mask did.

Major but non-time critical decision required. Stall till Celestia returns.

The Mask deployed firm-but-kindly-public-announcement-voice-number-one "Be calm, My Little Ponies. The danger has passed." As expected, the shouts calmed down, and the questions became more curious than desperate.

The Mask looked over the crowd as she judged the situation. They would need answers, so she would have to pick one of the available methods to facilitate that for Celestia. Given that Celestia had not given any alternate instructions, she pushed that event as far into the future as standard operating procedures allowed for. "Please hold your questions. There will be an open court at noon tomorrow."

With that done, the Mask continued to the Palace. Ponies rushed ahead to arrange things from the evening meal to the open court tomorrow.

As soon as her Radiance is back, everything can return to normal. The Mask thought. The Warmind's muffled laughter did not help maintain confidence in that outcome.

The Mask had directed the body to eat before. She knew the motions and the required etiquette. There was not a single food she did not know the correct way to consume. Yet as the taste danced on her tongue, she could barely restrain herself from shoving her muzzle into the cake.

Maintain public image.

Her senses almost burned with the desire and the need for more of it. Yet, with the servants and guards around, she endured the torture of consuming one small mouthful at a time.

Maintain public image.

Why is this so different? She thought as the flavours caressed her tongue. What has changed?

She was still pondering it when the servants guided her to the royal baths. Then, as experts plied their trades, she was bombarded with a whole host of new and pleasant sensations.

Maintain public image.

Fragrant incense and floral shampoo caressed her sense of smell. As firm brushes massaged her flesh through her coat, feathers sensitive enough to feel a light breeze miles away screamed at her with each delicate touch inflicted upon them. Compared to what was happening to her wings, she almost did not notice the filing and trimming performed on her hooves and horn.

Maintain public image.

Throughout the whole assault on her sensorium, all the rules permitted her was a slight content smile. A small part of her begged for cake to complete the perfect moment, but the rules held her tongue.

Maintain public image.

Maintain public image.

Maintain public image.

Maintain public image.

Maintain public image.

Maintain public image.

Only the rules allowed her to rise from the soft towel she lay upon. She kept that content little smile as she thanked the servants.

A part of her wanted to demand they continue, and another part wanted to hold them close and thank them with many more words, maybe a medal or some other sort of award. But the rules defined her options, and as Her Radiance never reacted, it would be highly inappropriate for what was usually a daily occurrence.

How do you maintain your composure, your Radiance? The Mask thought. I can not violate my rules… do you have rules of your own? The Mask shook her head. It was a foalish thought. Celestia was perfect. She would have no need for such things.

The delightful scent of the shampoo still clung to her as she made her way to the balcony. The scents of the city joined it. Ponies of all different tribes, thousands of different meals, smoke and hot metal of the forges. She closed her eyes and let her mind's eye imagine, pretending to follow each fragrance back to its source and envision the scene.

The seconds passed by and then minutes. Still, Celestia had not returned. It was time to lower the sun, and the Princess of the Sun was not here.

It was not her duty, and yet the sun had to be lowered. "Where are you?" The Mask whispered, but Celestia did not answer.

Ten long seconds passed.

Maintain public image.

The sunset being late would be seen by the whole world. Her ponies would worry more. Her polished hoof rose, and she inspected it as it rested on her coat. To any other, it would have been a random placement to her. It was where she had felt Mountain Haze's cold tears.

"I'm sorry, your Radiance, but this is required for your little ponies."

She lit her horn and reached for the sun.

Warmth and power slammed into her. Her mane and tail thrashed through the air behind her. It is time to go to sleep. As a golden aura enveloped the sun.

Normal ponies would perhaps only see the solar orb brighten a fraction as it slipped below the horizon. The Mask could see every detail on the sun's surface as it retreated to its slumber. Sleep well, and sweet dreams. She had no idea if the sun had any will or emotions to it, but it cost nothing to be kind, just in case.

The warm colours of day faded into the dark of night. In the city below, lights came on as the ponies refused to sleep despite the oncoming night.

Unlike the city, nothing spread to light the darkening night sky. Instead, it darkened further. The normal blue-toned background the stars were normally placed upon changed to black and then somehow got darker still.

Why is Luna not raising the moon? The Mask thought. She considered the incident with Twilight and Luna collapsing. Is Luna unable to raise the moon?

A few worried murmurs reached her ears from the ponies still outside.

Maintain public image.

"This won't do." It was another thing that was not her responsibility. "Why can't ponies just do their jobs… The Mask sighed and then reached for the moon.

Then she screamed. She had enough time to think three things before the darkness claimed her. So this is what pain is, I don't like it. There is no budget to replace that window… Celestia is going to be so disappointed in me.

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