• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,078 Views, 3,672 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

  • ...

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CH 50.2 Candice's Darkness

“Candice?” The word meant something. It held some meaning. It was important, but why?

Thoughts flowed at glacial speed as memories flitted just out of reach. Her mind failed to condense into full awareness. The thoughtless oblivion closed around again.

“Awaken, My Captain” The new words were molten razors set upon her, searing their way into her very being. Her body convulsed, her chest heaved as she pulled in an agonising breath. Liquid fire flowed in with each breath.

“Her vitals are spiking.” A voice she was sure she had heard before said.

“Star, as we practised, now.” Almost the same voice answered.

Pins and needles, only a thousand times worse, clutched her heart, stilling it. Her lungs stopped. Even without her internal organs working, no blessed unconsciousness came.

There was no escape from the pain. Life still flowed through her body. Magic, so similar to something she could almost remember, warmed her flesh.

“Mummy, is she going to be alright?” The younger voice held an edge of panic.

"Yes, my Little Star." The voice was calm, assured.

“That's good, but I was looking forward to making a golem body for her.”

The sensations of pushing and pulling on her flesh continued. Cracks, snaps and far too fleshy sounds accompanied the pressure.

“Get well soon.” The young one said before the pop of a departing teleport happened.

“Don't you dare die, Candice.” An arrogant voice commanded.

Seconds passed before a softer, quieter voice broke the silence again. “I don't know if you can hear me, but… I'm sorry… we are both sorry. Myself and Nova. I did everything I could, everything I can think of.”

A soft pressure contacted Candice's forehead. "Come back to us, my Captain."

The pain was gone. Nothing hurt. Slowly, fragments of thoughts pieced themselves together. True awareness restored itself like a phoenix rising from the ashes. That word, the name Candice was her name.

As the memories of who she was returned, what she had done came back to her. Nova’s flames and Candice’s decision.

Slowly, the sensation of her body intruded. Cool air filled her lungs with each breath. Warm blood pulsed through her veins. All the normal indications of being alive were still there. It took a moment to notice she was lying on her back. The cold stone slowly leached the heat from her flesh.

Scent, hearing and touch provided no more information, so she opened her eyes. The sky above was filled with a plethora of different coloured orbs.

“Welcome back to our domain, Candice.” Luna's smooth voice said.

“How long?”

“Far less than my exile, less than a moon.”

“Felt less than that,” Candice stated, still as the stone she was on. “What was the fallout?”

Luna shifted, settling beside her, a midnight wing resting upon her as if a blanket. “One noble, framed by my sister, and an opportunity for some redecoration.”

“So, an innocent’s life destroyed?”

“We would hardly say they were innocent, but they did not deserve even a tenth of their fate.”

“It was a bargaining position. He had no intention of actually causing harm. Twilight just has little experience with politics and overreacted.”

Luna’s calm eyes watched, the keen intellect behind them clearly regarding every word. “Peace, Candice, Peace.”

“I am at peace. I’m just recounting facts.”

“Tis not the politics that caused the overreaction.” Luna sighed.

“The fool threatened what she loves. I get that.”

“You do not threaten who an Alicorn cares for lightly. More so if more than one fragment is protective of them.”

“I’m aware. That’s why he was a fool. But that doesn’t change his motivation of negotiation.”

A dark chuckle escaped Luna. “Just restored to my domain, and you are latching onto all the details already.” Luna’s expression softened and her voice warmed. “More importantly, how are you?”

“Recovering. I had to put my emotions away to make it through the pain. I’m making sure I have the view of things before letting myself feel anything again.”

“So much like ice, my champion.”

“A lesson I learned long ago. One you have reinforced in your training of me.”

“A lot has happened. Would you rather I start at the beginning or with the most important?”

Up above, a few of the sparkling orbs winked out. Luna’s expressions hardened as she regarded their loss.

“Beginning, please. I will be able to organise it better that way.”

“Twilight’s rage nearly killed you.”

“That I am aware of. I seriously miscalculated the amount of Alicorn magic she would have used. I thought I would be protected by it, but she didn’t use much at all. I had to adjust instantly with my own Alicorn magic reserves.”

“You can not simply play a numbers game when it comes to an enraged Alicorn.”

“It was no game.”

“But you likely saved Twilight.” Luna’s voice held a strange softness to it. A hint of loss, mourning for what was not yet lost.

“I probably saved Nova. I don’t think Twilight would have been killed.”

“In that moment, we do not believe Sister would be able to just stop Twilight. If she neared success, we have little doubt Twilight would have sacrificed her very immortal being to have one last attempt to destroy the target of her rage.”

“Celestia would have become the target with her getting in the way. But that’s all beside the point. I am sorry for diverging you from the story.”

“Your… miscalculation shocked Twilight to her senses.” Luna tapped her hoof on the stone. “We thank thee for providing our betrothed that object lesson, but your methods leave a little to be desired.”

The images of the noble’s ill-chosen words, Twilight’s anger flaring to rage and that fire played across Candice’s mind's eye.

“We believe that noble’s comments were prompted by another. Equestria was attacked soon after.”

The world around faded, the stone beneath her became soft cloud. Below, Ponyville and the surrounding lands unfurled like a map unrolling.

In the distance, the weather team's efforts to corral a swarm of dark clouds were being frustrated. It was like the clouds had a mind of their own. No, the clouds were closing in, surrounding and herding the weather team.

Every part of Candice’s mind knew this was a prelude to something.

Luna’s hoof rested on Candice’s chest. Her gentle touch could be as good as an immovable mountain if she wished. “Be calm. This is no training session. This is just a vision of what already has come to pass. Nothing you can do will change it.”

After watching both the horrors and heroics unfold, Candice sighed. “If I had found a different way to intervene, I could have helped in the defence. I could have saved lives. Instead, my own had to be saved in the middle of this crisis.” She admonished herself in that same cool tone.

“Ponyville weathered the storm well, the rest of the nation… less so.” Luna looked up, focusing on something unseen.

I still would have saved lives if mine had not been in jeopardy.

You saved either Twilight's life or half of Canterlot. Luna's own thoughts answered in Candice’s mind. What is done is done, move on, learn from your new scars.

“I will, and I won’t make that same mistake again.”

“Good. Now I believe Twilight intends on leaving you in charge of Ponyville’s defence. So I would hear your critique of the defenders and how they could be forged into something stronger.”

As Candice turned her attention to the aftermath of the conflict with the Blighted. The battle replayed from the beginning.

Candice rewatched the events. There were details. There were patterns. Her mind soaked in every little detail she could use to fulfil her love’s request.

After the ninth time, Luna looked off and focused into the distance. It was clear to see something distracted the Lunar Alicorn so much she could no longer even feign full attentiveness.

“There is more. I can see it in your body language. What else happened?”

"Our ponies are dying. Our Shepard is attending all she can, but our own efforts are needed battling the Blighted to prevent more souls being corrupted."

The view focused on the face of one of the weather ponies, Stormfront, the first pony victim claimed. The creeping realisation showed in their eyes a moment before their final experience. They only had a moment of terror as their body betrayed them, mere seconds of understanding before Rainbow’s blade cut them down.

“Any claimed by the Blight will never see the Elysian Fields. Their ultimate fate is to be nothing more than fuel for the Blight.” Luna sighed heavily. ”This is the foulest dark magic we had a hoof in creating… It was an invention of myself and the Nightmare.”

Luna’s eyes narrowed for a moment. “In your role, there is one more thing you need to be aware of.” “Thanks to... Night’s indiscretion, one of Equestria’s enemies know of her return and who she has claimed as a host.”

“What did she do?” Candice asked.

“The arrogant foal taunted Chrysalis, announcing her existence by attacking her.”

“I’m guessing it wasn’t in the normal way as I don’t recall a changeling queen showing up in Ponyville.” Candice surmised.

“She laid claim to one of Chrysalis’s minions and left a personalised trap in their mind.” Luna sighed.

“Ah. So that’s how Emerald came to serve Night.”

“And how the changelings came by the information they had delivered to my sister.”

“Are we going to have to worry about Celestia coming and forcefully investigating Twilight?”

“All that is preventing that is she had not thought to seek the Nightmare in Twilight, yet. If Night does even one thing to draw my Sister’s attention…”

I’m going to have to talk with Night about this at some point. The consequences of another miss-step did not bode well for any of them.

“She has already… questioned me. For now, I believe she considers myself or Moonlit Scroll to be the most likely hosts to the Nightmare.”

“Still no leads on his location?”

“You think we would be having this conversation if we had even the hint of a trail?”

Candice shook her head, “Can’t blame a mare for hoping.”

“This is not the time for hope. This is the time for action.”

“Hope can give the motivation to take action. It’s always good to have hope.”

“Baseless hope leads to folly. It has led to this nation being weak, blinded by what they wish to be true and not the cold truth of reality. My sister has hobbled this nation with stories and lies.”

“Those points I agree with. You were making it sound like any hope was a bad thing there for a bit.” Candice corrected.

“As a guide for your aspiration, hope has a purpose.”

“I understand your point. I was just holding onto a little hope that Moonlit Scroll might have made a mistake somewhere. I know he hasn’t at this point.”

“He has made one at least.”

Candice’s train of thought stopped. I wonder... Her mind mulled over it. The most recent thing was the Blight. She turned a curious eye to Luna. “Was it the Blighted spell going out of control?”

“That we do not know if this was the intended outcome… we are still unsure of their ultimate goal.” A hint of a grim smile settled onto Luna’s expression. “He did not understand the magic he wielded, at least not fully.”

“So, what was his mistake?”

“The Nightmare still has some dominion over what the spell creates.”

That opened possibilities. “Ah, so he left room for Night to control the Blight, but Twilight can’t use that without Celestia finding out.” It was yet another thing to lay at Celestia’s hooves, a tool that could save lives, blocked. The option was locked behind Celestia’s ignorance and foolishness.

“Which is why I wonder if the Changelings are in league with Moonlit Scroll or if they are simply working towards their own goals.”

“That makes a scary amount of sense.” Her mind inserted that data into what she knew. The possibilities flowed one after another. None looked good. “If they are working with him, then it’s possible he is out there in a different guise.”

“He is no changeling, but he could be using them as agents.”

“Granted. But I can’t rule out that he might have a different identity with the Changelings in play. And even mental scanning by Celestia can be fooled.”

“You truly believe he is able to thwart both mine own and mine Sister’s arts?”

“He’s stayed hidden from you both so far. I think that alone shows it’s possible.”

“Given his methods, we wonder if he is one of ours. His targeting of the Element of Magic before our return from the moon and now using a spell that only ourselves and the Nightmare should know.”

“Very likely. Though I doubt even Night would be able to know for certain. She’s said she had a hard time discerning the numerous dreams from any reality.”

Luna smirked. “That is a coy way to say she was lost in her madness.”

Candice smirked in return and nodded. “I didn’t think of it that way, but I think you may have nailed it there.”

The levity faded from Luna’s face. “Keep your eyes open and your wits sharp. We fear that this catastrophe is little more than a distraction.”

“The only thing I know of his goals for certain is that he was harvesting Twilight for components to try and ascend.” Candice fought back the spike of anger that tried to rise again like it had when Night shared that memory. “I’m guessing he’s probably still on that path.”

Luna’s eyes darkened. Cold malice looked out from them.“You truly believe that… Stallion is seeking to ascend?”

“Not just believe, I’m just shy of being able to prove it.”

“Then deliver your report, my Champion.”

Candice ordered her thoughts then nodded. If she was with Twilight, she would have dived into endless magical theory and arcane sciences. With Luna on the other hoof, she was going to have to be much more concise.

The only thing she deliberately left out was a very protected research lab with enough spare parts to assemble fifteen more Twilights.

Luna had stayed perfectly still as she listened diligently. Still, even paring it down like that, it took half an hour to work through it enough to all but prove Moonlit Scroll’s most probable intent.

“If one seeks eternity, they are not likely to accept failure, despite its near certainty.”

“And he doesn’t strike me as the type to ever give up unless something kills him first.”

“That would be a desirable outcome,” Luna said, her fangs showing. “If the chance presents itself, you may consider it an order.”

Candice nodded. You don't even need to ask. It’s already on the list.

The world shook and trembled.

“It seems this dream is at an end. The waking world seeks to reclaim you, my Champion.”

The world shook again and again. The soft ground writhed like a turbulent sea. This was not the gentlest way to enter the waking world.

“Candice, Candice, Candice.” The joyful voice of Little Star shattered the dream realm. Each word in time with her bouncing on the bed.

As Candice slowly opened her eyes, the world stilled.

“Candice, you're back.” The little filly scampered over and made a valiant attempt to strangle Candice with the intensity of her hug.

“Hey there, Little Star,” Candice said, her voice softer than intended.

A small glass of water floated over in Little Star’s magenta aura. “Thirsty?”

“Thank you, Star,” Candice said, accepting the proffered glass with her hoof. The limb extended was unmarred. Focusing on it, there was no sign of atrophy. Infact, the opposite seemed to be true. You don’t gain muscle mass in a hospital bed when you’re unconscious. What exactly did Twilight do to heal me?

Candice shifted, testing her body. Front legs, back legs, left wing, right wing. Each and every muscle responded. There was no pain, no lingering tightness that having her wounds healed should have caused. Turning her senses inside, something felt off, out of place. Still far better than being a piece of charcoal.

“Candice?” Little Star asked, staring at the still full glass.

“I’m fine. I just feel a little off. I was checking myself. Thank you for the water. I’m probably going to need a couple of refills.” Candice smiled at Little Star before she downed the liquid.

The chill water slid down her throat, refreshing and pure. The liquid hitting her stomach woke it up enough to growl.

“Hungry?” Little Star asked. A tray of simple oatcakes was suddenly summoned into existence next to her.

The simple scent of oats and honey smelled like the most divine of foods.

Pushing a little magic into her wings, Candice tested her magic with an exertion of light telekinesis. Her silver tinged white aura grabbed one of the cakes and brought the lovely treat to meet its ultimate fate.

First one, then a dozen more, were soundly defeated. None of them stood a chance against Candice’s intense hunger. Little Star giggled, but simply kept supplying more and more until the consumption of oatcakes slowed.

Candice’s oversized wing wrapped Little Star in a soft embrace. The filly snuggled against Candice’s chest. Large imploring eyes stared up.

“Mummy is going to try and get you to stay here, but you have to go with her.” The miniature version of Twilight leaned closer, her front hooves standing on Candice herself. “You have to keep her safe from the bad ponies.”

“Little Star, if your mother orders me to stay or go with her, I have to obey those orders. But I’ll argue for going if that is the best course of action. If I stay here, I’ll make sure she has enough guards with her, though.” Candice smiled softly at Little Star’s concern.

“So you’re who Star’s been going on about.” A colt’s voice broke in from near the ceiling.

She followed her ears with her eyes, a thestral colt was perched on the bookshelf, he offered a sloppy wave with a wing.

In a subtly teasing tone, “Little Star, did you snag yourself a coltfriend?”

Little Star beamed. “No, Mummy Luna gave him to me.”

What?, “Like she gave me to your Mother Twilight?”

Little Star proudly nodded. “And he's one of Mummy Luna’s Chosen, just like you.”

The colt froze, staring at Little Star. His eyes slightly wide with shock.

Something was off with this. Luna wouldn’t take a foal as a Chosen. Very few of her own guards were given that honour. Who are you?

Metal clad hooves rang on the crystal floor, drawing closer. Little Star’s ears perked up, and her head looked around. “Mummy!” A brilliant flash of magenta replaced the filly, and she was gone.

The colt straightened and offered a firm nod. Despite his cute appearance, steely resolve was not a trait most foals were able to claim.

Candice silently mouthed, ‘Are you one of Luna’s guards assigned to Little Star?’

He offered a lazy wing salute in answer. The motion had all the hallmarks of the Nightguard, casual, fun-loving and irreverent of everything but their Sovereign.

Candice gave a nod to the colt. There would be conversation later, but it could wait.

Little Star’s voice carried in from outside the room. “And I get to teach him anything I want. Isn’t it great? My very own student and my coltfriend.”

The sounds of the metal-clad hooves hesitated for a moment before continuing smoother.

“Your coltfriend?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, he's a colt and my friend, silly. He can't be one of my fillyfriends.”

“Little Star, normally adding a gender description before ‘friend’ implies a desire for romance and or the production of offspring.”

“Oh…so Mummy Luna is your fillyfriend… and Candice and Emerald and Fluttershy and... ”

“And we're here. Let’s check on Candice.” Twilight said.

The thestral’s eyes widened as he stared at the door. ‘You lucky mare’ he mouthed silently.

Candice restrained a chuckle in agreement, though the look in her eyes affirmed the claim.

Metal rapped against the door just before it was pushed open. Twilight glided across the room. A silken dress beautifully integrated with pleats of metal armour.

“Ah, Sweet Candice, thou art awake and well?” Twilight’s voice called out with Night's tones.

“You're speaking like Mummy Luna, again.” Little Star giggled. “I already checked her. Candice’s soul is not going to fall out of her body again.”

What exactly happened to me? Candice suddenly had a lot of questions that needed answers.

“Again?” The colt whispered, catching Twilight’s attention.

“And this is your ‘friend’?”

“Yes, Mummy. His name is Meteor Crash, but we're working on it. I already have some spells in place to help him avoid crashing.”

And likely completely unnecessary. Candice thought.

“That was kind of you.” Twilight's eyes focused on the colt. “Now, you two run along and play. I need to have a talk with Candice.”

The colt gulped and nodded with a hint of a fearful bow.

“Alright, Mummy.” After a quick hug, both younger ponies vanished in a flare of light.

Twilight stalked over and sat beside the bed. “Candice, Candice, Candice, what are we to do with you?”
“What is there left to do? It seems great effort was taken to save me, despite my error.” Self-reproach flattened her tone as it infected her voice. I’m not going to repeat that error. Candice promised herself.

Twilight eyes hardened. “You believe you get out of our service that easily?”

“Not what I was implying, Night.” And you know it, Candice left unsaid.

“Good.” Night loomed closer, her spread wings seeming to darken the room. “Your life is not your own to throw away.”

“I was acting to save Nova, and very likely Twilight, from Celestia’s hooves. You think…”

In a blink, lips forcefully pressed against Candice’s own, silencing the rest of her well thought out argument.

Night was not being gentle. The kiss was very much being taken and not simply given. The sheer physical power veiled behind the action promised the possibility of pain as much as affection.

Candice did nothing to return the kiss. Frustration at being interrupted by Night, again. All that compounded with finding out how idiotic Night was with Chrysalis left the only safe option being to remain still.

Slowly Night pulled back, disappointment almost dripping from her sneer. “We help restore you, and this is the thanks you offer?”

“The lack of response isn’t due to a lack of gratitude. It’s because you keep interrupting me in the middle of a statement.”

Night sighed. “You are as bad as Twilight.”

“You hate being interrupted so much. Why do you do that to others so often?” Candice asked.

“You forget your place. We are surprised Luna has not taught you to respect your betters more…”

“Luna offers me the respect of not interrupting me all the time.”

Night glared, her eyes leaning so close they seemed to eclipse the whole world. “You nearly got yourself killed due to your folly. Do you know what that would have done to Twilight? To my daughter?”

“Yes, I do. I miscalculated the event. I was acting to save Nova and Twilight, and you. I anticipated more Alicorn magic being behind those flames.”

“There was every bit of magic that Twilight and Nova could put behind it. Nova was seeking to burn everything, and you got in the way. Even if Nova loves you, that would not save you from her wrath if she is blinded by rage.”

“I know that now. I also know she doesn’t put Alicorn magic behind her effects to protect those she cares about. I was lacking that information in that moment. That doesn’t change the fact that if she kept going, Celestia had a high chance of finding out about Nova and you. I doubt she would have let either of you live if she found you.”

“Another miscalculation, it seems. Dearest Sister thinks Nova is just part of Twilight’s anger, a part that has been there even when she was but a unicorn. The only issue would be how many died before she managed to constrain Twilight long enough for her to cool her rage.”

“The danger I saw in the moment might have been less likely than I thought, but do you think if Celestia did find you and Nova that she wouldn’t take steps to erase you both?”

A growl vibrated through Night’s chest. Her metal-clad hoof pinned Candice to the bed. The soft surface of the bed yielded beneath her as the hoof pressed down. “We are trying to say we are glad you are alive, and you are making us wish to try and beat that message into your skull with our hooves, you insufferable mortal.”

Candice couldn’t hold back the smirk, “Then why didn’t you lead with that?”

“You’re Twilight's pet. She can deal with you.”

As if Twilight’s body was nothing but a puppet with the strings cut, it collapsed atop Candice. Now little more than an Alicorn shaped blanket, a rather heavy and uncomfortable blanket with the metal panels pressing into her body at odd angles.

Candice gathered her magic, lifting Twilight was going to take more than just a simple glass. The radiant glow started to build in her wings. Candice shaped it, reaching out with telekinesis. The glow faded as something slipped inside. With an odd lurching sensation, power flowed down her front legs, raggedly spilling out from her hooves.

Dialling back, the torrent of magic escaping dropped to a trickle. Closing her eyes and focusing, she descended into the meditative state all unicorns were taught. She turned her attention inwards.

Her mind’s eye started in her core, the bundle of potential that was her wellspring. Extending her senses, she followed the magic as it flowed from the core and down her legs to the hooves. She followed it, inspecting the newly thickened layline heading for her hoof. That was not like that last time. I’m guessing it’s a result of what they did to heal me. Easy enough to compensate for now that I know about it.

“A lightshow huh? Well, that’s one way to let me know you’re awake. Good morning, Candice.” Twilight's voice snapped Candice’s attention back to the physical world.

“Sorry about that.”

Twilight laughed, “Why are you apologising?”

“Night was here a bit ago. We had a slight verbal altercation.”

“Translation, she still has not forgiven you?”

“More like the fact that despite how much she loathes being interrupted, she will constantly do it to others. She has no sense of her own hypocrisy.”

“You’re not an Alicorn.”

“Even Luna doesn’t do that. When I pointed that out, she decided to cut the strings and left.”

“That's her accepting she would do something she would regret. So most likely, she would have hurt you if she stayed.”

“So that’s her way of saying I won the argument?”

“I don't think I would be able to save you if you tell her that.”

“She just can’t allow herself to accept that she might be wrong sometimes. She denies herself the opportunity to become better.”

“Don't worry about it too much, she is still upset about some bad memories Luna brought up, and you do infuriate her. To her, you will never be her equal, not unless you ascend.”

“She could still stand to learn common courtesy, like Luna did.”

“So, how are you feeling?” Twilight’s magic lightly trailed over each muscle group and joint one by one in a methodical examination.

“A little off. My laylines in my hooves are wider and much less resistive than they were. I’m guessing that’s something to do with what you did to save me?” Candice asked.

“It seemed an opportune moment to make that adjustment.”

“Other than that, my muscles are more lean and a bit larger, and I’m currently being poked by metal…”

“Oh, sorry,” a pop and ripple of extra-spacial magic and Twilight lay there with only her coat. “Better?”

Twilight's soft coat felt luxurious as Candice nuzzled into it, her wings wrapping around Twilight.

“This is a much better good morning.” Twilight’s kiss was much more welcomed and returned.

“I agree. Though something tells me that we will not get many of them before you have to leave.”

“We don't even have time for this.” Twilight sighed exactly like Night did.

“What needs to be done, and when do we have to start on it?”

“Too much and last week.” A pop and a scroll appeared. Upon it was a list of settlement names, many with numbers next to them, some simply crossed out. “The losses so far.” Twilight's voice was ice even as fire danced in her eyes.

“How much can be done with you and I enjoying each other’s embrace?” Candice asked in an attempt to distract Twilight from at least some of the darkness of the world.

“None, as much as Night would conceal me to just protect what is mine here and let the world fall, I can not do that.” With a single absent-minded nuzzle, Twilight rose from the bed. “Tomorrow morning, I am departing. The Blighted has spread beyond Equestria’s borders. Our allies need our help, and I need to have you ready to assume command of the defences here.”

“I feel like a quick re-calibration of my reactions and I will be fine. Little Star seems to want me to go with you. I already told her I would have to follow your orders. But being by your side is very appealing, I’ll admit.”

“You were an analyst and you believe the field of battle is more suited to you than a defensible castle?”

“I took down an entire warehouse full of cultists on my own as my interview for Luna,” Candice said as a statement of fact. “The only reason I wasn’t on the front lines is because I was a hybrid whose true scores were hidden to protect the fragile sensibilities of some nobles.” She said as she rolled her eyes.

Thoughts and plans seemed to dance between Twilight eyes for several long seconds. “You understand you have a far greater chance of death if you accompany me?”

“That would be true no matter my skills or abilities. But it’s really down to where do you want me? Do I have reason to not go with you? And I’m curious why you expanded my laylines, as well as what else you did to me.”

The slight shift of expression announced Night’s return. “It would be most unwise to not heed our daughter’s less than subtle manipulation.”

“Why?” Twilight asked.

“She is descended from a thoroughbred line that had a reputation of oracular abilities and the Element of Magic. We would do well to trust her whims and hunches.”

“That still leaves the question of what you had planned for me.”

Twilight’s utter stillness spoke volumes of the conversation she and Night were likely having right now. After a few minutes, Twilight's eyes flicked up, meeting Candice’s. “Planned for you? Well, it simply seemed more efficient to rebuild them to the required tolerances instead of having to burn new ley lines in later.”

“What she is not telling you is that there is that much of her flesh supporting your body now that any intimacy may as well be masturbation.” Night quipped.

“Night!” Twilight stomped her hoof, chips of crystal scattered around the room.

Night looked to a mirror and glared into her own reflection. “She ruined her body and practically had to have a new one made. She should be grateful for your sacrifice and not coddled by downplaying her miscalculation.”

The reflection sighed and sorrowfully shook her head. “I know you're still angry and upset. If Celestia did to me what she did to you, I would be too. But stop taking it out on Candice… Please.” Twilight ended with imploring eyes looking out from the mirror.

Night grumbled and looked away, not seeing the reflection smirk and silently hoof pump. The reflected Twilight met Candice’s gaze and winked before the mirror started ‘behaving’.

“I’m well aware of how grave my miscalculation was,” Candice added.

“Then know that for every bit of your flesh that is hale and healthy, Twilight had to tear it from her own body.”

Candice nodded and acknowledged Night’s point. “I’m aware of how much she has done that in the past just for research materials. I can only imagine what it was like to have to do that for me.”

“Well, this was an interesting project. It took a lot of spell development to connect all the nerves and blood vessels. Currently, this is still untenable for any non-chosen. My flesh would reject their body… And if what happened to the samples in that lab is anything to go by, I would not want to see a pony go through that.” Twilight sighed yet again. It seemed to be becoming a habit.

Candice nodded. “That still doesn’t explain why I needed my laylines expanded.”

“Oh, that's simple. It’s for our ongoing experiments. I would much prefer to steal you away to my lab and see what I can do with you.” A slightly manic glint flashed over Twilight's eyes for a moment. “But, there is no time. When we get back, I can show you all the notes.”

“Both of you are as bad as each other.” Night half snarled. “Here.” With her aura, she dragged Candice closer and pressed Twilight's hoof to Candice’s chest.

An unfamiliar warmth flowed in, thick and vibrant. It danced around Candice’s wellspring, never quite touching it before rushing down the new thicker laylines to her hooves. The new magic rushed out into the ground and was just gone. “You can now have any tribe's magic safely pass through you.”

“I had my presentation ready, and you just skipped to three-quarters of the way through,” Twilight said.

“And saved ten hours that we don't have if you want to save those Cat-Birds.” Night retorted.

“I can't believe you. That was meant to be a surprise.”

“You don’t think it's a good idea to let our Captain of the Guard know about her new tactical options?”

“You…” Twilight spluttered.

Candice raised an eyebrow. “I always was able to have any particular tribe’s magic go through them. I just needed to make sure they didn’t mix. And with the lessons I got from Luna about lay line cleaning, I know that the Alicorn magic makes it unnecessary to worry about mixing them now.”

“And now you have something better. Can you not simply be grateful?”

“You confuse my confusion with a lack of gratitude. I am grateful. I’m just confused as to why. All it’s done is make me have to recalibrate my magic.”

Night sighed.

“Can I explain now?” Twilight asked.

“I'm going to study the maps again. You talk with your pet.”

“Sorry again, she is not quite herself today. It's not every day she has to share the account of possibly hundreds of thousands or maybe more of your family being… executed as nothing more than surplus tools by her sister.”

Candice's eyes closed as she pushed back the darkened mood at the idea of Celestia thoughtlessly slaughtering like that.

“So please give her more time.” Twilight implored.

Twilight took a calming breath, her hoof twitched as if it wanted to come up to her chest, but it stayed put on the ground. “I had to rebuild a lot of your ley lines. Nova’s magic literally burned them away. If… if we had not noticed it was you, there would be nothing left. Not even a soul to go on to the afterlife.”

Candice moved to Twilight and pulled her into an embrace. Words would only fail at any attempt to express her sorrow at possibly causing such pain.

“I even had to get my daughter’s help with healing you. It was one of the most complicated and taxing feats of magic I have ever done. But you are whole, and you are here.” Twilight snuggled under Candice’s wings with a slightly guilty expression. “The only thing your body now needs to use the magic of the other tribe’s is a source of power. I saw no reason to remove the magical structures in my donations to you, so I simply made sure it was all wired up correctly… I call it future-proofing my work.”

“Thank you for explaining. I don’t understand why it’s so hard for Night to lead with the important bits of information.” Candice said gratefully.

“Because you are a mortal, her servant, and though she would never admit it, you’re somepony she cares for. The first two means you should do what she says without question because she is the Alicorn. The last leaves her conflicted.”

“I kind of get it, in an emotionally unbalanced way. So what do you have planned that requires future-proofing your work?”

Twilight tapped her hoof to her chin. “Well, if you're going to keep putting yourself in harm’s way, either an earth pony or crystal pony wellspring. Both offer powerful defensive options.”

Candice stroked Twilight’s back with her wing. “So, in other words, you were planning on making me your Chosen as well?”

Twilight hummed contentedly. “So was Night…you would be a Chosen to three Alicorns if you accept.”

“Even with as irked as I am at Night sometimes, I would be honoured to accept both of you.”

“Then do try to stay in one piece long enough for your magic to fully settle this time.”

“I promise, I will. When are you planning on doing this?” Candice asked softly.

“As soon as it’s safe to. I can afford to operate without either magic as I barely use them.” Twilight's ears turned, and her head looked up, following their lead. “And I’ve taken too long, they are coming to get me.”

“Then am I coming with you or staying here?”

“You need to go to Rarity and get fitted for your uniform and armour. We have the first new members of our guards being sworn in today, and you should be there.”

“I’ll be where you wish me to be, my Love.”

Slowly, regretfully Twilight extracted herself from under Candice's wings. “No, you should be doing what I think you should, not being where I want you to be.”

Candice leaned in, and their muzzles met. Lips danced as Twilight’s powerful limbs wrapped around her. “There is never enough time,” Twilight whispered in a sigh.

“Well, I can always make more time.” Candice started to gather the power for her time dilation spell. The familiar patterns of magic started to form in her wings.

The magic just stopped. Falling still and silent within her. Twilight's magic enveloped Candice’s wings. The magenta magic suffocated the white of Candice’s magic.

“As much as I would love to, start with smaller magic first,” Twilight advised.

Candice sighed and nodded, “As you wish, my Love.”

Twilight smiled gratefully, but guilt looked out from her eyes. ‘I’m sorry for doing that’ they said. “Now, I want you to go through the entirety of the first year’s self-study exercises for an hour each before you even think of attempting any of your time magic again.”

“No need for the guilt, Love. I’ll follow doctor’s orders.” Candice smiled at her, trying to lighten the mood.

With a smile, Twilight leaned in and planted a kiss on Candice’s cheek. “Now run along, I can hear how manic Rarity is getting, and you have maybe ten minutes before even I won't be able to save you from her wrath.”

With a playful wink, Twilight vanished. Her magic whisked her away.

Candice found the nearest window and looked out. Ponyville was not how she had last seen it. Some buildings had been torn down to make the rampart that now surrounded the castle.

Long scars carved in the ground by what must have been Alicorn grade magic crisscrossed what was once open grassland.

A quarter of the town and by the looks of it most of Sweet-Apple-Acres had been razed to the ground.

The Carousel Boutique itself had not escaped unscathed. The building was blackened by flames and had a large hole through the wall.

“Alright, somepony tell me where Rarity is?”

Author's Note:

Pony leyline.

Earth Pony, Unicorn Pony, Crystal Pony
Pegasus Pony, Thestral Pony, Changeling Pony

Art by https://www.deviantart.com/kirillk

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