• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 3,014 Views, 146 Comments

The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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King Steelclaw

"Celestia what is wrong!?" Luna asked her elder sister, her voice filled with concern, as her sister continued to stare blankly into the distance. After her sister didn't respond she lightly kicked her left hind leg, snapping her sister out of her strange trance.

"Oh, sorry. I don't know what happened to me." Celestia said dumbly as she snapped out of her trance.

"Well, you could begin on what you read in the letter." Luna asked her sister.

"Right." Celestia said to her sister, picking the rolled up piece of parchment off the carpet floor with her golden magic. "Read." Celestia said simply, handing the scroll to her little sister.

Luna cautiously took the scroll from her sister, seeing the distressed look on her sister's face, and read the piece of parchment. Luna did as her sister asked, and read the letter. Her teal eyes widening to the double their original size as she did.

"We thought that thou had this situation resolved 'ere we had left for Ponyville!" Luna's voice boomed throughout the castle. Her voice returning to the traditional Canterlot voice.

"We, I mean I, thought the same. I thought that had resolved the issues we both had with the Dragon Empire!" Celestia barked back her sister, her voice only slightly quieter than her sister's. As she had not used the traditional Canterlot voice since she had met Moon Dancer for the first time.

Sugarlily's eyes widened at the mention of issues with the Dragon Empire. All through she, and many other ponies, didn't know that much about the mysterious species. What she did know however was that dragons were large fire breathing monsters that only cared about gold and jewels. Which generally was not that far off.

"Um... cough... your majesties." Sugarlily cautiously cleared her throat to get the two Alicorns attention.

"WHAT!" Luna and Celestia both bellowed at the young filly. All of their anger being directed at Sugarlily.

It took a few moments for the alicorns to realize their mistakes, as the light blue filly retreated backwards from the enraged princesses.

"We're sorry Sugarlily I guess we are both just stressed out." Celestia said putting a reassuring hoof on the young mare's shoulder.

"It's fine your majesty, but what are you two talking about?" Sugarlily asked Celestia.

Celestia let out a heavy sigh before she spoke to Sugarlily. "Do you know anything about the Dragon Empire?" Celestia asked the light blue mare. Sugarlily thought for a moment of everything that she knew about the Dragon Empire, before just giving up as she realized that Celestia had asked her a rhetorical question.

The light blue mare awkwardly shook her head no, making Celestia slightly giggle to herself. "The Dragon Empire is a country that has existed long before Equestria, Tartarus the Dragon Empire's borders used to contain most of what would become Equestria." Celestia said talking about the Dragon Empire long history, intentionally leaving out any information about the Alpha.

"Ok, but what does that have to do with the current 'issues' that we are having with the country." Sugarlily asked the white alicorn.

"Our relations with the Dragon Empire have never been that great, expressly since..." Celestia said, catching herself before she say anything that could jeopardize the secret of the Alpha.

"Since what?" Sugarlily asked the white alicorn, noticing her intentional pause.

"Nothing, anyway in the last few weeks the Dragon Empire has gone through its third ruler in the last three months." Celestia said, making Sugarlily's eyes almost bulge out of their sockets. Has a pony from Equestria, a kingdom that had been ruled by the same leader for over a thousand, it seemed insane to her that a country could even survive going through three in a few years, yet alone only a few months.

"Their newest king, King Steelclaw, however he seems Tartarus bent on expanding the borders of his Empire." Celestia continued, her tone becoming more direct and filled with anger.

"What do you mean by 'expanding his borders'?" Sugarlily asked, despite knowing what the princess was most likely going to respond with.

"Conquest my dear, conquest." Luna said rather directly, as the tone of the castle seemed to get darker as the three mares continued to discuss the sensitivity of the situation the kingdom was currently in.

"What! How can that even be possible. I mean you are two of the most powerful creatures in all of Equestria!" Sugarlily exclaimed, shocked that any nation would ever dare to directly attack Equestria.

"What you say is true Sugarlily, but the Dragon Empire has an army more than three times the size of Equestria's. Even with the combined power of myself, Luna, and my adoptive niece Cadence. We are not enough power to defeat an entire army of trained and ruthless dragons."

"But what about the Elements of Harmony, those are the most powerful objects in the entire world." Sugarlily asked the two alicorns standing in front of her.

Celestia and Luna both shared a look as if they had actually considered using the Elements in a battle with the Dragon Empire, and sadly they had. There were a few moments of silence as the two alicorns stared at each other. Both of them using their eyes to have a secret conservation with each other with the absence of words.

After about a minute of silence Celestia finally turned away from her sister, and began to speak to Sugarlily.

"Not to say that we have never considered the usage of the Elements of Harmony in a battle with the Dragon Empire." Celestia began, sharing a quick look with her little sister, before she continued. "We have both decided that the usage of such a powerful weapon against an army of mostly innocent soldiers, just doing as their commanders order." Celestia said explaining why the usage of the Elements of Harmony were out of the question, even in war with the Dragon Empire.

"Ok, but what was in the letter that was sent to the both of you?" Sugarlily asked the two Alicorns. The two alicorns shared another look as they both seemed to remember the contents of the letter that had started the current conservation in the first place.

"The letter was a letter sent directly from the King Steelclaw himself stating that his meeting with the two of us..." Celestia began to explain only for her little sister to cut her off.

"Technically he just wanted to meet you sister." Luna said correcting her sister.

"Anyway, we had originally set up a meeting with him a weeks from now, but..." Celestia continued, pausing halfway.

"But what Princess?" Sugarlily asked the white alicorn.

Celestia bit the bottom of her lip before continuing. "The letter stated that the King of the Dragon Empire had rescheduled his trip to the castle." Celestia turning to look out one of the plain glass windows of the castle. To the picture perfect landscape of the great city of Canterlot. The morning sun reflecting off of the towering buildings.

"Ok, when is he set to arrive?" Sugarlily asked Celestia rather dumbly, digging for more information.

"That's the issue King Steelclaw is arriving tomorrow." Celestia said to the young mare.

Sugarlily's turquoise eyes grew to the size of dinner plates, and her mouth dropped to point that it wouldn't surprised the princesses to see it fall off and tumble to the floor.

"T-To-Tomorrow." Sugarlily managed to say in shock. To get a nod from the two alicorns in response.

"Where's Lemon Hearts, we need her if we are going to get the castle ready in time." Sugarlily exclaimed to herself as she galloped away from the princess. As the entire castle around her erupted into a chaotic state that somepony would be forgiven to think that it had been caused by Discord.

Lemon Hearts was making the most of her day off, she always had Saturdays off, as she sat inside the diner, at her usual table, and having the time of her life drinking hay smoothies with her four friends.

"So how has it been working at the palace after the Grand Galloping Gala?" Minuette asked the yellow unicorn, taking a small slip of her smoothie.

"Yeah we haven't seen you that much, I mean except for when you get your one day off." Twinkleshine added, making the small bags under the yellow unicorn's eyes from lack of sleep deepen.

"It's been... interesting." Lemon Hearts said, being intentionally vague. As she was the head planner for many of the castle confidential meetings.

"What do you mean by that?" Moon Dancer asked her obviously stressed out friend. Her becoming more engaged with her friend's as she spent more time with them.

"It's nothing Moon, trust me." Lemon said, literally waving off the subject with her hoof.

However just as she did, one of the castle guards burst into the cafe, looking for the yellow unicorn. All heads instantly heads toward the white unicorn stallion cladded in the traditional golden armor.

"Lemon... Moon... what's going on?" Twinkleshine asked her two friends that worked at the castle.

"I have no idea." The unicorns both said at the same time, their eyes wider than dinner plates. The castle guard scanned the population of the cafe until he saw his target. The bright yellow unicorn with a sky blue mane and tail.

The guard trotted over to the group of four mares. The heartbeats of both Moon Dancer and Lemon Hearts beating faster and faster, after each step of the guard. "Are you the pony that goes by the name of Lemon Hearts by any chance." The guard said, pointing her foreleg at the yellow unicorn.

"Yes... I am the pony that goes by the name of Lemon Hearts." Lemon said cautiously back to the current armored stallion standing in front of her.

"Then I need you to come with me." The soldier said simply, turning to leave.

"Wait what is going on?" Lemon Hearts called after the guard, stopping him in his tracks.

The guard sighed to himself, as he turned his head back to look at the confused pony. "I am forbidden from disclosing the matter specifically, but what I can tell you is that you are desperately needed at the castle at this present time." The guard said, turning his entire body to look directly at the yellow unicorn.

"You're gonna need more than that to convince me." Lemon Hearts said rather bluntly, not pleased that she was being called into work on her only day off that week. The guard grunted internally, frustration toward the stubborn mare building, but he was able to keep his cool.

"Miss Hearts, I am on strict orders to escort you to the castle." The guard said in a calm, yet irritated manner.

"May I ask again, why I am needed at the castle at the present case?" Lemon Hearts said back to the guard, her hooves folded in front of her.

"Operation Steelclaw has been pushed forward." The guard said giving up, saying the codename the staff used for the meeting between Celestia and King Steelclaw of the Dragon Empire. Lemon Hearts eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"When has Operation Steelclaw been rescheduled?" Lemon asked the guard quickly.

"Tomorrow, Miss Hearts." The Guard said, knowing that he had caught the unicorn's attention.

"Tomorrow... Sorry ladies I got to go. I'll see you all again soon." Lemon said in shock, scrambling to her hooves as her brain began to run at over three hundred miles per hour.

"Sure, I guess we'll see you later Lemon." Minuette said as the yellow unicorn quickly followed the castle guard out of the cafe. "Yeah I'll see you girls later, bye." Lemon said not looking back at her friends as she left the cafe.

The cafe was silent for a few awkward seconds, until the Canterlot began to re engage in the conservations that they were having before the guard had showed up.

"Moon what was that all about?" Twinkleshine asked Moon Dancer, who was in a state of shock just as much as her friends.

"I don't know Twinkle, but I am going to find out." Moon Dancer said standing up from her table.

"No way you're ditching us two." Minuette said disappointed.

"Sorry girls, but I've to get to the bottom of this." Moon Dancer said as she left the cafe heading toward the castle that towered over the city. Eager to find out what was going on.

The castle was absolutely hectic as all of the staff rushed to get the castle ready for the King Steelclaw's arrival. Ponies running every which way, as they all worked at and above their limits as each member of the castle's staff worked their hardest to get the castle ready in time for the King's arrival.

"Oh Lemon, there you are. I was starting to worry that you weren't going to show up." Sugarlily said running to the castle's head event planner.

"Don't think I didn't try to back out of it." Lemon said honestly to her coworker. "So I'm here, what needs to be done?" Lemon said as the light blue unicorn lead her through the halls of the large castle.

The two mares watched as the castle staff ran back and forth in front and behind all carrying different objects with their magic. One servants was a young red unicorn with a bright pink mane that was carrying a large vase filled with roses with her crimson magic.

Lemon Hearts took the extreme chaos that was occurring as pretty much everything. "I'll take this as pretty much everything." Lemon Hearts thought out loud, as she was almost run over by one of the castle maids.

Sugarlily chuckled to herself before responding to the yellow unicorn. "It had been absolute chaos without you Lemon, I mean not that we couldn't handle this without your guidance." The young mare began rambling on, only for the Lemon to silence her with her own words of encouragement.

"Don't worry Sugar, now seeing this. I would be honored to help make sure that King Steelclaw's first impression of Equestria, a good one." Lemon said to Sugarlily, determination in her voice.

A few hours had passed and the castle's staff seemed to get kicked into overdrive, from the introduction of Lemon Hearts. The yellow unicorn was currently busy directing different members of the staff on decorations on the throne room.

"I want the banner directly overhead of the throne." Lemon Hearts said as she directed two pegasi workers on the placing of a large banner that said 'Welcome to Equestria!" written on it in thick bold letters.

Lemon wasn't practically fond that she had to be called in on her day off, to set up the throne room for the meeting between the two pieces of royalty. But every time she started thinking that this was a waste of her time she would just have to look over her shoulder to see the anxious white alicorn behind her pacing back and forth, in deep thought. To confirm to her that this wasn't just another diplomatic between another of Equestria's allies, like Saddle Arabia.

"Which flowers do you want for the ceremony." A blue unicorn stallion said, holding two different assortments of flowers with his magic. One filled with blood red roses the other, with buds from dragon sneeze trees.

Lemon Hearts just stared at the two bouquets for a few seconds, doing best comprehend the stallion's stupidity. After a few moments of awkward silence Lemon Hearts responded to the blue stallion.

"Those aren't flowers. Those are buds from Dragon Sneeze Trees. I don't think it would be a smart idea to have our royal guest having an allergic reaction during their visit when it is possible that if this goes badly we could easily have a war on our hands." Lemon Hearts said, with a small tint of sarcasm.

"So you don't want the roses." The blue stallion said dumbly. Lemon just gave the blue pony a death glare, making him feel uncomfortable. "I'll take that as a yes." The Stallion said before placing the roses in a large vase on a table covered into rock candy.

The next few hours seemed to fly by without issues as the staff was able to finish all the preparations for the King's arrival ahead of their original schedule. Celestia trotted up to her decorated throne to congratulate her staff for their hard work.

"I just want to say that on the behalf of both myself and my sister Luna, and congratulate all of you for making this all possible." Celestia said gesturing to all of the decoration around the room, as the crowd present erupted in cheers.

As the cheers continued as Moon Dancer arrived at the throne room and squeezed her way through the mass of ponies to get to her friend, who was standing only a few feet from Princess Celestia.

"Lemon, pst, Lemon." Moon Dancer whispered trying to get the yellow unicorn's attention.

"Hmm... what is it..." Lemon said dumbly as she turned around looking for the pony calling her name. "Moon Dancer, what are you doing here?" Lemon asked as she spotted her friend.

"Well, I do work here, and I would like to know what in Tartarus is going on." Moon Dancer said back, a hint of sarcasm in her words.

"This isn't really the best time ,Moon Dancer." Lemon said in a whisper trying calm her agitated friend down.

"Then when will be the best time Lemon. Tomorrow, the day after that, or the never because you move to a new town without even as much as a goodbye." Moon Dancer blew up at Lemon in a loud whisper.

"What was that Moon Dancer?" Lemon Hearts asked dumbfounded.

"It's nothing Lemon, you can do whatever you want. I don't care anymore." Moon Dancer said noticing her mistake, as she trotted away into the crowd.

"Moon Dancer!" Lemon called out to her friends as she slowly trotted away, losing her in the mass of the crowd. "I would tell you if I could Moon." Lemon sighed in defeat, before turning back toward the white alicorn.

"And none of this could have happened without the assistance of the great pony, Lemon Hearts!" Celestia announced to the group of ponies, which erupted into another round of cheers.

Unknown to everypony present. Celestia had heard the little spat between Lemon Hearts and Moon Dancer and thought to herself. "So close Moon Dancer, you were so close." Celestia was didsappointed at the youngs mare's action, but hid her disappointment well. She had been ruling a country where she was seen as nearly god-like. She was used to hiding her emotions for the crowd.

The next day, the two princesses were getting ready for their meeting with King Steelclaw of the Dragon Empire. The two princesses were inside Celestia's private quarters, as Luna helped her sister get ready for her meeting with the king.

"Are you sure that you don't want me to accompany you?" Luna asked her older sister, just before she was about to meet with the King of the Dragon Empire.

"No, as much as I would like you to be with me. I don't believe that King Steelclaw would like having two creatures that could defeat him in the same room as him. Besides his letter said that he wanted to meet with me specifically." Celestia said to her little sister, rejecting her offer of joining her.

"Ok, well if you do need me..." Luna began, only for her sister to cut her off.

"You'll be right behind me, I know." Celestia said to her little sister, a small smile adorning her face. Celestia then walked out of the room she was sharing with her sister and headed for the decorated throne room ready for a meeting that would change the history of Equestria and the Dragon Empire forever.

Celestia sat anxiously at the top of her throne waiting for what seemed like forever. Every once in awhile Celestia would look up at the clock in the throne room to see if any time had actually passed. The last time she checked it was 12:24. Exactly twenty-four minutes later then the King had said that he would arrive.

A dozen thoughts passed through Celestia's head at that as she kept waiting her absent guest. One of the many being. "Did we reschedule the meeting again without my knowledge, did he get stuck in air traffic enroute to Canterlot, or worst of all did he completely abandon the meeting entirely and is preparing for war."

Celestia's thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of trumpets, and the words of the announcer for royalty. "His majesty, the King of the Dragon Empire. King Steelclaw." The royal announcer announced the King of the Dragon Empire. Making Celestia rise from her throne.

"Out of the way, boy." King Steelclaw ordered at the young announcer as he massive dragon frame barely fit through the doors of the throne room. The king was a large red scaled dragon with equally large wings that were folded up against his body. His claws were black and like his name stated were as tough and cut and while as steel. He had small black spikes that ran down his back, that ended in a large spike that surrounded the bottom of his tail, turning it into a sharp club.

"Why of course your majesty, my apologizes." The announcer apologized to the large dragon, his red scales covered in battle scars. A large one being just below his chin and looking like he had been biten in the neck by another dragon when he was younger. Steelclaw being a sharp constrast from the white alicorn that was in front of him. The announcer pony doing is best to be as far away as possible from the giant creature.

"Of course, ponies are their customs, it just brings tears to my eyes." King Steelclaw said sarcastically, as he brushed passed the small announcer. Celestia seeing the announcer in possible danger from the large dragon did a small motion with her hoof for him to exit. The announcer noticed this a left the throne room as quickly as he could, mouthing the words 'Thank you.' before he left.

"The doors of the throne room shut behind the large dragon, his large body barely able to fit in the decorated room. The piercing red eyes of King Steelclaw seemed to look through Celestia, as she sized up the white alicorn. Not even noticing the small frame of Sugarlily who stood to Celestia's left.

The two royals stared down each other for a few seconds, the tension in the room only growing with each passing second. Sugarlily beginning to regret volunteering to being the scribe for this meeting between the two.

"I give my deepest apologize for my tardiness, your majesty. Air traffic was a complete and total nightmare." Steelclaw said to Celestia, doing the best bow he could muster in the small room.

"No apology necessary, your majesty...." Celestia all but spat at Steelclaw, her pink eyes burning directly at the red eyes of Steelclaw. "And please call me Celestia." Celestia said in her natural warmly tone returning to her. A tone that Steelclaw despised, but did a good job at hiding.

"Then Celestia, you may call me simply Steelclaw." Steelclaw said, however glad to able to drop the formalities of the meeting, that both of them knew could either lead to the two kingdoms earning an alliance, or breaking out into war.

There were a few moments of awkward silence until Steelclaw cleared his throat and spoke saying. "So... would your sister be joining us in this meeting today?" Steelclaw asked, hoping for Celestia to say no.

"No, my dear sister Luna will not be joining us today. She is overwise engaged in other matters." Celestia answered, her thoughts wondering if she should have had Luna accompany her in this meeting.

A small smile appeared on Steelclaw's face as he inched closer to the white alicorn's throne. "That's unfortunate to hear, but I guess things must play as they going to have to be."

"I guess it must be." Celestia said cautiously, her becoming more and more suspicious of the King's true intentions. He had met Steelclaw over two decades earlier, but it was likely that he had changed from her last meeting with him.

Steelclaw sensing that the white alicorn was growing suspicious of him decided to drop his act and said to Celestia. "Let's drop the act Celestia. You and I both know why we are both here, and we both know what we want. The only question is what will the two of us do to get what we really want." Steelclaw said to Celestia, rather bluntly.

Celestia's back straightened at the King's outburst, which made Steelclaw chuckle to himself. Taking delight in the alicorn's discomfort, as he continued. Taking a claw full of rock candy into his mouth.

"Now (sounds of chewing) I hope that you are aware that the annual dragon migration will be coming up in the next few weeks. The time of year when all the dragons across the world return to the capital of the Dragon Empire. For... well you know." Steelclaw said to Celestia, as he continue to chow down on the rock candy.

"Yes, I am aware the dragon migration. What about it?" Celestia asked the King, her words becoming more blunt with each passing second. Celestia wondering what his true end game was.

"I'm glad you asked Celestia. In the last few years our two countries have drifted apart. Though I do not blame you for this separation. I am more inclined to belief that it falls more on the claws of the kings that had preceded myself." Steelclaw began, much to Celestia's surprise. Over the years she had become convinced that without the Alpha the Dragon Empire will never find a good leader.

"What are you getting at?" Celestia asked Steelclaw, still a little suspicious of his intentions.

"I would like to invite you to join me and the rest of my dragon brothen to our migration, as a way to... mend the bond between our two great kingdoms." Steelclaw said, and his words took the white alicorn by surprise.

In front of her was a full-grown that didn't have heart filled with greed, not like all the other King's (and one Queen) that Celestia has talk to over the years. Now she had a dragon that she could honestly say deserved the right to rule over all of dragons.

As Steelclaw waited for a response he thought to himself, revealing his true intentions "Just keep up the act a little while longer Steelclaw, she is falling right into your claws, and she doesn't even realize it."

"I would be honored to travel to the Dragon Empire to witness the great migration, but I would have to decline. It would too difficult for me to leave Equestria." Celestia said, making Steelclaw frown internally.

"Damn it, you were so close!" Steelclaw thought to himself, releasing a little of his frustration, but somehow did a good job to hide it.

"But just because I won't be able to join you, doesn't mean that somepony won't be able to." Celestia continued, striking Steelclaw's attention.

"What do you mean Celestia?" Steelclaw asked the white alicorn, who smiled to delight.

"Sugarlily would you mind fetching Moon Dancer for me?" Celestia politely asked the light blue mare in front of her.

"Of course your majesty." Sugarlily said as she took off at a full gallop to find the castle's unofficial expert on dragons.

"Who is this... Moon Dancer, if I may ask Celestia?" Steelclaw asked Celestia, curious at the sudden mentioning of the pony.

"Moon Dancer is my... expert on dragons, if you will. I believe that she will of better use than I." Celestia said walking down from her throne.

Steelclaw was about to respond, only to stop when the double doors of the throne opened revealing the yellow unicorn, Moon Dancer. Moon Dancer had her nose in the book about the Alpha, she was expecting that Celestia had called her to discuss about him.

You summoned me your majesty, as it to something about the Al..." Moon Dancer began, quickly shutting herself up as she noticed the large red dragon standing in front of her. "A... Celestia... who is this?" Moon Dancer said cautiously, looking at the white alicorn in confusion, pointing her right foreleg at the dragon.

"King Steelclaw of the Dragon Empire, at your service milady." Steelclaw said to the young mare, giving her a slight bow.

"King... Steelclaw... your majesty I should be the one bowing to you." Moon Dancer said realizing who she was speaking to. Dropping to a kneeling position, placing her book about the Alpha back in her saddlebag.

Steelclaw chuckled to himself, finding a slight delight in the unicorn's awkwardness, before she starting speaking to her directly. "Your princess tells me that you are the castle's expert on dragons."

"Does she now..." Moon Dancer said, sending the white alicorn a glare that said 'what have you gotten me into'.

Celestia noticing the young unicorn's discomfort cleared her throat, catching the attention of the other nobility in the room. "Yes, I believe that Moon Dancer is the best pony for the job to join you at the dragon migration." Celestia said, making the yellow unicorn's widen as she realized what the princess had just volunteered her for.

There was a few moments of awkward silence as both the King of all Dragon and the Co-ruler over all ponies waited for the yellow unicorn's response.

More than a dozen thoughts rushed through Moon Dancer's head all at the same time. "The dragon migration, we have always wanted to go to the dragon migration. Didn't we? Oh horseapples both of them are staring at me. They're waiting for an answer. Come on Moon Dancer think, think, we want to go to watch the migration. But you mustn't seem like you are overly excited. I mean this is royalty you are speaking with."

Moon Dancer silenced her thoughts as she cleared her throat, as she began to speak to the red dragon that towered over her. "I-I would be honored to accompanying you, your majesty, during the dragon migration. I believe that the experience will help mend a few bonds between our two great kingdoms. I also believe that I would be able to study your species up close. Against the very few out of date books that I have read, I don't know much about you and your species. Plus, I have always wanted to see the dragon migration in person." Moon Dancer said to Steelclaw. Her words a surprise the King, not expecting an almost diplomatic voice coming from the young mare.

"I am glad to hear that, and I and my subjects would treat you like an honored guest." Steelclaw said, giving a slight bow to the young unicorn. Making Moon Dancer slightly blush.

"Well, I guess that settles it than. Moon Dancer you shall accompany King Steelclaw during the dragon annual migration. In a manner to both repair some relationships between our two great nations, and to learn more about your species in the process." Celestia announced, making Moon Dancer realize what had been forced into.

"No pressure, Moon Dancer. Ok little bit of pressure. Ok a lot of pressure, pressure!" Moon Dancer thought to herself, as the Steelclaw got ready to leave.

"I guess that is my cue, it was a pressure to discuss matters of such importance. It was pleasure to see you again Celestia, I hope that we would be able to talk again soon." Steelclaw said as he turned to leave the throne room.

"Again!" Moon Dancer thought at Steelclaw's words.

"As do I. I hope that you are able to return to your kingdom safety." Celestia said to Steelclaw as he left the throne room.

Outside the castle Steelclaw met up with his escort, a young white dragon with emerald green eyes. The most interesting thing about this dragon the fact that despite being in his early to mid-twenties he didn't process a pair of wings.

"How did the meeting go your majesty." The white dragon asked his king. Only for him to punch a stone column in frustration. "I'll take that as it went badly." The white dragon said, taking a step away from Steelclaw.

"So close, I was so close!" Steelclaw exclaimed to himself, not even noticing the young dragon standing next to him.

"Were the words I wrote inactive your majesty?" The white dragon asked his King.

"No Theta your words worked perfectly." Steelclaw said to the white dragon.

"Then why weren't you able to convince the princess into coming to the migration." Theta asked his King.

"Apparently she thinks that it would be too difficult for her to leave Equestria." Steelclaw said, his words filled with sarcasm.

"While she is the one of the co-leaders, so that would make a little difficult for her to leave the country." Theta said more to himself, doing his best to understand the logic behind the white alicorn's decision.

"Are you trying to defend the enemy!" Steelclaw barked at Theta.

"No, of course not your majesty. I was just thinking." Theta said trying to defend himself, not wanting to get into a fight with Steelclaw. "I don't want to fight with you, that's more something Sigma would do." Theta thought to himself, as he looked at the rage filled face of Steelclaw.

"Well, maybe you should keep your thoughts to yourself." Steelclaw barked at his suppornite. He then spread his massive wings and lifted off into the clear blue sky.

"Hey, wait for me!" Theta called up to his king, as he couldn't fly from his lack of wings.

"And have your wingless flank slow me down, when I have an invasion of all of Equestria to prepare. I don't think so. I'll see you at the migration Theta, or maybe not. I couldn't care less." Steelclaw said as he flew off. In time he became nothing more than a small red dot on the horizon as he flew back to the almost barren wasteland that made up most of the Dragon Empire.

Theta let out a heavy as he watched his king fly off into the sunset (literally), something that he meant never have the ability to do some day. "I'm no dragon. I'm a just a giant lizard that just happens to able to breathe fire..." Theta said looking behind him to see his bare back that processed no wings. "and even that is still debatable." Theta said, a tiny orange flame escaping from his mouth.

Theta then started his longer than expected journey back to his homeland, as the rightful ruler over all of the Dragon Empire rested beneath his claws. Theta unaware that their paths will meet in more ways than one.

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter took a little longer than usual. All my A.P. classes dropped a ton of homework on me (most of which required me to actually write something for them). Which made it very difficult at times for me to write this. Plus I was hit with a little bit of writer's block for both of my stories. I hope the next one will be out sooner, though. I'll see you all in the next one.

Here you guys go a chapter with more focus on the Dragon Empire and how it has run since the absence of the Alpha. I know I said that Theta would make a physical appearance in Dragon's Quest, but I just had to include him at the end. The next chapter will be "Dragon's Quest" where I will introduce one more O.C. (Sigma) who will play a vital role in this story, who will play a vital role in this story.

Celestia and Moon Dancer saying Tartarus is basically the pony equivalent of someone today saying hell.

Moon Dancer's thoughts are in the third person because I would think that from her years of isolation she would spend most of her time talking to herself, and whenever I talk to myself it is usually in the third person.

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