• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 3,014 Views, 146 Comments

The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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A Day at the Station (Equestria Girls)

Sunset continued to sob as she held the picture of her mother up to her chest. Then a thought came to her. "What am I doing?" Sunset thought to herself as her sadness quickly turned into anger. "You are the rightful Princess of Equestria. You are the one that deserves to have ponies worship the very stones that you walk on." Sunset continued as she wiped away her tears.

"Sunset, get a hold of yourself, you got to do this. No matter who Celestia is, she has to pay for she did to you." Sunset said to herself as she regained a little bit of her composure. Sunset putting the picture of her and her mother in the cup holder of her car. "Even if it might be painful in the long run." Sunset said to herself as she took one last look at the picture. Sunset shaking her head in disgust as she felt sadness beginning to take over again.

Sunset didn't spend another moment sulking as she drove back to her house. Sunset still needed to ready herself for the Fall Formal. The dance was tomorrow and she needed ready herself for her big moment for returning to the crown to Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna.

Over in the police station, Twilight was currently being interrogated by two cops inside of a small room made out of brick that had a single metal table that was bolted to the floor in the center. Twilight was sitting on one side of the table while one of the two cops was sitting across from her, the other cop was pacing back and forth behind the other cop. Twilight was never put in handcuffs during the ride over to the station, but she felt like a criminal nonetheless. Twilight's eyes venturing up at the one-sided window that was behind the two cops as she was behind her.

"I'm going ask you this again..." The cop that was sitting across from Twilight said in a direct tone. The cop was the same mustached cop that had escorted her out of the diner and her brought here in the first place. The cop that pacing behind him was a new cop that Twilight had never seen before, but he reminded her of one of the royal guards from Canterlot. Twilight guessing that royal guards became the police officers in this world. "Where were you last night at around 12:23 A.M.?" The mustached cop asked. This being the third time that he had asked Twilight this question. The cop had also asked Twilight other random questions in between asking her about

The cop had also asked Twilight other random questions like what was her name and where she went to school and where she was born in between asking questions about the high school getting broken into. Twilight assuming this be a tactic by the police in a manner to tripping her up and making a mistake. Something that wasn't going to happen. Twilight might not be like Zulu and able to come up with convincing lies within seconds, but she was still smart and was able to see through the cops tactics and use some of her own.

Twilight let out a sigh as she told the cop the same thing that she had told him the last three times that he had asked her about her whereabouts around the same time that the school was broken into.

"I like I said before, I was sleeping at a friend's because my parents were out of town and I needed a place to stay. I was a fast asleep long before the robbery took place." Twilight said to the cop. The officer looked to take her words slightly different than he had before. Twilight's hopes began to rise as the cop didn't ask her anything else.

Twilight hopes were dashed, however when the cop turned to the other officer that was behind him. "Cadet, watch her. I'll be right back. Hold any further questions until I return." The mustached cop said as he raised from his chair.

"Yes, Sergeant. Understood, Sergeant." The other cop said in response as his commanding officer left the room. The younger officer stopped pacing the room and stood up against the brick wall that was facing Twilight. The officer trying to look as intimidating as possible. Twilight saw right through his facade and dropped into a stance of boredom as she rested her chin on her left elbow.

The mustached cop walked out of the interrogation room and walked down the hall of the police station for a few feet before walking into another room. The room being much smaller than the one that Twilight was currently inside of. The room also being the room that was behind the single one-sided window that was in the interrogation room.

There was one other officer inside the room, him being the same detective that had told Twilight and Fluttershy about the school being broken into the night before.

"What do you think Detective Lightspeed, do you think that she did it?" The mustached cop asked the detective that had talked to Twilight and Fluttershy earlier that day.

"No, no I don't." Detective Lightspeed said to the mustached cop.

"Why's that?" The mustached cop asked as he walked over to his side.

"She just doesn't seem like someone who would break into the high school in the dead of night, plus both she and her friend looked genuinely surprised when they found out that the school was broken into." Lightspeed said to the mustached cop.

The mustached cop was about to ask the detective another question when the door to the control room of the interrogation room. A blue-skinned, pink haired woman officer walking in.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Sargeant Broadsword there's someone at the front desk that says that he has information about the break-in of Canterlot High." The officer said to the mustached sergeant.

"Thank you, Officer Sugarlily. Did he say, anything else?" Sargeant Broadsword asked the female officer.

"Yes, he said that he has determinative proof that Twilight Sparkle didn't break into the high school last night." Officer Sugarlily said to Broadsword. Broadsword and Lightspeed sharing a look at each other.

"Did he say what he had?" Broadsword asked Sugarlily.

"No, he didn't, but he did request that he would only discuss his information if he was allowed to see Twilight Sparkle, alone." Sugarlily said, Lightspeed and Broadsword sharing another look.

"Alright, Detective you stay here and keep an eye on her. I'll talk to whoever this is." Broadsword said to Lightspeed.

"Copy that." Lightspeed said to Broadsword as he returned his attention to that of Twilight. Her now nervously playing with her fingers.

"Alright, Officer Sugarlily, show me this man with important information that you speak of." Broadsword said to Sugarlily.

"Follow me, Sergeant." Sugarlily said as she led the mustached sergeant out of the small room.

In the mane hall of the police station, Zulu, Fluttershy, and Theta were all waiting. Theta sitting next to Zulu, the changeling turned human looking like he was about to explode in both anger and frustration.

"Zulu, are you sure that you're alright?" Fluttershy asked Zulu.

"I will be the moment that I see Twilight." Zulu said bluntly, him running his fingers through the white fur of Theta being the only thing that kept him sane at the moment.

Zulu's attention going away from the pink-haired girl and to the front desk of the police station as he saw the female officer that he had spoken to earlier that day. The female officer being followed by a mustached cop that had three upside-down triangles on the shoulder of his dark blue, almost black, police uniform. Zulu recognizing the ensigna for being the sergeant.

"He's one of the cops that took Twilight." Fluttershy whispered to Zulu as she recognized the mustached officer.

"Copy that." Zulu said sounding like a soldier on a battlefield. "Zulu, your warrior side is showing." Zulu thought as he stood up and walked over to the front desk of the police station.

"Are the man that has important information about the break-in of Canterlot High last night?" The mustached sergeant asked Zulu.

"Yes, and I assume that you know my conditions for revealing this information." Zulu said, getting an affirmative nod from the sergeant.

"Yes, follow me." Sergeant Broadsword said to Zulu as he led the changeling turned human to the interrogation room.

Twilight continued to wait inside of the interrogation room with boredom beginning to set in. Twilight's attention returned when the door to the interrogation

"Right this way, sir." She heard the mustached sergeant say as he entered. Twilight's purple eyes widening as she set eyes on her beloved Zulu.

"Thank you, officer. I hope that you will honor my wishes of being alone with Miss Sparkle. Before I will reveal my information that will say with certainty that Miss Sparkle was not responsible for the breaking in of Canterlot High." Zulu said to the mustached sergeant. Zulu's military training beginning to become helpful. Twilight being reminded of her brother as she continued to watch Zulu.

"Of course, follow me cadet. Let's give these two a few minutes alone." Broadsword said to the younger officer.

"Yes, sir." He said back to his commanding officer.

"You two have five minutes." Broadsword said as he quickly left the room with the younger cadet closely behind him and closed the door behind them. Zulu watching the two officers as they left.

"Twilight, are alr..." Zulu began to say, his words being cut off by a massive hug from Twilight. "Are you alright?" Zulu finished his question as he got a noseful of Twilight's eternal smell of old books.

"I'm fine, thank you for coming to help me." Twilight thanked Zulu as she planted a quick kiss on his lips.

"Of course, what kind of coltfriend would I be if I didn't help my marefriend in a time of need." Zulu said with a sly smile as the pair shared another kiss, this one being longer and more passionate.

"I can't decide if I either hate you or I love you right now." Twilight said as she wrapped her arms around Zulu's neck.

"Maybe you can decide after I get you out this mess." Zulu has begun to run his right hand through Twilight's hair.

"What are you going to do?" Twilight asked Zulu.

"I'm going to do the one thing that will get us out of this situation." Zulu said to Twilight, being intentionally vague.

"And what's that?" Twilight asked as she planted another kiss on Zulu's lips.

"Telling the truth." Zulu said breaking the kiss.

"Are you sure that you can do that? You have been lying for most of our time here." Twilight playfully asked Zulu.

"Hey, it might be my literal job to lie to people. But that doesn't mean that I can't tell the truth when it is needed. Besides, all of the best lies have a small amount of truth to them." Zulu said as he shared another short kiss with Twilight.

Twilight and Zulu finished their short kiss when the door to the room began to open and the two officers from earlier entered.

"Alright, you two lovebirds you've both had your five minutes, now can you both take a seat and tell us of this important information that you need to share with us." Broadsword said as he put a second metal chair on Twilight's side of the interrogation table.

"Of course, officer." Zulu said as he took a seat in the chair that was next to Twilight's. Twilight following her coltfriend and returning to seat with Twilight rest her head on Zulu's left shoulder. Zulu wrapping his arm around Twilight.

"So, what is it that you have to tell us?" Sergeant Broadsword asked Zulu.

"Right..." Zulu said as he returned his hands to a resting position on the metal desk. "I can prove that Twilight was not responsible for the break-in of Canterlot High last night." Zulu said the two officers sharing a look. Sergeant Broadsword sitting at the metal table across from Zulu and Twilight while the cadet was leaning up against the brick wall of the room behind Broadsword.

"And how can you prove that?" Broadsword asked Zulu. Twilight sent a cautious look Zulu's way.

"Because she was with me last night, and the both of us went to sleep last night by eleven last night. So unless she went through the trouble of waiting for me to fall asleep. Sneak out without waking me up or any of the people that lived in the house that we are staying at for the time being. And then walk over to the high school just to break-in and steal a crown. Then walk back and not wake me up and finally fall asleep in my embrace in the same place that I remember her being in when I fell asleep last night." Zulu said his words seeming to be effective on Broadsword. "Now Twilight may be an awesome young woman, but no one can do that, and I believe that the both of you will agree with me." Zulu said sending a loving look Twilight's way as he finished his defense of his marefriend.

"Hmm... is there anything else that you would like to say?" Broadsword asked as he stroked his brown mustache.

"I also may knew who broke into Canterlot High last night, and I don't think she did it alone." Zulu said, the two officers sharing another look.

"She?" Broadsword said, noticing Zulu's intentional choice of words.

"Yes she, I am sure that you are aware of the girl known as Sunset Shimmer." Zulu said, Twilight's eyes widening as Zulu continued. Her tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention.

"Zulu, are you sure about this?" Twilight whispered to Zulu.

"Don't worry, I got this." Zulu whispered back as he returned his attention back to the two officers.

"Anyway, like I was saying. I hope that the both of you are aware of the teenager by the name of Sunset Shimmer?" Zulu repeated his question to the two officers.

"Yes, we are, and if you are insinuating what I think you are then you are wrong. We have already check out this Sunset Shimmer and she has a confirmed alibi for the time of the robbery." Broadsword said to Zulu.

"Hmm... are sure that she wasn't just having someone else break into the school so that she could have a solid alibi?" Zulu asked, Broadsword shaking his head no as Zulu spoke.

"No, we are certain that Miss Shimmer is clear of any wrongdoing." Broadsword said to Zulu, putting him into deep thought. "Is that everything that you needed to say?" Broadsword asked after Zulu nor Twilight responded for several seconds.

"Hmm... Oh yes, I believe so." Zulu said returning to full attention.

"Excellent, I believe that this information will greatly help in this investigation." Broadsword said raising up from his seat. "Miss Sparkle, you are free to go." Broadsword said down to Twilight, her purple eyes widening in glee.

"I can go?" Twilight said, her barely able contain her excitement.

"Yes, you are free to go." Broadsword said as Twilight and Zulu rose from their seats.

"Thank you, officer."

"Don't mention it, kid, just make sure that you don't leave town until this investigation is over." Broadsword said as Twilight and Zulu walked over to where the door of the room was.

"Of course, sir." Twilight said as she and Zulu left the room.

"Do you think that she did it, Sergeant?" The cadet asked Broadsword as the door to the room closed.

"No, I don't. There are too many 'what ifs' for her to pull off a robbery effectively." Broadsword said back to the cadet. "But we still have to check out every lead that we have." Broadsword said as he picked the last pieces of paperwork.

"What about that Sunset Shimmer girl, you already said that she wasn't responsible for the break into the school, but what else do you know about her?" The cadet asked Broadsword.

"Sunset might be a troubled kid, I believe that she still has some good deep inside of her. She just needs that push to find it." Broadsword said back to the cadet.

"I see." The cadet said as the two officers rounded up the rest of their paperwork.

Outside the interrogation room, Twilight and Zulu were back to making out with each other. Them both letting out a muffled moan as they continued to kiss.

"You know a simple, you're welcome would've sufficed." Zulu said to Twilight breaking the kiss.

"I love you, Zulu." Twilight said as she moved in for another kiss.

"I know." Zulu said as the couple's lips interlocked. They continued to kiss until the sound of someone awkwardly clearing their throat, the unmistakable sound breaking the kiss.

Twilight and Zulu moving their heads to their left to see Fluttershy standing awkwardly a couple of yards away with Theta sitting next to her. The white husky sending a bored looking glare the couple's way.

"Oh, hi Fluttershy." Twilight said her face flushing pink in a blush.

"Um... hi Twilight." Fluttershy mumbled as she cleared her throat again. "How was being treated like a criminal?" Fluttershy asked Twilight, she wasn't the best when it came to talking about tough topics.

Twilight covered her mouth with her left hand as she giggled at Fluttershy's question. Twilight cleared her throat before answering Fluttershy's question. "It wasn't that bad. They treated me with respect and I can't really blame them for taking me in for questions. They have to follow every lead and I was a likely suspect given me completing in the Fall Formal." Twilight said, her logical brain trying to understand the logic of this world's police officer.

"I see, so what now?" Fluttershy asked Twilight.

"I agree with Fluttershy, we have lost a lot of time already." Zulu added to Fluttershy's statement.

"Don't worry, I have a plan." Twilight said, Zulu raising on of his eyebrows at his marefriend's words. Twilight ignored Zulu and continued speaking. "Fluttershy, where does Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked Fluttershy, her surprised by Twilight sudden question.

"She lives not that far from the school, why?" Fluttershy said.

"I explain later." Twilight said quickly as she continued to speak. "Do you think that you could pick her up and tell her to meet up at the diner."

"Um... sure. It has been a long time since I had lunch with Rainbow. I'll see you guys there." Fluttershy said.

"Good, don't worry if we are a few minutes late." Twilight said.

"Ok, I'll see you two there, I think you'll like Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy said as they began to walk toward the front of the police station, Twilight and Zulu fingers being interlocked.

"I think will Fluttershy, I think I will. We'll see you in about an hour." Twilight said as she waved her free hand at Fluttershy as she opened the front door of the police station.

"Ok Twi, I'll see the both of you in about an hour." Fluttershy said as she

"See you later, Shy." Twilight said as she watched Fluttershy get into her car.

"Twilight, what are you planning?" Zulu asked Twilight.

"I'll explain on the way. Do you know where Applejack lives?" Twilight said to Zulu.

"No, but it shouldn't be that hard to find out."

"You're looking for Applejack?" Twilight and Zulu heard from behind them. Them both turning around to see the detective that had taken Twilight had talked to earlier that day.

"Yes, you know her?" Twilight said to the detective.

"You can say that... I more know of her." The detective said as he continued to speak. "Anyway, she lives at the farm that at the edge of town. I could give the both of you a ride if you would like." The detective said to Twilight and Zulu, them both sharing a look.

"You would really do that?" Twilight asked.

"Of course, the department and I have taken enough out your day madame, and it is the least the I could do for you." He said back, a happy smile appearing on Twilight's face.

"Thank you, can you even do that?" Twilight asked the detective.

"Of course, I can, just watch me." He said as he turned his head toward the front desk of the police station. "Hey, Sugarlily!" He called out to one of the female officers, catching her attention. "I'm going on my lunch break for the day." He said to the female officer, her nodding her head at his statement.

"Ok, I'll see you in about an hour Lightspeed." She said back as she returned to whatever she was doing beforehand.

"Alright, I'll just get out of my work clothes and I can drive over to Sweet Apple Acres." Lightspeed said to Twilight and Zulu as he retreated to the locker room of the police station.

"At least it's good to know that not all things change." Twilight thought as the couple, with Theta lying down in front of them looking bored, waited for Lightspeed for a few minutes as he changed back into his street clothes.

"Ok, let's go." Lightspeed said to Twilight and Zulu as he returned from the locker room. Lightspeed now wearing a blank gray t-shirt and blue sweat pants.

"Are sure that this isn't too much of a trouble for you? I don't you to waste your lunch break for us." Twilight asked the off-duty cop.

"Don't worry Miss Sparkle, my lunch break is usually pretty boring. So I'm happy to help out on beautiful l" Lightspeed laughed off Twilight's question, the purple-skinned teenager's face flushing pink with a blush.

"I think, I'm getting some competition." Zulu teased Twilight, him getting a playful hit on the shoulder. Twilight's face only grower ever redder with a blush.

"Calm yourself, Zulu." Twilight said to Zulu as she walked past her coltfriend.

"I didn't say that I didn't like it. " Zulu continued teased Twilight. Twilight's face being almost completely red with a blush.

"I hate you, Zulu." Twilight said to Zulu, her barely able to not just laugh at Zulu's teasing.

"Aw, I thought you loved me." Zulu continued to tease Twilight.

"I'm ignoring you!" Twilight called back to Zulu as she got into the passenger seat of Lightspeed's car. It being a red four-door sedan with a front end that made it look like a bull. The car's engine roaring to life as Lightspeed started his car.

"You're having fun with this, aren't you?" Theta asked Zulu, him making sure that no one could hear him talk to Zulu.

"Oh Theta, I'm having a blast right now." Zulu said as got into the backseat of the red sedan.

"We might as well get this over with." Theta said as he climbed into the backseat of the off-duty detective city car. Lightspeed pulling his out of the parking lot of the police station and going to the edge of town where this world's version of Sweet Apple Arches existed.

Sunset arrived at the abandoned house that she used as her home base during her self-induced exile in the human world. Sunset pulled into the driveway of her home and turned off her car, but she didn't step out immediately. Her still a little shaken from her painful memory if what had happened her and her mother.

Sunset sat in her car for a few seconds as he gathered her composure, her still a little shaken from remembering the troubled past that she had with her mother. Sunset took one last look at the picture of her and her mother and said to the picture."I'm sorry mom, but I have to do this." Sunset said to herself as she got out of her car and started walking down the concrete walkway to her house.

"I'm sorry mom, but I have to do this." Sunset said to herself as she got out of her car and started walking down the concrete walkway to her house.

Sunset stopped midstep when she saw that her door to her house was opened, her vividly remembering that she had closed it before heading over to the police station to get Snips and Snails out of trouble with the local police. Given she didn't lock the door, her finding it unnecessary as she had chosen the abandoned house because it was away from everything. Not that many people even knew that she lived there, with only Snips and Snails having access to that kind of important information.

"What in Tartarus?" Sunset thought as she pulled out a small pocket knife that she had in the left pocket of her jeans. Sunset wasn't for using physical means to get her way, her relying more on her intelligence to get her way in life. Plus the mindset of teenagers definitely helped her. But she still needed a means of defending herself without her powerful magic from Equestria and a knife was the easiest and safest way of doing it.

Sunset cautious walked into the house with her knife drawn and held so that she could easily use it if she was attacked. Her ears perked up when she heard the sounds of what sounded like chewing coming from her kitchen.

"Really someone broke into my home and is now stealing my food. Oh, this person messed with the wrong mare." Sunset thought as she quickly sprinted up the stairs. Sunset stopping when she saw who or what had broken into her home and was currently eating her cereal.

"Sigma!?!" Sunset exclaimed as she set eyes on the black husky that was currently eating her cereal. Sigma having his head stuck inside the cardboard box and his ears perking up at the sound of someone calling his name.

Sigma brought his head out of the box of cereal and looked at Sunset with a smug look on his face. "Hey, Sunset, about time you got back. I was started to get worried."

Sunset was still in a state of confusion as she walked the black husky continuing to search through Sunset's fridge.

"Sig-Sigma..." Sunset stammered catching the dog's attention.

"Yes, Sunset." Sigma said as he continued to search through Sunset's fridge.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Sunset asked as she continued to stare Sigma in a state of confusion.

"I'm filling up for my journey, this place might suck to be if you're a dragon, but this place's food is awesome." Sigma said as he took a place that had a half-eaten piece of steak on it. Sigma taking a big bite out of the meat.

"You're going somewhere?" Sunset asked Sigma as she watched him eat her piece of steak. She had planned on that being her dinner for the night, well it was too late now.

"Yep." Sigma said as he threw the steak on the wood floor of Sunset's kitchen and began to tear it apart with his teeth and claws. "You're a good cook by the way." Sigma said as he took

"Thank you..." Sunset said as she began to rub her elbow awkwardly. "What is wrong with me. This is a bucking dog, why am I afraid of a mut. He can't hurt me." Sunset thought as she continued to stare at the black dog in front of her, her confusion beginning to turn fear as Sigma's teeth began to redden from the blood from the rare steak.

"Um... where are you going?" Sunset asked Sigma.

"Equestria, I have just learned of something that will help me finally defeat my brother. But need to return to Equestria in order to get it.

"Isn't there only one way to get to this world, the mirror portal. How did you get access to the portal and even further how are you going to get back without fighting your way through the rest of the Elements of Harmony and that gigantic dragon?" Sunset asked Sigma.

Sigma let out a small giggle as he answered. "There are many ways to get to this world, the mirror portal is just one of the many."

"Are you telling me that I didn't have to go through all this trouble to schedule the Fall Formal the same time that the portal was opened was for nothing. UGH!" Sunset raged internally at Sigma's words.

"Can you show me this way you are returning to Equestria?" Sunset asked, her finding it extremely beneficial to her if she could return to Equestria without having to go against three alicorns and a dragon the size of a mountain right after she gets the power of the Element of Magic.

"No, it's too risky." Sigma said as he ate the last of Sunset's steak.

"How would it be too risky?" Sunset asked Sigma with a look of confusion on her face.

"Because where I'm going is beneficial to me, not you." Sigma said to Sunset as he began to walk down the stairs.

"That doesn't help, Sigma!" Sunset called out to the black husky. Sigma movements coming to a stop mid-step. Sigma snorting angrily at Sunset's curiosity. Curiosity that would likely get her killed if she was a dragon.

Sigma slowly "Because I'm going to Tartarus, that's way." Sigma said bluntly, Sunset's teal eyes widening at Sigma's words.

"W-why?" Sunset asked.

"I'm afraid that I can't tell you that..." Sigma said as he began to walk toward the opened door. Sigma's movements "But just know that if you succeed if your takeover of Equestria. You will have my support." Sigma said to Sunset at the base of the front door of Sunset's house. Sigma wouldn't admit it out loud but he did like Sunset. Even though she did some things that irritated him. The fire burned within her was more than worth it. He could sense that she had something against Princess Celestia, he didn't know what it was. But he could tell that whatever happened between them in the past, it was more than enough for her to hate the white alicorn.

"What are you planning Sigma?" Sunset thought out loud as she watched the black husky walk away. Sunset taking the crown that contained the famed Element of Magic out the pockets of her leather jack. The magenta-colored gemstone staring back at her.

"It's time." Sunset said as she quickly cleaned up the mess that Sigma had created and got back in her car and began to drive back to the high school. Her acting skills about to be tested to what they were worth in the next few hours.

It didn't take long for Lightspeed to drive to the front gate of Sweet Apple Acres. Him putting his car is park once he reached the gate.

"This is as far as I can go." Lightspeed said to Twilight as he put his car in park.

"Thank you, we can take it from here." Twilight said as she unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the door to Lightspeed's car to get out. Twilight carrying Spike in her right arm like a running back would carry a football.

"Applejack shouldn't be that hard to find, she is probably almost done with the fall harvest." Lightspeed said as Twilight got out of the car.

"Ok, thank you." Twilight said to Lightspeed as Zulu followed her out of the car, him closing his door behind him. Theta hopping out onto the gravel road that led up to the farm.

"Don't mention it, Miss Sparkle." Lightspeed said as he took his car his car out of park. The red sedan beginning to slowly rolling backward on the gravel road.

"Thank you, and please Twilight is just fine."

"Ok, Twilight, I hope to see again." Lightspeed as he put the car into reverse and

"I feel the same way." Twilight said as she watched the red car backup and then do a quick one-eighty and drive away from the farm. The car picking up a pile of dust as it drove away.

"I like him, he's nice." Zulu said as he walked around the wooden gate of the farm.

"Really, you're not even a little jealous that he was coming on to me?" Twilight asked, her putting Spike on the ground and him following after Theta. The white husky beind at Zulu's side.

"No, not really." Zulu said as he continued to walk down the gravel road to the ranch.

"I see." Twilight said as she followed after coltfriend.

A few minutes passed as the couple continued to walk down the gravel path that led up to the ranch, Spike having hopped on the back of Theta only after a few seconds of walking. The breeze of the early autumn breeze sending a small shiver through the white fur of Theta. They continued to walk in silent until Twilight and Zulu started talking to each other again.

"Twilight, why are we even here?" Zulu asked Twilight as they continued to walk toward the large red barn that was at the top of the hill.

"We're getting the gang back together." Twilight said as the brown roof of the red barn came into view.

"Why would we need to do that, aren't they all friends here?" Zulu asked Twilight.

"Sort of, Fluttershy and Rainbow seem to be friends. Everyone else, not so much." Twilight said to Zulu.

"What do you mean?"

"It's... complicated." Twilight said to Zulu, her words making Zulu raising an eyebrow at his marefriend.

"Twi, you're talking to a changeling that has fallen in love with a gorgeous purple alicorn." Zulu said to Twilight, her face beginning to flush pink with a blush. "Trust me, I'm used to 'complicated'." Zulu said to Twilight, her covering her mouth with her left hand to suppress a laugh.

"In short, something in the last few years happened between all this world's version of my friends. Something that had made them drift apart." Twilight said as the full red barn came into view. A girl wearing a brown cowboy hat picking red apples off of a tall apple tree.

"Do you know what happened?" Zulu asked Twilight.

"I don't know what happened between everyone, but I have a good feeling that had something to do with Sunset Shimmer." Twilight said catching Zulu's attention even more.

"Why do you say that?" Zulu asked Twilight.

"It's just a feeling that I got." Twilight said as she walked a little faster.

"Hmm..." Zulu mussed as he watched his marefriend walk up to the girl that was picking apples and they began to start talking. He couldn't hear what they were saying but based on the girl's appearance he was able to work out that the girl was this world's version of Applejack.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Theta asked Zulu, Spike sitting up on the white husky's back.

"I don't know Theta, I just know that these next few hours are going to be hectic." Zulu said down to Theta.

"Zulu!" Twilight called out to him, catching his attention. "I'd like you to meet Applejack!" Twilight called out to Zulu, pointing her finger at the cowgirl. Zulu sending the two teenagers a pleasant smile.

"Come on Theta, let's get this over with." Zulu whispered down to Theta as he began to walk over to the cowgirl.

"This is about to get a little bit more interesting." Theta thought as he followed after Zulu.

Author's Note:

If the next few chapters become less frequent for the next few weeks, blame the Olympics and me watching my country of the United States kick other countries asses in Rio.

I have determined that Twilight would be most likely left-handed when she was a human based on the fact that her human counterpart is also left-handed and it is fair to assume that the Equestrian Twilight would also be left-handed when she was human. Don't ask me how I figured this out, it was a lot harder than you would think. Almost like when I determined all of the characters ages. If you are wondering about the rest of the Mane Six they are all, including Sunset, are all being right-handed based on how they play their instruments with only Pinkie possibly being either left-handed or ambidextrous.

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