• Published 8th Aug 2015
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The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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Before a Magical Mystery Cure (Twilight's Ascension)

"You can't be serious?" Shining Armor said to the three other alicorns that he shared with a small windowless stone room in the west wing of the Canterlot castle.

"Shining, are you alright?" Cadence asked her husband, genuinely concerned about his reaction to top secret news.

"No, no, no... Twily... one of you... no that can't happen." Shining Armor said to the three other alicorns, fumbling around with his words.

"You say that as if... it were a bad thing?" Cadence asked her husband, staring up at the horn that Celestia had given her when she was just a filly.

Shining Armor paused for a second before answering, noticing his error. "No, that's not what I mean at all." Shining said to directly to Cadence. "I... just don't know how to take the news that my sister will becoming an alicorn." Shining said, correctly guessing what the three other alicorn plan was. A small smile appearing on Cadence's face.

"Now, what's the plan?" Shining asked the other two alicorns.

"Well... we planned on giving Twilight one more test, to insure that she was ready to join us." Celestia explained, getting a nod from Shining Armor, despite not understanding it completely.

"Ok... what test would that be?" Shining Armor asked Celestia.

"Follow me." Celestia said, a small smirk appearing on her face, as the two other alicorns and one unicorn followed her out of the small room. Heading toward the part of the castle that held the greatest treasures of Ancient Equestria.

In the sky over Equestria, Alpha and his two apprentices were heading back the Dragon Empire to discuss the matter of Omega's supposed return with the rogue changeling Zulu.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea Alpha?" Sigma asked his mentor, as the giant dragon began to fly over the city of Manehattan, getting a few gasps of awe from the ponies below.

"Are you questioning my choices Sigma?" Alpha asked Sigma, slightly tilting his massive head toward the younger alpha that he was talking to.

"Of course not, I'm not sure that we should trust the likes of a... changeling." Sigma said to Alpha, the giant dragon slightly taken aback by Sigma's words.

"We are dragons and the Princesses still trust us." Alpha countered Sigma's argument.

"Yes, but changelings are monstrous creatures that lie, cheat, and fed off of the emotions of others." Sigma countered.

"And we are dragons, giant fire breathing creatures that care only for gold and jewels." Alpha countered, leaving Sigma without any words to interact with.

Near the end of Alpha's massive body Theta was currently talking to Zulu.

"So... how was at the hive." Theta asked Zulu.

"It was fine... I guess." Zulu said staring off into the distance toward the desert wasteland that marked the southern border of Equestria. "At least it was until..." Zulu said, stopping himself when he remembered Omega murdering his former Queen.

Seeing the distress on the changeling face, Theta quickly changed the subject. "So... what is that stick thing that you got there?" Theta asked Zulu, pointing his claw at the staff/spear thing that was attached to Zulu's side.

"Oh this?" Zulu said, slightly surprised. Getting a single head nod from Theta. "Well it's called a Warp Staff. It's chosen weapon for the most elite of my squad, or a least when I wasn't the only Shadow Hive changeling." Zulu said to Theta.

"How does it work?" Theta asked, shifting Zulu's attention back to his strange staff/spear weapon.

"You see these two emeralds?" Zulu said, pointing his hoof at the two green emeralds at the each each of the ends of his staff.

"Yeah..." Theta said, his eyes widening as he stared at the large green gems. The two emeralds shining in the setting sun.

"While when I use my magic..." Zulu began, his horn now glowing with his magic, the same color as the two gems. "And I use it on these two gems..." Zulu continued, his staff being held in his green magic, the two emeralds beginning to blow a bright green.

"Ooh pretty." Theta thought out loud, getting a soft chuckle from Zulu.

"Yes, quite beautiful, but the real important thing about this is what it does." Zulu said, getting a confused look from Theta.

"What do you mean?" Theta asked Zulu.

"This..." Zulu said as he used his magic to activate the two emeralds at the ends of his staff. A two curved blades of green fire/magic coming out of each end. The blades flashing out in small crackle sound. The two blades emitting a constant humming sound as Zulu held the newly created double bladed spear in his green magic.

"Wow!" Theta said in awe, never seeing a weapon anything like it. "How does it work?" Theta asked Zulu.

"Ancient changeling magic." Zulu said, releasing his magic from the two emeralds. His staff returning to its original form, and attaching to its holder on the right side of his body. "The weapon was created almost two thousand years ago when the first Shadow changeling, by the name of Shadow was born." Zulu began to explain the history of the weapon.

"Real original name there Zulu." Theta joked, getting a laugh from Zulu.

"Egh... the name of the first, plus his unique abilities. The name just stuck." Zulu shrugged. "Anyway, Shadow was the first changeling ever born with the ability to dematerialize their bodies into the shadows around them. As more Shadow changelings were born, they also gained the ability to use the shadows to travel to any location on the planet and spy on others. The creature being spied on being totally unaware of the changeling's presence." Zulu explained the history of his nearly excitant species of changelings.

"I see..." Theta said in deep thought. "Is that the only thing you use." Theta asked Zulu.

"Not quite." Zulu said remember the small metal that wrapped around his hoof on his right foreleg. The band made out of the same black metal that Zulu's Warp Spear was made out of, the band also had a small green emerald similar to the emerald at both ends of his energy spear. "This." Zulu said, directing Theta's attention to the band that was on his hoof.

"Yeah... what does it do?" Theta asked Zulu.

"It does this." Zulu said as he used his green magic to activate the emerald. A thick green blade of magical fire coming out of the from the small band. The green blade was about two feet long after Zulu's hoof. The blade surrounded Zulu's hoof in a protective shield of green magical fire that spilt into two smaller blades that were pointed at both edges. The blades designed to trap other swords and disarm their attacker. The two blades hummed with magical energy as small sparks jumped back and forth between them.

"Pretty." Theta said in awe of the strange sword like weapon in front of him.

"Thanks, its called a Warp blade." Zulu said, releasing his magic from the metal band around his hoof, returning it back to its harmless looking appearance.

Theta was about to ask Zulu another question when his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his mentor's voice. "Dragon Empire straight ahead, brace yourself for landing." Alpha said, as he ready himself for a landing on the desert ground of that blanketed the Dragon Empire.

Over in Canterlot, Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor were following Celestia to the part of the Canterlot Palace that held the ancient treasures of Equestria.

"Can somepony explain to me what is going on?" Shining Armor said, becoming frustrated at the secreticy of the situation.

"Relax Shining Armor, what we have to show will be worth it." Celestia said to Shining, as the small group of ponies arrived at a large blue metal door that had two unicorn's dressed in armor. The two guards saluted their Princesses and Captain and opened the door with their magic, without saying a word.

"Thank you." Celestia thanked the two guards, as she, and the rest, entered the room.

"Yes your highness." The two guards said as one, closing the door behind the royals.

What are we doing here?" Shining Armor asked the three alicorns.

"You'll see, just be patient dear." Cadence said to her husband. Shining rolling his eyes at his wife's words.

Shining Armor grumbled to himself as he continued to follow the three other alicorns through a brightly lit hallway filled with many of the treasures from Equestria ancient past. The four ponies continued up the hallway passing the large wooden chest that used to hold the Elements of Harmony before Discord's reformation.

Near the end of the hallway Celestia abruptly halted her moment in front of a white podium. The white alicorn towering frame made it impossible for Shining Armor to see what was on the podium however.

Celestia horn ignited with her golden magic as she used it to levitate whatever was on the white podium. Celestia turned around slowly to show Shining armor what she was holding in his magical aura. Shining face dropped into a combination of confusion and disappointment.

"A book... you told me in secret that you were planning to turn my little sister into an alicorn, just to show me... a book." Shining Armor said in shock, getting a muffled giggle from his wife. A small brown spiral bound notebook being held in Celestia's magic.

"This isn't just some originary notebook. This notebook was the personal notebook of the great wizard Starswirl the Bearded." Celestia explained. Shining Armor recognized the name from his little sister. Twilight used to, and did, idolize the famous unicorn. Many modern historian considering him one of, if not the greatest, unicorn of all time.

"Ok... but what does a notebook from a long dead unicorn have to do with your plan to make Twilight an alicorn?" Shining Armor asked Celestia.

"There's an unfinished spell by Starswirl the Bearded in this book." Luna answered for her sister.

"And you think that Twilight will be able to finish it. How?" Shining Armor asked, not sure how his sister could finish a spell that not even the greatest unicorn of all time could complete. Not that he doubt his sister his abilities when it came to magic.

"For the last few months Twilight has been learning about the magic of friendship, and the three of us believe that with her connection with her newly found friends, she will be in fact able to complete the spell. And by doing so she will prove that she is worthing to become the fourth alicorn in Equestrian history." Celestia said, putting Shining armor into deep thought.

"I see... but weren't you afraid that Twilight wouldn't be ready?" Shining asked Celestia, the white alicorn's warm smile disappearing from her face.

"It is true that I fear that my star student won't be ready to earn the wings that she so deserves." Celestia began, her pink eyes staring at the small blue notebook that was held in her golden magic. "But... that being said. I am certain that Twilight will be able to pass her last test as my student." Celestia said, her warm smile returning to her face.

"Great, so what's the plan?" Shining Armor asked Celestia.

"I am glad you asked. Follow me." Celestia said, the blue notebook still held in her magic. Her words getting another groan from Shining, as the royals started the long trot back to the throne room of the castle.

Alpha landed at the base of the dormant volcano that was used as the capital city of the Dragon Empire. Theta, Sigma, and Zulu slide down the side of Alpha's right wing, landing on the volcanic rock that made up most of the ground in the Dragon Empire.

"Umm... strange." Zulu commented, getting a confused look from Theta.

"Strange... what's strange?" Theta asked Zulu.

"It's just... I never thought I would ever find a place that was in worse shape than the eternal desert that surrounded the Hive." Zulu explained, getting a soft chuckle from Theta.

"Well... it's not much, but when you live here for your entire life, you get used to it." Theta said to Zulu.

"Same." Zulu agreed.

"Hurry up you two. We have much to discuss and not much time to do so." Alpha said to his apprentice and the changeling. Alpha climbing up the dormant volcano. Heading toward its peak.

"Of course Alpha!" Theta called up to his mentor, who gave a single head nod before continuing up the volcano. "Come on. Alpha's not a dragon that likes to wait." Theta said to Zulu as he ran into the entrance of the volcano. The entrance cave being guarded by two dragons, one a light blue, the other a crimson red, dressed in steel battle armor, and with two spears implanted into the ground by their sides.

Zulu swallowed an invisible apple in his throat as he feared the reaction of the guardian dragons to a changeling. Zulu slowing followed Theta toward the entrance to the cave that cut through the volcano. Theta passed through the entrance without issue, even getting a small bow from the two guards as they greeted the next possible alpha.

Zulu got the reaction that he dreaded as the two guardian dragons blocked his path into the cave by with their two long metal spears. Zulu retreated backwards as the the light blue dragon addressed.

"Changelings are not welcomed here. Now leave, or face terrible." The blue dragon said to Zulu, the point of his spear shining in the setting sun's light.

Theta heard the commotion behind him and turned around to see the two guards blocking Zulu's path. "Blue Diamond, Ruby Claws, stand down. This changeling is an honored guest that needs to discuss important matters with the Alpha." Theta ordered at the two guards.

The two guards stared at the stern expression on Theta's face for a few moments before heeding his command. "Yes... Theta." The crimson dragon said to Theta, the two dragons then returned their staffs to their original position implanted into the ground by the sides. Allowing Zulu to enter the volcano.

"You alright?" Theta asked the shaken changeling.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I could've taken them." Zulu said, staring at his staff attached to his right side. "But... thanks anyway." Zulu thanked Theta.

"Don't mention it." Theta said as the pair climbed the tunnels that cut through the volcano until they reached the peak.

The peak of the volcano was completely covered from the leftover ash from the long ago time when it was active. The old ash made the top of the volcano completely flat, to an untrained eye the dormant volcano looked more like an ashy plateau than an ancient mountain of fire.

"What took you two so long?" Sigma grumbled, crossing his forelegs over his chest as he sat in a disappointed scowl.

"Sorry bro, the place had been on high alert ever since the invasion of Canterlot." Theta said to his twin brother.

"Right... I wonder why?" Sigma said sarcastically, directing his scowl at Zulu. Who seemed to shrink at the look that Sigma was giving him. Zulu couldn't explain why he was able to stand his ground against the sheer power of Omega, but he looked like a colt in front of the scowl of Sigma.

Zulu's thoughts were interrupted by the booming, yet calm, voice of Alpha. Alpha was laying on top of the flat plateau, his tail wrapping around his body in a tight spiral. The last lights of day making his red scales shine.

"Calm yourself Sigma, Zulu is our guest." Alpha said to Sigma.

"Of course Alpha." Sigma said, climbing to his feet and walking over to where his mentor was laying down. "I just wished that he wasn't a changeling." Sigma mumbled to himself.

Alpha either didn't hear Sigma, or had just come accustomed to his constant grumbling attitude of Sigma, as he addressed Zulu.

"So... you believe that my brother is ready an attack on Equestria." Alpha said, his internal fire igniting at the mere mentioning of Omega.

"I don't believe... I know." Zulu said, taking a step closer to the giant dragon in front of him.

"Is that so?" Alpha questioned, still not completely able to trust everything that comes out of Zulu's mouth.

"Yes it is." Zulu snapped, immediately covering his mouth with his hoof. A small jet of gray smoke came out of Alpha's nostrils as Zulu continued. "My deepest apologies for my rudeness." Zulu apologized to Alpha, before continuing. "But what I say is the truth. Now I don't know what happened between you and Omega, but by what I have actually seen from Omega. I can tell that he isn't just planning to visit Equestria for old times sake. He is planning on burning to the ground!" Zulu vented at Alpha, the giant dragon keeping a neutral expression on his face as Zulu continued.

"Now, Omega may not have the size of a changeling that might have wanted, but just based on his seer size. I don't think it would matter if he had one changeling or one million changelings." Zulu said, taking a deep breathe as he finished.

"Are you done?" Alpha asked Zulu.

"Yes... I believe so." Zulu said back.

"Good." Alpha said, raising to his feet. "Now, what do you know specifically about my... brother's plans to invade Equestria?" Alpha asked Zulu, memories of his brother's betrayal against him all their years ago flashing before his eyes.

"I know he has been planning it for as long has he has been banished." Zulu said to Alpha.

"Hmm... do you know when he plans to invade?" Alpha asked.

"That, I sadly do not. However, I can take a good guess and believe that it will be very soon." Zulu said to Alpha.

"I see..." Alpha said with a slight pause in his words. "Theta would you mind finding Zulu a place that he could stay? I have a lot to think about at the moment, and would Zulu to be in close proximity just in case I have anymore questions." Alpha asked Theta.

"Of course Alpha. Follow me Zulu, I believe that the cave reserved for the elite from countries would do perfectly for your stay in the Dragon Empire. However long it might be." Theta said to Zulu, who groaned at the idea of spending more time locked up in a cave.

"Ugh... great even more time in a cave." Zulu groaned sarcastically.

"Trust me Zulu, this cave is worth it." Theta said to Zulu, as the unlikely friends descended the tunnel that cut through the volcano.

"I still don't trust him Alpha." Sigma said, expressing his opinions to his mentor.

"I am aware of that Sigma." Alpha said with a slight hint of sarcasm. "However, I do believe we should heed his words." Alpha said down to Sigma.

"He is a CHANGELING! And changelings should never be trusted." Sigma roared at Alpha.

"I am aware of that, and trust me, my apprentice, I am also weary when it comes to associating with a creature that excels the act of deception." Alpha said, an angry growl appearing on Sigma's face. "However, the fact remains that Omega is still out there, somewhere, and if he is in fact building a changeling army to destroy Equestria. Then I must be prepared for it." Alpha said, the fire rushing through his veins making his blood boil in anger.

"What are you going to do?" Sigma asked Alpha bitterly.

"I will do what I must." Alpha said staring off at the setting sun. The snowcapped mountains of the far north reflecting the sun's rays in a beautiful, yet tragic blast of rainbow colors.

"And what would that be?" Sigma asked his mentor.

"I will kill my own brother."

Back in Canterlot, Celestia small group of royals arrived at the throne room in the castle, and Celestia took a seat on the golden throne that she shared with her sister.

"So... what do we now?" Shining Armor asked Celestia.

"Now, you all do nothing." Celestia said, getting a confused look from all of the royals present.

"What?!" The three other royals exclaimed as one.

"Sugarlily!" Celestia called out, a light blue mare about the same age as Twilight, with a pink mane that could rival Pinkie's in color quickly trotted into the room.

"Yes, your highness?" Sugarlily asked, giving a quickly to the royals. "How may I serve you?" Sugarlily asked, raising to her hooves.

"Could you take a note for me?" Celestia asked the light blue mare. Leaving a confused look on both her and the rest of the royals.

"Umm... sure. Whatever you say your highness." Sugarlily said, using her bright pink magic to hold a small piece of parchment and quill. As she waited for her Princess to speak.

"Dear, my dearest and most faithful student Twilight Sparkle." Celestia began to speak, addressing a letter to her star student. Sugarlily writing down every word that her Princess Spoke.

"I, Princess Celestia, request your presence in the city of Canterlot as soon as possible. This is a matter of great importance, that I don't have the time to discuss with you at the moment. I eagerly await your reply. Sincerely yours, Princess Celestia." Celestia said, speaking a short letter to Twilight.

"Sincerely yours, Princess... Celestia." Sugarlily said finishing the letter. "Ok, done." Sugarlily said happily.

"Great! Send it." Celestia said, a frown appearing on Sugarlily's face.

"Umm... Princess. I don't know the spell for postal delivery." Sugarlily said, getting a understanding look from Celestia.

"Right, let me do that for you." Celestia said taking the piece of parchment in her golden magic. Celestia horn slightly glowed a little brighter as she cast the mailing spell on the letter, sending it to Twilight.

"Now... would that be all Princess?" Sugarlily asked Celestia.

"No, that be all Sugarlily. Thank you for your assistance." Celestia thanked the light blue mare.

"Your welcome Princess." Sugarlily said, giving a bow to her, as well as the other royals, as she exited the throne room.

"Really... a letter that's it." Shining Armor said to Celestia, his words filled with disappointment.

"Clearly you don't know your sister that much, Shining. I'd bet that Twilight would packing her bags as I speak." Celestia said to Shining as the scene switched to the treehouse library in Ponyville.

"Spike, Spike, Spike!" Twilight called as she bounced around her library, looking for literally anything that she might have to use in a trip to Canterlot to meet with Celestia. Twilight receiving the letter from the Princess only a few seconds earlier.

"Yes, Twilight. What is it?" Spike asked Twilight, still recovering from burping up the letter.

"Do you know where my Mysteries of the Everfree Forest Volumes 1-3 is do you?" Twilight asked her number one assistant. Getting a disappointed frown from Spike. "Well..." Twilight said, waiting for any response from Spike.

"Twilight do think that, that, is really necessary?" Spike asked the purple unicorn, him vividly remembering the last time Twilight had overstressed on a mission from Celestia. Ugh... her smartypants doll was never the same way again after that one.

"Do you remember the last time the Princess requested me to come to Canterlot?" Twilight said, directly her own question at Spike. Spike went into deep thought has he remembered getting her 'test' to save the Crystal Empire from Celestia the last time they had visited Canterlot.

"I guess you're right." Spike sighed in defeat.

"Of course I'm right. Now if being prepared for anything that might happen, includes me getting a series of books that I might use. Then so be it." Twilight said with confidence that could have rivaled the Princesses. "Now, are you going to help find those books or not?" Twilight said, returning to searching her unbelievable amount of books.

"Did you check under M?" Spike asked the purple unicorn, a small blush appearing on her face.

"No..." Twilight said, bolting over to the part of the library that shelved the books from K-N. "Found them! I found them!" Twilight exclaimed, finding the books in question. Spike only rolling his eyes at the unicorn adorkableness.

"You would be completely helpless with me." Spike said for to himself.

"I would not!" Twilight called out to Spike, getting a soft laugh out of the purple dragon. Has he continued to help Twilight prepare for her meeting with the Princess. Fully unaware of that her fate was going to change so much in the next twenty-four hours.

Author's Note:

What is with me and doing three part finales. Well anyway, Magical Mystery Cure Part 1 will be released next week, and Part 2 the week directly following.

Gargon94, I hope you like my version of the origin story of the Shadow Hive and its weapons. I imaged the sound of Zulu's staff/spear and Warp Blade activating being very similar to that of a lightsaber. Which is what they basically are. I also imaged the Warp Blade that Zulu had would look similar to the Energy Sword from Halo, just green and smaller.

In case you are wondering the first Shadow Hive changeling by the name of Shadow is in fact the same changeling by the name of Shadow in "Some Wounds Never Heal".

This is also the return of Sugarlily, hmm... I haven't had her in a chapter since "King Steelclaw". Wow that seems so long ago. Anyway, she might appear again, maybe, I don't know. I making this shit up as I go along. Speaking of Steelclaw will he return? I don't know maybe. Again, I am making this up as I go along.

I've said this once and I will say it again. I like Twilight better as an alicorn.

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