• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 3,014 Views, 146 Comments

The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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One Long Night at Shy's (Equestria Girls)

Twilight entered the kitchen/dining room of Fluttershy's house to find that Fluttershy and her parents were all sitting at a wooden dining room table eating dinner. Fluttershy's dad sitting at the head with his wife at his right and his daughter at his left. Them all eating some kind of spaghetti and meatballs. Twilight's stomach turning as she saw the rolled up pieces of meat.

"Um... I don't wish to sound rude. But is there something vegetarian that I could eat instead?" Twilight asked catching the attention of the family.

"Oh, I am sorry my dear." Fluttershy's mom gasped as she stood up from her chair and walked over to the stove. "I should've told you what we were making and adjusted accordingly." She said as she made a plate of spaghetti without any meatballs for Twilight. "Sorry honey, I should've been more considerate." She as she handed Twilight the plate filled with the vegetarian food.

"Don't worry about, it's fine really." Twilight said as she took a seat at the table next to where Fluttershy's mom was sitting. There was a pounding of steps on the stairs as Zulu appeared out of the corner of Twilight's right eye. Zulu wasn't wearing his leather jacket anymore, and this was the first time that Twilight could see that green shirt that he was wearing underneath. The shirt being an emerald green t-shirt with the words 'Give me your love' written in black letters with a darker shade of green outline on it. Twilight couldn't stop herself from giggling a little bit at the words on Zulu's shirt.

Zulu being followed closely by Theta, him still having a slight limp in his right foreleg. A small smile appearing on her face as she watched Zulu fill his plate with spaghetti and meatballs. Zulu not seeming to be bothered by the balls of meat that he was placing on his plate. Maybe changelings were omnivores, she didn't know. She really needed to learn about Zulu and the rest his species if they were really going to get into a serious relationship.

"I hope you don't mind eating meat." Fluttershy's mom said to Zulu as he took a seat at the table next to Twilight, the couple's hands interlocking. Theta lying down next to Zulu.

"Not at all, meat is my favorite way of getting energy, but I won't shy away from eating it if I have to." Zulu said as he used his fork to take a bite of the food in front of him. Twilight giggling at his words.

There were a few moments of silence as they all ate when Fluttershy spoke, her noticing that a certain member of their family was oddly not present. "Mom, Dad, where's Zephyr?" Fluttershy asked her parents as she was almost done with her dinner.

"Zephyr?" Twilight said confused, her never hearing that name before.

"My little brother." Fluttershy explained to Twilight as she turned her head back to her parents.

"Fluttershy has a brother! Huh, she never mentioned having a brother. I'll ask her about him once I get back." Twilight thought has the gears in her head began to turn.

"Zephyr said that he was spending the night at one of his friend's house and should be home sometime tomorrow." Fluttershy's mom said as she put her finished plate in the sink before walking back over to the table.

"Oh, ok." Fluttershy said as she returned to her dinner, Twilight hearing Fluttershy mumble something underneath her breath, but she couldn't make out what she was saying.

There were a few moments of silence until Fluttershy's mom began speaking to Twilight and Zulu. "So, how did you two meet?" She asked, Twilight's eating coming to a stop. Her plate being almost completely finished.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked, her not sure if she was asking her about Zulu or her daughter.

"You and Zulu, you said that your parents were both away on business, does that mean that you are siblings?" Fluttershy's mom asked and both Zulu and Twilight's eyes widened at the question. There interlocked hands breaking and them both shaking their heads back in forth.

"No, no, no! Zulu and I aren't related." Twilight denied, before turning her head to Zulu. "We aren't related, right?!" Twilight asked her coltfriend with genuine concern in her voice.

"Not that I'm aware of." Zulu said with the levels of shock in his voice that his marefriend had.

"Oh, I apologize for the question." Fluttershy's mom apologized.

"It's ok, but no. Zulu and I aren't related, were just friends." Twilight said, waving off the middle-aged woman's words.

"Close friends." Zulu added, Twilight sending a playful glare his way before returning to her plate. Fluttershy looking like she was enjoying every second

"But the question still stands." Fluttershy dad said, entering the conversation. Twilight sending a knowing look Zulu's way. Him always seeming to be able to come up with believable lies on the spot.

Zulu didn't disappoint as he answered Mr. Shy question with probably his best lie yet. "It was actually our parents that were how we met." Zulu said as he finished his plate.

"Really, how's that?" Mr. Shy asked as Zulu put his plate in the sink.

"Well, both of our parents work for the same company so whenever they went on business trips we would spend time at each others house. Which house we were staying at changing every so often. It just happened that our parents left for an unplanned business trip well we were at school today and neither of us had a key to our respective places." Zulu lied in an almost perfect explanation. If Twilight didn't already know that he was lying she might have actually believed him. "Speaking of which, I would just like to thank you again for allow us to stay here until our folks get back." Zulu added as Twilight finished her plate.

"Don't mention it, dearie, I couldn't have you searching for a place to live after having your dog getting attacked by another." Mrs. Shy said taking a took at Theta, who was sleeping next to the chair that Zulu was sitting in.

"And again, thank you. I don't know what would've happened to him if we didn't find your daughter." Zulu said, Fluttershy's face flushing pink in a blush. Theta opening his eyes that the mentioning of his name. A thought, though it being very pessimistic coming to his mind.

"I would've been perfectly fine. Sigma wouldn't have left me alive if he wanted to kill me. He has bigger plans for me yet, this was nothing more than a sign of dominance over me." Theta thought as he internally sighed. Three days earlier he was a warrior taking on a dragon the size of a mountain and now look at him. He was nothing than an injured animal with a cone of shame on his head. Some fall from grace.

"Oh please, all I did was make sure that he didn't bleed out. It was the animal shelter that did all the help to Theta. I was just the one that made it so that they could do their job." Fluttershy said modestly.

"That's still worth celebrating!" Mrs. Shy exclaimed as held up his glass that was filled with soda.

"Mom!" Fluttershy groaned as the blush on her face only got bigger. The pink-haired teen burying head in her hands.

"What I can't celebrate when my daughter does something great, nope I think not. Clears for my daughter!" Mrs. Fluttershy said as she made a toast for her daughter, whose face was now completely red in a blush of embarrassment.

Twilight and Zulu just laughed as they went along with the toast. Twilight mouthing 'I'm sorry.' to the blushing teen that was still hiding her face behind her hands. "Well, I want to thank you again for the meal, and I hope that this carrying forward into the rest of our stay here." Twilight said as she stood up from her chair and placed her empty plate in the sink.

"I hope the same to all of you." Mr. Shy said as dinner came to an end.

The next few hours went by without that much excitement. Fluttershy and Twilight returning to the pink-haired girls room and having 'girl' talk for the next few hours while Zulu returned to the room that he would be staying in for the foreseeable future. Zulu didn't really mind being alone in the room. He liked being alone, especially in the dark.

Zulu didn't really mind being alone in the room. He liked being alone, especially in the dark. Zulu's night vision might not have been as good as it was when he was a changeling, but it was still a lot better than most humans. Zulu chalking it up to some of his changeling genes staying with him through the portal.

Plus Zulu wasn't completely alone, he still had Theta. Who now was in full reign to speak as the walls of his room blocked out most words from coming out of it. It was a good thing to because Zulu needed someone to talk to about something that had been bugging him for the last two days.

"Hey, Theta!" Zulu called out to the white husky. Theta laying on top of a pile of blankets that worked as a makeshift bed.

"Yeah?" Theta said the changeling turned human's words catching his attention.

"Are you busy? I have to talk to you about something." Zulu asked Theta, him getting an expected snort from the white dog.

"Zulu, I'm an injured dog with a cone on my head. I'm everything, but busy." Theta said sarcastically, Zulu not being able to suppress a laugh from Theta's sense of humor.

"At least he can find humor even the worst of scenarios." Zulu thought as he went back to the topic that he wanted to discuss with Theta. "Theta have you ever been in... a relationship?" Zulu asked Theta. Zulu's question taking Theta a little off guard.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Theta asked Zulu, him moving into a sitting position on his bed.

"I mean like a romantic relationship. You being with someone that you care for." Zulu said, his words putting Theta into deep thought.

"Oh, not really. I mean, I remember having a crush on another dragon when I was just a hatchling. But that was years ago, I don't even remember her name. Amber I think was her name or something like that. So, I guess not." Theta said as the image of a blue scaled dragon appeared in his mind. He dismissed the mental image. As he asked Zulu his own question. "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious." Zulu said as he rolled over to his back and looked up the ceiling. The laughter of Fluttershy and Twilight from above beginning to make him rethink if he truly like being alone in the darkness.

"Does this have anything to do with Twilight?" Theta asked catching Zulu's attention.

"Wait, what!? "Ah! Shit!" Zulu cried out as he rolled off the bed and fell to the carpeted ground. "H-how did you know?" Zulu asked as he struggled off of the floor and got into a sitting position.

"Seriously Zulu, I might be a dog now, but I'm not stupid. You and Twi might think that whatever the two of you are is secret, but I can guarantee that almost everyone knows about the two of you." Theta said, Zulu letting out a sigh at his statement. "What's wrong, Zulu?" Theta asked Zulu.

"I don't know Theta, I guess I just fear that something will happen that will drive us apart." Zulu said as he buried his head in his hands. Zulu let out another sigh as he changed the subject slightly. "What about you Theta, have been seen anyone that has caught your eye?"

Theta's sore muscles tensed up at Zulu's question, but he answered it anyway. "There's a mare back in Equestria that I... like." Theta said if his fur allowed it he would have been blushing. The image of the grayish-yellow unicorn that he had an unexplained attraction to appearing in his head.

"What's she look like?" Zulu asked, a laugh coming from Theta as he continued to think of Moon Dancer.

"She looks like Twilight." Theta said, Zulu now being whose muscles tensed up.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Zulu all but ordered at Theta.

"It's not what you think." Theta said waving his paws in denial.

"Then what do you mean?!" Zulu snarled at Theta, him sending the white husky a death glare his way.

"I mean that she looks almost identically to Twilight, nothing more, nothing less." Theta said.

"Oh, so what do you mean that she looks almost identically the same?" Zulu asked Theta, him calming down.

"I mean that literally, she looks a lot like her, who wouldn't be surprised if you thought that they were twins. Aside from her having a yellowish-gray coat and a red mane with purple and pink highlights." Theta said, a happy smile appearing on Theta's face as he continued to think of Moon Dancer.

"Have you asked her out yet?"

"No, I don't even know if she interested in mean, besides I'm a dragon and she's a pony. That's just not natural."

"You're talking to a changeling that has fallen in love with the newest alicorn princess of Equestria. Trust me if you look up the word unnatural up in the dictionary up you would find 'the relationship between Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria and King Zulu of the Changeling Kingdom'." Zulu said with a laugh, Theta more paying attention to his choice of words.

"Do you love, Twilight?" Theta asked, Zulu's happy smile disappearing from his face.

"I... I don't know. Twilight told me that she loved me yesterday, but I'm not sure if she was just screwing with me back then." Zulu said to Theta.

"Hm... I see. Well, it's getting late and it looks like we are going to have a long day ahead of us. So good night Zulu." Theta said seeing that their conservation about mares was going nowhere and decided that it would be best just to turn in for the night.

"Yeah, right. Good night Theta." Zulu said as laid back on top of his bed.

"Good night, Zulu." Theta said with a yawn as coiled up into a ball and went to sleep. His letting out a small snore as he slept.

Zulu continued to stare up at the ceiling above him, the sounds of Twilight and Fluttershy talking coming from above him. He could tell what they were talking about, but from what he could hear. He could tell that they weren't talking about stuff as he couldn't hear any laughter coming from them.

"I wonder what they are talking about?" Zulu thought has he was greeted by the sounds of silence again. "Hello, darkness my old friend." Zulu said as he continued to stare up at the ceiling above. His body drifting in and out of alertness as he continued to lay on top of the bed.

Inside Fluttershy's room, the two friends were in resting on Fluttershy's bed laughing as Twilight listened to stories that Fluttershy told her about her friends.

"Wait, you and Rainbow really did that?!" Twilight said in a fit of laughter.

"Yeah, my parents think that she is a bad influence on me." Fluttershy said with a small giggle.

"Clearly, at least you had some good times with your friends. At least, when you were friends." Twilight said with an internal sigh.

"Well, not all of us broke apart." Fluttershy said, catching Twilight attention.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked Fluttershy.

"Well, Rainbow and I still hand out with each other from time to time, it isn't as often as it was before me and Pinkie stopped talking to each other. But at least we still do things together. It's awkward, but still civil around Rarity and Applejack. It is more just me and Pinkie that have a problem." Fluttershy said, her face flooding with guilt as she remembered when she yelled at Pinkie.

"What about every...one else. Do they still hang out?" Twilight asked she needed to know just how far Sunset's sabotage of her friend's relationship was.

"I know Applejack still helps Pinkie out with her parties by supplies all of the food and drinks, but other than that. Not really, her and Rarity were friends but had completely different interest and usually butted heads. So, they don't really talk that much either." Fluttershy explained with Twilight nodding her head in understanding. Twilight logging all of the information for future usage. "Rainbow and I still hang out, but other than that I don't know what she does with the others. She's usually at practice for one of the many teams that she plays for, right now. I here that Rarity is the one that designs the uniforms for the school teams, but other than that I don't know anything else." Fluttershy said a thought coming to Twilight's mind.

"What about Pinkie? Do you know what she's been doing lately?" Twilight asked, Fluttershy seeming to tense up at the question.

"I haven't really to Pinkie after I blow up on her during the fundraiser, but I do know that she had a falling out with Rarity not too long ago. I don't know that details of it, but all I know is that Rarity stopped talking to her long afterward. As I know Pinkie has been busy planning the Fall Formal dance, mostly by herself." Fluttershy explained to Twilight.

"Sheesh looks like everyone turned against Pinkie." Twilight thought out loud.

"Not necessary." Fluttershy said, catching Twilight's attention.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked Fluttershy.

"Well, even though I don't get along with her. Rainbow keeps telling me that Pinkie is sorry for what she did and that she still wants to be friends with me." Fluttershy said, adding some more information for Twilight to logged for later use. "I don't know if what she telling me is true, but Rainbow has never been anything but loyal to me in the time that I have known her, so she might be right." Fluttershy said more to herself as the door to her room was opened and Fluttershy's mom walked in.

"Ok, girls I know that you two are having fun, but it's time to go to sleep." Mrs. Shy said from the doorway.

"Oh come on mom." Fluttershy said in a fake debate with her mother.

"Sorry honey, but it's a school night and the both of you need your rest." Mrs. Shy said.

"Ok mom, were going to bed." Fluttershy submitted defeat.

"Good night, girls." Mrs. Fluttershy said as she closed the door to her daughter's room.

"Good night, mom." Fluttershy called out to her mother as she crawled underneath the covers of her bed.

"Good night, Mrs. Shy." Twilight called as she climbed into a purple sleeping bag that was next to Fluttershy's bed. Spike climbing on top of her and curling up into a small ball.

After a few minutes of Twilight trying to fall asleep, she heard Fluttershy call out to her. "Twilight, are you awake." Fluttershy asked, Twilight's eyes opening and rubbing her half-asleep eyes.

"I am now." Twilight sarcastically groaned. "What is it Shy?" Twilight asked the pink-haired girl, Twilight sitting up on her elbows.

"I never got to thank you." Fluttershy said to Twilight sitting cross-legged on her bed. Fluttershy's words taking Twilight by surprise.

"Thank me! Thank me for what?" Twilight asked putting her index finger at herself.

"For what you did to Sunset Shimmer earlier today. You standing up to her, no one has stood up to Sunset. Especially for me." Fluttershy thanked Twilight. Twilight truly beginning to understand just how much power Sunset had over the students of Canterlot High.

"Um.. don't mention it, it wasn't that big of a deal. I did and I would gladly do it again." Twilight said to Fluttershy, her now sitting on top of her sleeping bag.

"But it is a big deal. You have done something that no one in this school has even dared to do, and you play it off like it is just another

It is isn't that weird, trust me, Shy. I have taken on things far scarier than Sunset Shimmer." Twilight said catching Fluttershy's interest even more.

"Like what?" Fluttershy asked

"Take your pick, I got everything you would want. A traitorous alicorn that made the sky into eternal darkness, a chaos spirit that turned all of us into our opposites, an army of shapeshifting changelings, a shadow pony that tried to make slaves of the crystal ponies, and don't forget the dragon that was the size of a mountain." Twilight thought as she named off of the enemies that she defeated in last few months that would make Sunset look tiny, with some of them that being literally.

Twilight erased those thoughts from her mind as she gave Fluttershy the answer she was expecting. An answer that wasn't entirely false. "Bullies, I had to deal them a lot at my old school. So Sunset isn't that big of an issue to me." Twilight said to Fluttershy.

"Oh, I see. While your braver than I'll ever be Twilight Sparkle." Fluttershy said as she began to lay back down on her bed.

"Only because you have haven't seen your full potential yet." Twilight thought as she began to lay back down in her sleeping bag. Twilight was about to try to go back to sleep when Fluttershy called out to her again.

"Twilight, I have one more question." Fluttershy said catching Twilight's attention.

"Yeah, what is it?" Twilight asked Fluttershy.

"What's the relationship between you and Zulu?" Fluttershy asked, Twilight's muscles tightening up at the question.

"Why... why do you ask?" Twilight asked Fluttershy her words being shaking.

"I know you said that you weren't related, but how close are the two of you?" Fluttershy asked Twilight.

Twilight's heart began to beat faster as she tried to come up with an answer to Fluttershy question. She wasn't like Zulu, she could come up with convincing lies on the spot. That was when a stunning revelation came to Twilight. "This is Fluttershy. I don't have to lie to her." Twilight thought as her heart rate returning to normal.

"Zulu and I are close. You could even say that we are dating if you would." Twilight said with a small laugh.

"Oh, really!" Fluttershy said, her interest being stuck even further. "Does your parents know that you are dating?" Fluttershy asked, Twilight remembering the lie that Zulu used from dinner.

"They do, but it's not really our parents that are the issue." Twilight said, catching Fluttershy's attention even more.

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked Twilight.

"It's not really my... parents that are the problem, it's my friends that are." Twilight said as she never expected all of her friends to be 100 percent on board with her dating a changeling. She knew that Applejack was ok with her and Zulu as she hadn't spilled their secret. A secret that probably didn't even exist anymore. But she didn't know how the others would react.

"How's that? Zulu's a great guy, why wouldn't your friends like him?" Fluttershy asked Twilight.

Twilight bit her lip as she tried to come up with a convincing answer. She let out a sigh of defeat when she couldn't find one and said to Fluttershy. "It's complicated, I just fear that they wouldn't approve of him once they find out about us." Twilight said to Fluttershy.

"Twilight, I'm not really if it's my place or not, but here're my two cents." Fluttershy said sitting crossed-legged on her bed. "If your friends can see through whatever it is that you fear would drive them away from Zulu then they don't truly deserve to be your friends." Fluttershy said and Twilight heart instantly began to beat faster. "Now I am not saying that they have to like you being in a relationship with him, but they must be able to accept it." Fluttershy added, Twilight beginning to feel a little better.

"Thank Shy, well I think it's about time for us to finally go to bed." Twilight said, her getting all that she needed from Fluttershy.

"Right, well good night, Twilight." Fluttershy said with a yawn. Fluttershy climbing back underneath the covers of her bed and rolling over to his right side, away from Twilight.

"Good night, Fluttershy." Twilight said as she laid down completely inside her sleeping bag, but she didn't go to sleep. Fluttershy might be a good analog for her friends, but she wasn't them completely. She needed more and there was only one other person that she could ask about her relationship with Zulu, and that Zulu himself.

Twilight waited in her sleeping bag for several minutes until she was sure that Fluttershy had fallen asleep before she finally got up and began to sneak out of the room. Her movements didn't go unnoticed by everyone, however.

"Twilight, where are you going?" Spike whispered out to her.

"Shh." Twilight quietly scolded Spike, her sending a look Fluttershy's way. Twilight letting out a sigh when the pink-haired girl's slumber continued. "Don't worry, I'll be right back, hopefully." Twilight whispered to Spike as she quietly opened the door to Fluttershy. The moonlight from the hallway shining into the room.

"You're going to see Zulu, aren't you?" Spike asked Twilight running over to her side.

"Yes, yes I am. I need answers and he is the only one that here that can give the answer that I need." Twilight said to the purple dog as she took a step out of the room.

"Ok Twi, and if this helps." Spike whispered his green eyes staring directly into Twilight's. "I'm glad that you have found somepony that loves you. I might not like what he is, but I know that he's love for you is real, and that's all that matters to me. And I hope that everypony else will feel the same way." Spike said with a smile.

"Thanks, Spike, and I hope so too." Twilight said as she closed the door and began to tip-toe through the halls of the house heading down the stairs and toward Zulu's room.

Zulu had been resting on top of his bed for almost an hour in boredom. He had almost fallen asleep a few times before that when he heard a knock on his door. The knock didn't seem to disturb the sleeping body of Theta, who continued to sleep away with a quiet snore coming from him.

Zulu was about to ask who was there when whoever was behind the door spoke to him. "Zulu, are you awake?" The person asked from behind the door, it was Twilight.

"Yeah." Zulu said to Twilight.

"Can I come in?" Twilight asked from behind the door.

"Sure, I'm not doing anything important." Zulu said and the door to his room opened. Twilight walking into the room and closing it behind her.

"I hope that I didn't wake you." Twilight asked in a whisper, her seeing Theta sleeping peacefully in his own bed of blankets.

"Not at all Twilight, I just haven't been able to put myself to sleep." Zulu said to Twilight as he sat up on his bed.

"Zulu, can I ask you about something?" Twilight asked Zulu as she took a step closer to him.

"Sure, take a seat." Zulu said patting a spot on the bed next to him. A spot that Twilight quickly filled, Zulu wrapping his arm around her shoulders in a loving hug.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Zulu asked Twilight moving in for a small kiss on her left cheek. His attempt at physical contract coming to a halt when Twilight out her hand in front of his lips. A look of confusion appearing on Zulu's face as Twilight spoke to him.

"I wanted to ask you about..." Twilight began to say, her head turning away from Zulu.

"Yes." Zulu urged Twilight to continue, him already knowing what she was wanted to talk to him about. He wasn't stupid, he could tell that Twilight was having seconds thoughts about the two of them being in a relationship. She had all of the warning signs.

"I wanted to talk you about us." Twilight said and Zulu's face along with the arm that was wrapped around Twilight's body dropped. Even though he was expecting her words, they still hurt to hear. Zulu's gaze falling away from that of Twilight and onto the white wall that was directly opposite to that of the bed that he was sitting on. Zulu's gaze eventually falling on the sleeping body of Theta. Zulu guessing that he wasn't really sleeping as he could see a slight twitch in Theta's ears as if we was listening to every word that was being said.

"What did you want to talk about?" Zulu asked Twilight, he couldn't look at her. He truly wanted to, but he just couldn't force his head to turn toward her direction.

"I just wanted to know if we could actually work?" Twilight asked, her feeling bad for even bringing up this issue to Zulu.

"Of course, we can." Zulu said turning to face Twilight and placing his hands over hers.

"What about my friends? What if they don't approve of us?" Twilight asked Zulu looking him directly in his green eyes.

"Then they can go to Tartarus." Zulu said bluntly, his hands squeezing Twilight's tighter.

"Wh-what?!" Twilight said, her completely shocked by Zulu's words.

"I don't wish to speak ill will of your friends, I'm sure there all great." Zulu said as he tried to explain himself.

"There the best." Twilight thought as Zulu continued.

"But if they don't approve of us then that's their problem, not ours." Zulu said with the same bluntness as before, his words sounding very similar to those of Fluttershy.

"What about Cadence, Shining Armor, and my parents. What if they are against us being together?" Twilight asked Zulu, her leaning up against his chest.

"Twilight, I can see Cadence and Shining Armor being weary of us being together, but I'm sure that in time they will come to accept us. Once they see that our love for each other is pure." Zulu said and another thought came to Twilight mind, she thought she had grown past this, but apparently, she was wrong.

"Is your love for me pure?" Twilight asked Zulu. Zulu being physically hurt by her question as he lifted his hands away from hers.

"Twilight, I thought that had gone passed this." Zulu said to Twilight as he balled his left hand into a fist.

"Thought so too, but I still need to make sure that no matter what happens to us that you will stay with me." Twilight said to Zulu.

"Twilight..." Zulu said with a sigh before continuing. "I love you, and even if others might not believe it to be true, it is." Zulu said as he cupped his right hand around Twilight's cheek. Twilight's muscles loosened at his touch and all of her worries seemed to disappear.

"Prove it." Twilight said slyly with her purple eyes filled with desire.

"With pleasure." Zulu said as he planted a passionate kiss on Twilight's lips. Twilight let out a moan of pleasure as she wrapped her arms around Zulu and tackled him onto the bed. The bed shaking slightly as they continued to make out.

Zulu was the first to notice where this was going and broke the kiss before things could go any further. "Twilight is this want you really want?" Zulu asked Twilight through heavy breathing.

"Yes." Twilight said as she removed her shirt, revealing a dark purple piece of fabric that contained her breasts. Twilight eyes burning with desire and lust as the logical part of her brain shut down.

"Are you sure?" Zulu asked as he stared up at the beauty that was above him.

"Yes, I want you to become one with me." Twilight said to Zulu, her eyes filled with lust as she moved in for another kiss.

"Please don't." A small voice called out from across the room. Zulu and Twilight's eyes both shooting toward the source of the sound. Them both finding the green eyes of Theta staring back at them with a look of pure terror on his face.

"Theta!" Zulu and Twilight both said as one, both of their faces flushing pink with a blush. Twilight's even more so than Zulu's. "Theta, how much of this have you seen?" Zulu asked as Twilight climbed off of him. Twilight running her hands through her hair anxiously.

"More than enough." Theta said still in a state of terror.

"It's ok, Theta we weren't going to do anything." Zulu said sitting up and putting a reassuring hand on Twilight's shoulder. Twilight shaking her head at Zulu's words.

"I highly doubt that." Theta said as he rolled over to face the wall that was across from Zulu's bed. "If I hadn't said anything you'd already be halfway inside of her by now." Theta said as tossed one of the blankets that made up his bed over his body. Twilight's blush only increasing at the husky's words.

Zulu saw the distress on Twilight's face and body language and she needed someone to reassure her that everything was alright. "Twilight, it's alright." Zulu said to Twilight in a calm voice. The nearly topless girl shaking her head no.

"No, Theta's right." Twilight mumbled as he buried her head in her hands.

"Of course, I am." Theta called out, Zulu sending a glare the dog's way. Theta being lucky that he was facing away from the changeling turned human's rage.

"If he hadn't said anything we would be in of middle of having..." Twilight began to say before falling silent. She didn't have to finish for Zulu know what she was talking about. Twilight looking down at her chest in shame, a small purple fabric being the only thing that kept her from being completely topless.

"I know Twilight, I know." Zulu said as a thought came to his mind. "But, yeah that still doesn't mean that we can't that we can't spend the night with each other company." Zulu said as he gave Twilight back her shirt, something that she quickly put back on.

"I guess so." Twilight said as she leaned up against Zulu's chest and a yawn escaped passed her lips.

"Besides, you look like you need a good night's rest." Zulu said as wrapped his arms around Twilight.

"Agreed." Twilight said with another yawn as the couple laid down on the bed. Zulu pulling the covers over the both of them. Twilight feeling warm and safe inside the tight embrace of Zulu.

"I love you." Twilight whispered as she gave a quick peck on Zulu's cheek before turning over to her side and closing her eyes. Twilight leaving the waking world and heading straight into dreamland.

"I love you too." Zulu whisper as he kissed Twilight on the cheek before closing his eyes. Zulu quickly following after his beloved into the land of dreams.

Theta couldn't stop himself from smiling at the sight of the couple in their loving embrace. "Good night you love birds." Theta whispered as he also closed his eyes. Theta drifting off into a pleasant dream including a certain yellowish-gray unicorn.

Over at the edge of town inside an abandoned house, around midnight, Sunset finally regained consciousness.

"Ugh! My head." Sunset groaned as she sat up on her bed, the girl with the head of fire rubbing the back of her neck. "Sigma!" Sunset called out into the empty room. "Uh, strange." Sunset thought out loud when she got no response. "Sigma!" Sunset called out the name of her 'business' partner again, her getting no response again.

"Where in Tartarus is he?" Sunset thought out loud as she walked through the house looking for the black husky. After a few minutes of searching through her empty house, she gave up and went back to her bedroom and laid on her bed.

"Ugh... I guess he just left." Sunset said a little disappointed, she was truly hoping that she would be able to continue working with Sigma. Despite his less than traditional ways of getting what he wanted. That's was when she remembered something that Sigma had said to her before falling asleep.

"Why don't you steal the crown." Sunset remembered Sigma telling her. His words being one of the last things she remembered before falling asleep for reasons that she didn't know.

"That just might not be a bad idea." Sunset thought out loud as she took her phone of her pocket and called one of her minions, Snails to be specific.

"A... hello." A half-asleep Snips said over the phone to Sunset.

"Snips, thank you for answering. I need you and Snips to do something very special for me." She to Snails as she ran a finger through her raging fire for a head of hair.

"What is it Sunset?" Snips asked with a yawn.

"I need the both of you to go over to the school and borrow the crown for the Fall Formal for me." Sunset said to

"Isn't that illegal?" Snips asked Sunset, him saying in a manner that made it seem that what Sunset was suggesting was nothing new to him.

"It is, but the both of you have done far worse things for me before." Sunset said, her mind coming up with something else that could guarantee that Snips and Snails would do whatever she would ask of them. "Plus, if you succeed I would let you and Snails do whatever you desire of me." Sunset added slyly in the best way to sound sexy.

"Anything?" Snips asked Sunset, her smiling as she knew she had him wrapped around her finger.

"Anything, within reason, of course." Sunset said, making sure to keep her dog on a tight leash for the time being.

"Alright Sunset I'll call Snails and we'll be right over to the school." Snips said to Sunset.

"Excellent, I'll be over to make sure that you two don't screw this up." Sunset said with a devilish smile on her face.

"Don't worry Sunset we won't let you down." Snips said as Sunset heard sounds of things clanging in the background as Snips gathered all of things needed to break into the high school.

"I have full confidence in the both of two." Sunset said with a fake smile, her trying to sound as convincing as possible given how many times they have both screw things up.

"Thank you Sunset, me and Snails will met just out the school in ten minutes." Snips said as he ended the call. Sunset letting out a sigh as her plan was quickly falling away from her original plan of taking over Equestria.

"These idiots are going to buck this up." Sunset said to herself just after he ended her call with Snips. Sunset gathered up all of the equipment that she needed in order to break into the school, something that was a lot easier than it sounds as she had done it many times before. All of which she never got caught for.

"Let's get this over with." Sunset sighed as she put her key into the ignition of her car and it roared to life. Her car wasn't the greatest in the world, but it served what she needed and that was all she cared about at the moment. She could deal with having the best of everything once she was the Queen of Equestria, and that Element of Harmony was going to be her ticket to the train of success. All of these thought of takeover of Equestria making a devilish grin appear on Sunset's face.

"Yes, just wait, Equestria. You are about to have a change in leadership." Sunset said to herself as she pulled out of her driveway and started driving down the dirt road of that lead up to the abandoned house that was her home. Her heading directly toward Canterlot High and supposed victory.

Author's Note:

I apologize for the longer than usual wait for this chapter. I was down at my grandma's in Salina, Utah over the weekend and couldn't write this story. It was also a little difficult to write the between Zulu and Twilight. I am back and should be able to return to the one chapter per week that I have been able to do for some time now.

In case you guys are wondering, I really don't know when I will be finished with Equestria Girls. I hope to get through the mane plot of the movie within the another two or three chapters, but even that might not be enough. But even so no matter how long it takes me to do it. I will make it through Equestria Girls and start going into Season 4.

The dragon that Theta says that he had a crush on when he was just a hatchling is meant to be Ember from "Gauntlet of Fire". Strangely, the first time I watched "Gauntlet of Fire" I actually thought her name was Amber.

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