• Published 8th Aug 2015
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The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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And the Starting of a New (Manehattan Arc)

Theta continued to follow Gold Star down the hallway of large cells. The occasional roar reminding Theta that he was, in fact, in a prison. Theta began to realize why Gold Star, along with the other officer referred to him as a mindless beast.

"We have the dragons that we captured held back here." Gold Star said to Theta, pointing his hoof down a dimly lit hallway of the cell block. The roars of his fellow dragons being an eerie calling for him top we captured held back here." Gold Star said to Theta, pointing his hoof down a dimly lit hallway of the cell block. The roars of his fellow dragons being an eerie calling for him to proceed.

"I guess I leave you to whatever you intend to do." Gold Star said to Theta, turning to leave.

"Thank you, Gold Star, and no hard feelings for what happened earlier." Theta said to the captain. "You had no clue as to who I really was, you were just doing your job. The same as the job that I was brought to Manehattan to do." Theta said to Gold Star, a smile spreading across the mustached pony's face.

"Thank you, Theta. I, along with the rest of my men, will be right down the hall." Gold Star said to Theta.

"I will do." Theta said to Gold Star, as the officer pony was now halfway down the hallway that leads to the cell block.

"Ok Theta, let's get over with this." Theta said to himself, as he began to walk down the hallway.

Has Theta began to walk down the hallway the countless roars from her fellow dragons came to a halt. Them soon being replaced by the dragons speaking in a language that very few ponies knew. The ancient language of from the dragon's past. A language that is only spoken when dragons want to hide secrets from other non-dragons.

Theta heard from the other dragons. "I wonder who they got this time." Theta heard one of the dragons say, him being able to get the main idea out of the slight differences between the two languages.

"I bet it was Silverpaw." Theta heard one of the dragon's say.

"Nah... wait is that who I think it is?" The first dragon, the dragon returning to the language that they regularly spoke. All of the dragons in the cell block taking notice of Theta. Theta never felt comfortable being the center of attention.

"Huh, I guess not even 'royalty' is immune from capture by these beasts." Theta heard the other dragon. Theta taking great offense to his fellow dragons referring to ponies as beasts. Something that Theta usually heard ponies call dragons.

"I wasn't captured." Theta began to say, the two other dragons falling silent. "But I would like to know how you both were. And more importantly were the rest of your fellow rogue dragons are." Theta said to the dragon that was talking a scrap about him earlier. The dragon gulping. Theta didn't like being seen as an aggressor, but it was what it took to get some information. Then so be it.

"My apologies, your highness..." The dragon began to speak to Theta. Theta interrupting the dragon.

"Theta, please call me Theta." Theta corrected the dragon. Him continuing not missing a beat.

"Right... Theta, anyway... wait a second." The dragon began to say to Theta. A thought coming to his mind.

"What?!" Theta asked not really interested in what this dragon was thinking about, he was just wasting his time.

"Weren't you, along with the other Alpha banished by Omega?" The dragon asked. Theta's muscles tensing up.

"I was, but that was before Omega was defeated. Our true has returned." Theta said, knocking down the dragon last words. "Now tell me dragon where are the rest of your rogue friends?" Theta asked the dragon. The said dragon rolling his eyes as he answered.

"Why should I listen to you. I am a citizen of Equestria. I don't follow the command of the Alpha." The snarked at Theta. Theta's irritation toward this dragon only growing.

"You are still a dragon, and all dragon must heed the call of the Alpha." Theta roared, the ignorance of his fellow dragons beginning to get on his nerves.

"Eh... I wouldn't follow a dragon that hasn't shown himself to be a great leader even if I was being forced to do so." The dragon said to Theta, and the white dragon snapped. Theta's eyes flashing blood red and his scales turning a dark gray.

Theta reached through the steel bars, grabbed the disrespectful dragon by the neck, and slammed him up against the bars. Theta's blood red eyes burning through the other dragons. Then Theta began to speak to him. Theta's voice much deeper than it was before.

"Now listen here." Theta whispered to the dragon, making sure not too loud enough to close an alert. The emotional brain was trying to stop him from turning to the darkness that had captured his brother while the logical part was fighting back. Them both knowing that time was running out. Needless to say, but his logical brain won out.

"You may not care for the Alpha, you might not even like him as a ruler." Theta continued to whisper roar at the dragon. His red eyes burning through the terrified dragon that he was speaking. "But you better respect him. Because if one baby alpha can walk in her and kick your ass. Just image what a full grown Alpha the size of a mountain and with an army of other grown dragons can do to you." Theta finished, letting go of the dragon's neck. His eyes still burning red.

The dragon that Theta was interrogating fell to the stone ground, his eyes filled with terror as the gray alpha dragon continued to stare at him with flaming eyes.

"Now..." Theta began to speak again. Him dropping down the eye level of the terrified dragon. "Tell me. Where are the other rogue dragons!?" Theta roared, his voice echoing off of the brick walls of the cell block.

The dragon that Theta was integrating gulped down an invisible apple in his throat as the gray dragon's red eyes continued to bore into his soul.

"I will only ask you this only one more time." Theta said to the terrified dragon, his the steel bars of the cell keeping Theta from tearing the dragon apart. "Where are the other dragons!?" Theta roared at the other dragon.

"The fashion distinct. The fashion distinct, that's all I know. I swear, just please don't hurt me." The pleaded to Theta.

"Good, you have been most helpful." Theta said to the dragon, his eyes returning to their original green while his scales stayed gray. Him leaving the cell block to meet back up with Rarity.

Inside the mane office of the police station. Rarity was having the time of her life learning the ins and outs of Manehattan life from the other officers. Rarity's fun was interrupted by the sounds of Theta returning to the office. It taking a few moments for Rarity to recognize her friend. His scales still a dark gray.

"Theta, is that you?" Rarity asked Theta.

A look of confusion appeared on Theta's face when he heard Rarity's words. Her confusion was understood the moment that Theta looked down at his paw, his gray scales being a massive wake up call to him.

"Oh!" Theta said more to himself, his gray scales returning to their original white color. "Yeah, it's me Rarity." Theta said to the white unicorn, him being shot with a needle filled with guilt. He had promised himself to not become like his brother, but that was just what he had done.

"Theta, are you alright?" Rarity asked Theta, her vividly remembering that Sigma's scales turned black when he had betrayed his own brother. Rarity trotting over and placing her hoof on the knee of Theta's foreleg. This was Theta realized how much bigger he was then his pony friends.

"No wonder they thought that I was a monster." Theta thought, remembering his less than stellar introduction to Manehattan.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." Theta said to Rarity briefly pausing. "I just lost a little bit of myself back there." Theta said, looking down the hallway that led to the cellblock. The hallway slightly darker than Theta had first remembered it.

"Are you sure?" Theta heard Rarity, snapping him back to reality.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Theta faked a smile.

"Ok, were you able to find out anything out from the dragon prisoners?" Rarity asked Theta, changing the subject.

"The dragon told that the rest of the rogue dragons are in..." Theta began to explain. Him being interrupted by Rarity.

"The fashion distinct." Rarity said, leaving a look of pure confusion on Theta's face.

"Wait... you already knew this?" Theta asked Rarity, shocked that she had already known this information.

"Yeah, the captain was so kind as to give me the reports of the most recent dragon attacks, and I used my keen eye to notice that the fashion distinct was the most commonly attacked region of the city. As I had guessed earlier." Rarity said, doing her best Twilight Sparkle impression. A sight Theta would've giggled at if it wasn't for the fact that he had to borderline torture dragon just to get information that he could've just asked one of the officers for the same information.

"The universe must hate me or something." Theta thought to himself, him blankly staring off into nothingness.

"A... Theta are you sure your ok?" Rarity asked Theta, waving hoof in front of his face. Snapping Theta out of his self-destructive trance.

"Hey, I'm fine." Theta said to Rarity, returning to reality. "Come on Rare." Theta said to Rarity, turning to leave the police station.

"Where are we going?" Rarity asked Theta, running to catch up to him.

"The Fashion Distinct of Manehattan." Theta said to Rarity, her blue eyes lighting up. "We just have something good happen today." Theta said more to himself as he left the police station. Rarity's face dropping at the dragon's words.

"What happened in that cellblock?" Rarity thought out loud, exiting the police station soon afterward.

Back in the ruined remains of Canterlot Twilight's friends were waiting for the return of Twilight and the other Princesses. Just as a way to pass the time, and to avoid boredom. They decided to start asking Zulu a bunch of questions about what it is like to be a changeling.

"So..." Applejack began to ask Zulu, not sure how to say the question in her head with tack. "What is it like..." Applejack began to continue, her falling silent again. Zulu already knowing what Applejack was trying to ask him.

"What is it like to be another pony?" Zulu said to Applejack, guessing her question. Applejack slowly nodded in response.

"Yeah, that." Applejack said shyly. A small giggle coming from Zulu.

"While you are asking the wrong changeling." Zulu said to Applejack. Leaving both Applejack and Pinkie Pie in a state of confusion. Fluttershy still over at Zecora's hut treating Rainbow Dash.

"What do you mean?" Pinkie Pie asked Zulu.

"Well... I'm a special kind of changeling." Zulu said with a small chuckle. "I am what is known as Shadow changeling, and by being one I have the ability to warp into the shadows around me. Making me, and the rest of my rare species of changelings perfect spies." Zulu said to Applejack and Pinkie Pie, them both nodding as Zulu continued.

"However, by doing so. We lose the ability to shapeshift into the forms of other ponies like every other changeling." Zulu explained, him never finding his inability of shapeshifting as a weakness. A shapeshifting changeling can be able to infiltrate the defenses of a country, but even the best changeling will get discovered eventually. A shadow changeling just has to shadow travel into the room that a secret meeting was being held and learn information that would be nearly impossible for a normal changeling to acquire.

"What is it like?" Applejack asked Zulu, leaving him in a state of confusion.

"What is what like?" Zulu asked Applejack his own question.

Applejack just rolled her eyes as she reasked her question. "Has it ever difficult for ya without being able to... you know." Applejack said to Zulu, still not sure how to ask the changeling about his biology.

Zulu giggled at the earth pony's awkwardness, but he answered the question anyway. "No, no I haven't." Zulu said, the ponies becoming even more intrigued as he continued. "I have never found my inability to change form as a handicap." Zulu said.

"How is it. To you know, walk in the shadows?" Pinkie asked Zulu.

"It is rather difficult to explain. Zulu said, rubbing his chin with his holed hoof. "In the most simple terms it is sort of like walking on a pillow of nothingness." Zulu said, not really sure how to explain what walking in the shadows feels like.

Applejack was about to ask Zulu another question when the surprising loud voice of Fluttershy broke the silence around the three ponies.

"Girls, Girls, Girls!" Fluttershy called out to her friends.

"What is it Fluttershy?" Applejack asked Fluttershy, a little panic in her voice. "Is something wrong?" Applejack added as the yellow pegasus caught up to the trio of ponies.

"No, no, not at all. In fact I have some very good news." Fluttershy said excitedly. "Where's Rarity and Twilight?" Fluttershy asked, not seeing her other two friends.

"Twi's helping out Princess Celestia while Rarity is in Manehattan helpin' out Theta." Applejack explained to Fluttershy. Fluttershy's face dropping a little bit at the news, only for her excitement as what she had come to tell her friends about had returned to her mind.

"That's ok, anyway what I came here to tell you about." Fluttershy said, her excitement returning.

"And what would that be?" Pinkie asked Fluttershy.

"Dashie's up!" Fluttershy exclaimed, her beginning to sound a lot more like Pinkie Pie.

"Really!" Applejack and Pinkie both exclaimed at the same time. Zulu assuming that the yellow pegasus was referring to the cyan pegasus that was almost killed by Sigma.

"I thought Rainbow wasn't even able to stand earlier?" Applejack asked Fluttershy.

"She was." Fluttershy said, pausing for a few brief seconds before continuing. "But the strangest thing. About a half an hour ago she was able to get up and walk around Zecora's place. She still isn't 100 percent, but it's a start." Fluttershy said.

"Ok, let's go see her then." Applejack said, the three friends taking off to see their wounded friend.

"Zulu, are you comin'?" Applejack asked the changeling when she noticed that he wasn't following.

"I better not, most ponies react very well to the presence of changelings." Zulu said to Applejack.

"I'm sure that Zecora would love the extra company. I also think that Rainbow would be very grateful for you saving her life." Fluttershy said.

"Eh... I guess it couldn't hurt." Zulu said, catching up to the other three ponies. The three ponies and one changeling disappearing into the darkness of the Everfree Forest.

Theta and Rarity continued to travel through the streets of Manehattan, Rarity in a state of awe at as she put it.

"The excellence and grandeur that is Manehattan!" Rarity exclaimed as the odd pair continued to stroll through the large city.

"Um... very nice." Theta said disinterested, Rarity movements coming to a halt at the dragon's comment.

"Theta what is wrong with you?" Rarity asked Theta, her question taking the white dragon by surprise.

"What?" Theta said, half turning to face Rarity. A piercing glare and frown on her face.

You heard me." Rarity said, continuing to glare at Theta. "Ever since the who talked to those dragons in those cells, you have been different." Rarity continued, Theta unable to keep looking at the glaring unicorn.

"I know." Theta said defeated, Rarity taken a little by surprise. "I have been different." Theta said, his eyes shifting up towards the massive skyscrapers in the city. The only things that were made by ponies that made him actually feel small.

"Then what happened to you?" Rarity asked Theta, trotting a little closer to the white dragon. Even though the angle where rarity was standing wasn't the best she could've sworn that she saw small tears forming in the green eyes of Theta.

"I... I... it's not that important." Theta said dodging the question, beginning to walk further down the streets of Manehattan.

"No, it obviously is." Rarity said, running in front of Theta in order to block his path. "So, what happened?" Rarity pressed, Theta letting out a heavy sigh.

"I know." Theta said to Rarity, giving a brief pause. "Rarity, do you remember what happened when Sigma... betrayed me." Theta asked Rarity. His words burning like acid in his mouth.

"Yeah... he attacked you." Rarity said to Theta, not sure how to handle speaking to Theta about his brother's betrayal.

"Yes... but he did more than just that." Theta said giving a slight pause. "Do you know what happened to him just before he attacked me?" Theta asked Rarity, turning his head to look directly at the white unicorn.

"He's... he's scales turned black." Rarity said, beginning to realize where Theta was going with this.

"Yes, yes they did." Theta said, his green eyes staring into Rarity's.

"But what does that mean?" Rarity asked.

"An alpha's scales are the visual representation of an alpha's moral standing in life. The darker an alpha's scales go. The darker than soul becomes." Theta explained to Rarity. "The same goes for their eyes." Theta added.

"So that's what happened to Sigma." Rarity thought out loud.

"I should've noticed it earlier." Theta said more to himself. "I should've seen the signs." Theta continued beginning to stare off into the distance, his self-destructive rant coming to an end when he felt the light hoof of Rarity on his paw.

Theta's eyes bolted down towards the white hoof on his scales to see Rarity staring up at him. Small tears in her blue eyes.

"Theta, no pony, or dragon, could've predicted what had happened to Sigma." Rarity said to Theta, the white dragon giving her a seemingly forced smile.

"I know, Rarity." Theta said, beginning to walk down the streets of Manehattan. "Come on, we still have a job to do." Theta called back to Rarity, the white unicorn running to catch up with her dragon companion.

Fluttershy lead Applejack, Pinkie, and Zulu to Zecora's small hut inside the Everfree Forest. Zulu coming to a halt when he saw the small hut.

"What is it?" Applejack asked, noticing that the changeling had stopped.

"Zebra." Zulu said simply, changelings not having a very nice relationship with the horse-like creatures from Zebrica. Tartarus, changeling didn't have that many good relationships with species other than their own.

"Oh, yeah Zecora is a zebra. I thought I mentioned that earlier." Fluttershy said, rubbing her chin in thought, her clearly not have told Zulu of Zecora.

"I know, Zebras and changelings have never had the best relationship." Zulu said, scratching the back of his head.

"Uh, I'm sure it will be fine. Zecora's is the bestiest zebra I have ever met." Pinkie said to Zulu hoping into the small hut that was Zecora's home.

"Ok, whatever." Zulu said with a little laugh at the ridiculousness of Pinkie Pie. Zulu following the other two ponies into the small straw hut.

Zulu entered the small straw hut and he had his breath taken away. The hut decorated with many tribal masks from Zecora's homeland. A large black cauldron in the middle of the mane room of the hut. A green liquid inside the cauldron, the green liquid giving the room a lime-green glow. Zulu's eyes wonder throughout the small hut until they fell on the body of the cyan pegasus whose life he had saved less than a week later.

Rainbow Dash was wondering around the small room. Her right side still wrapped in protective white gauze. Rainbow still having a slight limp in her right foreleg. Her silent grunting every time she put weight on the recently broken limb.

"Rainbow!" Pinkie exclaimed, tackling the pegasus in a hug. Rainbow yelping out in pain.

"DAMNIT! PINKIE!" Rainbow cried out, Pinkie quickly pulling out the hug. A look of confusion on her face, her confusion leaving when she realized the gauze still wrapped around her friend.

"Oh, right you're... hurt." Pinkie said, looking down at dirt floor of Zecora's hut.

"I almost died Pinkie, when are you going to get that through your thick skull!" Rainbow snapped at Pinkie, her injured foreleg cradled up against her side.

"I'm sorry, I just get... excited." Pinkie whimpered, small tears forming in her eyes.

"Huh, clearly." Rainbow spat at Pinkie, limping away from the pink earth pony. Her repeating "Ouch!" every time she took a step on her right foreleg. Pinkie collapsing onto her haunches as her friend limped away.

"Are you ok?" Fluttershy whispered to Pinkie, placing a hoof on her shoulder.

"Yeah..." Pinkie whimpered to Fluttershy, wiping away some of her tears with her hoof. "Why can I never do anything right?" Pinkie said, her puffy mane seeming to deflate as she continued to stare down at the dirt floor.

Fluttershy took a look behind at Applejack and Zulu, not sure how to comfort the crying pony.

Zulu's eyes drifted over toward the limping pegasus. Rainbow grumbling to herself. Rainbow holding a brown bag in her mouth. Her shaking a few green herbs out of the bag and placing them on a wooden table inside the room. Rainbow grinding up the herds with her left forehoof and eating the herbs. a chill going down her spine. The herbs coming from some kind of plants used for healing.

"Where's Zecora?" Applejack asked Rainbow.

"She left to get more herbs not long after Fluttershy left to get you guys." Rainbow said bluntly before disappearing behind a blue curtain.

"Wow... is she always this intense?" Zulu asked as Rainbow disappeared behind the curtain.

Fluttershy rose from comforting Fluttershy when he heard he say "I'm alright." and began to start talking to Zulu.

"No, she has just been through a lot." Fluttershy said to Zulu.

"I see..." Zulu mumbled. "So who is this... Zecora?" Zulu asked the other two ponies, the door to the small hut opening behind them.

"I hear someone has come to my tree. Looking for me." A hooded figure that Zulu assumed was Zecora said. Zulu taking note of the figure's strange ability to speak only in rhyme.

"Yes, Zecora. This is our friend Zulu." Fluttershy introduced the changeling to Zecora. The zebra taking off her hood. Her blue eyes staring directly into that of Zulu's. Her expression kept neutral and impossible to read by a normal pony.

Zulu, however, being able to sense the animosity that he had expected from the zebra.

"Pleasure to meet you, Zecora." Zulu said to Zecora, extending one of his forelegs for a hoof shake. A gesture that Zecora didn't return. Her responding simply with...

"Charmed." Zecora said to Zulu, breaking her rhyming just once. Zecora trotting over to the same wooden table that Rainbow had used earlier, using her mouth to place a bag filled with special herbs on the table.

"So... how has Rainbow Dash been doin'?" Applejack asked Zecora, trying anything to relieve the awkwardness inside the small hut. Zecora letting out a sigh of relief at mentioning of her latest patient.

"I have great news. Your friend is expected to get be rid of the blues." Zecora said, returning to her rhyming. Her rhyming didn't always make sense, but it made her interesting to talk to.

"That's good to hear." Applejack said to Zecora.

Zecora trotted over to the cauldron in the middle of the room and placed some of the herbs from the bag into the large pot. A rush of gasses coming out of the pot as each different herb was placed in the pot. The green liquid turning to a more teal color.

"Ha perfect!" Zecora exclaimed. "This will a make a perfect elixir, I predict." Zecora continued to speak to herself. Using a large wooden spoon to take a sip from a the black cauldron A warm smile coming to her mouth as she tasted the potion.

"Yes, yes, I do believe that this will rid you friend from the blues. That she had received from her bruises." Zecora said, pouring some of the teal liquid into a clay flask and handing it to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy didn't need to be told what to do. This had become a daily routine for her. Zecora would go into the forest and find some special herbs and make some kind of potion for healing Rainbow. Then she would give the said potion to Rainbow. Fluttershy knew that she liked helping out her animals, but she had never considered helping other ponies. Maybe she should be a nurse after this is all over with.

Zecora watched her assistant for the last week disappear behind a blue curtain with a smile on her face. A smile that left her face when she laid eyes on Zulu.

"I wish not to sound blunt. But why have you brought to me this grunt?" Zecora asked both Applejack and Pinkie Pie. A scowl on her face, a changeling the last thing she wanted to deal with today. At least, outside of a full grown dragon.

Applejack was about to defend Zulu, only to stop when Zulu held up his hoof. He had dealt with dragons the size of a mountain he could handle a single zebra.

"I never wished to bring discomfort unto you, Zecora." Zulu said to Zecora, the zebra's expression beginning to lessen. "I just wanted to make sure that Rainbow Dash was alright." Zulu said to Zecora. The zebra a little confused as to why a changeling would be concerned in the well-being of her latest patient.

"Why would a changeling like yourself. Consider oneself. With the well-being of my latest patients. I do wonder your intentions." Zecora said, doing her best to stay in rhyme.

"I just wanted to make sure that my actions of saying her life were worth it." Zulu said to Zecora. Zecora surprised at a changeling was the one that had saved Rainbow from certain death.

Zecora shifted her eyes toward Applejack and Pinkie Pie for confirmation of the changelings words. The ponies both nodding in agreement. Applejack still having a tough time believing that Zulu had saved them from certain death at the claws of Sigma.

"Huh, I guess judged you with just my eyes. I guess should've heeded my own advice." Zecora said, the two other ponies sharing a laugh at the mentioning of when the Mane Six misjudged Zecora the first time she came to Ponyville.

Zulu didn't know why the other ponies were laughing, he figured it was just an inside joke and continued to speak to Zecora. "I don't blame you. If I was in your situation. I would've probably reacted the same way.

"I see. Would you mind having some tea." Zecora said to Zulu.

The four then trotted over to the small wooden table and shared a cup of herbal tea made by Zecora. Zulu drank from his cup of tea, not wanting to offend Zecora more than he already had by not drinking the beverage that she had offered to him. Despite him being a changeling and not having to eat or drink anything to survive, his diet coming completely from the emotions of other creatures.

The four continued to drink and share stories about the insanity of the last week. Zecora's interest of Zulu continuing to grow as he recounted how he escaped from the changeling hive from Omega.

The stories came to an end when Fluttershy emerged from behind the blue curtain that led into Rainbow's room.

"How is she?" Pinkie asked Fluttershy, still feeling bad for causing her friend pain.

"She's sleeping right now. But I think she is alright." Fluttershy said to her friends, sitting at the small wooden table next to Applejack.

Hours in the small hut seemed to pass quickly as the five ponies continued to speak about whatever they wanted to talk about. The topic at hoof changing every ten to twenty minutes or so. Zulu continuing to think.

"I could get used to this... pony stuff."

Over in Manehattan, the sun was beginning to set. The sun's rays reflecting perfectly off of the harbor that surrounded the large island that made up most of the city.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" Rarity said to Theta, coming to a stop to admire the sun setting beneath the skyscrapers of the city. Rarity placing her front hooves over the metal railing that was on the edge of the harbor.

"I guess so." Theta said to Rarity, him seeing much better sunsets on top of the dormant volcano that made the capital of the Dragon Empire. It's sunsets being one of the high points of leaving in an inhabitable wasteland for most ponies.

"Ahh..." Rarity sighed, taking in the beauty of the world around her. "You know what Theta?" Rarity said, turning her head to face her dragon companion.

"What?" Theta said to Rarity, turning his attention anyway from the sunset and to the white unicorn at his side.

"I never expected a dragon like yourself to be so... well nice." Rarity said, Theta having to take a step back at the unicorn's words.

"What do you mean?" Theta asked Rarity, him slightly offended at her question.

Rarity noticed the offense on Theta's face and instantly began to explain her question to Theta.

"No, no, not like that, darling." Rarity said to Theta, waving her hoof back and forth. "I was curious, since all other dragons that I have met. When they are full-grown they are well... jerks." Rarity said, Theta getting a better understanding as to what she was saying.

"What about Spike?" Theta asked Rarity. Driving the white unicorn into deep thought.

"Well... Spike is sweet, but I remember when his internal greed got the better of him." Rarity said to Theta, remembering nearly destroyed Ponyville. A better of example for Spike coming to her mind. "Besides, you saw what happened to Spike when he was under Omega's control." Rarity said to Theta. Theta taking a single look down at his side. Him still having a little when he breathed from his fight with Spike.

"I see..." Theta said, pausing as he stared out at the harbor. The waters turning an almost peach color from the setting sun. "I guess, I'm just... different." Theta said to Rarity, a genuine smile coming to his face as he stared back at Rarity.

A single yawn passed from Rarity's mouth as the two stared into each other eyes. "Ah... I guess that ours cue to call it a day." Rarity said, taking her hooves off of the railing and onto the cement sidewalk by the harbor. "Come on, I know a great hotel in this part of the city that we can spend the night in." Rarity said to Theta, leading him into a cheap (by Manehattan standards) hotel by the harbor.

The hotel about a ten story building made out of brick. The entrance to the hotel having a red carpet that led into the lobby of the hotel. Theta impressed by the enginery of the ponies of this city.

Rarity trotted into the hotel in question without a word spoken to her. The pony at the door even tipping his hat as the white unicorn trotted inside. The door stallion being a gray unicorn with teal eyes and a standard brown mane and tail. The stallion wearing a blue uniform for the hotel. Rarity lowering her head to the door stallion in thanks as she entered.

It was Theta where they hit, an expected snag. As Theta approached the door to the hotel's lobby the door stallion closed the door in front of him and stepped in front of Theta. Theta taking a single step back.

The door stallion and Theta engaged in a staring match for a few seconds before the pony began to speak.

"No... whatever you are allowed inside the hotel." The door stallion said to Theta. Theta snarling in response. He thought being referred to as a beast by the officers was bad, but this... this made Theta blood begin to boil.

"Might I suggest something to fit your... kind better. Like maybe the Central Park Zoo, perhaps." The door stallion said to Theta, and he was about to explode. His temper was halted, at least for now by the voice of Rarity.

"Is there a problem here?" Rarity asked, seeing the enraged expression on her friend's muzzle. The wheels inside Theta's brain turning. Thinking up the best ways to roast the pony that was currently staring him down.

"Yes, madame there seems to a beast trying to get into the hotel, but worry miss. I have the situation under control." The door stallion said to Rarity. Theta's anger only increasing with each passing second.

A look of disgust appeared on Rarity's face. Her not believing how quickly the pony that had greeted her at the door with kindness changed when he was in front of a dragon. The very dragon that had just saved Equestria no less.

"I don't see any kind of beast." Rarity said, coming to the defense of Theta. Surprising both the door stallion and Theta. "The only thing I see here is my friend." Rarity continued Theta taken by surprise at Rarity referring to him as a friend. "Now, if you would so kind... step aside!"

"Now, if you would so kind... step aside!" Rarity ordered at the door stallion, him taking not just one, but five steps backward. "Come on, Theta." Rarity said to Theta, storming back into the lobby of the hotel.

"Damn, what a mare." Theta thought to himself before following Rarity into the hotel.

Rarity was forced to rent the largest room that the hotel had available just to be able to fit Theta. Many of the ponies inside the hotel sent concerned glazes and nervous whispers when they saw the white dragon inside the hotel. Glazes and whispers that were immediately silence when Theta shot the pony giving the gesture toward him a death glare. The brightly lit hotel lobby making Theta's white scales shine.

The brightly lit hotel lobby making Theta's white scales shine. Theta probably would've admired the beauty that his scales were able to create if it wasn't for him being both mentally and physically exhausted from the chaotic last twenty-four hours of his life.

The elderly mare that was behind the resignation desk handed Rarity the key to the room that the two would share for the rest of their stay in Manehattan. Rarity booking their hotel room for two full days.

"Do we really need one extra day?" Theta asked Rarity.

"You know, just in case." Rarity said to Theta. Theta playfully rolling his eyes at the mare's answer. Who was he trying to stop a fashion pony from spending as much time as possible in the fashion capital in Equestria.

Theta followed Rarity to their hotel room, and the room earned its price tag.

"Wow!" Theta said in awe, his breath taken away from the elegance of the hotel room.

The hotel room was massive, easily being able to hold not just one but two full grown dragons. The walls we as white as Theta's scales. The decals of the wall being in the shape of many golden suns. Theta would've been surprised with the sun's were actually made out of real gold. There was large King sized bed in the far end of the room. The bed being made out of mahogany wood. The bed having five or so white pillows at the base of the bed. There being two nightstands on either side of the bed, both of them being exactly the same and made out of the same wood that the bed was.

"I thought you said that this place was cheap?" Theta asked Rarity, still in awe.

"Oh, it is, more Manehattan at least." Rarity said to Theta, a laugh coming from her. "And remember we did book the largest room in the hotel." Rarity said to Theta, trotting over to the large bed.

"Now..." Rarity began, turning to face Theta. "Do you want the bed or not." Rarity said in a manner that Theta knew that there was only one correct answer.

"I'll sleep on the floor, you can have the bed." Theta said, Rarity doing a poor job to had a smile of victory from the white dragon.

Theta walked over to a section of the room that was clear of any kind of furniture and laid down, his long tail wrapping around his body as his placed his head on top of his front claws. Rarity hopped on the bed, and her body snuck into the soft mattress. Rarity gasping at the softness at the of the bed.

"Comfortable?" Theta tensed Rarity, seeing the relaxed expression on her muzzle.

"Loads." Rarity said her head collapsing on one of the pillows.

"I see." Theta said, a yawn escaping passed his lips. His yawn sounding like a low pitch roar, the room shaking slightly as he yawned. Theta laid his head down on his claws and closed his eyes.

His eyes weren't shut for long as the sounds of Rarity's voice brought him back to the waking world.

"Theta." Theta heard Rarity say, his eyes shooting back open.

"Yeah." Theta said a little groggy.

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep in the bed?" Rarity asked Theta, him a little surprised by the unicorn's question.

"No, I'm fine. I've used to sleeping on cave floors... yawn this is a luxury to me." Theta said to Rarity, him falling silent as his drifted into another shot of sleep.

"Ok, goodnight then." Rarity said to Theta.

"Hmm..." Theta hummed in response him escaping completely to the land of dreams.

When Rarity knew that Theta was, in fact, asleep she quietly hopped off of the bed and trotted over to Theta's sleeping body. Her focusing on the three bite marks that were slowly healing on his neck.

"I can't image what you are going through right now." Rarity said to the sleeping dragon. "Let these be a reminder that you will never become like him." Rarity said before climbing back into her bed and falling to her own round of much-needed sleep.

The three bite marks on Theta's neck quickly turning to three scars. Three scars that would be a forever reminder of his brother's betrayal and his lifelong fight not follow in his footprints.

Author's Note:

I apologize so much that this chapter took almost a month to complete and that my latest chapters have been taking longer and longer than they used to be. I was helping write a chapter for a friend. I was also busy with school. I was also writing so other projects, one I hope to release sometime this month.

Not to mention I was hit with the enemy of all writers. The dreaded Writer's Block. I surely hope that my chapter won't take as long, but with two AP Tests closing in on me, I doubt it. I hope to see you all again soon.

Damnit Zecora, I hate your rhyming. You are by far the hardest character to write. Thank you so much RhymeZone.

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