• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 3,014 Views, 146 Comments

The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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A Romance is Born

Rage began to build deep within Theta as he turned toward where the voice was coming from. The unmistakable sound of his brother oddly not being muffled like the rest of this strange world that he had found himself in. If anything it was booming, almost as if he was speaking through a loudspeaker while a muzzle confined everything else.

"Oh, is that how you greet your brother?" Sigma asked in a mocked offense. Theta noting a small golden necklace that wrapped around his neck. The necklace having a turquoise colored gem in the shape of a rhombus shape.

"And how am I supposed to greet you? By slamming you into a golden throne?" Theta sarcastically asked Sigma, the white dragon's words sounding strangely muffled.

"Ha, ha, ha, always with the best comebacks aren't Theta," Sigma said with a hearty laugh.

"What are you doing here, Sigma? And where am I?" Theta asked Sigma.

"Why am I here, and why you are here doesn't matter."

"Fine, then what are you doing?" Theta asked his eyes following his brother's movements to the letter.

"I'm here to warn you, brother," Sigma said walking up to Theta so that he was only a mere inches from his face. Theta even being able to smell his horrible breath.

"And why would you do something so charitable?" Theta asked Sigma, his words filled with bitterness and venom.

"Who said I was doing this out of charity," Sigma said with another devilish laugh.

"They why are you doing this!?" Theta asked Sigma, beginning to grow incredibly irritated at Sigma. Even more so than usual.

"Because I like watching you suffer," Sigma said to Theta with a devilish smile that only included to grow in size.

"Enough!" Theta snapped as he swatted in Sigma's direction. Theta's claws missing Sigma's muzzle by about three inches.

"You'll have to do better than that," Sigma said with another devilish laugh. Sigma taking a step backward and preparing for more strikes from Theta.

"Oh, I plan on it." Theta roared as charged at Sigma. Theta's teeth and claws ready to strike. Sigma quickly stopping into a defensive stance, reading to block any attacks that came from Theta.

And he did.

Theta bringing another swing of his claws in Sigma's direction. Sigma quickly blocking Theta's attack with his claws. Sigma blocking Theta's attack out of the way and following up his block by delivering a powerful uppercut to Theta underbelly. Sigma's punch being powerful enough to send Theta flying.

Theta slamming back into the ground with a loud crash of dirt and dust.

"You can't beat me, Theta. Why do you even try." Sigma said down to Theta.

"Yes, I can!" Theta shouted as he struggled to his feet. Theta throwing a punch in Sigma's direction. Sigma dodging Theta's attack and using Theta's own momentum to throw Theta over his body. Theta slamming into the ground, again, in another fit of dirt and dust.

Theta tried to get back to his feet only to be slammed again into the ground by Sigma.

"Theta just stop and listen to me!" Sigma roared as he stood above Theta. Sigma forcing all of his weight down onto his brother. Sigma's claws digging into Theta's neck.

"The Darkness is coming, Theta. And soon it will consume all." Sigma said to Theta, large black thunder clouds beginning to build in the sky above. The sounds of muffled thunder coming from above as the two former brothers continued to stare each down.

"Not as long as my fire continues to burn within me."

"That's why I have this," Sigma said to Theta. Sigma showing off the turquoise colored gem that connected to his golden necklace.

"You're going to need more than just some parlor tricks to take over Equestria." Theta spat at Sigma, but the black dragon was one step ahead. Something that he always seemed to be.

"Oh, brother..." Sigma began as he leaned in to be muzzle to muzzle with Theta. "That was the plan all along," Sigma said standing back up. Sigma releasing Theta from his tight iron grasp.

"What are you planning?" Theta got back up to his feet.

"Have you heard of the... Elements of Disharmony?" Sigma asked Theta, the white dragon's green eyes widening at Sigma's words.

"I thought those were just a myth."

"Oh, they are very much real," Sigam said as he began to play with the small gem that was attached to his necklace. "In fact, this is only one of them," Sigma revealed.

"Bullshit." Theta spat.

"You don't have to believe Theta, in fact, the more you don't, the easier it will be for my plan to come to fruition," Sigma said to Theta, his words burning with sarcasm and smugness.

"You just need to know that I am going to destroy everything and everyone that you hold dear." Sigma threatened Theta.

"And how are you going to do that?" Theta said in response, not backing down from Sigma's threats. "I lost everything that I cared about the moment you betrayed me." Theta spat at Sigma. The black dragon's muzzle changing from one willed with smug satisfaction into one of genuine shock. Sigma paused for just a second. He was thinking something. Theta didn't know what, and he didn't care.

"Are you sure about that," Sigma asked, his irritating smugness returning to his muzzle.

"Adagio, if you would," Sigma said, speaking to someone that was behind Theta.

"Theta!" A familiar mare's voice called out Theta's name from behind him. Theta's ears perking up and his green eyes widening at the mare's voice.

"Moon Dancer!" Theta shouted as he did a quick 180 to look behind him. Theta finding Moon Dancer being held in a headlock by a unicorn mare that he didn't recognize. The mare being a golden unicorn with raspberry colored eyes and a puffy orange mane.

Theta was then tackled to the ground by Sigma. Sigma taking advantage of Theta being distracted.

"Get off of me!" Theta shouted as he struggled underneath Sigma's grasp. Sigma only laughing at his brother's discomfort.

"Let her go, Sigma!" Theta screamed as he continued to struggle underneath Sigma's grasp.

"Oh, so you do care for her." Sigma teased Theta. "How strange, a dragon falling in love with a pony. Don't you forget the law, Theta." Sigma played with Theta's emotions. Sigma speaking of the law in the Dragon Empire, an old law, that banned pony and dragon relationships. The law being a remnant of the fractured relationship between Equestria and the Dragon Empire after Omega banishment and Alpha's slumber underneath Canterlot.

"Shut up Sigma!" Theta spat at Sigma as he continued to struggle underneath his brother iron tight grasp.

"Oh, looks like a touch a nerve there, brother," Sigma said to Theta, enjoying every moment of his mental and physical torture of his brother.

"Shut up, Sigma!" Theta roared, his green eyes filled with both pain and anger.

"Oh, and Adagio if you would be so kind," Sigma said to Adagio, catching the Siren's attention. "Snape her neck," Sigma said to Adagio with a devilish smile.

"NO!" Theta screamed as he kept training to break out of Sigma. But the more he struggled, the more that Sigma's iron grip increased.

"With pleasure," Adagio said with the same devilish smile that was currently adorning Sigma's muzzle.

"NO!" Theta roared as he watched helplessly as Moon Dancer's neck was bent at an unnatural angle by Adagio. Moon Dancer's purple eyes being plastered with both fear and pain.

"Sigma let her go." Theta pleaded with Sigma.

"I'll let her go on one condition," Sigma whispered into Theta's ear.

"What?" Theta groaned.

"I'll let her go, but only if say 'pretty please.'" Sigma said down to Theta patronizingly.

"Sigma, please." Theta pleaded with his brother.

"Nah, Nah, that's not what I asked," Sigma said patronizingly with a wave of one of his claws.

"Fine," Theta grunted, submitting defeat.

"Pretty please," Theta pleaded. "Now let her go!" Theta demanded with eyes the size of peas.

"Now wasn't that so hard," Sigma said with a devilish smile. Sigma releasing his iron grip on Theta's neck slightly.

"Adagio, that's enough! Let her go." Sigma said, the Siren raising one of her eyebrows in confusion. But she followed Sigma orders nonetheless. Adagio releasing Moon Dancer from her headlock. Moon Dancer falling to the ground gasping for air.

"Go to her," Sigma whispered into Theta's as he released the white dragon from his grasp.

"Before it's too late." Sigma threatened Theta. Theta ignored his Sigma as he rushed to Moon Dancer's side.

"Moon Dancer! I'm sorry." Theta whispered as he comforted the frightened mare. "Are you alright?" Theta whispered into Moon Dancer ear, running his claws soothingly through her mane. Moon Dancer nodding her head.

"I will stop you Sigma!" Theta threatened Sigma, the black dragon only laughing at his brother's words. Theta standing protectively in front of Moon Dancer.

"I WILL STOP YOU!" Theta shouted as everything around him began to crumble. Large cracks forming in the desert ground and spits of orange colored lava blasting out from the ground below.

"Oh, I like to see you try," Sigma said with a devilish smile as his body began to turn more and more transparent. Sigma's transparency continuing until he was nothing more than a floating head in front of Theta.

"Sigma!" Theta shouted and then... everything went black.

"Theta!" Alpha shouted in concern as Theta found himself back in the throne room of the Crystal Palace.

"Are you alright!?" Alpha asked.

"Yeah, I'm all right," Theta said up to his master with a shake of his head. Theta rubbing his eyes with one of his paws.

"What happened?" Alpha asked Theta. Alpha's usual booming voice having all but disappeared and being replaced by one filled with reserve and concern.

"I don't know. I saw something." Theta said, still trying to regain his bearings.

"What did you see?" Alpha asked with a seemingly strange amount of understanding in his voice.

"I don't know what I saw. It was like I had been teleported to another world. I was in a field, a wasteland. Everything was muffled. Sigma was there, and, and..." Theta tried to explain to his master but just couldn't find the right words to convey his meaning.

"Relax Theta, you are safe," Alpha said down to his apprentice, trying to calm him down.

"Right, my apologies Alpha," Theta said to remorsefully up to Alpha.

"You have nothing to apologize to me for. You seem to be in shock from whatever you saw." Alpha said to Theta, the white dragon nodding at his master's words.

"But more to the point, has anything like this ever happened to you before?" Alpha asked Theta, getting back to the matter at hand.

"Sort of, I remember having a dream during Sombra's return."

"What happened during your dream?" Alpha asked, urging Theta to continue.

"I saw you."

"Come again?" Alpha said with a raised eyebrow.

"I saw your battle against Omega in Canterlot. The first one. When he almost killed, I also saw Sigma betray me and side with Omega." Theta explained.

"Something that would eventually come to pass, almost to the letter," Theta said more to himself.

"That wasn't a dream Theta, that was a vision."

"How do you know all of this?" Theta asked, seeking advice from the larger dragon.

"I know this... because I have experienced them before." Alpha indulged with Theta.

"You have!?" Theta exclaimed in shock.

"Yes. They are known as Visions of the Alpha. I had a few them before and after I had become the Alpha, all of those years ago. All of them warned me of Omega's betrayal. I didn't believe any of them at the time. I couldn't imagine my brother betraying me. But, as you are well aware. No matter how much I didn't want to believe it, my worst nightmare and greatest regret did occur." Alpha said down to Theta.

"So are you telling me that what I saw could actually happen?" Theta asked Alpha, his heart beginning to beat faster and faster.

"Perhaps, maybe not exactly as you saw it, but maybe there are some truths to want you saw."

"In that case, I have to go," Theta said to Alpha turning to leave the throne room.

"Where are you going, Theta?" Alpha asked out of curiosity rather than out of anger.

"There's a pony that I have to see, their very life might depend on it," Theta said back to Alpha, only turning his head back slightly as he spoke.

"I see, then go. If you believe that this pony's life is really in danger than it would be unjust for me to stop you from following your instincts." Alpha said to Theta, with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Alpha," Theta said as he left the throne room. Theta was on a mission. A mission that would lead him straight towards Ponyville.

Back in Ponyville, Moon Dancer was enjoying her unexpected reunion with her Canterlot friends.

"So how long have you girls been in Ponyville?" Moon Dancer asked her friends as she finished her third hay smoothies. Oh, she had no idea how much she missed these things. No, she wasn't addicted, you're addicted.

"I've been here since Omega destruction of Canterlot. I hear that most of Canterlot's residences have taken shelter in neighboring cities like Manehattan, Filliphila, Baltimare, and Ponyville." Lemon Hearts said to Moon Dancer. Minuette and Twinkleshine both nodding in agreeance to Lemon's words.

"Speaking of which, how have you been Moon?" Minuette asked the unicorn mare.

"I've been ok. I guess." Moon Dancer said, moving her smoothie away from her and taking a bite of a small salad that had been served by the waitress a few minutes earlier.

"What do you mean?" Lemon asked Moon Dancer, taking a bite of her own salad.

"I mean, sure it sucks that my home had been destroyed..." Moon Dancer began to explain, stopping briefly to mumble underneath her breath. Moon Dancer's words were inaudible to any of her friends. But based on her expression, a firm growl appearing on Moon Dancer's muzzle as she mumbled, they could tell that it was pleasant.

"What was that, Moon?" Minuette asked Moon Dancer.

"Nothing." Moon Dancer recovered quickly. A seemly happy smile returning to her muzzle. A smile that Moon Dancer was faking, but her friends didn't question it any further. Moon Dancer wasn't the most sociable of ponies; the fact that she was sharing her experiences with them at all was astonishing enough.

She indeed had grown a lot from that bookworm that spent all of her time indoors and closed off from the rest of the world. Being nothing more than a mare with her nose stuck in a book. Sure, she still had some more work to do, but at least she was making process.

"Anyway," Moon Dancer spoke, getting back to the topic at hoof.

"Life's been... ok. I found a small motel that I was able to rent a room for a decent price and have been staying there for the time being. At least until I can find a better place."

"I see." Lemon Hearts said, going back to her salad.

Not much else happened for the next few minutes as the four friends continued to eat their own meals in peace and quiet. Or, at least it did until Minuette broke the somewhat awkward silence by speaking to Moon Dancer.

"So, Moon Dancer." Minuette began, catching the unicorn mare's attention. Moon Dancer lifting her head slightly and towards Minuette. "Have you been seeing anyone since you moved to Ponyville?" Minuette's words instantly getting Moon Dancer's full attention as she nearly choked some her remaining salad.

Moon Dancer getting sent into a small fit of coughing that lasted about ten seconds.

"Are you alright, Moon?" Twinkleshine asked with concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Moon Dancer said, getting her breathing back under control.

"So... have you been seeing anyone?" Lemon Hearts asked slyly, inching slightly closer to Moon Dancer. Moon Dancer's blush only continuing to grow in size and pinkness the longer that she stared into Lemon's raspberry-colored eyes.

"Um... No. I haven't been seeing anyone."

"I see." Lemon Hearts said, seeming to accept Moon Dancer words. Having gone back to finishing her own salad. But Lemon's mocked surrender didn't last very long.

"But do you have any crushes?" Lemon Hearts snapped back with another question. Making Moon Dancer even more uncomfortable then she had already been.

"Lemon, please." Moon Dancer pleaded, her blush only continuing to grow. Moon Dancer having to look away from the yellow mare to make her blush stop growing. It really wasn't that effective.

"Oh come on, Moon. We're all adults here. And besides, it will be all our little secret." Lemon Hearts said to Moon Dancer, increasing the unicorn mare's confidence. "Right girls?" Lemon asked both Minuette and Twinkleshine. Them both nodding in unison.

"I guess that I don't have much of choice."

"Nope." Lemon Hearts said sarcastically, resting her head on her hooves.

"Fine, I'll tell you." Moon Dancer let out a sigh as she submitted defeat. She just hoped that her friends wouldn't think any less of her when she relieved her secret. A secret that she didn't fully believe herself.

"There's been someone that I've been... interested in for quite some time."

"OH! How long as this been going on?" Lemon Hearts asked Moon Dancer, inching ever so slightly closer. The yellow mare eating up every second of Moon Dancer's discomfort.

"I can't say for certain. I only recently noticed that I had feelings for him. Maybe I had some kind of attraction towards him and didn't even realize it until now."

"Is that so... keep going." Lemon Hearts urged Moon Dancer to continue, eating up every word that she spoke.

"I don't even know if he has any feelings for me anyway." Moon Dancer spoke as she turned her head to seemingly stare off into the distance. Only for her purple eyes to widen and the muscles in her shoulders to tighten up as she laid eyes on the someone that she never thought that she would see that day.

"Who?" Lemon Hearts pressed Moon Dancer, not noticing the mare's sudden shift in body language.

"Theta." Moon Dancer said with wide eyes as she sent her eyes on the very dragon that she had been talking about.

Inside of an abandoned cave hidden deep within the mountainous terrain that lined the border between Equestria and the Dragon Empire a small portal to the human world was hidden. The entrance being hidden inside of a large crystalized structure hidden deep within the cave's walls.

The large crystal's surface began to glow, and a small vortex started to form in the direct sector of the diamond. And then, out of nowhere, a large claw began to emerge from the crystal structure. The claw being quickly followed by a full paw, then a foreleg, then a shoulder, then an entire torso, and quickly becoming the whole body of a large dragon with scales as black as night and with eyes as red as a river of blood.

"Oh, it is so good to be back!" Sigma exclaimed as he readjusted to becoming a dragon again. Sigma glad that he was finally back home and returned to his original dragon from.

"You have no idea." The voice of Adagio said behind Sigma. Sigma turning towards where the harmonic sound of Adagio was coming from. A smug grin spreading across Sigma's muzzle as he laid eyes on the newly required form of Adagio.

Adagio's current form being very different than the one that she had taken the first time that Sigma had met her. Adagio having lost all of her human form and taking on a more pony-like appearance.

Adagio looking like a strange companion of a pony and a fish. Adagio having the front legs and hooves of a pony but the lower half of a fish, tail and all. A fish pony that could somehow fly. Something that Sigma couldn't quite understand as the Siren didn't seem to have kind of wings in order to process any form of flight. Maybe it was some kind of magic that Siren's possessed, Sigma didn't know. And he didn't really care enough about to find out.

Adagio still keeping her bright yellow coloration her upper, pony, half having golden yellow fur and her lower, fish, half having a slightly darker shade of yellow scales.

Adagio effortlessly flying through the air above Sigma's head. Adagio stopping just above Sigma's head and staring down at him. Adagio colling her tail around her body and she effortless hovered about a half a foot above Sigma. Adagio looking like a yellow snake to Sigma as he stared up at her.

"What do you think?" Adagio asked the black dragon as she magically hovered above Sigma. A sly smile adorning her muzzle. A smile that Sigma found slightly adorable, and yet terrifying at the same time.

"You looked beautiful. Truthfully. I can see why so many have fallen for your powerful magic." Sigma said up to Adagio with a genuine smile on his muzzle. Adagio noticing a small twinkle in the red eyes of Sigma. Adagio's sly smile growing even larger in size.

"Why thank you. And don't worry. I'm sure the three of us will be able to increase that number even further." Adagio said down to Sigma as she looked past him and toward where the portal back to the human world was located.

"I agree." The voice of Aria entered the small underground cave. Sonata taking on a similar form as Adagio except having purple fur and scales apposed to Adagio's yellow. Aria's arrival being closing followed by that of Sonata's. The third member of the Siren's looking similar to both Adagio and Aria having light blue fur and a slightly darker shade of light blue.

"Wow, what a dump!" Aria said as she studied her surroundings. A small stalactite falling from the ceiling as she spoke, only proving her point even further.

"No wonder no one found was able to find this place." Aria continued her thought.

"Oh, lighten up Aria!" Sonata tackled Aria to the ground in a playful manner. The blue siren not losing any of her childlike nature with her new, or would be technically old, form.

"This place isn't that bad," Sonata said as she booped the purple siren on her muzzle. A menacing growl coming from Aria at Sonata's actions. Adagio doing a face hoof as she watched the actions of her companions in disappointment. While Sigma just tried his best to stop himself from laughing at what he was watching.

"I mean, sure it still needs some work. But I think with some hard work and determination will be able to make a home out of this place. What you think Aria?"

"I'm going to enjoy killing you," Aria mumbled underneath her breathing, threatening the light blue siren that was currently pinning her to the dirt floor of the underground cave.

"What was that Aria?" Sonata asked the purple siren, not hearing Aria's threat. Or she did her Aria and just wanted to mess with her some more.

"Ugh, get off me!" Aria shouted as she knocked the blue siren off of her body with a swing of her fish-like tail. Sonata falling onto the ground and sending the now airborne purple siren a look that like a wounded puppy. Sonata even looking like she was about to cry.

"Adagio! Aria is being mean!" Sonata complained to Adagio.

"I'm being mean, I'm not the one that tackled someone into the ground." Aria spat at Sonata.

"I was just playing." Sonata spat back at Aria, the two of them quickly engaging in another of their seemingly never-ending verbal fights.

"No, you weren't!"

"Yes, I was!"

"No, you weren't!"


"Was not!"


"Was not!"

"Enough! I can't even hear myself think." Adagio shouted in both anger and exhaustion as she face-hoofed. Aria and Sonata small verbal fight coming to a quick end.

"If you two are done, we have more important matters to attend to at the moment," Sigma said still trying to remain pleasant and somewhat friendly to the bickering Sirens.

"You got the both of us in trouble," Aria whispered to Sonata.

"Did not." Sonata started to began another round of bickering from the two Sirens.

"Silence!" Sigma shouted, losing all desire to remain friendly having left him. The cave walls shaking at the black dragon's outburst. Sigma's outburst silencing both Aria and Sonata.

"And don't worry about having to fix this place up," Sigma said, speaking to Aria. "This is only a temporary engagement. I have a proper camp near the mouth of the cave that would suit our purposes for the time being." Sigma explained, speaking now to the other two Sirens.

"Alright then, lead the way," Adagio said down to Sigma, still hovering above the black dragon.

Sigma leading the three Sirens through the winding tunnels of the underground cave. It took him about ten minutes to lead Adagio, Aria, and Sonata to the surface.

"Hmm... not bad," Adagio said as she exited the cave and entered the surface world. Adagio talking about Sigma's small camp. The camp being a simple one, only a single tent that was seemed to be only large to hold a single dragon the size of Sigma, maybe two. But even that was stretching it, literally.

The sky above the camp being a slight tint of pink and purple as the day began to turn to twilight. The orange sun beginning to set beneath the snow-capped mountaintops.

"Are you sure that will be big enough for the four of us? I'm not sure that would be able to hold Sonata. She's not the most... pleasant of Sirens when she is sleeping." Aria asked.

"I was under the impression that she was never a pleasant Siren, but whatever." Sigma thought.

"It was only built for one, but it shouldn't be that hard to increase the size of it to fit our needs. And even so, I have several more tents of a similar size if need be." Sigma said to Aria, answering her question.

"Besides, this would just function as our base of operations. There is somewhere that we have to go to first if we are going to be successful in watching Equestria burn to the ground." Sigma said to the three Sirens. The image of Equestrian cities, this time being Las Pegasus, being engulfed in flames coming into his twisted mind. Another devilish grin that could make the skin of a troll crawl spreading across his muzzle.

"And where will that be?" Adagio asked Sigma with a raised eyebrow.

"I'll explain later." Sigma dodged the question. The Sirens were on a need-to-know basis, and right now they didn't need to know the exact extent of his plan, and where exactly it would lead them to.

"But first, I need to stock up on some more supplies to feed this operation."

"Shouldn't you already have lots of food and supplies.?" Sonata asked Sigma, having an intelligent question for once.

"I do, but I haven't been in Equestria for nearly a week, and I don't trust that my current supplies have survived my absence. Besides, it is never a bad idea to stock up on food. Even if you don't need it." Sigma said to Sonata. Her, along with the other two Sirens nodding at Sigma's logic.

"Alright, lead the way Sigma," Adagio said to Sigma floating effortlessly above the black dragon.

"Are you sure that you three want to go out in the public eye looking like that?" Sigma asked the three Sirens, speaking about their current forms. While beautiful their Siren forms weren't the most discrete.

"Relax Sigma, we are more than accustomed to the art of blending into our surroundings," Adagio said to Sigma as the red gem in her chest, along with the rest of the Siren's, began to glow. The three Sirens' bodies being consumed by a wave of red magic that covered their entire body. Sigma had to shield his eyes to himself from the slightly blinding light that was created.

As the blinding light subsided the Sirens' forms were replaced by three completely different ones.

Adagio was now a bright orange unicorn with raspberry colored eyes and a mass of orange hair with golden highlights for her mane and a similar design for her tail. Adagio wearing a spiked headband that held up her mass of orange hair in a large bun. Adagio's gem returning to the form of a red gem that was attached to a black necklace that wrapped around her neck. Adagio having her own cutie mark in the shape of an orange gem overlapping a purple G-clef.

Aria was now a purple earth pony with purple eyes. Aria's mane being dark purple with light green highlights. Her mane being held up in two long ponytails. Aria's gem returning to the form of a red gem that was attached to a black necklace that wrapped around her neck. Aria having her own cutie mark in the shape of a purple star overlapping a black forte symbol.

Sonata was now a light blue pegasus with raspberry colored eyes. Sonata's mane being light blue with dark blue highlights. Her mane being held up in one long ponytail. Sonata's gem returning to the form of a red gem that was attached to a black necklace that wrapped around her neck. Sonata having her own cutie mark in the shape of a blue eighth note overlapping a pink heart.

"What do you think?" Adagio asked Sigma as she moved one of her newly required hooves through her giant mass of orange and golden hair.

"I likey," Sigma said with a hungry smile, a smile that Adagio shared with him.

"Alrighty then, let's gets things started," Sigma said with a devilish smile on his muzzle and a twinkle in his blood red eyes.

"With pleasure," Adagio said, having her own devilish smile plastered on her muzzle.

Back in Ponyville, Moon Dancer and her friends having their little get-to-gather.

"Theta!" Lemon Hearts exclaimed in shock and disbelief. Lemon Hearts having not noticed the appearance of the white dragon in question yet. Unlike the rest of her friends.

"Um... Lemon, look." Twinkleshine nudged Lemon Hearts in the shoulder, catching the yellow colored mare.

"What?" Lemon Hearts said in confusion turning her head towards Twinkleshine. Lemon Hearts noticing Theta for the first time out of the corner of her eye. Lemon Heart's eyes widening at the sudden appearance of the white dragon.

"Oh, Theta!" Lemon Hearts exclaimed as she set eyes on Theta for the first time. The yellow mare letting out a nervous laugh as the awkwardness in the area began to go even further as ponies at other tables began to take notice. Moon Dancer's muzzle being as red as a rose in both shock and embarrassment.

"I'm sorry for interrupting," Theta said clearing his throat.

"Oh, no not all." Moon Dancer reassured the white dragon as she also cleared her own throat. "So... what brings you to Ponyville, Theta?" Moon Dancer asked Theta. Her voice was slightly shaky as she found herself quickly lost in the emerald green eyes of Theta. Theta's snow white scales reflecting the rays of mid-day sun perfectly.

"My reason for coming here will reveal itself in time," Theta said avoiding the question.

"Oh, and what would that be?" Lemon Hearts asked Theta, sending a know look Moon Dancer's way.

"Moon Dancer, may I have a word with you... alone?" Theta asked Moon Dancer, taking the unicorn mare a little off guard.

"Oh, how exciting!" Lemon Hearts exclaimed with a clap of her hooves.

"Lemon, please." Moon Dancer pleaded the yellow mare. Lemon Hearts falling silent for the first time.

"Um... sure. What is it that you wanted to talk to me about.

"I'll explain later, just follow me," Theta said to Moon Dancer, already beginning to walk away.

"Ok." Moon Dancer said getting up from her sit. "Sorry girls, I'll be back as fast as I can." Moon Dancer excused herself from her friends, beginning to follow after Theta.

"Ok, have fun, Moon." Twinkleshine wayed goodbye to Moon Dancer.

"But not too much fun." Lemon Hearts continued to tease Moon Dancer. Moon Dancer sending Lemon Hearts a glare that read 'I'm going to kill you when I get back'. Lemon Hearts covering her with mouth with her hooves to suppress a small laugh.

Moon Dancer just rolled her eyes and continued trotted up to Theta.

"Smooth move, Lemon." Minuette teased the yellow mare nudging her playfully in the shoulder the moment that Theta and Moon Dancer had left earshot.

"Hey, I could've I known that he was standing right there." Lemon Hearts defended herself.

"So... are we going to follow them?"

"No, of course not. Theta wanted to talk to Moon Dancer alone, and we shall honor his request." Lemon Hearts denied with a cheeking grin on her muzzle that said otherwise.

"You have a plan, don't you?" Twinkleshine asked with a roll of her light blue eyes.

"Don't I always." Lemon Hearts said more to herself as she began to gather her things. "Follow me, I know what to do." Lemon Hearts said as she got up from the table in record time. Minuette and Twinkleshine following their friend's actions. Minuette playing for their meal before following after the rest of her friends.

"Theta, what is the meaning of this!? And how long have you been back in Equestria?" Moon Dancer asked Theta as they took a right down an alleyway down the streets of Ponyville.

"I got back last night, and I just needed to make sure that you were safe," Theta explained to Moon Dancer as his movements came to a halt. Theta believing that the two of them a decent amount of privacy here.

"You had to make sure that I was safe, why?" Moon Dancer demanded an understandable amount of shock.

"I had reason to suspect that you might have been in danger," Theta explained to Moon Dancer, giving the mare only more questions.

"What makes you think that. Why would I be in danger?" Moon Dancer asked Theta.

"I had a... dream about you. I saw you in danger. I saw my brother. It's difficult to explain." Theta said to Moon Dancer, not being able to find the right words.

"So you disturbed a day with my friends, that I haven't seen in over a week and didn't even know were still alive, just because you had some strange dream about me. No offense Theta, but that's more stalkerish than reassuring."

"He was going to kill you!" Theta exclaimed, his words leaving Moon Dancer speechless.

"I saw you, being tortured. I had to watch as Sigma ordered for you to be killed right in front of me. He was toying with me, using you as a means to hurt me, and I couldn't stop him." Theta said to Moon Dancer with tearing eyes. Moon Dancer remaining completely silent out of shock and inability of knowing what to do.

"I-I wasn't strong enough. I-I couldn't stop him."

"Theta, it was just a dream." Moon Dancer tried to give the weeping dragon a little pick me up. Putting a reassuring hoof on his shaking shoulder. She wasn't the best when it came to social interactions, but she was trying her best.

"No, it wasn't a dream, it was a vision. Like one that I had before. A vision that predicted the return of Omega, my brother's betrayal, and the destruction of Canterlot. A vision, as you know, came to pass. So I couldn't risk seeing another of one of my visions coming true because of my own inaction." Theta said to Moon Dancer, the unicorn mare beginning to appreciate Theta's actions a little bit more.

"So... you came, halfway across Equestria... to save me." Moon Dancer said in disbelief.

"Yes, I couldn't live the thought of you being in danger. Even if that possibility was almost zero. If I learned that you had gotten hurt or even... killed because I refused to my follow instincts and just made sure that you were safe. Then... I could've never forgiven myself." Theta said down to Moon Dancer, tears beginning to form in his green eyes. Moon Dancer not pushing Theta's claws aside when he began to pass them effortlessly through her mane.

"And there's more," Theta said, striking Moon Dancer's action even further.

"There is?" Moon Dancer's asked, enjoying Theta's soft but still powerful touch.

"Yes, I haven't told anyone this, not even Alpha. But I feel that you deserve to know."

"What?" Moon Dancer said with genuine interest, urging Theta to continue.

"When I traveled to the Crystal Empire. Twilight had her crown stolen by a unicorn mare. A mare by the name of Sunset Shimmer. This Sunset taking Twilight's crown and escaping to another world entirely." Theta explained to Moon Dancer. Moon Dancer's expression turning more negative at the mentioning of her former 'friend.'

"Serves her right." Moon Dancer spat internally.

"Long story short, Twilight, Zulu, Spike and I followed after Sunset and found that she had gone to a world that had changed all of our appearances. Twilight and Zulu were turned into a bipedal creature known as a 'human.' While Spike and I were turned into a... dog." Theta said, not being able to suppress a small smile.

"You turned into a dog?" Moon Dancer asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, husky to be technical. It was a... strange experience, to say the least." Theta said to Moon Dancer with a warm smile, a smile that he shared with Moon Dancer.

"Anyway, during my time in this new world, I came in contact with my brother, Sigma."

"You did?" Moon Dancer said, feeling the tension in the air suddenly raising with the mere mentioning of Theta's traitorous brother.

"Yes, I'm not sure how he got there, but he did. Maybe, he found another portal to that world somewhere else in Equestria, but it doesn't really matter. What matters is that he was there and he was allied with Sunset. An alliance that would almost end in my death." Theta explained to Moon Dancer, the mare's purple eyes widening at Theta's mention of his near death.

"Wait, what?!" Moon Dancer exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, I almost died during my encounter with Sigma. I battled him, and I failed. I was down on the ground bleeding out, and Sigma just left me there. Luckily Twilight was able to find that world's Fluttershy and save my life.

"Come again?" Moon Dancer asked with a raised eyebrow at the mentioning of another Fluttershy.

"Not worth explaining." Theta waved off Moon Dancer question before returning to the matter at hand. "But just before I blacked out, I saw something."

"Anyway, just before I blacked out the image of Fluttershy began to change, and I saw something," Theta said to Moon Dancer, being intentionally vague.

"What did you see?" Moon Dancer asked with genuine interest.

"I saw you," Theta said to Moon Dancer, the mare's purple eyes widening even further. Moon Dancer just now noticing just how beautiful Theta's white scales were in the rays of the bright high noon sun.

"Me!" Moon Dancer exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, I saw you telling me that everything was going to be alright. And from that moment onward kept having dreams including you in them. Dreams that weren't that bad, to be honest." Theta said to Moon Dancer, the unicorn mare remaining deathly quiet.

"I know; like you said earlier, this might sound stalkerish. But... I just can't stop thinking about you." Theta explained to Moon Dancer, the unicorn remaining deathly quiet. Her having been completely lost in Theta's emerald-colored eyes.

Moon Dancer's strange silence came with an unintentional message to Theta. Theta seeing Moon Dancer's silence as confirmation that she did see his obsession with her as a bad thing and that his travel to Ponyville was nothing more than a waste of time.

"I see... I guess I'll be going now." Theta said disappointed, beginning to turn and walk away. Theta's sudden movements snapping Moon Dancer back to reality.

"No! Don't go!" Moon Dancer reached out for Theta's paw, stopping the white dragon. Theta turning back to face Moon Dancer will shock plastered across his muzzle.

"Don't you find my... oppression with you, a little weird?" Theta asked Moon Dancer, still finding her sudden attraction to himself as rather strange.

"Sure, but... I'm no different." Moon Dancer, even more to Theta's surprise. Did she actually have feelings for him, could this trip to Ponyville not have been a complete waste of time that he could've spent searching for Sigma?

No, how could a mare love a dragon? The thought seemed improbable, but maybe not impossible.

"Ever since I first met back during the migration I kept feeling like there was something missing in my life. As if there was a giant hole in my chest. I at first just ignored it. Thinking that this hole was nothing more than my thirst for knowledge about dragons so continued to pour myself into my studies like I always do." Moon Dancer explained, Theta eagerly listening and eating up every word that came out of the beautiful mare's mouth.

"But it wasn't until the fall of Canterlot, and I went to see Zecora that I finally began to understand." Moon Dancer explained to Theta. Memories of Omega's return and his brother's betrayal flashes before his eyes. Flashes that quickly settled when more soothing words continued to come out of Moon Dancer's mouth.

"I denied my feelings towards you at first." Moon Dancer said to Theta, suppressing a small laugh as she remembered her encounter with Zecora. "I mean, how could the both of us even work. Were not even of the same species." Moon Dancer began to ramble, her rambling to coming to an end when Theta placed his large paw lightly on her left cheek. Moon Dancer's completely melting at his angelic touch. The both of them completely unaware that they were no longer alone.

"Lemon, don't you think that we are invading Moon's privacy right now?" Minuette asked Lemon Hearts as the three friends were currently hiding behind a large metal dumpster that was further down the alleyway.

"Yeah, but what's wrong with having a little fun." Lemon Hearts said to Minuette with a devilish smile, enjoying every second of this unexpected, but much appreciated, visit by Theta.

"You are an evil mare, Lemon," Minuette said with a cheeky smile.

"Shh... you're ruining the show." Lemon Hearts quieted Minuette. The blue mare just rolling her eyes at Lemon's words, but did, indeed remain quiet.

"All of that," Theta whispered as he ran his index claw softly down Moon Dancer's temple. Moon Dancer's purple eyes glazing over and beginning to feel with lust.

"It doesn't matter anyone. All that does matter is that we are together.

"B-but how could we even make this work?" Moon Dancer pleaded with Theta. Her heart pounding in her chest, from both excitement and fear of the unknown.

"By doing this together, no lies, no secrets, nothing. Just you and me, as one." Theta spoke softly to Moon Dancer as he began to lean in closer. The old couple's lips only a few inches from interlocking with each other

"Aaaand kiss." Lemon Hearts whispered from behind the dumpster.

"Lemon Hearts, do you really have to ship right now."

"Yes, yes I do." Lemon Hearts said with a completely straight face, before quickly turning her attention back to the strange pairing of Theta and Moon Dancer.

"Then why don't we start right now." Moon Dancer whispered as he leaned in for a kiss.

"That sounds marvelous," Theta responded as she copied Moon Dancer's movements. The both of them closing their respective eyes and their lips interlocking as they engaged in their very first kiss.

"Oh, Sweet Celestia!" Lemon Hearts exclaimed as she watched Moon Dancer and Theta kiss from afar. Lemon Hearts covering her mouth to muffle the sound coming from her.

Theta and Moon Dancer's kiss didn't last long, only a couple of seconds, but it was, by far, the best few seconds of both of their lives.

"Wow!" Moon Dancer said as she pulled out of the kiss. Her purple eyes glazed over and her being in a state of pure ecstatic bless.

"Agreed," Theta whispered back to Moon Dancer. Theta then quickly noticed the bodies of Moon Dancer's friends hiding build a large metal dumpster in the alleyway. "And I don't think we're as alone as had originally thought.

"What?" Moon Dancer said as she turned her around towards where Theta was looking. Moon Dancer quickly finding where Lemon Hearts and the rest of her friends were hiding. "Lemon!" Moon Dancer shouted in anger.

"Um... shit." Lemon Hearts cursed, her seemingly full proof plan being foiled. And she would've gotten with it too if it wasn't for that meddling dragon.

"Are we there yet!" The unmistakable voice of Sonata broke the silence of the thin mountain air. Sigma suppressing a groan at the now blue pegasus' comments.

"I'll tell you when we get there."

"Speaking of which, are far is this 'mountain village' that you speak of?" Adagio asked Sigma.

"Not far, we should be there in just a few minutes. And you have never heard of a pony village in the mountains because this isn't isn't one." Sigma explained to Adagio.

"What do you mean?" Adagio asked.

"The place that we are headed to is home to a small group of griffins. Only a couple hundred living within its boundaries on a permanent basis. Serving as little more than a trading depot for explorers of all different races that wander through the mountainous terrain searching the countless caves for objects of great power or historical significance. It is actually a miracle that I was the first one to find that portal to that other world in the first place.

"Speaking of which," Sigma said as he reached the top of a high incline. Sigma looking down on a small valley that had been craved in between two rocky mountains.

"We have arrived," Sigma said as he looked down on the village. The village being slightly larger than one would expect a community built entirely into a mountain that was several thousand feet in altitude but it still pilled in comparison to the cities of Equestria, even the relatively small Ponyville dwarfed the griffin village.

The mountain village being built in the design of a large circle. The village being made out of five single-story buildings that were made out of white stone and a roof made out of compacted mud and wood. The five smaller buildings having been built around a larger two-story building that served as the center and town hall. The center building being made of the same materials that the small building that surrounded it were made out of. The five single-story buildings, in turn, being surrounded by a mass of small covered tents that functioned as the mane trading post and source of income for the mountainous society.

"Huh, looks pleasant," Adagio said more to herself as she stared down at the griffin village. "I hate it." Adagio spat immediately afterward. Sigma not being able to suppress a small chuckle at her words. He was warming up to this siren. But he still needed to remain focused. Adagio was a master manipulator, and he couldn't risk falling into one of her traps. Or, at least, not until he could spring his one first.

"Calm yourself Adagio, we will only be here for long enough to get the required amount of supplies, after that then we will be on our way. This should only take a half an hour tops." Sigma explained to Adagio. The siren nodding in understanding to Sigma's words.

"In that case then, lead the way." Adagio said to Sigma with a genuine smile, the black dragon beginning to grow on her. "I can get used to this." Adagio thought to herself as she followed after the fallen alpha with the two other sirens in tow. The beginning of maybe something more beginning to build within the two of them.

Author's Note:

Yes, Adagio and Sigma are going to be a thing. Meant to act as a darkened mirror to the relationship between Moon Dancer and Theta. I had planned to go more into Adagio and Sigma romance in this chapter, but it just didn't pan out that way. But I do have plans to include it in the next one. So, let the shipping commence. I don't know if I am going ship Aria and Sonata together yet, though. They're fun to write when they banter with each other, but who knows. I could do it. I don't know yet.

I choose the Siren's pony forms to be one of the three different races of ponies as another way to show how the three of them are interconnected. I choose Adagio to be a unicorn because she is the most powerful of the three and her being a unicorn and having a yellow coat makes a perfect contrast to Moon Dancer in the relationship department. I choose Sonata to be a pegasus due to her happy and bubbly personality. I could've made her an earth pony to work as a perfect mirror for Pinkie, but I like seeing Sonata as an earth pony better. Then there's Aria as an earth pony because that was the only race left and I didn't really like seeing her as a pegasus in my mind.

I really I had no idea how much I missed writing the trio of Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, and Minuette until now. Their fun, mostly Lemon Hearts.

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