• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 3,001 Views, 146 Comments

The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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Property Damage (Equestria Girls)

Twilight's eyes slowly began to open as the sun began to shine through the window that was in the room that was sleeping in. Twilight having completely forgotten that she had indeed fallen asleep inside the embrace of Zulu. It didn't take long for Twilight to realize that Twilight wasn't alone in the bed that she was sleeping in. Her skin feeling another wrapping around her body.

Twilight slowly turned her head to see the still body of Zulu wrapping his arms protectively around her body. Twilight small movements in Zulu's grasp disturbing Zulu's sleep and his eyes slowly opening to see his beloved staring back at him.

"Hey Twi, did you sleep well?" Zulu asked his beloved in a pleasant tone. Twilight's heart beating faster as she wanted to know the true extent of how far they had gone last night.

"Um... Zulu, we didn't... you know last night. Did we?" Twilight asked Zulu, her getting an answer from someone she didn't expect.

"No, I made sure of it." Theta said catching Twilight and Zulu's attention. Theta lying on top of his bed of blankets looking extremely bored.

"Well, that's a relief." Twilight said as she sat up on the bed and stretched her arms.

Zulu also sat up on the bed and planted a light peck on Twilight's cheek. "Well, I still enjoyed your company last night." Zulu said as he planted another kiss on Twilight's neck, just below her chin. Twilight's head aching back at his touch.

"I'm sure you did." Twilight said as she playfully pushed Zulu onto the mattress. The bed sheets spreading as he collapsed onto it.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Zulu asked Twilight playfully as she laid on top of him and they both stared into each other's eyes.

"You know exactly what it means." Twilight said as she kissed Zulu on the lips. Zulu running his right through Twilight purple hair.

"Oh, get a room you two love birds." Theta groaned as he stood up and walked over toward the door of Zulu's room.

"Oh, don't be like that Theta." Twilight said breaking her kiss with Zulu.

"I can and I will." Theta said as he took a seat facing away from the couple and staring at that closed door in front of him.

"Don't mind Theta, he's just being grumpy that he doesn't have a mare of his own." Zulu said as he pulled Twilight into another passionate kiss.

"I'm not grumpy, I'm just irritated that I have a bucking cone stuck to my head!"

"That sounds grumpy to me." Zulu said to Theta in between kisses with Twilight, him having fun tormenting the poor husky.

"I hate you, Zulu." Theta said back to Zulu as he continued to stare at the door in front of him. Theta doing his best to block the two people that were making out behind. "At least there not having sex." Theta thought as Zulu continued to speak to him.

"I love you too, Theta." Zulu said getting a playful glare from Twilight as they continued to make out.

"Really, does that mean that were breaking up?" Twilight asked Zulu playfully.

"Of course not, I can have completely nonromantic love towards a dragon turned dog that many think is my own." Zulu said with a laugh.

"Ugh! Why, did I ever agree to any this in the first place." Theta groaned as he tried to facepalm into his padded paws. Something that was impossible given the white cone that wrapped around his head. "Damnit, I can't even facepalm!" Theta cried out as he implanted his head in the ground of frustration. The cone that wrapped his head making so that he his rear was hanging a few inches in the air. "I hate my life." Theta groaned his words muffled by the cone that wrapped around his head.

Twilight's sympathy went out for the poor husky. Twilight getting off of Zulu and walking over to where Theta had his head implanted in the ground like an ostrich that Twilight had seen in some of her books when she was just a filly. "Theta, are you alright?" Twilight asked the dragon turned husky.

"I've been worse." Theta said taking Twilight by surprise, but Theta wasn't done. "I could be knocked unconscious after getting slammed into a golden throne by my own brother." Theta spat bitterly from the inside of his 'protective' cone. Twilight sending a concerned look Zulu's way. Her coltfriend sending a concerned shrug her way in response.

"Theta, what happened to Sigma wasn't your fault." Twilight said to Theta, getting another unexpected response from the white husky.

"I didn't say that I was. I'm just saying that me being stuck in the ground with my ass being suspended in the air is the least of my worries after all of the other shit that I have already gone through." Theta spat sarcastically and very bitterly at Twilight. He knew that he was being a jerk, but wasn't in the mood to having Twilight psychoanalyzing him right now. He didn't want to make it look like he was mad at Twilight specifically, but really just wanted to be alone with his thoughts, and if this was the way to do it then so be it.

Twilight was about to speak to Theta again when there was a knock on Zulu's door. Twilight sent a concerned look Zulu's way as Zulu answered the knocking.

"Um... who is it?" Zulu asked who was outside his door.

"It's me, Fluttershy. I was just wondering if you knew where Twilight was. She wasn't in my room when I woke up and I can't find her anywhere else in the house." Fluttershy said from outside the door. Twilight and Zulu both sharing another concerned look. The couple having an internal conversation through eye motions and blinking.

"Do you want to answer, or do you want me to answer?" Zulu's facial expression asked Twilight. Twilight let out a sigh as she answered Zulu's question.

"No, I'll do it." Twilight answered with a blink of her eyes as she stood to her full height and opened the door to Zulu's room. Fluttershy being taken by surprised when she saw her newest friend standing in front of her.

"Oh, Twilight... clears throat... I didn't suspect to see you in here." Fluttershy said with a small blush of embarrassment spreading across her face.

"Yeah, I must have woke up before you did and came down here to check on Theta." Twilight made up a lie to tell to Fluttershy. She didn't want Fluttershy to think that she had done anything special with Zulu last night.

"Oh the poor thing, I guess he hasn't been having the best morning so far." Fluttershy said as she kneeled down to Theta's level and helping the dog get back to a sitting position.

"Don't speak Theta, you are still just a mindless dog." Theta thought as he stared into the teal eyes of Fluttershy.

"He's ok, just frustrated." Zulu said as he stood up from the bed. Zulu walking over to where Twilight and Fluttershy were standing and wrapping his right arm around Twilight's shoulders. A slight blush appearing on Twilight's face as he leaned up against Zulu's shoulder.

"I see..." Fluttershy said as she stared blankly at the couple that was in front of her.

Twilight cleared her throat as she tried to end the awkwardness that was starting to build in the room. "Well, you said that you were looking for me. What for?" Twilight asked Fluttershy.

"Oh yes, I just wanted to tell that you should get ready because I will be leaving in a few minutes." Fluttershy said, Twilight a little confused as to what she was talking about.

"Leaving, leaving to where?"

"School, don't you go to CHS?" Fluttershy asked Twilight with even more confusion than Twilight. Twilight's purple eyes widening when she noticed her mistake.

"Oh, yeah. I guess I just forgot, It has been a hectic last few hours." Twilight said facehoofing... or palming herself as it would be technical.

"Right... well, there should still be able to get some breakfast before we have to leave." Fluttershy said as she began to walk out of the room.

"Ok, thank you Fluttershy." Twilight said as she watched her friend leave the room.

"Don't mention it Twilight, and will you be coming with us Zulu?" Fluttershy asked Zulu, putting him on the spot. This girl was really testing his abilities.

"No, I won't I... have already graduated." Zulu said quickly, not sure if what he was saying was correct given that he was in an alternate world.

Oh, I see. Well, I'll see upstairs in a few minutes ok, Twilight." Fluttershy said a little sheepishly, awkwardness beginning to set again.

"Of course, Shy. I'll be up in a few minutes." Twilight said as she pulled out of Zulu's hug and began to get all of her stuff together.

"Alright, but remember I'll have to leave in ten minutes in order to not be late." Fluttershy said to Twilight, her responding with a single nod of her head. "Ok, I'll see you in a few minutes." Fluttershy said as she closed the door.

"Ok, thanks, Shy." Twilight called out to her pink-haired friend as Fluttershy closed the door.

"Smooth." Zulu teased Twilight as soon as the door was closed.

"Hey, I'm not like you. I can't come up with believable lies at seemingly any point of time." Twilight said as she rounded up the last of her things.

"Well, I think you handled yourself pretty well regardless." Zulu said as he kissed Twilight on the forehead.

"Thanks, but I'm nowhere near as good as you." Twilight said to Zulu, her cheeks beginning to turn a slight pink color. Twilight a little concerned that she was talking to Zulu about who was the better liar.

"Well, I am trained since birth to be the best liar possible. So, that's to be suspected." Zulu said to Twilight. A thought coming to Twilight's mind.

"Zulu, how old are you exactly?" Twilight asked Zulu.

"I turned twenty-four a few months ago." Zulu said as he kneeled down and patted Theta on the head. The injured husky taking the attention as one good thing in an otherwise decent morning. "Why do you ask?" Zulu asked Twilight his own question.

"No reason, just curious." Twilight said as she began to walk toward the door. Twilight was dating an old stallion, Twilight having turned twenty-two not that long ago. "Anyway, I'll you two later today." Twilight said as she began to open the door.

"Ok, Theta and I will do the same thing that we need yesterday. We might be able to find clues as to what Sunset Shimmer is planning." Zulu said, Twilight nodding in agreement.

"Ok, I'll see the school at the same time as before and hopefully we won't have another incident." Twilight said, her words making Theta snort inside his cone.

"Right, I'll see you later." Zulu said as he embraced Twilight in a loving hug.

"I love you." Twilight as she planted a short kiss on Zulu's lips.

"I love you too." Zulu said in return as Twilight pulled out of the hug and walked out of the room. Twilight sending Zulu one last loving look before closing the door behind her. Zulu turned around with a happy smile on his face. A smile that vanished once he set eyes on Theta, who was sitting on his rump and glaring at him.

"What?" Zulu asked with a shrug.

It didn't take long for Twilight to walk up the stairs of Fluttershy's house and find herself in the kitchen/dining room. Twilight walked over toward the fridge and took a box of cereal off from the top. Twilight poured herself a bowl began to eat it from the counter that was in the center of the room that marked as a physical barrier between the kitchen and the dining room.

Twilight was about almost done with her bowl of cereal when Fluttershy walked into the kitchen. The pink-haired girl having her car keys wrapped around her finger and holding Twilight's backpack in her hand.

"Are you ready Twilight?" Fluttershy asked as Twilight took her last few bites of her bowl of cereal.

"Almost, just give me a second." Twilight said as she took the last bite of her cereal leaving only the left over milk inside the bowl.

"Ok, I'll be outside and here's your backpack." Fluttershy said placing Twilight backpack on the ground next to Twilight feet.

"Ok, thank Shy." Twilight said as she drank the leftover milk. Fluttershy giving a single head nod in response and walking down the stairs and out the door, leaving the door slightly open for Twilight to follow after her.

Twilight put her finished bowl in the sink and picked up her backpack with her left hand. "Spike." Twilight called toward Fluttershy's room, her purple dog companion running out of the room. Twilight unzipping the large pocket of her backpack and Spike walking into it. Twilight closing the backpack most of the way while making that there was still a hole be enough for Spike to breath.

"Ok, Spike lets go to school." Twilight said as she walked down the stairs and followed after Fluttershy. Fluttershy already being in her car and starting it the moment that Twilight exited her house. Twilight climbing into the passenger side of Fluttershy's car and placing her backpack on the floorboards next to her feet. Fluttershy spending the next few minutes driving the both of them to the high school.

After a few minutes of driving in silence Fluttershy finally broke it when she talked to Twilight. Twilight mostly staring out the window of Fluttershy's car looking bored. "So, you weren't in my room when I woke up. Would this have anything to do with Zulu?" Fluttershy asked Twilight, trading looks from Twilight and the road in front of her very couple of seconds.

"Didn't we already have this conversation last night?" Twilight gave Fluttershy her own question. Twilight keeping her cool from Fluttershy's question about her love life.

"Kind of, but I want to know if you really woke up before me or you and Zulu did other things last night?" Fluttershy asked, this time, Twilight's face beginning to flush pink in a blush and her heart began to beat faster.

Twilight was silent for a few seconds, her looking down at her backpack. Her eyes falling on the green eyes of Spike who was giving her some nonverbal support.

"You can tell me Twilight, I'll understand if you lied to me earlier. I wouldn't blame you if you did, hell I'd probably done the same thing." Fluttershy said to Twilight as the silence continued. Her words lifting a giant weight off of her shoulders.

"In that case then, yes. I did lie to you. I didn't wake up before you to check on if Theta was alright." Twilight admitted to Fluttershy, but she wasn't done. "In fact, I spent last night with Zulu." Twilight said, her feeling a small amount a shame from what she did. Shame that she didn't understand. Fluttershy said she didn't care that she had lied to her earlier, and she didn't have sex with Zulu. So, why was she feeling guilty? Damn, love is weird sometimes.

"Oh, this might be personal. But did you guys, you know?" Fluttershy asked as she turned down the road that Canterlot High was located on.

"No, Zulu and I didn't have sex." Twilight answered, a thought coming to her head. "But we almost did, thank you Theta." Twilight thought as another thought came to her. "Maybe that's why I feel guilty. Ugh! Love sucks!" Twilight internally groaned.

"Well, that's good to hear." Fluttershy said as her car neared the high school.

"I guess so." Twilight said as she went back to staring blankly out of the passenger side window of Fluttershy's car.

Another minute passed by as Fluttershy continued to drive down the street that CHS

"What the hell?" Fluttershy thought out loud as the school came into view. There being two cop cars with their lights flashing in front of the school. There being two cops at the top of the stairs talking to Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna.

"What is it?" Twilight asked as Fluttershy's car came to a stop on the sidewalk next to the school.

"I don't know Twilight." Fluttershy said as she put her car in park

"Sorry ladies, but there is no school today given the events of last night." A cop, a white-skinned man that looked to be in his mid to late twenties with black spiked hair with gray highlights, said to Twilight and Fluttershy. Stopping their movements with an extended hand.

"What happened officer?" Fluttershy asked the cop. Twilight now noticing the broken glass of the front doors that was covered up by yellow police tape that said 'Crime scene in progress. Don't enter.' in bold black letters.

"Did either of you watch the news this morning?" The cop asked, Twilight and Fluttershy both shaking their heads no. "Figures. Well, to make a long story short the school was broken into last night and the school has been closed until the person or people responsible have been caught." The cop explained to the two teenage girls. Fluttershy covering her mouth her hands in a gasp.

"Who would do such a thing?" Fluttershy asked the cop.

"We two have suspects that are being held for questioning that this time. Two individuals that I am currently not at liberties to discuss any further with you. But we are also following up any and all leads at this time." The cop said and the gears in Twilight's head began to turn.

"Do you know what was stolen, if anything?" Twilight asked the cop, speaking for the first time.

"Yes we do, let's see." The cop said as she pulled out a notepad and read it. "So far the only thing that was found missing, at least that we know of, was a golden crown. A crown that the Principals both confirm was going to be used for the school's upcoming dance." The cop explained, the two girls eyes widening even further.

"Why would someone want to steal the crown to the Fall Formal?" Fluttershy asked, her sending a concerning look Twilight's way.

"We aren't sure as to way, but even with our two suspects being held for questioning. The crown whereabouts are currently unknown." The cop said, Twilight brain only leading her to one person that could be responsible for this, Sunset Shimmer.

"Do you know if your two suspects had any assistance?" Twilight asked the cop.

"Like I said, they are both being questioned and I am unable to discuss any further. Now would you just go home and enjoy your unscheduled day without school." The cop said cutting off any further questions that Twilight could have.

"Come on, Twilight. We could get ourselves a bite at one of the cafes in the town instead." Fluttershy said to Twilight.

"Sure Fluttershy, let's go." Twilight said with an internal groan. "Thank you, officer." Twilight said to the cop as she followed Fluttershy back to her yellow car.

"Don't mention it kid, now gone along and enjoy your morning. I still have several reports to write." The officer said with one last effort to make Twilight and Fluttershy leave the school's premises in the most polite way that he could.

"Of course, we are leaving as we speak." Fluttershy said as she opened her car driver side door. Twilight having already climbed into the passenger side of the yellow car.

"Excellent, have a safe travel to where ever you are going ladies." The cop said as Fluttershy got into her car and started it. Fluttershy then did a quick U-turn and began to drive back down the road that she had been driving on for quite some time. The gears in Twilight's brain continuing to turn as she went back to staring out the window of Fluttershy's car.

Zulu had been laying on his bed ever since Twilight and Fluttershy left heading to the high school. "Hmm... Twilight won't be back for several hours. Maybe I can get a few more hours of sleep before I head out to find more clues." Zulu thought as he closed his eyes and drifted into a short power nap.

Zulu sleep didn't long as Theta walked over to him with a pillow being held in his mouth. "Zulu, wake up!" Theta shouted as he used his mouth to throw a pillow at Zulu's head. It hitting him squarely in the forehead. Zulu's body jumping to alertness.

"I'm up!" Zulu shouted as he shot to alertness. Zulu picking up the pillow that Theta had thrown at his head. "What the darkness, Theta!?" Zulu asked Theta as the white dog just walked over to the door of his room and sat in front of it.

"You have clues to find and I need to get my daily walk outside. So, let's go." Theta ordered at Zulu, the changeling turned human groaning as he stood up.

"Fine, come on Theta." Zulu groaned as he opened the door to his room and the two walked up the stairs to the living room of Fluttershy's house. Zulu finding Fluttershy's mom sitting in a blue reclining chair reading the newspaper.

"Good morning, Zulu." Mrs. Shy said greeted Zulu while still reading the newspaper.

"Morning, I'll be right in a few hours. Going to take Theta for a walk around town." Zulu said politely as grabbed a leash for Theta. Theta sending Zulu a death glare that said 'if you put that on me I will kill you when we get back to Equestria'.

"Ok, you should have Fluttershy and Twilight go with you. My daughter doesn't go out that much anymore." Mrs. Shy said, Zulu and Theta both sharing a look in confusion.

"I thought Twilight and Fluttershy had already left, for school?" Zulu asked Mrs. Shy. Fluttershy's mom folding up his newspaper at Zulu's words and standing up.

"Huh, I must not have watched the news this morning." Fluttershy's mom thought out loud.

"What do you mean?" Zulu asked as he wrapped the upper part of a leash loosely around Theta's neck in a makeshift collar. Theta's cone not making it easy.

"You must not have heard either. The high school was broken into last night, and all cases had been suspended until the investigation was finished." Fluttershy's mom explained, Zulu and Theta sharing another look.

"Huh... interesting. Well, I'll see you later and I'll make sure that if I see Twilight and/or Fluttershy I'll tell of this. If they don't already know if I find them." Zulu said as he opened the door to the house. Theta already rushing outside, the sun's rays feeling good on his white fur.

"Thank you, Zulu. You are such a dear." Mrs. Shy thanked Zulu, it feeling good to be thanked for doing something. Even how small it was in comparison to what he had done even in the last week of his life.

"I try to be." Zulu said with a smile before turn his attention to his dog companion for the day. "Now come on, Theta." Zulu said as he closed the door. Theta being revealed with the ability to finally talk again.

"Can you keep up with me?" Theta asked the moment that the front door closed, there being a little twinkle in his eyes.

"Try me." Zulu said and Theta took off. "Oh, you weren't kidding me." Zulu said as they went to for a run.

"Keep up, Z!" Theta called back to the human that was walking him. Zulu feeling very thankful that he had put on Theta before leaving the house. Theta just feeling great that he was outside and feeling the morning air rushing through his fur. He might have a cone on his head and a few more scars but he was happy and his mind returned to that yellowish-gray unicorn that had been dreaming about for the last few days. Theta knew that the first he was going to do that moment that he returned to Equestria was find that mare and see if she shared the same feelings that she had for him that he had for her.

After a few minutes of driving Fluttershy pulled her car into the parking lot into of the town's local diner by the name of 'Derby's'. Fluttershy and Twilight both entered the diner and took a seat in the booth that was closest to the front door of the diner. The bell on the door of the diner ringing as the two girls entered and took their seats.

A blonde-haired purple skinned waitress walking up to the two friends and introducing herself while giving both of them a menu. "Hi, my name is Dinky and I will be your server today. What could I get for the both of you?" The waitress asked Twilight and Fluttershy in a polite voice.

"I'll have my regular breakfast, Dinky." Fluttershy said to the waitress.

"Alright..." Dinky said as she wrote down what Fluttershy had always ordered when she had breakfast at the diner, her order being scrambled eggs and pancakes with a side of a light salad. "And what about you Miss?" Dinky said as she shifted attentions to Twilight.

"Hmm... I'll have..." Twilight hummed as she skimmed through the diner's menu. Twilight going through the vegetarian section of the menu. Even though Twilight was now in the body of a creature that looked to be an omnivore she still felt it weird to eat meat from animals that she could easily have as a friend back home.

"A serving of your best pancakes with a side of hash browns, and no meat products. I'm a vegetarian." Twilight said to the waitress.

"Understood..." Dinky said as she wrote down Twilight's order. "Will that be all?" Dinky asked as she finished.

"I believe so." Twilight said with a smile.

"Excellent, I'll be right back with your order." Dinky said as she walked off toward the kitchen of the diner.

Awkward silence came upon the two as they waited for their food. Twilight knew that if she didn't break the silence than it would last for the entire time that they were here and she didn't a second opinion on who would be as so bold as to break into the school and steal the crown for the Fall Formal. Twilight already had her suspicions, but needed to see if Fluttershy shared the same opinion as she did.

"So Fluttershy..." Twilight began to say, catching Fluttershy's attention. "I was wondering what you thought about the school getting broken into last night?" Twilight asked Fluttershy.

"To be honest, I'm still a little surprised that someone would actually have the guts to actually do something like that." Fluttershy said as Dinky returned with the two friends' order.

"Thank you." Twilight said to Dinky as she as took a bite of her plate of pancakes. "So, who do you think could've done it?" Twilight asked Fluttershy, returning to what was currently important.

"I have an idea, but I really don't want to say it out loud." Fluttershy said with a cautious look around the nearly empty diner. There only being three other girls in the diner, them sitting in the furthermost booth in the diner. Them seemingly out of earshot. Them all wearing different colored hoodies.

"Is it Sunset Shimmer?" Twilight asked as she took another bite of her pancakes. Fluttershy's teal eyes widening at her words.

"How did you know?" Fluttershy asked genuinely surprised.

"Fluttershy, I'm not an idiot and neither is Sunset Shimmer. I am going against her for the Fall Formal Princess and if she can't have the crown that she make sure that no one else will be able to have the crown." Twilight said as a scary thought coming to her mind as she continued to eat her second source of breakfast for the day. "I just fear what she will do if the crown."

"I see, well if that's the case then how do we prove it." Fluttershy said as she took a bite of her food.

"It shouldn't be that hard, Sunset's probably one of the suspects just because she is one of the girls that is running for the Fall Formal Princess. We just need to find proof that she was at the school around the same time as the robbery." Twilight said to Fluttershy as a cop car pulled into the parking lot of the diner and two police officer step out. Twilight nor Fluttershy noticing the car and just continued talking.

"But aren't you also running for the Fall Formal Princess?" Fluttershy asked Twilight as she finished her scrambled eggs.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" Twilight asked as the two officers walked into the diner. The bell on the door ringing at their entry.

"No reason, just curious." Fluttershy said as she quickly finished her meal.

"What are you getting at Shy?" Twilight thought as she noticed on the two cops for the first time.

"Morning Officers, can I interest the both of you in a cup of the best coffee in town. On the house for all members of law enforcement." Dinky said politely to the two cops at their entry.

"No thank you, madame, under other circumstances maybe. But the both of us are on official business right now." One of the cops said, him being a middle-aged man with brown hair and a fluffy mustache. The other being a man that looked to be in his mid to late twenties with short blonde hair.

"Of course, well enjoy your stay here." Dinky said as she returned her duties washing tables for the breakfast rush that was doomed to happen in the next few minutes.

The cops then walked over to where Twilight and Fluttershy were sitting and introduced themselves to the two teenagers, or more specifically to the Twilight. "Are you Twilight Sparkle?" The cop with the mustache asked Twilight.

"Yes, can you help you, officers?" Twilight said as she stared at the two cops that were in front of her.

"Yes, can you come with us and answer a few our question down at the station?" The blonde-haired cop asked Twilight.

"Um... can I ask why?" Twilight asked the two cops, her heart beginning to beat faster and Fluttershy was sending a cautious look her direction.

"We will explain more down at the station. Can you please just come with us without making a scene?" The mustached cop said to Twilight. The squabble between Twilight and the cops getting the attention of the girls that were sitting in the back of the diner. Them beginning to feel physically stronger as they continued to talk.

"Twilight what's going on?" Fluttershy asked with concern in her voice.

"Don't Fluttershy, I'll take care of this." Twilight said to her friend before returning her attention back to the two officers that were standing in front of her. "I believe I have the right why I have been called into questioning." Twilight said her brain turning and coming to only one conclusion that whatever was happening in front of her had something to with the high school getting broken into last night and even further, something to do with Sunset Shimmer.

"Madame all will be explained at the station. Please we can do this the easy way or..." The blonde-haired cop said as he reached back his back for his handcuffs. "the hard way."

Twilight let out a sigh as she admitted defeat. "Ok fine, I'll go with you."

"Twilight, you can't be serious?" Fluttershy said as Twilight rose to her feet.

"Find Zulu, he'll know what to do." Twilight said to Fluttershy as she was escorted out of the diner by the two cops.

In the furthermost booth, the three girls that were sitting in it were enjoying the spectacle that was happening in front of them. This being the best meal that they had in quite some time.

"What was that all about Adagio? I mean I'm not complaining. That was the best meal I've had in years." The girl that was wearing a green hoodie asked. Her removing her hoodie to reveal a purple-skinned girl with purple and light blue pigtails and purple eyes.

"Yeah, that was weird." The girl wearing a magenta-colored hoodie said revealing her hood. The girl underneath being a light-skinned girl with a two-toned blue hair that was tied up in a long ponytail and having pink eyes.

"Shut up, Sonata." The purple-skinned girl said to the blue-skinned girl.

"You shut up, Aria!" Sonata said back to Aria and the two girls began taking playful slaps at each other. The third hoodie wearing girl groaning at the other two's actions.

"Stop it!" The girl that the other two were talking to shouted, her name being Adagio. "Ugh, I'm surrounded by idiots!" Adagio groaned internally as she removed the hood on her purple hoodie. Adagio being an amber-skinned girl with a puffy orange head of hair that had a small streak of yellow in it.

"Does it really matter how we got our breakfast. We got it and that's all that I care about right now." Adagio said rubbing her eyes magenta eyes. Her mood becoming much better as the diner began to be filled with people from the breakfast rush. "And we might be able to get a second serving by the looks of it." Adagio said with a devilish smile that would put Sunset to shame.

"Let's get this over with." Aria said as she put her hood back over her head. The other two girls putting their hoods on their heads and beginning to hum a single harmonious tone. A strange green gas coming out of the red gems on a necklace that they all had.

The people inside the diner all beginning to break into small arguments for no apparent reason. The girls humming now becoming audible and the arguing only growing louder in the diner. The three girls all smiling, Adagio most of all, as they seemed to grow even stronger from all of the arguing.

Fluttershy being the only one that seemed to be not effect by the girls' sirenic music and quickly left the diner to avoid getting involved in a fight between two men that Fluttershy recognized as being on the high school's football team. Adagio disregarding the pink-haired girl immunity as nothing special, she and her companions weren't even close to being at full power so it made so sense that they could infect everyone inside a small building.

Zulu and Theta were walking through the streets of the city when they came across the diner that they ate lunch at the day before. Theta's movements came to a stop when he noticed out of the corner of his eye Twilight being escorted out the diner by two police officers.

"What is it, Theta?" Zulu asked Theta, noticing that he's movements had come to a stop.

"Look." Theta said to Zulu, pointing his paw across the street. Zulu's eyes following where Theta was pointing and seeing Twilight being put into the back seat of a cop car.

"What the darkness?" Zulu said as he watched the cop pull out the parking lot and sped away down the street away from the diner. Zulu shifted his attention away from the cop car and back to the diner when he saw Fluttershy walking out of it. Fluttershy not looking the best.

"Fluttershy!" Zulu called across the street, catching Fluttershy's attention. When Zulu's knew that he had gotten Fluttershy's attention, and when the street was clear of any other cars, he crossed it. "Fluttershy, what's going on?" Zulu asked as he greeted the pink-haired girl.

"I don't know, Zulu. In fact, I was just leaving to find you." Fluttershy said.

"So what happened?" Zulu asked Fluttershy, the three of them being completely unaware that hidden in the darkness of an alleyway they were being watched.

"Twilight and I were just inside of the diner having a bite to eat after we found out that the school had been closed after it had been broken into last night." Fluttershy explained to Zulu.

"I know, your mother told me about it, that's why Theta and I have been walking around the city looking for the both of you." Zulu said as Fluttershy continued to explain what had happened.

"Well, Twilight and I were just having a good time eating our food when two cops entered the diner and asked if they could bring Twilight down to the police station for 'questioning'." Fluttershy said with air quotes.

"Did they say for what?" Zulu asked Fluttershy. Theta's eyes began to wonder and he looked off into the distance and he could've sworn that he saw someone with a head of hair that looked like fire hiding in an alleyway. Theta soon dismissed it as nothing more than his brain playing a trick on him and went back to Zulu and Fluttershy talking.

"No, they said they would 'explain at the station'." Fluttershy told Zulu repeating what the cops told her and Twilight.

"Well, let's go! If Twilight is getting questioned by the police then she going to need some support." Zulu said to Fluttershy.

"Ok, I'll us over to the police station. Whatever this is, has to be about the school getting broken into last night." Fluttershy said as she walked over to her yellow car.

"Agreed." Zulu said as he got into the passenger side at the same time as Fluttershy got into the driver side and started her car. Theta hopping into the backseat of the car. Theta hated riding in cars, but if Twilight was in terrible than he was going to through the pain. Twilight was worth a few minutes of wanting to expel all of the contents of his stomach.

Fluttershy's yellow car pulled out of the diner's parking lot and began driving down the street heading toward the police station of the city. The girl that had been watching them from the shadows of an alleyway showing herself as she watched the yellow car speed away.

"This is going to be too easy." Sunset said with a devilish smile, her smile vanishing as one of her minions that were hiding behind a green dumpster spoke to her.

"That's easy for you to say, your not the one that was almost thrown in jail." Snips said to Sunset.

"Yeah, what gives Sunset. Almost going to jail isn't a reward for help breaking into the school." Snails added.

"Shut it you, idiots!" Sunset snapped, she really hated working with these two idiots but they did what she ask without question and soon so would everyone else. "I just saved your asses from being charged with a felony." Sunset continued her fiery rage beginning to build. "And I promised you a reward if you succeed with failure. Something that you didn't do." Sunset said as she began to walk down the sidewalk across the street from the diner. Sunset's car being parked at the street corner.

"At least we got you the crown, and the cops don't suspect anything of you." Snips said as Sunset arrived at her car.

"Yes, but I still to win the Fall Formal. I just needed a distraction for Twilight and dealing with the cops will work quite nicely." Sunset said as she got into the driver's side of her car.

"Why would you still need to win the dance, you already have the crown?" Snails asked Sunset.

"My reasons are my own, and never question them again." Sunset said as she started her car. "Now move before I run you over." Sunset said to her two minions. Them both taking a step backward. "I'll call both of you in few hours for the next stage of my plan. In that time you can do whatever you want." Sunset said to her two minions. Both of their faces lighting up.

"Thank you, Sunset." Snips said gleefully to his master.

"Just do anything that will but back in a jail cell again, it was hard enough to get out once, and I'm not planning on trying to do it a second time." Sunset said as she began to drive her car back toward the abandoned house that she used as a home during her stay in this world.

"Don't worry, Sunset. We won't let you down!" Snips called as Sunset drove away.

"I find that highly unlikely." Sunset groaned to herself as she continued to drive toward her destination. A memory that hadn't thought about in years coming to her mind.

Sunset could feel her teal eyes beginning to water as she recalled the memory. She pulled over to the side of the road and quickly wiped away her tears. It was strange that despite all of the years that had passed she was still brought to tears when she remembered the pleasant times that she had with her.

"No!" Sunset shouted from inside her car. "She is the enemy! She didn't care about me! She never cared about me!" Sunset continued to shout as more tears continued to flow from her eyes.

Sunset hit her head on the edge of her car's steering wheel, a small jolt of pain going through her head from the impact. But she didn't care. She was having a fury of emotions going through her mind right now that she didn't care about any physical pain.

Sunset lifted her head off the steering wheel and opened the glove compartment of her car. She searched through the glove compartment until she came across one of the few things that she had taken with her from Equestria.

A picture. A picture of her and Princess Celestia to be exact. Sunset was just a filly in it, maybe only five or six. She hadn't even gotten her cutie mark yet. She was sitting on a grassy hill staring up at the white alicorn that was sitting wings spread above her. Celestia staring back down at Sunset with a warm smile on her face. Both them looked happy, and they were happy.

Sunset ran her fingers over the picture that she held in her opposite hand, a few of her tears dropped on the picture in front of her. Sunset quickly wiping away of her tears that had fallen on it. Sunset didn't care if anyone saw her crying her eyes out. She needed this right now, she needed to be vulnerable. Years and years of holding up a brick wall of being the tough girl around CHS. Right now she just needed to cry. And cry she did.

"I miss you..." Sunset whimpered as she held the photo up to her chest, more and more tears flowing from her eyes as more and more painful memories that she thought that she had buried long ago came flooding back to her.


Author's Note:

I won't lie to you, I cried writing the final scene with Sunset. Sunset's first memory will be shown in detail sometime in the future. And before any of you ask. I am not trying to trick you, Sunset is really Celestia's daughter.

I feel like Adagio sometimes. The appearance of the Sirens in this chapter is still technically a cameo, but they will become important in this story, eventually. I feel like Theta sometimes during road trips. I hate reading in the backseat of cars, especially if the car has a very soft suspension. I'm fine when I'm either driving or in the passenger seat, but I can't stand being in the back. I can't be the only one like this, right?

In case you are wondering here are the ages of the Mane Six and other major characters in my universe. The First Alpha 4,500-5,000 (age in total years, him dying when he was about 3,000-3,500 years old), Delta and Omega 2,500-3,000, Celestia 1,800-2,100, Luna and Tirek 1,600-2000, Discord and Sombra 1,500-1,800, Chrysalis 900-1,100, Cadence 29, Shining Armor 28, Theta and Sigma 25, Zulu and Sunset Shimmer 24, Rarity and Applejack 23, Twilight and Moon Dancer 22, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash 21, Pinkie 20, Spike 14, and the CMC 10. This was a lot harder to do then you would think. If you're wondering the hardest to figure out was Sunset.

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