• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 3,014 Views, 146 Comments

The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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Getting the Band Back Together (Equestria Girls)

Zulu walked up to Twilight and Applejack and introduced himself to the latter of the two. "Hello, my name's Zulu. Pleasure to meet you." Zulu said to this world's version of Applejack, him extending his hand toward the cowgirl. It felt a little weird to meet Twilight's friend all over again, but at least time around he didn't have the fact that he was a changeling making the situation any worse.

"Howdy, name's Applejack. Such a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Applejack said in her distinctive thick southern accent.

"Same, and this is Theta and Spike." Zulu said introducing the two dogs that were at his side. Applejack's green widening as she saw Theta.

"Aw! What happened to this little fella?" Applejack asked Zulu, dropping her knees to examine the husky that still had a white cone that wrapped around his head. Theta beginning to get more and more annoyed from all of the attention that he was getting from the white cone that was on his head.

"He was attacked by another dog yesterday, so he has to wear that cone for the next week or so." Zulu explained to Applejack as she patted the white dog on the top of the head.

"I'm not wearing this damn back in Equestria!" Theta internally vented as Applejack and Zulu continued to talk.

"So Applejack, as I was saying. Would you mind taking a break and joining me and Zulu for some lunch at the town's diner?" Twilight asked Applejack, the cowgirl wiping some of the sweat from working in the field for the last few hours.

"Sure, it might be fun. Let me just clean myself up and I can drive us over in ma truck." Applejack said to Twilight as she ran off to the red barn to wash up.

"What are you planning, Twilight?" Zulu asked Twilight when Applejack was out of earshot.

"I told you, I'm getting the gang back together." Twilight answered Zulu, the calm breeze of the early autumn sending a shiver down her spine.

"But, didn't you say that something happened between Rainbow and Applejack?" Zulu asked Twilight.

"Yeah, and I'm the Princess of Friendship. I'm sure that I can find a way of getting them back together." Twilight as Applejack came out of the red barn and started walking back toward Twilight and Zulu.

"Ok, let's go. I've had a cracking for some of Derpy's signature pancakes for quite some time now." Applejack said to met back up with Twilight and Zulu.

"Great, let's go then!" Twilight said as she and Zulu followed Applejack to her pickup truck that was parked near the red barn. The truck being an older green pickup that had its bed filled with empty wooden baskets that were used to store the apples of the harvest.

"Are you sure that taking a lunch with us isn't too much of an issue for you?" Twilight asked as she climbed into Applejack's truck. Zulu climbing into the truck and sitting next to Twilight with his left arm wrapping around her shoulder. Spike hopping off of Theta's back and leading in the front of the truck. The purple dog resting in the lab of Twilight. Theta hopping up into the bed with the truck moving some of the wooden baskets so that he could lay on the steel bed.

"Not at all Twilight, I was going to stop and eat not that long before you showed up anyway, and ma siblings are more than capable of finishing the harvest without me." Applejack said as she put her key in the ignition of her truck and started its engine. The green truck rumbling to life. Applejack put her truck in gear and pulled out of the dirt driveway of the red barn and began to drive back down the gravel path, heading back toward the city.

Over in the diner, Fluttershy was waiting in the diner, her sitting in the same booth that she was sitting in when she had breakfast with Twilight earlier that day. Fluttershy had ordered a cup of tea, herbal just like she like it, as she waited for Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Zulu to arrive.

Fluttershy ran her finger along the ring of her teacup as she waited anxiously for her friends to arrive. "Where's Rainbow, Twilight said that she was probably going to be late, but it was never like Rainbow to be late." Fluttershy thought as she looked down at her communication device that called 'a phone' to check the time for the fifth time in the last two minutes. Rainbow being late for the last three minutes. Fluttershy was concerned as Rainbow was almost never late.

Fluttershy let out a small squeak as the door the diner was opened suddenly and her the rainbow-colored hair of her friend ran in a dash. Rainbow was wearing her normal light blue jacket over a white shirt that had what would've been her cutie mark back in Equestria on it. Rainbow was also wearing a magenta-colored skirt with black sweating shorts underneath and a pair of matching blue boots.

Rainbow's magenta eyes scanned the small diner until her eyes fell upon the pink hair of Fluttershy, a happy smile spreading across her face. Rainbow walked across the diner and took a seat in the booth across from Fluttershy.

"Sorry, I'm late, Shy. You called just in the middle of practice and I couldn't get out of it until a few minutes ago." Rainbow apologized to Fluttershy as the waitress of the diner gave Rainbow her usual every time that she went to the diner. A single glass of clear cold water.

"It's no problem Rainbow, you didn't leave me waiting here that long." Fluttershy said as she took a sip of her tea.

"So, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Rainbow asked Fluttershy as she took a sip of her glass of water.

"Um... Fluttershy stumbled as she tried to come up with an answer for Rainbow, Twilight hadn't arrived yet and she didn't know why Twilight wanted to meet Rainbow in the first place.

"No reason." Fluttershy finally said. "I just thought that it would be a good idea for us to spend an afternoon together. We don't really hang out that much anymore anyway." Fluttershy said to Rainbow with a small smile.

"I guess so Fluttershy, well I hope that today will be a great one." Rainbow said raising her glass of water. The two teens connecting their two drinks in a light clang of glass.

A few minutes passed and Fluttershy and Rainbow continued to talk to each other when Fluttershy noticed a familiar green pickup truck pulling

"Hey, Rainbow isn't that Rainbow's truck?" Fluttershy asked as the green truck pulled into the diner's parking lot.

"What is she doing here!?" Rainbow said a little louder than she expected as she saw the cowgirl step out of her green truck.

"I don't know Rainbow, maybe she just wants to have lunch." Fluttershy said. her now noticing Twilight

"Maybe." Rainbow all but spat as she quickly ate a piece of bacon. Fluttershy now noticing Twilight as she hopped out of Applejack's green truck.

"What is Twilight doing with Applejack?" Fluttershy thought as she watched Twilight, Zulu, and Applejack walked toward the diner.

It didn't take long for Applejack to drive her truck to the diner and pull into the parking lot. Applejack pulling into an empty parking spot that was near the front of the building.

"I can't thank you enough Twilight from taking away from Sweet Apple Acres." Applejack said to Twilight as she turned off her truck.

"I thought you liked working on the farm?" Twilight asked as she and Zulu got out of the truck. Theta hopping out of the bed and landing with a small thud on the black pavement of the parking lot.

"I do, but even I need a day off sometimes." Applejack said with a laugh.

"I see, well Fluttershy should be waiting for us inside, come on." Twilight said, Applejack's movements coming to a stop at the mention of her former friend.

"Wait, Fluttershy having lunch with us?" Applejack asked Twilight, her never mentioning the inclusion of Fluttershy before.

"Yeah, didn't I tell you that Fluttershy was having lunch with us?" Twilight asked Applejack, her fully aware that she had intentionally bring up Fluttershy in fear that Applejack would've said no.

"No, you didn't." Applejack said crossing her arms.

Twilight suppressed a giggle as she stared at Applejack, she was just as stubborn as her friend back home. "Oh, sorry about that, well now you know. Come on, it could fun." Twilight said happily.

"I'm not going in there, Twilight." Applejack said showing her stubborn side.

Twilight let out an internal sigh as she tried a different angle. "I thought you and Fluttershy were friends?" Twilight asked Applejack, trying to play the innocent dumb card.

"I have nothing against Fluttershy, it's her friend Rainbow Dash that I have a problem with." Applejack said to Twilight, her almost out Rainbow's name.

"Why would Fluttershy hanging out with Rainbow be an issue with hanging out with her?" Twilight asked, her noticing the unmistakable rainbow-colored hair of this world's version of Rainbow Dash. Twilight gave a smile as Applejack didn't seem to notice Rainbow Dash's presence yet.

"Fine!" Applejack groaned as she accepted Twilight offer to have lunch with Fluttershy.

"Alright, let's go then." Twilight said as she let Applejack walk passed her. She wanted to make sure that Applejack couldn't just leave the diner when she saw Rainbow Dash.

"Not bad Twilight, I think I'm a good bad influence on you." Zulu whispered to Twilight as they both entered the diner. Theta and Spike being close behind.

"I do my best." Twilight said as she gave a quick peck on Zulu's cheek and entered the diner after Applejack. Spike following after the purple-skinned teen.

"This is so going to blow up in our faces." Theta said to Zulu as the two stood out of the diner for a few seconds.

"Don't be so pessimistic, Theta." Zulu said down to the white husky.

"I can and I will." Theta said as he entered the diner with a push of his padded paws. Zulu laughing to himself as he followed after the white dog.

Zulu entered the diner and it looked like the gates of Tartarus had been opened.

"Twilight, what is the meaning of this?!" Zulu heard Applejack shouted as he entered.

"I feel the same way!" Rainbow shouted, her and Applejack staring each other down.

"Twilight, what are you doing?" Fluttershy asked Twilight as she watched her two friends staring each other down. Everyone else in the diner slowly moving toward the rear of the diner. Three familiar girls wearing hoodies getting another great boost of energy from the two former friends staring each other down.

"Don't worry Shy, I know what I'm doing?" Twilight said to Fluttershy.

"Are you sure." Zulu whispered to Twilight.

"Yes, I am." Twilight whispered back.

"What exactly are you doing?" Rainbow asked Twilight.

"I know that you two used to be friends. I want to know what happened between the two of you." Twilight said to Rainbow and Applejack.

"Rainbow knows exactly what she did to me." Applejack said as she continued to stare down Rainbow.

"And Applejack knows exactly what she did to me." Rainbow added as her magenta eyes stared directly into the green eyes of Applejack.

"I didn't do anything to you. You're the one that didn't go to my bake sale."

"I did go to your bake sale, you were the one that ditched on me!" Rainbow shouted back at Applejack.

"Wait, stop, what bake sale are you two talking about."

"Rainbow promised that she would have the softball team make an appearance at my latest bake sale. I tell everybody they're comin', and then not one of 'em shows up! She made a liar outta me!" Applejack angrily explained to Twilight. Twilight brain being to turn with reasonable reasons why Rainbow didn't show up, most them having something to do with Sunset Shimmer.

"And I ain't no liar." Applejack all but shouted at Rainbow, her green eyes burning with anger. Three girls in hoodies at the rear of the diner getting the best meal in their life from the two former friends arguing. The girl with the puffy orange hair having a devilish smile on her face that only continued to grow.

"What are you talking about!" Rainbow shouted back. "You are the one that ditched on me!" Rainbow continued, the two girls now nose to nose.

"How's that?" Applejack snarled at Rainbow.

"I was told by someone that you had changed the date of your bake sale. When I finally arrived with the soft team you weren't there. You ditched on me, not the other way around AJ!" Rainbow shouted back, Applejack's green eyes widening at Rainbow's words.

"I never rescheduled. Who told you this?" Applejack asked Rainbow, her calming down.

"Sunset Shimmer, why?" Rainbow said, Twilight's concerns being confirmed. Twilight and Zulu both shared a look, Twilight nodding her head happily.

"Is it possible that this was just a big misunderstanding." Fluttershy joined in for the first time.

"That is possible, but I have my own theory." Twilight said.

"What do you mean?" Rainbow asked Twilight.

Twilight looked around the diner before answering and saw that the waitress was sending her and her friends a glare that could cut marble. "Um... maybe it would better if we discuss this outside." Twilight said, all of her friends nodding in agreement.

"Sure, Twi." Applejack said all of Twilight's friends followed her out of the diner.

"You were saying Twi?" Rainbow said as they all gathered outside of the diner.

Oh, yes." Twilight said as she picked up where the conversation in the diner had left off. "You said it was Sunset Shimmer that told that Applejack had changed the date of her bake sale, right?" Twilight asked Rainbow.

"Yeah, so." Rainbow said with a shrug of her shoulders. "It was probably just an accident by Sunset." Rainbow added.

"What if it wasn't an accident, what if Sunset told you the wrong date in a manner to ruin your relationship."

"What makes you say that? I'm not saying that it out of Sunset's character to do something like that." Applejack asked Twilight.

"I have no proof to say that Sunset broke up your relationship on purpose, but it just I feeling I have. It seems that she broke up all of your relationships, Rainbow and Applejack, in a manner to make harder for me to beat her." Twilight thought out loud. "Fluttershy did you ever ask Pinkie why she ruined your fundraiser with balloons and fireworks?" Twilight asked Fluttershy, her laughing nervously and rubbing the back of her neck in regret.

"No, I kind of stop talking to her after I yelled at her. But I can remember Sunset looking super happy in the weeks after I stopped hanging out with Pinkie."

"Hmm... do any of you know where Pinkie is?" Twilight asked her friends.

"I have her number and she and I still hang out together." Applejack said taking out an apple red cell phone out of her pocket and dialing the number of Pinkie.

"Great, that still leaves Rarity." Twilight thought out loud.

"Rarity's probably at her boutique doing whatever she does." Rainbow said.

"Perfect, AJ how's getting a hold of Pinkie going?" Twilight asked Applejack as the cowgirl ended her call with Pinkie.

"She says that she's at the school still preparing for the Fall Formal." Applejack said, a look of confusion appearing on Rainbow's face.

"How's that even possible, I taught it was canceled because of the school getting broken into last night." Rainbow said.

"I don't know, and there's only one way to find out." Applejack said as she put her phone back in her pocket.

All of Twilight's friends all gathered into their cars, Twilight, Zulu, Theta, and Spike all riding in Fluttershy's car, and drove to Canterlot High to see what Pinkie was currently doing. Them about to met with something that none of them had expected.

It didn't take long for Twilight and her friends to drive to CHS and they pulled into the student parking lot. The first thing that they noticed was the lack of the police presence that was there earlier that day.

"Hmm... interesting, I'd except there to be more cops." Fluttershy said as she put her car in park.

"It is interesting." Twilight said as she got out of the passenger seat of Fluttershy's car. Fluttershy, Zulu, Theta, and Spike quickly following after her. Applejack and Rainbow pulled into the parking lot and parked both of their respective cars next to Fluttershy's. Rainbow driving a light blue muscle car that she got a lot of hell from Fluttershy about its fuel efficiency. Most of the time things that she ignored.

"Hey, Fluttershy." Rainbow said catching Fluttershy's attention.

"Yeah, Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked, turning to face Rainbow.

"Isn't that Sunset's car?" Rainbow asked Fluttershy, her pointing her index finger at an old sedan that was parked near the front of the school.

"I think so." Fluttershy answered.

"What the hay is Sunset doing here?" Applejack asked.

"There's only one way to find out, come on girls." Twilight said her status as the de facto leader of the Mane Six coming back to her. Something that Zulu really enjoyed seeing.

Twilight began walking toward the school with her three friends in tow and Spike following close behind her. Twilight's movements coming to the stop when she noticed that Zulu and Theta wasn't following her.

"Zulu, are you coming with?" Twilight asked Zulu.

"You girls got an get Pinkie. Me and Theta will catch up with the both of you later." Zulu said to Twilight, Theta looking up at the changeling turned human and thinking.

"Zulu, what are you doing?"

"If Sunset's really here then I think it would best if I and Theta incept her and really find out what she is planning." Zulu said

"Good idea, Zulu." Twilight said to Zulu with a smile. "Come on girls, let's find Pinkie.

"Do you think that you can find Sunset, Theta." Zulu asked Theta as Twilight and her friends walked away. Theta sending Zulu a look that said 'what do you think'. Theta taking a sniff of the hair and began to walk toward the rear of the school.

"You got her scent!" Zulu called out to Theta as he got into a light jog to keep up with Theta.

"Of course, I got it!" Theta called back to Zulu. "Now keep up!" Theta said as he rounded one of the corners of the large brick building. Zulu letting out a single laugh at Theta's words.

Twilight went through the front doors of the high school, Twilight surprised that the doors were even opened and began to search the school for Pinkie.

"Does anyone have any idea where Pinkie might me?" Twilight asked her friends.

"If the dance is back on then Pinkie's probably in the gym finishing up the last bits before the dance tomorrow night." Applejack answered, her words making Twilight really now just how time she had left until the portal closed.

"Alright, come on. We don't have that much time and we still need to get Rarity back." Twilight said as they all started heading toward the mane gym of the school.

Once Twilight and her friends got to the gym they could hear the sounds of stuff being moved around inside of it. The doors to the gym were closed so they couldn't see who was moving stuff inside the gym, most likely Pinkie, but they could tell just from the sound that they were indeed still preparing the gym for the Fall Formal.

"Sounds like Pinkie's here." Applejack said at the sounds of something heavy being moved over the tile floor of the gym. But it only sounding like things were being moved

"She sounds like she needs some help, does Pinkie usually get any help for parties and stuff?" Twilight asked her friends, them all shaking their heads no.

"Pinkie does most of the setup for the school events herself, sometimes she gets some help from a junior by the name of Cheese Sandwich, but I think that's about it." Applejack said, her seeming to be the best person to ask for information on this world's Pinkie.

"I see." Twilight said turning her head back toward the blue double doors of the school's gym. "Pinkie needs our help and we need Pinkie." Twilight said with determination in her words and eyes as she opened the doors in one quick motion.

The sudden opening of the doors startling Pinkie Pie, who was currently leaning over a large black speaker. Her forehead being covered in sweat as her hair lay flat and matted from all the sweat that she had worked up getting the gym reading for a dance that she thought was canceled only a few hours earlier.

"Oh, Twilight!" Pinkie gasped putting her right hand to her chest. "You startled me." Pinkie said to Twilight breathing heavily. Her not yet noticing any of the others.

"We have come to help you, Pinkie." Twilight said to Pinkie gesturing to the rest of her friends. Fluttershy sending a small wave Pinkie's way. A wave that was met by a death glare from Pinkie. Fluttershy quickly retracting her hand and smoothing out the bottom

"Hmm... all of you except Fluttershy, she has to go far away and never come back." Pinkie said as she began to struggle to move the large speaker again.

"Come on, Pinkie. I have come to make peace with you." Fluttershy said to Pinkie stepping passed her friends.

"I don't care you were a meanie to me for doing what you wanted me to do." Pinkie spat back Fluttershy bitterly. Pinkie's light blue eyes burning with anger toward Fluttershy.

Twilight rarely saw Pinkie ever angry and when she did it terrified her. Her seeing a pony, in this case, a human that was almost always happy and bubbly being angry at someone, let alone someone who used to be her friend. It just pained Twilight to see.

"I never said that I wanted a giant party for the fundraiser." Fluttershy said to Pinkie, her trying to remain civil. Something that Pinkie was not inclined to share.

"Yes you did!" Pinkie shouted taking out her phone. "I got a text from you saying that you didn't want a serious celebration, you wanted a big party!" Pinkie shouted showing

"I never sent you any text, Pinkie." Fluttershy said softly, Pinkie's anger fading from her as she saw the truth in Fluttershy's face.

"Then if you didn't, then who did?" Pinkie thought out loud.

"Sunset Shimmer." Twilight said catching Pinkie's attention. "She made so that you and Fluttershy stop being friends, and you aren't the only ones. She did the exact same thing to Rainbow and Applejack, and I would bet that it wouldn't be that far-fetched if she also did something else to Rarity." Twilight said putting a reassuring hand on Pinkie's left shoulder.

"Ugh!" Pinkie groaned as she covered her face with her hands in shame. "I'm such an idiot." Pinkie whimpered.

"Hey, Pinkie." Fluttershy said now comforting her new old friend. "It's ok. We all make mistakes, I am at fault for what happened just as much as you are. Even more so because I am the one that overreacted and yelled at you." Fluttershy apologized to Pinkie.

"Thanks, Shy. Hugs!" Pinkie said extending her hands for a big hug.

"Hugs." Fluttershy said as she accepted the hug from Pinkie.

"Now that we have that settled." Twilight said bringing the friends back to what was now currently important. "Pinkie can you tell us why you are still getting the gym ready for the Fall Formal dance?" Twilight asked Pinkie, her pulling out of her hug with Fluttershy.

"Yeah, I thought it had been canceled because of what happened last night." Rainbow Dash added.

"It was." Pinkie said as she went back to pushing the heavy speaker. "But apparently, someone had found the crown and returned it. So Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna put the dance back on since they now had the only thing that was stolen and the damage to the school during the break-in was only minimal." Pinkie grunted as she continued to struggle at moving the large speaker.

"You need some help, sugar cube?" Applejack asked Pinkie with a small laugh.

"Yes." Pinkie grunted as the black speaker refused to move.

"Alright, hold on Pinkie." Applejack said as she walked over to Pinkie and began to push the speaker with ease. Applejack's years of working in the fields of Sweet Apple Arches being a big help to her.

"So has the police investigation been called off?" Twilight asked as Pinkie wiped some of her sweat from her forehead.

"I don't think so, but they did say that we could continue with schooling and the dance as it was scheduled." Pinkie said to Twilight.

"Where do you want this thing bein' put, Pinkie!" Applejack called from across the gym as she continued to push the speaker around.

"Oh, next to the stage would be great AJ!" Pinkie called out to Applejack, the cowgirl grunting in acknowledgment.

"Since you girls are here, I would really appreciate it if you would help me finish the gym for the dance." Pinkie said as the gym was still nowhere near being finished. There being only three tables that were

"Of course, Pinkie." Twilight said with a warm smile. "Come on girls, we have some word to do." Twilight and she and her friends got busy helping the gym get ready for the dance that was the next night.

"I hope Zulu and Theta's having luck finding Sunset Shimmer." Twilight thought as she helped Fluttershy blow up balloons for the dance.

Theta continued to follow his nose until he neared the football field of the school. Theta's movements coming to a stop near the bleachers for the home team.

"Why are you stopping, Theta?" Zulu asked as he caught up to the white dog.

"She's here, where actually I don't know. But she's definitely here." Theta said as he pushed opened an unlocked door to that led to the bleachers with his left paw.

"Alright, stay back Theta. I can take it from here." Zulu said as she stepped in front of Theta and began to search the bleachers. It didn't take long for Zulu to catch sight of Sunset Shimmer. Her head of fire being impossible to miss in the autumn breeze. Theta growled as he stared at the amber-skinned teen.

"Calm yourself, Theta. She doesn't know that were here, yet." Zulu and Theta stopped growling.

"Yeah, yet." Theta thought as the two slowly sneaked up to the teen.

Despite the bleachers being made out of metal Zulu and Theta were reasonably quiet as they slowly approached Sunset. Sunset sitting in halfway up the bleachers in the section that was designated as the student section. Sunset looking down at her feet as she held the same picture of her and her mother in her hands. Sunset not noticing the presence of Theta nor Zulu as she had her teal eyes were locked on the picture that was in front of her.

"What is she holding." Zulu thought out loud

"Doesn't matter." Theta spat bitterly, him eagerly awaiting getting some revenge on the teen.

"Calm yourself Theta, are mission is get the crown back and return Sunset to Equestria if possible." Zulu tried to calm Theta, something that he wasn't interested in.

"I don't care what our mission is, Zulu. She put me in this damn cone." Theta snarled back his white fur beginning to turn a light shade of gray. "And she needs to pay." Theta snarled as he launched into a full sprint at Sunset.

The loud clang of Theta's paws hitting the metal of the bleachers catching the attention of Sunset. Sunset just able to put her picture of her and Celestia in the pocket of her leather jacket before she was tackled to the ground by Theta.

"You will pay for what you did me!" Theta growled at Sunset, his eyes burning red with anger. While Sunset's teal eyes were filled with terror. Sunset not able to determine if Theta was more or less intimidating by having a cone wrapped around his head.

"Is this what my actions have done." Sunset thought as she stared into the blood red eyes of Theta. Her being able to see the newly formed scars on the white dog's muzzle. Theta's signature scars on his neck beginning to bleed again.

"Theta stop!" Zulu shouted as he lifted Theta off of Sunset.

"Let me at her!" Theta shouted as he kicked his legs in frustration.

"No!" Zulu shouted as he tossed Theta away from Sunset. Theta landing on the steel bleachers in a loud crash. Theta quickly regaining his footing and charging back at Sunset. "Theta stop!" Zulu shouted stomping his foot and standing protectively in front of Sunset. Sunset

"We are not monsters here!" Zulu shouted at Theta, the white husky taking a step backward.

"Monster is a matter of perspective." Theta said as he slowly limped away.

Zulu let out a frustrated grunt as he turned his attention to Sunset. "Are you alright?"

"Are you alright?" Zulu asked Sunset extending his hand to help her to get her feet.

"I don't need your help." Sunset said knocking away Zulu's helping hand.

"A simple thank you would've sufficed." Zulu said he watched Sunset slowly climb to her feet.

"Why did you that?" Sunset asked as she rubbed the back of her head. Sunset's head hitting the steel bleachers hard when Theta attacked her.

"Because it would've have been the noble thing to do." Zulu said

"Noble, you a bucking changeling. A creature that feeds off the literal love of others. Is giving me a lecture on being noble.

"I'm going to ask this once Sunset." Zulu sighed as he stared off toward the large green football field that was in front of him. "Where's Twilight's crown? I know that you stole it." Zulu asked Sunset.

"I don't have it, at least not anymore." Sunset said as she took a seat back on the metal bleachers again. "I gave it back to Principals Celestia and Luna not that long ago. I only needed to borrow it just slow your girlfriend down."

"Well, you failed Twilight inside the school and getting her friends back together despite your efforts to drive them apart." Zulu said to Sunset.

"It was only a matter of team before she got the gang back together." Sunset said with what was a forced laugh.

"You're a real piece of work, Sunset." Zulu said as he began to walk away from her. His movements coming to a stop when a thought came to him.

"Sunset?" Zulu said turning back to face her.

"What?" Sunset spat at Zulu.

"What is it that you have against Twilight?" Zulu asked Sunset, her teal eyes

"I-It's not Twilight that I have a problem with. It's her teacher, Princess Celestia." Sunset said, images of her filly-hood flashing before her eyes as she spoke.

"What in Tartarus did Celestia do to you?" Zulu asked Sunset a little blunter than he had intended.

"My past with Celestia is my own and is of no concern of yours." Sunset said to Zulu.

"I see." Zulu said as he began walking away from walking from the fiery-headed teen. "Come on Theta, we let's get back to the others." Zulu said as he regrouped with Theta.

Once Theta and Zulu left Sunset reached into the left pocket of her leather jacket and took the picture of her mother out of it and held it in her hands. Sunset running her fingers over the picture as the memory of that day flashed before her head.

"I'm sorry Mommy, but I have to do this." Sunset said to herself as relived the last moment she can remember being happy around her mother.

Fifteen years earlier and back in Canterlot, Sunset had just turned nine and was currently sleeping in one of the spare rooms of the Canterlot palace. It was still more than two years until Sunset would leave Equestria and Twilight would become the new star student of Princess Celestia. Only a few ponies knew that she was Celestia's daughter. Celestia fearing that if the enemies of Equestria knew that she had a daughter that she would quickly become a target and disturb the peace that Celestia had held over Equestria for the last millennia.

Celestia didn't care for Sunset like a normal parent would, her instead having a foster family of two of her most trusted staff taking care of Sunset. Raising her like their own until Sunset got of age for Celestia to take her on as her star student without raising suspicion. Sunset's foster parents being the only two ponies that knew that she was really Celestia's daughter.

Sunset knew that she was the daughter of Celestia, she had known for several years. While Sunset's 'parents' tried to keep the truth from her, she quickly came to learn that she was the only known offspring of Princess Celestia.

Sunset's small teal eyes slowly opened as she awoken. The bright morning sun that her mother brought forth each and everyday shined through the red and yellow curtains that were in her room. Sunset let out a yawn as she sat up in her bed, her bed being a twin-sized bed that had blankets that were red and yellow in the design of a raging fire with her new cutie mark being embroiled in the center.

That was when Sunset remembered what today was, and a happy smile spread across her face. Today was the day that her mother was going to teach her her most advanced to date. Sunset was about to learn how to teleport short distances. Teleportation being one of the most complicated and most dangerous spells to do. With only their only being small amount of ponies to try to teleport for than a few feet or so, and even less that had succeeded with all of their limbs still attached.

Sunset's ears perked up as she heard the door to her room begin to open and the unmistakable white body of Celestia entering. The alicorn's flowing mane shining in the morning sun. Sunset's teal eyes widening as she saw her beautiful mother standing in the doorway.

Sunset knowing that this day was going to be a great one.

Author's Note:

Expect my next chapters to take longer and longer to write as my first year at my city's local community college starts in the middle of this week and suspect that I will spend most of my time in class and doing my homework. I will write the best that I can, but my schooling will always come first. I'm sure that you guys will all understand.

I am coming near the end of the Equestria Girls arch of this story. I still believe that there will be at least three-four more chapters before I finally go back to Equestria and start going into Season 4 of MLP.

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