• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 3,014 Views, 146 Comments

The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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The Fall Formal (Equestria Girls)

Theta ran through the hallways of the high school after Sunset Shimmer. The fiery-headed teen making constant, seemingly unnecessary turns down other hallways seemingly in a manner to lose Theta. She didn't, but the tile floor of the high school (that seemed to have just been washed and still wet) was making it easily for Theta to follow after Sunset. There being multiple time that when Theta would turn around a corner he would slide across the tile as his padded paws wouldn't get the enough traction during his turn. During one turn him sliding so much that he even slammed into the metal lockers of the school in a loud crash. The impact with the lockers sending a zap of pain all across Theta body, but he ignored it. He had a mission to do, save Spike from a person that Theta could only see as pure evil.

Theta would make constant looks behind him to make sure that Twilight and the rest of her gang was still following him, they were. All them seeming to be in a light jog and using Theta more as a means to make sure that they never lost Sunset. Plus, Spike shouting "Let me go!" Every few seconds was also very helpful.

Theta continued to chase after Sunset as she turned around another hallway. This one leading directly to the mane entrance of the school. Sunset flinging the front doors of the school open and exiting the school.

Theta being followed closely behind by Zulu, Twilight, and the rest of her friends.

"Sunset! Stop!" Twilight shouted at Sunset in the cool autumn night air. Sunset's movements coming to a slow halt and she turned to face Twilight and her friends. The fiery head teen standing next to the Wondercolt Statue that just so happened to also be the portal back to Equestria. Sunset holding Spike in her both of her arms. Her left arm supporting Spike lower body and keeping him from squirming out of her arms, while her right arm controlled Spike's head and made so that he couldn't speak.

"Give me back Spike!" Twilight demanded at Sunset, stepping in front of Theta and standing her ground against her rival. A crooked grin spreading across Sunset's face as the two stared each other down.

"And what will you, the great 'Princess Twilight Sparkle' do if we don't?" Sunset said to Twilight, stopping the Alicorn Princess turned human dead in her tracks. Theta taking special note of Sunset's usage of the word 'we' instead of 'I'. But he didn't address the strange choice of words out loud. Instead, choosing to remain quiet next to Twilight's side.

Twilight's face dropped and she just stood there. She had nothing to respond with to Sunset's question. She couldn't fight Sunset, could she? No, that was definitely out of the question. Sunset might have done some terrible things in her life, but everyone had the right to be given a second chance.

"Hmm, that's want we thought." Sunset spat at Twilight. Twilight breathing out a heavy sigh before she spoke to Sunset. Theta taking another note of Sunset's choice of words, him being sure that it was now no longer an accident.

"What is it that you want?" Twilight asked Sunset with a high amount of anger in her voice. Twilight's purple burning daggers in the direction of Sunset.

"Isn't it obvious?" Sunset asked Twilight a rhetorical question. Twilight not taking Sunset's games lightly and giving her rival an irritated snort in response. "All we want is what belong to us in the first place." Sunset said to Twilight with a wicked smile. Sunset's teal eyes burning with hatred and her pupils being vertical slits, her eyes looking almost like that of a cat.

"You are not having my crown!" Twilight shouted back at Sunset, bringing up her arms and holding down her crown. Pushing the golden crown further into her hair.

Sunset didn't seem to be negatively affected by Twilight, the fiery headed teen's crooked smile only increasing as she spoke to Twilight.

"Hmm... so be it then." Sunset said to Twilight as her grip around Spike tightened. The small dog whimpering as his tiny body was crushed in Sunset's arms. Spike's purple eyes widening as his small legs kicking in every direction as Sunset tortured Spike.

"Don't hurt him!" Twilight called out to Sunset with tears forming in her eyes. Theta snarling in anger at Sunset as he watched one of his loyal subjects being tortured right before his eyes. Theta's eyes turning a bright yellow, almost gold, color and burning in anger.

"Oh, we wouldn't dream of it. But, you have given us no choice." Sunset said as she tightened her grip even more. A high-pitched yelp coming from Spike.

Tears began to flow freely from Twilight's eyes as she watched her closest and oldest friend being tortured right before her eyes. Twilight moving her arms up to her head and taking her crown out of her hair and held it in her hands.

"Twilight, don't." Zulu pleaded with Twilight as he placed his arms on Twilight and held the golden crown. "You can't do this." Zulu said to Twilight.

"Then what do you expect me to do, Z?" Twilight asked Zulu as she currently had a face filled with tears.

"There has to be another way." Zulu said to Twilight as he tightened his grip on Twilight's hands. "This is not the answer." Zulu said looking down at the golden crown that was in Twilight's hands.

"You know our price, Princess. One Element of Harmony for one friend." Sunset said to Twilight as she tightened her grip around Spike even more. "And there will be no exceptions." Sunset said with the same devilish smile plastered on her face.

Twilight closed her eyes and was silent for a few seconds. Before opening her eyes and speaking softly to Zulu. "I'm sorry Zulu, but I don't have much of a choice." Twilight whispered to Zulu. Twilight's heart feeling like it had just been hit by a sledgehammer the moment that the words left her mouth.

"Do you promise me that if I give this then you will release Spike?" Twilight asked Sunset as she took a step away from Zulu while stepping slightly closer to Sunset. Twilight holding the golden crown in her left hand as she walked closer to Sunset.

"You have my word."Sunset said to Twilight. Twilight took another step forward as she held the small golden crown in her hands. Twilight's knuckles had turned white they were holding the crown so tightly. Twilight looking directly down at the crown's golden surface and magenta star-shaped gem. The image of a terrified schoolgirl being reflected back at her.

Twilight was prepared to give up her crown and Element of Harmony, but she would never get the chance as a familiar called out from behind her.

"Enough of this!" Theta shouted as he stepped in front of Twilight and dropped into an aggressive position pointed directly at Sunset. "I am done with pony bullshit!" Theta shouted as he stared Sunset down. If he was still a dragon black smoke would've been fuming out of his nostrils, he was so angry.

"I am going home and nothing you can do will stop me!" Theta shouted as he charged at Sunset. That was when an old enemy saw his chance and attacked from the Darkness of the shadows.

"Theta! Watch out!" Theta heard Twilight shout, but it was already too late. Theta was then hit by something that felt like a sledgehammer of steel.

"Ugh! Shit!" Theta grunted as his body was slammed into the ground.

"Sigma!" Theta spat at the black husky that was standing above him. Sigma staring down at Theta with burning red eyes and showing white teeth.

A few minutes earlier and across the street, a certain black husky was wondering the dark streets of the city. The cool breeze of the autumn night blowing through his thick black fur. Even though he was very fond of his dog form he did have to admit that he did enjoy the warmth that his thick fur brought in the cool breeze. The breeze feeling like nothing but a slight annoyance underneath what felt like a mountain of fur. True, it was nothing compared to his fire back home, but it was certainly an advantage.

Sigma was currently making his way back to the portal that on the far reaches of the city that had allowed Sigma passage into the human world in the first place. Sigma's work in the work in the human world being done (for now) and the black husky walking past the high school as it was part of the quickest path to the portal in question. Sigma movements coming to a stop when he heard, out of his right ear, a commotion over in the front lawn of the high school.

Curious as to what was happening, Sigma turned his head to see what was going on at the high school. And he was not disappointed at what he saw. The sight of Twilight and all of her 'friends' from this world standing in a small half circle in the school's front lawn. The group of teenagers having cornered his former business partner, Sunset Shimmer, next to the Wondercolt Statue. Sigma being fully aware that the pedestal of the statue also functioned as a portal back to Equestria. One of only many. His advanced ears being able to hear some quiet whimpering from Sunset. Sigma able to figure out that Sunset was holding Twilight's dragon assistant Spike hostage. An action that genuinely surprised Sigma, he had never thought that Sunset would have the guts for kidnapping (or dog napping in this case). But he did applaud her actions.

But Sigma's attention wasn't on Twilight or any of her friends, not the changeling that had an attraction to Twilight that he didn't understand (or couldn't), not even his former business partner. Instead, Sigma's red eyes focused entirely on the unmistakable white fur of his brother. Sigma being slightly impressed by his brother's quick recovery. The white husky not showing any visible signs of being recently in a fight with Sigma aside from some lightly shaded pink fur around Theta's lower jaw and neck.

Sigma felt the blood inside of his veins jump in temperature. He might no longer be dragon anymore but he still suffered the same effects when he got angry. His blood jumping in temperature by nearly ten degrees. Sigma's increased blood temperature making so that his thick fur was nearly useless. His red eyes shrank to near needle size and focused entirely on the white body of his brother. Theta's white fur being almost like a beacon of Light in the Darkness of night.

Sigma was about to just continue walking and continue with his personal mission when he heard his brother angry shout at Sunset.

"Enough of this!" Sigma heard Theta angrily shout at Sunset. Theta's words of anger and annoyance catching Sigma's attention. Sigma making a mental note on the slight color shift of Theta's fur. His fur turning into a more silver-gray color aside from the pure white color that he was known for.

"I am done with all of this pony bullshit!" Sigma heard his brother shout at Sunset. A small smirk spreading across Sigma's muzzle as he continued to watch his brother with deep interest. He was originally planning and just continuing on his way. While he was itching for another battle against his brother. Sigma knew that his mission needed to be completed in the quickest manner that he could muster. But, given how his brother was acting. Maybe he didn't even need to complete his mission. Theta seemingly to be quickly following his brother down the path of Darkness on his own.

"I am going home and nothing you can do will stop me!" Sigma heard Theta shout at Sunset as he bolted at her. The muscles in the Sigma's legs tensing up as he dropped into a running stance.

"It's not Sunset that you have worry about... brother." Sigma spat out as he watched Theta charge at Sunset. A sparkle coming across Sigma's red eyes as an idea popped into his head.

Sigma saw his chance and he pounced on it. Sigma leaping into a full sprint directly at his brother's body. Theta's silver fur making him unmistakable in the world. Sigma then quickly ran across the street that separated him from the front lawn of the high school. He was moving so fast that all he could hear was the air blowing past his head and through his thick black fur. Sigma's red eyes locked on his target. The white fur of Theta.

"Theta! Watch Out!" Theta heard Twilight call out to him, but it was too late. Theta then felt a rush of pain all over his body as Sigma slammed into his right side. Theta feeling the incredible pain of more of his ribs cracking and/or breaking as he was slammed into the ground by Sigma.

There was a short struggle between Theta and Sigma, but Sigma was quickly able to get control over Theta. He had the element of surprise and greater physical strength on his side. Needless to say, Theta didn't stand a chance. The white husky getting a muzzle full of dirt and grass as he was slammed into the cold ground.

The only good thing that came out of Sigma attacking Theta was that the struggle was able to startle Sunset and make her drop Spike. The small purple dog landing on the grass of the high school's front lawn and quickly run over to Twilight's side.

"Are you alright?" Twilight asked Spike as she dropped down to his level and lightly hugged the small dog. Spike slowly nodding his head as he let out a low whimper.

"Fluttershy take Spike." Twilight said to Fluttershy. Fluttershy heeding her friend's words and taking Spike out of Twilight's arms and holding the purple dog in her soft arms. Fluttershy retreating to the rear of the group for Spike's, and her own, protection.

"Sigma, such a pleasure for you to join us." Sunset said down to Sigma. The black husky disregarded Sunset's small talk and instead focusing on growling dangerously at Theta. The white husky pinned underneath Sigma's black claws. Black claws that began to red as blood from the three scars from Theta's neck began to bleed onto them. Sigma's sharp teeth mere inches from Theta's neck.

The two huskies snarling at each other as the two stared into each other's eyes. Sigma taking special note of Theta's yellow, almost golden, eyes. Them being very different than their usual emerald green.

Theta tried to kick his legs and gain any kind of an advantage over Sigma. But it was not the case. All four of Theta's legs being either pinned under Sigma's weight or his own body. Theta could even move his tail without having a flash of pain rush throughout his body. Sigma's left hind leg standing on the base of Theta's fury tail.

"Hm... it seems that we have an interesting predicament here. Don't we?" Sunset said, directing her words at Twilight, as she lowered to her knees. Sunset running her hand through the fur of Theta's neck. Theta snarling at Sunset venomous touch. Theta's snarling coming to a halt when Sigma increased the pressure on his neck. A small yelp and whimpering coming from Theta as he went silent.

A flash of rage rushed throughout Twilight as she stared at the captured body of Theta. Twilight having to be physically restrained by Zulu, just to stop her from attacking Sunset.

Twilight then breathed out a heavy sigh before she began speaking to Sunset. "What do you want Sunset?" Twilight asked Sunset with barely contained rage.

"You know exactly what we want, Princess." Sunset said to Twilight in an intentionally patronizing manner. Twilight barely contained rage toward Sunset only increasing by the seconds. "It just seems that we now have an even better bargaining chip this time around." Sunset said to Twilight as she continued to run her right hand through the thick white fur of Theta.

Sunset then rose to her feet and began to rise to her full height and walk over toward the Wondercolt statue. Sunset leaning smugly up against the marble pedestal that statue stood on.

"You aren't going to guilt trip into giving you my crown!" Twilight shouted at Sunset. A smug smirk spreading across Sunset's face at Twilight's words.

"Oh really!?" Sunset asked Twilight sarcastically and patronizingly. "Because I do seem to remember doing the exact same thing when I was holding Spike hostage." Sunset continued to say to Twilight as she began to place in front of the Wondercolt statue.

"That was different!" Twilight shouted at Sunset, a smug smirk spreading across Sunset's face as she walked back over to Theta and dropped down to his level. Sigma still holding the white husky firmly in place underneath his black claws.

"Did you hear that Theta?" Sunset said to her captive. "Did you hear what your friend said." Sunset said to Theta. Sigma paying special attention to this new Sunset. She was different than the one that he worked with only a day before. This Sunset was strong, not weak. She was truly evil, not just teenager pretending to be evil. It was almost if the Sunset that was right in front of him now then was a different Sunset than he had worked with before. He liked this Sunset, he liked her a lot.

"She said that were... what was it that you said, Princess..." Sunset said to Theta as she tapped her lower chin in mocked thought. Sunset snapping her fingers when she seemed to remember something important. "Oh yes, she that you were 'different'." Sunset said to Theta. Theta remained silent, but Sunset could tell that her words were effective as she saw a slight widening of Theta's golden eyes at her words.

"Now, don't know about you Theta, but isn't a friend supposed to stick by their other friends?" Sunset asked the white husky. Theta remaining silent, but Sunset could see that small gears in his head beginning to turn. Sunset knowing that her words were working to perfection on Theta, just liked she had planned.

"She doesn't really care about you, Theta." Sunset whispered to Theta, the white husky's almost golden eyes losing some of their light and shrinking as she continued to speak. "She has never cared about you, never." Sunset whispered to Theta. The white husky turning his head away from Sunset and looking directly at Twilight. A look of confused anger on Theta's muzzle as he stared directly at Twilight. Theta's eyes changing from their golden hue and into a reddish-orange color. Theta's blood rushing through his body at a bullet's pace. He was angry, and he was directly all of that anger at the wrong person.

"That's not true! I care about Theta! I care about all my friends!" Twilight shouted at Sunset in denial.

"Do you, Princess?"Sunset asked Twilight as she rose to her full height and began to walk toward her. "Because as We can see. You only care about yourself!" Sunset shouted as she was only a few yards away from Twilight now. Zulu, along with the rest of Twilight's friends taking several steps backward as the two rivals battled with a war of words. A war that Sunset was currently winning.

"No!" Twilight shouted as she shook her head in denial. Twilight falling straight into Sunset's trap.

"No, what!?" Sunset shouted as she began to walk toward Twilight.

"I-I..." Twilight tried to come formulate an answer, but none came to her. A devilish smirk spreading across Sunset's face as she knew that she had Twilight exactly where she wanted. Sunset now switching tactics.

"Twilight, the both of us don't have all night to do this. I am sure that you are aware of this." Sunset said to Twilight, a look of confusion spreading across Twilight's face. A look of confusion that Sunset wasn't expecting, but more than willing to take advantage of.

"What are you talking about Sunset?" Twilight asked Sunset.

"Oh, don't you remember. The portal, it will be closing in..." Sunset said in mocked surprise. Sunset turning her head toward the sky and looking directly at the full moon that was currently shining in the pitch black night above. "Hmm... I'd say in no more than an hour or so." Sunset said to Twilight while rubbing her chin in mocked thought. Twilight's purple eyes widening at Sunset's words.

"Oh, did you forget?" Sunset asked Twilight in mocking tone. "Have you been so caught up by making a few new friends that we all know you don't really care about." Sunset said, her words seeming to work as intended as all of Twilight's friends shared a concerned look.

"No, I have forgotten about Equestria! I will fight for Equestria for as long as my heart beats. And I do care about my friends, all of them!" Twilight shouted back at Sunset

"Then prove it, Princess!" Sunset shouted as the two being now mere inches from each other.

"Give me the crown, Twilight." Sunset said to Twilight, her tone of voice being different than before. Sunset wasn't angrily demanding her to do something. No, this Sunset was different. She was almost... kind. Curious, Twilight drifted her eyes back up to Sunset's eye level, Sunset being slightly taller than Twilight. Twilight's angry expression melting away when saw something that she didn't expect coming from Sunset.

Sunset's face wasn't plastered with an angry snarl and a sarcastic smirk. No, the expression on Sunset's face was different. It was peaceful, it was remorseful, it wasn't the face someone that wanted to take over the world. This was the face of a scared kid, a scared kid that had been forced into a position that she had never intended to be put in the first place. Twilight's eyes filled with tears again, but this time for a completely different reason. These weren't tears of sadness for her friends, these were tears of pity. Pity that she had toward Sunset.

"Give me the crown, Twilight?" Sunset repeated at a near whisper to Twilight. She wasn't demanding, she was asking. She was respectively asking Twilight to give over one of the most powerful objects to Twilight's vast knowledge. This was a different side of Sunset that Twilight had never seen before. Or was this side of Sunset always there and she was just too caught up with everything else that she had in this world to realize it. Regardless, Twilight needed an answer, and she was going to get one. Even if she had to go through the fiery pits of Tartarus to get them.

"What happened to you, Sunset?" Twilight asked Sunset, the real Sunset. Not the corrupted drone of Darkness that just happened to hold Sunset's body hostage. The real Sunset, the Sunset lay beneath all of the Darkness above. The Sunset that was still fighting, even as weak as she may be, underneath.

"What happened to you to make you become this?" Twilight asked Sunset .

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know." Sunset said, her eyes returning ever so briefly to her original state, before snapping back to their almost cat-like appearance. Memories of her exile from Equestria flashing into her head.

Back in the past of Equestria. A year had passed since Sunset had been introduced to what her mother called the 'Black Book'. Celestia had told Sunset about how dangerous the book was to not just her, but others. But... Sunset didn't see it as that dangerous. Sure that book contained dark magic that Sunset knew was bad if it fell in the hooves of the wrong pony. But Sunset was a good pony, she would never use any of this magic for her anything but for the good of ponies, right.

Sunset had read and reread the book several times over. Each time she read the book her picking up even more information about the dark magic that her mother had kept away from her for so long. Celestia telling her that she was hiding her from the dark magic as a means of protection. But Sunset knew the true. She knew that her mother was really just scared that she would become like her aunt. But Sunset knew better. Sunset made sure that whenever she tried the magic from the book that she was controlling the magic and not allowing it to control her.

Sunset was in the middle of reading a chapter in the 'Black Book', the chapter being pretty fascinating when it came to the famed Elements of Chaos. The Anti-Elements of Harmony. Sunset having read the same chapter dozens of times before and having learned, and still learning, a lot about the subject. Sunset in the middle of reading the part of the chapter that talked about each of the six Elements respective titles when there was a knock on the door to her room.

Sunset's head shot up and her heart rate spiked as she responded to the knock on her door. "Um... who's there?" Sunset asked the closed door with a shaking voice.

There were a few moments of silence until a familiar voice spoke from the other side of the door. "Um... Sunset... could I talk to you for a second?" The distinctive voice of Cadence coming from the other side of the door. Cadence's voice being, somehow, even shakier than Sunset's.

Sunset closed the book, it magically disappearing the moment that it's cover was closed. A smile spreading across Sunset's muzzle at the book's magic. She loved how it could just disappear out of thin air. She probably would've been caught by her mother several times over without its ability to just disappear.

Regardless, Sunset then hopped off her bed and spoke back to Cadence. "Yeah, just give me a second." Sunset said to Cadence as she did a slight stretch and trotted over to the closed door. Sunset using her teal magic to open the door.

"What's up?" Sunset asked Cadence.

"Nothing. I really hope I'm not interrupting anything important?" Cadence asked Sunset a little sheepishly as the amber filly stood in the doorway.

"Oh, nothing important. Just some very important, and probably illegal, reading of a book that my mother specifically told me not to read! But, no, nothing at all!" Sunset internally vented as she stared at the pink alicorn that was in front of her.

But, of course, Sunset didn't tell Cadence that. Sunset instead telling Cadence. "No, I was just..." Sunset began to say before stopping mid-sentence.

"Yes?" Cadence said with her always bubbly sounding voice. Sunset hated it with the temperature of the fiery pits of Tartarus. How could a pony always be so happy, always so hopeful? It was...

"Nothing." Sunset said shaking away her internal thoughts with a single firm shake of her head. She had to get back to business, and back to business she did. 'Anyway, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Sunset asked Cadence, quickly changing the subject back to what was currently at hoof.

"Oh yes, I have a message for you." Cadence said to Sunset, the amber filly raising one of her eyebrows in confusion at Cadence's words.

"A message? From who?" Cadence

"A message from Princess Celestia..." Cadence said to Sunset and the amber filly's face dropped into an angry snarl as Cadence continued to speak, but Sunset wasn't really listening. "She told me to give this message before she left." Cadence said to Sunset.

"Hmm... typical." Sunset spat bitterly as she turned around and walked back into her dark room. A look of confusion spreading across Cadence's muzzle as she followed after Sunset. Cadence jumping when the door to Sunset's room closed with a loud slam. A slam that didn't get a flinch from Sunset in response.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Cadence asked Sunset with a shaking voice. Cadence using her light blue magic to bring some needed, at least for Cadence, to the room. Cadence jumping when she could swear that she could see some of the shadows of the room moving. Them jumping from wall to wall. The shadows retreating like whenever Cadence's light shined on them. But when they retreated it didn't seem natural, the shadows didn't retreat instantaneously at the contact with light. They retreated more at a snail's pace and in a movement that reminded Cadence of black tar or sludge. What sounded liked a loud pitch growl coming from the Darkness of the room at the mere presence of any kind of light.

"I mean that it is just so typical of the great Princess should send her perfect niece to tell her prized student something. What am I no longer good enough for her!? Is she ashamed of me?!" Sunset shouted bitterly to no pony in particular. The shadows of the room seeming to take on a shape of their own. Them beginning to look more like black horses made out of some kind of black sludge or sand.

"What do I have to do in order to get her approval?" Sunset said at a volume that was barely above a whisper.

"Sunset... are you alright." Cadence asked Sunset as she slowly began to trot backward. Cadence swallowing hard when she looked up at the ceiling to see a muzzle of a black horse staring down at her with golden eyes. The horse then disappearing back into the sea of Darkness that surrounded Cadence. Cadence was already feeling a little creeped out while in Sunset's room. But this was the first time that she actually felt like she might actually be in danger.

"I'm fine. Just fine!" Sunset spat bitterly at Cadence. The young pink alicorn continuing to slowly trot backward. The polished hoof of her right hind leg hitting the closed door to Sunset's room with a loud thud. Sunset's ears perking up and her body to face Cadence completely. Cadence's legs giving out as her gaze met with the muzzle of Sunset.

"What, leaving so soon. But I thought that we were having so much fun." Sunset said to Cadence in a tone of voice that seemed to make Cadence's heart skip a beat.

"I even brought some guests." Sunset said, her words making Cadence's purple eyes widen.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Cadence asked, but her question was already answer the moment she spoke it. Black horses made out some kind of black sand or sludge beginning to form of the shadows of the walls. The horses all being slender bodied earth ponies that seemed to defy the laws of physics as they were all easily able to walk up and down the walls of the room without much effort. The horses all having blank golden eyes that were all directed at Cadence as they slowly descended the wall and gathered around Sunset. The amber filly not looking to be concerned by the black horses' appearance at all, in fact, she almost looked to be enjoying the required company.

"Wh-what are those?" Cadence asked with a shaking hoof as more and more of the black sand horses formed out of the Darkness of the room. Cadence tried to regain her footing but every time she tried she would just end up falling back down. Her limbs shaking violently out in fright.

"They are my friends." Sunset said with a devilish smile that made every bone in Cadence's body shake with fright. One of the black sand horses standing in front of Sunset and staring directing at Cadence with golden eyes that seemed to bore through her soul. The black horse taking a single long sniff. The black horse seeming to growing a solid two or three inches in height just from smelling Cadence. The pink alicorn reeking in the one thing that the black horses feed on more than anything, Fear.

"They are my..." Sunset said as another of her black horses nuzzled up against her lower neck. The black horse seeming to purr at contact with Sunset. The horse being Sunset's servant and Sunset its master. Cadence doing her best to open the door to Sunset's room, but it didn't budge. The door seeming to be locked by some unknown force.

"Night Mares." Sunset finished as another pack of Night Mares formed around their amber colored master.

"Ok, Sunset... can we talk about this?" Cadence asked the amber filly in a last ditch effort to de-escalate the current situation.

"Enough talk, it's time for action!" Sunset spat bitterly as her minions continued to corner Cadence up against the door of the room. Cadence's heart beating faster than a freight train as the horses continued to slowly stalk toward her. The horses that were closest to Cadence breaking their neutral expressions to sport a cheap and nightmarish grin.

Three of the horses were only a few inches from Cadence's muzzle. They having nearly doubled in size as they feed off Cadence's fear. The horse that was closest to Cadence opening its mouth to show a set of white teeth. Black smoke coming out of the black horse as it breathed. But the horse just stood there, they didn't attack Cadence. They just stood there and fed off of her fear. Fear that slowly began to fall as Cadence realized that she was in less danger than she thought.

Cadence shouting her eyes as she waited for the black horses to strike. But an attack never came from the horse. The horses just stood there, they didn't attack Cadence. They just stood there and fed off of her fear. Fear that slowly began to fall as Cadence realized that she was in less danger than she thought.

Cadence slowly opened her eyes to see three of the black horses towering over her. The sight was still frightening, but not as frightening as she had originally thought. The horses weren't attacking her. The horses actually reminded Cadence of the royal guards of the castle. The horses standing at attention, waiting to receive orders from their commanding officer. A commanding officer that just happened to be Sunset.

Cadence's gaze then fell from the horses that had surrounded her and over to Sunset. The yellow filly having a look of pure rage on her face. "What are you waiting for?" Cadence asked Sunset, her getting no response from the amber filly.

"Just get it over with!" Cadence shouted at Sunset. A devilish smirk spreading across Sunset's muzzle at Cadence's words. Cadence's magic still trying to open the door to Sunset's room. So far with no success, but she still had time. Not much, but some time is better than no time at all.

"If that's what you really, then so be it." Sunset said to Cadence, the ears of the black horses perking up as they awaited their orders. Cadence's magic continued to try and open the door and then she heard a faint clicking sound as she turned the door knob. The light from the hallway creaking into the Dark room.

"Get her!" Sunset shouted and her army of black sand horses followed their orders. The three closest to Cadence charging at her with their sharp teeth showing. The force of them slamming into Cadence being enough to swing the door to Sunset's room open. The bright sun from the morning shining into the room.

The three that has attacked Cadence disintegrating the moment that their black sand bodies hit the bright light of the hallway. The other horses retreating further into the room as the bright light of the hallway made its way into Sunset's room. The Light of the world burning like acid to the black horses. All of them snarling and hissing dangerously at the pink alicorn. Cadence finding safety underneath a brightly lit section of the hallway that was directly beneath one of the

"You worthless creatures!" Sunset shouted as she slapped one of the horses across the muzzle. The horse's sandy body disintegrating and forming into a new body a few feet away from the angry filly.

"I guess what they say is true." Sunset as she trotted out of the Darkness of her room and into the Light of the hallway. "If you want something done then you have to do it yourself." Sunset spat bitterly as she trotted over toward Cadence. The pink alicorn tried to get up but only felt the strange sensation of magic wrapping around her body and slamming her against the wall.

"Ah!" Cadence cried out before falling silent as she felt the unbelievably strong magic of Sunset begin to wrap around her neck and beginning to choke her to death. Sunset standing above Cadence with burning eyes of anger as she continued to choke the life out of Cadence.

"Sunset, please!" Cadence pleaded with Sunset as the amber filly continued to try and choke the life out of her.

"No!" Sunset shouted at Cadence as she tightened her magic around Cadence's neck. "You have been a thorn in my flank since you got here, and I am sick of it!" Sunset shouted at Cadence as the pink alicorn's muzzle began to turn a dark shade of blue.

"NOW, DIE!" Sunset shouted as her magic increased even further. Cadence feeling like there was a house sitting on her chest as her black spots began to form in her vision. Cadence's head then began to drop as the blackness of unconsciousness began to set in. But just as all things began to seem its darkest. Somepony came to Cadence's aid.

"What is going on here!" The voice of Celestia boomed in the hallway. Sunset shielding her eyes from the Light that Celestia was shining down on her. Sunset retreating backward from Cadence and hissing angrily and dangerously at Celestia. Sunset looking more like a wild animal than the daughter of Princess Celestia that she was.

"Auntie!" Cadence cried out tearing eyed as she ran over to the protection of the white alicorn. Cadence hiding behind one of the forelegs of Celestia.

"Sunset, what have you done?" Celestia asked Sunset as her adoptive niece cried into the white fur of her foreleg.

"She tried to kill me!" Cadence cried as pointed her free hoof at the enraged filly. Sunset only snorting angrily in response. Celestia's pink eyes widening at her words.

"I-Is this true, Sunset?" Celestia asked Sunset in a state of pure disbelief. Sunset's anger only growing and now she had just found a new target to direct it at.

"I was taking out the trash, you should be proud of me." Sunset spat bitterly at Celestia, directly her venomous words at Cadence.

"Sunset, I am very disappointed in you!" Celestia scolded her daughter, but Sunset didn't care. Celestia didn't understand, she didn't understand anything! "Why would you think that something like this was alright?" Celestia asked Sunset.

"Oh, don't pretend that you are surprised!" Sunset shouted at Celestia as she began to slowly walk backward. "You never cared about me, and you will pay." Sunset spat at her mother as she turned around and starting running away down the hallway.

"Sunset!" Celestia called after her daughter as she ran down the hallway away from her. "Sunset! Get back here now!" Celestia shouted at Sunset for her to stop, to Celestia surprise she did.

But Sunset wasn't stopping to go running back to her mother, no she had other plans in mind. Sunset turning her head just enough some that she could she could see her mother in the corner of her right eye and she said back to her.

"You aren't my mother." Sunset said back to Celestia and all Celestia could do was stand there in silence. Sunset continuing to run away down the hallway. The amber filly fighting back tears as she ran.

"Sunset..." Celestia said weakly as she watched her daughter take a left down the hallway and disappear from her vision. Celestia just standing there in a state of stunned disbelief.

"Celestia, are you alright?" The sound of a familiar voice said, catching Celestia off guard. Celestia jumping in place and turning her head to face Sunset's father, Commander Sunbeam.

"Sunbeam!" Celestia exclaimed as she wrapped the foreleg that Cadence was currently crying into around Sunbeam's neck in a tight embrace.

"Celestia, what's going on?" Sunbeam asked Celestia with concern weighing down his voice.

"It's a long story, just take Cadence and bring her to a safe place." Celestia as she handed her crying adoptive niece over to her former lover.

"Ok, but that doesn't answer my question." Sunbeam said as Celestia began to walk away, toward where Sunset had run away.

Celestia breathed out a heavy sigh and she turned her head to look into the pitch black interior of Sunset's room. The golden eyes of Sunset's Night Mares burning straight at Celestia. The black sand horses being a firm reminder just of much Celestia had failed her daughter.

"I'm losing her, Sunbeam." Celestia said to Sunbeam, lowering her head in shame. "I thought I could stop the Darkness' influence. I thought that I could protect from the very Darkness that took my sister all those years ago." Celestia said to Sunbeam as she turned to look directing into Sunset's Dark room. Celestia's pink eyes falling on the full body mirror that was on the far side of the room, next to Sunset's bed. The mirror's surface reflected the body of an alicorn, but the alicorn that it showed wasn't the pure white body of Celestia. But instead, the pitch black coat of her greatest rival. The alicorn that mirror showed being that of Nightmare Moon.

The black mare seemed to be taunting Celestia and seemed to be having the time of her life while doing it. Nightmare Moon's pointed teeth showing as she gave Celestia a wicked smile. The black bodies of the Night Mares huddled around their Queen. Their golden eyes burning daggers at Celestia.

"But I was wrong." Celestia to Sunbeam while still looking into the Darkness of Sunset's room. "I thought that I could save her... but I was wrong." Celestia said more to herself now as she continued to stare into the Darkness that was Sunset's room. Celestia's pink eyes locked on the teal eyes of Nightmare Moon. Celestia's anger growing at the same increasing rate as Nightmare Moon's twisted enjoyment increased.

Celestia's body jumped when she felt the light hoof of Sunbeam touched her on the shoulder. "You can still save her Celestia, you just have to keep fighting." Sunbeam said to reassuringly to Celestia. The white alicorn shaking her head no in denial.

"No, I have to accept that I have lost Sunset. I just hope that I can stop her from down a path that I can't even follow after her." Celestia said to Sunbeam, the image of a magical mirror popping into her head. The mirror most likely being the place that Sunset was going to.

"No buts, Sunbeam." Celestia said to Sunbeam as if she was giving any other guard an order."Now, take care of Cadence, I have something that I must do. Something that should have done a long time ago." Celestia said as she turned around and started slowly trotting down the way that Sunset had run away from.

"Yes, your highness." Sunbeam said reluctantly and with a heavy sigh. Now, take care of Cadence, I have something that I must do. Something that should have done a long time ago." Celestia said as she turned around and started slowly trotting down the way that Sunset had run away from.

"Now, take care of Cadence, I have something that I must do. Something that should have done a long time ago." Celestia said as she turned around and started slowly trotting down the way that Sunset had run away from.

"What are you going to do?" Sunbeam called after Celestia, the white alicorn's movement coming to a halt and Celestia turning her head just enough to see her former lover out of the corner right eye.

"I going to make sure that my Sunset doesn't end up killing herself." Celestia said to Sunbeam as she then broke off into a light jog in the direction of where Sunset had run off to. "I just hope she hasn't found it yet." Celestia thought to herself out loud as she started heading toward the room that held the magical mirror to the human world. A mirror that Celestia had shown to Sunset when she was just a youngling. Celestia just hoping that she wasn't too late to stop her daughter from doing something that the both of them would later regret.

Back in the present, and the human world. Sunset and Twilight continued to stare each down.

"I'm not going to ask you this again, Twilight." Sunset said to Twilight, returning to her angrier persona. "Give me the crown!" Sunset demanded, holding out her open right hand to receive the crown from her greatest rival since Princess Cadence.

"If I give you my crown, can you promise me that none of my friends will get hurt?" Twilight asked Sunset as she looked down at the golden crown that she held in her hands. Twilight moving her eyes upward and looking her gaze on the white fur of Theta. The white husky still being pinned underneath the claws of his evil twin, Sigma. Theta looking to be in extreme as his left hind leg looked to be pinned underneath his body and bending at a weird angle. The poor husky likely being in far more pain then he was actually showing.

"Hmm... you know that we can't promise that." Sunset said to Twilight. Twilight's eyes widening at Sunset's words.

"What?" Twilight said in disbelief. She had expected for Sunset to say yes, and then Twilight would just refuse and call Sunset's bluff that she would really hurt Theta if she refused.

"How can we guarantee something that is impossible to say for certain won't happen?" Sunset asked Twilight a rhetorical question as she began to circle Twilight. Sunset being like a snake, wrapping its body around Twilight as she continued to speak.

"Princess Twilight, are you sure that you truly know what you are getting yourself into?" Sunset asked Twilight as she stopped pacing around Twilight and stood in front of her with crossed arms.

"Yes, you want my crown so that you can have the power necessary to rule over this world the same way that you did this school." Twilight said to Sunset with complete certainty in her voice. A smug look spreading across Sunset's face at Twilight's words.

"Close, but no cider princess." Sunset said to Twilight with her signature smug smirk.

"What are you talking about, Sunset!?" Twilight asked Sunset, her irritation toward her rival beginning to grow again.

"You got the fact that I want your crown for the power that it contains. But, you were wrong, however, when it came to what I intend to you use your crown for." Sunset said to Twilight as she turned around and started walking back toward where Sigma was currently pinning Theta against the ground.

"What are you planning, Sunset?" Twilight asked Sunset.

"Why conquest, of course." Sunset said to Twilight. Twilight's purple eyes shrinking to the size of peas at Sunset's words. "I don't want to rule over this place. Who would, in fact, this place doesn't even have universal heath care and some of its residents have this rather strange irrational hatred toward homosexuals. No, I have much bigger plans for your crown than ruling over this shithole." Sunset said as she began to pace back and forth in front of Twilight and her group of friends. Sigma intrigue toward this seemingly new and different Sunset as she continued.

"Then if you don't want to rule of this world, then what do you want?"Twilight asked Sunset with grinding teeth.

"Why Equestria, of course." Sunset said with a shrug of her shoulder as if the answer of obvious, and in hindsight, it was. Twilight, and the rest of her friends, eyes widening at Sunset's words.

"I don't want to rid our home of Princess Celestia. To set it free of her grasp and in still myself as Equestria's rightful ruler, and if you give me the crown. I will even allow for you to join me and feast off of the riches." Sunset said to Twilight, trying to drive into the Darkness and repeat the very cycle that had started with Princess Luna all of those years ago.

"Join you, against Princess Celestia. Help you, destroy my home." Twilight spat bitterly at Sunset. "No! Besides, you are no Princess." Twilight added, her words only increasing the devilish smirk that was on Sunset's face.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that fact, Princess." Sunset said to Twilight, catching her rival's attention.

"What are you talking about?" Twilight asked Sunset.

"It matters not." Sunset said dismissing Twilight's question.

"Well then, in that case, no!" Twilight said with determination in her voice as she placed her golden crown back atop her head. "You are not getting this not getting this crown. I don't care what you do to me, or any of my friends. I am not going to allow you to allow you to ruin the lives of countless in a pathetic bid for power!" Twilight said to Sunset, her getting cheers and a round of applause from her friends in response. Twilight also getting a small pat on the shoulder by Zulu, her hopes rising as she believed that she might just be able to put an end to this situation without causing any major damage done.

"If that is what you truly believe." Sunset said with a shrug of her shoulders as if it was nothing. "Sigma!" Sunset called back to her husky business partner. "If you would please, do the honors."

"With pleasure." Sigma said as increased the pressure on Theta's right foreleg and began to bend it an awkward angle. Theta's eyes growing to the size of oranges and his body was racked with pain as his foreleg cried for release.

"Ah! FUCK!" Theta cried as his foreleg continued to be bent the wrong way against his will.

"Theta!" Twilight cried out as watched her friend going through excruciating pain.

"Are you still sure that you won't give me your crown?" Sunset sarcastically asked Twilight as she started walking back towards her. "Didn't you say that you didn't care about how much pain that I would cause to you..." Sunset asked Twilight as she was back to being by her side. Sunset pausing mid-sentence and doing a half turn with her head facing towards Theta and Sigma.

"Or your friends?" Sunset finished her sentence. Sunset pointing the index finger on her left hand at Theta. Twilight was silent for a few seconds as she weighed the pros and cons of the situation.

"I don't care what you do to me, or to my friends. You are never getting my crown!" Twilight shouted at Sunset with a phase in her words and movements.

"You're a mare of your word, Twilight Sparkle. I admire that about somepony." Sunset said to Twilight with genuine surprise. She thought that watching one of her friends in pain would be enough to worse Twilight's bluff. But she still had a few more tricks up her sleeves.

"But so am I." Sunset said to Twilight as she turned her attention back over to Theta and Sigma. "Sigma, if you would do the honors." Sunset said to Sigma. The black husky following her command and increasing his pressure on Theta's foreleg.

Theta letting out a yelp as his arms continued to be bent against his will. Theta's leg feeling like it was about it break in half at any moment.

"Sigma, please." Theta pleaded with his twin brother. Theta didn't expect any of his words to be effective but, to his surprise, the pressure against his foreleg decreased. He could still feel pain, but it was at least still bearable. Curious, Theta drifted his eyes upward, towards his brother, and what he was greeted with surprised even more than the fact that he didn't currently have a broken foreleg.

"I don't to brother, but I will if I must." Sigma whispered to Theta in a tone of voice that Theta had almost forgotten Sigma had even processed. Theta not even believing that Sigma still had a good part of his soul remaining, and you really blame him for assuming.

"I said break him!" Sunset shouted at Sigma, not pleased with his delay.

"I'm sorry. Truly, I am." Sigma whispered to Theta as he followed Sunset's orders and bent Theta's foreleg as far, and further than it was ever designed to bend. Theta being able to feel the bones underneath his all of his fur screaming for release and at the break of shattering into thousands of tiny pieces.

Theta could only scream in agony as his body felt it was about to be broken in half. Theta had broken plenty of bones before, but none had been this excruciatingly painful. Theta continued to scream until he heard a loud snap and his body just went limp. The snap being the largest bone in Theta's foreleg giving into all of the pressure and bending that it was going through and finally snapping into two separate pieces.

Sunset could only smile at the sight of Theta laying on the cold ground of the high school front lawn in a broken state. "How do you feel, Theta?" Sunset asked the broken husky sarcastically. Theta didn't respond, he was in too much pain too thick straight. He instead just implanted his muzzle into the ground. Theta just wanting to get all this over with and he didn't really care how it happened.

"That will do, for now." Sunset said to Sigma, holding her left hand. "Are you still sure that you don't want to give me your crown?" "Because if so, I still have over 300 bones that I can break, if you are sure." Sunset said to Twilight in a tone of voice that was intentionally patronizing.

"Twilight, please." Theta pleaded with Twilight. He just wanted all of his pain to end, and he didn't really care if the only way to do that was basically handling over a nuke to Sunset Shimmer.

"Theta, but about Equestria?" Twilight asked Theta.

"We can worry about that later, but please. Just let all of this pain end." Theta said to Twilight, his words to break her will. Or was it stubbornness. Twilight didn't know, maybe both. But she couldn't endure letting Theta going through more pain when she knew that she could've easily stopped it.

"So, do we have a deal?" Sunset asked Twilight, knowing that she had almost won. Sunset holding out her right hand, eagerly awaiting the golden crown to fall into her palm.

Twilight breathed out a heavy sigh as she moved her hands up her head and picked the golden crown off her head and held it in both of her hands. The golden crown feeling slightly heavier in Twilight's hands she had previously remembered. Maybe it was this heavy and she had just never noticed. Maybe it was just Twilight's brain pulling tricks on her. Maybe it was both.

"Alright Sunset, you win." Twilight said to Sunset, accepting her defeat. At least, defeat for the moment. "Here." Twilight said as she reluctantly holding out the golden crown out to Sunset. Sunset greedily snatching the crown out of Twilight hands.

"Yes!" Sunset exclaimed as she held the "Finally! After all of these years!" Sunset exclaimed as she ran her hands over the surface of the golden crown. Sunset's reflection staring back at her as she stared into the gemstone that just happened to also be the Element of Magic.

"Finally, you are mine." Sunset whispered to the crown as she ran her right hand over the Element of Magic. "It took forever, but now you are mine." Sunset said to the crown as began to rise to her head. "And now for the mane event of your evening." Sunset said as let go of the crown as it rested above her. Sunset letting the crown fall onto her head.

Nothing seemed to happen as Twilight's crown rested firmly on the top of Sunset's head.

"Huh, well that was anticlimactic." Theta said sarcastically as the crown didn't seem to have the effects that Sunset was hoping for.

"Shut it you!" Sunset snapped at Theta. "You're still my prisoner." Sunset said as she returned her attention back to the crown that was currently atop of her head. The crown should've worked. She didn't know why it didn't work.

That was when Sunset remembered something important about the Element of Magic. It doesn't work with a spark, and Sunset knew of a spark that would work just perfectly. Sunset shut her eyes as her brain did all of the work for it.

That was when the memories hit her. They all hit her like a battleship at full broadside. All of the memories of when Sunset had been abandoned by others. All of the times that she thought that no one cared for her. All of the times that wondered if the only person that really cared about her was herself.

All of the pain that she had been through, both physical and even more so the emotional, rushing through her body like a wildfire. All of that pain turning into anger. All of that anger quickly turning to rage. All of that rage igniting a superheated fire deep within Sunset's soul. A fire that was enough to spark the Element of Magic into action.

The gemstone that held the Element of Magic changed color from its usual magenta and darkened before it eventually warped into a crimson, almost maroon color. The gem then began to glow. A blindly light beginning to emanate from the now crimson gem.

Sunset's eyes snapped open to reveal two blood red eyes with pupils that resembled those of a cat. "Now!" Sunset announced to the world. Sunset's voice deep and completely unrecognizable. "Witness the greatest and evilest thing you can ever imagine!" Sunset announced as her body was then surrounded by the bright red, orange, and yellow fire. The fire that had magical origin completely consumed Sunset and soared over fifty feet into the air.

"Twilight, get behind me." Zulu said to his marefriend as he held his arm protectively in front of Twilight.

The fire that surrounded Sunset began to die down the body of a nearly unrecognizable Sunset Shimmer rose from the fire like a phoenix. The magical fire that erupted from the Element of Magic seeming to work like a strange cocoon for the fiery teen.

Sunset's amber skin turning red and all of her clothes burning away and being replaced by a red and yellow dress that made Sunset's middle section look like it was surrounded by a blaze of red and yellow fire. The boots that Sunset wore staying mostly the same, but with the companion with her new dress of fire them looking closer to burnt charcoal that had just the slightest embers still burning. Sunset's hair keeping their fiery coloration but now being spiked above her head into a single point. Sunset looking like there was an actual raging fire burning above her head. Sunset's white teeth pointing and having two vampiric fangs coming out of the top of her mouth when she closed her mouth. But last but not least, Sunset also had two red bat-like wings protruding out of her back.

This 'new' Sunset looking more like the physical embodiment of a raging fire than an actual person. Sunset having been turned into a raging She-Demon by the Element of Magic and her own rage and pain.

This She-Demon Sunset was currently in a kneeling position with both of her eyes closed. She was in a position that reminded Twilight of the position that the heroes from the comic books would land in when they jumped off a great height. Sunset's right hand being in the shape of a fist and seeming to be punching the ground. Her bat-like wings being folded up against her body as she stood in kneeling position in the center of the high school front lawn. The grass that surrounded her being scorched all around her.

"Sunset..." Twilight said cautiously as she slowly approached the She-Demon. "Are alright?" Twilight asked Sunset. Twilight movements closing to a halt when Sunset began to laugh with a fit of maniacal laughter that perfectly fit her demon-like appearance.

"Oh, Twilight..." The She-Demon said with the voice of Sunset. Her eyes flashing open to reveal that they teal eyes that were surrounded by a sea of Darkness and having black pupils. The She-Demon slowly turning her head to face Twilight. Twilight taking a step backward in fright as the She-Demon rose to her full height and her wings spread to their maximum reach.

Sunset then didn't speak for several seconds. Her more taking the time to marvel in her new form. Most would see turning into a demon as a negative and an ugly or ever a terrify occasion. But not Sunset. She saw her new form as beautiful. Sunset embracing what she truly was, she wasn't a meek teenager that had serious mommy issues. No, now she was a demon of pure fire and rage. No one was going to stand in the way of reaching her goal, and those that tried they were only going to end up getting burned.

"I have never felt any better." Sunset said to Twilight with a literal devilish smile. Sunset having a rush of newly required magic rush through her body and felt the palms of her hands heat up. Sunset's hands now having only three fingers and were glowing with her teal magic. The magic also having a slight tint of black along with the teal.

"Let's see what this does." Sunset said to herself as she fired a blast of her magic out of her right palm. The magical blast going blast going past Twilight and her friends and slamming into the green grass behind them. The blast from Sunset lighting the grass on fire and a powerful blaze of red and orange quickly began to rage behind them. The force of the magical blast hitting the ground being enough to knock Twilight and her friends to the ground.

"Come on Twilight, let's dance!" Sunset shouted as she stared down her rival. Twilight still being on the ground in a state of confusion and pain. The red and orange flames behind Twilight blocking any kind of retreat. If any of them were going to survive the night then they would have to fight.

"Alright Sunset!" Twilight shouted as she regained her footing and stood her ground against her literal demon of a rival. "If you want to dance!" Twilight continued to shout as the two rivals stared each other down.

"Let's Dance!"

Author's Note:

You know that you are a good writer when you can write over 11,000 words (my new longest ever) for a chapter while having only four scenes in it. This is probably the chapter that I am most proud of, and I hope that all of you readers enjoyed it.

Finally, I am almost done with Equestria Girls. There should only be one more chapter left and then I will be finally finished with this much longer than expected story arc. Damn, I didn't expect this story to take this long to complete. I only expected it to take five chapters to complete, not almost fifteen. I really hope that you guys like this chapter, it is probably one of the chapters that I am most proud of.

I love writing when Theta and Sigma fight each other and don't worry this won't be the last time that these two amazing characters will clash. I have some really big plans for the both of them in the certain future.

The literal Night Mares that Sunset summons are inspired and based off of the Night Mares from the DreamWorks movie "Rise of the Guardians".

Sunset saying "...this place doesn't even have universal heath care and some of its residents have this rather strange irrational hatred toward homosexuals." Is my way of throwing shade toward all of the bullshit that's currently going on in America right now. At least I didn't make a joke about spray tan Hilter.

I have been researching WWII era battleships for the last few weeks for reasons that aren't relevant to this story, most notably the famous Japanese battleship the IJN Yamato. The Yamato (along with her sister ship, the Musashi) being the largest battleship ever made with a displacement of over 72,000 tons and with the largest guns ever put on a battleship of 18 inches in diameter (that's over 20,000 tons heavier and guns that are two inches more than the Iowa class of American battleships, a class of battleships that included the famous USS Missouri). So get used to me using the expression "hit like a battleship at broadside." in the future.

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