• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 3,015 Views, 146 Comments

The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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A Manehattan Tragedy (Manehattan Arc)

Theta woke to the quiet sounds of hooves on the red carpet of the room that he shared with his companion in Manehattan, Rarity. Theta's eyes slowly fluttered open. He couldn't see Rarity, but could hear her humming. Her humming seeming to come from directly behind him. That was when Theta realized that there was a strange aura around his neck. The aura, him assuming that it was Rarity's magic, wrapping some strange cloth around his neck.

Theta let out an exaggerated yawn in order to get Rarity's attention. The strange wrapping around his neck coming to a stop. Rarity white body trotting into his vision. A white cloth being held in her Magic.

"Oh! You're awake, great. I was just finishing up." Rarity said to Theta, trotting back toward his neck and out of his line of vision.

"Done with what?" Theta said half asleep letting out another yawn, this one real. Theta began to rise off of the ground. Only for Rarity's magic to increase and force him back down.

"Hey?" Theta questioned Rarity, turning his head enough to she Rarity behind him, still wrapping the white cloth around his neck.

"Sorry Theta, but I am almost and you can't move while I do this." Rarity said to Theta, her almost done with whatever she was doing.

"What are you doing?" Theta questioned Rarity, starting to become slightly agitated.

"I'll show when I'm done, now just hold still I don't want to screw this up." Rarity said Theta groaning as he laid his head back on the ground.

A few minutes passed by with Rarity still wrapping the white cloth when Theta couldn't take the waiting any longer. "Ugh! Rarity are you done yet?" Theta roared at Rarity lifting his head off of the ground, his words a little longer and with more force than he had intended.

"Almost, and calm yourself. I have been up for almost two hours doing this." Rarity said, Theta starting to feel bad for snapping at Rarity.

"Sorry, I guessed I've just been... on edge all this week, that's all." Theta apologized to Rarity, placing his head back on the red carpet.

"No worries... and I'm done." Rarity said finishing whatever she was doing.

"Can I get up now?" Theta asked Rarity, the unicorn trotting into his line of vision.

"Yes, yes you can." Rarity said, Theta rising to his full height.

"So... what did you do?" Theta asked Rarity. The bones in his legs popping as he stretched. Theta groaning as he popped the small bones in his neck.

"Look." Rarity said to Theta, holding up a small mirror with her magic.

Theta stared into the mirror to see that Rarity had wrapped a white cloth similar to gauze seen in a hospital. The layers closest to his scales were stained red from presumably his own blood.

"What happened?" Theta asked Rarity, not remembering his bite marks to be bleeding when he went to sleep the night before.

"Well.. when I woke up in the middle of the night to use the mare's room I noticed that your cuts had begun to bleed again. Your blood beginning to stain the carpet that you were sleeping." Rarity said looking down at the red carpet that Theta was standing on.

Theta looked down at his feet and noticed that the only part of the carpet that were red was where his head and neck had been laying. The carpet stained to a point that you would've thought that it had been red in the place.

"Oh... thanks Rare." Theta said to Rarity, looking up at the clock in the hotel room. Seeing that the time was 6:30. If what Rarity said was correct then she had been up since at least 4 healing his wounds.

"Don't mention it." Rarity said, taking a sip out of a glass of water that was resting on the nightstand on the left side of her bed.

"No, I mean it. Thank you." Theta said forcibly, taking Rarity taken a little off guard. Her cough on her drink. But Theta didn't stop.

"Based on this." Theta continued looking down at the red mark on the carpet from his blood. "I could've easily died last night if it wasn't for you. So, again, thank you Rarity." Theta said to Rarity, embracing her in a hug. Rarity took a little off guard from the sudden contract with her large companion. Her head only reaching to about where Theta's neck was.

"Um... Theta..." Rarity began to say. Rarity falling silent when Theta 'hushed' her.

"Just enjoy the moment." Theta whispered to Rarity, his hug becoming a little tighter.

Rarity was about to pull out of the hug, only to stop when she looked up at Theta. His eyes were closed, but she could tell that the dragon was fighting back tears.

"Your welcome." Rarity said to Theta, placing her head on his chest. Theta's warm scales being a welcome addition to the tight hug that the large dragon was giving her.

The two friends continued to their hug for another solid minute before Theta pulled away.

"Ok, enough of the sentiments, we still have a job to do." Theta said pulling out of the hug and walking over toward the door to the hotel room.

Theta opened the door and was about to leave when Rarity called out to him.


"Yeah?" Theta said, his movements coming to a stop.

Rarity opened her mouth to respond, only for seeming to forget what she was about to say. "... nevermind, darling." Rarity said, shaking her head.

"Ok, I'll be in the lobby waiting for you." Theta said leaving the room. "I know how you mares need to take forever just to get ready." Rarity heard Theta say down the hall. Rarity couldn't keep herself from giggling at Theta's comment.

Rarity took another two-three minutes to clean up and make sure fabulous before she followed Theta out of the hotel room that shared. Heading to the elevator in the hotel and followed Theta down to the lobby.

The day before, inside Zecora's hut. Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Zecora were all enjoying the company of Zulu. Them being surprised to find out that they would actually like just talking to a changeling.

Their various conversations shifted from topic to topic every five to ten minutes. The topic almost always having been about Zulu or other changelings in some capacity. Zulu didn't mind it. This gave him a perfect opportunity to help mend some relationships between changelings and both ponies and zebras alike. He ahd already been trying to mend relationships between dragons and changelings. Even if his audience was just three ponies, four if you counted the sleeping Rainbow Dash, and the one zebra of Zecora. It was still a start, a slow one, but still something.

Their conversations came to an end when the door to Zecora hut creak open.

All eyes shot toward the door only to see that there was no one standing in the doorway.

"Is someone outside. There is no need to hide." Zecora said in her usual rhyming ways.

Zecora's words seemed to be effective as a small purple dragon appeared in the doorway. The dragon about half the size of the other ponies. His body being covered in many cuts and bruises, his left eye being sullen into a massive black. Him flinching every time he blinked.

"Spike!" Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy all exclaimed at once. Them rushing over to give the little dragon a big hug.

"Don't!" Spike shouted at the three ponies. Holding up one of his claws. "I don't want to hurt you." Spike said under his breath, but loud enough

"You can't hurt me, sugar. Omega is gone." Applejack said to Spike, kneeling down to the smaller dragon's height.

"Are you sure?" Spike asked. Applejack and Pinkie both sharing a look. Them both vividly remembering Alpha killing his brother with the help of the Harmony Armor.

"Yeah, we're pretty sure." Applejack said, an awkward laugh coming from her friends.

"Where's Rarity?" Spike asked looking around the white that everypony knew that he had a crush on.

"She's with Theta in Manehattan, sugar." Applejack said to Spike. Spike's face dropping at the mentioning of Theta.

"Is... is Theta alright?" Spike asked, him still vividly remembering him becoming nothing more than a mindless under the control of Omega and attacking Theta, and more importantly Twilight.

All of the ponies shared a considered look, them not sure how to answer. Sure Theta could easily recover from his attacks from Spike, but what about mentally. An awkward silence fell on the hut as the three ponies tried to come up with an answer for the purple dragon.

"He will be." Zulu chimed in, breaking the silence. Spike at first took a step back when he noticed the changeling sitting at the same table as Zecora. But he disregarded it as none the ponies, or Zecora were fighting him. Besides, Spike had bigger issues to deal with at the moment.

"Where... where's Twilight. I... I need to talk her." Spike said to his three friends, knowing out of them Twilight was the one that he needed to apologize to the most.

"Twilight with Princess Celestia, and we don't know how long it will be before she gets back." Applejack said to Spike. His's expression dropping even further.

"I need... I need to say I'm sorry." Spike said more to himself, his eye plastered on the dirt floor beneath him. Spike's face lit up when he heard a soft voice behind him.

"You tell me that yourself." Spike from behind. Spike jumping around in a small circle to see Twilight standing in the middle of the doorway.

"Twilight!" Spike said, almost tackling Twilight to the ground in a massive hug.

"Wow! Spike, it's ok." Twilight said to Spike, taken a little by surprise.

"I'm so sorry!" Spike cried into Twilight chest. His tears matting her purple coat.

"Spike, it's ok. What happen to you wasn't you, it was Omega." Twilight said pulling Spike into a tighter hug as he continued to cry. Twilight's hooves wrapped around Spike's small head.

"It wasn't always Omega." Spike whimpered through his tears. Twilight pulling out of the hug.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked Spike, using her hoof to wipe away some of Spike's tears.

"When... when I attacked Theta it was me." Spike said to Twilight, looking down at the dirt floor.

"Hey, it's ok Spike. We all make mistakes." Twilight said to Spike, holding up his chin with her hoof.

"So... you forgive me?" Spike asked Twilight, the pair staring into each others' eyes.

"Of course." Twilight said, pulling Spike into another hug.

"Aww! That's just sweet... I think I'm going to..." Pinkie whimpered before she burst into tears. Massive rivers of tears flowing out of her eyes.

Twilight pulled out of the hug with a slight blush on her face. Pinkie was always the best at bringing light to even the darkest situations, sometimes literally.

"Thanks, Pinkie you're the best." Twilight said to Pinkie. The two friends sharing a smile.

"Not to spoil the moment." Zulu spoke up, catching everypony's attention. "But, where's Celestia?" Zulu asked Twilight, not seeing the white alicorn.

"Princess Celestia left to see Cadence not long after I help her check out the Castle of the Two Sisters." Twilight said to Zulu giving him, along with Twilight's friends, even more, questions.

"Castle of the Two Sisters?" Fluttershy asked Twilight in surprise.

"Yeah, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are going to use it as their base of operations until Canterlot is rebuilt." Twilight explained to her friends. "Again..." Twilight mumbled underneath her breath.

"Did she say why she had to see Cadence?" Zulu asked Twilight, standing up from his seated position and trotting over toward the other ponies.

"No, no see didn't. I guess it was important because when she did leave, she left in quite a hurry." Twilight said to Zulu.

"I see..." Zulu said.

Time seemed to pass without much change. The ponies returning to the same random conservations that they had before Spike and Twilight showed up. Zulu taking note of the constant looks that he had received from Twilight. Twilight quickly looking away with a blush every time he noticed.

When the sun began to set the ponies, along with Zulu, decided it would be the best to stay with Zecora and watch over Rainbow Dash. Her not leaving her room since before Twilight had arrived. The fact that Theta and Rarity had yet to return only increased the decision to spend the night in Zecora's hut.

Rarity had to wait on what had to be longest elevator ride in all of Manehattan until she reached the lobby. She had to cover her eyes as she was blasted from the bright lights that were inside the lobby. Her eyes were stained even more when she glaze might on that of the scales of Theta. His white scales shined brightly in the bright lights of the hotel lobby.

"And I thought that I look fabulous this morning." Rarity said to Theta, catching his attention.

"What?" Theta said to Rarity confused.

"Your scales." Rarity clarified, Theta looking down at his scales. Them shining in the bright lights.

"Oh...right." Theta said, noticing her glow coming from her scales. "Sorry, they glow when light hits them just right." Theta said to Rarity, a look of confusion appearing on her face.

"Why should you be sorry. I think it should be celebrated that you are able to create something so beautiful so easily." Rarity said to Theta, the white scales on Theta's face beginning to turn red in a blush.

"I appreciate the thought Rarity, but where I grew up the things that were beautiful and admired were gems." Theta said to Rarity.

"Well, gems are nice." Rarity said, not grasping Theta's meaning.

"The only reason they were admired is because dragons can eat them." Theta said, the smile on Rarity's face dropping instantly.

"Well, aren't you just a party pooper." Rarity thought to herself.

"Well, at least you will be able to come to know ponies to are able to recognize the true beauty of all things. No matter how small." Rarity said to Theta, seemingly forcing a smile.

"Don't flatter me Rarity, now please come on. We still have a job to do." Theta said to Rarity walking out of the hotel lobby.

"Business as usual, I guess." Rarity said to herself as she followed Theta out of the lobby and into the busy streets of Manehattan.

The strange pair continued to walk through the streets of Manehattan, it taking them about an hour for them to reach the Fashion Distinct. The Fashion Distinct is what you'd expect from the fashion capital of the world, only being rivaled by Maris. Despite having been the section of the city that had been hit by dragon attacks the most it still looked fancier than anything that Theta had seen in his life. But based on him living most of his life in the desert wasteland that is the Dragon Empire. That's not saying much.

Rarity's eyes looked like they were about to explode as she continued to trot through the crowded streets of Manehattan. Theta almost losing the white unicorn as she rushed through the streets.

"Rarity! Wait up!" Theta called after Rarity, doing his best to catch up to the white mare before he lost her in the streets of Manehattan.

"Sorry, I guess I'm just a little excited." Rarity apologized to Theta when he finally caught up with her.

"It's ok. So, where do you think we should start?" Theta said to Rarity. In perfect timing, there was a massive explosion that went off several blocks away. Rarity and Theta both shared a look.

"I guess that's your answer darling." Rarity said, the two of them bolting toward the sound of the explosion.

Zulu's eyes began to open as the sun's rays begun to shine through one of the windows of Zecora straw hut. Zulu having fallen asleep on the dirt floor of the mane room of the small hut. Zulu slowly began to rise his head off of the ground, him rubbing one of his eyes with his hoof. Zulu looked around the small room to find the other ponies that were sleeping inside the room.

Applejack was sleeping in one of the wooden chairs at the wooden table on the far end of the room. Applejack's brown cowboy hat resting over her eyes. Her position making her look like some of the drunken ponies that Zulu had seen passed out from time to time during his travels through Equestria.

Pinkie Pie was resting on the dirt floor a few feet in front of Zulu. Pinkie letting out a small snore that sounded like small squeaks every time she breathed. Her hair seeming to inflate and deflate every time she breathed. Zulu was about to question the strange physics, or lack thereof when a thought popped into his head.

"It's Pinkie Pie, don't question it." Zulu thought to himself, his gaze turning toward the resting alicorn.

Twilight passed out in one of the wooden chairs at the table at the far end of the room. Her chair directly across from Applejack's. Twilight muzzle being buried in a book that Zulu couldn't make out the title of from where he was laying down. Zulu assuming that Twilight did some late night studying after the other had fallen asleep. A small amount of drool flowing out of her mouth as she slept on top of the book. Spike was not far from where Twilight was sleeping, him sleeping underneath the wooden table, small black smoke coming out of his nostrils every time he breathed.

Zulu couldn't see either Fluttershy nor Zecora anywhere in the room. Him assuming that they were in the other room where Rainbow was being treated for her wounds.

Zulu slowly began to raise off of the ground, his joints popping in and out of socket as he rose off of the ground. As a changeling, Zulu didn't have to sleep as often as other ponies, usually only once or twice a week. But after all the shit that he had been through the day previous, he took a single night's rest in stride.

Zulu just stood in place for several seconds, him being the first one to wake up in the small hut. "Well, I guess this is my cue to leave." Zulu said to himself at a whisper level. Him beginning to trot toward the wooden door that marked the only entrance and exit to Zecora's home. Not counting jumping out one of the windows.

"What, living so soon. Not even a goodbye." Zulu heard from behind him. Zulu's movements coming to a complete halt. Zulu slowly turned his head to see the half asleep eyes of Twilight staring back at him. The purple alicorn letting out a yawn as the two continued to stare at each other.

"Twilight, I didn't mean to wake you." Zulu stammered to Twilight, rubbing the back head with his hoof. "I was just leaving. I'm sorry to disturb your rest." Zulu said, taking a single backward step toward the door.

"Nonsense..." Twilight said to Zulu raising from her seated position. Another yawn passing by her lips. "I'm not that deep of a sleeper anyway." Twilight added as she began to trot over toward Zulu, her expertly stepping over the sleeping body of Pinkie Pie. Pinkie continuing to sleep peacefully.

Zulu continued to trot backward until his back hoof hit the door to Zecora's hut. Twilight continuing to slowly trot toward him. A flurry of mixed emotions coming from the purple alicorn, emotions that didn't seem to be possible. From sadness to fatigue, and of all the emotions in the world... love! Not very strong love, but still love!

Zulu's heart began to beat faster as Twilight continued to approach him. Her only a few feet away, the changeling being frozen in place.

"Twilight... are you alright?" Zulu asked Twilight, his words increasing in volume as she got closer.

"I'm fine... yawn... I just need to tell you something before you leave." Twilight said, her eyes beginning to droop, Twilight getting hit by a shotgun blast of fatigue as she continued to trot toward Zulu. Zulu was beginning to wonder if there was little more than just sleep altering Twilight perception. Them mere inches away from each other now. Their muzzles being able to touch if they wanted to.

"And what would that be?" Zulu asked Twilight, him flinching as she laid her head up against his neck. Twilight coat and mane feeling like silk compared to his bug-like flesh and cobweb mane.

" Thank you." Twilight whispered into Zulu's ear, her words at a volume that could rival Fluttershy. Her head snuggling up closer to Zulu's neck. The oil -like substance covering Zulu's body beginning to mat Twilight coat, turning it a slightly darker color of purple. Zulu breathing a nose full of Twilight's scent. The purple alicorn smelling like old books. A smell that Zulu found attractive for reasons that he couldn't even explain.

Zulu shook away the scent from hid mind as he began to speak to Twilight. "For what?" Zulu asked Twilight, him getting another nose full of Twilight eternal scent of old books.

"For saving my life." Twilight whispered, her beginning to nibble on Zulu's pointed ear.

"Is she doing this on purpose, or is this just something she does she's when sleep deprived." Zulu thought, the love he was receiving from Twilight growing in strength, but feeling more than along the lines of lustful love from a jealous lover.

"You already thanked me for saving your friends." Zulu said to Twilight beginning to run a hoof through her silk-like mane. Him wondering exactly where Twilight was going with this form of gratitude.

"I know, but you deserve another one." Twilight whispered into Zulu's ear, her warm breath sending shivers down Zulu's spine. "If it weren't for you none of us would be here right now. You saved us..." Twilight continued to whisper to Zulu, her falling silent mid-sentence.

"Twilight, are you alright?" Zulu asked Twilight, looking over his shoulder to find the purple alicorn with her eyes closed. A quiet snore coming from her mouth. Twilight sleeping peacefully up against his neck. A warm smile spreading across Zulu's face as she stared at the sleeping alicorn. "I think you have finally worn yourself out." Zulu whispered to the sleeping alicorn up against his neck. Zulu crooked horn began to grow his green magical aura as he wrapped his telekinesis around Twilight's body.

Zulu used his telekinesis move Twilight in a manner not to wake her and place her on the dirt floor. A noticeable shiver going across Twilight body as she was placed on the cold floor. Zulu bit his lip as he scanned the small shack for something to cover Twilight with. Zulu's gaze falling upon a hoof stitched blanket with tribal designs from Zecora's homeland embroidered into the blanket. Zulu assuming the blanket to of been made by Zecora herself.

Zulu used his green magic to levitate the blanket over to Twilight's sleeping body and cover her with the blanket. Twilight's shivering coming to a halt as she snuggled into the warm blanket. Zulu couldn't tell if Twilight was really asleep, or if this was just her teasing him again, but he honestly didn't care either way. Twilight was being adorkable and he loved it.

"I'm sorry Twilight, but I'm not looking for a relationship right now." Zulu whispered to the sleeping alicorn kneeling down to her level, moving his hoof through her purple mane. "I'm not even sure if a changeling can have a romantic relationship." Zulu said somberly, taking his hoof out of Twilight's mane. "But... I appreciate the thought, and maybe if things were different maybe... just maybe we could be something." Zulu whispered to Twilight, rising to his full height.

"Besides... I need to move on. I'd like to learn what my fellow changelings are doing at the moment." Zulu said more to himself looking out one of the windows in the Zecora's hut. "I do hope that I will be able to see you again." Zulu said to Twilight, him beginning to trot toward the door to Zecora's hut.

"Smooth moves, sugar." Zulu heard a voice that wasn't Twilight's.

"Huh." Zulu said in surprise, doing a quick 180 to see the piercing green eyes of Applejack staring at Zulu from under her brown cowboy hat. A blush began to appear on Zulu's muzzle as he gave a quick glance at the sleeping body of Twilight. Her body moving up and down ever so slightly as she breathed in her sleep. A smile appearing on Zulu's muzzle not long after.

"Don't worry sugar cube..." Applejack whispered from her wooden chair, her hat still rested to cover most of her face. "It will be our little secret." Applejack whispered to Zulu, a warm smile spreading across the orange pony's muzzle.

Zulu mouthed a thank you to Applejack as he opened the door of Zecora's house with his green magic. Him stepping out into the cool morning air. And before you could've said 'Sweet Celestia' Zulu was gone. Him disappearing into the shadows of the morning.

Theta and Rarity rounded one of the corners of the Fashion Distinct to find that one of the most expensive dress shops. A large brick building three stories tall was on fire, the windows on the lowest level shattered. The orange flames of the fire completely engulfing the large building.

"Oh. NO. YOU. DIDN'T!" Rarity yelled, her eyes burning with rage. She was about to bolt toward the burning building, only to be stopped by one of tree trunk sized forelegs of Theta.

"Don't even think about." Theta said to Rarity, his claws digging into the concrete beneath him.

"But... the shop... all those fabulous clothes." Rarity whimpered to Theta, trying to force her way passed Theta's legs. Theta's claws only digging further into the concrete as Rarity continued to struggle.

"And I'll take care of it, you just go and get somepony that can put out the fire." Theta ordered at Rarity while still keeping his voice calm and collected.

Despite what Rarity's heart was telling her, she sighed in defeat. "Theta's right, he's a dragon. He is better suited to take on other dragons." Rarity thought to herself. "Ok, you can do it." Rarity sighed in defeat. "Just be careful." Rarity added before taking off to find anypony to put out the fire.

"I will, now go." Theta said at Rarity. The white unicorn taking off into the opposite direction. "I'll take care of this." Theta said to himself, letting a roar and charging at the burning building, a roar from another dragon coming from the burning building.

Theta body slammed his way into the burning building. Him not having that much force to destroy the door of the clothing store with everything on the lowest floor being engulfed in flames. The light blue door that marked the entrance to the clothing store disintegrating when Theta ran through it.

Theta's eyes gave a quick scan of the burning clothing store. His gaze falling on the teal colored dragon that was currently tearing the clothing store apart looking for anything kind of jewelry to quench his gems. Theta seeing all of the shattered necklaces across the blue carpeted floor. All of the gems, excluding the red ones, being stripped from the necklaces. Theta took it a little surprising that a dress shop would actually have more gems in it than an actual jewelry store. Theta decided to ask Rarity about it later, he had more pressing matters at the moment. Namely, the adolescent dragon that was currently destroying somepony else property.

"Not a fan of rubies, I see." Theta said sarcastically, catching the blue dragons attention.

"Mine!" The light blue dragon hissed at Theta, him standing protectively over his hoard of stolen gems. The blue dragon's eyes were burning an unnatural red color and he seemed to be a lot thinner than a dragon his age should be. Theta assuming the dragon to be no more than five years younger than he was. That was when he was him with realization. It hitting him harder than the tail swipe that he took from Omega about a week earlier.

"This dragon isn't from the Empire." Theta thought most dragons that come from the Dragon Empire being in great health due to the large amounts of gems that can be found there. "This dragon is from Equestria." Theta thought, him subconsciously taking a single step closer.

"Don't move any closer!" The dragon called out to Theta, his words filled with terror. His eyes, while still being red, had changed from being filled with hatred and madness into fear.

That was when Theta noticed his error, him raising his left foreleg off of the ground and taking a single step backward. "Ok, I hear you. I'm not coming any closer." Theta said to the blue dragon, taking another step backward.

"Good, these are my gems, and no one else's." The dragon spat back, gathering up another five necklaces of many different gems with a single swipe of his claws.

"Look, I see that you are scared, just let me help you." Theta said, extending his paw toward the blue dragon.

"You said you wouldn't move!" The dragon yelped, taking his own step backward. The fires of the building continuing to rage, the two dragons have no ill effects as dragons have evolved to be very resistant to smoke inhalation.

"I'm not moving any closer, I'm just trying to help you." Theta said to the dragon. Theta swearing to the first Alpha himself that he saw small tears beginning to form in the dragon's eyes.

"I don't need your help, I'm fine!" The dragon roared, the floodgates having been opened.

"It's alright, I'm here to help." Theta said to the dragon, him fighting with every fiber of his being not to take a step forward.

"No, no help. No one has ever help me, why should you be any different!" The dragon roared back.

"Because I'm not like everyone else. I can actually help you." Theta said to the dragon, trying to find some kind of words that could help the terrified dragon. The blue dragon's ears perked up at Theta's words. Them seeming to be working on him.

"What do you mean?" The blue dragon asked, taking a step toward Theta and off of his small hoard of gems.

"I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Theta." Theta said to the blue dragon, only to get interrupted by him.

"I don't care who you are, just how you can help me." The blue dragon roared at Theta. Theta's beginning to get agitated at the blue dragon in front of him.

"Relax Theta, this dragon has been through a lot, so just take a deep breath and keep talking to him. Rarity should be back any time now." Theta thought to himself.

Theta heeded his advice and took a deep breath before continuing to talk to the dragon in front of him. "Look, I understand that you have been through a lot, and I'm just trying to help you. So if you just let me help you, I can get out of this burning building and change your life for the better." Theta said to the dragon, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Ok, ok, I get it. So... what can you do to help me?" The blue dragon said to Theta, accepting his help.

"You come to where I grew up." Theta said, a look of confusion spreading across the other dragon's muzzle.

"And where would that be?" The blue dragon asked Theta.

"The Dragon Empire, now it isn't anything like Equestria. No giant cities filled with ponies. Just a large desert filled with your fellow dragons, every corner of the seemingly endless desert filled with gems for you to enjoy." Theta said to the blue dragon, his red eyes changing to a more teal color and widening as he continued to speak. "And you don't have to worry about stealing them just to survive." Theta finished, taking at look at the small hoard of treasure underneath the blue dragon's claws. A look that the other dragon shared.

"Ok, I will go with you to this, Dragon Empire. You call it." The blue dragon said Theta spirits being to rise. "But only one condition." The dragon added, Theta's hopes getting dashed.

"A condition, what kind of a condition. Calm down Theta, its probably nothing." Theta thought himself. "And what condition would that be?" Theta asked the blue dragon, shaking his previously thoughts out of his head.

"I just want you to promise me that nothing bad will happen to me once I get there." The dragon said to Theta.

"Um... sure, you have my word." Theta said, a little surprised by the other dragon's request. "Now, come on. I think it's about time get out of here." Theta said to the blue dragon. The fire inside the dress shop still raging.

"Right, let's go." The blue dragon said to Theta, following him outside of the burning building.

Theta and the blue dragon walked out of the burning shop and were quickly met by a large group of a dozen or more police and firefighting ponies. Rarity standing in the middle, in between two police ponies holding bronze spears in light blue magic.

The blue dragon tensed up at the sight of the two bronze weapons. Him dropping into a defensive stance. The police only raising their weapons even higher. Several other officers following suit.

"Wait! There is no need for aggression." Theta announced, pointing his foreleg protectively in front of the blue dragon, while holding his other in a stopping motion. "This dragon is my friend." Theta began to say, him being interrupted by a fashionably dressed unicorn that Theta hadn't noticed before. Theta assuming her to be the owner of the shop.

"Well, your friend here just broke into my shop and set it ablaze." The fashion mare said to Theta and the dragon he was defending. The blue dragon sneaking at little bit from the mare's words.

"Officer, you know the punishment for those that destroy other's property." The fashion mare said speaking to one of the police ponies, Theta assuming him to be either a sergeant or captain. "Especially ones of that kind." The mare spat, both Theta and the blue dragon tensing up at her words. The blue dragon snarling at the mare, his white sharpened teeth showing in the bright sun. Theta having to put a forcible claw on the small dragon's shoulder to prevent him from attacking the mare.

"You see, pure monsters, each and every one of them. Their kind almost destroyed Equestria forever." The mare said to the sergeant/captain officer, her finding a twisted delight in the animosity that she was creating. A twisted delight that reminded Theta way to much of his brother.

"There also the one's that save it!" Theta screamed internally. Him not fighting with very fiber of his bring to hold back not just the blue dragon at his side, but also himself from attacking the mare that Theta could only describe as pure evil.

"Ok, there's no need for violence." Rarity began, only to get interrupted by the same mare.

"No pony asked for your opinion young lady, now move along. This matter is no concern of yours." The mare spat at Rarity. Rarity taking several steps back in appallment.

"Now, get rid of these pests." The mare said speaking to the officer pony next to her. The officer was internally debating whether he should follow the mare's wishes or not. His decision was made up for him by the mare's next words. "If you don't kill them than I can get my, who is the chief of police, to fire all of your men." The mare said to the officer, her words no louder than a whisper so that no one would hear her blackmail. But Theta, along with the dragon he was protecting with their advanced hearing could.

"You heard her men. Equip weapons and prepare to attack." The officer announced, and all the ponies present got a look of surprise on their faces. Including the officers own men, but they followed their orders regardless. The only two that weren't surprised by his actions were Theta and his blue dragon companion.

The half a dozen or so officer ponies raised their bronze spears that were strapped to their sides. Them all being held in a combination of blue, red, and green magic.

"Fire." The officer pony said simply, the words feeling like acid on his tongue.

"WHAT!" Rarity cried as a half a dozen bronze spears starting flying at Theta and his blue companion.

At the last second, the blue dragon broke out of Theta's grasp and sacrificed his own body to jump protectively in front of Theta.

"NO!" Theta roared as one the spears pierced through the neck of the blue dragon. Another scraping past the blue dragon left foreleg. His leg giving out from the impact. All the other spears missed either of their targets. Them either implanting into the concrete behind them or flying through the broken windows of the burning clothing store. The spear that had gone right through his neck and implanted itself a solid four inches into the concrete sidewalk. The blue dragon brought his right claw up to his the gaping wound in his neck. Him falling to the concrete sidewalk in a puddle of his own blood.

Theta's brain seemed to lag as his left claw caught the blue dragon head before it hit the ground before he even thought to do so. "No!" Theta heard himself roar.

"You said that nothing would happen to me." The blue dragon said, taking his claw off of his neck. His red blood beginning to flow like a river. His blue scales turning a dark purple color from all the blood.

"No kid, you stay with me! You hear me, stay with me." Theta cried down to the blue dragon that he cradled in his forelegs. His right claws covering the wound that blue dragon had in his neck.

"You... promised..." The blue dragon said, and then he was gone. The color in his teal eyes leaving as he stared blankly at the bright sun above him. Theta removed his claw from the dragon's neck and closed his eyes for him. Theta unable to look at the nothing more than a kid that he couldn't save. Theta didn't shed any tears, he had none left to shed.

"Theta... I'm so sorry... I didn't know that this would happen." Rarity whimpered to Theta, trying to apologize to him. Rarity placing her white hoof on Theta's shoulder, him only to shake it off. Tears beginning to form in Rarity's eyes.

"I... didn't even know his name." Theta said more to himself, him raising off of the concrete sidewalk. His claws still covered in the blue dragon's blood. Him beginning to walk down the street from Rarity in absolute silence.

"Theta, where are you going? We still have a mission to do." Rarity called after Theta, the white dragon's movements coming to a halt.

"You can do whatever in Tartarus you want Rarity. I'm going home." Theta said defeated, him beginning to start walking again.

"Theta!" Theta heard somepony call his name. This pony's voice not being that of Rarity's. Intrigued Theta turned his head toward the sound, all of his previous thoughts . His eyes widening as his gaze fell upon the body of a grayish-yellow unicorn with a red mane with purple and pink highlights.

"Moon Dancer."

Author's Note:

I'm back and I am no longer a high school student. I just graduated from high school last Friday and now I have to face the trials of real life now. "Mommy, I don't want to grow up yet." All joking aside, I am looking forward to adulthood and with my extra time not having to worry about school for awhile, I might be able to get chapters out for my stories back to a one per week average.

If you wondering happened to Spike, then there is your answer. I know I kind of just let him unconscious inside the destroyed Canterlot palace a few chapters ago. I assumed that Spike returned to his original size after the defeat of Omega. Similar to when he rejected his greed in "Secret to my Excess."

Before someone asks, I am going to start including shipping in the next chapters. Some of my ships might surprise you people.

I have begun the beginning stages for another story. I know, I'm writing five stories all at the same time. A story that I hope will be released sometime during the fall or winter of this year. So look out for it. I won't say what it is, or what it is about. Just let you know that it will be darker than anything I have ever written. Yes, even darker than this. I can guarantee it.

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