• Published 8th Aug 2015
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The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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Zulu vs Omega

"I hate having to be the one that has to give this news but..." Zulu began, becoming mute as he neared the words that he dreaded to say.

"Yes Zulu?" Omega roared, becoming frustrated. The fire within his chest beginning to rush through his veins of his body.

"The truth is, despite our predictions..." Zulu said, falling silent again.

"Yes!" Omega roared, smoke as black as tar coming out of his nostrils. His one red eye burning with anger. The cavern that Omega was in, beginning to shake from the power of his voice alone. Zulu having to dive to his left, to miss getting flattened by a falling boulder the size of an apple cart.

Zulu quickly climbed to his hooves, dusted himself off, and continued to speak to Omega. His words burning his mouth like acid.

"heavy sigh... I am pained to inform you that despite your previous prediction... the ponies of Equestria... were in fact able to..." Zulu paused, Omega's fire burning in his veins making his blood boil, literally.

"SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!" Omega roared at the top of his lungs, massive fumes of black smoke coming out from his nostrils, making very difficult for Zulu to breathe.

Zulu breathed out a heavy sigh as he continued. "The ponies were, in fact, able to reform Discord." Zulu said quickly, fearing the wrath that would come from Omega. Him shielding his face with his forelegs.

When no response came Zulu removed the hooves blocking his vision to see Omega staring down at him with a blank expression.

"Loading... loading... loading... ding!" Omega thought as his brain began to process what Zulu had told him. When Omega's brain finally comprehended what Zulu had told him, his one red eye burned with anger. The mass of black smoke coming out of his nostrils only growing in thickness. Zulu having to clear his throat at the blanket of smoke that was forming in the large cavern.

"Discord! Is! GOOD!" Omega roared, his blackened scales beginning to glow a deep maroon color. "I gave you one job Zulu, and what job was that?" Omega asked Zulu a rhetorical question.

Zulu knew the question was rhetorical, but feared what would happened to him if he didn't, so he answered anyway. "To watch over the ponies attempt to reform Discord, and report back to you when I was done." Zulu said shaking.

Omega let out a crooked laugh, that sent a chill down Zulu spine. Omega strange laughter came to an abrupt halt, as Omega slammed one his claws down on the ground. The movement creating a massive cloud of brown dust.

"No! You're job was to make sure that the ponies failed at their mission to reform Discord! At all costs!" Omega roared at Zulu, as he swung his massive whiplike tail around. His tail completely destroying a stone column.

"I tried my best." Zulu tried to defend himself, despite knowing that it was pointless.

"Did you show yourself to the enemy?" Omega roared at Zulu, speaking of the Mane Six.

"No... I couldn't risk exposing myself and starting another war before the time was right to mount a counterattack." Zulu said to Omega, trying to reason with the literal embodiment of rage.

"I said. Make sure the ponies failed at their mission to reform Discord! AT ALL COSTS!" Omega roared, his voice booming louder than any thunder.

"I'm... I'm sorry Omega... I..." Zulu fumbled, trying to find his words. Zulu took in one deep breath and let out a sigh to match it. "I deserve whatever punishment you believe that I should have." Zulu said in defeat.

Omega was genuinely surprised at Zulu's words, but he hid his surprise well, his growl warping into a crooked grin. "Very well then." Omega said, his one black eye seeming to twinkle in twisted delight. Omega's chest blackened scales on his chest began to glow a deep maroon color, as the fire that burned inside of him began to build in power.

"Any last words, Zulu." Omega said, holding the maroon fire that eagerly awaiting to be released.

"Yes. I do." Zulu said simply, staring at the dirt ground.

"And what would that be?" Omega asked, believing that he had already won before he had even started.

"That you should never underestimate a Shadow changeling." Zulu said, giving Omega a crooked grin of his own. Omega snorted and fired a blast of his maroon fire at Zulu. Zulu easily dodging it by warping into the shadows.

"Show yourself you coward!" Omega roared, his face head shifting every which way looking for Zulu.

"With pleasure." Zulu said, warping out of the shadows of the ceiling of the cavern. Zulu landed on Omega back, his horn glowing the same bright green as his eyes. His staff/spear thing held in his magical aura. Zulu used his magic to activate the emerald gems on the ends of his staff, two curved blades erupting out of the ends. The two green blades looking like they were made out of a strange green flame.

Zulu thrusted his staff/spear into Omega's back, just below the area on Omega's back where is massive bug-like wings attached. Zulu's weapon pierced through Omega's iron hard scales. The blade digging halfway up the blade. Omega's soft tissues burning at the touch of the magical weapon.

Omega roared in pain, standing up on his hind legs. His head slamming into the ceiling of the cavern. Large boulders falling from the ceiling. One large boulder the size of a chariot missing Zulu's body by only a few yards. The boulder disintegrating as it hit Omega's scales.

"Get off me!" Omega roared, turning his neck around to the section of his back that Zulu was standing on. Zulu's staff/spear implanted deep inside Omega's flesh. Omega chopped his massive jaws down on the location where Zulu was. Zulu shadow traveling out of the way as Omega's massive teeth dug into his own scales. Omega's teeth cut right through Zulu staff/spear, the spear shattering into twisted pieces of steel.

Omega roared out in pain as he shifted his head back around. His mismatched eyes falling on Zulu, who was now on the dirt ground in front of him. The air thick with Omega's black smoke, but Zulu didn't care. If he was going to die that die, it wasn't going to be by no simple smoke inhalation.

"What are you going to do with your weapon, Zulu?" Omega said down to Zulu, a look of smug plastered across his face.

"Oh! You mean this." Zulu said creating another staff/spear out of the shadows around him. "Never underestimate the power of a Shadow changeling." Zulu said, dropping into a defensive stance. His staff/spear being held close to the right side of his body, in his green magic. Zulu's green eyes flooding with anger.

"You are starting to piss me off." Omega said, as he let another blast of his maroon escape his mouth. Zulu dodging the blaze by galloping underneath Omega, using Omega's massive size against him.

"You are only prolonging the inevitable." Omega said slamming one of his forelegs down on the ground. His massive claws barely missing Zulu.

"I got of here, and fast... but how?" Zulu thought to himself, breathing heavily. The massive body of Omega working as perfect cover, at for the time being. "What a second..." Zulu thought, coming to a realization. "I can shadow travel... duh." Zulu thought, facehoofing himself.

Zulu's thoughts were quickly interrupted by the roar of Omega, him shifting his massive neck underneath his body. His head pointing at Zulu. Omega's chest above Zulu glowing a deep maroon. Zulu's green eyes widening.

"I will ask you this one more time." Omega said, savoring in his supposed kill. "Do you have any last words?" Omega asked Zulu, opening his mouth slightly. The bright light of his marron fire unmistakable to the dimly lit cavern.

"I do... bye." Zulu said with a smug look on his face, as he warped into the shadows underneath Omega.

"NO!" Omega roared, firing his maroon fire. Zulu escaping from the Changeling Hive unharmed.

Zulu shadow traveled to the mouth of the hive. The roars of Omega echoing out of it. Zulu collapsed to the ground and cried out in pain. "BUCK!" Zulu cried out in pain, through his gritted pointed teeth. Zulu slowing turned his head toward his back to see that his small translucent green bug-like wings had been singed by the maroon fire of Omega. Zulu struggled to his hooves. Him breathing heavily, three shadow travels in rapid succession taking a lot out of the changeling.

"You gotta keep moving." Zulu thought to himself, urging himself to keep going. To where you may ask. He didn't know. Zulu eyes shifted toward the snowcapped mountains in the distance. The shine of the setting sun reflecting off the mountains perfectly. Then a thought appeared in Zulu's mind.

"Equestria... it's my only option." Zulu thought out loud, the words burning like napalm on his tongue. "sigh... I might as well just get this over with." Zulu said to himself, as he shadowed traveled to the one place that he wished he would never have to return to again... Canterlot.

Over in Canterlot the Royalty of Equestria and the Dragon Empire were having a meeting the throne room. The meeting included Princesses Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Prince Shining Armor of Equestria. The four ponies were hosting the Alpha and his two apprentices, Theta, and Sigma.

"I told you all it would work!" Celestia exclaimed, speaking of Discord surprising reformation by the Mane Six.

"We know Celestia! Ugh... you don't need to rub it in." Luna groaned, through she went with the idea to reform Discord, she still didn't believe that it would actually work.

"So, Celestia, now that Discord is reformed. What are your plans for making him use his power for good." Alpha asked Celestia.

"I have... a couple ideas." Celestia mumbled, not really sure about herself.

"You got nothing, don't you?" Alpha said, calling Celestia's bluff.

"Yeah... I guess so." Celestia said, all of the royals in the room unaware of the sudden appearance of a certain shadow changeling in the throne room.

"I hope they don't kill me the moment I step out." Zulu mumbled to himself. Zulu then reluctantly trotted out of the safety of the shadows in the far right corner of the throne room, and started trotting toward the throne room. His staff/spear strapped to the right side of his body.

"Changeling!" Shining Armor exclaimed his horn glowing a bright magenta color, being the first to notice Zulu's presence. All eyes, pony and dragon alike shifting in shock to the green eyed changeling standing front of them. "Warn the guards!" Shining Armor ordered, returning to his former role as the Captain of the Royal Guard.

"That won't be necessary." Alpha said, the red scales on his chest beginning to glow a bright orange color. Sigma quickly followed with his gray scales earning a red glow of their own. Celestia, Luna, Cadence horns glowing with their respective magical aura. Celestia gold, Luna a dark blue, and Cadence a sky blue. Only Theta not getting into an offensive stance, him more surprised as to how a changeling could've gotten into the castle into the first place.

"Wait!" Zulu exclaimed, holding his forelegs up in surrender. Zulu holding his staff/spear in his green magical aura, bowing to the royalty in front of him. "I am not here to fight!" Zulu called to the royalty standing in front of him. He then threw the weapon at the hooves of Celestia. The weapon hitting the ground with a loud clang of metal landing on tile.

Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor all shared a look of disbelief, as their horns lost their magical aura. Cadence being the last to do so, her still vividly remembering this certain changeling kidnapping her. Alpha, Theta, and Sigma all shared a similar look. Alpha scales returning to their normal reddish color. Sigma kept is fire at light burn, just in case the changeling tried any funny business.

There was a few moments of awkward silence that wasn't broken until Celestia began to spoke. "Then if you're not here to fight... then what are you doing here?" Celestia asked Zulu bluntly. A response the Zulu had suspected from the white alicorn. While Celestia had lowered her magic she still retained a snarl across her muzzle.

"I guess I should introduce myself first. My name is Zulu of the Shadow Hive." Zulu began, only to get interrupted by Cadence.

"Yes, I would like to know the name of the changeling that tried to kill me." Cadence spat at Zulu. Cadence's small scar across her cheek a vivid remember of Zulu's past sins. Zulu looked away in shame, even though he had tried to justify his assault of the pink alicorn as just him following his late Queen's orders. He still couldn't deny the fact that he... well enjoyed it. Maybe a little more than even he had known.

"I deeply apologize for the pain that I had caused to you, and I now that you may never forgive me your highness." Zulu said directly to Cadence. Cadence's surprised by the words of the changeling. A creature that five minutes before hoof she had seen as nothing more than a mindless drone. "I know that you may never forgive me for what I did to you, and nor should you. I just hope that you will hear me out." Zulu apologized to Cadence, and all eyes shifted to the pink alicorn. Small tears beginning to form in Cadence's pink eyes.

"You may proceed." Cadence said, her options of Zulu changing by the second.

"Thank you your highness." Zulu thanked Cadence, giving the pink alicorn a slight bow, before shifting his attention to the rest of the royals standing in the room. "My name is Zulu and I have come to give you a warning." Zulu said, making Celestia and Alpha share a look.

"What kind of warning?" Alpha asked Zulu, still not sure he should put all of his trust into the changeling that was currently standing in front of him.

"I have come to warn you about your brother." Zulu said to Alpha. A round of silence hitting the throne like a sledgehammer.

"What do you know about my brother?" Alpha growled at Zulu, his scales growing a dark tint of red, and his green eye burning with hatred.

"Other than that he is planning to invade Equestria, not much." Zulu said sarcastically. Earning a growl from Alpha.

"Wait... invading Equestria. He would never be so bold to return." Celestia said, sharing a concerned look with her sister.

"Tell that to the Changeling Hive that I used to call home. He had been seeking refuse with the changelings for over a thousand years." Zulu said, getting an amused snort from Alpha.

"What is it Alpha?" Theta asked his mentor.

"It's just ironic that the very creature that torn the changelings apart so many years age, is also the one that had to seek refuge with it them in the end." Alpha said, expressing his thoughts on his brother's alliance with the changelings.

"Don't think we haven't forgotten what happened all those years ago." Zulu said to Alpha, him vividly remembering the old tells of the First Alpha expelling the changeling from Equestria. "Omega's alliance with us has been been that save." Zulu stated, knowing how Omega was really the one that ruled over the changelings, even before Chrysalis' death.

"Does your Queen know that you are here?" Luna asked Zulu, not knowing of the Changeling Queen's fate after the failed invasion of Canterlot.

"No, she doesn't..." Zulu began mournfully. The memory of the charred remains of his former Queen being crushed by the claws of Omega. "And she never will." Zulu finished after a short pause.

"What do you mean?" Cadence asked, her words of comfort surprising even to herself.

"She will never learn of my betrayal of the my own berthen, because..." Zulu began to explain, pausing shortly. Small tears beginning to form in his green eyes. "Because she was murdered not long after the failed invasion of Canterlot." Zulu finished, an unanimous gasp sounding from the ponies and dragons present.

"By whom?" Celestia asked, fearing the answer.

"Who do you think?" Zulu snapped, tears shameless flowing from his eyes. Though Chrysalis may not have been the kindness queen, she was still his Queen. "Your brother." Zulu snapped at Alpha.

Alpha seemed to take no offense to Zulu's actions, instead letting a heavy sigh has he spoke to Zulu. "Zulu, I do not know of what you tell is true." Alpha began to say to Zulu.

"It is... all of it." Zulu said to Alpha interrupting.

"Regardless. I can assure you that will make my brother pay for the crimes that he has committed." Alpha promised to Zulu.

"I appreciate the thought Alpha, but I don't believe that you will be able to defeat Omega." Zulu said to Alpha.

"And why is that?" Alpha asked.

"Because he has earned his wings." Zulu said, a look of disbelief forming on Alpha's face.

"How was he able to do that?" Alpha asked Zulu.

"Not long after my former Queen's failed attempted to take over Canterlot. She returned to the Hive and was greeted by Omega. Omega disappointed by her failure... burned her alive. Turning her into nothing more than a charred statue of her remains. After he murdered my Queen he crushed her with his claws and somehow consumed her control of over the changelings. By doing so, he gained his wings. His wings being in the form of giant changeling like wings forming out of his back." Zulu said to Alpha, explaining how Omega got his wings.

"I see." Alpha said, scratching his chin with one of his claws, in deep thought. Alpha stared off into the distance of the badlands that marked the southern border of Equestria and let out a deep sigh. Him knowing that sooner or later we would have to meet his brother in combat for the fate of all dragon and ponykind, again.

"Zulu, would you mind returning to the Dragon Empire with me, so that we may discuss Omega's return in greater detail?" Alpha asked Zulu, the changeling's green eyes lighting up at the giant dragon's words. Alpha personality the exact opposite of his crazed twin brother's.

"It would be my pleasure, your majesty." Zulu said, giving Alpha a bow.

"Perfect, now follow me. We have much to discuss and not much time to do it." Alpha said to Zulu, and the ALpha and his two apprentices took off from Canterlot returning to the Dragon Empire. The rogue changeling not far behind.

"Well... that was strange." Luna said to herself, after the departure of Alpha, his apprentices, and Zulu. "Don't you think Celestia?" Luna asked her older sister, who was blanketly staring off at the setting sun. "Celestia are you alright?" Luna asked Celestia, noticing the distress on her sister's face.

"I... I'm fine." Celestia said automatically, beginning to trot out of the throne. Her in the stance that she got into every time she got into deep thought.

"No you're not! You're doing that thing again." Luna called after Celestia, catching up to her older sister. Cadence and Shining Armor not far behind the blue alicorn.

"What thing?" Celestia asked innocently.

Luna shot her a glare as she answered. "That thing that you always get into when you are in deep thought, but you don't want to talk to me about it." Luna said to Celestia, the white alicorn coming to a complete stop.

Celestia breathed out a heavy sigh. "Follow me... all of you." Celestia said in defeat, turning her back toward Cadence and Shining Armor.

The three ponies followed Celestia into a small room on the west wing of the castle. A room that was only used when Celestia had to make agreements with other countries that could jeopardize her reputation to her subjects.

The room was a small windowless stone room, barely big enough to hold the three alicorns and one unicorn. The room had a small wooden desk with two chairs on either side of it, which were used during the said meetings that were held in it.

Celestia took a seat in the chair that faced the door, and her hooves on her forehead. Rubbing her forehead in deep thought.

"Close the door behind you Shining Armor." Celestia all but ordered at the only unicorn in the room. Shining Armor followed Celestia's order and closed the door with a quick kick from his hind leg. The door slamming shut with a loud thud.

"What is the meaning of this Celestia?" Luna demanded of her sister.

Celestia placed her hooves on the small desk breathed out a heavy sigh as she began to address the other ponies in the room.

"Luna... Cadence... do you remember..." Celestia said, pausing as she continued to heavy the pros and cons of her decision.

"Yes..." Luna and Cadence, urging Celestia to continue.

"Do you remember Operation Friendship." Celestia said, the two alicorn's in front of her eyes widening. A face of confusion appearing on Shining Armor's.

"Yes... what's your point." Luna asked Celestia, after a few moments of silence.

"I believe that with this new patch of information. We will have to enact the final stage as soon as possible." Celestia said, getting a gasp from both Luna and Cadence.

"Auntie, are you sure? I mean... I know that she deserves to ascend, but we still have time." Cadence said to Celestia, Luna nodding in agreement.

"I'm sure, with this latest development we might not have the time to complete her training, but we will need all the power we can possibly get to defeat Omega." Celestia said to the two other alicorns. Shining Armor's confusion only raising as the three alicorns continued to talk.

"What are you three talking, and what is Operation Friendship?" Shining Armor asked, taking the other alicorns by surprise. Them all but forgetting that Shining Armor was also in the room.

"Shining, I am going to tell you something that only a select few ponies know." Cadence began, Shining Armor taking a step back. His back hitting the small wooden door behind him. "But you must promise me that you won't freak out when I tell you this." Cadence said to Shining Armor. Though Shining Armor feared what his wife was going to tell him he nodded anyway.

Cadence accepted her husband's agreement and looked back at her adoptive aunt for clearance to tell Shining Armor what the three had been planning since the return of Luna. Celestia and Luna gave Cadence a nod for Cadence to continue. Cadence shifted her attention back to Shining Armor and let out a heavy sigh.

"Shining, do you remember when Twilight and her friends came to the Crystal Empire to help with the preparations for the Equestria Games?" Cadence asked her husband.

Shining Armor was at first surprised at his wife's words, but he answered her question nonetheless. "Of course, I mean I could've I. Her friend's almost made us lose the bid for the Equestria Games." Shining Armor said, a small laugh escaping his mouth as the memory of his little friends trying impress the wrong pony of the Crystal Empire's greatness flashing before his eyes.

"Well... do you remember that I spent most of my time with Twilight. Teaching her how to remain calm in stressful situations?" Cadence asked her husband, stressing an important moment in Twilight's visit to the region.

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with..." Shining began, realization as to what Operation Friendship really was.

"No, No, No you can't be serious." Shining said in disbelief.

"Shining, are you alright." Cadence asked her husband, not sure if he had come to the right conclusion from her words.


Author's Note:

Huh, I guess you guys can all disregard my latest blog post. I expected this chapter to take a little longer than usual as it took awhile to find a way to make this chapter as long as my current chapters had been averaging. I hope you all like one of my personal favorite chapters ever, of all time.

My very first chapter centering entirely on Zulu, hope you like it Gargon94.I have said this multiple times because it is true, Zulu had become one of the coolest characters to write about. I hope that I will get the chance to write more chapters from his perspective more.

Zulu is out of the Hive and has told the royals of Omega's plan to destroy Equestria. How will this change Omega's plans for revenge, tune in again next week (hopefully) to find out more. Next up is Magical Mystery Cure Part 1 of 2. Wow I am really flying along here.

I hope you guys all like my explanation as to why Season 3 is so short and seems rushed.

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