• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 3,014 Views, 146 Comments

The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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Before the Fall Formal (Equestria Girls)

Inside the library of Canterlot High; Twilight, Zulu, Theta, Spike, and the rest of Twilight's friends all gathered around an empty table and talked about how to take down Sunset and take CHS back from her clutches.

"So, what's your plan, Twilight?" Rainbow asked Twilight as she took a slip out of soda out of a light blue aluminum can that had a split circle on the front of the can. The can being in the shape of a globe and was split into three sections. Most of the top half being red while the bottom was the same blue color as the can with a thick white line separating the two.

"I was thinking that we could use the horse ears and tails that Rarity had showed us yesterday." Twilight began to say before doing a double take and turning her head to talk directly at Rarity. "Speaking of which, Rarity did you bring those with you today?" Twilight asked Rarity.

Rarity gave Twilight a single affirmative head nod as she answered her question. "Yes, I have enough for us and a good amount of the school in my backpack." Rarity said as she picked up a purple backpack that her signature three blue diamonds embroiled on the front of it off of the ground and unzipped the largest pocket of the said backpack.

"See." Rarity said to Twilight as she showed off a number of fake horse ears and tails that she had stuffed inside of her backpack.

"We also have more in the bed of ma truck if need be." Applejack added in, getting a happy nod of Twilight's

"Excellent, that will work just perfectly." Twilight mumbled under her breath to herself.

"What are you planning, Twi?" Rainbow asked as she took another sip of her can of soda. Her coaches had given the pits of Tartarus for continuing to drink soda but she just couldn't stop. Besides, her skills have never dropped since drinking. So she saw no reason to stop.

"What time is lunch?" Twilight asked somewhat randomly.

"About 11:30, why?" Rainbow answered with a raise of one of her eyebrows.

"And will everyone that goes to the school be there?" Twilight asked again, still not reliving what she was planning. She wanted to make sure that it would actually work before she implemented it.

"I can't say everyone would there, but a fair amount would be." Rainbow said to Twilight with a shrug of her shoulders.

"What you say is a 'fair amount'?" Twilight pressed.

"About 90%, what is this about Twi? What are you planning?" Rainbow asked Twilight about what she was planning for the third time in the last minute or so. The cyan teen's frustration beginning to build. A sight that brought a laugh from Twilight.

"I'm thinking of doing a performance of unity for the school during lunch." Twilight said to her friends. Rarity and Fluttershy both sharing a look as Rainbow and Applejack

"A performance, that sounds great. Wait, what kind of performance are we talking about?" Pinkie exclaimed before doing a double take. "A song... And I will always love you..." Pinkie as she randomly broke into song, her singing intentionally off-key. "Or we could put on a play... Et tu, Brute..." Pinkie said as she was suddenly wrapped in a white bed sheet (It's Pinkie Pie don't question it!) and having a paper crown atop her head with her holding book under her left shoulder as if it was a sword. Pinkie then threw off the bed sheet, paper, and book while she opened her arms and exclaimed with wide eyes. "Or we could combine the two and have... A Musical..." Pinkie exclaimed as she randomly broke into a song that was about putting on a musical. It was meta, to say the least.

"I'm with Pinkie, darling. Not what she was doing, but her question. What kind of performance are you referring to." Rarity asked Twilight as she suppressed a laugh at Pinkie antics.

"I was thinking that we did a song for all of the students of the school." Twilight said to Rarity, her ignoring whatever Pinkie was currently doing. Having spent a few months around her every single day. She rarely did anything that surprised her anymore.

"Really!?" Pinkie exclaimed with a jump for joy.

"Yes Pinkie, really!" Twilight said with a laugh. She had never known how much she had missed Pinkie's always optimistic view to life and the world around her until that moment. Then a sobering thought hit her like a sledgehammer of steel. This might be Pinkie but it wasn't her Pinkie! She was then hit by a rush of homesickness. The weight of what would happen if she failed had hit her. Not just would she lose real friends, Equestria would lose it's newest Princess, and even further the Changelings would lose it's newest king and the Dragon Empire would lose it's only true heir to being the next Alpha.

Twilight was silent for a few seconds as her brain processed what would happen if she failed. Twilight's silence didn't go unnoticed as Zulu leaned close to her and whispered into her ear.

"Twi, are you ok?" Zulu asked his marefriend, his kind words snapping Twilight out her own strange trance.

"Yeah... I'm fine." Twilight whispered back to Zulu with a shake of her head.

"Are you sure?" Zulu whispered back to Twilight with concern in his voice.

"Trust me..." Twilight whispered as she put her hands above Zulu and looked directly into his green eyes. "I'm fine." Twilight said soft to Zulu. Zulu giving Twilight a single head nod in response. A warm smile spreading across her face as she returned her attention back to that of her friends.

"Anyway, as I was saying." Twilight said as she shifted her attention back to that of her friends. "What I was think was that we would sing a song to the students of the school during lunch as a sort of sign of unity. That we are all Canterlot Wondercolts and that none of us has to be subjected the tyranny of Sunset Shimmer."

"Excellent, so what so I what I as thinking we'd do is this..." Twilight began to explain her plan of her plan as to how she was going to beat Sunset as the scene shifted to the another part of the high school. More specifically, the doors that led to the inside of the cafeteria.

A few hours passed and it had come time for the students of CHS left their respective class and made their way toward the cafeteria of the high school. Them all ready to fill their stomachs with lunch in order to get through the last remaining classes for the day. All of them, outside of a select few, completely unaware of what was about to go down in the cafeteria. What was about to happen not going to be something that none of them were going to quickly forget.

Just outside of the cafeteria, Twilight and her friends were waiting for the right time to begin their little performance. All of Twilight's friends, including Zulu, all wearing long sleeve blue sweatshirt that had the yellow Wondercolt lightning bolt on the front.

"Looks like everything is going according to plan." Rarity said more to herself as she stared into the cafeteria through one of the windows of its mane doors. "Is everyone reading?" Rarity asked everyone.

"We're all ready to go, Rare!" Rainbow exclaimed as she held thumbs up to Rarity.

"Excellent, this just might work, Twi." Rarity said to Twilight.

"It has to. I shudder to think about what Sunset will do this world if she wins my crown and gets that magical power that is held inside of it." Twilight said to her friends depressingly. Twilight still wanted to know more about Sunset, and why she had abandoned her lessons with Princess Celestia. But she couldn't worry about that now, she had more important issues at the moment.

Twilight's thoughts were interrupted "Don't worry Twi, you have never failed before. And you sure as the Darkness itself aren't going to now." Zulu said reassuringly to Twilight as he wrapped a loving arm around her shoulders.

"Thanks, Z." Twilight said up to her beloved as a thought popped into her head. "The Princess and the Changeling. That almost sounds like something that would make a good fairy tale." Twilight thought as a warm smile spread across her face. She had made up her mind. Yes, she did love Zulu. And like, really loved him. He wasn't a good-bad influence on him and she wasn't a good influence on him. They were a unit, a single unit. They weren't just Twilight Sparkle or just Zulu. They were Twilight and Zulu. They were one and the same.

Twilight's thoughts were interrupted by the southern accent of Applejack as she joined in on the 'reassure Twilight' party that was currently going on. "Don't worry Twi, we won't let you down." Applejack said to Twilight with a tip of her brown cowboy hat.

"Thanks, AJ." Twilight said to Applejack with a warm smile. "Now, is everything set up and ready?" Twilight asked her friends as the time for them to begin drew ever closer.

"Yep, everything is Okie Dokie Loki!" Pinkie Pie giggled in her usual always optimistic tone of voice and attitude. "Oh, this is going to be so much fun!" Pinkie exclaimed with a happy jump for joy.

Twilight had to cover her mouth with her hand to cover a small giggle at Pinkie's antics as she continued. "Excellent, and everyone knows what we are doing?" Twilight asked all of her friends at once. Them all responding with an affirmative head nod.

"Of course, we sing a song, our fellow classmates realize that they don't have to deal with Sunset's crap anymore, and then profit!" Rainbow said in achievement.

"And Zulu..." Twilight said shifting her attention over to her colt friend. The mentioning of his name striking Zulu's attention. "You, Theta, and Spike know what you have to do, right?" Twilight asked Zulu.

"Yes, this thing is all set up and ready to go on your signal." Zulu said to Twilight has he held up an electronic device similar to the phones that Twilight's friends use that went by the name of an 'iPod'.

"Perfect, it looks like everything is set and ready to begin." Twilight said as she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. "Let's do this." Twilight said as her eyes flashed opened and a look of determination was plastered on her face.

All of Twilight's friend entered the cafeteria and took a seat at different parts of the cafeteria. Applejack sitting with her older brother and younger sister at one table. Rarity at the table that had the people that Fluttershy had labeled as the fashionistas. Rainbow sitting with the athletic jocks. Fluttershy at the table that she labeled as the green peace kids. And Pinkie standing in the line of the food station in the cafeteria.

The cafeteria being filled with various random conversations by the rest of the students at the school. All of them unaware of what was just about to go down.

Once Rarity took her seat she placed her fake horse ears on her head to signal to the rest of her friends that their performance was about to begin. Rarity being followed by Rainbow, Fluttershy, Applejack, and lastly Pinkie Pie. Pinkie being the one that was set to start the whole process, like a catalyst of happiness in a chemical reaction of fun. Zulu sitting near the back of the cafeteria with Spike and Theta. Spike in Twilight's backpack while Theta just sat next to Zulu's leg. Oddly no one had bothered Theta since entering the school. Zulu was wearing his sunglasses... so that might have thought he was like a therapy dog... or something like that.

Anyway, as Pinkie put her horse ears on her head she then picked up her blue food tray and started banging it on the metal railing that was connected to the food station of the cafeteria. Her banging the tray in a harmonic thud... thud, thud... thud... thud, thud. Pinkie continuing for a few seconds until she was joined in by Rarity. Rarity clapping her hands and stomping her feet in the same kind of rhythm that Pinkie was doing, clap... stomp, stomp... clap... stomp, stomp.

Rarity and Pinkie were quickly joined by Fluttershy as she added to the tone that her other two friends were currently creating by clanging two glasses together in the same beat as the others. The various conversations that had been going on in the cafeteria coming to a halt as they all stared unknowingly at Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy. The three friends were all then joined in by Applejack and Rainbow.

"Do it." Theta whispered to Zulu and he followed Theta's instructions and pressed the play button on the iPod that he was holding and loud music in the same rhythm that Twilight's friends were doing started playing out of it.

The song from the iPod leading to Twilight's friends standing up, if they were sitting, and beginning walk toward the edges of the cafeteria as the music from the iPod played in the background.

"Hey, hey, everybody

We've got something to say

We may seem as different

As the night is from day

But you look a little deeper

And you will see

That I'm just like you And you're just like me.


All of Twilight's friends sang as they ran through the cafeteria. All other actions by anyone else beforehand coming to a halt as they turned their attention over to the five girls that were currently singing a well-rehearsed song. Looks of both confusion and intrigue on all of their faces.

"Hey, hey, everybody

We're here to shout

That the magic of friendship

Is what it's all about


We thought we were different

As the night is from the day

Until Twilight Sparkle

Helped us see another way

So get up get down

If you're gonna come around

We can work together

Helping Twilight win the crown

So get up get down

'Cause it's gonna make a sound

If we work together

Helping Twilight Sparkle

Win the crown!"

Twilight friends sang as they ran through the open spaces between the tables of the cafeteria. The other students beginning to get into the song as they continued.

"Hey, hey hands up now,

We're sending a message

To the crowd

Hands wave up

Then come down

We party together

All around" Pinkie sang her little solo as she used her ability to get the students around her seeming to be effective.

"Generous, honesty," Rarity sang as she was joined in by Applejack.

"Laughter, kindness, loyalty" Applejack added in perfect succession as she passed the torch for the song over to Fluttershy.

"Twilight helped us each to see" Fluttershy sang as she was also joined in by Rainbow.

"All that we can be!" Rainbow finished the solos for them all.

"So get up get down

If you're gonna come around

We can work together

Helping Twilight win the crown

So get up get down

'Cause it's gonna make a sound

If we work together

Helping Twilight Sparkle

Win the crown!" They all regrouped and sang at the same time. Them running over toward the doors of the cafeteria and opening them to reveal that Twilight was standing just behind them.

"I'm gonna be myself

No matter what I do

And if we're different yeah

I want you to be true to you

If you follow me

We'll put our differences aside

We'll stick together and

Start working on that school pride!"

Twilight sang with an angelic voice. Zulu's green eyes widening underneath his green tinted sunglasses as he listened to his marefriend beautiful singing voice.

"Jump up make a sound (Hey!)

Stomp your hooves turn around

Start now, make a change,

Gonna come around

Jump up make a sound (Hey!)

Stomp your hooves turn around

Canterlot Wondercolts

Help her win the crown!

Jump up make a sound (Hey!)

Stomp your hooves turn around

Start now, make a change,

Gonna come around

Jump up make a sound (Hey!)

Stomp your hooves turn around

Canterlot Wondercolts

Help her win the crown!

Jump up make a sound (Hey!)

Stomp your hooves turn around

Start now, make a change,

Gonna come around

Jump up make a sound (Hey!)"

Twilight and all of her friends sang as the rest of the students in the cafeteria joined in on the song. Them all getting fake horse ears and tails and wearing them as a single sign of unity to take down Sunset Shimmer.

"Stomp your hooves turn around

Canterlot..." The song drew to a close as someone not enjoying the song was watching from just outside.

"It seems that our little competition doesn't want to go down without a fight, it seems." Sunset said to seemingly no one in scarily robotic sounding voice. Her teal eyes still being having two thin slits intend of having regular pupils.

"It matters not." The voice inside of Sunset head said to her in complete control of her body. "Even if she is somehow able to defeat us. I assume that you have perfect failsafe in place to get what we desire." The voice said to Sunset, a devilish smile spreading across Sunset's face at its words.

"Yes, even in the unlikelihood of her victory at the Fall Formal. I am certain that she will never be able to truly gain victory against us." Sunset said to the voice as she began to walk away from the cafeteria and down one of the halls of the high school. The sounds of laughter and music from the cafeteria beginning to disappear as she slowly walked away.

Sunset continued to walk through the halls of the high schools until she came to a door at the end of a dimly lit hallway and opened the door and entered the room. The room was small, maybe only big enough for two people to stand in comfortably. The room was pitch black as Sunset entered and she turned on the light switch the was next to the door. A single lightbulb that was in the center of the ceiling of the room flickering to life. The lightbulb was bare and looked to be several years old and on its last legs before it finally died forever. Despite having a single source of light, the room was still rather dark as all four corners were firmly covered by the darkness.

The room's walls were made from the same kind of brick as the rest of the school, but this room looked to be in less repair and care than the rest of the school as a whole. The brick of the room being painted in a bland white color that had faded from age and lack of care to being more a grayish-silver color. There being one crack in the wall that was to Sunset's left that ran all way up the wall and disappeared into the darkness the was in the far right corner. There was also a single wooden desk in the center of the room, right beneath the only source of light in the room. The desk being made of light wood that Sunset doubted was even real, maybe one of the early forms of fake wood that most of the desks that were in classrooms were made out of. There was also a chair in front of the desk. The chair was a standard fold-up metal chair. Maybe one that she would expect to use for a family dinner to have for a holiday that people in this world celebrated, Thanksgiving. That's what she thought it was called. Yeah, Thanksgiving. A holiday to give thanks and be with the family and friends that you loved most. That is... if she had any friends... or a family to give thank to.

The chair was folded up and resting up against the front of the table. Sunset slowly walked over to the and unfolded the chair and placed it down right in front of the wooden table. Sunset then taking a seat in the chair. The chair was cold from all the years that it had been inside the dark room that seemed to been disconnected to the school's heating, but strangely not the air conditioning. A light cold breeze blowing out of a small vent that was hidden by the darkness of the room's right corner.

Sunset didn't mind the cold, home rarely if ever had any regular heat, and wherever this school was located in this world had some pretty powerful and cold winters. So, she didn't mind being cold every once in awhile.

"What are you doing?" The voice inside Sunset's head as she just sat there, in the cold and dark.

"I'm here to do what I have always done in this room, is that alright with you?" Sunset asked the voice, her tone of voice not being the same robotic voice that she had speaking for the last few hours. Now, she saying her words with some actual emotion behind them.

"I guess, but remember. Tonight is a special night for the both us. Tonight is the night when you will finally fulfill the goal that you have fought so long to achieve. A goal that promised to you when you were a filly. A promise that will soon be held up." The voice said to Sunset, but she wasn't really listening. The voice might have thought that it had full control over her, but it didn't. Whenever she felt that she was about to lose control of her own mind she would always come here and somehow retain it. Maybe this place had some kind of magical abilities that Sunset didn't understand. She didn't know, but she really didn't care. She just wanted him gone for the time being so that she could just be by herself.

"I will, and don't worry. I don't a single remember of what is happening tonight, and what I will finally achieve." Sunset said back to the voice in a mocked tone of voice that was similar to the robotic voice that she had been speaking in for the last few hours. Sunset hoping that the voice would take the bait and finally leave her alone.

"I see, well I will leave you to do... whatever it is that you do in here." The voice said to Sunset, her hopes jumping at its words. "I shall return in about an hour so that we may return to the eventual takeover of this pitiful school, and finally the fall of Equestria." The voice said to Sunset as she felt its eternal dark presence leaving her mind for the time being.

Sunset breathed out a sigh of relief once she finally felt the presence of the strange voice, that she still didn't an explanation for, leave her mind. "Finally!" Sunset said in exasperation as she ran her right left hand through the raging fire that she had as a head of hair. Sunset's eyes returning to their original teal color with black circular pupils.

This was Sunset's "Thinking Room" or at least that's what she called it, a small janitor's closet that no one even used anymore. A room that she doubted that many students, or even staff for that matter, even knew existed. This was Sunset's version of a safe space. A place where she could go when she just needed an escape. A place to think. A place to just be herself. A place where she didn't have to worry about what other people thought of her.

Her place to think when all things around had gone to shit, a place for her just sit back and reflect on things that weren't her plans to take over the high school and then Equestria.

For the longest time, Sunset just sat there, in the single metal chair, in the cold and silence. Seconds, then minutes, and then what felt like hours passed by and Sunset had just sat there. Sunset wasn't thinking about how she was going to win the Fall Formal. She had seen the entirely of what Twilight had done in the cafeteria. Even though she was sure that there would still be students that would vote for her just out of fear, she knew that fear wasn't going to be enough to win the crown fair and sphere. Twilight had brought to the school something that she had tried so hard to bury. She had brought hope.

After what felt like several hours of just sitting there in the dark and cold Sunset breathed out a heavy sigh and she felt the ever presence of the voice return to her mind. Sunset's eyes turning to having just two thin slits for pupils and the voice spoke to her.

"I hope that this time of doing nothing was helpful to you?" The voice said to Sunset with some slight agitation in its voice. An agitation that Sunset either didn't notice or simply no longer had the ability to notice.

"It was, what is it that you wish of me." Sunset in the same robotic-like voice that she had been speaking since early that morning.

"Excellent, I request that you return to your place of stay and prepare for the battle that is about to commence." The voice said to Sunset. The amber-skinned thin nodding her head absent-mindedly at its words.

Sunset quickly and efficiently rose from her metal chair, not bothering to fold it back up again, and slowly walked over toward the door of the small room. Sunset moving like a disciplined soldier. No, scratch that last bit. Not a soldier, those still have at least a personality. She was more like a small toy action figure that are made to look like soldiers. The ones that you can move their limbs in any direction and control their every move. That was Sunset was. She was nothing more than a toy, or a small chess piece, under the complete control of the voice and the Darkness that came with it.

"We will soon feel the sweet embrace of victory." The voice said as Sunset opened the door to her thinking room and began to exit the small dark room.

"Of course, master." Sunset said as exited the room and closed the door to her "Thinking Room" unceremoniously behind her. The door closely with a small thud. The room still being filed with the small light of the single lightbulb that was located in the center of the room's ceiling. Sunset not bothering to turn off the light as she exited. The beginning to flicker before finally going out with the sharp sound of glass shattering. The small now being completely filled with the Darkness of the shadows. A Darkness that the single lightbulb had tried so long to defeat. But even the brightest lights will eventually flicker out, and the Darkness will come flying in to consume its next victim.

That is the thing about the Light and the Dark. No matter how brightly a light might burn, or how long it might still shine. All lights will eventually go out, and once they do. The Darkness will return, and this time. Even stronger than before.

In the past of Canterlot, Sunset (while be sleep deprived) eagerly awaited as her mother began to tell her the story as to how her auntie, Princess Luna, had fallen into the darkness and became the dark alicorn, Nightmare Moon.

"Are you sure that you want to hear this story, Sunset?" Celestia asked Sunset, hoping that she would back out and not force her to retell this painful memory.

"Hmm hmm..." Sunset nodded her head a few times eagerly.

"Ok." Celestia let out a deep sigh as she recoiled the memories of a past she had tried so hard to bury.

"I don't know exactly when it started but once it did it was already too late." Celestia quietly to Sunset.

"What do you mean, Mommy?"Sunset asked Celestia, the white alicorn letting out another heavy sigh.

"Your aunt, Luna, was never a pony to express her feelings to others, and I was no exception." Celestia began to explain to Sunset. Celestia's explanation not making that much sense so far, but Sunset was sure that her mother was just getting started.

"I, and I assume many other too, thought it was nothing special. Besides, I almost never shared my personal dilemmas with anypony." Celestia explained to Sunset. Her stopping when Sunset raised her hoof as if she was a student raising their hoof to answer an important question.

"yes, Sunset?" Celestia said to her daughter, noticing what her daughter was doing.

"Sorry Mommy, but what does this have to do with Princess Luna becoming Nightmare Moon?" Sunset asked Celestia.

"I was getting that, little one." Celestia said to Sunset with a smile that looked forced to Sunset.

"Oh... sorry. Please continue." Sunset said sheepishly as she noticed her error.

"It is quite alright, Sunset." Celestia said reassuringly to Sunset as she put her white hoof on Sunset's shoulder. "I have never shared this story that I am about o tell you to anypony before. And I wouldn't want it to be any pony else that I finally open up about a part of my past that has been torturing me for the last thousand years." Celestia said her little Sunset. Sunset truly beginning to appreciate just how much their relationship really meant to her mother. She was her mother's second chance. A chance to beat the Darkness and send it back to the pit of Tartarus that had once spawned from.

"Thanks, Mommy." Sunset said up to her mother with a huge smile on her face. "Now please, continue." Sunset said as she returned to her sitting position on her bed, happily awaiting her mother to continue with her story.

"Ha, ha, alright." Celestia said to Sunset with a genuine laugh and smile behind her words. Speaking to her daughter about these sort of things was surely a positive. She just hoped that these kinds of pleasant moments would stay between in the future.

"Now, where was I?" Celestia asked herself as she scratched her lower chin in thought as she recoiled the memories of a time that had long passed.

"You were talking how you think Luna started to fall toward the Darkness." Sunset answered Celestia's question. The warm smile on Celestia's face leaving her as she remembered why she was here.

"Right, of course." Celestia said quietly as she breathed out a sigh. Sunset could see the pain in her mother's face and she was beginning to wish that she had never asked her in the first place. But she needed to know, she needed to know what happened to her aunt, and how powerful the Darkness really is.

"Luna was always a pony that liked to keep to herself." Celestia said to Sunset, returning to the story of a time long past. "And I can't really blame her. She did have command over the part of the sky that was up well others were asleep. So she probably didn't have that many ponies to speak to her when she was still herself." Celestia said as she felt a small knot beginning to build in her throat and heart.

"Did you talk to her?" Sunset asked her mother.

"Honestly, no. I didn't talk to her." Celestia said down to Sunset as the young filly could swear that she saw small tears forming in the corners of her mother's eyes.

"Tartarus..." Celestia exclaimed as she held her muzzle toward the sky as she did everything when her power not to shed any tears.

"I hardly even saw her most of the time." Celestia said, more speaking to herself now. "Now that I think about it, it isn't that surprising that she turned toward the Darkness of this

"Now that I think about it, it isn't that surprising that she turned toward the Darkness of this world." Celestia said to Sunset, her unconsciously lighting up her horn to send some much needed golden light into the room. The dark Shadows of the room retreating from the source of light. Sunset noticing that the Shadows that surrounded the two ponies almost looked like numerous out-stretched arms with skinning stick-like fingers. Sunset's ears perking up when she heard what sounded like gravelly growls coming from the Darkness.

"A job that forced her to bring Darkness to the world, a Darkness that only she could seem to appreciate. A populous that never seemed to care for her. A sister that didn't seem to care for her and was never there when she needed her." Celestia said more to herself, her seemingly to completely forget that she was still technically speaking to Sunset.

"Did you care about her?" Sunset asked her mother. She was expecting her mother to quickly snap back at her and deny what she had just suggested, but she didn't. Celestia just sat there.

"I-I thought I did." Celestia said, her words taking Sunset by surprise.

"W-What do you mean?" Sunset asked her mother, taken a little off guard.

"Didn't care about my sister's well-being. I should've, but I didn't. As sad as it is." Celestia said to Sunset, the young filly not really sure how to respond to what her mother was saying. She had said that she loved her sister, but even if she loved her. Then why was Luna left to fend for herself? Why is Celestia's loved her little sister would Luna feel the need to embrace the Darkness in the first place? It didn't make any sense, and Sunset needed answers.

"But didn't you love her?" Sunset asked Celestia.

"Of course, I did." Celestia said to her daughter, only increasing her confusion. "But loving someone, and caring for them aren't the same thing." Celestia said to Sunset, the amber filly's teal eyes widening at her mother's words.

"I loved my sister, and I still do to this very day. But when she needed me the most I was nowhere to be found. I failed her, there's no denying it. I failed her." Celestia said, returning to more referring to herself as Sunset just sat there and listened to her. Sunset didn't really mind the arrangement. She might not have have been spoken to directly, but the mere ability to listen to her mother talk about a past that she had mostly kept private... it was enough for her.

"It wasn't a question of how she would finally fall into the Darkness that had given so much comfort in her time of need. But more of a question of when. And eventually, that time came upon the both of us." Celestia said as she continued to explain what had happened to Luna in order to drive toward the Darkness.

"She was wanting of companionship so much that she was willing to accept it from anyone... or to be more technical anything." Celestia said turning her head to look at Sunset directly.

"What do you mean?" Sunset cautiously asked her mother.

Celestia ignored Sunset question and allowing continued to speak directly at Sunset. Sunset front hooves squirming as Celestia continued.

"Luna was so wanting, and needing, of companionship that she was willing to give to anything that was to give it to her. Even if that companion came in the form of a single black book." Celestia said speaking directly at Sunset, her tone of voice making it certain that she had more intentions behind them than just telling the story of how her sister had fallen into the Darkness of the world.

Sunset's eyes widened at Celestia's words. "Does she know. She has to know. But how?" Sunset thought to herself as the image of the black book that the strange black alicorn had given her flashed into her mind.

Sunset's fears came true when Celestia continued to speak. "I know that you have found the 'Black Book'." Celestia said to Sunset, the amber-colored filly looking away in shame. Sunset's body flinching when she felt the touch of her mother's white hoof touch her lower chin and guide her head back to face her directly.

Sunset's eyes widening when she wasn't met with a gaze of disappointment from her mother. No, instead she got a look of both understanding and sad reassurance.

"I know that you found the book, I have seen it in your procession." Celestia said to Sunset, the young filly swallowing an invisible apple in her throat. Sunset's limbs beginning to shake as she stared up at the gaze of her mother. "I'm not mad. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you found it. I thought that the book was destroyed when Nightmare Moon was banished, but it seems that this wasn't the case." Celestia said to Sunset.

"But Mommy, what is it about this 'Black Book'? How could it be so dangerous?" Sunset asked her mother.

"The Black Book contains the most powerful, and dangerous, dark magic in the known world. Magic, that is said that if in the wrong hooves can lead to the destruction of the entire world. It said to be the key to finding magic that could hold its own against the might of even the Elements of Harmony themselves." Celestia answered Sunset's question, the amber filly's eyes widening in both shock and curiosity.

"Promise me Sunset that you will stay away from this book. I know that you might not believe that a seemingly simple book can lead to the destruction of the entire world. But it can. Promise me, Sunset. I can't lose another member of my family. Especially one to the Darkness, again." Celestia pleaded with Sunset. The amber filly taken a little off guard by her mother's actions. Celestia currently sitting on her rump and pleading with her daughter.

Sunset wanted to pull away from her mother but she was frozen in place, both by her mother's tight grip on her forehooves and the pleading eyes filled with tears that she was sending her.

"Um... I promise." Sunset said to her mother, she didn't know what else to respond with.

Celestia seemed to accept Sunset's answer as a small smile spread across her muzzle. Celestia then rose to her full height and spoke to Sunset. "Alright then. It is getting and the both of us need to get our rest." Celestia said to Sunset. Sunset giving her mother a single slow head nod in response.

"Ok, Mommy." Sunset said to her mother as she climbed underneath the covers of her bed.

"Do you want me to tuck you in?" Celestia asked her daughter.

"No, I'll be fine." Sunset responded as she tried her best to get comfortable.

"Alrighty then, well good night." Celestia said to Sunset as she trotted over to the door of Sunset's room and opened it with her golden magic.

"Good night." Sunset said to her mother as Celestia stood in the middle of the doorway. The faint candlelight from the hallway shining into the small bedroom.

"I love you." Celestia said to Sunset as she began to close the door behind her.

"I love you, too." Sunset said back as the door to her room closed. Sunset now being left to the Darkness around her. Sunset probably should've been afraid. Her mother had just told her a story about the seemingly non-sentient Darkness of the world led to the downfall of her aunt into becoming a literal Nightmare.

But she wasn't.

She should've of, but she wasn't. She actually felt something that would probably make her heart skip a beat. She felt peace. Peace that turned into happiness when a familiar black book materialized only a few inches from where Sunset was laying underneath the covers of her bed.

Sunset at the black book that laid silent and motionless at the base of her bed for what seemed like hours with mixed emotions. Her head was urging her to disregard what her mother had told her and open the book and embrace the power that it would give her. The Darkness be damned to Tartarus. But her heart was screaming just as loud to follow her mother's wishes and reject the book.

Which do you think that she followed?

Sunset's horn glowed with her teal magic and she picked the book with her magic and sat up in her bed and open its pages. Sunset reading the book exactly where she had left off earlier that day.

Thousands of miles away, on the surface of the moon, a black alicorn broke into a crooked smile as she watched her newest apprentices continue her training. A training that she would follow willingly for the next few years, even with Celestia interference.

Back in the present, Twilight and her friends had just finished their unity performance for the students of CHS and so far it looked to have work. With most of the students telling Twilight or her friends, that they were going to be voting for Sunset but instead for Twilight. She still wasn't sure if, even with this performance, she would be able to defeat Sunset. But... it was a start, at least.

Twilight was sitting drinking a bottle of fresh cold water, running through the cafeteria and singing taking a lot out of her, as she just sat there by her lonesome when she was joined by a familiar face.

"You did great, Twi!" Zulu said to Twilight as he gave his marefriend a tight hug. A small blush spreading across Twilight's face from the hug.

"Thanks, Z." Twilight said sheepishly as she stared into the eyes of Zulu, or she would've if Zulu wasn't still wearing his sunglasses. Twilight instead staring into the tinted green plastic lens that protected Zulu's beautiful green eyes from the sun's rays. She would've like to get lost in the abyss that was her beloved eyes, but a pair of green tinted lens was just enough her.

"I couldn't have done this without you." Twilight said to Zulu as she pulled out of his hug put kept their hands interlocked. Twilight interlocking her left hand with Zulu's right.

A small chuckle came from Zulu at Twilight's words and he responded with "Don't be ridiculous, the only thing I did was provide the music." Zulu said to Twilight as he lowered his sunglasses so that they were just resting on the bridge of his nose.

"All of this." Zulu said as he gestured his left arm to show off the entirety of the cafeteria. Zulu showing off all of the students that were currently laughing and having a great time. Most of the students having broken out of their predetermined cliches and were interacting with people that weren't classified as their own. There being Jocks that were getting tutoring from the Techies out of choice rather than out of necessity. Some of the Fashionistas were currently discussing with the Green Peace Kids on tips for more eco-friendly wardrobe choices while still maintaining the same look.

Twilight's eyes followed where Zulu was gesturing and she could see her handing work. She remembered just two days beforehand when she was in the cafeteria before, Tartarus, when she was inside of the school before. None of the people ever talked to anyone else that wasn't directly engaged in their own little world.

"This, this was all you." Zulu said to Twilight as he 'booped' her lightly on the nose. A small giggle coming from Twilight as she covered her mouth to suppress her laughter and embarrassment. Twilight's cheeks turning a shade of pink that could rival Pinkie Pie.

"Thanks, Zulu. I guess you're right, but I still couldn't have done this without you." Twilight said to Zulu as she leaned up against his chest.

"What about your friends?" Zulu asked Twilight, pointing in the direction of where Twilight's friends were currently doing some after-performance vote getting. Rarity and Fluttershy talking with the Green Peace Kids and Fashionistas, Rarity also looking to be very interested in the tips that the Green Peace Kids were sharing about fashion to the other Fashionistas. Applejack and Rainbow at the table where the athletic Jocks and smart Techies were doing the same vote that Rarity and Fluttershy were engaging with. And Pinkie, well... she was being Pinkie. Pinkie looking to be having the time of her life as she was currently hanging out with her friends that were from the school's Theatre Department.

Twilight letting out a sigh as she watched happily at her actions. "They are all great but..." Twilight began to say to Zulu before falling silent, her not wanting to speak ill about her friends.

"But what?" Zulu asked Twilight, urging her to continue.

"They might be my friends, but... at the same time they aren't." Twilight said to Zulu as she stared off in the direction of her friends. A look of confusion appearing on Zulu's face.

"What do you mean?" Zulu asked Twilight.

"They all might share the same appearance, the same voice, and the same personality of my friends back home. But at the same time, they aren't." Twilight explained to Zulu, the changeling turned human nodding when appreciate. "Pinkie might have the same upbeat personality that my Pinkie shares, but she isn't the same Pinkie that I help throw a birthday party for." Twilight as she looked over at Pinkie. The energic teenager looking to be having the time of her life with the school's Drama Department.

"Rainbow might share the same athletic determination as my Rainbow back home. But she not the same. She's not the same Rainbow that I watched break the laws of physics with her Sonic Rainboom." Twilight said as she shifted her attention away from that of Pinkie and over to the table that Rainbow and Applejack were currently sitting at. Rainbow currently arm wrestling one of the members of the football team. Rainbow, needless to say, was winning.

"What are you saying, Twi?" Zulu asked Twilight.

"I'm saying that... despite all that has happened in this world. The friends that seem maybe a little too close to home, no matter how much I try to deny it. This isn't home. I'm homesick Zulu, and if we fail. Our home might not even exist when we return to it." Twilight said to Zulu.

"I told you so." A voice from seemingly nowhere taking Twilight and Zulu off guard.

"What?!" Twilight and Zulu both asked the world around them at the same time.

"I told you so." The same voice repeated. Twilight and Zulu following the sound of the voice to find it coming from Theta. The white husky taking a sit on the table that Twilight and Zulu were currently sitting on. Him sitting directly across from them.

"You told me what?" Twilight asked Theta with a look of confusion on her face.

"I told you that you missed Equestria." Theta said to Twilight.

"Of course, I miss Equestria! It is my home." Twilight angrily spat back at Theta. Zulu was about to nicely suggest that Twilight calm down but a raised paw from Theta stopped him.

"I mean no offense, Twilight." Theta said to Twilight with a warm, and genuine, smile on his muzzle. He didn't know how seriously he looked to Twilight in his current form, but he didn't care. He needed to show Twilight that he was on her side in this battle. And if he looked like an adorable puppy, then so be it.

"All I meant was that we all, the three of us, have our reasons for wanting to take down Sunset and return home." Theta said speaking to both Twilight and at the same time. "You are fighting for your friends and for your country back home." Theta said to Twilight before shifting attention over to Zulu. "And you are fighting for the well-being of your kingdom." Theta said to Zulu. The changeling turned human sending a knowing look Twilgiht's way.

"We are all fighting for something to get back to, and I am no different." Theta said catching the attention of Zulu.

"If that's the case then what you are fighting for to get back to?" Zulu asked Theta.

"It's probably for the Alpha." Twilight said more speaking to Zulu. Theta's head dropping as the image of the real thing that he was fighting to get back to, a yellowish-gray unicorn that bore a surprising resemblance to Twilight, flashed into his head. "Right?" Twilight asked Theta when she didn't get an answer.

"My reasons are my own and will remain my own." Theta said while still looking at the tile floor of the cafeteria. 'But what matters is that I will fight with the both of you until Sunset is defeat and we both back home in bodies that actually have some usage." Theta said to Twilight and Zulu. Getting a good laugh out of the both of them.

"These bodies aren't that bad." Twilight said to Theta with a laugh.

"That is easy for you to say, at least you two still have opposable thumbs." Theta said as he hopped off the bench that was connected the cafeteria's lunch table. Theta walking across the cafeteria and out of the doors. The white husky ready for the insanity that the night was going to bring. Him, maybe not consciously, but definitely subconsciously waiting and wishing for a rematch against a certain black husky.

A few hours passed and the a ful moon rose as Darkness set across the human world. Twilight and all of her friends arrived at High School in a black limo for the Fall Formal. All of them dressed in their own special dresses for the dance. All of the dresses being supplied by Rarity.

Applejack was wearing a strapless indigo sundress that had a white trim on the bottom and lining of red apples running around the bottom of the dress just above the white trim. Applejack also wearing her signature brown cowboy hat that had a large red rose on the front. Applejack's pair of boots being similar to the boots that she wears on a regular basis, but were brown and had a lime green trim on the top and bottom of each boot.

Fluttershy was wearing a simple strapless light blue and yellow long sundress that went passed her knees. The top half of the dress being a light blue as the underneath skirt was a bright yellow. The bottom of the being where the boots that she was wearing began. The boots being the same light blue color as the top of her dress. The linings of the boot being in a pink color that matched Fluttershy's hair.

Pinkie wearing a dress that fit her personality. The dress' top being a strapless light sweetheart top that ended at her waist. Pinkie wearing a light pink shirt under her top that had a large yellow bow where her belly button would be. The boots that Pinkie was wearing being purple with a yellow and hot pink trim. The boots also having one to two-inch heels.

Rarity was dressed like any fashionista would be on their big night. Rarity wearing a single strap (the strap being on her right shoulder) light blue dress that almost looked like she was wearing a diamond. It shined so brightly in the moonlight. The boots that Rarity was wearing being plain white with a light pink trim that had a single blue diamond on the top of each boot. Rarity also being the only one that was wearing makeup. The young fashionista wearing some light blue eyeshadow underneath her blue eyes.

Rainbow wearing a 'dress' that fit her perfectly. The 'dress' being a spaghetti strap and rainbow colored to fit her head of hair and had a purple belt that wrapped around her waist. Rainbow also wearing a pair of purple sleeves that went up both of her arms and ended at the base of her shoulders. The boots that Rainbow was wearing being magenta in color, to match her eyes and had white laces with small wings that were the same color as the boots on the sides of them.

Last, but certainly not least. Twilight was wearing a pink dress that ended at her knees that was in a similar style to Rarity's, just without a strap on her right shoulder (or any of her shoulders). Twilight's dress with pink with a sweetheart top that had three stripes (two white and one purple, the purple being in between the two white stripes). The bottom half of the dress having small ruffles and a small white bow on her waist. Twilight, much like the rest of her friends, was wearing a pair of boots that were in the same pink color as her dress. The laces of the boot being the same pink color with the tongue of the boot being white.

Twilight and all of her friends dressed to the nines and reading to enjoying a night that all of them knew was going to be an eventful one, for one reason or the other.

Twilight and all of her friends entered the gym and was met with awe as the decorations were as, if not even better than they had all originally thought they would be. Twilight and her friends breaking off into two smaller groups. Twilight staying with Rainbow and Applejack as Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity broke off into their small subgroup.

Twilight had been yet to see Zulu that night, but she didn't seem strange to her. She had been assured by Rarity during the limo ride over that Zulu and Theta were just running a little late, but she assured that they would be at the dance. And as Rarity said it "Dressed to the Nine's".

"Has anyone seen Sunset Shimmer?" Twilight asked her small subgroup of friends as she was yet to see her competition, in more ways than one, at the dance.

"Maybe she was too embarrassed to show! She's gotta know you won by a landslide!" Rainbow shouted over the loud music of the dance to Twilight. Disregarding the strange lack of Sunset Shimmer at the dance.

"Maybe..." Twilight said quietly as she went back to enjoying the current party that was going on in the gym. But Twilight still keeping the absent of Sunset Shimmer logged in the back of her mind.

Twilight's thoughts were then interrupted when she felt someone wrapped their arm around her waist and pulled her in close. Twilight gasped at the sudden contract and wiped her head around to see who had just grabbed her to find the green eyes of Zulu staring down at her.

"Zulu!" Twilight exclaimed when she recognized her colt friend standing behind her with his arms still wrapped around her. Twilight pulled out of Zulu's hug, him releasing her without contest, and stared him down with a look of disapproval on her face.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Twilight exclaimed as she put one of her hand hands on her hips. Zulu's smile didn't leave his face, in fact, it only seemed to grow and he began to start laughing.

Twilight tried to keep her stern expression toward Zulu but the longer he continued to laugh the harder and harder it stayed to keep up her rock hard expression. Eventually the rock crack and Twilight let the frown turn into a cheeky smile. A smile that quickly warped in a small giggle and finally a full blown laugh.

"I love you." Twilight whispered to Zulu as the two embraced each other in a loving hug.

"I love you, too." Zulu whispered back with loving eyes that twinkled in the lights of the gym. Zulu's eyes tempting Twilight to get lost in again.

Twilight shook off the temptation and instead shifted to what Zulu was currently wearing. Her asking him... "Where did you get a tux, anyway?" Twilight asked Zulu, this being the first time that she had noticed that he was dressed in a tight-fitting black tuxedo with a plain white shirt underneath and a black tie.

"Where do you think?" Zulu sarcastically asked Twilight as he directed his gaze over to where Rarity was standing. The young fashionista over near where the punch bowls were located, quenching her thirst.

"I see..." Twilight said with a small twinkle in her purple eyes as she returned her attention back to Zulu. Her being lost in his green eyes for what felt like the millionth time since they had met. "Regardless, you know how to clean up good." Twilight said as she leaned for a kiss from Zulu.

"That's what happens when a Princess falls in love with a Changeling." Zulu said to Twilight as he closed his eyes and leaned in for a kiss from Twilight. Twilight following Zulu's actions and closing her eyes and cupping her right hand underneath Zulu's chin. And then in perfect universal injustice...

The music came to an end just as Twilight and Zulu's lips were about to touch. The universe showing that it could be the biggest of dicks at any moment.

"Damnit!" Twilight internally cursed as she saw Principal Celestia took to the stage of the gym. Her presence leading to cheers from the students of the school. Zulu shared a look that showed that he seemed to be thinking the same thing.

"Let's get this over with." Zulu whispered to Twilight as he reluctantly pulled out of his hug with Twilight and turned her attention over to the stage that was in teh gym. Twilight following Zulu's actions as she was met with the sight of Principal Celestia standing in the center of the stage.

"First off, I wanna say how wonderful everything looks tonight." Principal Celestia said as she took the podium that was located at the center of the stage that was at the front of the gym.

"Marvelous job, Pinkie." Rarity whispered to Pinkie, in awe at the beauty that all of the decorations brought to the school's gym.

"Thanks, Rarity. But, I couldn't have had it all done in time without the help from everyone else." Pinkie whispered back to Rarity, sending a knowing look over to the rest of her friends.

"I see... well I am open to assisting you in any future endeavors and parties." Rarity said with a warm smile.

"And I will make sure that you will be the first person that I ask when I need some extra hands. I know it might sound crazy, but sometimes even i need some help from time to time." Pinkie exclaimed with open arms toward the sky.

"I would like that." Rarity said as she held out her right arm to shake Pinkie's hand. Pinkie let out a small giggle as she shook her head and instead gave Rarity a big hug. Rarity was, at first, taken little off guard by Pinkie's sudden hug. But she quickly accepted the gestured and returned the hug with a tight one of her own.

"You all did a magnificent job pulling things together after the unfortunate events of earlier this week. And now, without further ado, I'd like to announce the winner of this year's Fall Formal crown." Celestia said making reference to when the school was unfortunately broken into earlier that same week.

"And now, without further ado, I'd like to announce the winner of this year's Fall Formal crown." Prinicpal Celestia said as she was joined on the stage by her little sister Vice Principal Luna. Luna carrying a small chest that held the crown in question.

"The Princess of this year's Fall Formal is..." Principal Celestia said as she read off of a small piece of paper that had the winner of the Fall Formal written on it.

"Twilight Sparkle!" Principal Celestia exclaimed with a happy smile on her face.

"I never had a single doubt." Zulu whispered to Twilight in congratulations. Twilight sending Zulu a small smile as she slowly walked toward the stage of the gym. Twilight climbing the stairs that led up to the stage with ease and quickly meeting Principal Celestia. The two interchanging hand shakes.

"Congratulations, Twilight." Principal Celestia said to Twilight as she placed the golden crown atop of her head. The gem that was held in the golden crown glowing when it was placed atop Twilight's head. The Element of Magic returning to its rightful bearer. Twilight's happy smile leaving her face as she heard a familiar voice call out to her.

"Twilight! Help!" Twilight heard the voice of Spike call out to her.

"Spike?" Twilight said in confusion at the sound of Spike calling out to her in fright. Twilight's eyes scanning the gym until she finally found Spike. The small purple dog being held in the arms of Sunset Shimmer and being forcibly removed from the gym. Spike growling angrily at his dognapper.

"She's got, Spike!" Twilight shouted as she saw Sunset carrying Spike out of the gym in her arms. The purple dogs barking and growling at his dognapper.

Theta's head snapping toward where Spike's cries and barks were coming from to just see the fiery hair of Sunset disappearing out of the gym. Theta's green eyes narrowing and his teeth showing and a low pitched growl coming out of his mouth as he dropped into the protective nature that all alpha dragons were born with.

No one bucked with his dragons and got away with it. Especially not a fiery-headed Twilight wannabe.

"Big. Mistake!" Theta growled with showing teeth as he dropped into a full sprint and chased out of the gym and after Sunset.

Author's Note:

"Hope, it is the only thing stronger than fear." President Snow; The Hunger Games.

The soda that Rainbow is drinking, in the beginning, is meant to be Pepsi, which is better than Coke. Yes, I did just say that because it is. The song that Pinkie was singing is meant to be "I will always love you" you can take it as either the Whitney Houston or Dolly Parton version of the song.

The song that Pinkie was singing is meant to be "I will always love you" you can take it as either the Whitney Houston or Dolly Parton version of the song. That is up to you.

Pinkie saying "Et tu, Brute?" or "You too, Brutus?" in Latin is a reference to the famous Shakespeare play "Julius Caesar". Which, fun fact, he never said. What Caesar really said as he died was the Greek phrase "Kai su, teknon?" which is usually translated as to meaning "You too, my child/son?" (Brutus being Caesar being raised by Caesar almost like his own son). And I don't know about you, but "You too, my child" is more emotionally powerful than "You too, Brutus?" But I don't know, that's just me.

Pinkie also makes reference to the hit Broadway musical "Something Rotten" when she starts singing "A Musical", oh Pinkie. How have I not used your ability to make pop culture references until now, I may never know?

Interesting fact, Husky service dogs do exist. They are rare but do exist.

Also, I have discovered my new most hated word. What word is that you might ask? That word would be, cafeteria. Why, because not for the life of me can I spell it. I missed cafeteria so many times while writing this chapter. So, now cafeteria is my new most hated word. At least, when it comes to writing.

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