• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 3,014 Views, 146 Comments

The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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And the Rise of an Empire (Omega's Return)

The musical theme of this chapter is the Battle Theme from Narina you will know when to play it.

The next few days in Equestria seemed to move on by at the pace of a snail. The thing that showed that time had past at all was the relucent rising of the sun and moon by Princess Celestia and Luna respectively.

The three princesses of Equestria, along with the rest of the ponies of Equestria, turning into nothing more than slaves for Omega's sick mind. Omega ruling over the once great country of Equestria from the ruins of Canterlot. The constant fires from the many cities of the land being a constant reminder that the once land of peace had turned into an Empire of destruction. Omega's mind continued to spin as he had his sights not just set on Equestria. Soon he would lead an invasion of the Crystal Empire. Him hearing from his changeling spies that the ponies were preparing for war. In a manner to save their princess. Shining Armor also disappearing not long after the Second Battle of Canterlot. Shining presumed to have been killed in the fighting.

Twilight and her friends had spent the last the few days hiding in the darkness of the Everfree Forest. Them spending the last few days in the hut of their friend Zecora. A female zebra medicine mare from the distant lands of Zebrica that had the strange ability to speak only in rhyme.

"I can't thank you enough Zecora, for letting us stay in your home during... well all of this madness." Twilight thanked the medicine mare for the hundredth time. The ponies becoming accustomed to the constant roaring of dragons overhead. Twilight taking a sip out of a cup filled with herbal tea that Zecora had made for her. Pinkie Pie past out on the dirt floor of the hut, her snoring going along with the constant roaring of dragons. It sometimes amazed Twilight just how much that pony could sleep through.

"No worries young one. You are your friends may stay, until your deem your stay done." Zercora said to the purple alicorn, busy brewing a potion in a large black cauldron in the center of her straw-made hut.

Twilight let out a slight giggle as she took another sip from her cup of tea. The rhyming nature of Zecora might not make sense all the time, but it still made her entertaining to listen to.

Twilight's happy thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of somepony walking into the hut. Twilight and Zecora's eyes both instinctively shot toward the door of the hut. The pony being that of Applejack. The orange earth pony carrying a few herbs from the forest in her mouth. Zecora's face relaxed into a happy grin as she saw the herds in Applejack's mouth.

"Are this the herbs you were lookin' for?" Applejack asked Zecora.

"Yes, please place them other there. So that I may begin my special care." Zecora said pointing her striped hoof at a wooden table in the exotically decorated hut. The hut filled with tribal masks from Zecora' homeland.

Applejack did as the zebra commanded before trotting over to Twilight. Through the purple alicorn did her best to hid it, she was obvious stressed by the last few days. Her purple mane being unkempt mane and multiple bags under eyes from lack of sleep taking its toll on Twilight.

Applejack decided to avoid asking if her friend was alright and decided to ask her a different question. "Hey, Twi.." Applejack began to ask Twilight. Catching the purple alicorn's attention.

"Hmm..." Twilight hummed, turning her head toward Applejack as she took a seat next to her. Twilight taking another sip out of her cup. The warmness of the tea being a welcomed remember of the peace that Twilight used to know, only a week earlier.

"I was just wondering..." Applejack began to ask Twilight, fiddling with her hooves.

"Yes." Twilight said disinterestedly. Her lack of a full night's rest starting to show.

"How's Rainbow doin'?" Applejack asked Twilight. The purple alicorn letting out a deep sigh and placing her tea cup on the small circular wooden table in front of her. Rainbow being almost killed in a battle against the traitorous Sigma during the Second Battle of Canterlot.

"She's... she's been doing better. At least, I think she is." Twilight said, nervously circling the rim of her teacup. Fluttershy trotted out from behind a blue curtain. the yellow pegasus dressed in a white nurse's outfit that Rarity had made her the day before. Small drops of dried blood, presumably Rainbow's, on her nurse outfit. Fluttershy being tried by Zecora in the art of medicine for the last few days.

"How Dashie?" Applejack asked the yellow pegasus.

"She's... ok. She sleeping right now." Fluttershy said, trying to find the best words to describe her wounded friend. "Where's Rarity?" Fluttershy asked, looking around the hut for the white unicorn in question.

"She left going to Ponyville for supplies not too long ago." Twilight said to Fluttershy. The yellow pegasus raising an eyebrow in concern.

"Is that... safe? I mean with Equestria now being under control by... you know." Fluttershy asked Twilight, and as if on cue there was roar unmistakably from Omega that rocked the small hut. Pinkie Pie jumping to life from the roar of the massive dragon.

"CUPCAKES!" Pinkie cried as she returned to the waking world. The four other ponies all shared a laugh as the door to the hut opened. Rarity trotting into the small house, her a pair of saddlebags on her back. The bags filled with the bare essentials needed for seven ponies to live in one small hut in the woods.

"Applejack would you be a darling and help me out with these bags?" Rarity asked Applejack.

"Sure thing Rares." Applejack said walking over to help the white unicorn.

"Would you like to see her?" Fluttershy asked Twilight, seeing the distressed look in her friend's face.

"Um... sure." Twilight mumbled, taken a little off guard by Fluttershy's comment. Twilight stood up from her seated position and followed the yellow pegasus through the blue curtain and into the small room that the ponies were using to hold the injured pegasus.

Twilight had to cover eyes with her hoof as the moment she saw the wrecked body of Rainbow. The cyan pegasus a shell of her former self. The entire side of Rainbow being covered in a white wrapping around her body. Rainbow light blue coat with spots of dried blood. Some of the dried blood coating the wrapping around the injured pegasus. Rainbow's broken right wing laying lifeless on top of the broken body that it was attached to. Rainbow's body only moving when she breathed. Her breaths short, fast, and heavy. Rainbow's closed eyes shifting as she spelt, her seeming to be experiencing a nightmare.

"How long?" Twilight asked Fluttershy, small clear tears forming in Twilight's purple eyes. She never thought that she would see Rainbow Dash like this. I mean she had seen her in a hospital with a broken wing before. But this... this was something different that Twilight couldn't explain. All she knew it lit a fire within her chest. A fire that she had directed toward two dragons, Omega and Sigma.

"We don't know. She took quite a hit from Sigma." Fluttershy said, the yellow pegasus seeming to choke on her words. Fluttershy never imagining that she would be the one that would be taking care of Rainbow. She had always assumed that it would the other way around.

"It's ok." Twilight said to Fluttershy, placing a reassuring hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder.

"Sorry..." Fluttershy apologized to Twilight, wiping some of her tears from her eyes.

"Don't be." Twilight said with a smile. "Now, please continue." Twilight said, urging Fluttershy to continue.

Fluttershy was about to continue when Rainbow eyes slowly began to open and she began to speak. Rainbow's words low and raspier than normal. "I'll be fine." Rainbow said in denial. Trying to lift her broken body off of the ground.

"No Rainbow, you are not in the condition to move..." Fluttershy said to Rainbow, helping her wounded friend lay back down, against Rainbow's rejections. "Yet alone in a war." Fluttershy whispered more to herself.

"I'll... I'll give you two a little alone time." Twilight said awkwardly, beginning to leaving the small room that the pony was using as a makeshift hospital.

"Twilight wait!" Rainbow called out to Twilight or, at least, the best she could manage. The purple alicorn coming to a complete stop. "Shy, help me up." Rainbow ordered at Fluttershy. The yellow pegasus heeding her command and helping Rainbow into a sitting position.

"What is it, Rainbow?" Twilight asked the cyan pegasus, turning to face her completely.

"I want to you to promise me somethin' Twi." Rainbow said, grunting in pain.

"Sure, anything. What is it?" Twilight asked Rainbow, not really sure what the cyan pegasus was going to make her promise.

"I just want you to promise me that you will stop Omega, and..." Rainbow paused, a sharp pain piercing through the right side of her body. Rainbow snarled in pain as she tried to continue. "And that... that thing that tried to kill me." Rainbow said to Twilight, leaving Twilight speechless. Rainbow's magenta eyes burning with anger and pain all at the same time. A sight that brought tears to both Twilight and Fluttershy's eyes.

"Promise me Twilight..." Rainbow said laying back down on the feather bed that she was sleeping on. Her eyes beginning to waver. Twilight beginning to trot over to Rainbow. "Promise me..." Rainbow repeated her words now at a whisper volume that rivaled Fluttershy's. Shameless tears falling from both Twilight and Fluttershy's eyes. "Promise me..." Rainbow mumbled again, as she drifted into another round of sleep.

"Take it easy Dashie, you've been through a lot." Fluttershy said to her oldest friend. The yellow pegasus running her hoof through the rainbow colored mane of her oldest friend. Rainbow's mane losing a bit of its color.

"Yes." Twilight said, the purple alicorn taking Fluttershy off guard.

"What?" Fluttershy said in confusion, turning her head to look directly at Twilight. Fluttershy let out a high pitched squeak when she saw Twilight staring down at the sleeping body of Rainbow, her purple eyes burning with anger and determination.

"Yes..." Twilight repeated, trotting over to where Rainbow was laying down. "I promise. I promise that I will defeat Omega and Sigma." Twilight said with determination in her voice. Twilight turning and walking out of the small room. Her eyes burning with rage.

"I'll be right back." Fluttershy whispered to Rainbow, a small nod coming from the injured pegasus. "Twilight where are you going?" Fluttershy called after Twilight.

"I'm going to Canterlot!" Twilight announced, opening her above average wings. A universal gasp coming from all of Twilight's friends.

"Darling, you... you can't be serious?" Rarity asked Twilight, covering her mouth with her hoof.

"Yes Rarity, yes I am." Twilight said, her walking out of the small hut, ready for war.

"Sugarcube..." Applejack stopped Twilight before she could launch into the sky. "I know you are tough, but not even the other three princesses with their combined power could defeat Omega. What makes you think that you can?" Applejack asked Twilight, the purple alicorn looking at the ground as she responded.

"I don't know Applejack, but I got to do something." Twilight said, looking up at the sky.

"Than let us come with you." Pinkie said to Twilight, the purple alicorn shaking her head in disagreement.

"No... I don't any more of my friends to get hurt." Twilight said, all of her friends taking a step back. "Just... do your best to find the Elements of Harmony. We already have one." Twilight said, her crown and Element of Magic resting on one of the tables in Zecora's hut. "If I can't defeat Omega, those might be our only hope to bring peace back to Equestria." Twilight said.

"Well, I think I speak for all of us when I wish you the best of luck Twilight." Applejack said to Twilight, giving her a short hug.

"Thank you, thank you all." Twilight thanked her friends. The purple blasting into the air. Her having been surprising a good flier. The purple alicorn heading toward the ruined mountain city of Canterlot.

"You heard her girls, finding the Elements is our number one priority my any means necessary."

Delta continued to wonder through many mountains of that made up the southern border of Equestria. The rocky snow-capped mountains the only things that made that giant dragon actually feel of normal size.

Delta came to a halt and let out a heavy sigh. The coldness of the mountains making it possible to see the giant dragon's superheated breath. "Are you still back there Theta." Delta called back to his 'apprentice'.

"Yeah..." Theta said defeated. "I don't really know why." Theta thought to himself. The white dragon cradled like a hatchling up against one of the small, in comparison, of Delta's tail.

"I think that this will be a good place for us to rest until we keep going." Delta said, not expecting a response.

"Whatever. What's the point." Theta said defeated.

"Don't give Theta, there is still a chance for us to make a living somewhere else. Equestria just isn't it." Delta said back to Theta, not getting the response he was expecting from the white dragon on his tail.

"Why not, it's what you did?" Theta grumbled, bringing up Delta's defeat at the claws of Omega.

"Theta, that was different." Delta tried to defend himself, only to get interrupted by Theta.

"I don't see how!" Theta roared, beginning to walk up Delta's mountain of a back. "You gave up!" Theta continued to roar, him about halfway up Delta's back. His green eyes burning straight into Delta's. Delta tried to protest his 'apprentice's' words, only for Theta to interrupt him again. Continuing his rant.

"Don't deny it. I saw you, all of Canterlot saw you!" Theta roared, the white dragon now, nose to nose with Delta. "You. Gave. Up!" Theta roared. His eyes burning with rage.

The two alpha dragons stared into each other's eyes for a few minutes. Delta stunned by the younger alpha's bravery, the same bravery that he wished he processed.

"You're right." Delta said to Theta, the white dragon's face relaxing. "I did give up. There isn't an excuse for it. I gave up, not just on myself, but on everything else." Delta said staring off toward the distance. The many fires burning the cities of Equestria visible, even from the mountains.

"Alpha, there is still time to fix things." Theta said, switching his tactics.

"I think so Theta, Omega has increased his control all over Equestria. Soon he will try ton expand his outside of Equestria's border, and when he does there will be nothing that can stop him." Delta said down to Theta.

"That is why we must act now. Omega believes that he had defeated you for good. You will be the last one that he would expect to challenge him." Theta said to Delta, the younger dragon's words driving the elder into deep thought.

"Theta." Delta said, his voice returning to his original deep and powerful demeanor.

"Yes, Alpha?" Theta said happily, hoping that his words had gotten to Delta.

"We are going back." Alpha stated. An old flame reigniting within his chest. The giant dragon racing down the mountains and toward Canterlot. A final battle for Equestria about to commence.

Twilight landed into the ruined remains of an old cafe. Her stomach turning as she saw her former home being turned into nothing more than a smoking ruin. Some of the maroon fire of Omega still burning across the city.

Twilight's purple eyes shrunk as she laid eyes on the dragon that had caused the destruction of her former home. The black mountain-sized dragon that went by the name of Omega.

"You will pay for what you have done." Twilight snarled down to Omega, her wings unfurling and her horn beginning to hum with magical energy.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." Twilight heard from behind her. Twilight's head snapped around her and she fired a blast from her horn. The beam barely missing the head of where the words had come from. The words coming from that of Zulu.

Twilight relaxed, recognizing the changeling that had saved her life a few days earlier.

"What do you want?" Twilight snapped at Zulu, still a little on edge.

"Hey, I'm not the enemy here." Zulu said to Twilight, holding up his front hooves in defense.

"I'm... I'm sorry, changeling." Twilight began to apologize to Zulu, only to be interrupted by the changeling.

"Zulu, my name is Zulu." Zulu said to Twilight. A warm smile appearing on Twilight's face. The smile leaving Twilight's face when she remembered why she was there.

"I'm sorry Zulu, and... and I grateful for your help. I guess I speak for the rest of my friends that if hadn't saved us we might have been killed by Sigma." Twilight said to Zulu, thanking him for saving her and her friend's lives.

"Or worse." Zulu thought to himself as Twilight continued.

"I wish that I could do something. So much for becoming a princess." Twilight said more to herself in a defeatist tone. Her unfolding her large feathered wings in disappointed.

"Hey, Twilight." Zulu said up to the saddened alicorn. Twilight shifting her attention to the changeling at her side. "Just because you haven't been able to do anything in your first week of princess-hood doesn't mean that you won't ever." Zulu said, placing one of his hole-filled hooves on Twilight's shoulder.

"Thank you, Zulu. I think I needed to hear that." Twilight thanked the changeling, before shifting her attention to the massive dragon was was below them. "So, do you have a plan as how to defeat Omega and Sigma?" Twilight asked Zulu, hoping for to get any kind of plan from the changeling.

"Well, I know my weapons can pierce his scales. But there nowhere near powerful to kill him." Zulu said to Twilight, his Warp Spear materializing out of the shadows around him.

The two ponies' chat was brought to a close as Omega's giant body began to walk over toward the destroyed that they were in.

"Hide." Zulu whispered to Twilight. The odd pair hiding underneath a scorched table hoping that Omega hadn't noticed them.

"Omega!" The pair heard a deep voice call out. Zulu clearly picked his head from under the table to see that the one calling for the massive dragon was Sigma.

"Traditor." Zulu spat out at the sight of the younger black alpha dragon. Him beginning to raise from the table.

"Don't, Sigma might be evil, but this isn't a fight that we can win right now. We just have to wait for Alpha." Twilight whispered to Zulu, grabbing Zulu's hoof.

Zulu reluctantly followed Twilight's command and lowered into a sitting position, him still being able to see the two dragon chat. The booming voice of Omega impossible to not hear as he chatted with the small dragon below him.

"What is it, Sigma!?" Omega roared down to Sigma. "You better have good reasons for interrupting my brooding." Omega said down to Sigma. Omega's one red eye burning with anger.

"Trust me, my dear Alpha this is something that would want to see." Sigma said to Omega, being intentionally vague in his words.

"You don't say, bring it forth, whatever you might have." Omega said down to Sigma. A devilish grin spreading across Sigma's face.

"What are you planning Sigma?" Zulu thought out loud.

"Bring him forth." Sigma called out to a large group of armored dragons.

"Him!" Twilight and Zulu said as one. The ground beginning to shake underneath them. The pair assuming that it was just coming from the footsteps of Omega.

Twilight's mouth dropped and tears flowed from her eyes when she saw who Sigma was talking about. "No!" Twilight cried out. Her words muffled by her tears.

"I present to you the former Captian of The Royal Guard and Prince of the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor." Sigma presented Twilight brother like a trophy to his master. Shining having cuts and bruises all over his body as he struggled to his hooves.

"No! Not my Shining!" Cadence cried out. Her along with the other three alicorns tied up by chains. Their horns covered by a magical barrier.

"Silence pony!" A red-armored ordered at Cadence slapping her across the face. The pink alicorn hitting the cobblestone ground with a loud thud. Cadence didn't cry out in pain, she laid their her broken body a shell of her former elegant self.

"Cadence!" Twilight cried, her having to be held back by Zulu.

"Twilight don't." Zulu tried to hold Twilight back. The purple alicorn kicking her hooves in every direction in order to break out of Zulu's grasp.

"No!" Twilight cried out, her not caring anymore if her words were heard.

Omega lowered his head down to Shining Armor's level, the white unicorn looking like an ant in comparison. "Where is your sister?" Omega asked Shining Armor. The giant dragon's voice booming.

"I... I don't know." Shining Armor said up to Omega, hiding behind his hooves.

"You. Don't. KNOW!" Omega roared.

"Twilight and her friends disappeared not long after the battle. I don't know where they could be." Shining Armor cried up to Omega.

"It seems that you are of no further use to me." Omega said down to Shining Armor, the skies above the dragon seeming to blacken. "Sigma take him away, and enjoy yourself." Omega said to Sigma, a devilish appearing on both of the black dragons' faces.

"With pleasure, Alpha." Sigma said to Omega, him grabbing Shining Armor from the back of his head. Sigma's black claws digging into Shining Armor's neck. Twilight's brother cried out in pain as he was thrown to the ground by Sigma. Sigma's serrated teeth shining in the sunlight.

"This is going to be fun." Sigma said in a devilish tone, as he slowly stalked toward Shining Armor.

"Let me go!" Twilight cried out to Zulu. Her continuing to kick in every direction.

"I will ask up one last time." Omega spoke to Shining Armor. "Where. Is. Twilight. Sparkle!" Omega roared down to the injured unicorn.

Twilight couldn't take it anymore. She brought her right hind leg all the way back and delivered a perfect buck to Zulu's face. The changeling going falling into a pile of rubble with a loud crash.

Twilight blasted into the sky. Her eyes a blank white and horn glowing with so much magical energy that it whined with it.

"I AM RIGHT HERE!" Twilight's voice boomed.

"Twilight." Shining Armor said in shock up at his enraged younger sister.

"Perfect." Omega said turning his attention to the engaged alicorn hovering in the sky. "I'm been looking for a real challenge." Omega said to Twilight, only adding to her rage.

"You Will Pay For What You Have Done!" Twilight voice continued to boom. Twilight charged up her magic in her horn and fired a massive beam of magenta magic at Omega

Twilight charged up her magic in her horn and fired a massive beam of magenta magic at Omega. The beam hitting Omega squarely in the face and engulfing the black dragon in the magenta magic. The beam destroying everything in its path as to shot past Omega's body.

"Wow! What a mare." Zulu thought to himself.

Twilight floated toward the ground, her energy spent. Her eyes beginning to waver as the dust caused by her attack began to clear. Twilight's eyes shot back open as she heard a bone-chilling laugh coming from the dust.

"Ya... ya!" Omega laughed, the massive dragon emerging from the dust completely undamaged. "You ponies never learn. Do you?" Omega laughed again. "Sigma destroy this pest. Along with her brother." Omega said down to Omega, turning so that his new apprentice could enjoy his work.

Twilight tried to fire another beam from her horn, but it only fizzled out. Her energy completely gone from her one attack. "Come here my little pony. I am not going to hurt you." Sigma stalked the purple alicorn. Twilight being driven backward until she was pinned up against the remnants of what she assumed was clothing store. "I'm going to kill you, and then eat you." Sigma continued. Twilight not thinking for a second that the dragon was lying to her. Twilight closed her eyes and waited for the eventuality of her death.

Zulu was about to jump out of his hiding place and attack Sigma when a white blur jumped out from a pile of rubble and attacked Sigma. Sigma roared out in pain as his attacked dug his teeth into his attack.

Twilight opened her eyes to see the creature that had undoubting saved her life. A happy smile spreading across her face when she saw him.

"Theta!" Twilight called out. Theta delivering a swipe from claws right across Sigma face. Sending the black dragon falling into a pile of rubble.

"Get away from her you bitch!" Theta spat at his former brother. Sigma struggling to his feet.

"What is going on!?" Omega roared shifting down to his apprentice. His gaze falling onto that of Theta. "Oh! Look what we have here. It seems that the smallest cub has wondered away its mother." Omega said to Theta. The white dragon snorting in disgust as Omega continued.

"You shouldn't have come alone, little one." Omega said down to Theta. A smug smile spreading across Theta's face.

"Who said I was alone." Theta stated and at that exact moment, an all too familiar roar sounded across the sky.

All eyes shot toward the mountain that the ruined city had been built into. The entire top half of the mountain getting destroyed as Alpha blasted through it.

"He's back." Luna said, tears coming to her eyes.

"That's not possible." Omega snarled. Alpha letting out another loud roar. Him signaling to everyone in Equestria that the TRUE Alpha had returned.

"Sigma, get rid of this pest. I have my own extermination to perform." Omega letting out a roar of his own.
"With pleasure..." Sigma snarled charging at Theta. Theta responded with his own charge at Sigma. The two dragons colliding in a fury of claws, teeth, and blood.

Twilight was about to join Theta in his fight against Sigma when she was stopped by Zulu. "Yeah, what are you doing?" Twilight protested.

"Twilight there nothing more we can do. This is Alpha and Theta's fight now. We have to get out of here." Zulu said to Twilight.

"He's right Twilight, get out of here." Theta said in agreeance. Theta roaring out in pain and Sigma clamped his massive down on his neck. Theta's legs giving out and him dropping to the ground.

"But... Theta." Twilight protested against her logical mind.

"Go!" Theta roared over the pain coursing throughout his body.

"Come on." Zulu ordered at Twilight, grabbing her hoof. The two ponies disappearing in a flash of Twilight's magenta magic.

With his friends out of harms way Theta shifted his entire attention back to that of Sigma. The black dragon still dug deep into his neck.

"Get off me!" Theta roared, shaking his brother off of him. Sigma landing a few yards away. Sigma teeth soaked in the blood of his brother.

"Hmm... you taste good." Sigma snarled, licking the blood on his pointed teeth.

"You are twisted, Sigma." Theta snarled at his former brother. Rivers of blood flowing from the three bite marks on his neck.

"I know, and I won't have it any other way." Sigma said with a grin that could make an Ursa Major heart skip a beat. The black dragon charging at Theta. The two young alphas engaging in another round of combat. The two dragons' attacks being but a fury of swipes of claws across each others faces. A much larger battle taking place above them.

"You shouldn't have come back, Delta." Omega said to Alpha, as two titans crashed into each other.

"I couldn't live with myself knowing that you would be the one ruling over the citizens of Equestria." Alpha snarled back at Omega. The two giants traded blows. Alpha slamming Omega off of the mountain and down to the grassland below, or at least, that's what it was before the dragon's under the command of Omega scorched it.

Alpha and Omega continued to trade blows. Omega's claws landing powerful strikes on the scales of Alpha. Alpha roaring out in pain as Omega began to gain the upper hand in the fight.

"You still can't defeat me." Omega roared, slashing Alpha across the face, knocking Alpha to the ground.

Theta overpowered his brother and used his tail to knock him unconscious. Theta's ear perked up when he heard the battle between Alpha and Omega. Theta ran over to the edge of the cliff that marked the end of Canterlot to watch the two giants fight.

"No!" Theta cried out as he watched Omega stand over Alpha. Giant drops of drool falling from Omega's mouth.

"You will never defeat me." Omega roared, placing his claws up against the throat of Alpha. Omega ready to end this battle once and for all.

Omega was about to deliver the killing blow would a small roar broke his concentration. All eyes shot to the where the roar had come from. The roar coming from that of Theta. The smaller alpha dragon running at full speed toward Omega.

"Get away from him!" Theta roared at Omega, jumping onto the snout of the larger dragon. Theta's claws digging into the scales of Omega. Fresh blood flowing from Omega.

Omega reared up onto his hind legs in a manner to knock the smaller dragon off of him. Omega roaring out in pain.

Alpha took advantage of Omega's distraction and rose to his full height. Omega came up down on his four legs, him shaking his head back and forth in a manner to shake Theta off. Theta dug his claws deeper into the snout of Omega as Alpha reared up on his hind legs. His massive coming directly down on the neck of Omega. Omega roaring out in pain as he was now being attacked by two dragons simultaneously.

Theta hopped off of Omega's head and landed on the shoulder of Alpha. His mentor now having the momentum of the battle.

Alpha lifted Omega in his jaws and threw him across the land. Omega landing on his side more pissed off than anything else.

Omega struggled to his feet and let out a roar at the duo that was attacking him. His one red eye burning with hatred.

"Enough! Omega, this is over, just surrender!" Alpha roared at Omega, hoping that his brother would finally realize when he was beaten.

"NEVER!" Omega roared charging at Alpha.

"Theta move!" Alpha roared at Theta, him shifting the position of his shoulders so that Theta would use his balance and fall off of him. In a manner to protect Theta from Omega's attack.

Theta plummeted toward the ground, hitting it with a loud thud. Theta just missing getting stepped on by Omega as he slammed into Alpha. Omega slamming Alpha into the cliff of the mountain that Canterlot had been built into.

"Alpha!" Theta cried out.

Twilight and Zulu teleported to edge of the Everfree Forest. The two landing on the dirt ground with a small thud.

"Ugh... where are we?" Zulu asked Twilight, struggling to his hooves.

"We're at the edge of Everfree Forest." Twilight answered Zulu hit a massive headache. Her surprised that she could teleport herself to Ponyville, yet another pony/changeling whatever.

"Twilight!" The pair heard somepony call out Twilight's name. Both of the ponies eyes shifted toward the sound to see that it was one of Twilight's friends, Rarity to be exact, calling for the purple alicorn.

"Rarity!" Twilight called out to Rarity running over to her friend. "What are you girls all doing here?" Twilight asked Rarity, seeing that see wasn't alone. The white unicorn being joined by Pinkie Pie and Applejack.

"All you know, just doing what you told us to do." Rarity said, Twilight's eyes widening at her words.

"You mean did you really find them?" Twilight asked Rarity. Rarity nodding in agreement.

"Find what?" Zulu asked the four ponies in front of him.

"These." Rarity said, her using her magic to levitate the Elements of Harmony out of one of the saddlebags on her back.

The happy moment between the ponies was interrupted by the roar of Alpha. "Enough! Omega, this is over, just surrender!" The ponies heard Alpha roared at Omega

"Hang on everypony." Twilight said her horn glowing as she cast a teleportation spell on the five ponies. Twilight and the rest of her friends teleporting to the open field where Alpha and Omega were fighting. Twilight collapsing out of exhaustion.

"NEVER!" Omega roared, charging at Alpha.

"Theta move!" Alpha roared at Theta, him shifting the position of his shoulders so that Theta would use his balance and fall off of him. In a manner to protect Theta from Omega's attack.

Theta plummeted toward the ground, hitting it with a loud thud. Theta just missing getting stepped on by Omega as he slammed into Alpha. Omega pinning Alpha into the cliff of the mountain that Canterlot had been built into.

"Alpha!" Theta cried out.

"You know what Delta you are just like the rest. Doing your absolute best to save the world and trying to play God. Let me tell you something Delta! There's only one dragon in the world who could play such a role!" Omega roared as he used his massive tail to slap Alpha into the side of the cliff. The cliff crumbling from the impact and covering Alpha in a pile of rubble.

"Me!" Omega spat at Alpha.

"No!" Theta cried out.

"A... Twilight." Rarity said, taking Twilight attention away from the battle taking place in front of her.

"What is it Rarity?" Twilight asked Rarity, her completely exhausted.

"I just wanted to know. Should the Elements be glowing like that?" Rarity said pointing at the Elements behind her.

"No why..." Twilight began to ask Rarity. Twilight falling silent as she saw all six of the Elements of Harmony glowing brightly as they began to hover above the ground.

Without warning, all of the Elements blasted toward Canterlot. Them marking their target, Alpha. Their most powerful form unlocked for the very first time.

The Elements blast past Omega's head as they shot into the rubble that covered Alpha. Rainbow colored light coming out from the rubble. Omega taking a step back in both fear and confusion.

"What is going on!?" Omega roared.

I don't know, Omega." Alpha said rainbow colored fire blasting out from rubble freeing Alpha. Alpha rising to his full height. Every pony and dragon alike mouths dropped in shock as they stared at Alpha. The giant dragon clad in some kind of rainbow-colored armor.

Alpha's right foreleg was covered in an orange battle armor that covered his entire left foreleg, ending at his shoulder. A large orange apple forming in the armor, just above his elbow. Alpha unlocking the greatest potential of the Element of Honesty.

Alpha's left foreleg was covered in a pink battle armor that covered his entire left foreleg, ending at his shoulder. A large blue balloon forming in the armor just above his elbow. Alpha unlocking the greatest potential of the Element of Laughter.

Alpha's right hind leg was covered in a pink battle armor that covered his entire right hind leg, ending at his hip. The yellow armor also ran up the right half of Alpha's long tail. A large pink butterfly forming in the armor where you would expect a cutie mark to be. Alpha unlocking the greatest potential of the Element of Kindness.

Alpha's left hind leg was covered in a white battle armor that covered his entire left hind leg, ending at his hip. The white armor also ran up the left half of half of Alpha's long tail. A large purple gemstone forming in the armor where you would expect a cutie mark to be. Alpha unlocking the greatest potential of the Element of Generosity.

Alpha's back was covered in a cyan colored battle armor that covered his back and the upper side of his neck, ending at the base of his tail. The battle armor also covering his massive bat-like wings. The armor seeming to heal the broken wing of Alpha. A large red lightning bolt forming in the center of Alpha's back. Exactly where Alpha's wings attached to his back. Alpha unlocking the greatest potential of the Element of Loyalty.

Alpha rose up on his hind legs to show the chest plate of his newly acquired battle armor. Alpha's chest covered in a purple battle armor that covered all of Alpha's underbelly and all the up to the underside of his neck. A magenta six-pointed star-forming in the battle armor in the center of his chest. The star being much larger than the rest. Alpha unlocking the greatest potential of the Element of Magic.

Alpha's head was covered in seven different lines. Them orange, blue, pink, purple, red, magenta, and white. Each line representing each Element of Harmony and the alpha status.

Alpha had unlocked the legendary Harmony Armor. The greatest potential of the Elements of Harmony.

"Being a god can't be too hard." Alpha said to Omega. Him admiring his newly required battle armor. "I mean, I'm the most powerful creature on the planet. I'm not playing God. All this time... I've been playing dragon." Alpha said to Omega, his eyes splitting into every color of the rainbow as he used the unbelievable power of the Harmony Armor for the first time.

The red lightning bolt began to glow as Alpha opened his massive wings. Alpha then flapped his wings just once. The increased power of the Harmony Armor created a small hurricane behind Alpha as he blasted toward Omega. The wing created by his wings leveling any building in Canterlot that was already a pile of burning rubble.

The orange apple on Alpha's right foreleg as Alpha punched Omega right across the face. I force of impact completely shattering Omega's jaw and leaving him in a state of confusion.

Alpha didn't let up with delivering another strike, this one from his left foreleg. The blue balloon glowing as Alpha punched Omega.

This punch knocked Omega to the ground. Alpha wrapping his armored right claws around Omega's neck. "Let's take a trip." Alpha said down to Omega. Him opening his massive wings and blasting into the air. Alpha slamming into the last remnants of the mountain that Canterlot had been built into.

When Alpha cleared the mountain he kept climbing for another few hundred feet before using his massive tail, both the pink butterfly and purple gemstone glowing, to hit Omega. Omega quickly plummeting toward the ground. Alpha decided to increase Omega speed of impact and he blasted toward the ground. Him hitting Omega right in the chest the two slamming into the ground.

Alpha picking up his brother and slamming back into the ground three times as they both slide to a stop. The orange apple on his right foreleg glowing each time.

Alpha then swiped across Omega's face with both his claws. Each respective Element glowing as he delivered his blow.

Alpha's attacks came to a stop when a small voice stop the armored giant. "Delta please." Omega said, his words weak.

Alpha stared down at his brother, his right claw still raised to attack. His brother's body battered and bloody. His face completely unrecognizable. What stuck Alpha the most was his one good eye. His eye no longer blood-red like the rest of him. No, instead it was blue, sky blue. The brother that had once played with all those centuries ago, that brother that he had once loved, had at last returned had returned, but at what cost.

"Delta... please." Omega begged at his brother. Tears flowing from both of their eyes.

"I'm... I'm sorry." Alpha said to Omega before delivering one last strike from his claws. His strike ringing true. Omega neck snapping in a single earth-shaking snap and falling to the ground limp. "Brother." Alpha said down to the limp body of his brother, clear tears falling down his cheek.

Alpha rose to his full height and let out of his fire. His fire being rainbow colored, fulfilling the same dream that Omega had for over millennia.

The Harmony Armor retreated from Alpha's body, them returning to the saddlebag of Rarity. Alpha's body beginning to sway from exhaustion. His vision blurry.

"Alpha!" Alpha heard his apprentice called his name.

"I'm coming." Alpha stated, him collapsing to the ground.

"ALPHA!" Theta cried out, taking off at full speed to his mentor.

"I'm coming... brother." Alpha said weakly. The white scales of Theta being the last thing he saw before blacking out.

Author's Note:

This is NOT the end of the series. I repeat this is NOT the end. I will keep going until at least until the end of Season 4. A season that is likely to be very difficult than the show's. Yeah, I think I've been reading too much Fallout Equestria lately. Kkat what have you done to me!?

The Harmony Armor is something that I have been wanting to include in this series since I began writing, and yes it will play a major role in this series later. I hope you all like it.

Theta's line "Get away from her you bitch!" is a reference to the movie Aliens.

The return of Alpha was heavily inspired by the return of Aslan from Narnia, roar and all. The fight between Alpha, Theta, and Omega was inspired by the T-Rex and I-Rex fight from Jurassic World.

Omega's line "You know what Delta you are just like the rest. Doing your absolute best to save the world and trying to play God. Let me tell you something Delta! There's only one dragon in the world who could play such a role! Me." along with Alpha's line "I don't know Omega. Being a god can't be too hard. I mean, I'm the most powerful creature on the planet. I'm not playing God. All this time... I've been playing dragon." Are almost direct quotes from the Death Battle between Iron Man and Lex Luther. Still my personal favorite.

Fluttershy being taught by Zecora in the ways of medicine. It made sense and it may, or may not, become important later.

I have seen the Season 6 premiere. If you would like to how I feel about it go over to my Fimfiction account and read my post/review of the premiere.

And just so no one will ask me, yes Omega is dead.

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