• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 3,014 Views, 146 Comments

The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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Witchcraft and Magic (A Magical Disturbance)

Looking at the griffin village from the mountainside it looked like nothing special. However, walking inside of it just made it clear just how unspecial it truly was. The village has been truly built to serve the needs of the small citizenry of the griffin and nothing more. Adagio and Sigma entered the small market area of the village. A small line of covered carts that had griffin selling all manner of goods. Mostly food, mostly fish from a small river that cut through the mountain, and other limited goods. Namely handmade, or rather talon made, blankets, quilts, afghans, and other such textiles.

"Let's get this over with, I would hate to be amongst these barbarians any longer than we have to." Adagio spat under her breath, only loud enough for her dragon companion to hear. Adagio's disinterest in the situation bringing a small smile to Sigma's face.

"If you think that griffins are barbarians, then what do think dragons like me are?" Sigma teased the Siren next to him. Sigma's response getting a small grunt of indignation out of Adagio or was it out of genuine humor. Sigma wasn't sure. Siren's were master manipulators, rivaling even the likes of changelings. Sigma had to be sure to be caus

"Funny, but let's stay focused on the task at hand. Shall we." Adagio responded, with the faintest hint of a smile.

"Indeed. We will only need enough supplies to last a week or so." Sigma said to Adagio, refocusing. Sigma spotting a small cart off to his right that was selling several types of fish. Sigma wasn't the biggest fan of fish but they would do for the time being.

The griffon that was selling the said fish also noticing Sigma's interest and immediately perking up at the prospect of making another sale.

"Hello, how can I help you. The name is Gloria." The griffon said to Sigma in a feminine voice. The saleswoman being a middle-aged griffin with light blue eyes. The griffin's eagle half having tan-colored feathers that lead to a white head with a golden beak and talons that match her beak. The griffin's lion half being a light brown color with a long tail that ends with a small tuff of white hair that ends with the last few hairs being black.

"How can help you this day? Any questions regarding the assortment in front of you, feel free to ask." The griffin asked gesturing to her assortment of fish in front of her. The griffin having a light smile on her face that Sigma perceived to be mostly genuine.

"Yes, Me and my companion here..." Sigma greeted the saleswoman, gesturing towards Adagio as he continued. "... have been traveling through the mountains the last few days and we are in need of some more food in order to complete our journey." Sigma finished, his words making the pleasant smile of the griffon grow in size. The saleswoman clearly saw another easy sell in front of her just waiting to be finished.

"I see. Well my good might not be suited for your companion but I'm sure that other merchant here would be able to fit her needs." Gloria said, looking directly at Sigma and clearly ignoring Adagio. Adagio not appreciating being clearly ignored, but she understood why. Ponies didn't eat fish, they didn't eat meat in general. Now, Sirens were different. In fact, as magical water creatures, most of their diet that didn't come from negative energy came from fish. Not the type of fish that the merchant was selling, but after years in the human world she had learned not to be picking when it came to her food.

"You'd be surprised." Adagio spoke for the first time, sending the griffon a slightly crooked grin.

"Regardless," Gloria continued unfazed by Adagio's intimation, this merchant having had to deal with much worse customers than a slightly indignant unicorn. At least, what she thought was nothing more than an indignant unicorn.

"I am sure that I will be able to fulfill your needs, for the right price of course." Gloria finished, a slight shimmer going across her blue eyes at the mentioning of getting payment. Sigma wasn't surprised at this. Griffons were just as notorious when it came to their greed as dragons were. Another griffon that prioritized profit was no different than a pony that praised the likes of Princess Celestia.

"Indeed, in that case." Sigma said scanning the assortment of fish in front of him. Most of the fish consisting of various types of trout and bass. The trout being sold for four silver pieces each, while the bass was being sold for six silver pieces each. The price of them wasn't much of an issue for Sigma, him having a rather significant stash of gems and gold to should be able to pay for any of their expenses.

"I will take eight of both your trout and bass each. That should do for us for the time being." Sigma said, the griffon's eyes widening at his words. Sigma a little surprised that the griffon in front of him wasn't already dulling at the prospect of a rather significant payday.

"Alright then, that would be eighty silver pieces or eight gold pieces." Gloria said as she rolled each of the individual fish.

Sigma did not spend much time as he paid for the fish with the set of gold that he had on hand. Gloria seeming to glow at the sight of genuine gold. A sight that brought a small smile to Sigma's muzzle. Sigma saying goodbye and beginning to head back up the mountain with Adagio right alongside to the cave that they were currently using as their base of operations for the time being.

"See, I told you it wouldn't take so long." Sigma said to Adagio with a slightly teasing smile. Sigma's words being another brief smile to Adagio's muzzle. The smile quickly vanishing as she seemed to realize the break in her demeanor rather quickly.

"I suppose not. So, what now. What exactly is your plan for taking over Equestria?" Adagio asked the moment they were out of earshot of anyone.

"I'll explain once we reach the cave and regroup with the others," Sigma said simply shutting down any further up questions from Adagio.

"Alright, lead the way." Adagio said continuing to follow Sigma back up the mountainside. "This better worth all of the trouble that it took us to get here," Adagio grumbled internally as the cave came into sight. The sound of unknown chaos from inside.

"Damnit, what did you two idiots do now."

Back in Ponyville.

"How dare you! All of you!" Moon Dancer shouted at her friends, or at least who she thought were her friends.

"Moon Dancer, please calm down. I can explain." Lemon Hearts said weakly, trying to calm her enraged friend with very limited results.

"No, I will not! And I do not want to here it!" Moon Dancer continued to shout. "How dare you invade my privacy like that!"

"We're sorry Moon, we... we just wanted to make sure that you were safe." Lemon Hearts tried to explain herself. Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Lyra all nodding their heads in agreement.

In fact, they were doing it a little too much for Moon Dancer's liking. Rage continuing to build inside of Moon Dancer. Not only were her so-called friends. They had the gull and the nerve to lie to her about it.

"Don't lie to me Lemon, I'm not an idiot! I know that you all were spying on me and Theta! Do you have no respect for something that was clearly supposed to be private!" Moon Dancer continued to shout at Lemon Hearts. Moon Dancer's rage only continuing to build the more and more that she laid into Lemon Hearts. Moon Dancer knew that most of the anger that she was directly toward Lemon Hearts was unjustified. Some anger, fine, but the continuous unbridled rage that she sending towards Lemon Hearts was unnecessary. But, at the moment, she didn't really care. She was pissed off at her friends for ruining her first kiss, not just with Theta but in her entire life, and she was going to make sure that they didn't repeat any else like it in the future.

"Moon please..." Lemon Hearts meekly began only to be immediately interrupted by Moon Dancer as continued to lay into her friend for her evasion of her and Theta's privacy.

"Don't 'Moon, please' me!" Moon Dancer interrupted. Moon Dancer about to begin another round of enraged shouting. Only to stop when a clawed paw came down softly on her shoulder.

"Moon Dancer..." Theta said softly, his words no louder than the faintest whisper, placing his scaled paw on Moon Dancer's shoulder. The enraged mare's anger seeming to evaporate almost entirely at the white dragon's touch.

"But..." Moon Dancer weakly began to protest, turning her head to look back at Theta. The purple eyes of Moon Dancer meeting with those green of Theta as she did. And at the moment, any anger towards Lemon Hearts and the rest of her friends immediately vanished completely. Theta's green eyes being filled with a light that Moon Dancer could only describe and pinpoint as coming from a place of love. His eyes being a calming presence for her that she could've never expected nor ever believed to experience. But there was also something else that she could see in Theta's green eyes. Something that didn't need to be said. And that was disappointment. There was no anger, just disappointment. And in some way, that was even worse. Disappointment for her anger, anger that she knew that she had taken too far. Misplaced anger that had no doubt caused pain to not just Lemon Hearts but the rest of her friends. Pain that needed to be healed. Healing that could only begin if an apology.

"Y-you're right." Moon Dancer finished, now looking down toward the cobblestone ground of the back alley of Ponyville. Moon Dancer now filling with a rush of shame. Shame caused by both her yelling at Lemon Hearts and the disappointment that she caused in Theta.

"I'm sorry, Lemon..." Moon Dancer began shifting over to Lemon Hearts, the yellow unicorn having the faintest beginnings of tears forming in her eyes as Moon Dancer spoke. Even more evidence of how misplaced and over-the-top Moon Dancer's anger toward her friends really was.

"All of you..." Moon Dancer shifted her gaze slightly to her other two friends that were currently standing silently behind Lemon Hearts with the same amount, if not even more so, remorse and sadness plastered on their respective muzzles as Lemon Hearts.

"I was out of line. I am still angry that you all invaded my and Theta's privacy, but that doesn't mean that I can just yell at you and not allow you to get any words in. So, I'm sorry. Do you girls forgive me?" Moon Dancer apologized to her still silent friends. Moon Dancer beginning to feel the eyes of her eyes sting as tears began to form in them.

"Thank you, and while I can't speak for the rest. I forgive you, Moon." Lemon Hearts said, using her hoof to wipe away tears that had begun to form in her eyes. The rest of Moon Dancer's friends nodding their heads in agreement as Lemon Hearts spoke, indicating that they also forgave her.

"And... I'm sorry. It was wrong for us to invade your and Theta's privacy." Lemon Hearts continued, offering up an apology of her own.

"She's right, were sorry Moon Dancer. It was wrong." Minuette spoke the first time. "We were just curious as to what you and Theta were up to and... well... you know the rest." Minuette finished, sheepishly looking down at the ground. A jolt of guilt and shame rushing through Moon Dancer as Minuette spoke her words.

"They were just making sure that I was ok." Moon Dancer thought as she felt the corners of her eyes beginning to water again. She did her best to hold back her tears and was moderately successful at doing so. Moon Dancer only allowing two thin drops to fall from her purple-colored eyes and roll down her cheeks.

"I-it's ok Minuette. You girls just wanted to make sure that I was alright, and it was wrong of me to yell at you three. I as such I apologize for that, again." Moon Dancer said to Minuette. Moon Dancer also now noticing that she and her friends seeming having fallen into a constant circle of apologies for each other's misdeeds in what so far seemed to be in perpetuity.

"Well, enough of all this sadness and apologizing to each other." Lemon Hearts inserted. The mare seeming to have returned to her usual bubbly self. The change of tone and seemingly subject.

"Theta, do you think it would be possible for you to join us?" Lemon Hearts asked, catching the attention of the new odd couple. Lemon Hearts wasn't quite sure what to think about the two of them. Aside from the obvious difference in species. She could see how the two could've known each other and form a spark between the two of them. Moon Dancer was Princess Celestia's official expert on dragons and defacto Equestrian ambassador to the Dragon Empire while Theta was the apprentice of the current Alpha of the Dragon Empire. The two of them were basically destined to be together.

"Join you?" Theta asked, raising an eyebrow mildly confused.

"For lunch. We have a table at a small restaurant not far from here." Lemon Hearts answered, a wave of understanding washing over Theta as she did. "We were having lunch just before you showed up. You could join the three of us if you would like. We might need to get another table though." Lemon Hearts offered to Theta. Her words getting a brief chuckle from the others, including Theta himself.

Theta was about to refuse. He still did have to do training with Alpha. Alpha allow seemed to allow him to leave because he had mentioned his 'vision', he probably still expect him to return to the Crystal Empire. Besides, the Princess Summit which had become of Summit of the newly Allied Nations was still going on, and it wouldn't be proper if one of the key members of the Dragon Empire had left the Summit early for seemingly no reason. Sigma's whereabouts were also still unknown and his intentions in the human world were still a mystery. As were his means and motives for teaming up with Sunset Shimmer. Perhaps he could ask Sunset about Sigma later. He still didn't trust her completely, but if she was really willing to change her ways and do good then any knowledge that she has could be of use to just him but the Alpha as well.

But just as he was about to refuse and begin the trip back to the Crystal Empire, his gaze wandered downward toward the smaller frame of Moon Dancer, who was still standing right beside him. The purple globes that she had as eyes that bore straight into his soul as he stare into them. And he just couldn't. He just couldn't refuse those eyes. Eyes that were so similar to those of Twilight Sparkle and yet at the same time so different. He couldn't explain why he had such a connection toward Moon Dancer and yet not towards Twilight. They were both smart, beautiful, powerful, and they looked so similar to each other. And yet, even during his time in the human world, he never saw Twilight in the same light as he did Moon Dancer. Twilight was certainly a friend, a close friend, an ally, and a comrade in arms against the forces of evil. Certainly, a mare that he would, and already as, risked his life multiple times to save. But still... Moon was different. She was just different, and he wanted to know why. Why did she turn his heart and mind in such a way not just Twilight but others did not. He needed to know. He needed to stay. Just a little longer. Just a little bit longer.

"Of course, I would love to stay." Theta finally answered well still looking down at Moon Dancer. The greyish-yellow mare's eyes growing even larger as he did.

"Excellent, then right this way. It's not that far." Lemon Hearts exclaimed with a pleasant smile on her muzzle as she lead her group of now, four friends, back toward the small restaurant.

As the group of ponies and one dragon made their way back to the small restaurant they were unaware for the entire time they had been watched by a hooded figure. The hidden figure removing her hood to reveal her long mohawk mane and striped body. The silent observer having a pleasant and pleased smile on her face as she watched the scene unfolding before her.

Back in the mountains on the far edges of the Equestria's border.

"What did you idiots do this time!" Adagio shouted as she entered the cave. Adagio's outburst taking Aria and Sonata off guard. The two other Sirens being in the middle of wrestling each other to the ground when Sigma and Adagio had entered.

The cave being an absolute mess. There being multiple fallen stalactites everywhere. Some of them having even fallen and crushed some stuff that happened to be underneath them. Including one large one that had fallen and crushed the tent that Sigma had already made before going to the human world and returning with his three new companions. Two of each were becoming increasingly a thorn in his side as time dragged on.

"It wasn't our fault!" Sonata exclaimed, pushing Aria off of her and holding up her forehooves in surrender.

"Yeah, what Sonata said." Aria joined with the blue Siren turned pegasus, while also sending Sonata an irritated glare her way. Even if Sonata hadn't spent longer than she could possibly remember with Aria and Sonata she would be able to recognize that they were lying to her. The extent of which, she still wasn't clear, but regardless she was going to enjoy watching the two of them squirm in order to for them to be clear from her wraith. Besides, releasing some of her pent-up frustration towards her fellow Sirens might also show Sigma that she was certainly still capable, even if her companions weren't.

"DO! NOT! LIE! TO ME!" Adagio's voice boomed off of the cave walls. The other two Sirens recoiling at their leader's outburst. The both of them seeming to be quickly reconsidering whether or not they really wanted to feel the full wraith of Adagio that day.

They quickly decided that no, they did not.

"It-it was that," Aria said pointing at the ground. Aria pointing her hoof toward a seemingly insignificant red gem that was currently half-buried in the dirt ground. The red gem being a part of a large amulet that had the image of a black alicorn with red eyes similar to the color of the gem itself. The amulet also having a thin black band that was attached to the base of the black alicorn at the top. Allowing the amulet to be worn like a necklace.

Adagio was about to go off on her idiotic companions again until she looked down at the gem in question. Adagio recognizing the gem almost instantly. A wave of both shock and slight fear washing over Adagio as she stared down the red gem beneath her. The red gem also faintly glowing as she stared down at it. The glowing gem giving of the eerie impression that it was alive with as the light of the glowing gem pulse of one's heartbeat.

The alicorn amulet, a magical artifact that rivaled her own gem in power. But the question still remained, where did it come from, and more importantly. How did Aria and Sonata come into possession of it?

"Where did you girl find that?" Adagio asked, pointing her hoof down the Alicorn Amulet.

Sonata was about to open her mouth to respond but she was able to get any words out as Sigma interjected into their conversation.

"They didn't. I did." Sigma said as he used his claws to pick the amulet out of the dirt. Sigma slightly shaking the amulet in his paw in order to shake off any remaining dirt off. The faint glowing of the gem coming to an end as Sigma held it in his outstretched paw.

Adagio's eyes widening at Sigma's words. How? How could he have found such a powerful artifact of dark pony magic? A dragon, sure an Alpha dragon, but still just a dragon. She needed to know, so she asked.

"H-how, how did you come across this?" Adagio asked still stunned at the prospect of being in such close proximity of such a powerful object.

"The same way that I am guessing these two did. Buried in the dirt."

"You found this is. One of the most magical objects in existence. In the dirt." Adagio asked not believing Sigma.

"Yes, it was half-buried in the dirt just outside of Ponyville, on the edge of the Everfree Forest. The pony that had used it last clearly having abandoned it quickly and with not much concern as to what happened to it." Sigma explained.

"I see." Adagio mumbled as she rub her lower chin with her left hoof in deep thought.

"Good thing too, as I have some big plans for this thing yet to come." Sigma said more to himself as he ran one of his claws over the gem's surface. The gem beginning to slightly glow once again as he did.

"Actually, we were going through your things." Sonata spoke up sheepishly, earning the ire of Aria. Sonata's words also catching the attention of Sigma. The black dragon retaining a rather neutral expression on his muzzle as he silently stared at Sonata. Sigma's blood-red eyes seeming bore straight through her skull.

"Sonata, do you want to survive to see the next sunrise!" Aria exclaimed irritated at the blued Siren. Aria beginning to raise one of her hooves clearly going to bonk Sonata for her perceived idiocy. Sonata beginning to recoil at the threat of physical punishment from the other Siren.

"That won't be necessary." Sigma interrupted before Sonata could get any such physical punishment. Sigma's calm words taking all three of the Sirens off guard as Sigma rose off the ground and to his full four-legged height. Sigma also taking the band that was attached to the amulet and brought it over his head that the amulet would hang down from his neck. The faint glow of the amulet growing to a definite pulse of red energy as it hung beneath Sigma's neck. Sigma's red eyes also gaining a faint azure glow as continued to silently stare at Sonata.

"You... you aren't mad?" Sonata asked Sigma confused.

"Hardly, if fact, I expected you two of you to search my belongings while Adagio and I were away. If I still don't trust you three completely, and I doubt you would trust me either." Sigma said to Sonata putting her slightly more at ease as he did.

"Alright, so what is it?" Aria asked.

"Yeah, when we touched it glowed all super brighty and magic energy exploded out of it some kind of firework." Sonata added, waving her hooves in the motion of mimicking the blast of a large explosion for emphasis.

"Yeah, that's what caused all of this." Aria finished in her usual monotone and matter-of-fact tone of voice.

"I see."

"It's the Alicorn Amulet. One of the most powerful magical artifacts ever made. You, two idiots, are lucky that you did blow yourself up with this thing." Adagio explained while also chastising her follow Sirens.

"We almost did," Aria grumbled underneath her breath but immediately went silent again when Adagio sent a look that could only be described as the look of death itself. Adagio's glare was brief, however, as she shifted her gaze and attention back to Sigma.

"You said that you had some great plans for this amulet?" Adagio asked.

"I did," Sigma answered with a nod of his head, prompting Adagio to continue.

"What kind of plans would that be exactly. If you are truly planning on taking over all of Equestria then we will have to be in the know of exactly what you are planning." Adagio asked with a lot of force being delivered with her words. Adagio wanted answers and she wanted them now. Sigma expected that she would demand answers sooner or later. He just wasn't expecting that it would be so soon. The sudden appearance of the Alicorn Amulet and the knowledge that Sigma was the one that had possession of it certainly quickly her desire for answers. Answers that Sigma was willing to give, well most of them anyway.

Sigma didn't intend to let them know everything that he was planning, and Adagio would be a fool if she thought he would tell her everything. Especially, if what he expected about his three new companions was true. But he would tell them enough, enough to make it clear that he wasn't some idiot kid with an extremely powerful shining rock in his possession. He had a plan and with the help of the three Sirens, mostly Adagio, he would be able to accomplish it.

"Relax, Adagio..." Sigma began calmly, holding up his right paw. Adagio's hardened expression loosening slightly as he continued. "You will get all of your answers soon enough." Sigma continued, Adagio's repressed anger beginning to build once again. She was being denied her answers again.

"There, better be a good reason for this." Adagio thought as she continued to stare the black dragon down. Sigma stared her down in equal measure. Adagio was slightly impressed by this dragon, not many were capable of keeping their composure under her iron gaze. Adagio would almost go far enough and say that it was admirable.


"But, before I do. The journey for all of us has been a long one and I'm sure that none of us have had any food during it." Sigma said taking the bag filled with the fish that Adagio and he had brought from the griffon village off his back and placing it on the dirt floor of the cave. The sight of potential food causing the more undisciplined expressions of Aria and Sonata to crack. Aria's normally irritated-looking eyes widening slightly while Sonata's mouth had already started "And if I am hungry. I'm certain that you are." Sigma as he gave a passing glance over at the other two Sirens, his of using food as a method of stalling for time working so far to perfection.

The question still remained. Did it work for Adagio?


It did.

The distinct sound of Adagio's stomach grumbling having broken the silence of the late evening air. Sigma also noticing Adagio's raspberry-colored eyes slightly widening and her muzzle flashing a slight shade of pink. Adagio breaking her stare down if Sigma as she turned away and grumbled a curse in a language that Sigma didn't understand underneath her breath. Probably the language of the Sirens, given that whatever she said caused the eyes of both Aria and Sonata to widen to the size of dinner plates.

"Damn, Adagio." Sigma heard Aria mumble under her breath.

A devilish grin spreading across Sigma's muzzle as he shifted his gaze back to Adagio. Adagio's steel-like gaze returning as Sigma could also see the barely contained rage hidden just below the surface. Rage at both the smug dragon in front of her as well as herself for falling for such an obvious attempt at stalling for time, and falling for it.

"Fine." Adagio spat bitterly, now even her own body betraying her at this moment. "I am a little hungry anyway," Adagio grumbled underneath her breath as she continued to internally curse her new pony body.

"Perfect, it shouldn't take long to prepare a fish for each of us." Sigma said as he opened the bag containing the fish that he and Adagio had bought earlier. The smell of fish now heavy in the air. A smell that Sigma wasn't the biggest fan of but seemed to have a pleasing effect on the Sirens. Sigma noticing that Aria's mouth was now open and beginning to water from the smell alone. "Each of you can choose your own," Sigma said as he pulled a long bass from the tail. Sigma's claws digging into the fish's still fresh flesh. Sigma spiting a small blast of fire from his mouth which ignited a small bundle of sticks, creating a moderately-sized fire that would more than enough to the fish.

"I want a trout!" Sonata exclaimed as she rushed over to the bag, not able to contain herself any longer. Sonata bouncing over and almost jumping into the bad as she pulled the largest trout out of the bag with nothing more than her teeth. Sonata not even bothering to cook the fish as she unceremoniously threw it down on the cave floor and began eating right then and there. Sonata's pony teeth having issues biting into the fish's scales, but she didn't seem to care and she continued to dig in like a common animal digging into their freshly caught meal.

Sonata being quickly followed by Aria who, at least compared to Sonata, was still able to keep her composure. Aria silently taking another trout, this one smaller than Sonata's, out of the bag. Aria spearing the fish with a stick and roasting it over the small fire.

"Adagio... your turn," Sigma said, shifting the bag of fish slightly closer to the third Siren. Adagio having not moved since agreeing to eat before Sigma divulged his plan to bring Equestria down to its knees.

Adagio didn't say anything as her unicorn horn ignited her crimson-colored magic. Adagio's using her magic to pick the smallest fish of them all, a bass, out of the bag.

"Don't think that this distraction leaves you off the hook." Adagio began as she used her magic to float the fish over the fish and slowly turn it over the blaze, cooking it. Adagio's gaze still focused on Sigma as she did so. "I still expect an answer when are done." Adagio finished as she shifted her gaze over to her small fish.

"And you will. That much I can assure you." Sigma said as he speared his fish with a stick in a similar manner as Aria did and held his fish over the fish, slowing turning in a similar manner as Adagio.

"You better." Adagio spat out, still looking at her fish, though Sigma could still feel her steely gaze on him as she continued. "I would hate it if all this time and effort to get here was for nothing." Adagio threatened as she took her fish off the fire. Making the motion with her magic that she was merely inspecting it, but it was clear to Sigma that she was merely using her peripheral vision to judge was Sigma's reaction was. Sigma doing her best to maintain as neutral of expression as he possibly could. Knowing that any sign of weakness in front of Adagio could have serious consequences.

"Don't worry Adagio, you will get your answers." Sigma thought as he stared at his fish that was still roasting over the small fire.

Back in the Crystal Empire. In the early morning hours before the sun had begun to rise.

"You wished to see me, Princess Celestia. Has something come up?" Zulu asked as he entered Princess Celestia's personal quarters. The white alicorn's room also including her sister, Princess Luna, and even her secret daughter Sunset Shimmer. Princess Celestia still being sprawled out across the entirety of her rather large bed as she patiently waited for Zulu's arrival.

Princess Celestia looking as if she had just lost several hundred years on her millennia-long lifespan. The white alicorn's coat was fuller, giving Zulu's the impression that it was made completely out of fleshly fallen snow. Her ethereal mane was flowing smoother, making Zulu think that one of the windows had to be open as it effortlessly flowed with the non-existent wind. Her smile was brighter, while she always had a pleasant adorning her muzzle this one seemed more genuine. Like it wasn't hiding anything darker underneath. Zulu certain that all of these, well individually subtle, changes to Princess Celestia's appearance and demeanor were due to the return of her daughter. Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset Shimmer being slightly off to her mother's left, Zulu's right, side. Sunset Shimmer's teal-colored eyes drooped slightly with noticeable bags underneath. Sunset Shimmer also blinking slightly faster than normal as she fought to stay awake at the early morning hour. Sunset Shimmer appearing, at least to Zulu's eye, being more a night pony than a morning one. Iconic, considering both her name as well as her mother. The younger mare having had been clearly woken up early by her mother.

Princess Luna also looked like she was about to fall asleep, but for a different reason. Rather than like Sunset having been woken up early, Princess Luna was nearly the end of her shift of watching over the night sky. It only being a few hours before she would trade-off duties to her sister to watch of the day as she got her sleep. Only to awake again for the following night and the process would repeat.

Though, Zulu did take note of the noticeable lack of Princess Cadence. The pink alicorn was nowhere to be seen in the moderately sized bedroom that Princess Celestia used as her personal quarters during the Summit. Zulu assuming that the absence of Princess Cadence and the presence of both himself as well as Sunset Shimmer not being a coincidence. Zulu not being surprised by this. Princess Cadence said she would do her best to make amends with both himself and Sunset Shimmer, but even the smallest scars can take a long time to heal. And the scars caused by Zulu and Sunset Shimmer were deep, especially those caused by Sunset Shimmer.

"Indeed, though probably not what you might be thinking," Celestia said raising to a now seated position on the bed. Zulu was intrigued by her wording. Zulu

"Go on." Zulu urged the white alicorn to continue.

"We have heard of reports of a strange disturbance that was caused near the outskirts of Ponyville I would like for you and Princess Twilight to investigate." Princess Celestia revealed, Princess Luna also nodding her head in agreement with her sister's words.

"A disturbance, what kind of disturbance?" Zulu asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Luna, if you would. You know about this issue better than I do." Princess Celestia motioned over to her sister. Luna clearing her throat as she stepped out of the shadows and into the candlelight of the small room.

"Of course." Princess Luna began as she addressed Zulu. "Three days ago a disturbance of a magical nature was detected on the outskirts of Ponyville. We are not sure what could've caused it. However, whatever it was it could've only been created by a magical object of extreme power. An object of such power we cannot risk falling into the possession of evil." Luna explained, her words sending Zulu into deep thought. He wasn't sure what such a powerful object, as Princess Luna claimed, would be doing in Ponyville but that was an issue for another time and place. Zulu instead making the connection to the suspicious similarity in the dates of this disturbance of a magical nature and his journey to the human world for Twilight and Theta. But he had to be sure that his suspicions were correct jumping to any conclusions.

"That would've been the same day that me, Princess Twilight, and Theta left for the human world." Zulu said getting an affirmative head nod from Princess Luna.

"Correct." Princess Luna said simply a pleasant forming on her muzzle, pleased that she and Zulu were indeed on the same page.

"Is it possible that these two instances could be directly related to each other?" Zulu pressed Princess Luna wanting to see if his hunch was correct and these two matters were indeed connected. The dark blue alicorn shaking her head as she brought up her right hoof to scratch her lower chin in thought. Zulu also noting that Sunset Shimmer's tightened up at the mention of his journey to the human world. Zulu was not sure if such a reaction was a good sign or a bad one.

"Not directly, but I doubt these two instances are completely unrelated." Luna stated, her words getting a head nod of agreement from her sister, who had since remained silent as Princess Luna explained the situation at hoof.

"I agree with my sister on that one." Celestia interjected into the conversation taking the lead in the discussion. Princess Luna retreating back into the shadows of the room as she allowed her sister to continue with her thought uninterrupted. "If these two matters are connected, then we may have an even larger issue on our hooves here." Princess Celestia stated, Zulu beginning to understand the true gravity of the situation now.

"So, that's why are discussing this in the early morning, in Princess Celestia's private quarters. They could risk any word of this leaking out, either it being intentional or not." Zulu thought, the lack of Princess Cadence and also Twilight making a bit more sense as well. Perhaps they wanted to tell each one of them this information in private individually for the same reason. Zulu knew well the art of deception, he was a changeling for the Darkness sake, and one of the most important aspects of it was controlling the flow of information. But Zulu needed to be sure before going any further. He wasn't dealing with Chrysalis, yet alone Omega, this was Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. The two alicorn sisters of Equestria, he had to be sure before even thinking that they were engaging in such an act of cloak and dagger tactics.

"Does Princess Cadence and Twi... Princess Twilight, know about this?" Zulu asked, before catching himself before he said Twilight's full name without her title. While the Princess' did seem to keep things more formal than most other monarchies, Zulu did still did have to maintain some level of formality in these discussions. He also didn't want to imply that his relationship with Twilight was anything other than professional and didn't go any further than being leaders of now allied nations.

"Princess Cadence was actually the one that brought this matter to my sister's attention a few hours ago, during her current shift of watching over the night." Princess Celestia explained. Answering even more of Zulu's questions regarding the pink alicorn. She wasn't here not because she didn't want to, she wasn't here because she didn't need to. Perhaps she actually did forgive him, but that was a matter for another time and place. "Princess Twilight will be informed of this, in private, once we are finished here." Princess Celestia continued adding more evidence to Zulu's theory that she was using this meeting in the early morning hour as a means of controlling the flow of information. But she was also smiling at him. This wasn't one of her usual neutral pleasant smiles that usually adorned the white alicorn's muzzle. This one was different. There was something hiding behind that smile, something that Zulu could detect. She knew something. But what.

"Why was she smiling?"

"Or you could tell her, Zulu. I'm certain that she would prefer to hear it from you than from me." Princess Celestia said, her knowing smile still adorning her muzzle. In fact, it even grew in size as she continued to speak. The reason for Princess Celestia's smile now being clear and it wasn't want Zulu was expecting.

She was teasing him. Princess Celestia was teasing him. One of the two leaders of Equestria was teasing him.

It was foolish for him and Twilight to think that their relationship would go unnoticed. But what he wasn't expecting was to be teased for it by one of the two sovereign leaders of Equestria for it.

Zulu couldn't stop himself from adverting his gaze away from the judging gaze of the other mares in the room. Zulu was sure if changelings were capable of it. He would be blushing bright pink at that moment. But lucky they couldn't so at least some of his dignity was spared for the time being.

"Indeed, I would then more than willing inform Princess Twilight of this new development," Zulu said turning to face Princess Celestia again.

"Excellent..." Celestia began returning to her usually regal self again, her earlier teasing of Zulu becoming little more than a distant memory. "... so if there isn't anything that needs to be said I think we can adjourn this meeting..." Celestia continued before being interrupted by the only one in the room that hadn't spoken yet, Sunset Shimmer.

"Could I go with them as well, mother?" Sunset spoke for the first time, catching the attention of the three leaders in the room. Sunset's cheeks turning a slight shade of pink as she realized that may have just made a major breakage of conduct. Sunset realizing her mistake of both speaking out of order as well as addressing Princess Celestia simply as her mother rather than by her title.

"Um... I mean... if you would allow it of course... Princess. If you deem my exclusion in this endeavor to both beneficial and necessary... um... your highness" Sunset backtracked, asking her request in a way that she thought would be more proper.

Sunset's mumbling of words earning a brief chuckle from Princess Celestia. Sunset's blush continued to grow but the fact that her mother didn't interrupt her urged her to continue speaking. So she did.

"I believe that my knowledge of magical artifacts could be a great asset to Princess Twilight and King Zulu." It is also possible that this might have to do with Sigma and whatever he is planning. If it is at all possible if we can also include Theta in this search." Sunset stated, her cheeks still pink but her words said with such confidence that Zulu could help but admire the unicorn for both her bravery and intelligence. She really was the daughter of Princess Celestia.

Princess Celestia's chuckling fell silent as her smile again shifted into now being one filled with happiness and admiration directed toward her daughter.

"You make a solid point Sunset Shimmer, we still do not know what Sigma is planning and it is possible that this disturbance does have to do with him." Princess Celestia said to Sunset Shimmer, supporting her daughter's suggestion. The unicorn's muzzle flushed an even brighter shade of pink as she had to avert her gaze from her mother, which only seemed to make her blush even worse. Sunset Shimmer mumbling a brief "thank you" under her breath as another brief chuckle came from Princess Celestia as she shifted her attention back to that of Zulu and her sister.

"My sister and I will have with the Alpha and see if including Theta in this endeavor can be arranged. Until then, I would suggest that you return to your quarters and inform Princess Twilight of this new development. We will meet up again in the throne room once a time for all of your departures to Ponyville as been set up." Princess Celestia said to Zulu, getting an admirative head nod from the changeling.

"Understood, I will do so right away," Zulu said, now standing at attention, like the soldier that he very much still was.

"Then it is settled," Celestia exclaimed, raising fully from her bed and taking a few steps towards one of the open windows in the room. The moon in its final moments of nighttime just above the mountainous horizon. The faintest specks of moonlight giving the smallest illumination over the night sky. The white alicorn's horn glowing in her golden magic as she took over control of the sky from her sister. The moon falling beneath the horizon, it being quickly replaced by the bright light of the sun now rising above to take its place. A new day for the world having come upon them all. A day that would be filled with more the one surprise for Zulu and the others in their journey to Ponyville.

Back in the mountains on the far edges of the Equestria's border.

"So, Sigma..." Adagio began matter-of-factly, catching the attention of Sigma who was laying down on the cave floor, as she finished her dinner for the night. Adagio having chosen to eat the smallest fish that she could find in order to ensure that she would fish before the rest and interrogate Sigma about his plans when she was ready and not when he was ready.

"You said that you would tell what your plans for taking over Equestria were once we had eaten. I am finished, so tell me what are your plans." Adagio demanded. Sigma remaining mostly unfazed by the Siren's words as he simply placed the piece of fish that had already been in his claws into his mouth and began chewing.

Sigma shallowing the piece of fish that he had been eating and then promptly clearing his throat before answering. "I will, but I have a question of my own to ask before I begin." Sigma stated well retaining a neutral expression on his muzzle.

"Alright, and what question would that be?" Adagio asked, irritated by Sigma's continued attempts to stall.

"Just how much do you actually know of the Alicorn Amulet?" Sigma asked, his words putting Adagio into deep thought.

"I know that it is one of the most powerful magical artifacts in existence. What else is there to know about it." Adagio said, a small smirk spreading across Sigma's muzzle as she did. "What does he know that I don't?" Adagio thought as she continued with her thought. "I'm more curious as to what your plans are with it. You aren't a unicorn, you have no magic, what possibly could an amulet that amplifies the magical abilities of another be of use to someone like you?"

"Alright, and what do you know about the Elements of Disharmony?" Sigma asked, thinking that she knew where he was going with this, but wanted to be sure.

"A myth, a legend. A rumored set of six powerful magical artifacts that when combined have the power to even equal that of the famed Elements of Harmony. The anti-Elements of Harmony." Adagio said, her gaze "It couldn't be, could it?" She thought, the Alicorn Amulet was famed for its sheer magical power, but could it really rival one of the six Elements of Harmony.

"I see." Sigma said simply as looked down at the red amulet that hung from her neck. "Well, I can tell you one thing. They are real, and you are looking at one of them." Sigma said holding the amulet that was still hanging from his neck in his claws.

"That is an Element of Disharmony?" Adagio said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. Actually, I'll let the amulet itself explain, it can do better than I ever could anyway." Sigma said, a look of confusion washing over Adagio as he did.

"I thought you would never ask." A deep masculine voice came from the amulet, taking the three Sirens by surprise. The amulet now glowing a bright crimson and pulsing every time it spoke a word, similar to how an actual mouth would be moving.

"It talks!" Sonata exclaimed, jumping to her hooves.

"Of course I can talk, how do you think Sigma found this portal to the human world in the first place, seer dumb luck." The amulet said, slightly insulted by Sonata's reaction to his speaking.

"Wait, that's how you found this place?"

"Indeed, I may be resourceful, not even I can do everything on my own."

"Indeed, I am an Element of Disharmony. The name Alicorn Amulet is merely the name that I earned as time passed and knowledge of my true power and potential was lost along with it. My true name is the Element of Witchcraft, my despised cousin and rival being the Element of Magic." The amulet said, speaking of the Element of Magic as if it was its own sentient being.

"The Element of Witchcraft, so I am guessing the other five also have their names as well?" Adagio asked beginning to fully understand what was happening and exactly what Sigma was planning on doing. Equestria was protected by the Elements of Harmony, defeating them would not be easy. What better way of fighting them the to use their actual counterparts. The idea was genius, but whether or not it would work was a different matter entirely.

"You are correct. The six of us all have our own unique names and Element of Harmony as our counterparts. Myself and the Element of Magic. The Element of Deceit and the Element of Honesty. The Element of Cruelty and the Element of Kindness. The Element of Mockery and the Element of Laughter. The Element of Greed and the Element of Generosity. And finally the Element of Betrayal and the Element of Loyalty. Each of us also have our own bearers, in the same manner as our Harmonic cousins." The amulet explained.

"Six bearers, like with the Elements of Harmony?" Aria asked, taking a moment away from her meal to engage with the current conversation going on between Sigma and Adagio.

"Exactly, these Elements of Disharmony are a direct mirror to their Harmonic cousins. But instead of creating harmony and peace, they cause chaos and destruction." Sigma said, even Sonata looking like was now in deep thought regarding all of this new information. Perhaps Sigma had judged Sonata unjustly, perhaps.

"Well, if are going to use these Elements we will have to find their bearers. How, where are they?" Sonata spoke for the first time, making a surprisingly valid point.

"I have that already sorted out. Amulet, would you like to explain." Sigma said passing off further explanation regarding the Elements of Disharmony to the amulet that was currently wrapped around his neck.

"Indeed, I can detect the location of not only the other Elements of Disharmony but also the bearers of those respective Elements. Though, the only one that I can pinpoint exactly is my own. The rest I can only get a vague understanding of their location in relation to the Element that they are connected to." Amulet explained.

"That will be enough for our purposes, once we find all of the Elements, finding their bearers should be the easy part," Adagio stated. The more and more she heard of Sigma's plan the more and more she began to support it.

"I agree. We already have one, so we focus on finding the bearer for the Element of Witchcraft." Sigma said, earning a head nod of agreement from Adagio.

"I agree," Adagio said, shifting her attention over the Element of Disharmony that was currently hanging from Sigma's neck. "So now with all of that out of the way. Amulet, where exactly is your bearer located?" Adagio asked the red gem. The gem briefly glowing slightly brighter before returning to its original modest shine of deep crimson.

"Fillydelphia, they have just reached the outskirts of Fillydelphia. They are traveling in a covered wooden wagon drawn by my bearer herself." The voice of the Amulet said simply before falling silent once again. A devilish grin spreading across Sigma's muzzle at the news.

"Well, there you go Adagio. Now you know how am planning on taking over Equestria, and where we will have to go in order to begin. Are you satisfied?" Sigma asked with a devilish grin plastered on his muzzle. A grin that he shared with Adagio.

"Indeed. Indeed, I am."

On the outskirts of Fillydelphia.

A single horse wagon pulled by a single unicorn mare reached the outskirts of Equestria's third-largest city of Fillydelphia, only being Manehattan and Canterlot. The wagon being a small wagon that is only large enough to hold a single occupant and their belongings. The wagon being painted purple with golden accents on the trim and spokes of the wheels. The wagon also having a small window in the center with purple-colored shutters with the same golden accents. Aside from the purple paint and golden accents, the wagon was covered with images of light blue and gold stars. The wagon giving the impression of the mobile base of a traveling circus or magic act.

"Finally, now the Great and Powerful Trixie has arrived in the great city of Fillydelphia to make her mark on the world. Using this newfound opportunity to better herself and all of those ponies around her!" The owner of the cart, a light blue unicorn by the name of Trixie exclaimed to no one in particular. The unicorn talking about herself in the third person for seemingly no reason either. The unicorn also wearing a purple magician's hat and cape covered in the same shapes light blue and golden stars as the wagon.

The light blue unicorn was happy that she had just set her sights on a new opportunity to better her life. Her being unaware in the distant mountains surrounding Ponyville a certain three Sirens and one dragon had set their sights on her as well, even though they didn't exactly know it just yet.

And those sights were on her. Trixie Lulamoon, the unknowing bearer of one of the Elements of Disharmony. The anti-Element of Magic, the Element of Witchcraft.

Author's Note:

I'm back, four years too late, but I am back. Really, I never left, I just stopped writing. Both because due to my job cutting into my time, even during Covid I still worked, and me simply no longer being interested in writing the story following what caused me to leave the fandom in the first place. Something which I won't go into here. I still don't consider myself a brony anymore, I stopped watching the show the Season 7 premiere and never watched it again, but I do still engage in some pony content from time to time. But, now for the topic at hand. I am back to writing Tale of the Second Alpha again. I actually tried to write it again a year or so ago but just couldn't find the motivation after so long of being away from it. But now I do. For now. I also planned on completely scrapping it and rewriting it again after I reread many of the older chapters and cringed at my early writing. But I just couldn't find a way of starting in order to do it all over again. Anyway, I am back, and hopefully, I will be able to stay and continue writing until Tale of the Second Alpha is finished.

It was actually strange doing this again after being so long away. And after writing all of this again I say that I did miss this, even if I hadn't realized it. I missed writing Theta, Sigma, Zulu, and the rest. Hopefully, I can keep my motivation up some that this won't be just a single time. Only time will see.

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