• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 3,014 Views, 146 Comments

The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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The Fall of a Kingdom (Omega's Return)

"You... You Traitor!" Rainbow yelled at Sigma. Her having to have Applejack hold her back by her tail, to prevent her from attacking Sigma. A fight that the cyan pegasus was bound to lose in seconds.

"No... I'm not a traitor." Sigma said to Rainbow Dash, turning away from his unconscious brother to face the six ponies directly. Fluttershy fainting out of fright as the corrupted alpha approached the six ponies. "I'm merely just joining the winning side." Sigma said to the Mane Six, at least, the ones that were still conscious.

"I failed to see the difference!" Twilight barked at Sigma.

"The difference is how history views you when all is said and done." Sigma said to Twilight, a crooked grin appearing on his face.

"You and Omega haven't won yet!" Rainbow yelled at Sigma, breaking free of Applejack's mouth.

"Rainbow! Don't!" Twilight called out to her friend, but it was too late. Rainbow was already blasting toward Sigma at top speed. Sigma just smiled a crooked smile as his easily snatched Rainbow out of the air and slammed her to the ground beneath his claws. The tile of the room cracking from the impact.

Sigma slightly raised his claws above Rainbow, the pegasus completely winded from the attack by Sigma. only to slam his entire nearly one-ton body weight onto Rainbow Dash. Shattering all of Rainbow's bones on the right side of her body along with all of the bones in her right wing in multiple, blood-chilling, snaps. Rainbow cried out in pain as her bones shifted inside her body.

"Rainbow!" Twilight cried out to her broken friend. Sigma slowing raising his claws off of Rainbow's body. Two ponies down, only four more to go.

Sigma began to walk closer to the four other ponies, them cornered and with no escape. Sigma continued to stalk his potential next meals, him finding the unconscious pegasus to look particularly appetizing. He always wondered what roasted pony tasted like. A chuckle escaping past Sigma's lips, his heart and soul now as black as his scales.

"You won't win Sigma!" Twilight barked at Sigma, trying to sound as intimidating.

"I highly doubt that princess." Sigma said in a mocking tone to the purple alicorn. Twilight's purple eyes narrowing as her horn began to glow a bright magenta.

"Why's that?" Twilight snarled between her grinding teeth.

"Ha... your real princesses are missing." Sigma said to Twilight. Twilight's stone hard face beginning to crack as Sigma continued.

"Your capital is completely destroyed and burning to the ground." Sigma continued, Twilight taking a step backward in fear. Zulu watching the scene going down with deep interest, his Warp Spear ready if need be.

"Your oldest friend has been turned into nothing more but a mindless beast that destroys everything in his path." Sigma said to Twilight, the purple alicorn's once stern face now being on the brink of tears. "Or, at least, he was." Sigma said, looking over at the unconscious body of Spike. His purple scales covered in the shattered glass from the stained glass windows and the rubble of the castle. "Well, two others are either broken beyond repair or too scared to even defend herself." Sigma said speaking of the broken body of Rainbow Dash, and the recently fainted body of Fluttershy. Rarity standing protectively over the unconscious pegasus.

"Your only defense against the horrors of this world laying in a pile rubble with his throat ripped out." Sigma said speaking of Alpha, the massive red dragon laying unconscious in the rubble of the throne room.

"All the dragons of Equestria are under the command of Omega, and destroying all of Equestria as I speak." Sigma said to Twilight, him now mere inches from Twilight's face. The once strong looking alicorn, reduced to nothing more than a tumbling foal. "Trust me, princess... you were anything in this endeavor. You would be massacred." Sigma said to Twilight, the black scales on his chest beginning to glow a bright red.

Twilight just let out a defeated sigh, her accepting her fate, as unglorified as it might be.

"That's enough!" Zulu cried out warping out of the shadows behind Sigma, his Warp Spear crackling to life.

"What..." Sigma began to say as one of the ends to Zulu's spear was stabbed in his back. Sigma roaring out in pain as the blade burned into his flesh. "GET OFF ME!" Sigma roared, bucking Zulu off of his body, his spear still lodged in his back. Sigma raising onto his hind legs as he tried to get the spear out of his back. Zulu landing just in front of Twilight and her other friends. Fluttershy jumping back to

Zulu landing just in front of Twilight and her other friends. Fluttershy jumping back to life, only to scream as the frist thing she saw was the bug-like body of Zulu.

"Changeling!" Fluttershy cried out.

"Go!" Zulu called out at the five ponies, Rainbow Dash watching the scene unfolding in front of her in shock, fear, and pain. Her unable to move her body, her right legs broken in several places.

"What?" Twilight asked Zulu, surprised that a changeling had just saved their lives.

"GO! I'll hold off Sigma." Zulu ordered at Twilight.

"What about Rainbow?" Fluttershy cried out. Zulu groaned in frustration, his crooked horn glowing a bright green. The broken body of Rainbow Dash being surrounded by the same green magic. Zulu carefully setting the cyan pegasus on the back of Applejack.

"There's your friend. Now GO!" Zulu ordered at Twilight, the purple nodding in agreement. Sigma ripping Zulu's spear out of his break with his teeth and shattering it with his powerful jaws. Sigma letting out a roar of anger and annoyance. The six ponies then raced out of the destroyed throne room, Rainbow still on the back of Applejack.

"Am I the only one wonderin' why we were just saved by a changelin'." Applejack asked Twilight, the orange earth pony having to run faster than usual with the weight of Rainbow on her back.

"I don't know Applejack, but we can worry about that later. Right now we need to worry about getting our flanks out of her alive." Twilight said to Applejack.

"Copy that Twi." Applejack said in response, the six ponies trying to find the safest way out of the crumbling castle.

"You think that one tiny weapon can defeat me!" Sigma roared at Zulu, the changeling's horn glowing a bright green.

"No, good thing that's not my only weapon." Zulu said, the two fire/magic blades of his Warp Blade flashing out his right foreleg. The duel blades scorching the ground beneath him. Another one of his Warp Spears forming out of the shadows around him, the two blades of the weapon flashing out at both ends. The spear-like weapon hover in his green magic in midair, on the left side of his body.

It was a little strange to think about that only about month earlier Zulu was part of a changeling task force sent to destroy Canterlot, and now he was trying to defend it from certain destruction. It is a little scary just how much can change in a short amount of time.

"Typical..." Sigma grunted in frustration. His chest beginning to glow a bright red again.

Zulu timed his movements perfectly as his opened his bug-like wings just as Sigma like out a blast of his red fire, the fire scorching the ground were Zulu was standing. Taking advantage of his air superiority Zulu fired a blast from his crooked horn at Sigma. The beam of green magic hitting Sigma directing in the face.

Sigma roaring out as the magic began to superheat his scales. Sigma's vision was slightly burly by the beam from Zulu, but he was still able to fire a blast of his red fire in Zulu's direction. The fired missed its mark, but it was enough for Zulu's to break his concentration. Zulu's beam fizzling out and his spear from the sky. It impacting itself in the ground beneath Zulu.

Sigma took advantage of Zulu's loss of concentration to fire another blast of his red fire at Zulu, this fire hitting its mark. The fire licking at the bug-like body of Zulu, the fire scorching the skin that made up his wings. Zulu plummeting toward the ground in a cry of pain.

Zulu tried to climb to his hooves, only for him to be slammed back into the ground by the weight of Sigma's massive claws above him. Sigma making sure to apply just enough pleasure to make sure that Zulu couldn't escape, but also not too much to break any of the changeling's bones.

"You not going anywhere." Sigma said down to Zulu, his blackened body towering over Zulu. His chest beginning to glow a bright red.

"So what is your plan here?" Zulu questioned Sigma, his words filled with sarcasm. "Are you going to roast me, cook me, and then eat me. Is that your plan in this situation." Zulu said to Sigma, him not getting the response he was expecting.

"Why yes... I do." Sigma said down to Zulu, a crooked smile appearing on his face. The stone hard face of Zulu was gone, now being stretched with the look of pure terror. The thought of him becoming another creature meal chilled him to his hollow bones.

"I was never that fond of bugs as a hatchling..." Sigma continued to speak, scratching his lower jaw with his free foreleg. Zulu petrified in fright as the black dragon towering above was seriously considering eating him."But I guess your more fleshy bits will be able to counteract the poor taste." Sigma continued to speak, him finding a twisted delight in Zulu small movements of pure terror underneath his claws.

Unbeknownst to both Sigma and Zulu, the unconscious body of Theta began to stir. His closed orange-sized eyes beginning to drift in every direction as he tried to return to the waking world.

"Yes... I believe a nice side of sapphires will help masked the taste as you go down my throat." Sigma said, his knife-like teeth showing in a crooked grin. A small red fire beginning to build in his mouth.

"Wait! You shouldn't eat me, I have poisonous skin or something." Zulu cried out, trying anything to not get eaten.

"I highly doubt that." Sigma said, raising his one of his eyebrows. One of Sigma's claws piercing the silk-like skin of Zulu, the black dragon having no perceivable effects. Sigma knew that Zulu was just saying anything as to not get eaten. But he couldn't just stop from enjoying the look of pure terror that was plastered in Zulu's blank green eyes.

"But... but..." Zulu tried to find his words. Sigma opening his mouth, the cracking of his red fire building in his throat coming out of his mouth.

Theta's green eyes began to drift open and closed. His vision burly, him only seeing be able to see a few feet in front of him. As his vision began to readjust and clarify he began to make out two distant shapes. One a large black wingless dragon that Theta instantly recognized as the body of his brother, Sigma. Theta's mind was then flooded with the memory of his brother's betrayal, and his blood began to boil, literally, with anger. His anger was only increased when he saw that Sigma was standing above the defenseless body of Zulu.

Theta's vision instantly focused on the red fire that was beginning to fall out of Sigma's mouth. The almost liquid fire of Sigma falling out of his mouth and onto the tile floor like small red raindrops. The drops of fire singed the tile floor as it hit the ground. Theta willed his battered body to move. His muscles slowly beginning to heed his command as he slowly began to rise off of the destroyed golden throne that his brother has slammed him into. There wasn't a muscle on Theta's body the didn't hurt on some capacity.

Zulu was unable to see anything above him expect Sigma, but his advanced hearing was able to hear the movements of Theta, and his spirits quickly began to rise.

"You can't win." Zulu said up to Sigma, a smug look appearing across Sigma's muzzle.

"How's that?" Sigma asked Zulu disinterested.

"Simple... you lack the ability to make others follow you." Zulu said, him saying anything in order to buy Theta a little more time.

"Did you not see Omega's control over all of the dragons." Sigma said down to Zulu, the black dragon red fire beginning to retreat down his throat.

"But you lack the ability for them to follow you..." Zulu said, pausing for dramatic effect. "Willing." Zulu said to Sigma. The black dragon's fire returning to his mouth.

"You are going to regret saying that!" Sigma roared, opening his mouth to roast Zulu alive.

Just before Sigma could roast Zulu arrive a massive pain came piercing through his neck. Sigma roared out in pain and fired his red flames directly into the sky. The red flames rocketing through the open room of the destroyed throne. The napalm-like flames falling down toward the ground, lighting all its surroundings.

Sigma reared up onto his hind legs, releasing Sigma from his massive claws. Zulu had to roll out the way as Sigma's body came slamming back down, the black dragon trying top best to shake his brother off of his neck. Theta teeth were not that deep in Sigma's flesh, only enough to hold him in position as Sigma bucked back and forth trying to shake Theta off of him.

After a few seconds of thrashing his head back and forth, Sigma forced Theta to let go of his neck and to go flying onto the tile floor. His almost one-ton body cracking the tile underneath him. Sigma roared at Theta as his brother struggled to his feet. Theta letting out a weak roar in response, his many cracked and/or broken ribs not making it easy for him to breathe.

Zulu scrambled to his hooves, in a manner to assist Theta, only for Theta to stop him. "Go." Theta said to Zulu, a stunned look of shock appearing on the changeling's face.

"But Theta..." Zulu began to argue with Theta. No, more like, he pleaded with Theta.

"Go!" Theta roared, or at least, the best that he could manage, at Zulu. Theta's voice raspy and weak from a full of fighting nonstop.

"Yes go..." Sigma began, his gaze still locked on that of Theta. "I have some... unfinished business with my brother." Sigma said to Zulu, his red eyes burning with hatred. Theta letting a low growl as Zulu reluctantly warped into the shadows of the destroyed throne room.

"What has happened to you Sigma?" Theta asked his brother. The two twin dragons walking around each in a massive circle, like two, large scaled wolves.

"I told you Theta. I have discovered my true calling in this world. A calling that doesn't include you." Sigma barked at Theta, the white dragon physically hurt from his brother's words.

"So you have decided to join Omega?" Theta asked his brother. Theta's movements coming to a stop. "Abandon our Alpha." Theta said to Sigma, looking over toward the unconscious body of their mentor laying in the rubble of the crumbling castle.

"Yes... yes, and I believe you should do the same." Sigma said to Theta. Theta taking a step back, appalled by the mere mention of betraying his mentor.

"I would never betray the Alpha!" Theta roared at Sigma, him slightly grunting in pain shortly afterward.

"So be it..." Sigma growled, charging at Theta.

Sigma slammed into his brother. Hitting him just underneath his right shoulder. Sigma lifting Theta in the air. Theta roared out in pain as his swung his left claws across Sigma's face. His claws scraping across Sigma faces, two small cuts on his snout forming.

Due to Theta's weakened state, Sigma was easily able to overpower Theta, lift him entirely off the ground, and slam him into the ground. Theta' body causing the entire castle to shake.

"Ugh!" Theta groaned in pain, him being silenced as Sigma began to dig his blackened claws into Theta's neck.

"I don't want to kill you brother. But I think that you have given me no choice." Sigma said to Theta, him raising his free claws into the air. Ready to strike his brother down.

Everything in Canterlot became dead quiet as the unconscious mountain-sized dragon that was laying the rubble of the ruined castle began to move. Alpha giant green eyes flashed open, only to see his two apprentices locked in a battle to the death.

"No, not again." Alpha thought to himself as his slowly began to raise his massive head off the ground.

Alpha began to rise up from his laying position on the destroyed castle letting out a roar. Large drops of his red blood from the massive wound in his neck and falling toward the ground.

The roar by Alpha caught the attention of Omega. "So... you finally decided to join the realm of the living." Omega said to his brother, the giant dragon's word burning with sarcasm.

Sigma let go of Theta's neck and walked over to the giant hole in the throne were Alpha had slammed into it. Just to watch the fireworks between the two giant dragons go down.

"You can break me Omega." Alpha began to say to Omega, the wounded giant slowly making his way over to his brother. The massive footsteps of the giant red dragon being the only sound in the ruined city of Canterlot. Even the crackling of the maroon fires seeming to come to a stop. "You can take the alpha status away from me." Alpha continued to roar at Omega, looking around the world around to see multiple fires caused by dragons burning in distant town and cities. Omega keeping the same neutral expression across his face as the giant dragon continued to limp closer to him. "You might even be able to turn one my own apprentices against me." Alpha continued speaking of Sigma, him now only a few hundred yards in front of Omega. "But as long as I am alive, and there is still, at least, one good alpha that follows me. Then you will never win." Alpha spat at Omega.

"Then will just have to remove you from the equation." Omega said simply, his one golden splitting into a half. One-half retaining its golden color, the other half turning an olive green.

As the tension in the destroyed city began to grow the strange sound that sounded like the flapping of over a million flies at once began to build in the sky. All eyes, pony, and dragon alike shifted their attention to the hills that marked the southern border of Equestria. Then a large moving black cloud began to the form across the sky the blood red sky of Equestria.

"Changelings." Alpha snarled at the ever increasing black cloud that was forming above Equestria.

"I will give you this one and only offer Delta." Omega said to his brother.

"What is it Omega?" Alpha snapped at his brother, him completely abandoning his original plan to bring Omega back to the light.

"I allow for you and your one remaining apprentice to leave and live the rest of your lives in peace." Omega began to negotiate with his twin brother.

"Are you banishing me, Omega?" Alpha asked his brother, him fully aware of the answer that he was going to receive.

"Yes, indeed I am." Omega said to Alpha, the black dragon's words surprisingly calm.

"What happens if I refuse?" Alpha asked Omega, fearing the answer.

"Then well..." Omega paused, the massive black cloud filled with changelings beginning to slowly move toward Canterlot. "I assume that you would hate to responsible for the extinction of an entire species." Omega patronized Alpha. Alpha growling at the words of his brother.

"Don't try to guilt trip me, Omega." Alpha spat at Omega, his orange rushing through his veins like a river of molten magma.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Omega said sarcastically, only adding to Alpha's anger. "I'm just using your own logic against you. Omega spat at Alpha. Alpha grunted in frustration before he was hit by a stomach turning realization.

Alpha let out a defeated sigh before responding. "You promise that if I agree to your demands that no pony will hurt, and that you will leave Equestria in peace?" Alpha asked Omega, knowing that he should take his brother's words at face value.

"You have my word." Omega said, a twisted grin appearing on his face.

Alpha was then put into deep thought, contemplating if his brother was indeed worthy to be trusted. "Fine... I have accepted your offer Omega. I will spend the rest of my life in exile." Alpha said in defeat, a crooked grin of victory appearing on Omega's face

"No..." Theta mumbled out, struggling to his feet. In a complete state of shock.

"Excellent... your banishment, along with your single apprentice's banishment begins right now." Omega roared, a massive swipe from one of his claws hitting Alpha right across the face. Sending Alpha falling into a half-destroyed hotel in the city. The hotel crumbling from the impact.

Alpha slowly rose from the rubble that he had created and began to slowly walk out of the destroyed city.

"Alpha!" Theta called after his mentor as the wounded giant began to leave the destroyed city of Canterlot. The massive dragon only continued to walk out of the crumbling city.

"Alpha!" Theta repeated, doing his best to run after the giant dragon. "Alpha, you can't just give up!" Theta called up to the massive dragon. Alpha only continuing in his long march toward exile, him completely ignoring the younger alpha below him.

"Alpha, stop!" Theta roared up at the larger dragon. The larger dragon coming to a stop. His massive crane of a neck slowly turning to look down at Theta.

Once Theta knew that he had gotten Alpha's attention he began to speak to him.

"You can't just give into Omega's demands. You are the Alpha!" Theta roared up to Alpha.

"No Theta, no I am not. I am not the Alpha, at least... not anymore. That title goes to Omega, the one that deserved it in the first place." Delta said, reverting back to his original name.

"But... but you can't just give up." Theta pleaded with his 'mentor', not wanting to believe what he was hearing.

"Yes Theta, yes I can." Delta said trying to end the conservation. "And I recommend that you do the same." Delta said finishing the talk between the two dragons. Him continuing to walk toward the... toward... whatever was the quickest way out of Equestria.

Theta's heart felt like it was about to explode. Him collapsing onto his haunches, on the verge of tears. Then Theta began to survey the destruction around him. The collapsed and/or burning building of the once great city of Canterlot. Theta tried his best to fight back his tears, but eventually, even the greatest dams give way and small clear tears began to flow down his white scales. At first like a small leaking faucet and then soon becoming a raging river of sadness.

"What do I do now." Theta whimpered to himself. His gaze shifting toward the southern border of Equestria. The massive black cloud of changelings now completely blocking out the sun.

Theta slowly rose to his feet and began to slowly walk out of the ruined city of Canterlot. Him catching up to his 'mentor' and climbing onto the tail of Delta. The giant dragons tail dragging across the ground.

"So... you decided to join me in exile." Delta said to Theta, not turning his head to look at the white dragon.

"I guess so." Theta said just loud enough for Delta to hear. Theta's eyes began to flutter as he drifted off into a round of nightmare filled sleep. Him clinging onto one of the many small spikes, in comparison to Delta's body, of Delta's tail as he slept.

"Twi..." Applejack began to say to Twilight, Rainbow Dash still unconsciousness on the orange earth pony's back. The cowpony's words find with fear.

"What is it Applejack?" Twilight asked Applejack, still busy searching the ruined castle for the Elements of Harmony.

"You need to see what's going on outside." Applejack said.

"I'm not that interested in the destruction of my hometown thank you very much." Twilight snapped.

"No darling, this is something that you would want to see." Rarity joined with Applejack.

"Fine. But, I don't you girls could be possibly considering..." Twilight began to say, her falling silent as he looked on the three other alicorns staring down Omega.

"What are the princesses doing?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't know, but it can't be good."

You said that you would leave Equestria in peace!" Celestia yelled up to Omega, a snarl on her face.

"I am altering the deal. Pray that I don't alter it any further." Omega roared down to Celestia, trying to get some response from the white alicorn.

"You can't do this!" Celestia barked back at the giant dragon, getting a laugh out of Omega.

"I can't. Ha, ha, ha, of course, I can!" Omega roared stomping his massive claws on the ground of the ruined city, his one black eye seeming to shine in the red sky above Equestria. The ever increasing black cloud of changelings beginning to blacken out the sun. "I like to see you try to stop me." Omega said, bringing his massive head down to Celestia's eye level. The white alicorn looking like an ant next to Omega.

"Oh, I intend to." Celestia spat back, literally, at Omega. Some of the white alicorn's saliva landing on the muzzle of Omega.

"We intended to!" Luna joined her sister. Cadence just behind the two alicorn sisters. The alicorns' horn all exploding with their respective aura of magic. Celestia gold, Luna dark blue, and Cadence sky blue.

Omega let out another laugh that would make even send a chill down the spine darkest creatures in the Everfree Forest. Omega returning to his full height.

"You honestly believe that your pony magic can defeat me?" Omega said down to the three alicorns, another bone-chilling laugh escaping Omega's mouth.

"We can, and we will." The three alicorns all said at once. Them firing their three respective beams at Omega, at the same time. Them all hitting their massive target. Their three beams of magic all hitting Omega just underneath his lower jaw. The giant laughing through the entire experience. The three alicorn's magic doing nothing more than giving a slight tickle.

"You ponies are pathetic." Omega chuckled, his chest beginning to glow a bright maroon color.

"Come on girls, all together now." Celestia said to the two other alicorns. All of their horns erupting with even brighter colors of light. Twilight and her friends having to shield her eyes from the brightness. The three beams combining into one massive beam of magical death. The beam hitting Omega squarely in the face.

Omega reared up on his hind legs and let out a roar of both slight pain and annoyance. Omega let out a blast of his maroon fire. The fire colliding with the multicolor magical beam from the three alicorns.

Omega's fire and the alicorn's magic beam collided in a massive explosion of fire, magic, and light. As the dust from the two attacks of unbelievable power subsided the three alicorns were on the ground, all three of them exhausted.

The three alicorns tried to struggle to their hooves. Only for the massive claws of Omega to force them back down to the ground. Omega using just enough force to trap the three alicorns, but not to severely injure them.

"You are no longer in charge of this kingdom." Omega said directly to Celestia, knowing that Luna was more of a decorative item than an actual co-ruler of Equestria.

"You haven't won yet... ah!" Celestia began to argue, only for Omega to increase the pressure of his claws on the white alicorn's body.

"You were saying princess." Omega said to Celestia, lowering his massive crane of a neck down to the three alicorn's eye level.

"I am the new ruler of Equestria, and if want to stop me. You going to have to do a lot more than just three tiny beams of magic." Omega said to the three alicorns trapped underneath his claws.

"Twilight, we need to get out of here." Applejack said to Twilight. The purple alicorn in a complete state of shock. Her just witnessing her former mentor, her mentor's little sister, and sister-in-law all get defeated by Omega. "Twilight, are you listening to m?" Applejack asked Twilight, snapping her out of her trance.

"Oh yes, of course." Twilight dumbly, reverting her eyes from the takeover by Omega.

"But where would we go?" Fluttershy asked her friends. Her clinging to the right foreleg of Rarity, her squeaking every time Omega let out a roar. "We can't stay in Canterlot for... obvious reasons, and the rest of Equestria is currently being destroyed by dragons. I don't even think that Ponyville will be an option." Fluttershy said, putting all of her friends into deep thought.

"What about the Everfree Forest." Rainbow Dash suggested. The words from the injured pegasus a surprise to all the ponies.

"RD, you are supposed to be restin." Applejack scolded the pegasus. Rainbow only grunting in both frustration and pain.

"No!" Rainbow yelled, or at least, the best she could manage. "If we are going to abandon Canterlot, then I get to add my voice to the debate. And I think that the Everfree Forest is the best idea." Rainbow Dash grunted, her shattered ribs making very difficult for her to speak with power behind her words.

"That just might work." Twilight said, rubbing her chin with her hoof. Twilight doing her best to block out the roars of Omega.

"Really?" Rarity and Applejack said as one.

"Yes, and like Fluttershy said Ponyville might not be safe. Plus we all know that the Everfree Forest is one of the most feared places in Equestria. The Everfree might just be our best option." twilight said, explaining her reasoning to her friends.

All of Twilight friends slowly nodded their heads in agreement, including Rainbow Dash. Twilight's horn then erupted into her magenta magic as she cast a teleportation spell on herself as well as her friends. Twilight teleporting all of her friends into the edge of the Everfree Forest. Omega beginning to turn Equestria into nothing more than a shattered form of its former self. Becoming nothing more than the first colony in the expansion of the Dragon Empire. Omega returning the Dragon Empire back to its glory days of the ancient past.

Zulu materialized on the peak of the mountain that Canterlot had been built into. Him having a perfect view of the destruction that Omega had created.

"Wow..." Zulu mumbled to himself. Him taking in the pure destruction that he was witnessing.

Then a thought came to Zulu had thought that made him begin to realize just how he had grown since living the hive. He remembered when he used to have dreams of Canterlot, and all of Equestria for that matter, being engulfed in flames. His Queen, Chrysalis, standing ruling above all of the ponies beneath her, him at the Queen's side as her most trusted lieutenant.

A dream that Zulu remembered having only a few months earlier.

"Wow! It's amazing how much life can change in just one month." Zulu thought to himself. The changeling staring off into the distance. The massive body of Delta walking off into the setting sun of the west. Celestia now being forced by Omega to lower her own sun.

"What do we do know?" Zulu asked himself. His eyelids beginning to waver, before completely closing. Zulu drifting off into his own nightmare filled sleep of his own.

Author's Note:

I apologize that this chapter took a little longer than usual, the ending took a while to write. I was also hit with a little bit of writer's block and I was busy Monday and Tuesday. Sorry, Gargon94 for nearly killing Zulu, and having fun while doing so. I also hope you like the little backstory that I added to Zulu's character.

Damn, I wrote Sigma dark in this chapter, literally. I've been reading a lot of Fallout Equestria lately, and I think it shows.

Omega's line "I am altering the deal. Pray that I don't alter it any further." Is a direct quote from Star Wars: Episode V The Emperor Strikes Back.

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