• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 3,014 Views, 146 Comments

The Tale of the Second Alpha - Bergen

Equestria, the vast land ruled by ponies. But this was not always the case. Long before the rule of the princesses Equestria was ruled by dragons the leader which was the Alpha. This is the tale of the Second Alpha.

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A Canterlot Awakening (The Awoken)

At about midnight Celestia was busying wandering through the halls, still not pleased at the current behavior of her star student, Twilight Sparkle. "What has gotten into Twilight. I sure hope that she doesn't end up like Sunset." Celestia thought to herself, remembering the student that she had before Twilight. A student that hadn't turned out so well. These thoughts bounced around in her head as she neared the part of the castle that held the private quarters of royalty.

Her personal thoughts came to an abrupt halt, when she heard a familiar voice cry out in pain. "Luna!" Celestia cried out as she burst through the room the that lead to the baloney, where the blue alicorn was watching over the night.

The first thing she saw was her little sister laying on the ground, holding one of her hooves to her head, screaming in agony. "Luna are you ok!? Are you hurt!?" Celestia asked her distressed sister, rushing over to her side. Celestia wrapping her giant wings around the hurt alicorn in a protective manner.

"Yeah... I'm fine... Celestia. I just... got this massive migraine." Luna said to her elder sister, through gritted teeth. Luna surprised that she could even talk, yet alone create half a sentence. Unbeknownst to Luna and Celestia, the blue alicorn's migraine was, in fact, coming from the Alpha recently reawakening, and Luna's body wasn't adjusting well to the rush of dream magic returning to her body.

Celestia than helped her little to her hooves, Luna still holding the top of her head, slightly groaning in pain. "Are you sure Luna, you don't look so good?" Celestia asked her little sister, her words filled with concern.

"Yeah I was fine for most of the night until..." Luna began to explain to her sister, only for her to drop to the ground as she was hit by another massive migraine.

"What! Until what Luna!?" Celestia asked her younger sister, her now becoming extremely of the health of her little sister.

"I... don't know! I was just doing my job, and out of nowhere I got hit by a massive migraine. A migraine that doesn't seem to want to end at any moment." Luna said through gritted teeth, her migraine only growing worse as she continued to speak.

"Luna, you need to get some rest, you don't look so good." Celestia said to the blue alicorn, helping her little sister back to her hooves.

Luna opened her mouth to protest, only for her to get hit by another migraine, making her groan out in pain. This making her instantly change her mind. Luna then let out a long sigh, and simply nodded to her older sister.

"Good, now come on Luna, I'll help you get back to her room." Celestia said to her little sister, acting more like her mother then anything else.

It took a few minutes for Celestia to escort Luna back to her room. Celestia opened the blue alicorn's room door with her golden magic, the door slowing opening with ease.

Luna's room was almost pitch black, the blackout curtains helping the Princess of the Night get her sleep during the day. The walls of her room were painted the same color as her coat and had the design of her cutie mark just above her bed. Speaking of which, her bed was a large king-sized bed that had pillows and blankets of the same design the walls.

Luna then slowing trotted over to her bed and collapsed on the mattress, not even bothering to wrapped herself up in the blankets. Her mentally exhausted body facing the blackout curtains, away from her sister.

Celestia turned to leave, only to be stopped by the sound of her little sister's voice. "Celestia wait."

"Yes... what is it Luna?" Celestia asked her little sister, Luna rolling over to her other side to face her sister directly. Celestia's flowing rainbow colored mane, lighting up the pitch black room.

"I just wanted to say... thank you." Luna said weakly, her migraine beginning to slightly lessen.

"Thank me... for what?" Celestia asked the blue alicorn, taken a little off guard by Luna's words. Celestia's reaction made Luna's slightly giggle to herself, as she answered her sister's question.

"For everything Celestia." Luna began, her words making the white alicorn take a step back."For all those years you watched over my night, even though it must have been a challenge for you to rise my moon every single night. Every single night, my moon being a symbol of both of our failure as sisters." Luna continued, small tears beginning to form in her teal eyes. "All those years of ruling over our subjects, alone. I guess what I'm really saying is that I am sorry. I'm sorry that because of my selfishness that I forced into a position that either of us could have ever prepared. I'm sorry... I'm sorry for everything." Luna said to Celestia, her tearing eyes now getting pushed into the sheets of her bed, them becoming wet from her tears.

Celestia was left utterly speechless from her sister's words. She had known that Luna had regretted becoming Nightmare Moon, but she hadn't known the full extent of how much she blamed herself.

Celestia slowing approached the crying alicorn, placing her hoof on her shoulder, catching the blue alicorn's attention.

Luna moved her head up to look Celestia directly in her tearing pink eyes.

"No Luna, I'm the one that should be sorry." Celestia said giving her little sister her own apology. "If I had been their for you when you were in need. Then maybe you would have never became Nightmare Moon in the first place." Celestia said to Luna, using her hoof to wipe away Luna's tears. "I guess what I am saying is that we are both equally to blame for what happened to you. And don't think for even a second that I don't regret having to banish you every single day." Celestia said to Luna, embracing her in a sisterly hug.

Luna was at first taken off guard by her sister's actions, but quickly accepted the hug. The two alicorn sisters continued their hug for what seemed like an hour before they finally separated.

"Now, you need to get your rest, I'll take the duty of the night for tonight ok." Celestia said wiping away her tears with her hoof. She got a simple nod from Luna in response.

Celestia turned around to leave the room, slowing closing the door with her magic. But just before she did she spoke to her sister. "Good night Luna, I love you." Celestia said to Luna. The two alicorn's eyes meeting.

"I love you to Celestia." Luna said to Celestia, as the elder alicorn closed the door completely. The moment there was complete darkness Luna closed her eyes and drifted off to the one location that she had total control. The land of dreams.

A few hours passed and Celestia both lowered the moon and raised the sun like she had for the last thousand years of Luna's banishment as Nightmare Moon. The raising sun bringing light across all of Equestria and the rest of the world. The sun's rays hit the snow capped mountains that marked the border between Equestria and the Dragon Empire, the white snow reflecting the sun rays like a giant mirror.

The young ponies raised from their bunks and trotted over to their posts, all of them unaware that they were about to get over run by a massive force of the greatest trained and best armed army in existence.

"The sun has risen your majesty." A massager dragon with light blue scales, and wearing the least amount of armor that was necessary, said to his King. Who was busying doing his morning stretches.

"No, shit Sherpony. Wake up every dragon you can find, we move out within the hour.

The light blue dragon's eyes widened at his King's words, but followed them nonetheless. "A... yes your majesty... right away your majesty." The light blue dragon said as he bowed to his King, before he ran out yelling at the top of his lungs. "Every dragon that is still asleep awake up! Every dragon get dressed loaded up and get to your battle stations! We are all moving out within the next hour!" The blue dragon called as the camp erupted into chaos as all the dragons instantly rushed to getting ready.

"Theta where's my sword?" Sigma asked his twin brother, as he put his shining steel helmet on his head.

"Right here bro." Theta said throwing the weapon Sigma was talking about at him, something that Sigma caught with ease.

Sigma then attached the sword to a brand that wrapped his right foreleg, a device designed to help dragons and ponies alike hold a weapon in the heat of battle, without the usage of magic.

Theta grabbed the last piece of his armor, a small steel helmet with a similar design to the one that his brother had, and just stared at the helm in his claws, the small eye holes seemly to see right through Theta's soul.

"Hey Theta, are you alright?" Sigma asked his brother, pacing his free claw on the white dragon shoulder. This action slightly taking his brother off guard.

"Uh... oh yeah I fine... I guess." Theta said to his brother, he reluctantly placed the helmet on his head.
"Are you sure, because you don't look so good?" Sigma asked his brother, his concern growing as Theta white scales looked even paler than normal.

"Yeah I'm fine just... nervous I guess." Theta said to Sigma.

Before Sigma could respond, the same messenger dragon began calling out to the camp. "Every dragon, load up! Ready or right, we are moving out! If are not ready than you are getting left behind!"

"Well Sig, are you ready?" Theta asked his older brother by five minutes.

"Theta, I was born ready." Sigma said rolling his eyes as he exited the small tent that they shared.

Theta awkwardly laughed to himself as he followed his brother outside the tent, not sure if we was ready for what was about to come. Something or should I say someone that was about to change the history of both Equestria and the Dragon Empire forever.

Underneath Canterlot, inside the crystal caves Twilight was being held prisoner by Queen Chrysalis.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Twilight said, her voice echoing of the caves walls. Her horn glowing her magenta aura, using it as a small flashlight.

Her words were followed by maniacal laughter, Twilight finched as she walk into one of the large blocks of crystals.

"Where am I?" Twilight said more to herself, not expecting an answer. Well she got one anyway, as her reflection in the large block of crystal turned into the image of Chrysalis, still in her Cadence disguise.

"The caves beneath Canterlot, once home to greedy unicorns who wanted to claim the gems that could be found inside. And now, your prison." Chrysalis said to the frightened unicorn.

"Help! Help!" Twilight called into the caves.

"It's no use. No one can hear you. And no one will ever think to look for you, either. Most ponies have forgotten that these caves even exist, which is why they are the ideal place to keep the ones who try to interfere with my plans." Chrysalis laughed at the purple unicorn, taking a twisted delight at messing with her pray.

"Plans? What plans?" Twilight asked the image of the pink alicorn.

"The plans I have for your brother, of course." Chrysalis said, enraging the purple unicorn. Her horn glowing brighter full of magic.

"Don't you dare do anything to my brother, you... you monster!" Twilight called at the image of the pink alicorn. Making the disguised changeling only laugh at the unicorn failed attempt to threaten her.

"Only way to stop me is to catch me!" Chrysalis laughed as she disappeared from the crystal right as Twilight shot her magenta magic at her. The beam bounced off of the crystal, rebounded all round the small room before failing slamming into the ground. "Over here!" Chrysalis laughed, appearing in another piece of crystal. Only for Twilight to destroy it with her magic. "Nope, over here!" Chrysalis laughed as she appeared in a large piece of crystal. Twilight charged up her horn and blasted the large block of crystal destroying it.
After destroying the crystal it revealed the beaten body of the actual Princess Cadence.

"No! Wait! Ugh!" Cadence exclaimed as Twilight tackled her to the ground out of rage. "Please! Don't hurt me! Twilight, it's me! Please, you have to believe me. I've been imprisoned like you. The Cadence who brought you down here was an imposter." The actual Cadence said up to Twilight.

"Likely story!" Twilight said, not believing what the pink alicorn was saying.

"Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves..." Cadence said as she began to do their special hoof shake.

"...and do a little shake." Twilight joined in, realizing that the pony she was talking to was indeed her former foalsitter.

"You remember me!" Twilight said, embracing the pink alicorn in a hug.

"Of course I do. How could I forget the filly I love to sit for the most?" Cadence said to Twilight, as she stared off into the blackness of the crystal caves.

"We have to get out of here. We have to stop her!" Twilight said to Cadence, as the two ponies took off looking for a way out of the crystal caves.

Inside the Canterlot castle Crysalis was getting ready for her wedding to Shining Armor as she began to sing.
"This day is going to be perfect
The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small
Everypony will gather 'round
Say I look lovely in my gown
What they don't know is that I have fooled them all!" Chrysalis sang, her eyes turning their original olive-green.

Underneath the city, inside the crystal caves. The real began to join her imposter in her own song.
"This day was going to be perfect
The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small
But instead of having cake
With all my friends to celebrate
My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all…"

Back with Chrysalis she continued to sing her darker version of the practically the same song.
"I could care less about the dress
I won't partake in any cake
Vows, well I'll be lying when I say
That through any kind of weather
I'll want us to be together
The truth is I don't care for him at all
No I do not love the groom
In my heart there is no room
But I still want him to be all mine."

Inside the crystal caves Twilight and Cadence were getting closer to the surface, as Cadence continued her song.
"We must escape before it's too late
Find a way to save the day
Hope, I'll be lying if I say
"I don't fear that I may lose him
To one who wants to use him
Not care for, love, and cherish him each day"
"For I oh so love the groom
All my thoughts he does consume
Oh, Shining Armor, I'll be there very soon."

Back with Chrysalis she sang to herself as she entered the room where the wedding was being held.
"Finally the moment has arrived
For me to be one lucky bride." Chrysalis sang as she stood next to her future hypnotized husband.

Back with Twilight and Cadence, she continued to sing as the two ponies reached a dead end in the caves.
"Oh, the wedding we won't make
He'll end up marrying a fake
Shining Armor will be..." Cadence began to sing as it switched back to Chrysalis.

"...mine, all mine." Chrysalis laughed to herself.

Over at the mountainous border between Equestria and the Dragon Empire, the large dragon army was at their position and ready to invade the land of Equestria.

At the pony camp two unicorn guards, one maroon the other other orange, were standing ontop of a large platform staring off into the distance, bored out of skulls. Both of the them completely unaware that they were about to get attacked by an army of dragons.
"They look so peaceful, don't they?" Steelclaw asked one of his lieutenants a rhetorical question, as he spied on them through binoculars.

His lieutenants was about to answer, when Steelclaw shot him a glare for him to remain silent.

"Send the first wave." Steelclaw said, handing the binoculars to his lieutenant.

"Of course your majesty. You heard our king, every dragon that is part of the first wave to your battle stations. We are moving out. Next stop Canterlot!" The lieutenant called into the large crowd of dragons.

Theta and his brother Sigma were ones of the dragons that were part of the first wave. Theta assumed that Steelclaw believed that with their lack of wings it would make them easier targets. Clearly he had never seen Sigma in a meeting brawl.

Despite Sigma lack of wings, he was one of the strongest dragons in the entire Dragon Empire, his unrivaled strength making up for his lack of mobility.

"Are you ready little bro?" Sigma asked his little brother by five minutes. Seeing the concerned look on his face.

"Yeah... I at least I guess, and I am only five minutes younger than you." Theta said to Sigma, getting a slight chuckle out of the grayish-silver dragon.

"Sure, whatever you say Theta. Come on it's time for you to get your first blood stains on your scales." Sigma said as he took to be in the front of the line.

Theta remained still for a few seconds as he pulled out his short sword, a small steel sword only about two and a half feet in length. He stared at the weapon, slightly marveling at the strange beauty that a device designed to cut through even dragon scales with ease processed. His emerald green eyes strolled down the weapon until it reached its hilt and he noticed something engraved on the handle.

It was something that was engraved on every weapon, but it wasn't until then that he had noticed its significance until now.

The engraving read. "Long live the Alpha, and have him watch over you." Theta stared at the message engraved on his sword for a solid minute, thinking how a dragon that many didn't believe existed would be able to help him a battle with ponies that he didn't want to fight, but was forced to fight anyway. Before he finally placed it back in its scabbard that was attached to his armor, just under his belly.

"sigh... Sweet Alpha what in tartarus am I going to do." Theta said to himself, as he took of to catch up to the first wave of the invasion of Equestria.

Unbeknownst to him underneath the city of Canterlot he was about to learn just how real and how powerful the Alpha of all the dragons really was and still is.

Back in Canterlot the wedding between Queen Chrysalis and Shining Armor was about to began. Princess Celestia was presiding over the ceremony, and if you said that wasn't in peak physical condition would be an understatement.

The white alicorn had noticeable bags under her eyes as she had to stay up the rest of the night, watching over the night in place of her sister. Not to mention she had to both lower the moon, and raise the sun for the first time in over four months.

Celestia, however, did a good job to hide her sleep prevention, chalk it up to over a thousand years of practice.

Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to witness the union of.." Celestia began the wedding ceremony, as the scene shifted down to the crystal caves underneath Canterlot, as Cadence and Twilight were stuck at a dead end.

"Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor." Twilight and Cadence heard Celestia say, the white alicorn's words muffled by the rocks of the caves.

"Oh, we're never going to save him."

"You're right underneath them, just shot really loud. If you can hear them, they can here. But no pony ever listens to the snarky comments by the narrator."

"We will. We just have to find... There!" Twilight said, pointing her hoof at a crack in the caves, where sunlight was shining through.

"You're not going anywhere." Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Lyra all said to the purple unicorn and the pink alicorn, their minds hypnotized by Queen Chrysalis.

A few minutes later inside the Canterlot castle, Celestia was about to pronounce Queen Chrysalis and Shining Armor as new husband and wife.

"Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, it is my great pleasure to pronounce you..." Celestia began to make Chrysalis and Shining Armor husband and wife, only for Twilight to barge in.

"Stop!" Twilight chanted at the top of her lungs as she burst into the room where the wedding was being held, bring it to a complete halt.

All the ponies present all began their own conversations at the unicorn's rudeness. Making Twilight's friends all face hoof at the purple unicorn's actions.

"Ugh! Why does she have to be so possessive of her brother?" Chrysalis said bluntly, earning a surprised look from the white alicorn. "Why does she have to ruin my special day?" Chrysalis faked a sob, noticing her mistake.

"Because it's not your special day! It's mine!" The real Cadence said, walking into the room. An unanimous gasp coming across the crowd of ponies.

"What? But how did you escape my bridesmaids?" Chrysalis, dropping her act, knowing that she was about to be discovered. Twilight and Cadence both shared a smirk as they remembered how they 'defeated' Chrysalis' bridesmaids.

A few minutes earlier underneath the city. Chrysalis' three bridesmaids were cornering the two ponies up against the dead end of the cave.

An idea came to Cadence's mind as she summoned a small bouquet, don't ask me how she got it. The three hypnotized ponies eyed the bag of flowers as Cadence throw it down one of the tunnels of the caves.

"I want it!" The three ponies all cried as they leaped after the bouquet.

"Hooray for gender stereotyping."

The three ponies followed the bouquet down the tunnel, completely unaware that it was the tunnel that lead to the cavern where the Alpha was held. Him just waiting for the opportune time to make the world know that he had returned.

Back in the present and inside the Canterlot castle.

"Hmph. Clever. But you're still too late." Chrysalis said, surprised that something so simple could break her spells.

"I... I don't understand. How can there be two of 'em?" Applejack said, asking the question that was on everypony's mind.

"She's a changeling. She takes the form of somepony you love and gains power by feeding off your love for them." Cadence said, explaining how changeling biology worked.

Chrysalis then erupted into flames as she transformed back into her original form as the Queen of the Changelings. Chrysalis height nearly doubled as she returned to her original bug-like form. Chrysalis then broke out into evil laughter, to the dismay of all the ponies present.

"Right you are, Princess. And as queen of the changelings, it is up to me to find food for my subjects. Equestria has more love than any place I've ever encountered. My fellow changelings will be able to devour so much of it that we will gain more power than we have ever dreamed of!" Chrysalis said to the pink alicorn, laying out her plan, well most of it.

"They'll never get the chance! Shining Armor's protection spell will keep them from ever even reaching us!" Cadence barked back at the changeling that had kidnapped her, only getting a chuckle from Chrysalis in return.

"Oh, I doubt that. Isn't that right, dear?" Chrysalis said, looking back at Shining Armor. Who nodded absent mindedly in response. Cadence was horrified by the sight of her fiance being treated as nothing more than a puppet in the changeling's plans, and charged at Chrysalis.

"Ah, ah, ah. Don't want to go back to the caves, now do you?" Chrysalis said to Cadence, her crooked horn glowing olive-green, making the pink alicorn retreat. "Ever since I took your place, I've been feeding off Shining Armor's love for you. Every moment he grows weaker and so does his spell. Even now, my minions are chipping away at it." Chrysalis said, and at the exact moment she did a group of her changeling were hitting the pink bubble shield of Shining Armor. The shield beginning to crack from their efforts.

"He may not be my husband, but he is under my total control now." Chrysalis said, getting a shared gasp by Twilight and Cadence. "And I'm sorry to say, unable to perform his duties as captain of the Royal Guard." Chrysalis said, her massive ego about to get the best of her.

“Not my Shining Armor!” Cadence said in horror.

“Soon, my changeling army will break through. First, we take Canterlot. And then, all of Equestria!” Chrysalis said as she took off into the air, in a fit of evil laughter.

"No. You won't. You may have made it impossible for Shining Armor to perform his spell, but now that you have so foolishly revealed your true self, I can protect my subjects from you." Celestia said as she jumped into the air, and fired her golden magic at the large changeling. Chrysalis countered with her own beam of green magic.

The beams collided and the two beams battled, until the green beam of Chrysalis took the upper hoof and defeated Celestia's making the white alicorn fall to the ground. Her horn burnt from the battle.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed, running over to the injured alicorn's side.

"Ah! Shining Armor's love for you is even stronger than I thought! Consuming it has made me even more powerful than Celestia!" Chrysalis said, genuinely surprised that she was able to defeat Princess Celestia so easily.

"The Elements of Harmony. You must get to them and use their power to defeat the queen." Celestia said weakly, until she passed out.

The six bearers of the Elements of Harmony than all took off searching for the Elements of Harmony. Everypony, even Chrysalis, completely unaware that Equestria was about to have a battle on two completely different fronts about to begin.

Over on the border between Equestria and the Dragon Empire, the first wave of the dragon invasion of Equestria was about to commence.
"Attack!" Steelclaw roared at the top of the mountain, catching the attention of all the pony guards.

The guards were all left in a state of confusion. Their confusion, however, didn't last long. As one of the guards dropped to the ground, a long spear through his skull.

"Everypony to your battle stations! This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a deal!" The commander ordered at his man, but it was to late for the ponies, as the first wave of dragons appeared through the mountain pass.

"Sweet Celestia." One of the guards said to himself, as he laid his eyes on the larger and vastly better equipped dragon army that was advancing on their position.

"Everypony, stand your ground. If these dragon invaders get passed us, than there is nothing to stop them until Dodge Junction." The commander ordered at his man, knowing full well that they were all most likely going to die.

"Sir, permission to speak freely?" One of the guards said, as the dragon army was now only a few hundred yards away.

"Go right ahead son." The commander said, doing his best to look brave in front of his men.

"I just wanted to say that it has been an honor serving with your sir." The soldier said as he turned back to his position, his tiny bronze spear held firmly in his light blue magic.

"The same to you soldier, now move over." The commander, moving into his position in the line, his slightly longer spear made of the same bronze held in his red magic.

Over with the dragons, Sigma laughed to himself as he watched the pony guards scramble to get ready, for what he saw as them just preparing for their deaths.

"This is going to be too easy." Sigma thought to himself as he drew is short sword from its scabbard, and held the weapon in his mouth. His scales becoming a slightly darker tone of gray as he got closer to the wall of pony bodies.

With Theta, he was near the rear of the first wave, when he heard the order to draw your weapons. Theta reluctantly followed the order, as he drew his own sword, holding the steel weapon in his white claws.

He glaze focused on the same engraving that he had read earlier. "Long live the Alpha, and have him watch over you." Theta read the same emscripten.

"I don't know if you are or were even real Alpha, but if you are I really need you." Theta said to the weapon in his claws, and he could've sweared that he saw the blade of the weapon shine, as if it had answered his wish.

Theta then felt a strange sensation throughout his body, as if a raging fire had just been ignited inside of him. Theta's emerald-green eyes narrowed to slits, as he placed the small sword in his mouth. "Let's do this." Theta said as he took of to the fight. The sounds of clashing metals, roars from dragons, and the cries from injured and dying ponies guiding him.

Him not knowing that he will become closer to the Alpha than dragon had even been.

Underneath Canterlot, inside the crystal caves, the three hypnotized ponies were chasing the small bouquet of flowers down, further into the depths of the caves.

"I got it!" Minuette exclaimed as she pounced on the small flowers.

"No... I did." Twinkleshine said, yanking the flowers out of the blue unicorn's hooves.

"Hey, no fair." Minuette said, taking the flowers from the ivory unicorn. The two unicorn's continued this for about a minute, as Lyra watched on. The mint-green unicorn rolled her eyes as she continued down the tunnel, until she came across a large opening that lead into a large cavern. Curious she entered the cavern, and what she saw instantly broke her out of Chrysalis' mind control.

Lyra's mouth dropped to the floor as she stared at the massive body of the Alpha laying in front of her. "Sw... Sweet... Cel... Celestia!" Lyra screamed, catching the Alpha's attention, whose eyes shot open at the scream.

Alpha stared at the small unicorn in confusion as he raised from his laying position, his massive skull hitting on the ceiling of the cavern. Large boulders falling onto the ground, only adding to the unicorn's fear.

Minuette and Twinkleshine intrigued by Lyra's scream dropped the bouquet that they were fighting over and trotted down the tunnel to where the mint colored unicorn was located.

"Lyra what's wrong?" Twinkleshine asked the frightened pony, not looking inside the cavern.

"Dr... Dra... Dragon!" Lyra screamed, pointing her hoof at the mountain-sized dragon in the cavern.

"What... Sweet Celestia!" Twinkleshine and Minuette screamed at the same time, as the laid eyes on the Alpha for the first time.

"Celestia, what about her. What about Luna, answer me?" Alpha roared, only making the ponies cower in fear. The Alpha then let in one long stiff, the stench of something he hadn't smelled in almost two thousand years, entering his nostrils.

"Changelings." The Alpha said, his massive body tensing up, as his massive tail swing around. Kicking up a mound of dust in the process.

The three unicorn's were all petrified in fright at the sight of the giant creature. "We are so going to die." Minuette managed to mumble out. The Alpha taking a strong offense to the unicorn’s words

"I wish no ill will onto you, or anypony in fact. I, however, will protect you from the plague that are known as changelings." The Alpha said as he massive body jerked to life.

"Run." Lyra said, as the three unicorns bolted as fast as they could up the tunnels, the tunnels beginning to collapse in on themselves as the Alpha began to return to the world the only way he possibly could.

To dig himself out of it.

Back on the surface of Canterlot, the Mane Six were racing through the castle, on their way to the part of the castle that held the Elements of Harmony.

The six ponies all came to a stop as the city was hit by a massive earthquake. A earthquake so powerful that the bubble shield around the city shattered, leaving the city completely defenseless from the changeling invasion.

The army of changelings divebombed the city, their horns glowing green as they slammed into the ground. One of them missing Twilight by mere inches.

"Go, go!" Twilight said as her and her friends came to the building where the Elements of Harmony were being held.

The six ponies all came to a stop as they got surrounded by a small army of changelings, some of the changeling warping out of the shadows.

"Looks like we're gonna have to do this the hard way." Rainbow said, pounding his hooves together, ready to fight. Rainbow stopped when a changeling transformed into a perfect image of herself. Rainbow stared at the copy in confusion, the changeling took advantage of the cyan pegasus' confusion and hit her in the face. Making her fly backwards. "How did you...?" Rainbow said, rubbing her head in pain. As more and more changelings changed into the cyan pegasus.

"They're changelings, remember?" Twilight said.

"They're changelings, remember?" A group of changelings disguised as Twilight said, mimicking the unicorn's words perfectly.

"Don't let them distract you. We have to get to the Elements of Harmony. They're our only hope." Twilight said, as the six ponies engaged in hoof-to-hoof combat.

Needless to say but the Mane Six became victorious, but they weren't out of the metaphorical woods yet, as more changelings were dive bombing the city. Not to mention that the city was in a continuous earthquake that threatened to destroy the city before the changeling even got the chance.

Twilight pushed open the large double doors of the room that held the Elements of Harmony to find that it was already invested with changelings. The six ponies were then surrounded and captured, this becoming truly the darkest time in Equestria's history. Not to mention that fact that it was being invaded by dragons.

Back inside the castle, Celestia's slowly began to regain consciousness, her pink eyes opened and saw the world from an elevated position and upside down. Chrysalis took advantage of the white alicorn's unconscious state and trapped her in a green cocoon that was suspended above the ground.

"You won't get away with this! Twilight and her friends will..." Cadence said to the Queen of the Changeling, her only to turn silent as the doors to the door were opened and the six ponies walked in, them joining the two alicorn's in imprisonment.

"You were saying?" Chrysalis said to the pink alicorn, a smug smirk appearing on her face.

"It's funny, really. Twilight here was suspicious of my behavior all along. Too bad the rest of you were too caught up in your wedding planning to realize those suspicions were correct!" Chrysalis said, enjoying her assumed moment of triumph.

"Sorry, Twi. We should've listened to you." Applejack said apologizing to the purple unicorn.

"It's not your fault. She fooled everypony." Twilight said back.

"Hmm, I did, didn't I?" Chrysalis, enjoying every second of the attention she was getting. "It must be a changeling thing."

The tense atmosphere was broken when their was a cry of three ponies coming toward the castle. The three ponies were all screaming at the top of their lungs.

"We didn't do it! We didn't do it! "

"What in all of me is going on?" Chrysalis said to herself as she looked out the open window the room, to see her three bridesmaids running toward the castle. All of her changeling soldiers staring at the three unicorns in confusion.

"What you three idiots doing!?" Chrysalis asked the three unicorns, using her Queen voice.

"We didn't do it!"

“We swear!"

"Yeah, it was already awake!" The three terrified and out of breath unicorns said up to Chrysalis, almost at the same time.

"Oh, good... wait what was already awake?" Chrysalis said, halfway realizing what the unicorns had just said.

Just as she did the city was hit by another earthquake, one so powerful that it formed a massive crack that ran the entire length of Canterlot. Then a massive roar escape from the fully formed crack in the city. All eyes, pony and changeling alike shifted to the giant crack after hearing the roar. Spike instinctively dropped to his knees in respect, after hearing what he didn't know at the time was the roar from the Alpha.
All eyes were the size of dinner plates as the entire city fell under a complete silence. The only pony to break was that of Celestia's.

"He's back." The white alicorn said simply, her pink eyes filling up with tears, as another roar escaped from the massive crack, the Alpha only a few hundred feet from freedom.

Inside Luna's room, she had spelt the rest of the night and most of the day without disturbance, while until she was thrown from the bed by a massive earthquake.

"Oh, Buck!" Luna grunted out in pain, rubbing the back of head in pain, she still with a slight headache.

She then forgot about her headache entirely when the silence of her room was interrupted by the roar of a creature at she hadn't heard in over a millennia, and thought she would never be able to hear again.

"It can't be." Luna said to herself, as she flew open the blackout curtains of her room. She had to shield her eyes from the blindly light, as her teal eyes readjusted to the brightness.

Luna's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates as she stared on the path of destruction that Canterlot had sustained in less than a single hour. Her eyes went straight to the giant crack that spanned the entire length of the city.

"No, this can't be happening." Luna said, her in a state of disbelief. Her courage was restored when she heard the second roar from the Alpha, and she knew that this battle was over, not even close.

The Alpha continued to dig his way out of rocky prison that he had known as home for over fifteen hundred years. Finally his giant claw broke the surface. His scales feeling the heat of the sun for the first in over a millena. He, however, didn't stop there. His one claw above the surface dug into the concrete road of the city, digging away the contents as if it was just paper.

His other front claw broke the surface as he did his best to break out of his prison made of of concrete, rocks, and gems. His giant head then broke the surface, his emerald green eyes seeing the gorgeous sun that Celestia brought, his lungs breathed in the first dose of fresh air, and he was finally above ground for the first time in over fifteen hundred years.

His giant wings creaked open, their joints popping in and out of their sockets as they did. The Alpha letting out a light groan as his giant whip-like tail broke effortless through the concrete road of the city. It coming to a rest on a small house inside the city, making the house collapse from the weight.

The Alpha just stood there, his only moment coming from his massive shoulders as he breathed in and out.

All of the ponies stared at the giant creature in shock, awe, and fear as almost none of them knew that they lived above a creature that was about as large as the mountain that the city was built into.

Chrysalis shook the shock from out of her head, as she tried to regain control over the situation. "What are you waiting for foals, an invitation! Destroy that... thing!" Chrysalis ordered at the stunned changelings that hovered above the city.

"A... yes.. yes your majesty." Zulu said to his Queen, his words filled with fear and hesitation.

The small army of changelings then flew at the giant dragon, them firing their horns at the creature's reddish-orange scales, them doing nothing more than giving the Alpha a slight tickle.

The Alpha let out a small roar in annoyance more than anything else, as he lifted his left claw to swat at the the bug-ponies, him hitting four changelings in the action. The changeling flew off into the distance never to be seen again.

He then used his whip-like tail to take out the rest, only missing Zulu. Who shadowed traveled to another part of the city. "I knew I should've stayed home today." Zulu thought to himself, as he saw that many of his fellow changeling, some of them from the Shadow Hive, weren't as lucky.

The Alpha's chest glowed a bright red as he prepared to fire his... well fire. The few remaining changelings all lined up and began to fire their green magic at the Alpha. Hitting him directing in his head and neck area.

The Alpha roared again in annoyance as he turned his massive head in the direction of the changelings, and let out his orange flame.

The changelings' blank blue and green eyes all widened as they were all consumed in the orange flame of the Alpha. When the fire disappeared, the only thing left was the charred remains of the changelings caught in the blaze, they all fell to the ground. Becoming nothing more than ash.

The Alpha, now irritated, rose up on his hind legs and let one loud roar. This roar was then followed by the Alpha releasing another stream of fire, this one reaching straight up into the heavens. His fire soon warped from its normal orange hue, into a pure golden blaze. A type of fire that only an Alpha can create. A signal to the entire world that the Alpha has returned.

Over on the border between Equestria and the Dragon Empire, the battle, if you could even call it that, was going on between the entire force of the army of the Dragon Empire, and the small band of forces that protected the mountainous border between the two countries.

"Sigma, about damn time I found you, brother." Theta said finding his twin brother in the thick of the battlefield.

"It's good to see you to Theta, but I'm a little preoccupied at the moment." Sigma said, as he drove the blade of his sword through the soft hide of another pony, this being only his fifteen kill on that day.

"Of course. Sig, on your left." Theta said, warning his brother of a incoming sword swing from a pony guard. Sigma easily blocked the swing with his armored tail. The bronze sword shattering with it hit the steel armor and scales of the gray dragon's tail.

Sigma let out an irritated roar as he swung his large claws around. Them ringing true and cutting the pony guard across his muzzle, and making him fly backwards a solid ten yards.

Sigma took his sword out of his mouth and spit it into the ground, the weapon implanting itself a solid five inches into the dirt ground.

Theta watched his brother walked over to the injured pony, and that was when he noticed that most of the blood that he had earned in his battle wasn't on his sword, but in fact his very own claws and teeth. Theta starred in horror as his brother picked up the pony with his teeth and shook him like a rag doll, until he heard a loud crack of the pony's neck breaking. Sigma then throw the pony to the ground, his broken neck making his head hang numbly to the side of his body.

"What." Sigma said to his brother, seeing the horrified look on his face.

Theta opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't find any words. He stood there for a solid minute in his almost comostic state. Only to be broken when his brother called out to him."

"Theta, behind you!" Sigma called out to his brother, seeing a pony soldier about to drive the unprotected underbelly of his brother.
Theta instinctively swung his large tail, hitting the pony before he could drive him through. The pony's bronze sword falling out of his magic and hitting the dirt ground with a loud clang.

"Thanks bro." Theta said, his heart beating faster it had ever had before.
"Now finish him." Sigma said to Theta, making the eyes on the white dragon almost bulge out of his skull.

The pony guard wasn't taking the gray dragon's words much better. With the pony's light blue eyes filled with fear, as the two dragons stood above him, one of them looking at him like he was nothing more than his next meal.

Theta reluctantly pulled his short sword out of its scabbard, and stood over the injured pony the sword held upside down in his claws, them shaking as he was about to commit something to wished he would have to do. Kill another living being.

Theta would have to forego his first kill, for now at least, when the battle was shaken by a roar that could be heard all across the world. The entire battlefield turned deathly quiet, as all eyes dragon and pony alike shifted straight to the source of the roar, Canterlot.

The roar was soon followed by a single stream of orange fire the rose into the heavens, all the dragons and ponies stared at the fire in awe. The orange fire then warped into the color of a golden flame, and every dragon knew exactly what, or more accurately who was making it.

"The Alpha... he has returned." Theta thought out loud, as he flung his sword to the ground, it hitting the dirt with a loud crash. He wasn't the only dragon to do this however, every dragon, regardless of species, sex, or age, dropped their respective weapon. All of the steel weapons hitting the ground in a combined crash of metal.

All of them knowing that their true King had returned.

The battlefield was the only place to hear the roar of the Alpha, the hive of the changelings was almost deserted, aside from the hatchlings and the nurses that had to take care of them until they reached maturity in a little less than year. The hive was also shakened by the roar of the Alpha, the nurse changelings having to shield the hatchlings from the falling rocks of the hive.

It was, however, that took the return of the Alpha the worst way that day, it was the secret weapon of Chrysalis that had been waiting for over a millennia for a rematch with the very creature that had given banish him to the desolate wasteland of the hive in the first place.

"About damn time you decided to wake up... brother." Omega said, his one dead black eye seeming to twinkle as he thought up his plan to get revenge against his brother, a plan that didn't involve Queen Chrysalis.

Back in Canterlot, The Alpha was busy the last remnants of the changelings attacking the city.

"Ugh, you what they say if what something done right, if better do it yourself." Chrysalis as she spread her bug-like wings and fired her green magic at the Alpha. Her magic stuck home, hitting the Alpha on the bridge of his nose, his entire head getting engulfed in a smoke of green smoke.

"There, now wasn't so tough." Chrysalis said, believing that she had defeated the Alpha.

"Is that the best you got?" The Alpha roared, as grabbed the changeling queen in his giant claws. His emerald green eyes seeming to bore straight through her.

That was the moment where she realized who she was dealing with, the same creature that Omega had told her about, the creature she was meant to awaken. Than she realized her role in this endeavor. She wasn't invading Equestria to return it to changeling hooves like Omega had promised, she was nothing more than a pawn in Omega plan to get revenge against the brother that banished him.

"You... I know you... you are the Alpha." Chrysalis said, the Alpha's grib releasing a little bit.

"Yes, I am the Alpha, and you are not welcomed here." The Alpha roared as he threw Chrysalis in the direction of the wastelands on the outskirts of Equestria.

"Zulu!" Chrysalis called out to the only other remaining changeling in the city. Zulu quickly flew up to his Queen and shadowed traveled the two of them back to the safety of the hive.

The Alpha drifted his head across the destruction of the city, either it being from himself or the changelings, and only one thought through his head. His thoughts were momentarily halted as he felt a warm feeling on his neck. He drifted his giant head down to the were the feeling was coming from to see a blue alicorn clanging to his scales.

"Delta you're awake." Luna said up to the giant creature, using his name before he became the Alpha.

"Luna, long time no see. How long has it been exactly?" The Alpha asked the blue alicorn, not remembering their being a city built into the mountain when he went into his slumber.

When the blue alicorn didn't respond, he shifted his attention to newly freed Celestia, who still needed some assistance from Cadence in order to stand. Her pink eyes filled with tears from the Alpha question.

"Celestia, how long have I been asleep?"

Author's Note:

There you guys go the Alpha and Omega are back, and they will both play a vital role in Season 3. I apologize if this chapter feels like it jumps around alot. The Alpha's lines are in bold to emphasize how large and powerful he is.

I hope you all like my explanation as to why Luna didn't help in the invasion of Canterlot, and to why Celestia wasn't powerful enough to defeat Chrysalis.

Lyrics to "This Day Aria" are by Daniel Ingram.

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